Sadullah Khan – Prophetic patience

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of life as a test and trial for human achievement. They also mention the trials andulations of Prophets and their actions during their lives, including their actions as god's agents and their actions as god's followers. The speaker emphasizes the importance of testing and proving one's courage and faith in life.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah were either early

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hippo hid in well, as HERBIE, he was Jimmy I'm BIA evil mousseline.

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Assalamu alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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As people of faith, we believe and we realize that life is but a

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period of trial and of tests. And Allah subhanaw taala attest to

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this in the Quran. Leah Balu welcome, a ucommerce anomala

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dhikala Call moto al higher label welcome, a ucommerce anomala life

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and death has been given to you and each one to be tested

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according to the best of the deeds. As such

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lives of people present a kaleidoscope a variety of

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challenges. Some of these are small, some of them are big, some

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are trivial, and some of them are complicated and major.

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But all of these requires determination requires courage. It

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requires faith. And it requires patience to endure and to deal

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with these challenges.

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So life for sure is meant to be a test and everyone is bound to

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experience some level of test will allow blue and mushy middle

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hopefully we'll do our numerous is in the Quran about this. And more

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than that, even the prophets themselves as Rasul Allah said, I

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shudder to nurse Ebola, Gambia, the people who went through the

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most severe test, the most rigorous tests have been the

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And all of these prophets were models of excellence. And these

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were guides chosen by Allah to guide humanity.

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And none of them went through life without trial and tribulations and

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their attitude as a whole was well it must be done now. Am I right

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Munna were Allah He fell yet our Khalil moto kilo, we will surely

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be patient through whatever trials and tribulations that we have to

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And if you want to rely on Allah,

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if you want to rely on anyone, rely on Allah, and that is the

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attitude of the prophets.

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When we reflect on the trials and tribulations and the response and

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the patient, perseverance of Prophets,

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we find remarkable resolve his remarkable courage, remarkable

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strength of faith, remarkable inspiration.

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Ibrahim Ali Hassan was thrown into the fire as a child

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was tested with the sacrifice of His Son smile. And he had to deal

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besides that, with the hostility within his household

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Jacoba a salon suffered the logging separation from his son

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use of when some of his sons betrayed their stepbrother and

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eventually himself, jacobellis lost much of his site, he endured

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this in his lifetime, a Ubal in Salem suffered severe illnesses,

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to the extent that he was ostracized by his people and even

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by his family. Musa alayhis salam was left floating as a baby on the

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river. At a time when the authorities killed all the boys

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they found even in the homes and he was left on the river.

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And he had to deal later with the oppressive rulership of the

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Pharaoh and eventually had to defend these people. He's innocent

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people from the army of Iran.

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Please Ali Salam is a child and the Quran documents in Surah

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Maryam how he had to defend his innocent mother in public as a

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small child accused by senior people in the public, and he was

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the only one to defend the honor of his mother as a child was

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falsely accused of immodesty. And he later confronted his people who

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are so strict on the letter of the law, but completely oblivious of

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the spirit of the law. And sometimes we too are like that. We

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know all the rules, and the FATCA and so on, and we lost our

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humanity in the process, or we applied the law. They oppose his

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mission, His followers, they rejected Him, even when they

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wanted to crucify him. He only had about 12 or 13 followers.

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And yet, his prayer was Allah homophilic homie in the Himalaya

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and the moon of ALLAH forgive my people, for they know not what

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they do.

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Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam lost his father before

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he was born.

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He lost his mother and was orphaned at the age of six.

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They knew him as Assadi Candela meaning his youth. And when he

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preached his people eventually you to political and financial reasons

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they knew he was trustful. He opposed him. They did not follow

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Him. They tried to kill him. They tried to banish him. His

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companions were persecuted, and some of them found refuge in

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Africa in Ethiopia. His family was ostracized, and vanished. He had

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to migrate himself from Makkah to year three, which later became

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Medina. And like a Sally salaam, He came unto His own people, but

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his own people did not receive him, he had to leave Makkah to go

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to another town.

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He suffered assassination attempts before leaving from Mecca to

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His relatives were boycotted, his followers were killed. His beloved

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uncle's body was mutilated at the Battle of Ohio. And he often went

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days without food in his house, and his wife said, There was never

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a time in the Prophet's life from the time of revelation that he

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received that he had food for three consecutive days.

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All his children died in his lifetime except Fathima. He yet

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such was a selfless nature of the Prophet sal Allahu Allah was that

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once somebody insulted him in public, and he was crying and

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people thought he was crying, because he was insulted and they

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overheard him whisper he said, You're humbled Lucha he Musa is

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documented Sahil Buhari, your humble Allahu Akbar Musa. Ooh, the

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XL Amin hada. First of all, he wasn't crying because of himself.

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He cried to think, oh Musa, my brother, may Allah have mercy on

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you. They troubled you more than this and yet you are patient, even

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in his own anguish, the prophet remember the suffering of others.

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May Allah's peace and blessings forever be upon all the prophets

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Salawat Lillahi wa sallahu Allah Himeji mine shukran wa salam

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aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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