Sajid Ahmed Umar – Moments with the Qur’an #22

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The first time Musashi missed his first instruction to remove his slippers, but some possession of the slippers was believed to have been removed. The Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam was the first time in history, and the royal sallahu alayhi wa sallam was the first time in history. The importance of submission in Islam is discussed, with historical precedent of the Prophet sallavi alayhi wa sallam being asked to remove his slippers and not being asked to do so by the royal family.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh My dear brothers and sisters in Islam welcome to episode number 22 moments with the Quran today's episode and moment comes from Surah Taha. And in particular, when Allah subhanho wa Taala spoke to Musa alayhis salam for the very first time without any intermediary, he speaks directly to Musa alayhis salam. And Musa alayhis salam has this conversation for the very first time in his life. And this was at a point when he leaves madeon and is with his family. And it gets to a point in the day during the journey where he needs some fire, he needs to create a fire so he puts his family at a safe place and he goes out in search of that

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which he can use to create this fire for the sake of light and warmth and so on and so forth. And as he goes out, he has this voice call out to Him in ni n AR buka La, la can

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be lonely, low ideal mocha Desi.

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Han Allah, he has this voice call out to Him, commanding him to remove his slippers he sandals, because he's standing in the sacred valley of Buddha. So Han Allah. So this was the very first moment in the journey of Musashi ceram engage in conversation with his Lord as a prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the very first instruction he received was to remove his slippers, or his sandals. Now brothers and sisters in Islam, no doubt he acted on this command immediately. Okay. Now this the discussions pertaining to this, this whole concept of wearing slippers, not wearing slippers. And some of the scholars have said that

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we learn from the start whenever you go to a place that is sanctified, or you meet, you're going to meet someone of a noble

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stature or status, then it's recommended that you remove your shoes, but other scholars said then in this case, this would be only you know, during the time of Musa alayhis salam and after that the law would have changed. Why? Because all the scholars agree that Massoud Haram in Mecca is more sanctified. Then the value of thought when Musa was told to take off issues, but we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he entered the masjid on his camel and the feet of camel.

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You know his file is cleaner than the feet of human beings or even the sandals of human beings and also, as Imam Ahmed reports, as we learn from the hadith of Abu huraira LaWanda the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood by the macom of Ibrahim whilst he had his sandals on, and in fact, he mentions in his book about America

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as he discusses stories related to Makkah, he mentions that Zubair used to do tawaf with his slippers on. So we would say that it is a case that you're supposed to take off your shoes when you meet important people or go to sanctified places that we say this was the rule with regards to Musa alayhis salam at his time and that rule would have changed based on what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did himself. Now some have said that Musa alayhis salam sandals were made out of

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out of the leather or out of

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skin from a dead animal, right. So this is why he was told to remove his shoes as we find in a report in a to me the attributed to

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even Massoud robiola one and report of this particular status and nature would have come from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. However, this narration does not have the authoritative nature to be attributed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in a way that we can say that this is something true so this narration is weak. Some scholars have said that he was asked to remove his shoes because of of the nature of the event we our last panel who Allah spoke to him directly now no doubt that Allah subhanho wa Taala spoke to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam directly as well. But this was when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was raised during the Mirage to the

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heavens as we discussed in previous episodes, with regards to Musa alayhis salaam, it was extremely unique because Allah spoke to him directly was Musa alayhis salam was on earth. And some scholars have said that he was asked to remove his slippers because he had some dead on it. Or it's plausible that this would have been the reason just like how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam removed his slippers when he was praying as we find in the hadith of Abu Saeed and Audrey robiola. And if my memory serves me, right, as we find reported by Mohammed and others, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was praying, and then during the prayer, he removed his slippers and he put it on

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his left so the Sahaba the Allahu anhu madman, they to remove their slippers and after the Salah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked the Mohammed Akuma Allah

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Allah ilica in alikum that what has caused you to remove your slippers? And they said that we saw you do it so we did it so hon Allah so he said, No, I did it because once I

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Spring gibril came to me and said there was impurities on my slippers. So I removed it. So some of the scholars have said that it's plausible that Moosa was asked to do this, because it's a similar circumstance he had some impurity on on his slippers, and no doubt we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam prayed Salah with his slippers sometimes and sometimes he prayed Salah without his slippers or sandals as we find in the hadith of Amma urban shape. And RB he and Jacques de amor says that his grandfather saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, praying, Salah haffi and when Medina ala he was praying barefoot at times, and at times with his sandals. So this would

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be a plausible explanation that Moosa was only asked to remove his slippers because there might have been some impurity on it because obviously when you bring Salah you in the masjid and it is a sanctified place, and as we said, all the scholars agree that must be Haram is more sanctified than the value of Torah. In any case, brothers and sisters in Islam, this is a slight tangent, just for our general knowledge, but the point here is to panela the concept of empty head, the concept of submitting to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala doing what you told immediately as we see Musa do, as we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doing in Salah when jabril came down and informed

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him and then Subhan Allah the Sahaba so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do it, and and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the guide and he is our guide. So immediately without any questions in their Salah, they saw him do it. So they followed because they knew that the Sunnah is the the ark of knew in their time, and we considered the ark of law in our time, as well, that whoever is upon the Sunnah, quote, unquote, in the ark, they will be safe from any misguidance of heinola. So they followed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, that even before he spoke to them, they watched what he did, and they followed it. This is a concept of submission, because they knew

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if he's doing it, then this is something that Allah subhanho wa Taala has told him to do so summit in our Atlanta, we obey, and we are we hear and we obey La ilaha illa Allah, so brothers and sisters in Islam, Islam is all about submission. And this is, you know, the most prominent meaning of Islam we always hear this concept of Islam means peace, yes, from the meanings of Islam is peace but more prominently. Islam refers to submission, submitting to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the moment that you are in that whatever moment you enter, whichever moment you are in, you ask yourself, What does Allah subhanho wa Taala want me to do right now? Or what I'm doing right now is

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this beloved to Allah? If it is, I'll do it. If it isn't, I will stop. This is submission and this is Islam. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, I love you all for the sake of Allah until another moment, may Allah make us true submitters. I mean, Europa alameen Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Why was Musa (AS) asked to remove his slippers/sandals? And what him doing so teaches us.

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