Omar Suleiman – Wednesday Night Surah Fajr

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The segment discusses three types of loss: loss of work, family concerns, and lack of satisfaction. The loss of work is a loss of habits or lack of satisfaction, and it is important to find a person who is not a generalist. The importance of being a leader and a believer is emphasized, as well as finding a person who is not a generalist. The segment also touches on the loss of war veteran Kennedy and the importance of being present during chaos times.
AI: Transcript ©
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When I'm

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about to crack the total

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a lot of money

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coming in our army come down to the last few as this beautiful soul and a lot of time runs out and calls out to the soul and imagine Harrison applauses he says the lost switches from third person to second person A lot of us and he lost a tablet speaking to us it's kind of like you are being you are hearing these words being recited to at the moment instead of a loss of power of sadness you know speaking about us in the third person goes without agenda we asked the last concept to make this simple amongst them.

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So for example,

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he was talking about the view before as to that person when that happens, this is how you react this is how you react this is how I react here along says yes

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overview soul that is well rested at peace that have serenity serene soul. So a lot of times I was talking directly to the person and imagine this is being said to you now from the sorry, the last time he says these are Yeah, that we hear it the other this is what it says is the believing soul body on loss of time, what's the timing of it, I feel all the time with is done in the in the final moments of his life as he's transferred. We know from it for

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a long time, I know that when the angels come down, and the angels from an agenda come down, and they take the soul and they wrap it up, and the angel of death sentence to the soul, and yet to have enough supply either Oh, pure soul, good soul, routine, you know, out of the wanting to come out to the mercy of a lot of pleasure, and the soul comes jumping out. And as a supervisor of numbers paraphrasing the long political explains these angels then take the soul up with a sense of entitlement with a perfume with an agenda. And then a quote from about a dinner going through. By having by having by Heaven, and the angels are all calling it by its best names and following them

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along with it escorting it to a loss of hundreds Allah 218 this process in terms of our time, we can't quantify it we can say that this takes place in 10 minutes, the whole process of going from the soul, you know, or the soul going from or leaving his body going into a loss of time once again, we can't say that it takes probably five minutes or 30 seconds because it all happens so fast. It all happens so fast. And of course in the situation of a city even while he's dying he can see these places and gentlemen

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happened so fast. So we will be the one speech on the last kind of Rosana Jada answer.

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Oh soul, that is a serene that is nice, that is rested. Now there are three types of souls as we know, the creative ones are not there to add another nice amount of

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the soul the self that commands itself with evil. Right now you're not born that way. You're born on football. You're born here or whatever a person consistently since he become so addicted to that sin that his nose actually starts to command them with evil, his Narcissus as more of a job on him and shame on he doesn't need the whispers of shame on anymore. He doesn't need anyone to dump dirt on his on his blog. His clock was already dirty enough and it's accumulating dirt by itself. So the suit commands itself with evil, that we have wicksell piano

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and the numbness and

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the soul that chastises itself and holds itself accountable. And this is a good soul. This is a soul that it does bad and it can be this bad here and there but it's holding itself accountable criminal has never commits back in chastises itself right away, it attaches to the self and not because of any external circumstances. It holds us all accountable by the standards of the last time so it always ends up returning to Allah. But the third one and this is the ultimate one and enough to

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the soul that is at peace of mind is behind the soul. It's a soul that holds itself and does not allow itself to commit wrong or it only falls into minor sins here and there but it comes back to a loss of habits Allah very fast and on top of that, no matter what happens to have it in terms of hearts and matter when it comes to the terms of hardship it's always pleasing to the last time as

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wonderful as the affair

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Believe it or what good happens to him, he events a loss of having Woods Island increases the loss of habitat, and that's good for them. And bad happens to him. He's a patient and he praises the loss of habitat, and that's good for him. So he's always in a good situation. So this person is an innocent of movement in the rest of the soul. Now, what is the connection to the rest of the soul? Now let's just let's go back, let's go backwards. The section that comes right before this is talking about a certain type of person, family concern.

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And so on so forth. Because right before the divorce of the solar, it's talking about a person whose life is in shambles. His wife is, you know, he's whenever good happens to him. He's pleased. He says, My Lord is honoring me both. whenever that happens to him, he's displeased. He says roughly a half mile road is going out of his way to humiliate me, he blames God. He says, what kind of God is this, why is a lot different to me than last time, which Allah mentions the way that this person used to act whenever you had the money to criminal your team, you weren't doing any good with your money. This is a person who's a who's a wreck. And in this life, he's never really satisfied, right?

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He's only satisfied when his situation is good. And the fact of the matter is that there is no human being that walks the face of the earth who was always in a good mood, where his circumstances are always the best circumstances, you always have your pitfalls. Now, sometimes the late fall is more minor than another person's pitfall. Sometimes your pitfall is that you lost your cell phone rather than another person, you know, lost his means of living or lost his food, or not. Everyone has some sort of pitfall that could ruin his day or ruin his week, or ruin his month, or whatever, the way you react with them, if you don't have their moments of a loss of time, or you're always upset,

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you're constantly in shambles. And you will never be pleased. You have no pleasure in your life whatsoever. And then when they meet Allah Subhana, WA, tada, you know who you need to be.

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When he sees everything going on around him the proceedings of the Day of Judgment, he says, We wish I would have, would have prepared for my life. He's calling his life, the opposite of meaning everything that I lived was not life. And that's the

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elaboration of the role of others, nor life except for the life of the architect. So a lot of times is to ask a person whose life is erratic, who's not really stable and healthy. But this is his general number. Because as the proper size and stuff and we're going

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to need a system that can do this life is the person of the labor. And it's the gentleman's it's the paradise of the Catholic. But even in this paradise of his, he never really finds purpose, he never really finds happiness, and things are good, he's happy, things are bad, and he's unhappy. So he's constantly on this roller coaster. That means a loss of data. And it's even worse, it's even worse than the day of judgment because he realized he made no use of his time. Now that was kind of out against the school. And that's

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not enough, not a soul that will be at least a school that's already in peace a lot is calling it the Bible's identity.

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So not only are people allowing you to sit down, listen, first and foremost, a lot of us these the situation of this person who's constantly in shambles in this lifetime,

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now was telling us about the soul at peace. Now look at the perfect composition of the soldier and I'm gonna show him a lot. He said a lot of kind of wins out started off the surah telling us about the things that make us all that peace, that giving that soul case, remember we said that the owners of a lot we don't you know, we have to study into this here to understand what they are a lot of four by four things whether that is what I

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was shuffling when, when Linda either used for things that was kind of titled swore by an emotional candidate. So these are the four things that get a piece to this person. So Pamela, think about this, we talked about at first when they added Nash, what are they? What are the tournaments that what are the two ways that was talking about the first 10 days of the above so they loved them and so and they are not our time for DACA is locked to the white board you can you see for people who already have the problems like some set of my own has been blessed in the morning time. You could come to Salafi fencer and whenever you come to Salafi Ukraine tomorrow, you've gotten the reward of

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half over the night and piano lid or small slice of themselves. enough so you wake up with a good spirit. A good morning has like has already been rewarded all if he recites going on and makes Dickens a lot of time within an hour and he's already got the reward of hash with already within an hour already has the reward of having

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So there is a buffer in that time so that it gives him pleasure that makes him satisfied. Because he knows he's being productive with his time when they had an outage, and then the 10 days of the what's the connection? as, as the profits, a little Walmart, you know, some upside down and yeah, it could be hidden in a lot in Indiana, but there are no Sundays that are more belonging to the last time than a nice sunny days. Right. So anything you do with these 10 days is multiply, multiply, multiply. So a person doing good deeds does his life he finds pleasure, right? That's the problem. Sly Stone says he does a lot of cas. And it was sad to say,

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when your good deeds make you please make your hobby and your bad deeds make you sad. You know, you're a believer that you don't have to decide when you feel good. And when you do good when you do good, but at the same time, not arrogant, but good. Because you know, you're being productive, you know, you're getting close to the last kind of two out of three, those needs that much suffering when one and the evens, and the What did we say this was?

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What did we say this was?

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Everything is even except for the last kind of the last panel exam, it isn't alone, right? Everything has a pair of a lot of time equated with everything as well as characters. But on the last panel, it's not it is alone, meaning what you draw close to a loss of Hannah Montana, and then the last Fantasticks will leave either Yes, guess. And they might as it goes away. And the night as it goes away, again, at a time of vodka, to stand up close with a lot of scanning books, to scan and then the last third of the night, and speak to your Lord and strengthen yourself. And as you set up a lady that is just as the night goes away, very, very, very, very, very fast. Velocity that dounia

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fades away so fast. And the only thing that will be left is a loss of time. And the deeds that you put forward for a loss.

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So these four things, connect them to

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the soul is at peace, he's at peace because he has those things. He's at peace because he has those things that allows counterpoint to Allah as he's speaking to the soul in American law, in his last moments as he's dying as he's being transferred to the next drummer, in the registry, at all the moralia. Come back to your Lord era theory,

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if not above, so, we love our episodes. This is a proof that Allah speaks to each individual believer at the time of his death as an individual. Allah is not going to say, you know, today we have 100 we know we have 100,000 believers died. Okay, all of you come back to a lot, you know, pleases and well known, each single person a loss of hundreds, Allah will speak to him and congratulate him. Come back to your Lord. Come back to your Lord, please and welcome. Please welcome Jason soprano. And there's so many jumps in this but I want to take too much time on. But there's two things number one leaving behind. So a lot of time.

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A lot, a lot, a lot of us to meet a lot of times and a lot of loves meeting him. And whoever needs to be amongst candidates around the law needs to meet. The law is honest. She says universal law. But we all need it. No one likes death. I mean, when you think of death, you don't think of anything pleasant. She was honestly the province of the one it was seven. She says animatronics like substance turnover is not that you're either wishing or we don't have until now whenever he's given the good news of the currency and a lot of goodwill, a lot of loss of confidence. But he caught a lot, he can't wait to get it to mean a loss of time. And this lead on the other hand, whenever he

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realizes the anger of the last round on the wrath of the law, and the justice of a law that he hates to be the last.

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And remember, think about this, how much do you want to be the last time? You know when when you really miss somebody? You look forward to meeting that person. You haven't seen that person for 1015 2030 years, 40 years. But whenever you think about what's kind of what's going on, I haven't seen a law. I want to see a velocity monitor. I want the chance to meet a lot of hummingbirds either. But what I mean

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what do I What do I want to make sure is there. I want to make sure that he's pleased with me. Right? That's the main thing. I really want to be the leader sometimes he gets us ready, but it might be the last time he's angry with me that I'm a loser. So I want to make sure when I meet the last 200 he's going to be pleased with me. What are you getting the do's and the believer phases and station of constantly questioning his office. He has a lot of pieces and hope for what's out as a pain. reliever is like the body of the murder. One wing is here one week is most

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The Binding of the law is one of the binding that that Americans don't realize the level of the loss of habitat. So you move forward, you need both of these wings. But if the head is chopped off, which is the love of

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the bird is not gonna fly even with both of these wings, you love a lot and you're constantly is 11 accept me as a lot not willing to accept me. So when is a login into the news that is going to accept you that allows police to be done this meaning that you're going to have to them is going to be budget, at the very moment that you got broccoli and philosophies with you. Before you start thinking about what I need a lot is he going to be upset with me Is he going to be angry with me a lot is already faced with you. And another one on top of that Malini and the last one was easy to sew the mouth of a lot you have it as long as you have this quality of being serene and quiet that

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was in this life. And this this this form can attach and apply mean whenever they used to say that the Replace as soon as that would mean take the rest. Now, it's complete silence whenever you're just

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this is how you should feel as a person just like something happens. Whatever, just this light, but the point is allows them to be pleased with me. So this is a response to the one who's in turmoil. Right? The first one that a lot mentioned, he's constantly either pleased with the last contract displeased with a lot of his life is complete turmoil in this way a lot already saying you're already know finding that his life better was and

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then we meet the last time you're not like the other guy who's going to be saying got an eight and a half. And I wish I did something for my wife. A lot of same Oh, Liam, you're going to be pleased also wrong, Leah, you're going to be losing you're pleasing 12 loss parents

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to meaning what you're going to also have the, you're going to also see the effect of your good deeds, you're going to see the reward of your good deeds, that person had turmoil in this life, and so on no deeds in the next slide, he did nothing to prepare for the next slide. This person had peace in this life. But at the same time he's about to see gentleman he's about to see the rewards that he received from his good deeds, so proud of the law. So a lot of is saying this all to you the time of your death. Be ready to meet the last times out in the midst of luck, you love a lot you want to meet a love. And as a believer, you want this life also to prepare for meeting a loss of

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that loss. After he congratulate you. When was the last day Forgive me theory got the answer. Now, amongst my sermons. There's a beautiful footage from a railroad in Montana, which is narrated, considered and this is not meant to caddy Kennedy

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said that whenever the right soul dies, you have too

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many, the souls of all believers, consecrating the souls of all believers come to greet him when

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he inadequate we live in. And they are more pleased with the BBQ than one of you would be pleased with meeting his relatives that he hasn't seen for a very long time. So Pamela, lots of other leaders are reading you, whenever you pass away. They're all saying Come on, but I

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will luck with them all the way.

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They're rejoicing amongst themselves. And I know that some people are willing to join them soon. And they're already happy. They're already looking forward to meeting you. So imagine the airport when you go to the airport when you see upstairs, downstairs. One part of the airport is all it's all Greek, it's all sadness, which is departures, you know, and then the arrivals everyone is hugging each other and celebrating that some of the leaders would meet you. But of course, it's much more weight

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on the walk when

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they would be so much more happier than one of you would be with his most beloved dogs after he's been gone away for a long time. Then the last

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one is Woody, can t enter you into my paradox? Not generally.

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Gentlemen, t not.

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Not. Not all of your paradise, not your paradise, not our paradise, my garden that I have prepared for me subhana wa and as an ambassador, who says this is to show to the person that a long time to happiness customized an agenda to all of his tastes to everything that he ever would have wanted everything that he could desire. And whenever you answer amongst your your group and saw the answer he passed away, and the locals are graded, which is a garden of Paradise Lost parents Island dresses us

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last times either says dress confirm an agenda, and then make sure that he has a window to the agenda for the show.

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And he can see the swag for the gentlemen

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You've already got everything you wanted, this person never feels accomplished the other person.

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He never feels accomplished. And he ruins in the year after just a tiny period, even though you already feel that piece of the walk, because you know that it was going to give you the reward and shuffle up. A lot of times it granted you the reward of knowing that you're going to meet him while he's pleased.

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With one penny, which is there.

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Any one of these I have the revealed, who do you think was sitting over there on some of

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the most beloved competitors who have a weapon of love I'm one of those mean reveals the profits of the wild

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and have a weapon heard these words and he was so touched. And he says,

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How wonderful is this, and the sense of whether this has been for a long time.

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This will be sent to you all these words will be sent to you. We asked the last 10 times those who hear this at the time of their death and will enter into an agenda please interrupt me and welcome these via Bomani.

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On his life, the author of meaning everything that I live was not life. And as the product slicer that's gonna love them. And I need some elaboration. After all, there is no life except for the life of the architecture. So what matters to us a person whose life is erratic, who's not really stable and healthy, but this is gentlemen, because as soon as the problems lie, some stuff will be a lot harder than doing the system, the only ones able to calculate. This life is the prison of the lady here. And it's the gentleman's paradise of the Catholic. But even in this paradise of his, he never really finds purpose, you've never really find happiness and things are going to be happy, things

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are bad, he's unhappy. So he's constantly on this roller coaster. That means a loss of control to Allah. And it's even worse, it's even worse than the day of judgment because he realized he made no use of his time. Now it was kind of out against the school. And that's

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not enough, not a soul that will be at least a school that's already in peace, a lot of calling it the Bible's identity. And

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so you're not

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alone, he breaks it down. First and foremost, a lot of us these the situation of this person who's constantly in shambles in this lifetime in the next. Now it was telling us about the soul at peace, now looking at the perfect composition of the soul, and I'm gonna show him a lot. He said a loss of time we started off the surah telling us about the things that made us all that peace that have given us so case, remember, we set up some of the oldest civil law we don't you know, we have to study to this year to understand that they are a lot four by four things. What if that is what they added, was shuffling when, when Linda either used for things that was kind of titled swore by an

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emotional candidate. These are the four things that give the keys to this person. So Pamela, think about this, we talked about at first when they are in the house, what are they? What are the tendinitis that what are the Titleist was talking about the first 10 days of the above, so they love on so and they are nice, are times where a bobcat is locked to the white board, you can email it to people who already have the problems like some semi owner has been blessed in the morning time, you could come to Silicon fencer, and whenever you come to Silicon pheasant and Ukraine tomorrow, you've gotten the reward of half over the night and the little small slice of themselves. enough so you

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wake up with a good spirit, a good mood, his life is already remarkable if he resigns or not and remains dictated to will have to time within an hour and he's already got the reward of hash with already within an hour already has the reward of hash. So there is enough time so that it gives him pleasure that makes him satisfied because he knows he's being productive with his time what happened and the days of the hedger what's the connection, as as the prophet SAW a lot more I

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am allowed to fly to feed him a lot in Indiana, but there are no Sundays that Good Eats or more

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than a nice Sundays, right? So anything you do in these 10 days is multiply, multiply, multiply. So a person doing good deeds does his life he finds pleasure, right as the problems less than 70. That's not to say

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when your good deeds make you please make you hobby and your bad deeds make you sad. You know, you're a believer that you don't have any downside. When you feel good and when you do good when you do good, but at the same time how early but good because you know you're being productive. You know, you're getting

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Closer to the last kind of title through those these, that much suffering when

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and the events and the What did we say this was?

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What did we say this was

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everything is even except for a last kind of a last time it isn't alone, right? Everything has a pair of a lost time equated with everything as well as characters. But the last time I started is alone, meaning what you draw close to a loss of Hannah Montana. And then the last one, maybe even I guess, and then money as it goes away. And the night as it goes away, again, a time of vodka, to stand up close with a lot of candidates to stand in the last third of the night, and speak to your Lord and strengthen yourself. And as you said, the lady that is just as the night goes away very, very, very, very fast. Velocity that jr fades away so fast. And the only thing that will be left is

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a loss of Hannah Montana. And the needs that you put forth are lost.

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So these four things, connect them to

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the soul that is that piece he's at peace because he has those things he's not he's because he has those things, then a lot of time but as he's speaking to the soul in American law, in his last moments as he's dying as he's being transferred to the next drummer, in the registry, at all moralia come back to your Lord era theory,

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if not above, so we love our episodes. This is a proof that Allah speaks to each individual believer at the time of his death as an individual. Allah is not going to say you know, today we have 100 we know we had 100,000 believers died. Okay, all of you come back to a lot, you know, please No, no, no, he single person a loss of hundreds out I will speak to him and congratulate him. Come back to your Lord. Come back to your Lord, please and well pleasing, please and well pleasing Subhana Allah. And there's so many jumps from this, but I won't take too much time on it. But there's two things number one, the highest or the lowest

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level along with I would love to be the last happens Allah Allah loves meeting him. And whoever needs to meet a lot of time with a lot needs to be

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honest. She says universal law. But we all hate it. No one likes death. When you think of death. You don't think of anything pleasant. She was honest to the province of a lot. It was seven. She says at another province like some senator No, I said it's not that you're either wishing it loud whenever he's given the good news of the currency bla bla bla bla, bla bla last time, but he thought why he can't wait to get it to be the last time. And this lever on the other hand, whatever. He realizes the anger of the last round on the round of the law, the justice of a law that he hates to be a loss of votes. And think about this, how much do you want to be the last time? You know, when you really

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miss somebody? You look forward to meeting that person. You haven't seen that person for 1015 2030 years, 40 years. But whenever you think about lots of time, which I haven't seen a law, I want to see a long time I want the chance to meet a loss of hundreds rather, but what I mean

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what do I What do I want to make sure is there, I want to make sure that he's pleased with me. Right? That's the main thing. I really want to be the leader sometimes he gets us ready, but it might be the last time he's angry with me that I'm a loser. So I want to make sure when I meet the last time he's going to be pleased with me. What are you getting the news and the believer stays in the station of constantly questioning yourself

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and hopefully formal exam as lotsa believers like the body of the murder, one wing is here one week is more than a lot is one of the binding about nervous doesn't realize the level of the loss of habitat. So you move forward you need both of these wings but if the head is chopped off, which is the level of our sounds on the fly even with both of these wings, you love a lot and you're constantly it's a luxury to accept me as a one on one to accept me. So one is a love getting to the difference that is going to accept you that allows please to be that this meaning that you're going to have another there's going to be budget at the very moment that you got off the last piece of

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gear before you start thinking about what I need a lot of you're gonna be upset with me Is he gonna be angry with me a lot is already pleased with you. And then number one on top of that mobility and a lot of times is easy to not have a lot you have it as long as you have this quality of being serene and quiet that was in this life. And this this this form of contentment.

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welcome my name, whatever they used to say that the Replace as soon as that would mean take the rest night, it's complete silence whenever you just

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this is how you should feel as a person just like something happens, whatever, just this light, but the point is allows them to be pleased with me. So this is a response to the one who's in turmoil, right? The first one that a lot of times he's constantly either pleased with the loss times are displeased with a lot of his wife is complete turmoil. And in this way, a lot is already saying you're already know finding his way that was a long episode. Then we meet the last time you're not like the other guy is going to be saying, Yeah, they tend not to be happy, I wish I did something for my life. A lot of same mo Liam, you're going to be pleased. Also bra, Leah, you're going to be

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losing, you're pleasing 12 loss parents. And that was the words that leads you to meaning what you're going to also have the, you're going to also see the effect of your good deeds, you're going to see the reward of your good deeds. That person had turmoil in this life and saw no deeds in the next slide. He did nothing to prepare for the next one. This person had peace in this life. But at the same time he's about to see gentlemen, he's about to see the rewards that he received from his duties. So proud of the law. So a lot of is saying this all the time. If you're deaf, be ready to meet the last kind of out in the midst of luck, you love a lot, you want to meet the love. And as a

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believer, you want this life also to prepare for meeting amongst

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them alongside others. After he congratulate you. When was the last day fective Lee theory got an answer. Now amongst my sermons. There's a beautiful Cathedral in Montana, which is very conservative and decided to cut he was almost

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sold dies, yet too

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many, the souls of all the believers consecrated the souls of all believers come to greet him when

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they are more pleased with BBQ than one of you will be pleased with meeting his relatives that he hasn't seen for a very long time. So Pamela, lots of other leaders are reading you, whenever you pass away. They're all saying Come on. But I

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love when

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they're rejoicing amongst themselves. And I know that some people are going to join them soon. And they're already happy. They're already looking forward to meeting you. So imagine the airport when you go to the airport, when you see upstairs, downstairs. One part of the airport is all tourism. It's all Greek, it's all sadness, which is departures, you know, and then the arrivals everyone is hugging each other and celebrating that some of the leaders would meet you. But of course, it's much more weight, when

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they would be so much more happier than one of you would be with his most beloved dogs and after he's been gone away for a long time than the last

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one of the 40s and t up to you. And to my paradox, not gentlemen, gentlemen, z, not noticeable. Now, not not all of your paradise, not your Paradise is not our paradise, my garden that I have prepared for me subhana wa, and as an ambassador, who says this is to show to the person that a loss can lead to happiness, customized an agenda, to all of his tastes, to everything that he ever could have wanted everything that he could desire. And then whenever you answer one of your, your group, and so on top of that we answer that he passed away. And then we look into our grading, which is a garden of Paradise alongside dresses us and assuming that agenda, the last times it says dress

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and then make sure that he has a window to the agenda where

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he can see his father, the gentlemen, you've already got everything you want. And this person never feels accomplished the other person he doesn't know.

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He never feels accomplished. And he'll be the ruins and the year after just at the time of your death, even though you already feel at peace with a walk because you know that I was going to give you the reward in sha Allah, Allah. Allah grants you the reward of knowing that you're going to meet him while he's pleased.

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With one honey, which is narrated by

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one of these, I have the revealed Who do you think was sitting over there? opensolaris the most beloved of competitors who have a bucket list they probably love on one of the screen reveals the profits of the wild

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and have awakened heard these words and he was so touched and he says

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how wonderful is this

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kind of setup well whether this would be for a long time. So you would want to look at this look

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He says to you all these words will be sent to you. We asked the last 10 times. Those who hear this at the time of their death and will enter into an agenda, please interrupt him and welcome these via Bomani.

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