Riyadh Walls – Masjidus Sunni Fajr talk 7 August 2021

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss various topics related to John Holloman, including his success, challenges in staying in Africa, and the importance of staying in a certain place for a longer period of time. They emphasize the need for consistency in worshipping and keeping track of time spent on a project. The challenges of staying in a mosque and the benefits of staying in a mosque are also discussed, along with the importance of staying in a structure and the need for consistency in worshipping. The speakers advise against spending too much time planning and emphasize the importance of keeping things in mind.
AI: Transcript ©
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lyric for RubyMine

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Molly yet dang for so

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long and John Holloman um you know when you tell how often nurse

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women how only him flb Labelle tweeny You mean when our being

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materiala Here foun woman Lemuel manif Dona Ana la he can't even

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get there Barbie has been um, Georgia airlines Sophie Jahan MMS

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one nil caffine while lady Nyjah had goofy in Atlanta then so Golan

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were in Allah Allah ma Sunni

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love a quote

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Semia long halimun Hamidah

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long Global's?

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Allahu Akbar

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Allah global

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al Hamdulillah you're not benign. I

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mean a man Ibrahimi man you kill me Dini, he cannot be doing yak

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and stallion in the Indiana Sarah Palin was stepping

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in and now I'm dialing him over here in blue behind him on the

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in about poinciana be ganache Eddie. In them who are you bending

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over? You're the one who wants to love food when you're the one

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doing the

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emoji don't normally manually Eid al Qaeda Heidi through Juno they

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their belly lady named Catherine goofy take the while lung me Oh

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Morphe Bell horrible and I'm Majeed. I'm feelin

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my fool love

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me along with him and how many

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Allahu Medina FIM and had a fina FIM and na sa whatever Lana FIM

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and toward late, barbaric learner and female attorney working

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shabdrung Kadoorie. in Quetta booboo Nuala, Yoko the Isley are

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in the Luma one

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zoom and they double down on Ben what I ate, fell and can handle

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either Mercado de Nestor who failed on calendar two in a masala

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Allah wa ala Sayidina Muhammad in NaVi in me while he was be you

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about my son

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Aloha uncle

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah loll Sarah Marlon kumara or

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Stefan last

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are suddenly

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they sit down, I mean

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we've now reached the section

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of the solid Fajr

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until sunrise.

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Allah Allah says what

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was the punakha to cover under salatu Illa Allah Hashem Sigma was

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the Athan Allah azza

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wa jal If so, we know the virtue and the reward in spending the

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time off the Fajr up until sunrise in Africa, in the remembrance of

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Allah subhanaw taala.

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And the strongest opinion is for foreign to remain seated in this

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place, after the Salah, up until sunrise, however, it is some

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say if the lifelong Mahatma does differences among the scholars is

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a form of harassment. So there are other opinions, although we could

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opinions that as long as you are stationed in the mosque, as long

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as you remain in the mosques, so you have the salah to Fudger, you

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may get up and walk around the mosque, and perform your Africa.

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And even a third opinion that says if you have to leave for a duty

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you may leave and remain in in Africa and you would still receive

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the same reward and the same virtue. But either way,

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the first opinions obviously the strongest so if we don't have any

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other obligations to see to then ideally to try and perform the

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first second opinion. However, it is quite hard challenging, perhaps

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myself personally because some of the subject up until sunrise is

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approximately an hour and a half we have to check the time but it's

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approximately an hour or so to remain in Africa for an hour and a

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for me personally is challenging.

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So I found him I found him on the other hand with Donna's advice

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very helpful and useful because it says that ensure that your time

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after the Salah or Fajr is spent or rather divided into four parts

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and that's what makes it easiest This is the first is was the if it

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was if it didn't

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fit the hour. So you spend from now until sunrise a portion of the

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stamp in Doha. So you asked for any worldly gain you also any

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rewarding half year or whatever in need to add that we need to make

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but we dedicate a certain amount of time 1015 minutes just to do ah

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since the second thing the second division is where we'll leave it

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in fill as Gary what has to be had to cut the half is consistency

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second is to spend it in Asgard and SP Hana Allah

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but Asgard and TSB

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a portion of the of this time in Asgard and tsp. The third and I

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don't think it's in any sequence but perhaps Allah Allah He listed

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in a sequence for the specific reason. He doesn't mention them.

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But the 36 is well deferred in future I think Quran. So after the

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test we had of

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that we spend some time in the recitation of Quran if you will

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reciting about the quoted us. One Makhura quoted us three macros.

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This will take

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approximately 15 minutes could take about 15 minutes. And then

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the last piece is what if it didn't fit difficult? Loss is a

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sixth portion of the stand in reflection.

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So he says what do we reflect on what the faculty is when you

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become a Hatha yak reflect upon your shortcomings and your sins?

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See, I bear that in mind your sins and Yo yo yo you it is what toxic

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Erica in your shortcomings fear I bear that in my work in

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worshipping Allah subhanaw taala WHAT THE * Ruby Kelly I call

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Bill Ali or several people are doing

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so. So it's important that not just rather while being consistent

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in worshipping Allah subhanaw taala while being consistent in

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Salah that we do reflect on our shortcomings to perfect that act

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conceit or other diseases of the heart that we mentioned before in

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this into our because I feel I'm someone that I'm punctual masala

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and I've been doing this for some time so, so there is a Hadith of

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the Prophet sallallahu Sallam where the Prophet SAW Selim says,

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The one who is good deeds

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the one who's pleased by his good deeds, and is saddened by his bad

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deeds. He is a believer beta estimate that usability, so there

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shouldn't be there shouldn't be amount of joy and happiness that I

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do perform for a year and I do see to my other obligations that Allah

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subhanaw taala set upon me, but we also need to have time to reflect

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on our shortcomings in doing so.

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So that we remained steadfast. So you know, hustling says what it

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will be to be a radical failure me a young Mc

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What then we'll hire her urologia Mia I Muslimeen. So often now,

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we've made have we've made dua, we've recited some Quran, we've

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made some reflection this will take us approximately this will

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take us up to sunrise. We will then perform salah but just after

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having completed that thesis, we are about to start our day now. So

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it says what 10 Will hydrology me and Muslimeen in 10, good for all

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the believers all the muslimeen what that as a more or less the

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story Luffy Jamia in America in Labrador Atilla hitta Allah and

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then you make a firm intention that I'm going to start my day and

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I'm going to go throughout my day

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without disobeying Allah subhanaw taala my entire day I make

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intention. Now, with my entire day to day Saturday.

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I'm going to spend in the obedience of Allah subhanaw taala

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without disobeying what to first Sophia L. Because let me talk

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below Allah insists and then then just make the intention, actually

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plan on how I'm going to do that. So it's not that we should spend a

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half an hour in planning. It's not that is being unrealistic

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considering all our duties and responsibilities. No, only one was

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really saying is that I know my schedule. So all I'm doing is I'm

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making tension, I'm going to obey Allah subhanaw taala the entire

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day and I'm going to steer away from anything that displeases Him.

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So if I know when, I don't know, someone I our paths crossed,

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perhaps is a colleague at work, whatever the case may be, and it's

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used to

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speaking about people Riba, whatever the case may be, I'm

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making tension I'm going to spend my time in obedience of Allah. And

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I'm going to try and stay away from certain individuals which

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perhaps allows me or makes me fall into into error. What Amalfi they

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Yes, so he says fita he is berbahasa the tester will be how

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you actually plan on how we're going to do so.

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That you can make any coming back to the other car you can make any

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astral you want this be as well praising Allah anything, but try

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and have

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in your car, the following La ilaha illallah wa sallahu la

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sharika the whole called Hungry for yo yo me to who Allah

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coalition COVID La ilaha illa Allah Who molecule How can move in

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La ilaha illallah hula kaha

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Boehner homall artists of affirm Subhanallah Well, this is not one

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long, this is a list that is given number one was La ilaha illallah

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wa la sharika and when to La Ilaha illa Allah when money could have

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been moving and the city La Ilaha illa Allah Allah hydropower hub

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number four Subhan Allah will hamdulillah whether ilaha illallah

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wa Allahu Akbar hola hola La Quwata illa Billahi Lottie and

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Aldine all Africa we are familiar with. And number five support and

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producing Robert Mueller equitable growth and the 600 law Hill Alima

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Hyundai number seven stuff with Allah Allah Allah, Allah de la

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ilaha illa. What are you as a local Toba one

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MACURA et cetera, et cetera.

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stamina, Allahu Malema. Anima are paid for the amount of the enemy

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and mana Dyneema Cadet valerian for orangette Winkeljohn. Nine is

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salawat and the Prophet sallallaahu Salam.

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And the Tintin is Bismillah he levy Lietuva mas me shooting fell

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out of the water for summer it was somewhere in London. So, while we

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can make any article, he advises that we that photo of our squad

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includes that girl that we that we just mentioned, the next section

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will deal with off the sunrise up until I think the word of the

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sunrise almost 100 subhanaw taala upon this understanding and

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steadfastness to implement in this

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manner human anatomy and love and

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love ModInfo Sonata ba was Monza

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know. So the final because online

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