Riyadh Walls – Taraweeh Program Talk Only Masjidus Sunni (31 Mar 2023)

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a woman named Al Ham vi who is in prison and unable to finish her work. She describes the concept of "good deduction" and how people can end their lives with a heavy scale of good deeds. The "good deduction" is highlighted as the rise of a star, and the "good deduction" is referred to by words like "the" in Arabic and "the rise of a person" in English. forgiveness is emphasized as it allows us to be more forgiving of ourselves and fasting is highlighted as a way to improve health and prevent future problems.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the absence of shift yet but the instruction of shift yet, but

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I think one of our teachers and our seniors on Anegada is prison

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handler if we could have

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one share a few words when public come on

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so another admin Al Hamdulillah. And even though I thought I

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prepared something I just forgot everything when someone

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said to me when I could add recession of two minutes in

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Aloha Alhamdulillah Madhu who suddenly Allah Rasool, Karim Maga,

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rubbish, Ravi sundry. We're still the only one that can really send

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your colony so hi Nicola Illumina Illa Allah tena Allah, whom are

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aluminum and fauna was salam o aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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So I didn't wear my turban tonight

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as it is guys

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but the pregnancy didn't didn't work

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so there's a simple concept

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and Allah speaks about this concept

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in the Quran over and over again and that is the concept of waiting

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of deeds for Amma month Akula. Magazine who are who are feeding

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fi shutdown labia.

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Allah says, As for the one who the skills, getting the good deeds

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weighs heavy, they will find themselves in the world of

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And really, the pleasure starting was dunya. Already, once one

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starts eating, tasting the sweetness of Eman within this what

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you sort of experience a type of Jannah in this world already. But

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of course, we know the real Jana is waiting for us in the year

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after. So it's a very simple concept. And that is you have your

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two sides of the pen of balance. And on the right hand side those

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your good deeds, and on the left hand side those your bad deeds.

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And at this very moment as we speak some way our scale is

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hanging. Wouldn't we like to see what it looks like right now?

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And shall have you hopeful that all these are Amal counts in our

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favor, insha Allah.

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And then, in Surah, to our off, the word are off in Arabic means

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the elevation or the heights. But this refers to a very specific

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In an era where there are certain individuals who are in limbo,

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meaning they're not going to Jannah you know, they're going to

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Why are they in limbo? Because they ended the lives with the good

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and the bad.

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Exec exactly equal Subhan Allah,

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Wouldn't such a person just kick himself. If I just said one super

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Hannelore extra, if I just gave one sin in the bottom, Allah as a

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sadaqa extra, you don't have to tip my scales. And when you leave

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this dunya and your good deeds outweigh your bad deeds, by the

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slightest amount, that is success. Then Allah is so generous and

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Merciful. Allah then takes the sins that is there, but it's being

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outweighed. Allah converts that into good deeds as well Subhan

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but if it is Allah, ma Ferdinand May Allah protect us. But if it is

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that you end your life, and your sense of the way your good deeds,

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then you feel mushy at Allah. When Allah decides what he wants to do

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with you, Allah will either practices Mercy Me decided to

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forgive you anyway, and put you straight into Jannah. All along,

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my exercise is idle these justice, and you may have to go to the

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incubator for Jahannam for a while to burn away those sins Allahumma

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it is a chance we shouldn't be willing to take and therefore

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there are two things that we supposed to be doing that will

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ensure insha Allah that when we end our lives, it will be with a

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heavy scale of good deeds inshallah. And what are those two

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things? Number one, first step you could look for your art or Eastern

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to good deeds waste no time. Every day that Allah gives every extra

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day. Every extra Ramadan Allah gives us is an extra day to

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In as much good as we possibly can, faster be co located Allah

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says we must compete with each other in good deeds. Take

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advantage take full advantage of the month of Ramadan. We have no

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idea whether we're going to see the end of this Ramadan. We have

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no idea we're going to see another Ramadan, live in the moment take

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full advantage of every single moment of the month of Ramadan.

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And what is the second thing was your favorite team in Europe

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become where Jana and Easton again waste no time, waste no time in

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seeking Allah's forgiveness. Because what happens the left hand

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side becomes lighter and lighter and lighter and this is the month

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of forgiveness. And if there's something that Allah truly loves,

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is forgiveness. Subhan Allah, Allah says in the Hadith Bootsy no

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matter if your sins reaches the clouds in the sky, now the

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narration as much as the form on the sea. Allah doesn't care how

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many Your sins are and how serious your sins are. If you present

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yourself before Allah as a humble slave crying to Allah putting

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forth your weakness, Allah says, I will forgive that person who Allah

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who barely I don't cases Allah, how many sins you committed for

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how long has been sinful, I will see this disenzo I will forgive

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him Subhan Allah and hence we have this dua this most powerful door

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on the Night of Qadr Allahu Allah in Africa are our full wounds to

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Hebrew alpha 510 Allah and this is the two other Sidner Aisha osnovy

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if I find myself on this

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night, what should I say? I want to say the right words because

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this is such a powerful night. simple words few words of Allah,

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you are the Pardoner to Hebrew lafa You love to pardon for Anna

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important us once we have Allah's forgiveness, forgiveness can be

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put into an equation forgiveness equals what Jana once we have once

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you are forgiven we have no sins against our name in his only one

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place for us in that is Jana. So we ask Allah to make this a month

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a month in which we earn His forgiveness inshallah and the

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manner in which we earn his his Jana Inshallah, but always

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remember I will involve this I can go on and on but or India

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always remember this, we are filling out our skills, isn't it

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so, or let's call it the bucket. Let's say you have a bucket and

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you're filling it with water, the water represents the good deeds.

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Always make sure that they are not holding your buckets, because you

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may be flooding your buckets and the water is seeping away. So what

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is the easiest way for you to be losing your good deeds? The

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easiest way is one usage on the tongue. I'm sick alikhan is gonna

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control the usage of your tongue. Reba backbiting Subhanallah This

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is the easiest way you may be forcing a buzzsaw even lay someone

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see him in La Jolla, la posh. Many of you fasting person derives

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nothing from the fast except your anger in and thirst you went

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hungry when thirsty, but by Allah you will not fasting that is you

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if you are backbiting if you are eating the flesh of your Muslim

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brother, May Allah save us inshallah and I'll end on this

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inshallah with our one annual hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen.

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