Sadullah Khan – Benevolence over vindictiveness ~ pardon over revenge

Sadullah Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses several instances of the Prophet's behavior, including his ability to apologize, his use of subhanous language, and his use of deadly language to incite others. They also mention a document documenting a woman being shot by a Muslim based woman, and a woman being shot by a Muslim based woman in a bathroelf.
AI: Transcript ©
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All the below him in a ship honor regime Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al

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hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Salam aleikum, wa

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The capacity for compassion

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and the wisdom to pardon one another

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is one of the greatest attributes that any human being can have.

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And among the best options that a person can exercise because you

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have an option to pardon or not to pardon. So it is indeed

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encouraged by Allah subhanho wa taala. Will Lea who will yes for

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who allowed to have buena Yaphet Allahu Allahu Allahu Allah for

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Rahim. Pardon and overlook people's shortcomings.

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Do you not love it? Allah should forgive you. And know that Allah

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subhanho wa Taala is all forgiving, Most Merciful.

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Reflecting on the illustrious life of the Prophet salAllahu alayhi

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wasallam. We find numerous instances of benevolence of

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pardoning that are truly touching, and indeed, very inspirational

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moments in the Prophet's life, that Allahu alayhi wa sallam where

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he could have been vindictive, where he could have taken revenge,

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but he rather displayed a benevolence a kindness that is

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We offer two examples. One is documenting the salary of Imam Al

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it is transmitted the some Hebrews, some Jewish people, a

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group of them at least came to the Prophet while he was with his

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wife, say the Aisha to the Allah.

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And they greeted him saying something that sounds very similar

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to our greeting. But instead of saying a salam Wa Alaikum Peace be

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upon you. They said Assam Aleykum

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which means may you be poisoned basically, May you die.

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The Prophet responded while they can, and Aisha was really upset.

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And she said,

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Willa Kula or Aleikum, WA Alana Kamala will have the Polycom May

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Allah scourers be upon you and may Allah is anger be upon you.

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The Sunnah Allah sal Allahu Allah wa send them tend to Aisha said

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Melania Aisha, take it easy or Aisha and she said, call it Aisha.

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I love this mama call. Did you not hear what they just said? He said

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now I'm your Ayesha Ali kabhi refer? What yak will all flash.

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Oh Aisha, be kind and gentle. I advise you. Do not be harsh, no

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Another exemplary incident. In the life of the prophet sal Allahu

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Allah was

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is documented in the diary who Rasul Wilma look of Imam

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atterberry as well as in the seed of ignition to the man by the name

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of Sohail in the Unruh was an auditor. He was well known speaker

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and he used to publicly define publicly make offensive in

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derogatory remarks and speeches against the prophets of Allah

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while he was in particular.

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This very Suhail bin Amaroo, was captured by the Muslims at the

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Battle of butter.

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And after being captured, battle over, they brought him as a

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prisoner of war. And he brought him before the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, and Satan almost said yah rasool Allah,

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Donnie, and Zia for nia de su Haldeman, Amro

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were the lowly signer who for Leia Kumar alayka, hottie when FEMA

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Walton Avada

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Sol La Merced

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Lake let me take out so Hills teeth, knock his teeth out for

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him. This figure is mouth and disabled. So hey, Ben Andrew, from

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ever speaking anyway, again, against you.

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And your associate Allahu Allah Mustafa Jabba la Sol allah

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam la Alma Silla syllabi. For you my

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syllabi were in Quinton abbia. If I disfigure any part of the body

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of someone, even if he offended me, if I disfigure any part of his

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body, Allah will disfigure mine in retribution, even though I'm the

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Prophet of Allah, because the Prophet knew what Allah says, from

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an Alpha was for a Jew, Allah Allah, whoever pardons and tries

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to make a reconciliation, surely that he would have such people are

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only with Allah. Aquila kolyada was tough Lulu or Salah on Wiley

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