Riyadh Walls – Fajr Talk 25 September 2021

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The transcript describes a group of people discussing various topics, including a woman named Leila in Killeen and a woman named Amy in San Francisco. The group also mentions a woman named Amy who is working on a machine and a woman named Amy who is a mother. The transcript describes a series of unrelated and disjointed statements and phrases, making it difficult to summarize. The speakers also discuss the importance of the rule of 50 ruling and the use of hada hada to connect with someone and avoid liabileness, and mention a Senator working on a plan.
AI: Transcript ©
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hola kebab.

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Bismillah R Rahman Rahmani Alhamdulillah Bella, let me you

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know Walkman Rahimi Maliki, dini? Khanna, boudoir, Iya Khanna Stein

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in the inner circle, stepping up and letting

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bow or knee pain

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Johann Muslim men enough to meet Leila in Killeen, and it's

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going to mean funny.

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I was calling him out on training

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in Santa Monica tonglen serpina In Nana she here I shall do Otto Ouko

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I'm hoping in like effing Saba hyung Bowie. What the code is

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smell on bacon whatever. Then he taburiente

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machine EP one

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in Horford is working

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what's been

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going on dude

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Jeremy was helped me when they been all in Matthew warmer

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in Aladdin.

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Again, I'm wondering

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what time and I was watching other than any metal beautiful outdoor

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again and in Juba, Lucchesi even Mahina in Albertson in Como rasool

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and hidden island you can

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in a few hours soon

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for also off it was all alpha alpha alpha them why being

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fat can affect that the Puna in CAFO to me a woman alone willing

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Dan and she Osama felting be good and I want to do whom

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in the camera

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tell Florida you know be savvy

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sent me a lovely man

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all about

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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Blockman Ibrahim A man who came with Dini Yeah, can I be doing it?

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Yeah, can Stein, Indiana Sarah, stepping out Tony Levine and I'm

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telling him why he didn't do him. Bow or knee pain

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in our back

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get a boom. I mean

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anyone who wants to loosen up or infant

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will love you but they will let you know when

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I name and learn to move at

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football is still Amina

00:05:29 --> 00:05:31

Alima say Hakuna

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Munna booty Boone Bebo with a wound I felt he was called goon

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well I'm called when I got in on and she said being in

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uma das so I mean, what our theme was sada to

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La law has been has no woman to cut them only fusi come in

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claiming that you do I am the lawyer who I'll call you. I want

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to draw what's still federal law in the law. I have a photo

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blocking me. Love

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me I love women Hamidah

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Allahumma Dena FIM and heading wa fina FIM and say, whatever Lana

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FIM and

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alberic Lana fime

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Joaquina short drama called

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for in Quetta coulda Nuala Jacobo Isley we're in moolah I didn't

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know my one. Yeah, I assume and they double down on Ben I want to

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I felt like I can handle Corbin Nice. Nestor Rufino Kelowna to

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masala Allahu Allah St. Edna Mohammed in NaVi in me while he

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was beating you about

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a little globe

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Aloha kebab.

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Aloha welcome

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Santa Monica kumara Metallo a Santa Monica kumara Metallo

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as the last

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of vanetta Coburn in Atlanta semi on

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the handle pick up the phone or send him an item or something

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we continue in the length of Arcata Anna

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was the following chapter.

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Color Masonic Rahman Lata Alana found along

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way I'm Barry Lynn moody, Allah is Allah.

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Allah is Allah Allah to hurtin Akula our Salah raka thing, he

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says is the Masonic rahamallah

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Allah says that it's encouraged for every moody for every seeker

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on the path to Allah subhanaw taala that he does not oh sorry

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that he continues, he remains in a state of Tahara.

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He remains in

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he remains in a state of voodoo Aquila, whenever he used to do

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breaks, that was our Salah raka attain, he performs we'll do a

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performance ablution and pledge to raka arts of

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us of Nuffield.

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Why in Canada, Mota Halen

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and if he is married, and approaches his spouse, tell you

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bad bill, Salman and Jana Phil worked, you should hasten to

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perform who settles

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while I am Consul General been and should not remain in a state of

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major ritual impurity. So we made the point, we made a point once

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before, that sometimes the 50 ruling would permit something or

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two wouldn't be prohibited. However, there might be some

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dislike sunkara in it. And just because of the camera, we would

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often take it lightly, but they are

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spiritual consequences for

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perpetrating those those rules. And this is this is one of those

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things to remember had that are hemella to Anna reminds us that we

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need to hasten to perform coastal if we are in a major ritual, state

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of major ritual impurity. And is it haram to delay the huset is not

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haram. It's my crew to delay the onset lets my crew to eat. When

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I'm in a state of major ritual impurity. It's my crew to sleep

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when I'm in a state of major religion to decide how am I won't

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be liable, punished for it, but they are spiritual ramifications

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for it. And elsewhere, Imam hada does mention that, that it forms

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as a barrier between you and Allah subhanaw taala in terms of

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connecting, so for that reason, he he encourages he urges us to

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hasten to perform a major hustle for major ritual impurity. Why is

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that? You know, the Whammy Tahara how do we try and lengthen the

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speed of Tahara? Certainly we don't want to perform or do every

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five minutes. So it says basically little

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by eating less fat in the lady you CSIRO, UCLA, hula hula harder to

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cathedral, whoever eats a lot is going to is going to pass when the

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left is going to need the toilet or not etcetera, that that should

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lay him down warm to alcohol then it becomes very difficult for him

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to remain in the state of the Hara. What futility actually are

00:12:54 --> 00:13:00

you on my own on a Saturday? And in eating lists, or eating lists

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assists one to stay up at night? Well who I mean actually we're not

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affiliated and this is from the from from the most

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actions of the one who seeks Allah subhanaw taala what are the

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younger alien Maria hola que la isla and forgotten it's necessary

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for the for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala not to eat except

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when he's hungry. While I Annamma Illa and Halliburton and not to

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sleep except when sleep overpowers him well ethical dilemma in Luffy.

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And not to speak except for a reason while you while you're to

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add and manage healthcare in Canada, the whole theme color to

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HIPAA and not to mix with any individual any people in the

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company except that in that company, there will be some

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benefit from an actual UCLA plus Apple boo and whomsoever eats

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excessively hot becomes hard or circular jewelry HAVO and these

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lamps become heavy and in order to perform either walk or throttle

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calculated or cathinone will collapse and excessive eating,

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invites towards sleep. And, and, and an unnecessary speech. What

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moody do either Catherine Omaha color Mimosa irida To also Ratan

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la portada and the so called seeker of Allah subhanaw taala. If

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he has excessive sleeping or rather he sleeps a lot.

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And he eats a lot speaks a lot. Then he's this Iran this urge that

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he has to say that to treat the path towards Allah subhanaw taala

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he says this is just a surah this is just a a a picture law happy

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but that there's no reality to it. And then he ends up with a hadith

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where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says,

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ma'am Allah, Adam, we shot him in botany he the son of a

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them doesn't fill a vessel more harmful than his than his stomach.

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We in the net note Bismillah Devarakonda. Allah will continue

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with the next chapter. Tomorrow we pray that Allah subhanaw taala

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grants us the understanding and the ability, the ability to to

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implement him from the enemy. Sidner Muhammad Vonda and he was

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officiated mine along with antenna fusina Taqwa was the fireman who

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been a Senator. Senator working on either one Nope. So Hannah Baker

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belongs to that most phones

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