Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Talk Only (30 June 2023) Masjidus Sunni

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of protecting themselves from the virus and social distancing measures. They also touch on the return of theals and the return of theals, as well as the importance of avoiding touching one's body and the potential consequences of throwing a stone in the air. They also discuss the "haste point" concept and its significance in modern philosophy, including the rise of modern ideology and the perennial "haste point" concept. The speakers also touch on the history of the Open Society and the Eastern European church, including their involvement in anti-hardship laws and the potential for gayity to be taken away from society.
AI: Transcript ©
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also villosa Milani min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R

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Rahman Al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam wa

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salam tinware Taslima nearly Connie Bhima call me me real

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Gambia imam in mursaleen

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I showed you in in non law who are legal Solly Hain shedule Anessa

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Yojana when a beginner while demon or have you been a Muhammadan

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rasul Allah, her term will be even more saline solid Lahoma wa salim

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whether the gala has in the beginning I mean, while he was a

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Harvard a liberal May I mean, I'm

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assuming to sit on why they come Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

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once again I'm about to come behind one time behind Mr. Hardy

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was Saldana will have it he will Kurama

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Carlota Baraka watada if he could help you He loves us but other

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roads builder him in a show you found your virgin

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was cool Luffy a do that. For men type JELA fi Oh main if Allah is

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my holiday woman to ask for a fella is smiley, lemonade.

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What duckula Hawala Moo Netcom la heater Sharon, soda cola who

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was one of the Alice's in verse 203 of central Baqarah verse 203,

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of spiritual baccarat

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and remember Allah

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the specific amount of days not do that, my dude that which is

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counted literally.

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Remember Allah subhanaw taala in the specific counted set out days

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meaning the days of tertiary.

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So today, here in South Africa is the 11th of the hijab.

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But in Makkah, and more specifically in MENA, it is the

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second day of tertiary

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for men to Agile if he Yamini further is smiling, and whoever

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makes haste meaning they leave me in today, before the sitting of

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the sun, before Mercury before guru bishops. Fella fella is

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smiling fella is Smiley is no sin on them. The words colors they

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have completed the belting.

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Woman TAZARA maneuver stays for the third day after she'd

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further is smiling. There is no synonym. So either Oh, no problem.

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You leave before mercury. Two days is enough. us stay after mercury,

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you must stay for the for the third day. Even according to the

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Hadith with Abbas, if you wake up in the morning.

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Basically after you've made Salah to measure then you can go and

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pelt the Jamaat and you can leave but you have to stay for the third

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Otherwise you don't have to don't necessarily have to wait to be

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more correct. But you don't necessarily have to wait till

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after a while on the third day to throw you can throw in the morning

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no problem.

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Luminita car

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for the one for the one who wants to shield themselves.

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For the one that wants to shield themselves literally. If you stuck

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where it comes from the word we acquire which means a shield.

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And a person who has Taqwa is a person that shields themselves

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from any type of word, or deed, or behavior,

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that which would bring upon them the displeasure of ALLAH SubhanA

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who ATOD Allahu Akbar

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it's all about Taqwa. Ramadan is about Taqwa Hajj is about taco.

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In fact, what is the provision and also not Allah set out what is the

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most important provision on this journey of hedge?

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From philosophy Hindle hydrophila Rafa Fuzu Kabbalah je de la fille

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Hajj, Omer to five women hiring you hola hola. But as overdue for

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in the Cyrus Zadie taco.

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Most important provision before the journey during the journey and

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even after the journey

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to Allah confirms it at the end of the verse when He says, What

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but ever you do.

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shield yourself from Allah says pleasure.

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fear the punishment of Allah. Be in awe of Allah. Be concerned

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about Allah. In other words, how Allah is looking at us.

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Knowing with your cane with certainty that Allah subhanaw

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If not, does he know everything that is manifest he knows

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everything that is hidden as well.

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Right down to the very thoughts and feelings that we have in our

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hearts, that which we hide in our chests

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are assumed

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to be in the WHO Holleyman. We that is to do with you say

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something in secret or you say it loud in open Allah knows that

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which hides in the hearts of mankind

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and this vicar that we've been making Subhanallah What a

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beautiful dhikr

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I heard it now when I was coming into the masjid Allah, Akbar.

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Allah Allahu Akbar, Allah Akbar la.

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Isla her in love Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar one hand.

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Allah is greater than.

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So that literally means Allah is greater. Then the more cut down,

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the more cut down that which is hidden. Is everyone and

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Allahu Akbar Ming Cooley che.

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Allah is greater than everyone and everything.

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And that is what the Hajaj have been so mindful of when they've

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been pelting the Jamaat

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if they pelted you Murat

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for only

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two days and we include with that geometrical Acaba

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then we are speaking about

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how many stones it's a 70 in total, minus 21 gives us

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Always the teachers are always helpful hamdulillah

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and if you stay for the third day,

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if you stay for the third day, then you're going to pelt in total

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7070 times Bismillah Allahu Akbar

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because you don't have to say Bismillah but the Bismillah should

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be there in everything.

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The Bismillah Bismillah should be there in everything. Follow maybe

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you some of our Salah

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could no Amarin the bell in LA You devil Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim

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for obter edge them

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any matter of consciousness, any matter that you're conscious of

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doing, that is not begun with in the name of Allah. Then it is cut

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off and it is void of the blessings of Allah.

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And Allahu Akbar, who what are we pelting? The Jamara what do the

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Gemora signify? shaytaan

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Allahu Akbar Roman kiya Shavon chiffon

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and that's why some people get carried away you see shoes flying

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and bricks flying

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but they're missing the point.

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It is the intention

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behind the throwing of that stone which only has to be the size of a

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chickpea of a hummus.

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It is the intention why we are throwing

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that stone that pebble which is the size of a homeless Allahu

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Akbar roaming kya Chopin.

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And then when we even on the 10th day, like yesterday was 10 for us

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to ha what were we doing? We were making our body carabin of Dalu

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Hamelin, fumarate Damone, yuroke the man and Hadith at the base

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action on the day of aloha is the spilling of blood in sacrifice. Of

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course. As you mentioned yesterday, Lam Jana Allah Allah

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knew from Wuhan wala Dima

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when I can your nano TacoMan come again Taqwa Taqwa.

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The meat and the blood will never reach Allah says Allah subhanaw

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taala but it is the taqwa from you.

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That Allah consciousness from you that will reach Allah subhanho wa

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As we think about that,

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that great trial, that open and clear test with which Allah

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subhanaw taala tested our Father and His Son, Ibrahim Ali said to

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Salam is May Allah in salatu salam

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but clear trial,

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and every time we make Salam you make that dua

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list after what do we say in masala tea? We're no Sookie, we're

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Maria Marathi Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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that is the fruit of having Taqwa. Because if you shielding yourself

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and I start with myself, if we are shielding ourselves from the

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displeasure of Allah, that means that we are doing everything

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purely for the love and for the sake of Allah.

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And we should be mindful of that every time we make Salah in our

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Salah T. And every time we make Torabi, we're no Sookie and every

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breath that we take

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and the last breath that we take warmer Marathi

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Lillahi Rabbil Alameen is purely for the sake of the one and only

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creator and sustainer of everything in the heavens on

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Earth. Allah subhanho wa Taala

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luxury color

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he has no partner will be thoroughly committed to and with

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that I have been commanded or elemental Muslimeen and I am of

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those who submit and surrender to Allah subhanaw taala.

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Do you want to see me mean?

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Part of the sacrifice

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we're not sacrificing.

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Like in the case. Initially, when Allah subhanaw taala commanded our

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father Ibrahim alayhi salatu salam,

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he commanded him to sacrifice his son. But that was just a test to

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see if he would sacrifice his whims and his fences.

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And once he had sacrificed his wounds and his fancies and any

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or any type of attachment to this world, material or otherwise,

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as in the form of his firstborn son, who we waited 86 years for.

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And once he had sacrificed his wounds and his fancies

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for obedience to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanaw taala called

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out to him. Yeah, Ibrahim

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you have fulfilled the vision. You have passed the test.

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Okay, then you can Nigel Martini.

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And so do We reward the good doers.

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And Allah subhanaw taala sent down the rim.

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So when we make the carabin when we make the outdoor when we

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sacrifice the sheep, when we sacrifice the animals on these

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days of tertiary

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then we think about the fact that we need to be constant sistent ly

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and perpetually sacrificing our whims and fancies, our lusts and

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Because I mean, if you see what's happening

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in the world today,

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then we can see Jim Otto Muslimeen

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that there are many people out there

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that have indeed taken

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their own desires as the God

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they are worshiping their desires.

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They are worshiping the whims and fancies.

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Call Allah Tabata Quwata Allah FICKY tabula Aziz bIllahi min ash

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shaytani R Rajim afara item and Tasha the Allahu Hawa were Allahu

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Allahu Allah. I mean, we're Fatima Allah seminary he will be war Jaya

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Allah Allah Bosetti he is he Schouten for me, yeah, D He mean

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by dilla AlFalah karoun

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Allahu Akbar sorbitol jazzier, verse number 23 Have you seen O

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Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam those who have taken their own desires

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as thy God

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and so Allah lift them to stray knowingly

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they're doing it knowingly.

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Seal the hearing and their hearts and place the cover on the site.

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Who then can God them after Allah?

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If they don't take Allah's guidance,

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who is going to guide them after Allah?

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Will you all love then be mindful?

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Tomato Muslimeen

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I say to myself, I'm not going to make this a long football today.

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So inshallah I'm going to bring it to a close now

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still eight,

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as clump otro libaries for Trafo was in sha Allah Lika otro.

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Tomato Muslimeen

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the Enlightenment which began in the 1700s.

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And was the turning point

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in the

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beginning, or the beginning

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of the change

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in conventional morality

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began in about 1791.

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With the French Revolution,

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when literally

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the state became the church, it was a radical move, the state

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became the church.

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What's so interesting when you really go into

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the Enlightenment period, what you see arising is modern paganism.

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Modern pagans, I'm saying this has been coming on since the 1700s.

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I mean, you have people like David Hume, the Scottish Enlightenment

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thinker, who said, reason should only be the slave of the passions.

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Reason should only be the slave of the passions. I think I mentioned

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in one of my previous posts in this month,

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I mean, this all and when you really look at it, forget about

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conspiracy theories, it's here, it's now it's everywhere. It's

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And what it what's very interesting is that you have with

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the Enlightenment period, you have the rise of this ideology of

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and of the meta religion,

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the perennial philosophy with the meta religion.

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And this meta religion initially looks to be tolerant of other

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religions. But eventually, when we reach the impasse,

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then in order for them to maintain the tolerance, they will have to

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become intolerant of The Intolerant.

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It's what I call the Open Society. George Soros, who studied at the

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the London School of Economics.

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One of his professors was called popper

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who took the

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the Open Society idea for an Hungary Bergson.

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And all of these guys were was somehow connected to the occult as

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well, from free from Freemasonry, we get the occult

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but it's all about reviving paganism.

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It's all about reviving paganism.

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And what is paganism?

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And if you go back to the time of the oldest battle, if we take

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Ibrahim Allyssa to salam to represent outdoor heat, a times in

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the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala speaks about it Mila to Ibrahim,

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the religion of Abraham, which is to hate versus what? When Abraham

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Ali said to Salam, when he was in Carnahan,

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what is he up against the canal at noon, the Canaanites,

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the Amorites, the gebouw sites, the Moabites, the parasites, the

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Hittites, the Hivites. They were worshipping what

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they were worshipping,

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a pantheon of gods of whom the main one was banned.

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Allah Sanatana speaks about it in the Quran.

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With the advent of the Prophet, Ilyas and acela to Salem, who is

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mentioned in the Hebrew Bible as Elijah,

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when he asked, because Bani Israel started to worship the God of the

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and Ishtar, the goddess of altered sexuality.

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And moelis, the god of destruction to whom they sacrificed their

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in 2020, and if you go to the Coliseum now,

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if you go by ticket,

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I can give you directions to the airport. He get on a plane and you

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fly to Rome, and you go to the Colosseum. In the doorway of the

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Colosseum is a huge bronze statue of molift.

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With its arms held out like this, waiting for the sacrifice of the

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Now they say oh, they're just celebrating antiquity. The ancient

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East will then explain to me what happened at the

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at the opening of the Commonwealth Games in 2022. Did you see that?

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Where they brought out this huge bull

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with the female riding on the bull with a light spark in her hands.

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What is the bowl represent? It represents band.

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And when you go to when you go to New York, you can actually see in

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2016 They took the arch of the hull

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and they had it remade

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using 3d lasers or whatever. They had it remade, and they've erected

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it in a park in New York, the arch of Berlin.

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And then, then we come to Ishtar, I stir it, Venus. I didn't know

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this but Venus, the Latin word for Venus, is also Lucifer. But that's

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another topic for another time. Ashtoreth the goddess of altered

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The harlot goddess in Greek poor Nia

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* Gematria Muslim *. You know Allah He I

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knew we were on a slippery slope

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in 1994 when we thought we were liberated, and the first thing you

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saw being opened on every corner, adult world.

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And we've been on a slippery slope ever since Wallah, here we are

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standing on a cliff now ready to jump into the abyss.

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The these three laws that are about to be passed in our

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parliament. The anti hate speech law is exactly what the meter

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religion is all about. This is called the tolerance paradox. You

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see, we are intolerant, we are intolerant towards immorality. We

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are intolerant in terms of as an ideology. We spoke about this the

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other day, we are not going to allow them to teach homosexuality

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and all sorts of sexual deviancy to our children at school are we

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certainly not so we are intolerant towards that.

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We intolerant towards that. The tolerance paradox says that in an

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open society, in order to have tolerance where everything is

00:22:34 --> 00:22:37

accepted, nothing is off the table, then you must become

00:22:37 --> 00:22:43

intolerant of the tolerant thereby, hence, threatening

00:22:43 --> 00:22:48

parents that don't have their children educated in the new

00:22:48 --> 00:22:53

proposed curriculum, including comprehensive sexual education

00:22:53 --> 00:22:55

that they will go to jail for 12 months.

00:22:57 --> 00:22:59

She got the anti hate speech bow.

00:23:00 --> 00:23:03

You see what happened in Finland the other day.

00:23:04 --> 00:23:09

One of the parliamentarians in Finland has been threatened with

00:23:09 --> 00:23:12

two years in jail for quoting the Bible.

00:23:15 --> 00:23:17

Coming to a theater near you.

00:23:21 --> 00:23:24

You see what's happening in California, Scott Wilk, the

00:23:24 --> 00:23:25


00:23:26 --> 00:23:31

representative, he said to his constituents the other day, if you

00:23:31 --> 00:23:34

love your children then flee California.

00:23:35 --> 00:23:39

Because if parents are not going to affirm the children's

00:23:39 --> 00:23:44

transgenderism their children can be taken away from them.

00:23:46 --> 00:23:47

Canada is in freefall.

00:23:49 --> 00:23:54

It's no longer slippery slope, it's freefall. Now, paganism is

00:23:54 --> 00:23:55

taking over the western world.

00:23:56 --> 00:24:00

There is a bit of a pushback from the conservatives in America. But

00:24:00 --> 00:24:02

can you imagine it coming to Africa

00:24:03 --> 00:24:05

and we are the doorway.

00:24:06 --> 00:24:09

We are the gateway, South Africa.

00:24:12 --> 00:24:13

So the anti hate speech bow

00:24:15 --> 00:24:17

Imams, priests.

00:24:18 --> 00:24:20

Rabbis won't be able to explain

00:24:22 --> 00:24:25

the Scripture stance on homosexuality anymore. The

00:24:25 --> 00:24:26


00:24:27 --> 00:24:30

children will be taught Have you seen that? Have you seen that

00:24:30 --> 00:24:34

comprehensive sexual education book? written at the bottom is

00:24:34 --> 00:24:37

it's normal. It's normal.

00:24:39 --> 00:24:42

That is what they propose to teach. That's what they are

00:24:42 --> 00:24:45

proposing to teach in our schools. Have you seen the hardcore

00:24:45 --> 00:24:49

* images that have been illustrated in that book?

00:24:51 --> 00:24:55

Wow, the lines you know what else? You know what another draft bill

00:24:55 --> 00:24:59

that is sitting in our parliament right now. The legalization of

00:25:00 --> 00:25:01

of prostitution

00:25:04 --> 00:25:10

if these three bulls have passed tomato Muslimeen we are off the

00:25:10 --> 00:25:11

edge of the cliff

00:25:13 --> 00:25:16

and we are heading for a society

00:25:17 --> 00:25:19

of depraved

00:25:20 --> 00:25:23

perverse debauchery.

00:25:26 --> 00:25:27

Allah save us.

00:25:30 --> 00:25:35

Allah Allahu Akbar. Allah Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar.

00:25:36 --> 00:25:40

Illa Allah Allah, Allah Allahu Akbar, where he lives hunt

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