Sadullah Khan – Life Lessons from the Stories of the Prophets

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The importance of bio communication is highlighted, including the ability to detect and interpret ant behavior and manipulate spores. The use of bio communication for researching and predicting future events is also discussed, including the stories of King Solomon and his army. The transcript describes the actions of a man named Solomon, including his actions towards his community, family, and universal family, as well as his deceptivism from the Queen of Sheba. The transcript uses language to describe his actions and points out several points, including his actions towards his community, family, and universal family.
AI: Transcript ©
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you been

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lucky again all oh my

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god you Wayne

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Iman and what is urban? The was your healer in caring as the one

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oh the bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Hawala Jamia you

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will Musa Lena Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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We continue our theme to Rowsell Hyang in Casa su MBRP, Kitab Illa.

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Life lessons from the stories of prophets in the book of Allah and

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focus our attention on the lesson we derive from the interaction

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between a mighty king and an ordinary insects, a mighty king,

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and an ordinary insect. Sulaiman was a prophet, the son of a

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Prophet Dawood, Ali Salaam. But so a man was also a king. Hence, he

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was a prophet King, blessed with tremendous levels of wisdom,

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tremendous levels of knowledge, and of course, tremendous level of

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authority and power.

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The court documents a particular incident, when should a man or a

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salon once gathered his army and marched them to the area of what

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is called Escalon. But now today, the rows are stripped and they

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pass through a valley with his army, which had a massive colony

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of ants.

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One of the end so the approaching army and warned the other ends,

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and Allah documented this in the Quran. Call that number. Yeah, you

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Honolulu Messiah kinako Oh, and enter into your dwellings. La

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Yattaman la consola. IMANI what you do, who will whom Yeah, yes,

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all in case Sulaiman and his army should crush you without them

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realizing it. You see, Allah gifted nubby Suleiman with an

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extra ordinary aptitude. For for Hannah has Philemon Kuhlman, Tina

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Heckman, Allah says Solomon had the deep comprehension, judicious

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wisdom and precise knowledge granted to him by the Almighty.

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But so a man also had the capacity for what we call metacognition.

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Metacognition means a higher degree of understanding. And he

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was able to detect and comprehend what is termed now as bio

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communication, communication between living organisms, we to

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some extent can detect that when a dog's nose we know he's angry. But

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let's take take sainthood we can detect from that the angle so we

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can at some level, also interpret the behavior when the whale makes

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a call is the meeting call or a call for food or hunger or there's

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food around that we can also detect to some extent nowadays,

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let's call biocommunication. And this may be visual which will all

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animals have sight, auditory which can be hearing scent which the

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bees have, what you call olfactory, touch, which you all

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have, you can push you can be aggressive, you can stroke which

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can be essential. Then there is radar, which for example, that the

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bat has, then you have electric like the electric eel or the

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Stingray, they can communicate by means of these seismic like the

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spider it moves around, they can detect the surrounding or of

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course, thermal or heat, like a snake can detect a prey by sense

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of heat. So the man Ali Salam understood this, this levels of

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bio communications, Allah grounded him that gift him

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capacity and the communication of the ants. In this case, Allah

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captures the response of Sulaiman Alehissalaam, as he detected and

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understood the communication of that female and call it number,

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female, and which informed the other ends, please move into your

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places before so the man and his army may crush you. So the

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response of this great King Solomon, and his words of majestic

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humanity that had an eloquence of simplicity, he says, Allah

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documents for Tabassum Obi come in Kalia. Were called voz. Ernie an

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escort and now medical and until

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they were anomala Saudi and turbo what other kidney B Rama Tikka ba

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ba because solder in so so the man is mighty king, this prophet,

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Solomon smilingly left the bus some Obeikan, smilingly laughed,

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amused at the end speech, and said,

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Oh Allah, grant me the power and the ability, that I may be

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grateful to you for your favors upon me, and for what you have

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bestowed upon my parents, and that I may be of those who do righteous

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deeds, deeds that will please you of Allah, and Make me worthy of

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being of those who are in the company of the righteous. From

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this incident, and from the response of such a man or this

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alarm, there are numerous lessons, let's focus on three points. Note

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that the surah captures this incident between a man and the

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ants. But it also details the story of King Solomon and clean

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bill keys the Queen of Sheba. Yet the steward is titled A number,

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the end, Sulaiman will bill keys, or the Queen of Sheba, the surah

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is titled, The End animal, perchance Allahu Alem. This

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perpetuates the spirit of humility, and the absence of self

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righteousness in Suleiman Alia salaam, who despite having the

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highest position in the land, and extra ordinary ability and

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he had the key to acknowledge his parents in his dua, and over and

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above that, the humility to request Allah that he be among the

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righteous, despite being a prophet, nothing to be, I mean,

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not only a limb or a chair, or a please for something, he's unabIe

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chosen to Allah, yet the humanity, absence of self righteousness, He

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doesn't assume he is righteous. He said, Oh Allah, grant me to be of

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those who are righteous, a tremendous lesson in humility.

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Point number two, compare the scaling behavior, to ENT, caring

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behavior, to the selfishness and greed that we witnessed among

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human beings. So often in our society, we seem to have lost the

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feeling of caring and goodwill for each other. Whereas Allah shows us

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this mere end, without our sophistication and education, did

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the noble thing and called his community to safety and pray to

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Allah to save his community from destruction. Perhaps it is the

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sense of caring that Allah wants us to highlight, and that's why he

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titled the surah hon. Allah knows best. The third point, the words

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of Solomon, a powerful man, a prophet, King, at the height of

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authority, he yet he is considered of the least powerful of Allah's

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creation, and is the least powerful of Allah's creation. And

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yet this mighty king, not only a king, Prophet, king, he is

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considered of the least power or full of Allah's creation. This is

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what we call the epitome of compassion, of environmental

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consciousness, of unpretentious modesty, and embodiment of the

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best of people, as they're also sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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as documented by a Tiburon and Hulk, Allah for humble wholesaler

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and formula really, all creation, the king,

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people, plants, animals, all of the creation are the family of

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Allah, and the best of Allah's creation in the estimation of

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Allah, or those who are best to his universal family. Akula call

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the Hydra was tougher Allah wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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