Riyadh Walls – jumuah lecture

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript is a series of disconnected sentences and phrases that make it difficult to summarize. It covers various topics including religion, politics, and culture, including Jesus, Elena, Makoto, and Lilla Hill. The speakers stress the importance of simplification and simplification in facing difficult situations, and stress the need for excellence and mindfulness. The segment also touches on the origin of the verse Makara Allah's use of the word Makara and the need for simplification in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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How's it going guys? So Milani administrator Neutrogena rahmanir

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam Musala and what Jesseman yearly Can you be

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more calm me it will be your e&m in mousseline.

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I showed you in law who really you saw the thing.

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I showed you Anessa Yojana whenever we were all the manner or

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have even Mohamed and are also law,

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thermal MBA, you will know Sally,

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Sally Lahoma was selling whether Rick Isla had an MBA. I mean,

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what Lee he was so Huberty logo really may I mean? I'm not bad.

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Too much was similar Sarah Molly Kamara to La Allahi wa barakato.

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Call Allah Tabata Quwata Allah fie keytab equalises

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by their own Villa him inertia Yutani of regime

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was Bill

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Wilma Sabo Ruka in builder,

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Paula Tarzan, Eileen

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Walla tech goofy Doyle, Kim Jung karoun. In Allah ma leadin dako

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Well, levena home to

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Bismillah R. Rahman r Rahim Suba had a lady so the other day

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so to Allah nothing

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to see me. On Wednesday night we had a short talk,

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just remembering the event of the surround mirage.

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as I was driving, I put the radio on and

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my beloved friend and colleague she smiled Lunt colostrum, Natalia

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Croteam long life in Elizabeth audience and using for the benefit

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of the Omar Mohamed Salah lawyer

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and he brought something to my attention.

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You know, we have something in the Quran called TR t bo sewer,

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tr T, a sewer,

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which is basically the sequence in which the chapters of the Holy

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Quran are arranged.

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And then, of course, there is a hikma

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Hekmat Allah Hill vallila, the ultimate wisdom of Allah subhanaw

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taala as to how every Surah begins, and how every Surah ends,

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and how the surah that then comes the after begins and ends and so

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on and so forth. Hello Mogera

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so she has Marian brought to our attention, a very important point.

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That if we look at the last verse

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of Surah tonight,

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which is the chapter before certainly saw, then you really get

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a better insight into this great gift that Allah subhanaw taala

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granted to our beloved Prophet Muhammad Salah Salah, we get a

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better insight into this great relief

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that Allah subhanaw taala granted our beloved Prophet Muhammad

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Sallallahu wasallam after going through a number of years of trial

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and tribulation,

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we're not only he as an individual, but the OMA at large

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was tested severely in Makkah, Tomoko Roma, in the years of the

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When they were cast out of Makkah, nobody could do business with

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them, nobody could marry them, nobody could aid them.

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So if you look at the end of Surah Nahal,

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the last two verses,

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this is verse 127, and 128 of Sultan,

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Allah Subhan Allah Allah says by the owner below him in a shaytani

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R rajim. Was beards

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or spears.

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I think before we go any further, it's important to understand

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where this word comes from. Now there are four main sciences in

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Arabic language, four main sciences. I don't think there's

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the only sciences but these are the four main sciences

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And what are they is now just grammar sort of, which is

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basically how words are built from the root letters. Then we have a

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look at total margin via a look at the Jamia meaning in fact that's

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what a dictionary is called in Arabic is a margin

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because it contains a collection of all the vocabulary used by the

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Arabs and the meanings for which those words were coined.

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Very important sites are located more Jamia, where does this word

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come from? When you in find in fact, when you find its origin,

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you get a better understanding of how it's being used in the

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sentence that you're analyzing.

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And then, of course, I'll Bulava which is the use of metaphors

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stylistics, rhetoric etc.

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So let's analyze this word summer.

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This word summer comes from the word Sabirah.

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Or Cebu

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which is actually it refers to the aloe plant and the bitter juice

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that is extracted I'm not talking about the ello juices that we buy

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on the shelf that you know Prusa like a certain whatever else is in

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there Allah Allah.

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But the aloe juice that you extract from the aloe plant, being

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the bitterest of old plants.

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Now we have a better understanding of what Saturday is all about.

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So Allah subhanaw taala says to a beloved Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Bill

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wa Saba Ruka illa biLlah.

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Be patient and persevering

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and your patience and perseverance can only be attained with the help

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of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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It's also metallus Telling our beloved prophet Salah Salem, you

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just make the intention to be patient and persevering. And Allah

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will make you patient in persevering

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while spiff Rama Cebu LUCA in La Villa is only Allah subhanho wa

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taala. That is what Tawheed is all about. Not just not just repeat

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the third time, not just La ilaha illallah that's the foundation,

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Lama Abu Dhabi, Huck Finn Illallah there is none worthy of worship

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besides Allah, it's the foundation.

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But there is also no creator, no cherisher no nourisher no

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Sustainer no manager, no controller, no helper, no

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no ground to have refuge

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in the heavens and on earth besides Allah subhanho wa Taala

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that is to hide

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while spear Rama Cebu hookah illa biLlah.

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Well, it doesn't allow him

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Don't be saddened

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but also metallocene to not be new.

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After he informed him a lay you mean I mean, how will make an ill

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man other airmen

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that nobody else is going to believe? Oh, no.

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La salatu salam, except those who have already believed for that

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type of tastes. Fela Tabatha is Bhima Kanu Yama, Lu. So don't be

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saddened. Don't be grieved about the fact that they rejected you.

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And continue to disbelieve that's not your job.

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What is the job of the of the reason?

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And they all said it Wilma, Elena, Ill the level will be we are not

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duty bound except just to give over the message.

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And so our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam like Nebby no highlights salatu salam and all the reason

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at all perform the duty and given over the message Allah subhanaw

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taala put their hearts at ease by telling them

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but that doesn't mean don't be certain about what the coalition

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the disbelieving coalition is doing to you. Or the fact that

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they are rejecting you, or the fact that they are boycotting you.

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When I took coffee baking a day

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is basically

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people sort of

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know don't be overcome.

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Don't let your chest become narrow and afflicted with worry and

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with fear about that, which they are plotting. Well that took off

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he didn't remember him. karoon

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young cool. Do you want to see me just a side note

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A very often we hear in the community so and so says, you

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know, I wanted to

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I wanted to go to Gainesville yesterday.

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I planned to go to gatesville yesterday, but you know, as Allah

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says, well MK well Makoto Makoto, Allah.

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Please don't use that for yourself as a Muslim as a movement, or for

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any other believer for that matter. Because this verse were

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Makkah who were Makara Allah will allow Halal Mercury has got to do

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with the disbelievers on this rebuking them.

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Allah subhanaw taala. In fact, he is telling us that they plotting

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because that's what the word Makara means marker, I am Kuru

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Macron means to plot. It isn't an action, which is evil. It has evil

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So let's want to dialysis. We're mercurial. And they plot the plot

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against the believers. They plot against the deen of Allah, for

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market Allah. But Allah subhanho wa Taala why this Allah's use the

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word when Mecca ALLAH, do you say that Allah plots? No, no, no.

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In actual fact, I'm going to bring another verse to your attention

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just to get this Subhan Allah, Allah, this, these are the verses

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that really,

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you know, if a believer is feeling a little bit down a little bit

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despondent, about the way forward for us as an ummah, it's these

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verses that Subhanallah lighten that burden, in fact, liberate us

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completely and totally from this burden. Listen to the words of

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Allah subhanaw taala in Surah to rod will cut the maca lady naman

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carboline salaallah mcru. Jimmy I'm an indeed.

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They plotted those who came before them when all the reasons were

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plotted against by the disbelievers. Allah tells us for

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Lilla Hill mcru Jamia German, meaning that they plots are also

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part of his plan, Allahu Akbar, they plots also part of Allah's

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plan. In other words, I was want to tell us in Cerebro him what the

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macaroon buckram why in the Lima crew

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and indeed, they plotted the evil plots. But with Allah is the plot.

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It's part of Allah's plan. So don't you even give it a second

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thought? Don't you even worry about it? Allah subhanaw taala who

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Allah condition in Cadiz is power of all things.

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When I take coffee, they came in my young Quran, Allah subhanaw

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taala says to the Prophet, Salah Salem so don't be overcome with

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worry and anxiety. Don't let your your chest become restricted. It's

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the opposite of you know, inshallah Asada, alum natural like

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azadirachtin, the opening of the of the heart and the chest. This

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is the opposite deep, which means restriction. When I took off, he

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didn't remember I am cool. Don't be overcome with worry and anxiety

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about what they are plotting against you, you know was one of

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dialysis in Allaha ma Lavina. Taco.

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Giorgio was the mean, I want you to understand why I'm speaking

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about this. I am trying firstly for myself

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and need for all of you to simplify the way forward. Paula,

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we need to simplify the way things are not going to get easier. And I

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don't say that because I'm a pessimist.

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But our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he

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said, hadal Curonian karmi the best of eras is my era generations

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is my generation, from my Lavinia Luna home, then those who come

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after them from my Lavinia Luna, those who come after them.

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So we have seen a digression

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through the history of the Ummah of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam.

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In fact,

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we might be at our lowest point at the moment,

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but should we be losing heart?

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Should we be giving up? Should we be becoming despondent and

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despairing love Allah, relax? This is the time we really need to hold

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on together. Well, tossin will be happily lovely Julian.

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And all of you hold on to the indestructible rope of Allah

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together and do not be divided amongst yourselves.

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We just need to call it this. simplification. Look at us, Allahu

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Akbar. simplification.

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In Allah. May Allah even tackle. Indeed Allah is with those who

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shield them say

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else that's what the call means.

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Because the word taco comes from the word we call it which means a

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shield. A person who has Taqwa is a person who shields themselves

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from the displeasure of Allah. Before they say something, before

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they do something, they ask themselves, is Allah going to be

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pleased? If the answer is yes Bismillah in the Name of Allah, do

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it, say it. But if Allah is going to be displeased, a stop for Allah

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may Allah forgive me for even thinking about it in the first

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place. Allah is with those who are careful for him who are concerned

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about how Allah looks upon them.

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Your concern is Allah pleased me are displeased. This is the

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essence of Taqwa.

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Curl is a new era Dakka Dakka was not commercial folk folk out of

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the shoki era.

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Era in Najeeb, elemental Hassan. We have mentioned this poem a

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number of times, beautiful poem, the poet says, Leave sins, major

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ones and minor ones. That is taqwa. That's the essence of being

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a monarchy.

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And make like a person walking on a road for the thorns. I think I

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mentioned the other day, that Al Hamdulillah this road that's got

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thorns on it. The spaces of this most spaces when they were they

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were they all thorns of humbleness, Devi is not difficult

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when ma John Ali confit didn't even have Raj. Allah hasn't made

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any Patos religion difficult for you. It tells us in fact, how much

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means discomfort. Allah hasn't even made any part of this

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religion uncomfortable for you, let alone difficult.

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So there are more spaces then then phones but you still need to watch

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we put our feet last.

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Don't belittle a small son. In algebra, elemental hustle.

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Mountains are made up of small stones. So that's the first one

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taqwa in Allah Allah in a taco. Well, Lavina whom you see new,

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well Latina Whoa, merci No,

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and those who are always striving for excellence.

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In the LA Catalunya Santa Ana coalition, Allah has written

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excellence for everything. Allah has written excellence or the

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striving they have. The striving de for Allah has written

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everything. Even when you slaughter

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a sheep or an animal, you have to make sure that the blade is sharp.

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You have to make sure that the blade is sharp that is sun so that

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the animal doesn't suffer.

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Allah wants us to be striving for excellence in everything that we

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are doing.

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Even if it is when we meet each other. laughter can fisheye and

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wallow and Takahata be watching him tolerating. Don't belittle any

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good that you can do. She's a beloved Prophet SAW Salem, even if

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it is meeting your brother. And I make clear Brother to brother

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Sister to Sister, even if it means meeting your brother with a nice

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Or sisters when they meet each other, meeting each other with a

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nice face.

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This is your son and to do it in such a way to do it in such a way

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as the definition of your son goes and tabula rasa and the Katara to

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worship Allah as if you see him.

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But if we don't do it, as if you see Allah

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but we can't see him led to the equal applesauce. What do you do

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cannabis on the eyes perceiving that buddy perceives or the eyes

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and if you don't see him says the Prophet Salah Salem for inner who

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Europe Then verily know that he sees you in the law magazine dako

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we're living in a homeless you know, Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim

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Subhana Allah the SR, BRB BRPT.

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After going through those trials and tribulations

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