Omar Suleiman – When the Sahaba Caught Laylatul Qadr – Reminder

Omar Suleiman

AI: Summary ©

The speaker discusses their favorite narration about the Prophet sallavi based on a story about a woman caught a profit from a fruit slice. They also talk about a woman named Audrey who refuses to give any further information and a man who claimed to be the Prophet. Later, the speaker describes a scenario where a woman named Audrey and her mother were approached by a man who claimed to be the Prophet and refuses to share any news. The narrator describes the woman doing arity coffee inrow and recounts her feeling like she was in a dream. Lastly, the speaker describes a recent night where a man named Pamela was playing a game of auctions and was asked about his nightly routine.
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Want to actually share one of my favorite narrations about a little puddle. And I want us to imagine speaking to the Sahaba ourselves and gathering from them. A story about them catching a little color with the profit slice on them. And this is truly one of my favorite narrations, and especially fits the theme of speaking about knowing the Prophet sly some and meeting the Prophet slice on visualizing the Prophet, slice alum. And seeing yourself as a companion of the messenger it his Salatu was set up. So the narration is in our body and it's narrated in several different authentic hadith about the same incident. But this one is my favorite because the way that it starts off, it's

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narrated by a cinema Ibn Abdul Rahman Abu Salah, maybe not that Imam or Hema Allah tada what are the Allah who I'm who says that I asked Abu Saeed Al hodari or the Allah hotel I'm home. Can you come and walk with us so that we can speak to you and ask you some questions about the Prophet sallallahu wasallam now why is this so beautiful? First and foremost, does anyone know who I was? selama man is

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Who do you think that a man is? He's a Tabori Abu Salah Ivanovna Rahman Ibn who's the most famous of the Imam from the Sahaba right now making it too easy for you guys. I've done not have been Oh, well the Allah has had an hoh. So this is Abu Salah Ibn Abdul Rahman Ibn ohf, the one of the 10 promised paradise I'm that I might have been overall the whole time it was cinema. His son was one of the seven Football Hall of Medina, one of the seven jurors of Medina from the tub Burien, a great scholar from the tambourine. And Abu Salah narrated from many of the Sahaba of the Prophet slice, I'm not just as father so we often find that some of the Sahaba had children and those children of

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course, tambourine would narrate from their parents and then a limited circle, all of a sudden my mom went to multiple companions of the Prophet slice them and became actual students of the companions. So he goes double say either Audrey or the Allahu tada and Whoa, a noble Companion of the Prophet slice on and they are all noble, but one of the most elevated companions and he said, Can we walk and talk so he and others say he starts to walk in a garden? And he asks I will say that for three Can you recall anything about later than others? Like what can you share with us about labor from Qatar? So I will say that it gives him this narration, he says that it was normal bond

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and we did arity calf with the Prophet slice on them in the middle 10 days of the month, so it was not yet clear to them that lay that in Qatar was in the last 10 nights they were in the middle 10 days of Ramadan and they were with the Prophet slice I'm doing arity Cafe in Ramadan. So anyway, by the time the 20th day came, he said we went home we finished the middle term and then we went home assuming that either they caught it or they didn't catch it but because nothing had happened they just didn't know and we know that the profit slice of them said that he was caused to forget later to cut that why because he came out and two companions were arguing with each other and the profit

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slice um, says I had it but roofie out it was lifted. But it's not like that was cruelty from Allah. He said, I saw in your corner fight or not calm that may be better for you. So he said seek it out instead. And of course we know seek it out in the last 10 nights. So back to the story. You came to the muzzle of the Prophet slice on them you did era t calf with the profit slice on them, his tent was pitched the middle 10 nights, then he went home and they all went home.

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Then I will say that all the time who says the prophets lie some came out to us one night in the last time. And also last lie Sallam said I saw this dream where I was doing sudo in my unclean in water and mud.

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So it was a rainy night. And it's a sign of Laila the other for the profit slice. Um, so I just saw a dream that I was doing sujood and it was later to Qatar and I was doing sujood in the mud. So the profit slice I'm set so whoever amongst you is doing charity Caf come back to the masjid. So I would say either the Allahu anhu said all of us that were with the Prophet slice. I'm in the middle, tonight's we quickly came back to the masjid to continue our empty calf. And he said, we looked at the sky, and there was not a cloud in the sky. So it was a clear night. So the assumption is maybe this is a night to come ahead. Then he said, we all gathered back in the message to do air takeoff.

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And he said, suddenly, this cloud came right over us. Hello, completely clear sky calm night. There was no rain whatsoever. And this cloud came right over us. That's a panel I was recounting after hedge. The last hedge we had prior to COVID just how the clouds is formed right over us in autofest. So Pamela So I was thinking about as I was reading this narration so he says we're in the message and the cloud

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came right over us, and it started to rain. So we started to pray. And the Prophet slicin was leading them in prayer. And he said, and I remember the Prophet slice lm and of course, the Salah of the Prophet slice of them was long and beautiful. And he said the Prophet slice on his face was covered in mud Subhan Allah, so exactly as the dream that he had seen it his slot was set up. What night was this? By the way?

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narration comes in a few different narrations. What night was this of the last 10 nights? It was the 23rd night. The 23rd Night In fact, I would say there'll be a lot of time who says it and some of the other companions recall it and they say the 23rd night it's actually one of the strongest evidences for the scholars that say that we don't know that's the 27th night. There are a group of the mountain it's not a fringe opinion. But take the evidences that suggest this the 27th night and they say it is the 27th night some of the Sahaba right thought it was the 27th night but this is one of the strongest evidence is those companions that witnessed that with the Prophet slice them that

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year, that it rotates amongst the last 10 nights and that was the 23rd night. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to allow us to catch later through college. We ask Allah subhana wa tada that whatever night it is, in these last time, that we are not deprived of that night, may Allah subhanaw taala allow us to find it with open hearts with longing hearts. May Allah subhanho wa Taala allow it to be a means by which he rewards us forgives us and enters us into jonatha dose and the companions of our of our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam along I mean, does that come along later. And I'll keep it short because I don't want them to make sujood in the mud as well. So just knock them off. I

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don't know like when I'm selling tickets.

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