Riyadh Walls – Taraweeh Program Talk Only Masjidus Sunni (31 Mar 2023)

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The concept of Islam's control over death and the use of a subhanaw taala is discussed, as well as the importance of death and the use of a code of birth to avoid fear of God. The event is called therows, where events occur at various hill locations, including a death certificate being given to a believer, entering a woman named Jana into heaven, and killing a person through a combination of factors. The event is called the hill, and the event is the hill.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hi Carla Tabata, Kota ILF Vicky tobyhanna ICS Vida Villa Jimenez

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shaytani R Rajim

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a nama Turku you drink Kumal note Welcome to the blue jean Fifi Guru

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Ji Moshe Yoda hola hola them. So as promised we are going to speak

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tonight insha Allah Allah we are going to conclude our topic on a

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remote on death he started last night with Kulu Neff since it

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caught will note tonight we heard Aina Mata Kulu. Wherever you might

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be, you drink Kunal note. This will find you out. We'll continue

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the blue jean Bucha yedder. Even if you are in towers built up high

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interference in normal from matura Duna. In

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order for you in a build

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time alone I was one of the analysis. Tell them Oh Mohamed,

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say oh Mohamed Salah Ali, indeed they tend to stay running away

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it will catch up with him. And then they will be returned to

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Allah Hanuman VEDA shahada, the Knower of the unseen and the seen

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world. And then he will inform them as to how they were living

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their lives on this, don't you? So this geometric mean is written for

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everybody, everybody shall taste it, nobody shall escape it. But if

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you say last night, I was wanted to Allah calls it Alia keen

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to call your kin, and worship your Creator and Sustainer until the

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certainty comes to you? And what certainty is that the certainty of

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death? Why because it's the only thing we are 100% Sure is going to

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take place in our lives after we leave the wombs of our mothers. So

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then how does it take place? Allah subhanaw taala speaks about three

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phases of death if you like.

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One is all comprehensive, all encompassing. And that is the

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command and control of Allah subhanaw taala that's the last one

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the title says Allah we have to have fun and fuzzer Hey Namo Tassa

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Allah takes the souls at the time of death. Remember, even if the

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melodica involved umbilical motifs involved.

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The Malaika cannot move one millimeter without a command main

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focus about Dubach from above the seventh heaven when the two

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letters of L curfew and Nguni come together

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for your for your code. Just like with the bird, Allah Mira, we

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looked at photos of

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my young scicluna Illa Rahman Do they not see the bird that is

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above them? So fat opening the wings while you're copying and

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closing the wings? Ah, we think to ourselves, that's how a bird

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flies. Allah negates it and says, my young secona Illa Rama nobody

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keeps that bird up. Except a ramen, the Most Merciful Allah

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subhanaw taala. So whether it's the bird, whether it's the animal,

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whether it's the fish, whether it's the drop of rain falling from

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the sky, or the vegetation springing forth from the earth,

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whether it's the mallet, whether it's the jinn, whether it is Jana,

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with it is not it is all created and sustained and owned and ruled

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and coordinated and controlled by the one Allah subhanahu wa taala

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so that's the first thing we must understand. Allah is the one that

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takes the souls at the time of death they wanted the means that

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unless created for the taking of that soul next verse almost wanted

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to Alice's call

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multiple mode ality whoo killer become familiar have become to

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say, oh Mohammed tell them oh Mohamed Salah Salem there indeed

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it is Malecon Moto is

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the angel of death

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that takes your souls or the takes the souls pulito ufer COMM it

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takes your souls. It is caffeic hitop. Second person, tell them oh

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Mohamed Salah Salem, there it is the angel of death that takes your

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souls but to do a thorough Melaka and let the killer become He that

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has been assigned to you. In other words, that's his portfolio. He is

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the Minister for the lack of a better term. He is the Minister of

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death. He is in charge of that of that portfolio from mela become to

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Jeroen and then to your Lord you will be returned. So Allah

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subhanaw taala is controlling everything even Maliki note,

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Maliki note is given the position of the minister or the agent of

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death, how does he take all the souls in the Tafseer of Imam to be

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there is the code of birth as well as majority of endeavor, which was

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the main students have you been here Abbas, rhodiola and Houma.

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He makes mentioned that molecule mode operates with the world as if

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it is

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his fear of God in the palm of his hand. In another rewire, Dustin

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tossed the top the stars into them of two hot tub SUTA is like a

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water wash bowl you know they handle the wash bowl around just

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before we eat to wash your hands before we before we eat toast or

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even like a tray or like a crucible so Malakal mode literally

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operates with the aroma had dinner with the souls of boneyard of

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under dunya. Like somebody with a bowl in their hands. Yeah, who

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don't mean who Kay failure Shah he takes from that. So take from that

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bowl, from that crucible, whatever he wants. And of course, by the

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command of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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Then we have the next phase, which is the rustle. We're not talking

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about the messengers in as far as those messengers that was sent to

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call us to Allah subhanaw taala, but the messengers of death.

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We've got the agent of death Melikyan mode, and then we've got

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those that are working under him. If an ibis refers to them as our

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new his helpers, and Allah subhanaw taala speaks about this

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also in the Holy Quran, who will who will call Hiro phulkari buddy,

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and he is the Compeller over his servants. Allah is in control of

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everyone and everything while you receive alaykum Haifa and he sends

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you angels to protect you, log but you must believe this with your

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gains you

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always ask Allah for protection and always believe that Allah is

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protecting you

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hotter either Jah to human mode, until this comes to one of them.

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Now the angels of protection, they are canceling.

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Hector either just had the human vote until death comes to one of

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them, tell us to Saluda will whom lie you

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then are messengers, meaning the angels of death working under

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medical note the agent of death, they then pool or take the souls.

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How does this happen? The angels are the messengers of death, the

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angels that work under medical mode, they are synced to pull the

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soul from the trough, from the extremities from the toes from the

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tips of the fingers until it reaches for Lola Isabella till

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until it reaches that part in the throat by in the Turku attain

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between the two collarbones, the point of no return, then it is

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literally handed over to mannequin mode. You know, if we see today,

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how things work in terms of uploading, and downloading and

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transferring and BLU two thing, then Subhanallah we can imagine

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Fionna MLlib in the world of the unseen how easy Allah subhanaw

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taala has made it for us Malika to carry out such tasks. So the

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bottom line is as Allah tells us in the Quran, and this is the

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truth from Creighton sustainable Alameen, that the souls are taken

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by the messengers of death, and then they are handed over to the

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Angel of Death to the agent of death. There is in Alayhis Salam.

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And then that soul is then taken up and shown if it's a believing

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soul, it will come out like water from spouts of a water kettle.

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Allah make us of the believers at the time of Allah grant us a good

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Indian. And if it is a disbelieving soul, then it will

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literally be like a skewer that is being pulled through with cod DWU.

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A serrated, a serrated skewer that is being pulled through with

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recorded wool. That is how difficult and painful the death of

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a disbeliever will be. But for the believer, he will come out or she

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will come out like the water from us spouts of a water kettle. They

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will be taken up and shown the place in the Jana and then they

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will be put in the garden at the gardens of Jana in the Barossa

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until the day when a Salafi blows that horn for the second time for

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either on pm on young guru and then they will all be standing up

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looking on visa to Canada in the grandest courtroom, Imam Al Hakim

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and Allah and the believers will receive the scrolls in the right

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hands and they will be entered into paradise without any account

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Oh Allah make us of them. Oh Allah we asked you in this Ramadan to

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make us of them. Yeah Allah we asked you to write this of those

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whose souls are freed from ever entering the five Jana, and

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gathered under the flag of our beloved Prophet SAW Selim on the

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day of your mock Yama to be entered V Jannetty. Name

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hamdulillah tomato Simeon there will be a clear Malay program

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I saw the poster the effect

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