Omar Suleiman – The Firsts – Episode 01

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the success of various events and the hesitation of people rushing to do good. They touch on the four runners in the book and the importance of setting trends and rewarding people for doing so. The conversation also touches on the trend of people reciting negative behavior and the importance of setting trends and rewarding people for doing so. The speakers emphasize the need for people to take initiative and restore their behavior, and emphasize the importance of quality and not quantity in achieving success and building a successful culture.
AI: Transcript ©
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I want to welcome you all to this and hamdulillah. It's been a very long time, since we've had our weekly classes. And so tonight inshallah we embark on one of those journeys, I told myself that the next class that I would do would be an eight week or a 10 week, but this one's probably going to be about three years. So I'm Sharla, brace yourselves, and I hope that we are all consistent. And it's really a I want to frame the series in this first class that we have tonight in Charlottetown, and framing it in different ways, framing it, because if we only study history, to admire people, then we're never going to be a part of making history ourselves. And if we see a Hadith of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he talks about these amazing distinguished human beings on the Day of Judgment, and we don't aspire to be amongst them, then we're not reading those these properly. And so what is this idea of the first and this idea of savvy going for runners, which is only one category of firsts. So what we're going to do in Chatelet, out of throughout the next couple of years, at least, I would say is we're going to take different people and different groups, and study them only in the context of them being the first. So what does that mean? So if I, if we do a halaqa, on beta for the Allahu anhu, the first month, then we're not going to do the biography of

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blood, but only the implications of him being the first mole and then diving deep into that. If we do a HELOC on new honey histogram, the first messenger of God, then we're only going to study the implications of him being the first lawsuit, and so on, so forth. If we talk about the first in regards to those that did incredible things throughout Islamic history, we're going to talk about them within that context, we might talk about groups at time. So if we talk about the first mohabbatein, the first to migrate, to flee with their religion, then we will talk about them in that context. And there are also first that exists in the Quran and the Sunnah as categories for us to

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aspire to. So the first person to enter into paradise with the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, the first person to be dressed on the Day of Judgment, the first people to be brought near to Allah on the Day of Judgment, all of these different types of first as they exist within the Hadith as well as categories that we can aspire to, also, so it's a long series, and we're not going to go chronologically, but instead of diversifying outlets out of the different ways in which we talk about these firsts. And within it, I pray that it will be beneficial. And so we start off, first and foremost, asking a lot for this to be a blessed series and for us to benefit from it. And as we hear

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the first that we cannot become, we ask Allah to allow us to follow in their footsteps. And as we hear of the first that we can become, we ask a lot to make us amongst them a lot. I mean, so tonight, we're going to do five categories of first as the exists within the Quran and the Sunnah. And yes, you have to take notes, if you weren't intending to, to get the full benefit of the series. And so the first group that we have within these categories are a savvy con, a savvy, con acerbic on the four runners. And so let's start off with them, and how a lot talks about them. These are people that are for runners to do, they rush towards the good when they hear about it, or when they see it.

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They don't wait for anybody else to lead them that way. They don't drag their feet, they don't look around, they immediately rush to do good and there are different ways in which Allah subhanaw taala talks about these people in the Quran. Allah says Allah, can you say the owner, Phil highlight these are the people that rush and compete for good, they are in constant competition with one another, and in constant competition with themselves challenging themselves to get to higher levels. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the rule will outline a slightly higher rush to do good deeds. And so this is generally the category that the scholars refer to as Lou will him. People

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that have higher ambitions that are driven, that do not wait for an environment to drive them, nor do they wait for anyone else to outdo them. But instead they are self motivated and driven, because they know that this is pleasing to Allah. And so they rush to be amongst those who would be the first to please their Lord. And they're described in two ways. And the scholars talk about why the Quran mentions a Sabbath on a Sabbath hola como carnavon. The four runners the four runners Verily, they are the ones who are closest to their Lord on the Day of Judgment. So why would Allah mentioned the Sabbath on twice and what's the difference between them

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And as heavily I mean, the people of the right hand. So there are three different categories that Allah mentions regards to people on the Day of Judgment, let me mention to the people on the left, not all of you, the people on the left as in on the Day of Judgment, the people on the right, and Sharla, all of you May Allah make it all of you and you as well, the people on the right. And Allah says that the majority fall within these two, the people on the right, the people on the left, and then Allah mentions this small group of people have a sabich, one of four runners, they are not to the right or to the left, but they are directly under the shade of Allah Subhana what's on there

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directly under his throne and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam mentioned seven groups of people who Allah subhanho Tana would shade on his under his stone on the Day of Judgment. And, you know, we're not going to go into detail. But the point is that there's this small group of people that outdo everybody else, and they are chosen amongst us heavily. I mean, so they are necessarily part of the believing group of people, but at the same time, they have excelled even beyond the majority of the believers, and those that would enter into paradise and from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala is that every, every woman will eventually enter into gender, every moment will eventually enter into

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gentlemen, but these are the people that are the first to Allah shade on the Day of Judgment, and these are the people that are the quickest to their Marathi to their stations in paradise. So Allah mentions them twice as savvy Kuhn as sir Bitcoin to the four runners, the four runners, and the scholars talked about this usage of language, the four runners, the four runners, some of them said they rushed to Allah in this dunya. Hence, they will be rushed to Allah in the Acela. They rush to Allah and this life, and so they will be rushed to Allah in the hereafter. And so you think about the people getting out of their graves on the Day of Judgment. And the angels that drive them to

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their place that literally the SEC and the Shaheed, the driver and the witness amongst the angels that take you to your place, no one wakes up on the day of judgment and, you know, is able to pull up an app that tells them where to go. There's no ways or Google Maps on your family, you wake up and you are taken to your place. And so these people may Allah make us amongst them, they are driven to Allah subhanho wa Taala right away, meaning the angels just immediately escort them and they rush them to Allah quickly. Right? And so they find themselves immediately in the protection of Allah and they know it. And so in this dunya, they rush to Allah in this world, they rush to Allah in the

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hereafter they are rushed to Allah. Okay, so it's a bit that's one way of looking at it very beautiful, a very beautiful way of looking at it in a practical sense. Some of the scholars divided it into two they said sabya Cohen are, are of two types, the four runners are of two types. One of them is that they are the first to respond to good so refers to each other refers to the response time. And so Allah mentions in the Quran is that we mean calm and for common cognitive fatigue, or pattern Allah, Allah modelo de 10 min alladhina unfuckable membertou Wakata Lu, that those of you that embraced the faith early on before the fact before Mecca comes under the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam in the most inconvenient times under duress, and fought alongside the profit slice of them were driven out of their homes with the prophets lie Selim spent their money in the cause of a loss of habitat have lost everything for this, those of you that joins first are not like those of you that joined afterwards, that the mohajirs the the early believers are unlike anyone else. And Allah subhanaw taala has reserved the special rank for them will put it on why the Lord has none. But Allah does not exclude anyone. Everyone has their own customized reward from God. So even if you know some someone might say, well, that's not fair. It wasn't in Mecca. And you know, it couldn't be

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like Hamza, well, you might have been like a Buddha had associated hamdulillah that you know, a lot knows where he puts you what time he puts you in and how he puts you in this time. But the point is, is that there are these people that immediately accepted the Prophet so I said I'm we're we're very early on, and accepting faith and facing the consequences of that. For us, that also means when you hear of a good when you hear of a good when someone calls you to good weather that someone comes in the form of a human being, or it is the angels that prompt you towards good, or it is hearing the verses of Allah subhanaw taala are hearing that internal poll that fitrah inside of you that calls

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you towards good that natural disposition towards good, what is the wait time that it takes for you to enter

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How long does it take for you to actually activate? Right? When you when you hear it, do you run? Or do you hesitate? And one of the one of the beautiful things that we find from the from the pious predecessors that they mentioned when a lot talks about jr when he talks about the worldly life and the poor, and a lot of times I mentioned his feng shui Menaka walk, patiently walk on the surfaces the way that Allah has decreed for you to do so. When Allah subhana wa tada

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talks about the the, the height of though like you said, you're gonna feel a lot. They are people who rush towards that. Good. So what's the hesitation time? Is there tele good. Is there hesitation in that same sort of uncertain headache? Because you might say, well, I couldn't be from amongst those who were who were from

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Mahajan. I couldn't be from amongst those first believers. So where do I stand? When a lot of talks about the believers and the hypocrites on the Day of Judgment Allah mentions the believers responding to the hypocrites that are asking them on Luna, Napa tubus, Missouri come, you know, wait for us and give us some of your life. Pilato Giroux, wha accom Phantom II surah and they tell them go back to where you were, where you where you're coming from, and find a light over there. And most of the scholars say that means go back to the dunya go back to the world if you want and try to kindle your light there. Because you Kindle your lights for the hereafter in this world. And so when

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when whenever they are wondering, they're calling out and they're saying, lm neck America, wait a minute, where are we all together? We were all sitting in the same places we belonged to I mean, we knew each other right? We were all we were all what we need what happens, and I'm not gonna American. Call you better. Well, I can account for 10 two and four second. What's up Dustin? Water tapetum it's really interesting. The order,

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potential and full circle, you corrupted yourself. You spoiled yourselves. The Prophet sly someone he made the call, initially in Mecca.

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people some people thought about, you know, I need to respond because this is truth. Some people thought about well, wait a minute. What about my idols, my businesses, my prominence, my corruption, my authority. So it wasn't about a recognition or a failure to recognize the truth and the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. It was about what are the consequences of actually accepting this truth. And so, you know, you had the double backups. And you had the Ebola hubs, who were like, hold on. If I submit to this, that means my money, my prominence, my corruption, my subjugation of people in the name of these idols, all of that is gone. And so Tara Bustan, what tapetum refers to the holding

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back, you hesitated. So potential and fullcycle refers to the act of corruption of self, tala Buster more saboteur means you were just about to accept it, and then you held back.

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You got cold feet. So the hesitation is condemned, as well. And Allah subhanaw taala, when he taught in the beginning of certain had a lot of talks about people that corrupt themselves, and then the last printout talks about the difference in rank in accordance with how quickly people responded to the call, then a lot of talks about fast forwards the Day of Judgment, and a lot of talks about this conversation between believers and hypocrites. Allah mentions two reasons that the believers give to the hypocrites that they corrupt themselves, which refers to the evil or they hesitated to the good this, they thought, you know what, I'm going to do this tomorrow. So can you imagine there were

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people in Mecca when they heard the prophets lie? Some of them there were people who probably went to bed at night and said, You know what, tomorrow I'm going to go to Mohammed slice, I'm going except faith and I'm going to change this. I'm going to I'm going to leave this and then they woke up in the morning and said, No, nevermind.

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And because of that, they never became Sahaba. They never they're forgotten. Or put behind. There aren't companions. There are people that existed like that in the ranks of Abuja, right? There are people that were swaying between two and they would hesitate. Imagine if all of them in the hot pub, may Allah be pleased with him. When he when he heard the message, that next time when he read sudo, bah ha, right in the house of his sister and recognize this as divine revelation. If Rama would have said, you know what this is, I'm going to go home take some time. Think about this for a few days. He might have decided tomorrow to go kill the profits lies on him again. But all metal the alarm is

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that I'm going to the profits laser. No, I'm going to respond. So the head the lag time, in responding to good is what's actually being spoken about in terms of sebab in terms of SABIC on the side of the coin, if you're in a race, you can, you know, pace yourself run a little bit slower so that you can end it and you know, in the right way, but if you decide to just sit it out for a little bit and say I'm going to take a break for 10 minutes, I'm just going to sit on the side, you're not

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Winning that race, you know, and you might just quit. So constantly in that pursuit of Allah Subhana Allah so this is the first one in regards to ijazah Sabbath one in regards to response time. The other one the scholars say a savvy horna savvy own. They said the first one is sad because lol higher the second one Asahi * who run away in a shop who run away from evil. So the first group are the four runners too good. The second group are the first to run away from evil. Okay to abandon an evil and that's why some of the scholars say the four runners are mentioned twice Allah says in the Quran and sutil Allah in Medina taco either mess home la familia Shivani, Kuru, that barely

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those who are pious, when they feel an impulse from the shavon they immediately Remember to that cuddle that mobile see alone and so their vision is sharpened. They have deep insight they say no, I'm not falling for that. So the shape on strikes and for a moment muscle, you know, some, some people the shape on gets in and massamba implement a shape on an impulse strikes in shape and says look, and they go No, no, so that kid will fade out notice, you know, and they remember God and so they remember a lawn so suddenly they can see properly, right so they're able to overcome that and they're able to remain focused. And so they are savvy going away from evil, right for runners to

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good for runners away from evil. Some of the scholars mentioned some other beautiful interpretations just for the benefit of it. I've been studying Rahim Allah tala set aside before the Sabbath on alladhina solo little trivial attain. The foreigners, the foreigners, those who prayed towards Jerusalem and Mecca, because they're a special group of people. And he expanded that concept of Mahajan because he said the best of the mohabbatein or the best of the people of Mecca those who accepted the profit slice on right away the best of the answer. The best of the people of Medina are those who sacrificed in the first 1617 months of Medina which is when the Muslims were still praying

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towards Jerusalem. So he said a Sabbath on Sabbath on both of these people. If you think about the early converts of Mecca and the early converts of Medina, they're both Sadiq Khan is what he's saying. They're both for runners because both of them sacrifice everything both groups sacrifice everything. So if you're in Mecca and Islam has grown down, okay, fine. After the conquest after Mecca, if you're in Medina and you're the unsought, maybe if you're one of the later converts and Medina you're waiting this out a little bit to see how it goes. But those that accepted within the first 1617 months of Medina which is when the Muslims were still praying towards Jerusalem, a

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Sabbath on a Sabbath on a chemical level him slean Rahim Allah to Allah some of the scholars set aside the Koran acerbic on those the four runners being the first to get to the massage. The first ones to the most. And that'll be a category that we talked about and they said the origin feasibility learn those the first ones to go out in the path of Allah subhana wa Tada. So the first as you know, as a practical way for us as well, okay, so these are the four runners. The second category

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of firsts are the trendsetters. The trendsetters, jabbering Abdullah, well, the law of China annually reports that there were some desert Arabs, poor Bedouin Arabs, that showed up in front of the prophets lie, some of them and the companions. And they had, you know, they were barely clothed. They only had a little bit of wool to cover themselves. They had no food, they clearly were were malnourished. And you know, think about the site, right? You're in Medina communities getting established. And then you have these group of people there. The assumption from the Hadith is they're not Muslims. They are unknown to anyone, not from any prominent tribe. So you know, how, if

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you're from Syria, and there's a Syria fundraiser, if you're from Pakistan, there's a Buxton fundraiser from Philistine or from Somalia, but then it's like another group, we always struggle

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with the Sahaba they saw this group of people, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam looked at them and he and he told the companions to

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hurry up and spend on them and charity.

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Jab rhodiola and Who says that? The prophet SAW some saw the hesitation and the slowness in the pace of the people?

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So he said the prophets lie, some was disappointed, his face look clearly disappointed. Now, this wasn't Zakah or mandatory, but the Prophet slicin was he expected a quick response. He said, Look at these people there need quick go run spend on them. And the prophets like some saw that they weren't really that motivated. So he he he looked, disappointed. sallallahu wasallam. Then he said, one of the unsought came to the Prophet sly son with a purse

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Full of silver, and he put it in front of the prophets license. So some of the companions saw that so then they all started to go home and they started to grab their bags and put jewelry and put their coins in and come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said until you could see the prophets license, sadness turn into joy on his face. He went from disappointment to being pleased. So a lot harder. Yes, I'm seeing suddenly the pace that he's used to from the companions. Like this is what I expected to be this is the pace that we're used to. If you're at a fundraiser You know, there's always that you know, if you've never done a fundraiser you might not really get the

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implications of this but if you're doing the fundraiser and you're looking at people's faces and then you start off with that amount of paper like man who's gonna be that guy

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who's gonna do that and then the first hand goes up and then other people okay

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it's it's natural human instinct right? But there's something about this so this person was not just a sad that he slept the trend because the implication of the head these people were doing what he did, when they started to come and they started to bring their their, their gold and their silver. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam captured the moment and he said, Manson, nothing Islamic so nuts and Hashanah, Pharaoh Mila Bihar Baca who cootie Bella, who? mythical edutainment, Camila, Bihar, when a young person Oh God, Hampshire, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said whoever introduces a good practice in Islam now in Islam here does not mean introducing a foreign practice

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into Islam. It means a practice that's already within Islam, right? So because an established practice in Islam, so he introduces a practice that is already within Islam, and that he's the initiator of it, okay, for only la beha. Back there, who and it was followed after that person. Now bad who can mean in that moment, 10 seconds later, can mean 10 minutes later, it can mean 10 years later. The point is, you did something and someone after you came after you and said, I'll do the same thing was motivated by your doing and did the same thing. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam said that they would have the reward of the one who followed it without the reward being diminished in

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any respect. And so both the initiator The one who set the trend, as well as the one who did it after that person have the same reward, and it does not diminish the reward of the follower in any way whatsoever. So this means that if you are looking in the lifetime of the companions of the Prophet, sly Solomon, someone did something good. And we do it as a result of that we use that practice as a trend that was set within the faith that that person gets the reward every time. So if someone cleans up the message, then they remember the woman that used to clean them as someone removed something harmful from the road and they remember the unnamed person and the Hadeeth that

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removed something harmful from the road if someone gives water to a thirsty animal remembering the story of the unnamed person who did so that person till now think about how amazing that is 10s of 1000s of years later sitting in their grave and is receiving a reward from Dallas, Texas, because someone did it and remember thought about that person. See how amazing and that's why the prophets lie Some said it does not diminish that person's reward in any way whatsoever. Okay, so it's it's just this this idea of continuing that reward. There are other forms of trendsetters that the Prophet slice I mentioned within the same category. He said another little bit, a lot of time and

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home, Mandela faded fella who myth Lou agilely Verity, whoever guides others to an acts of goodness will have a reward similar to that of its Dewar. The scholars here mentioned that this is a person who is who is not even you know, who is suddenly, who's setting an example in a very subtle way. It's not setting a trend in a very obvious way, but in a subtle way, but someone sees that and someone starts to act upon that good. Finally, the prophets lie some settlement data in a Buddha whoever calls people to good

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meaning you actually call people too good. So you're the one to actually preach it right and you call people to do something good. Can Allah who allegedly mythical God mentor bajo lionpaw so that he can do to him that he would have the reward equivalent of those people who follow that guidance? So, if you if you, you know, hydrocodone, Thailand or an element, the best of you are those who learn the poor and then teach it. So you learn something good and then you speak that good you actually say it and people take that advice that no see how from you, you set the trend, you get the reward, of course, you have to try to practice it yourself. But it started in initiated from the

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guidance that came from your mouth from from from calling people. Delta means example. That means you actually called and the point is, is that you set the trend and so the people follow

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You in that trend and you have the reward of that as well. So those are the first two categories. The first ones are the four runners. Second ones, are the treads trendsetters. The third group are the strangers and horrible alborada the strangers and the strangers are described in different ways. Within the within the Hadith of the Prophet slice on the Prophet slice, I'm said that some of our Eva will say hello to her even better if a tuba will hold about that Islam started off as something strange. And so it will return back to being something strange for tuba. So there's a valley and paradise assured glad tidings to the strangers glad tidings to the strangers. The strangers are

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people who follow unpopular truths.

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The strangers or people who adopt unpopular truths, okay, so it's actually bucking a trend, you're actually the trendsetters, the one who sets the trend in good. The stranger most of the the the the, the explanations of this alladhina usili hoonah, either faster than us, those who who rectify themselves when everyone around them or when people around them are becoming corrupt. So they don't actually follow the trend of corruption. So think about this in a systematic way. You think about the for runners for runners too good for runners away from evil. And then you think about the trendsetters, they set good trends and people follow them and then you think about the strangers

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they stay away from negative trends that have become dominance. Okay, and so they too are rewarded by virtue of that of the love and the love of God and who he narrates that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took me by my shoulder and he said to me, couldn't fit dunya Cadillac ohare or Abu Dhabi be in this world as though you are a as though you were a stranger or a wayfare what kind of normal what the a lot one Homer airport and so in honor of May Allah be pleased with him and his father would say either I'm sad to fill out on top of the Salah splatter fell out on COVID and massage. If you if you go to sleep at night, then do not expect the morning. And if you wake up in

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the morning then do not expect the evening. And so it does refer to this idea of urgency as well. That typically people follow popular corruption out of pressure. And because they do that in a way to fit in or to go with the flow in regards to what they feel like will give them what will rectify their worldly affairs or give them a smooth sailing in regards to their dunya but if you're thinking about your hereafter and you're putting that in front of you, then you will not be afraid or intimidated or pressure to sacrifice something that will elevate you in the hereafter because of something that is dominant in this in this life. Okay, so these are the the strangers and hora that

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there are different Hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that indeed the religion will creep into the ages, just like a snake it will return back into the Hejaz referring to Medina, that when people end up in their in corruption that the religion will return in its pure form and creep into that. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the religion will cling to it just like the female mountain goat would cling to the peak of the mountain. And then the profit slice Allah says, In the Dena better hurry, but why don't you hurry then for toolbar in hora de la Vina use the hoonah, NASA NASA in Burundi, monsoon Nettie, this had eaten isn't Timothy, and there

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is some debate about it. But it still establishes secondary evidence and give some explanation to the concept of validity here the concept of being strange. The prophets lie sometimes that indeed, the religion began as something strange, and it will return to being something strange. And so a valley in paradise for the strangers who correct what the people have corrupted from my son after me. And so the word about here refer to people that that rectify that corruption as well. So there is an act, there is an activity to that as well. And Allah mentions this idea that the majority is not always good, that this idea of the majority is not always good. And there are two ways to look

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at the majority. The prophets lie Selim mentioned the majority in regards to the majority of what the oma is upon, okay, and the Prophet size, some talks about this idea of clinging to the Jamaat clinging to the group, but the majority as in popular trends, when in total extra men fill out Allah mentions that if you follow the majority of what the people are upon what is found on this earth, you look

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under severe then they will lead you astray. And so this group is the strangers and they are number four. And the last group are I'm sorry, they're number three. So what are the three categories now?

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for runners, trendsetters, strangers for runners, trendsetters strangers, okay? The fourth one now are the reviver language added. Al Majid, the one who revives and it constructs itself on the previous date that I just mentioned, this idea of a person who corrects and rectifies what is lost from the Sunnah of the Prophet slicin them and brings it away from corruption. The reviver is a very interesting concept in the deen because the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says, in a lie back to the hubby he'll see could leave me at the center menu God do let her Dina that Allah sense, at the top of every 100 years at the top of every century, a revival that revives from the religion, what is

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lost of it that revived from the religion? What is lost of it? This is interesting, because number one, is this one person. Is it a foul? Or is it Gemma? Is it plural? Is it singular? Or is it plural? There's some people that have tried to you know, restrict it to the singular. And so you know, there have been books written and so you try to identify who's the reviver of each century. And in the Arabic language here this this hadith is not restricted only to the singular. And so it could be that there are Dean that there are revivals that exist in one century. And the scholars mentioned in two ways. Number one, they revive different elements of the religion that are lost,

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different elements of the religion that are lost and so on that have been added Aziza Hema holla who is the only agreed upon mujaddid in history in the sense that, you know, no one assigns a magette did other than Amata bin Abdulaziz, those that consider this a singular person. No one revives him agenda other than Him in His century, Ahmed bin Abdulaziz revived notions of justice that were lost in this religion he revived and added and revived the sense of justice, right he revived the practices of his grandfather on a hospital the law of Thailand, in establishing justice in the oma and bringing it back to a very to a very special place right after it had lost its way.

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But there are two ways here there could be different revivals and different lands and there could be different people that revive different elements of the religion. The point is, is that you find things that are lost amongst the people that are good practices from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And a person can actually revive something of it. So Salahuddin Rahim, Allah tada for examples, no one would argue he's not a magenta. But is he the only mujaddid of his time? Right? And there's some some gender and this is where you get Methodism at its strongest if you if you call a chef or a Majid, but not as much, or about hanifa, but not Malik, what are you

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suggesting, right. And so this idea of touch deed, this idea of revival are people that notice things that are missing from the sin of the Prophet, slice them, and they bring it back to life. And as a result of that, they bring they bring the religion back to life in that region, or amongst their people, and in guiding something good and guiding towards something good. And this is actually somehow something that we should all look towards, by the way. So idea of tragedy, this idea of revival in the macro sense, but also the micro sense. If you find a sinner missing in a context and you decide to revive that good practice, right, then that is a form of techdis. You find something

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missing, that could be conceptual, or it could be something very basic to be something very basic. Right. But the point is, is that you take that initiative to say let me revive one of the centers of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in my context, okay, something simple, or something macro, something conceptual or something that's very practical, but let me take it upon myself, to be amongst those mujahadeen to be amongst those survivors. The last category are the distinguished alimony, alimony

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and worsening are not people that necessarily lead because they're the first to do something. nor are they reviving something that's necessary law necessarily lost. But they do something so well.

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That they are distinguished in

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Good Deed, they're distinguished in that good. And as a result, they are chosen amongst a people because of how well they do something because they set themselves apart. And this is sort of the opposite of the little bit in terms of, you know, you know, the What about our people that don't buckle to popular trend, when that popular trend is in opposition to truth, as they as they, as they know it? And worsening are people that Aspire that Aspire in ways that other people would not? And so they always go the extra mile with that good now claim Rahim Allah has a very beautiful way of tying the water back to the martini in this regard the strangers to the distinguished you know,

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claim Rahim Allah said that the that that when a person would have embraced the sun, the Muslims, the Muslims become horrible in the sense of the broader of broader humanity, right? So they, they, especially if you're talking about in the context of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. But the point is, is that Islam, they submit themselves, they end up you know, they embrace what what alienates them or they embrace this religion and as a result, they're persecuted. So the Muslims become holed up in that sense. And then he said that the

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people of piety

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become horrible amongst the Muslims, the turkey become horrible amongst the Muslim in when they stay away from because taqwa refers to token murase it refers to leaving off sin, when they stay away from sins that have become popularized amongst the Muslims. not interesting. So they become hold about and you know, this, if you're in a, you know, in a Muslim context at times, even amongst your families, right? If you don't do things out of consciousness, out of out of you know, truly feeling like this is sinful, then the pressure sometimes that you'll get from other Muslims is more severe than anything that you'd get from people that aren't Muslim because it's like, What are you trying

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to say about our culture? What are you trying to say about our practices? What do you mean are you are you implying it's like threatening them because Are you saying my Islam is insufficient, your Islam is sufficient. Right? And so that pressure sometimes that you get, for not doing things that that have been popularized, even amongst Muslims that take you from not from from from disbelief to believe but from Islam to taqwa from the from from the external declarations and practices to a place of piety and God consciousness that no I'm not I'm not comfortable doesn't mean you're a jerk it doesn't mean that you're rude with people it doesn't mean that you are condescending or

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judgmental develop developed pride it's that I'm I'm not okay with this. And I'm going to abstain because tequila refers to abstinence abstaining from sin, I'm going to abstain from this. So you become a very even amongst the Muslims and then they'll tell you about him Allah said and the mice in in those who excel the distinguished are what about even amongst them attacking, they become strangers amongst the Mattachine because they go above and beyond and doing good

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that other people will not

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and so they they set themselves apart you can't become a moisten without being a machete

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right and by the way, this is it sounds very basic right but some people really miss this in practice how because they excel in some ways. And then you know the sins of the tongue. So if you think about that, that woman the Prophet slice I mentioned who was the companions came to her and they said about her that this woman prays her night prayers, she fasts extra days all these different things. What I can tell the Deana but she's she's she has an abusive tongue to her neighbors. So she had a son in one way, but she didn't even have tequila with her tongue. And some people think that having a son and some things absolves them of having tequila and everything. You

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can't to become a true Merson, you have to become a machete first. So you reach a level of taqwa and then out of that taqwa. The same drive that caused you to stay away from what has been popularized causes you to long for what has been neglected have good see that same thing because it's a lot of that makes me when other people say Go ahead. And it's a lot that makes me long for what other people are not even longer. And so the mursaleen set themselves apart with good deeds distinguish themselves with good deeds,

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even amongst the monoterpene. And you know, I'll end with this concept and half of the biological human comments on this very beautifully, he says and this has nothing to do with quantity. Nothing to do with quantity

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distinguish the distinction here has nothing to do with quantity but it's all quality. Because he says, Allah says in the Quran, the abbulu accom, a Yukon, central Amala not accelero am Allah, that Allah may test you to see who amongst you are the best with their deeds, not the most with their deeds. So no is different from Excel. I'm going to bin Abdulaziz only pray to Cochise every single night in a minute, he did not pray more than two he never exceeded two.

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But as his wife said his two were nothing like all of your pm put together the two doctors of vomit of an OB disease we're just out of this world literally out of this world. So it's not the it's not the quantity but the quality then that longing, that longing. And so the moistening, then become distinguished even amongst the majority when I said Allah

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May Allah subhana wa tada make us amongst them Allah I mean and so what are the five categories? Let's go through them and shall let's turn on the four runners number two, the trendsetters number three the strangers number four the reviver is number five the distinguished okay so these are the five ways in which you become one of the first may last pinata make us amongst them a llama amin and inshallah Tada. From this week onwards, will start to actually go through names and categories and things that we can start to implement in our lives. And I pray that it's a benefit to us all llama I mean

Trendsetters, Revivers, and Strangers

Who are The Firsts?
There are forerunners in every age and circumstance. They rise to the occasion, and inspire a generation. They are the firsts that are chosen to lead the way for humanity. In this series, we will go through not only the famous firsts in Islamic history, but the firsts that are distinguished in the hereafter. Join Sh. Omar Suleiman weekly as he dives into the significance of these figures with emphasis on how they dealt with being the firsts of their kind, and how we can aspire to be like them.

To kick off the lecture series, Sh. Omar Suleiman describes the 5 categories of firsts in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

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