Sadullah Khan – Parables and Wisdom from the Quran (Doing what needs to be Done) Night 16

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes Timken I'm Terror Hayek Muhammad Al Quran's theme layout, which is centered around action and accountability, and the root of Being is our moral awareness. The group discusses a story about a lack of responsibility and accountability leading to accusations of bias and pride, and emphasizes that every action is a task and takes courage of conviction, acute awareness of responsibility, and mature judgment to appreciate the value of important actions. The message is clear, but the message is unclear.
AI: Transcript ©
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II Murnane or deserve and they will carry either watchin

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all the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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We will continue our theme layout at Timken I'm Salma Hayek Muhammad

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Al Quran Al Karim

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faith or Iman is constantly linked with action in the Quran, and in

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the Islamic traditions. And therefore the notion of amanu

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aminu Salah had faith manifested in positive good beneficial action

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EMA and Amal faith and action.

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In fact action is the first practical step to any achievement

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to any accomplishment to any success. And the Quran VA for

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exhorts us to action. Well, Kalia, Emmylou fossa Allahu Allah, Allah

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Kumara, Sulu, who will be known as the torah Duna Illa. Allah Mila

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baby was shahada for Unit B Bhima Kontum, Cameroon, and say unto the

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people or prophets

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act, and Allah will behold your actions, and so will the apostle

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and the believers, and know that eventually everyone will be

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brought before Allah, Allah who knows all that which is beyond

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human perception, as well as all that can be witnessed.

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And He, Allah will then inform you, of your deeds and your

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This verse is an expressed motivation for action into action,

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but action with accountability. And we know that effective action

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springs from a sense of responsibility.

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And the root of Being responsible is our moral awareness, more

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awareness of our personal accountability

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by accepting responsibility for our life, we do what needs to be

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done. And therefore you'll find this is manifested throughout the

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life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa, he was still to give a

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mundane example.

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Example In ordinary day life, once he also said Allah, Allah was

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cinnamon, some of his companions, may Allah be pleased with them,

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they want to journey and they came to rest at a particular place. And

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because they were hungry and decided they were long journey,

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resting, they would slaughter a sheep or a goat

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or lamb

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and have dinner and therefore they all agreed and each one said they

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will do something some volunteers call a nodule, Allah you

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are called alpha, alpha yourself who are called aka Alpha. Each one

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volunteered. I'll cut it. The other one said I will roast it,

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whatever it may be crooked. Each one volunteered to do something.

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And then they also said Allahu alayhi wa early was sending them

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said, I lay your jungle hottub then I'll go collect the wood. And

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then the Sahaba Ya Rasulullah netfit Carmen, it's okay. We will

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do it. We can handle it. And they also said Allahu Allah was in them

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said, Caja Alim to tech funI Wallach, in Accra who anathema?

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Yes. Alikum. We're in Allah here. Crimean Abdullahi, we're in Allah

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Yecla, who may not be a Euro who would have even been us hobby. The

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Prophet said, I know that you are eager to do it all by yourself.

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But Allah isn't pleased with a person distinguishing himself over

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his own companions. And considering that he gets

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preferential treatment over them, that they do the work and he

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doesn't have to do it.

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The Prophet said Allah Allah was limited in the Hadith, parmesan

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Allah Allah azza wa jal, Jamal, he got up. And then he went, and he

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collected the wood and he brought it

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when you need to do what needs to be done, or when you do what needs

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to be done, you give new meaning to your life and to your

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existence. I repeat, when you do what needs to be done, you give

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new meaning to your existence. And by doing that, you may inspire

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other people to action. Look at the result or looking at your

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brother, look at the conduct wherever he was, he did things

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that inspired them in those crucial times to action.

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Here's a simple, humorous story and I beg your indulgence, but

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it's a meaningful story. About four people named everybody,

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somebody, anybody and nobody.

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There was an important job to be done, they said

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and everybody was sure that somebody would do it. Anybody

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could have done it, but nobody did it. It ended up that everybody

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thought and

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lain somebody, when nobody did what anybody could have done.

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The story may seem a bit amusing, but also puzzling. But the message

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is very clear. No one took responsibility. So nothing got

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It's a story that plays out very often in institutions, in

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organizations, in companies, in teams, and even in homes, anywhere

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where there is a lack of culture of accountability, and a lack of

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responsibility, someone will do it.

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Blaming others we see is often an excuse to transfer accountability.

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Because if you didn't do it, find some fault with someone else. So

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blaming others is often an excuse to transfer your accountability,

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rather than taking responsibility. And therefore, by doing so, you

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comfortably avoid liability. Don't blame me. I had nothing to do with

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it. But it's why it never got done, because everyone had the

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same attitude.

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You see, it takes courage of conviction, acute awareness of our

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responsibility, as well as mature judgment, to appreciate the real

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value of important actions.

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If an action is you do it. A very famous hadith of Rasulullah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam documented in Bukhari, and in the

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Muslim of Imam Muhammad, the humble way the suicide Allahu

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alayhi wa sallam reported to have said, in common, either your

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haidakhan milk or Yama, we fear the fussy, rotten failures, Lisa,

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even if the trumpet blows on the day of piano, and you have a seed

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or a sapling in your hand, and you supposed to planted planted, don't

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say it's Tiama if you're supposed to do something, do it because

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it's your job to do it. Whether Tiama is here or not, it indicates

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a very severe way. Kiama Why would you plant a tree? No, you were

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tasked to do it, do it. You said if you have in your hand will fear

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the vasila failure of Lisa implanted. In other words, we have

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no excuse not to do what needs to be done.

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We really need to move in today's time. From the mediocrity of

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making excuses to finding solutions from blaming everyone

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else to analyzing ourselves from making near promises to fulfilling

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commitments from letting things happen to making things happen.

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You see the university the famous Sufi he said in Allahu Allah

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He said a nurse who couldn't who Mota in the Lord

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when Allah Colonia in the army loon for the Army Lulu Lomita

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Haroon in la mala, see, all human beings is saying metaphorically Of

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course, even human beings are dead in general, except those who have

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and all those who have knowledge are asleep,

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except those who do good deeds, and all those who do good deeds

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are deceived, except those who are sincere.

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Let us ponder on the following one,

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do what needs to be done, do it properly, do it promptly. And do

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it sincerely to be accountable and responsible regarding your duties?

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If each one does what he should do, much can get done. And

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thirdly, if you do not do what needs to be done, what exactly are

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you doing? A cool call Jada was stuffing Allah wa salam aleikum wa

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