Saad Tasleem – Celebrating while Gaza is in Pain

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary © The upcoming celebration of the Goddamn Day is focused on celebrating the worship of Allah and the return of the Book of Allah. The speakers stress the importance of celebrating the datch and the return of the Book of Allah to strengthen the people of the United States. They also emphasize the need to be joyful and celebrating the worship of Allah, and to support one another and strengthen their umighteen. The speakers stress the importance of accepting differences in worship and emphasize the need to support one another.
AI: Transcript ©
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My dear brothers and sisters,

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we have just spent a whole month

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with divine revelation.

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We have spent a whole month with the

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book of

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which Allahu

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described for us as a mercy, as a

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reminder, as a cure for the problems that

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lie in our hearts.

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O humanity,

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an instructive warning has come to you from

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your Lord.

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And a cure to any ailment, any sickness,

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any sadness that is found in our hearts.

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And a guidance and a mercy for

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the believers. My brothers and sisters,

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in the very next verse, here Allah Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala describes the Quran for us in

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the very next verse. Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala

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say, by the bounty of Allah

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and the mercy of Allah

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in the bounty and mercy of Allah

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That they should celebrate,

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they should rejoice

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in that.

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That is better than anything that you collect

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or that you amass. So my brothers and

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sisters, here is a command from Allah

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that we should rejoice,

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that we should be happy. But happy in

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what? Happy in the guidance from Allahu, Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala.

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in the cure for our problems, the cure

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for our ailments. The book of Allahu, Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala. My brothers and

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sisters, we celebrate,

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we are happy.

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But for what? For the dunya? For what

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we have collected? Because Allah says,

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that this reminder that has come to you,

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the book of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala and

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the sunnah of the prophet sallallahuahuaihi wasallam is

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better than anything

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that you could gather or amass or collect

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in this life.

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is what we are celebrating

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today. We are not celebrating the dunya. We

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are not celebrating our worldly possessions. We're not

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celebrating our clothes or our cars or our

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houses. We are celebrating

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a month filled with guidance from Allahu

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We are celebrating

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the Ibadah, the worship. We are celebrating

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our ruku and our sudood and our dua.

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That is why this day is very, very

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special. In the whole year,

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there is only one more day that is

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as special as this day. We have today,

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Eid al Fitr, and the only other day

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that we celebrate the worship of Allah who

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subhanahu wa ta'ala is Eid al Abha. There

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are no third days like this, a day

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on which we are rewarded for celebrating

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by Allahu Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. Celebration

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and joy

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is worship today, my brothers and sisters, and

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this is not found

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in anything else. If we try to celebrate

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the dunya, Allah

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Do not be prideful and joyous.

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Allah does not like those who are prideful

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and joyous in terms of their dunya, in

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terms of their worldly possessions, in terms of

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their worldly things. Allah says do not be

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do not be joyful in that. But when

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it comes to celebrating

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the month of Ibadah, when it comes to

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celebrating the worship of Allah

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Allah instructs us, commands us to worship Allah.

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Allah who,

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tells us

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about this month that we have just gone

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Quran, the the month

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of the Quran, the month of Ramadan in

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which the Quran was revealed. The end of

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this verse my brothers and sisters, Allahu Subhanahu

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Wa Ta'ala says, wali took milu lu i'dda.

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Why? What is this month for? So that

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you may finish this month, complete this month,

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complete the prescribed period by Allah Subhanahu Wa

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So that you may glorify,

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exalt Allahu Subhara Wa Ta'ala

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for the guidance that Allah has given to

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you will be grateful.

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So the worship today is our celebration,

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and our celebration

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is worship. That is why this day is

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so very, very special. You know, we celebrate

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a lot of things during the year. We

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have a lot of things that we get

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happy for. But today is the day that

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we get happy for Ibadah. We get happy

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for the worship of Allahu Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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And I know, I know my brothers and

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that you may be finding it difficult today

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to be joyous and to be happy and

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to celebrate

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because of the genocide that we are watching

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with our very own eyes

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unfold to with our brothers and sisters in

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Gaza and Palestine. And as we are watching

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what is happening with our brothers in Sudan,

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as we are watching what is happening with

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our brothers and sisters in Yemen, as we

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are watching and seeing what is happening with

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our Uighur brothers and sisters in China, and

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so on and so forth, you may be

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like it is difficult

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to be joyous today,

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but I want to remind you

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that we are not joyous once again for

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the dunya.

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We are joyous today

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for the guidance of Allahu Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.

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For our iman,

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because the biggest blessing that we have in

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our lives is not our wealth, is not

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our children, is not our possessions,

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it is our deen. It is guidance from

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That is what we are celebrating. We are

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the honor that Allah gives by guiding us.

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We are celebrating the fact that Allah

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has guaranteed victory for those who are believers.

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Do not

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become weak.

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Do not become grieved.

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You will be victorious. You will have the

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upper hand, but there's a caveat.

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There's a condition.

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That condition is

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as long as you are believers.

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And that is what our brothers and sisters

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in Gaza and Palestine are teaching us today.

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We find that they are celebrating

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not for their dunya because their dunya has

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been taken away from them. Their families have

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been taken away from them. Their houses, their

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living areas, their children have been taken away

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from them. What are they celebrating?

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They are celebrating

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the strength of their iman. They know that

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even if the world has abandoned them, that

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is with them. They are keep they keep

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Allah is sufficient for us.

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That the believers when they are tested and

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tried, they only get closer to Allah. That

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it is through tests and trials that our

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status as raised. Allah,

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the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, told us that

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the most beloved people by Allah are tested

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the most severely.

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The prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam, he said it

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is the prophets

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who are tested the most severely,

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then the most like them and the most

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like them, meaning being tested and tried, makes

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us closer to the prophets of Allah

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If Allah loves a people, He tries them.

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And so that, my brothers and sisters, are

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what is what we are celebrating today.

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As it was a sunnah of the prophet

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salallahu alaihi wa sallam, I would just like

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to take a minute or 2

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to address my my sisters in Islam.

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My dear sisters,

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as Allah

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tests us and tries us, and as we

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hold on to our iman,

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likewise, my sisters, Allah will

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test you and try you.

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But Allah who

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has honored you my dear sister in Islam.

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You know, we hear

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of the wife of Imran mentioned in the

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and that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala tells us

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that she had vowed that her child in

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her womb

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would worship Allah.

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And so when she made this vow,

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she assumed that Allah will grant her a

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boy, a male child.

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But when she gave birth,

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she gave birth to a female. Allahu

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tells us,

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When she gave birth, she said, my lord,

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I have given birth to a female.

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Meaning what?

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Meaning, even though her expectation was a male,

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Allahu, subhanahu wa ta'ala, gave her a female.

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Now, did she say why?

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Did she say, no, I wish I had

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a male? No. She said,

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or in one recitation,

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that Allah is most aware

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of what I have given birth to, meaning

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this happened by the divine decree of Allah

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is wisdom in Allah that my child was

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not born a male, my child was born

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a female.

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And then Allahu Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala reminds us

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that a male is not like a female.

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What is the message here? The message here

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is that Allah

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my dear sister has made you a female,

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and the female

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has a has an honour

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and a way of worshipping Allahu

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that men do not.

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This is why we find who was this

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daughter that was born to the wife of

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Imran, it was none other than Mariam alaihis

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salam. She

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says, I have named her Madhyam. And today,

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Madhyam alaihis salam

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stands as an example

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for all women across the world, even non

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muslim recognize

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Mariam alaihis salam.

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My dear sisters, yes, your challenges may be

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different and yes, women and men have a

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lot in common, but we are not the

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same. We are equal with Allahu

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but we are not the same. We have

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many differences, and you will find people telling

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you that differences make you bad.

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But our deen teaches us that Allah has

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made us different so that we may strengthen

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one another.

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That is why Allah has made us different.

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The way you, my sister, can worship Allah,

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and submit to Allah, and sacrifice for Allah

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is different than the way I can submit

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and sacrifice to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. But

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it is only when we come together.

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It is only when we uplift one another,

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when the men uplift the women and the

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women uplift the men that our ummah becomes

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Who is persevering

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in Gaza?

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Is it just the men,

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or is it our dear sisters who are

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holding the fort? Our sisters and our brothers

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working together, Allahu, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, says,

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that the believing men and the believing women,

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they are allies and protectors of one another.

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That is the strength of our ummah, my

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dear sisters, and this message is from our

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brothers as well. That as we look at

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our ummah

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being divided, we have to stand together. We

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have to be there to support one another

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and our differences is what makes us great.

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I ask Allah

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to accept our worship in the month of

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Ramadan. I ask Allah

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to make it an

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Ramadan through which we're granted paradise. I ask

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to relieve our brothers and sisters

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all over the world of any distress and

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any difficulty that they are going through. I

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ask Allah to accept their dead amongst the

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shuhada, amongst the martyrs. Ask Allah

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to free the land of Palestine.

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