Saad Tasleem – Stop Saying InshaAllah (God Willing)! Common Mistake

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the insha Allah message and how it is often used to get rid of problems. They also mention the importance of being firm in asking for help after getting a lot of information. The speakers also touch on the difference between asking for help and requesting help.
AI: Transcript ©
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I want to come on today's Rob log we're going to be talking about saying insha Allah after making dua.

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So a very common mistake that people make is that after making dua, they'll say in sha Allah so they'll say like, you know, mail log, give me this new job in sha Allah or especially when they're making the offer someone else so if they're making the offer you they'll say, you know, may Allah make this easy for you in sha Allah now the prophets that ally send them specifically told us not to make da and then say insha Allah after it and Hadeeth mentioned inside Bukhari and Muslim the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Now your colon had become a lot more fiddly in shed a lot more honey in shit. Oh ALLAH forgive me, if you will. Oh Allah have mercy on me if you will. Now.

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Yeah, as a minimus Allah the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that you should be that this person should be firm in what they're asking. But in the law book, Rihanna for a lot cannot be compelled or forced to do anything. So the point here is that if we say insha, Allah after asking something of a lot, it's almost like we are the ones who are giving a lot option. So imagine, like you tell a child and say, Hey, get me a glass of water, if you like. It's like saying, Hey, I'm the one who's giving you an option I could have forced you to do it. But I said if you like meaning it's up to you. I'm giving you the option. And that is not appropriate. When we are speaking to Allah when we are asking

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a last panel at Tiana and also if it's an issue of doubt, then we should have no doubt but some said Be firm and what you're asking about in another Hadith mentioned in some Timothy, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there are a law unto lupino, nobody Jabba, he said that call upon Allah or ask of Allah while you are sure that Allah will respond to you. So when we ask something of a love when you make the offer something we do not say, insha Allah, a point I've heard people bring up is, what about what we say to a person who has fallen ill or a person who is sick? The prophets that I send them taught us to say to them, love, that's the whole insha Allah, don't worry, this is

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a purification in sha Allah is a purification, if Allah wills now remember that the difference here is that you're not asking a lot you are informing this person about what is actually happening here. So you're saying this person, whatever is going on here, this is a purification, and then you say in as long as Allah wills so if you were to word it in a different way, if you were to say, may Allah make this a purification, then you wouldn't say in sha Allah as we're talking about things that will happen or things that are happening. Yes, we say insha Allah as the last panel to Allah tells us in the Quran, in suits that have went out the colon Manisha in in the forenoon Veronica hada in sha

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Allah that do not say about something that I will do this tomorrow, except that you say insha Allah, it is by the will of Allah, that that will happen that out that I'll do it. I hope the difference is clear between the two. If you do have any questions about this, leave it in the comments below. And I'll respond to some of the questions hopefully we can clarify this issue and allow us to add and knows best. Until next time, a set on water equal what happens the law here or what I gather

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