Sadullah Khan – Searching for a lost night

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The Bible is a source of power and is the only one that can achieve all powerful results. The all-important creator and speaker have the ability to erase from memory and create something better. The conflict between Muslim brothers creates a conflict between the creator and the speaker, which is a source of power and is the source of conflict. The importance of waking up to power and empowering the people through guidance from the Quran is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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We are witnessing

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the odd nights

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of the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

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We are among the nights of Leilatul Qadr.

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And Laylatul Qadr indeed is one of the

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most, in fact, the most special night.

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And Allah testifies in the Quran to its

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by mentioning it by name in the Quran.

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also referred to in other verses.

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But is mentioned in the surah

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on 3 occasions.

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Surely we have revealed what we reveal meaning

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the Quran on the night of power.

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Can mean power, it can mean destiny It

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has many meanings but primarily we refer to

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and what will make you comprehend what the

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night of power is.

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The night of

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power is greater than a 1000 months.

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Now we know that a 1000 months

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is over 83 years

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And 83 years

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is more than the average human lifespan.

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So you can imagine the value of 1

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night in this month greater than a lifetime.

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Anas bin Malik

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companion who grew up in the house of

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Rasulullah said

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the prophet

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said that this is documented in the sunun

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of Iblimaza.

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He said that the prophet said

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has come to you this month,

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and it has a night greater in value

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than a 1000 months.

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He said,

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this night,

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in this month, greater than a 1000 months,

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and whoever is deprived of the benefit

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of this night and of this month

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or of this night in this month

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is deprived of all goodness.

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And then another version says,

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He says, none is so deprived of any

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goodness as the one who's deprived of the

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goodness of this night.

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Three points for our consideration insha'allah.

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why is the night referred to rather than

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the day? What is night of power? What

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about the day? Why isn't the day of

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power? Why the night is singled

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out? Secondly, why the night of power? Why

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that title, Leil al Khadr?

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And thirdly, why are we searching for it?

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Why don't you know exactly when it is?

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Very briefly,

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as for the night,

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there is perhaps a higher purpose

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behind Allah

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choosing the night, Layla Layla to Qadr, Layla

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to Mubarak,

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for the commencement

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of the final revelation.

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the night is indeed

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to quietness,

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to solitude,

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to serenity,

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to peacefulness,

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to seclusion,

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to tranquility

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suitable for the nourishment

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of the soul,

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which is to receive

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revelation and to receive guidance in the case

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of Rasulullah

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and even for

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the night

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conducive. And as the Quran says,

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that the night in Nanashi at a layli

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here, I should do what, oh, wakwamukila.

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Surely, in the wake of the night, the

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soul is most receptive

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and the words are most effective.

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As for power,

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Allah is the ultimate source of power.

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He's the first without a beginning,

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the last without an ending.

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All powerful.

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So Allah

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is the ultimate source of power, a power

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that's infinite,

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incomparable and all encompassing.

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And we know that the all

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powerful creator, the creator of all creation,

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we see in the earth, the heavens and

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the earth.

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In the creation of the heavens and the

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earth, the alternation of night and day.

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There are signs for those

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who use who use the intelligence and who

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exercise the intellect, who use a thinking capacity,

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those who reflect.

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ayaat can also mean, in other verses, the

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verse of the Quran. So whether you look

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at the ayaat of the Quran or the

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ayaat of Allah outside,

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all these come from the same source of

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power. The ayat of the Quran, the source

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is the all powerful. The creation of the

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heavens and the earth, those ayat also

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the source is the all powerful.

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So the all powerful creator

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and revealer

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chose to commence his final revelation

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to empower humanity

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on what he called a little Qadr,

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the night of power.

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So we connect to the all powerful

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through the revelation

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which came to empower us

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and it was revealed on the night of

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The third point,

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as for the exact

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam made numerous

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hadith and of course in

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in the odd nights of the last 10

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nights of Ramadan.

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Search for Rehan al Qadr in the odd

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nights of the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

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Now the information of the exact night

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was conveyed to the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam.

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Which night it was

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exactly was conveyed to Mirasul salallahu alaihi wasallam,

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but was lifted or erased from his memory.

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Now, this is not something unusual.

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In the Quran, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala at

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times causes previous revelations

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to be abrogated and then to be forgotten.

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Or he may erase from the memory of

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those things he wishes to be

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and replace it with something better.

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For example, in the Quran, in Surah Baqarah,

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Never do we cause a verse or a

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to be,

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shall we say abrogated

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or cancelled

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or cause to be forgotten

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except that you bring something better.

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And surely,

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has the power of will to do anything.

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All powerful.

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So the incident I want to refer to

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in the life of the prophet

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and that we want to note is documented

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in the Sahih of Imam al Bukhari.

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And Ubada bin a Samit.

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The prophet came out.

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The prophet

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says, the prophet sallallahu

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alaihi wasallam came out to inform us about

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Laylatul Qadr.

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And when he came out to inform us,

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he saw he saw an altercation and argumentation,

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a disputation,

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a quarreling

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between Muslim brothers.

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And then these people were arguing and quarrelling

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for Rufiyahat. Allah erase it from me.

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chance, perhaps,

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it is better for you.

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Now we search for it in the odd

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nights of the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

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The exact timing of little Qadr

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was lifted

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maybe so that we may realize how damaging,

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how detrimental

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and argumentation

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is to us as a community of faith

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And we are still

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wallowing and caught up in the quagmire

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of argumentation

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and disputation over the most secondary issues.

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Conflict, you see, removes power.

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removes power.

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They cannot do to us what they're doing

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to us in all over the world. We

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have the most natural resources.

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If you look at the world from the

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center of Africa to Indonesia, the entire center

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of the world, 70% of the world's mineral

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are there. Population wise,

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more than 1 third of the world's population.

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A single block

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of land from Indonesia right across.

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Even in India where the minority were 120,000,000

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right down to Africa.

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Weak leadership, corrupt leadership,

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and a lack of unity

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and the lack of will to see the

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wisdom behind

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cooperation amongst ourselves. We are so preoccupied.

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We are so preoccupied,

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even among the olema, so preoccupied with whose

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calf is and whose more calf is than

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the other, as if we are the only

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ones who know the deal.

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And none of these arguments are new. Not

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a single one of the arguments

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With it issues or whatever, not a single

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one of them is a new argument.

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It means that we haven't yet actually retrogressing.

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So the Quran says,

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do not fall into conflict, into disputation, into

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argumentation in the Quran, Surah Anfal verse 46,

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because then your power will depart.

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So in this period of searching for the

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night of power,

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do not let conflict and negativity towards each

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sapped our energies

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and deplete our power. Let's make a commitment.

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Despite our differences and in spite of our

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that we gather together

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under the shahada,

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the belief in tawhid, in one

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Allah Mayimbal says, what benefits us, benefits all

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of us. When they hit us in Kashmir,

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they're hitting all of us. When they hit

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us in Myanmar, they hit all of us.

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When they hit us in China, they hit

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all of us. When they hit us in

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Palestine, they're hitting all of

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us. And all we do, MashaAllah, we do

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hate but we make dua.

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We become so weakened.

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So, he says, Manfar, what benefits us, benefits

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all of us. What harms us, harms all

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of us.

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We have 1 Allah, 1 Qibla, 1 Quran,

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1 Kaaba. Everything is 1. What a pity

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that we are divided.

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in this period of searching

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for this night of power,

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remember why it was lifted from the Rasul,

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according to Zayi al Bukhari. Why was it

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lifted? Because of 2 other Muslims arguing. Allah

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lifted it from the prophet. Prophet didn't do

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anything. We didn't do anything.

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But perchance to learn that Layl al Qadr

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was taken away because of people arguing. And

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Allah said, let this be a lesson to

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And yet we argued. Some people even argue

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So do not let conflicts and negativity towards

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each other set our energies and deplete our

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On this night of power,

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may Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, the all powerful,

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empower us

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through His infinite mercy

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with the powerful light

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of the guidance of the Quran.

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May He empower us through His infinite mercy

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and with the powerful light of guidance from

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the Quran.

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And may He envelope us with His pardon

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and His forgiveness.

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We ask Allah in the words of the

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as He said to his wife, the best

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prayer for this night, for these nights.

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O Allah, You are the pardoner and forgiver

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of sins.

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You are most generous. You love to pardon,

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so forgive us.

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