Sadullah Khan – Nights of Empowerment Parables and Wisdom from the Quran Night 4

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of the holy Quran, which uses the concept ofteen out of 16, to emphasize the universal aspect of beasthood. The title is a conditional statement that states that everyone can never attain until they avail for others what they love most. It is a means of social engagement and is a means of salvation, not a means of satisfaction. It is the foundation of what is called the golden rule, which is a mercy unto the world.
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We continue our theme

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nights of empowerment,

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parables, and wisdom from the noble Quran.

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The Quran makes a conditional statement at the

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very beginning of the 4th Jews.

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Allah begins

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You cannot attain

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you avail for others what you yourself

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love most for yourself.

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And whatever you spend,

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whatever you provide,

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whatever you avail for others,

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surely Allah is fully aware of everything

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that you do.

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Now, lent an alul beer, you can never

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attain unto beer. This beer is a concept

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that occurs numerous times, in fact, 14 times

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in the holy Quran.

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And in the Islamic primary text, the concept

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of birb

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is a very fundamental concept.

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It implies a variety

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of positive behaviors and positive attitudes.

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For example, there are

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Right? Truthfulness leads towards.

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And human conduct.

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Also, it can imply cordiality

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and respect for others.

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In numerous ayaats, in one of them for

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example, Allah says, those who do not fight

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you, those who do not oppose you, those

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who are not hostile towards you, Allah says,

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there's no there's no harm

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in being just and fair and kind to

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to them. And the word used there is

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so implies

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a cordiality

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and respect for others.

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It can also be the means of social

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For example, Allah says,

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engage each other, engage other people,

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engage in social activity

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on the basis of

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on the basis of what we can say

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righteousness and God consciousness.

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In the verse that we are particularly focusing

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the unique aspect of this verse that captures

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our attention and that evokes

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our our conscience

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is the fact that it's a conditional statement.

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You can never attain and to build.

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In other words,

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there's a precondition.

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Until and unless.

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You cannot attain this bill until and unless

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you avail for others

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that which you yourself love most.

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So here,

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coupled with what we can say the spirit

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of of of empathy, of infar, of generous

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of spending, of availing, and benefiting other people.

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And this verse we can say for Islam

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in the Islamic terminology and in the Quran

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is the foundation of what we call the

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golden rule, the ethic of reciprocity

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that is loving for others what you love

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for yourself.

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And therefore,

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this golden rule,

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which is linked to the notion of

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emphasized the prophet

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as a mercy unto the world in numerous

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ways. Among them, for example, he said, as

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an advice,

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he said,

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He said, If you love for others what

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you love for yourself, then truly you are

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a Muslim.

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This can also be a means of salvation.

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Whoever wishes to be saved from the fire

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and to enter the guard the garden of

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that person should die having faith in Allah

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and aware of his accountability

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on the day of judgement.

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that person should treat other people the way

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he himself would like to be treated.

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And of course,

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Mu'adh ibn Jabal radiAllahu, one of the companions

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asked the prophet, what is the best

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what you love for yourself.

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Dislike for them what you dislike for yourself,

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and say something good. If you say something,

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then if you can't say something good, rather

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remain silent. This is the highest perfection of

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your iman.

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So we need to realize from all

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this, that if we live with love as

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our dominant emotion,

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because we're all emotional beings. Any human being,

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we're always in some

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state. We only become conscious when we become

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highlighted when we're angry,

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when we express love,

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jealousy, then we come aware of our emotion,

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but we are emotional beings. We're always in

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some emotional state.

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So if we live with

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our with love as our dominant emotion,

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which is very rarely the case, even among

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loved ones.

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If we live with love, like Deirasul, his

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dominant emotion was mercy. Israel will call him

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If we live with love as our dominant

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emotion, then we have a power to make

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a difference in the lives of the people

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whom we engage and whom we meet.

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There's nothing more comforting. There's nothing more gratifying

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for a conscientious person than knowing that through

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your kind word,

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through a helpful act, through a loving hug,

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through a cheerful smile,

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that you have made a difference. You've made

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someone's burden a little lighter, someone's day a

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little brighter,

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situation a little more pleasant.

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So kindness and love are indeed most noble

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not only good qualities,

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integral to righteousness,

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which is the doorway to paradise and also

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linked to the notion of taqwa, which is

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the reason why we're fasting.

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So love

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and kindness are indeed most noble qualities,

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characteristics of Allah himself.

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Allah is kind. Muslim.

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Allah is kind and Allah prefers kindness in

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matter. And of course, Allah encourages

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love and compassion

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for after all.

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Allah himself is most compassionate and

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most loving.

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Let us ponder over the following three points.

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the expression of

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righteousness, should be an integral

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part of the life and the psyche and

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the attitude of any believer.

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or the expression of righteousness should be an

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integral part of any believer and should be

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manifested in our attitude and our engagement with

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other people.

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cannot be truly attained without caring for the

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of the rest of our human family.

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And we should therefore love for others

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what we love for ourselves as instructed by

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the Quran and by the prophet.

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And I leave you with a reminder of

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All of creation,

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dependence of Allah. All of the creation,

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dependence of Allah, and Allah loves most among

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his creation,

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those who are best to his creation.

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