Riyadh Walls – Jumuah Masjidus Sunni (14 October 2022)1

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a situation where a man named Rogen is trying to convince someone to go home, but they are not following the instructions. The conversation then shifts to discussing a man named Elaine's struggles with her mother and her father, as well as her desire to have Taqwa for Allah. The conversation ends with a mention of a book called the dawn of perfection.
AI: Transcript ©
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So I love to share

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maybe from a hada in

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me while April mudra whoa Come on we already know confini letting

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to fly home even ever the work of Erica I felt

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the law he helped

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tell Ellie the fee

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if the antenna Zona been a home

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for all over no early on Janna won't

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be him. All in levena Walla Walla

00:00:50 --> 00:00:55

Valley Misty the CFO Luna Thalassa

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Cal boom we are all on a homestead

00:01:01 --> 00:01:09

this room can go home Rogen on the wave way up on on SMS was any new

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home can go home or what be

00:01:15 --> 00:01:15

sending him

00:01:18 --> 00:01:24

Barney phyllanthus McAfee him or

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wall him

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50 fee Him in whom ohada What are the

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militia in

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any Kawada in

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a mall with Becca either in a sci

00:01:53 --> 00:01:55

fi app or than in

00:01:56 --> 00:01:59

the wannabe movie

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see Nina was

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before I left home I was

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sleepy he was a smear man

00:02:17 --> 00:02:18

he knew

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what I was shooting for he hooked me

00:02:25 --> 00:02:26

what normal

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all here Elaine coming Keitha be big Lambo but rally Calima 3130

00:02:37 --> 00:02:38

Dornie he will

00:02:40 --> 00:02:43

will speed enough second man livina Dawn Don't

00:02:45 --> 00:02:47

be louder as you will as she

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home furies routines and higher tone Mia was

00:03:00 --> 00:03:01

the cleaner with

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well pony will help formula people

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the MENA now a * Bobby him for

00:03:29 --> 00:03:32

what he is still the soil wall Kobe

00:03:34 --> 00:03:39

can only issue no pizza show

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out below some Iranian ministry Tanya regime Smilla Rahmanir Rahim

00:09:27 --> 00:09:29

Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

00:09:31 --> 00:09:34

wa salam suddenly what will sell the more solid and what the

00:09:34 --> 00:09:39

Sleeman yearly attorney will come upon me or me it will be your Imam

00:09:39 --> 00:09:40

and more saline.

00:09:41 --> 00:09:45

Why should you or Illa Illa Allah who will your Salah Hain

00:09:47 --> 00:09:51

I shall do Anessa Yojana whenever you know we're all the men our

00:09:51 --> 00:09:58

heavy been a Muhammadan rasul Allah ha Tim will be evil

00:09:58 --> 00:09:59


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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whether the caller has an eight

00:10:03 --> 00:10:09

year old I mean, why early? He was so Huberty. Hilger really may I

00:10:09 --> 00:10:11

mean, am I bad?

00:10:12 --> 00:10:18

Tomato Seimone tomato Muslimeen Salam or Aleikum, wa rahmatullahi

00:10:18 --> 00:10:19

wa barakatuh

00:10:20 --> 00:10:25

Kerala Tabata, Kota Isla cheeky Debbie collages by their own

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builder he may not show your time that regime.

00:10:29 --> 00:10:33

Here you hold ADINA, I'm gonna talk en la haka Ducati

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well Timo Thun,

00:10:36 --> 00:10:37

Thun Muslim

00:10:39 --> 00:10:39

so the Kalon.

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Tomato Sameen in this ayah Surah Al Imran

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is the basis of the Dawa.

00:10:50 --> 00:10:54

That Allah subhanaw taala sent to each and every single generation

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and what is that?

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Number one to have Taqwa for Allah. In fact, this is called was

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here till Oh will you know when?

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When the student went to his teacher, and he said to him, oh

00:11:07 --> 00:11:12

siniakova ud, give me some advice. Oh, my teacher.

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And the teacher said to him, we'll see Kobe, we'll see you till a

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Wehlener. When I give you the advice of the first and last

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generations, there was every single profit

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every single Nebby every single Rasool

00:11:29 --> 00:11:33

that was sent to this world, came with the swasthya came with this

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And then the teacher recited the verse of the Holy Quran, or was

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saying Aladdin, O'Toole Kitab

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And indeed We have given

00:11:46 --> 00:11:47

the advice

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to those who received the Scripture before you as well as

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I need Takala to have Taqwa for ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And what is

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taqwa? Something we have spoken over, and over and over again

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about coming from the word we Acharya, which means a shield.

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Because a person who has Taqwa is a person that is constantly

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shielding themselves

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from the displeasure of ALLAH SubhanA who ATOD so let's wanted

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to Allah says in this verse in Surah, Al Imran oh those of you

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who believe if you claim to be a believer have Taqwa for Allah.

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Haka, Ducati.

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Truly, which means sincerely and consistently, do not waver.

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our anti Muslim own, and do not die, except as Muslims do not die,

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except as those who are submitting and surrendering to Allah subhanaw

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This has to be here right in front of us, for ourselves,

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for our children,

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and for our subsequent generations, this should be our

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They should be our highest concern for us,

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and our future generations to die as

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to die as Muslimeen to die with the Calima of la ilaha illAllah

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Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Last night,

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we had a short program of the celestial Mercury

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under the title of the dawn of perfection, the dawn of perfection

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and I started with the

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