Omar Suleiman – Wednesday Night From Masjid Abu Bakr

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the loss of power and the need for booster measures, as well as the importance of honoring people and giving money to individuals. They stress the need for avoiding negative behavior and surrounding oneself with good things, as well as not giving up. The importance of showing off one's love for a person and avoiding embarrassment is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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See now.

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I mean, whatever I wanted to count on me, but our occupants, most of us

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to clear up. So we come now we finished last week we talked about to a loss of power of exotic gives us two situations a lot of

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famine in San

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Juan one

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of the last practices as for the human being with a loss of parents, honors, and bestows upon, played a portable rugby acraman that he attributes that to a loss of power went out and he says, My Lord has been generous with me. And specifically, as we mentioned the word and the amount proceeded over the loss as an apostrophe. So here he he uses the name of the last panel, it's out and not in the form of thankfulness, but rather as a form of boastfulness as a form of saying that you know what, the fact that I'm doing well, the fact that I'm enriched the fact that I have honor and I have this fame and desistance society is a testament to a loss of autonomy pleases me, right, so he says

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it as a form of boastfulness. And we gave the example the the man

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who has, of course, two guardians, who has very beautiful gardens, and whenever he's been given, we'll see how by this brother, what does he say he says that

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the other day, I don't think that this is never gonna go away. And I don't think that the sound of the hour is coming anytime soon, whenever we need to read it. But even if the hour comes, and I have to go back to a law that are probably going to find something even better than what I have here, because they think that if I'm if things are going well here, that means the laws pleased with me, that means that I must be doing the right thing. And then the last time

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And then if we test him for last panel to how to test him,

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and he responds, as we said, Does this mean conferencing? Does this mean a lot of testing with poverty? No, but a lot means one

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to live in. And this right?

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Here is his sustenance is still coming in, he's still making money, and he's still getting by, he still has enough to sustain himself. And this is this is a very important aspect of this test to see it from a guy that is not a boss that I love. That allows me to see this first and an actuality is really not uncovered. So we're not talking about a person who had everything and then lost it all of you guys nothing. We're talking about a person who went from having 200 grand to having 100 grand, right, or 100 grand to 50 grand or whatever. He just got a little bit less some things were not going his way he had a rough year in his business and his whatever it is a loss of taxes, failed,

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whoopee. The same person, same company. The same person said my lord has honored me. My lord is pleased with me like the evangelicals the prosperity doctrine, and I must be doing good is the same person who will say a lot be a hammer. My lord is going out of his way to humiliate me a lot is going out of his way to to disgrace me. And he will this over there and he will you know deny all all of the blessings he's ever had previously and everything he has present on the basis of look what's happening to me now, this must be a last winter. Allah hates me. This must mean he's trying to humiliate you. And as we said, you know,

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a lot of Muslims all the time who says this obedience comes from ungratefulness Khufu comes from Khufu. So how will I think about a coup for means not available and queued for means the ultimate form of shipping? Right, and the ultimate form of disobedience is which is not even to acknowledge the loss of time on the island. But there's been an error to disbelief or to be ungrateful to the favors for the Favorites upon you, which would lead you to denial awesome.

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So you would say that nothing has ever happened to me, that is good. I've never tasted the sweetness of this world. You might be sitting at home and because your computer crashed, and you don't have internet for a night, you'll say why is Allah doing this to me? Why is he not putting me through this, whereas another person has never seen a computer his entire life, but he would, but he's pleased with the loss of habitat and he says, Look, I'm good a lot is with me a loss of habits. Allah gave me something to eat tonight.

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This person, his list is limited. And for that reason, he all of a sudden starts to blame the last kind of attack and he takes that as the one hating him a lot is going out of his way to have to put me down and humiliate me. Now here's the thing.

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If he still has money, what is the problem here? He has no banker. He has no blessing and engagement, he has no blessing. And that was the last allegation. And remember, we talked about the difference, the longer the surgeon and, and sort of the money that right after the other two items are lost habits Allah says in Surah Al anon assumed to be one of the turn away from that which they were reminded with. We didn't set down lightning upon them. We didn't set down, you know, we didn't send out a car accident, but certainly not in him. You know, we opened for them every single door, anything you want, this is the dunia. This is what you want. This is what you want. You know, this

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is what you think is going to give you happiness. Take it here, this is going

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to be not until they were pleased with what they have. Now.

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We take them just like that we * them, and it's much harder for them after they've tasted the sweetness of this world to go to that punishment to have it restricted from them. Right. And then a last resort in Latin 111 Asad Omar al and one taco. And if the people if only they would have believed, and if only they would have had faith in the consciousness of a loss of hundreds out of

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captivity in Somalia, we would have opened for them. The lower caste blessings, blessings of the heavens and earth a lot does not say that we're going to give you a big house, a one stop.

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shop I use that I'm used to make Dr. Lawson. What was sarapiqui done and make my house expensive. The profits of a lot if someone was not asking the most parents out of to sit down with something to turn his house into a 6000 square foot house. No, but granted a feeling of expanse being pleased with what I have.

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To be pleased with little is a form of marketing your wealth, blessing in your blessing in your time, you always see things in the positive light, you always see that's your that's your that's your advantage. You're not a disadvantage, now lost, contrasting why this person has not taken away from me why this person has had the blessing of his wealth taken away from them why he's so miserable, can lead him to community.

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You want a woman to give you a big draw, which is honor Canada, then that took the moon in the 18. But you don't honor the orphan. So power law, you don't honor the orphan enough, we're going to talk to him a lot. He said that whenever the facet, whenever the one who's a transgressor gives charity, he gives charity as if he's the one providing this. He's the one that's providing us sustenance and the one who's receiving it should receive it from the humiliated. He doesn't seek but he but the believer tells a loss of the believer when he gives charity, he gives it as if he's giving to our one. And the one who's receiving the charity is simply receiving his wisdom alone. You see the

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difference. When he can give to that person he gives it as he's giving it to a lot this is my feeling grateful to Allah subhana wa tada for what they gave to me, but there is no exchange going between me and this person. I've given it to him in reality, I'm giving it to a lot of a lot chose this to be this person's door sustenance. But it's not because of my own deployment. So a lot of saying just like you want a lot to show pity on you and so on or you can bend to criminality, you don't show that behavior with the orphan with the orphan subpanel a lot, and also also a lot of money. There's a very beautiful, tiny Memphis and he explains this and listening to this. There is

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no other virtue that the products have a lot of it was Sunnah gave such a high reward to or gave such high standards, like the one who takes care of an orphan. The profits, little milestones that I am the one who takes care of an orphan, or like these two fingers to have some kind of law we will be playing this engender, we will be like listen, john, I mean, what more than that? I think most people have lost us because whenever you take care of the orphan, you're taking someone who really has no right upon you from a standpoint of lineage. It's not because he's your son that you have to take care of him. It's not because society demanded that from you, but you go out of your way to

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provide him with the tools to succeed in life. You go out of your way you raise him, right? You give him a sense of normalcy in society, you provide for him without any claim of lineage without any claim of society of wanting it's just out of goodness and gratefulness. You go in and do that for him. And he says well handled a lot of the same way on the last panel Tata sent us he

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sends us guidance, without our without our deserving deserving of it.

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For being worthy of the loss of habitat, it employs us with the necessary tools to be successful in this life and the next stop because we did something good in a previous life. No, this is a loss of mercy upon you. So the best way to show that you are grateful to a loss of habitat is just as a lot to cute as a team and for our love found your habits as important in the last cantata phones, you pour a lounging while looking for answers, and he guided you, family a team. So when you see the orphan, it's not just don't you know, make sure to make sure that you give me the money to rent tell him. Don't make him feel like he's little, don't be little those who are under you. Why am I saying

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that? I come home and ask for the one who has to suicided don't turn him away? Give him what he's asking for because a lot showed that to you. So lots of peptides out these three traits. Number one, Kevin, better than two forms of negation? Kevin? No, Verity, you did not honor the team. You did not use to honor the orphan. You didn't go out of your way to provide for him. Why not to have

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him in this team. And this is a very, very frightening because a lot of work from singular, to plural. Kevin, I've been in that team, I was talking to one person, what to how

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to skin and you all do not. I'm not talking about you all but the eye leads and you all did not support each other or not in court encourage one another to feed the poor. So Pamela, who was allowed talking to me to the snobby class, right, the rich class, or the conversations amongst the people that have money that have wealth, but it was kind of time to distill things upon them? Do they sit around and talk about how they can do things? How they can do good? And like, I really think you should go and you should do this. Let's do this together. Let's do this together. You know what, let's go find this person, let's go help him out. Maybe this and maybe that maybe this maybe

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that? No, these are the conversations that are usually take place. The conversations are usually about nonsense, absolute nonsense, right? Just sitting around and talking about things that don't, that don't have any meaning in life. Right. So

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of course, he's talking about the rich who are not grateful, or those who have money that don't show gratefulness, you have to encourage one another to do good. What Allah has given you, you have to encourage, you have to encourage the other person to do good and you have to encourage yourself to do good. So setting an atmosphere of encouraging one another to do good. There are lots of pentatonic says like that coluna to laugh.

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And you eat, you devour the inheritance, excellent. You devour it with greed. That's kind of like there's something very important here to loss. It can mean inheritance, but it also means free money. It also means free money, meaning while you go out of your way to get more and more and more and more right to live. And this is what less than anything that's free money, a person who has the loss, but still insists on making sure that he gets the freebies, he insists on making sure that he gets all the extra money that he possibly can. He takes advantage of the manipulative stuff we see situation so that you can have more money, because the way that a person is whenever he reaches that

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standpoint, and he's not really bummed at that position, he's not ungrateful to a loss of power loss, almost obsessive will find no orientation either whenever the sun is given why the entire value of goals and the potential effects,

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he would try to see how he can get a second home. And if he's given a 71, he thought he thought he started trying to think about how you can get the 32. So this becomes your entire purpose in life, what's up Karuna?

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What's going on?

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Gemini man, and you love money with this exceeding love and gentleness is whenever you take a plate of food and you fill up that plate or you fill out that pot until the food is falling out. You gather it's so much that the food's coming down right whenever you can take so much. I can give you an example whenever you're whenever you go to a buffet. And even though the lake is there, and you can come back and you can get it back from the lake and and cut and stuff like that. It's funny. So like it's my only time going to the buffet. So you see people with four plates here, five, you know, as many plates as they can carry if they can carry it on their bed that they carry on their head.

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And then at the end of the day, when you sit with them, how much is that? What are they going to eat? Take a piece of bread, they're going to finish one fifth of that food, and then they're going to throw the rest of it away. Right You stop even taking tops. Right? And this is where

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you want to be plottable the long time who has a very beautiful thin lady says that because we're not saying I was traumatized not telling us to be born here. Notice that a lot did not condemned

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Having wealth or having a blessing LED system to

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asceticism spirituality is not that you don't own anything.

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But what it is, is that nothing owns you, nothing owns you, your wealth doesn't own you, your car doesn't own you. And you don't get into this conversation, this this game of trying to impress people. So Pamela, you get things that you don't need with money that you don't have to impress people that you don't even like.

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Think about how silly it is the criticism, right, just to show off the people that you don't even like you don't get caught up into this very, very superficial class, where everyone is just trying to show off the people they don't even like in the first place. And even though they have so much money, they will take debts and incur debts and interest and interest in interest. Why? Just so I can show off just so I can make sure that I still belong to that group. So I lost parents out of the song this way. And now under this, it did miss Trudeau the love of time is a very beautiful thing. And it's not actually common. It's interesting that is not in the books of touch students and some

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of the books of a thought and a lot of manhood in Missouri A long time ago, he says that what these items mean is that the person who humiliate the person who says to a loss of parents either will be 100 micrometers humiliated is humiliating is the one who humiliated himself.

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Think about a lot he has been planning. But he wasn't satisfied. So he kept going for more and more and more and more than he set a standard for himself. And then the last penalty humiliated. And this is something when i when i when i read this again, it reminded me of how much you know what happens when this is not an insult to any of the brothers and sisters. But we know that the American groups are the most whiny groups and absolutely whiny groups. I mean, it's it's like American jobs compared to everybody else. Right? The American projects are incredibly whining, but it's not the Americans who were born and raised or the American conference or things of that sort, when they get there.

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They're just happy to be there. Although they might have never lived the rough life. Right, they might have never lived a really rough life or lived in a third world country to seeing these types of things. You know, the people that you'll find that are whining that are causing all the problems in Qatar. They're the people that came from third world countries, and then got very, very, very rich and spoiled. And they went over there and they thought, why am I dealing with this? Why are these nasty people around me? Why are these bathrooms clean? Why do we have to take this class? Why do we have to take that brother didn't you grew up riding a donkey somewhere?

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What happens? What happens? Graham, so

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I'm loving the script, okay. luevano says, a lot did not humiliate him, he humiliated himself, because he set himself a standard that he could not meet in dunya. Because doumbia is never something that you can really accomplish. So the point is, think of whenever you look at the characteristics that allow mention about one who about, you know,

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making sure I do the opposite to the team that you do not offer the team making sure when you see someone who's poor, whenever you see someone who's in need, not only do you just give the charity and say get out of my face, you goose that person you treat him well, you treat them with, with manners, you don't treat them like like he owes you something before you give them that money. not totally

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says do not ruin your charity, the learning will occur by constantly criticizing yourself about how you gave the charity and then hurting the person that you're giving the charity to.

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That's the first thing number two, when that how long it was keen and you don't encourage one another and good things and feeding the poor. But also last little while it was instilled in me that the messengers a little off on me was that I know where people sit with one another. And the remembrance of a loss of having what's added does not find its way into that gathering, except that it will be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment. Think about that. We gather together we talk we have fun, we have leisure the Sahaba told jokes. But if you look at any conversation, any city any gathering the commonplace that I've ever had, at one point in time, at least there were some

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numbers in the last time there was some remembrance of some good thing. So make sure in your gatherings make sure when we sit with one another, at some point, there's some good there's some goodness of war there's some reminder there there's something beneficial that comes from that gathering, or also the Day of Judgment, it would be a source of regret. So instead of not going to this extreme, they don't encourage each other at all You go to this six

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We go to the not the other extreme the balance where we make sure we encourage each other to do good. And then our last panel to address those, but

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it couldn't

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have been a gentleman, making sure that you do not go out of your way to chase something that is an illusion in and of itself. Don't chase this world because you will never get it. And it's as simple as that. And we asked them,

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to protect us from livingstonia, from the dunya, because they want

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to note, to love this dunya too much, and to hate that too much the rest of us

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those who look forward to their agenda and the year after, and do not enjoy the agenda of the disbeliever, which is this vignette. And he asked the last kind of data to give us from this dunya what is sufficient for us what is pleasing to us, and what has a blessing in it so that we can not find ourselves enslaved by what we asked the loss of Hannah Montana to give us the pleasure in agenda, the everlasting pleasure of dunya, open attina for doing what we love about the customer joaquina rather than North

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American and

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Western ironic language.

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You're watching less than your time you always see things in the positive light, you always see the cheering, that's your that's your advantage, you're not a disadvantage. Now the last contrasting why this person has not taken away from me why this person has had the blessing of his wealth taken away from them why he's so miserable 10

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to 18,

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you want a lot to give you a big draw, which is honor Canada, then that too could be a team but you don't honor the orphan. So power law, you don't honor the orphan enough, we're going to talk to him a lot. He said that whenever the facet, whenever the one who's a transgressor gives charity, he gives charity as if he's the one providing lists. He's the one that's providing us sustenance and the one who's receiving it should receive it from them humiliated. He doesn't seek but he but the believer in Adelphi only one last question believer when he gives charity, he gives it as if he's giving to a water. And the one who's receiving the charity is simply receiving his wisdom alone, you

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see the difference? When he could give to that person, he gives it as he's giving it to a lot. This is my feeling grateful to a lump sum

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for what they gave to me. But there is enormous changes going between me and this person. I've given it to him in reality, I'm giving it to a lot of a lot of chose this to be this person's daughter sustenance. But it's not because of my own development. So a lot of saying just like you want a lot to show pity on you, I'm so honored you can, to criminality, you don't show that behavior with the orphan with the orphan. So Pamela, and also possible a lot. There's a very beautiful, tiny, Memphis and most young people, he explains this and listening to this, there is no other virtue that the products have a lot of it was getting such a high reward to or gave such high standards. Like I'm

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the one who takes care of an orphan. The profits, little milestones, and I am the one who takes care of an orphan. Or like these two fingers can happen. Some kind of law, we will meet like this in gender, we will meet like, Listen, gentlemen, I mean, what more do you want from that? I think people will last us because whenever you take care of the orphan, you're taking someone who really has no right upon you from a standpoint of lineage. It's not because he's your son that you have to take care of him. It's not because society then did that from you. But you go out of your way to provide him with the tools to succeed in life. You go out of your way you raise him, right? You give

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him a sense of normalcy in society, you provide for him without any claim of lineage without any claim of society of wanting it's just out of goodness and gratefulness. You go in and do that for him. And he says well handled a lot of the same way on the last panel Tata sent us he

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sends us guidance, without our without our deserving deserving of it or being worthy of the costs of how it's added employs us with the necessary tools to be successful in this life and the next not because we did something good in a previous life. No, this is a loss of mercy upon you. So the best way to show that you are grateful to a loss of habitat is just as a lot to queue as a team and for our lockdowns, your habits I sent a message

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to you for a lounging while looking for answers and he guided you.

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So when you see the orphan, it's not just don't you know, make sure you make sure that you're getting the money to repel him. Don't make him feel like he's little, don't be little those who are under you. While I'm inside of that I tend to hold on to the one who has to suicide.

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Don't turn him away. Give him what he's asking for, because a lot showed that to you. So last Cut, cut out these three traits. Number one, Kevin that better than that two forms of negation. Kevin? No, Verity, you did not honor the team, you did not use to honor the orphan, you didn't go out of your way to provide for him what not to have

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in the scheme. And this is a very, very frightening, because a lot now going from singular, to plural. Kevin, I've been in that team, I was talking to one person, what, how?

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scheme. And you all do not, I'm not talking about you all, but the higher needs and you all did not support each other or not in court encourage one another to feed the poor. So Pamela, who was a lot talking to me to the snobby class, right there each class, or the conversations amongst the people that have money that have won or lost? or stolen things upon them? Do they sit around and talk about how they can do faith? How they can do good? And look, I really think you should go and you should do this. Let's do this together. Let's do this together. You know what, let's go find this person, let's go help him out. Maybe this isn't maybe that maybe this is maybe that? No, these are the

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conversations that are usually taken place. The conversations are usually about nonsense, absolute nonsense, right? Just sitting around and talking about things that don't, that don't have any meaning in life. Right. So last time, of course, it's talking about the rich who are not grateful, or those who have money that don't show gratefulness, you have to encourage one another to do good. What Allah has given you, you have to encourage, you have to encourage the other person to do good and you have to encourage yourself to do good. So setting an atmosphere of encouraging one another to do good. That'll allow some kind of Tata says like that coluna to laugh.

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And you eat, you devour the inheritance. Excellent. And then you devour it with greed. That's kind of like there's something very important here to Ross. It can mean inheritances, but it also means free money. It also means free money, meaning while you go out of your way to get more and more and more and more right to live. And this is what the law says anything that's free money, a person who has the loss, but still insists on making sure that he gets the freebies insists on making sure that he gets all the extra money that he possibly can, he takes advantage and manipulates every situation so that we can have more money. Because the way that a person is whenever he reaches that

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standpoint, and he's not really bummed at that position, he's not grateful to Allah subhanaw taala. So all sides of themselves obsessive, no oral taping either whenever the sun is given, while the entire valley of goals and the potential effects.

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He would try to see how we can get a second moment. And if he's given a second one,

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that he started trying to think about how you can get the 32. So this becomes your entire purpose in life, what's that going to affect? What's going on.

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And you love money with this exceeding love and gentlemen, is whenever you take a plate of food, and you fill up that plate where you fill up that pot until the food is falling out, you gather it so much that the food's coming down, right whenever you can take so much I can give you an example whenever you whenever you go to a buffet. And even though the lake is there, and you can come back and you can get it back coming to Las Vegas and stuff like that. It's funny. So like, it's my only time going to the location to see people with four plates here five, you know, as many plates as they can carry if they can carry it on their bed that they carry on their head. And then at the end

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of the day, when we sit with them, how much is that? What are they going to eat to the piece of bread, they're going to finish one fifth of that food, and then they're going to throw the rest of it away. Right when you stop even taking taps, right. And this is where I didn't want to be bothered with a long time who has a very beautiful sin. lady says that because we're not saying Allah is not telling us to be born here. Notice that a lot did not condemn you having wealth or having blessing legacy system to an attorney Crusader. asceticism spirituality is not that you don't own anything.

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But what it is, is that nothing owns you. Nothing owns you. Your wealth doesn't own you. Your car doesn't own you. And you don't get into this conversation, this this game of trying to impress people. So Pamela, you get the things that you don't need with money that you don't have to impress people that you don't even like,

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think about how silly it is the equation, right? Just to show off to people that you don't even like you don't get caught up into this very, very superficial class where everyone is just trying to show off the people they don't even like in the first place. And even though they have so much funny

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They will take that as an incurred debts and interest and interest in interest. Why? Just so I can show off just so I can make sure that I still belong to that group. So on the last panel, it's out of the song, this one under this, it did Mr. Gold a lot of time is a very beautiful thing. And it's not actually found. It's interesting that is not in the books of touch students. And some of the books have a thought and a look around for

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a long time ago, he says that what these items mean, is that the person who you knew the person who says to a loss of parents either will be 100 micronus, humiliating is humiliating is the one who humiliated himself.

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Think about a lot of games and planning. But he wasn't satisfied. So he kept going for more and more and more and more than he set a standard for himself. And then the last penalties he really did. And this is something when i when i when i read this again, it reminded me of how much you don't have to and this is not an insult to any of the brothers and sisters. But we know that the American groups are the most whiny groups and absolutely whiny groups. I mean, it's it's like American jobs compared to everybody else. Right? The American projects are incredibly windy. But it's not the Americans who were born and raised or the American conference or things of that sort. They get there. They're just

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happy to be there. Although they might have never lived the rough life. Right, they might have never lived a really rough life or lived in a third world country to seek these types of things. You know who the people that you'll find that are whining that are causing all the problems in Qatar. They're the people that came from third world countries. And that got very, very, very rich and spoiled. And they went over there and they thought, why am I dealing with this? Why are these nasty people around me? Why are these bathrooms clean? Why do we have to take this class? Why do we have to take that brother? Didn't you grow up riding a donkey somewhere? And

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what happens? What happens? Right? So anytime I'm loving a strip of a loved

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one did not humiliate him, he humiliated himself, because he set himself a standard that he could not be in dunya. Because dunya is never something that you can really accomplish. So the point is, think that whenever you look at the characteristics that allow mention, about one who about you know,

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make sure I do the opposite. To create more than a team that you do not offer the team Make sure when you see someone who's poor, whenever you see someone who's in need, not only do you just give the charity and stick it on my face, you goose that person you treat him well, you treat them with with manners, you don't treat them like like he owes you something before you give him that money. Not total.

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let anyone

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do not ruin your charity, the money will other by constantly bracing yourself about how you gave the charity and then I'm hurting the person that you're giving the tourney to. Right It's a power law, why do we do so that's the first thing number two, one that how little not on mama Christina, you don't encourage one another and good things and feeding the poor. But also last little while it was some sudden, and soon they'll be the messengers a little longer, and you know where people sit with one another. And the remembrance of a loss of having what's added does not find its way into that gathering, except that it will be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment. Think about that. We

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gather together we talk we have fun, we have leisure the Sahaba told jokes. But if you look at any conversation, any city, any gathering place that I've ever had, at one point in time, at least there were some remembering some of last time there was some remembrance of some good thing. So make sure in your gatherings make sure when we sit with one another, at some point, there's some good there's some goodness of words, there's some reminder there, there's something beneficial that comes from that gathering, we're also going to do judgment, it would be a source of regret. So instead of not going to this extreme, they don't encourage each other at all You go to the sixth we go to the not

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the other extreme balance where we make sure we encourage each other to do good. And then our last kind of Alice's let's move on to a lot that it couldn't

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have been a gentleman, making sure that you do not go out of your way to chase something that is an illusion in and of itself. Don't chase this world because you will never get it. And it's as simple as that. And we asked parents to protect us from loving this dunya from the dunya because the Prophet slicin and warn us from Rania to note to love this dunya too much and to hate death to watch the rest of us.

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Those who look forward to their agenda and the year after and do not enjoy the agenda of the disbeliever which is this vinyasa last kind of data to give us from this dunya what is sufficient for us

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what is pleasing to us and what has a blessing in it so that we do not find ourselves enslaved by what we asked the last time to give us the pleasure in an agenda, the everlasting pleasure of doing an open act, you know for doing what we love the customer what we know rather than not alone. data

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loading on those who wants to know my references language

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