Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran (Transience of Life) Night 27

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes the importance of taking the present and avoiding things to happen to" in the parable of the river stream, where everything is present and scattered. The transcript uses a parable of the river stream being bounced and washed to describe the damaging impact on human life. The importance of learning to ride the roller coaster and embracing the future is emphasized, along with pursuing moral lessons and improving one's faith.
AI: Transcript ©
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Amen and what is urban?

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Carry as the Virgin?

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Oh as we know him in a ship on a regime similar manner Rahim Al

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Ashraful

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mousseline. So you're gonna want to be you know, Maulana Muhammad

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Ali was a big marine said Mr. aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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My very brief presentation tonight is in three parts, reflecting on

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and the launch of a book, as well as concluding on the last parable

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from the series we have done for the month.

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Tonight is among the most anticipated lights of the year.

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And I don't mean the UEFA Cup final by the way.

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I mean that tonight is one of the anticipated nights to her room a

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little closer, filled with rumination, our hearing Ramadan,

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search for causes in the odd nights of the last 10 nights of

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Ramadan and tonight is one such night. They will cover the Night

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of Power, the night of majesty, the neck of Grandia the lack of

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dignity the lack of destiny and determination.

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Lay the halo minimal feature a net greater in value than 1000 months

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a night of tremendous religious and spiritual significance. A

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knighted mark the commencement commencement of the final divine

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communication to humanity. Al Quran Al Furqan a revelation that

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affected the fate of nations and the destiny of many nations, it

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changed the course of human history. So,

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if we are to be empowered

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on this night of power, it is very important that we reconnect to the

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source of that power, which is the Quran and for which comes from the

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ultimate source of power, which Allah subhanho wa taala.

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The second point is this entire complex of Islamia is located on

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Imam Harun road.

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This week 28th of May was 50 years since the selfless courageous imam

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who was the head of the ALMA Council in Cape Town and Imam from

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our community, whose Masjid was further down this very Road in

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Claremont Imam a Shaheed Abdullah Haroon was arrested 50 years ago

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this week. He was held incommunicado for 123 days that

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means neither his friends, no family, no doctors, no lawyers

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were able to see him. And he was his martyred body was returned 123

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days later on the 27th of September 1969.

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Tonight, we are launching a commemorative booklet on Ramadan.

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It was never published before Imam ha wounds note on Ramadan, which

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we are releasing for the first time here at the various massages

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in Cape Town, in fact throughout the country. And it has additional

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articles by people like his son, Professor Muhammad Harun articles

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by Imam Muhammad causing also by his roommate that Jaffa was also

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involved in the struggle, Imam Omar and one of the things that

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Imam Hassan requested he came in a dream of Jacob Lucado and he said

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to him that he asked the people to make dua, a particular dua dua

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casita among Fallujah, a dua of Imam in Hawaii, and the DUA is

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also contained in it the privilege and the honor of being asked to

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translate and the translation in the original of the DUA is also in

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here. So tonight we have a few copies, you can inshallah collect

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immediately afterwards for those who want it will be actually being

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sold all over but tonight with the generosity of someone we are

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giving out some and some will be available on eight days if you

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wish, you can collect it immediately after my talk here

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this evening. The booklet here is the one on Shahid Abdullah runes

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article on on Ramadan itself

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we want to conclude our series they are with Tom keen on salwak

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Mohammed Al Quran Al Karim nights of empowerment, parables and

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wisdom from the Glorious Quran.

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And we close by reflecting upon a parable that refers to the

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transitory nature of our life on Earth, and life if you come into

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without being asked, and the life that we leave without our

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permission, and we reflect on this parable

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loves his walk three beloved method of hieratic dunya karma in

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Anza Lahaina sama for tele kabhi Hina battle for us Baja Shimon to

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grow who Rhea makan Allahu Allah.

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set forth for them the parable of the life of this world. It is like

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the rain which we sent down from the skies, the earth, vegetation

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absorbs it is revived,

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but soon, it becomes dry, and debris and fragmented. And

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eventually it is scattered away by the wind. It is only Allah who

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prevails of all things, everything else is temporary.

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The Quran brings to our attention in this parable, that just like

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rain falls on the surface of the Earth, revives the dry land, green

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vegetation grows, last for a while, and then eventually dries

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up, and if in fact is blown away. So to human life on Earth, we are

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born, we develop, we flourish, and eventually, we age and we die.

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So we have to value what we have through the opportunities that

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life affords us. And that's why there are Susan Allahu alayhi wa

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sallam said in the hadith is attending comes a couple of times

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in Shabaab, a couple of heroic was a high tech a couple of SOCOMEC of

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rock a couple of Shivalik working out a couple of fabric with higher

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tech a couple of the most value five things in your life. Before

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five other things come to pass. Value use before all age before

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value your health before sickness, value your free time before you

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are preoccupied value your wealth or whatever you have before you

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lose it before poverty and value your life before death.

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So we ought to do what needs to be done with full vigor and grasp the

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opportunity of life. All that we have is the present tomorrow may

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or may not come if it comes we may or may not be there.

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We can undo the past but we can use the present and this way said

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that Allah Karim Allah just said he

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can Nikita

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Nikita Moo to work for this world, as if you're going to be here for

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a long time, as if you can be here forever work for him. Work hard,

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do what needs to be done, but prepare for the hereafter as if

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you're gonna die tomorrow. So this makes us realize the importance of

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taking the chance grasping the opportunity of life, and also

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realizing that life is temporary. Life is fleeting, and I will stay

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on this earth is but a very brief moment. And that's why they're

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also saying Allahu alayhi wa sallam had he documented in Sahih

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al Bukhari said confit dunya and Nica Hurry over RBD so be be in

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this world, as a passing stranger or as a moving traveler, and one

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of the companions of the Zulu allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Abdullah of Yama, rhodiola and Huma, he said, either unsated for

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Latin Teresa, who either has butterfat until during the Messiah

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will hug me and say hi telematic I mean, hierarchical emoting, he

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said when you go to sleep, do not assume you'll wake up tomorrow

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morning. And when you wake up in the morning, there's no guarantee

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that you will see the sunset. Therefore, take precaution from

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your health, against your sickness, and take from life, what

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would benefit you after death.

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You see, there is no avoidance of birth or death, except to utilize

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the interval that we have in between and to use it effectively.

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Deficit is allowed to happen. And wherever we are, death will come

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and fetch us no matter who you drink.

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But as certain as we are about the occurrence of death, so uncertain,

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are we about his timing, and therefore we are instructed to act

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every act as if that act could be our last act. And you know, Sue

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said even about Allah, Hafiz Allah Attica for Sunday, Salah you said

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in a hadith documented in the Sunnah look up Marja. Whenever you

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pray, pray as if it is your last prayer.

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We acknowledge the fact that life isn't always easy. Life is a

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kaleidoscope of inescapable situations, health and sickness,

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joy and sadness, grief and loss, laughter and tears, birth and

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death, joy and grief. But we need to learn how to ride the roller

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coaster of the wave of life without losing our balance. We

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need to learn to recognize the purpose of our existence and

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realize the value that our life could offer. No person is

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insignificant and no good deed is too small.

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You see, a fulfilling life is not necessarily an extra ordinary

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life, but rather a meaningful life. A life made up of daily acts

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of excellent done for

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Good deeds with good intention, that alive of contribution, a life

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of compassion that comes from sincerity of the heart. A

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rewarding life occurs when we commit ourselves to being loving

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and caring on a daily basis and engaging in small acts of

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kindness, consistent acts of goodness, which over the course of

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time, makes life a continuous series of significant events, and

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perchance a meaningful life filled with moments of significance.

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You see, much of our life tends to be aimed at competing with others,

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rather than focusing on being good. Another parable in the Quran

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Allah also mentions he says, There are no animal hieratic dunya Ibu

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Allah who was in a to what the far from Baylor, but the catheter will

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fit and while he will, hola como se the lighting continues. No

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people the life of this world is but playing pastime and delight.

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It's a show beautiful show. And the cause an opportunity for you

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to boastful, boastfully vie and compete with each other, for greed

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and for riches and FOR MORE And for more.

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And that's why the Sufis ever saying,

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No newly donate $1 You say, But when the mood duel ask you are you

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che, che and Watson? Who unhealthful fitrah Alpha sila

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banal hierarchy will mode? No, no, actually.

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We are born without bringing anything into this world. And we

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die without taking anything from this world. And the sad thing is

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that in the interval between birth and death, we fight for those

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things we did not bring in this world,

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nor will we take from this world. And he said, Now you saw in the

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man who will Armadyl another Saudi

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Arabia, woman loving you as his mana truco who was the criada

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ality halacha. What helps you when you leave the world is the good

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that you have done.

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And what consoles the people you leave behind are the fond memories

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you create when you are alive with them.

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We must learn in this life, in this month of Ramadan as we go on,

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to forgive any hurt and injuries that come our way. And most

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importantly, to treat others as we ourselves would wish to be

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treated. Because ultimately what matters in life is not what we

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studied. But what we learned,

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not who we knew, but for what you will known not what we meant what

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we memorized, but for what you will be remembered, not what we

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said. But what we meant. Not for how we traveled. But when we meant

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that how much we had, but for what it was spent. Not what we thought

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but what we did, not what we got, but what we gave, not what we

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profess, but how we lived, and not how long we live, but how much

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good we did.

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We need to approach the world.

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Apply our faith and engage the future beyond Ramadan, with an

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open mind and a caring heart, removing prejudice with

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understanding, removing darkness through light, removing evil with

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good replacing injury with hope. And by supplanting hatred with

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love. Allah didn't make this world a permanent place. And this is

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what the terrible is intimating Allah did not make this world a

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permanent place called lumen Allah Yaffa and we have a Khawaja robic

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This is a temporary world, everything here is finite. And all

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things have a time limit. Neither other good things of this world

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forever. No other bad things eternal life after all, is a test

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under the helical Moto, Leah blue accom a test which is also an

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opportunity. So make the best of the test of life by doing all the

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good weekend, wherever we can, whenever we can, to whomsoever we

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can, as best as we can.

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Let us conscient eyes ourselves with the responsibility of

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considering in any situation considering what is best doing

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what is right and inshallah focusing on what is important. We

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have through the series, reflected on numerous parables from the

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Glorious Quran and we did so in order to gain some ethical insight

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or to highlight some noble virtue or to illustrate some valuable

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principle or to obtain a moral lesson.

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We pray Inshallah, that this series has assisted, assisted us

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in some way

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To appreciate the message of this Quran to enhance our understanding

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of our faith and perchance increase our commitment to

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righteousness and inshallah to improving ourselves as we say, as

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we go to the month of Ramadan.

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We die

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or we die Yoshua will see

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a reduction up

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shukran Salaam Alaikum

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