Omar Suleiman – Social Justice Ep 20

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of not delaying payments and the need for people to pay before work. They emphasize the importance of punishment and the use of punishment in certain situations, as well as the importance of warning employees not to work for a certain person and not to do things that are considered advance. The speakers also discuss the importance of showing appreciation for people and protecting employees from workplace violence, including investing in work and giving wages.
AI: Transcript ©
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I want to come around to like him at a castle

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nara hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen What are one Ilana volume in Milan people to deal with the pain a lot more fluidly with cinema baddeck and I'm Dakota suica Mohammedan sobre la honey who are only here will be here with Selim to sim and Kathy. Hello. All right, what are we on? Number wise?

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20. So congratulations on reaching the midpoint of the law. We're officially at the halfway point of our 40 Hadith on social justice. And what did we talked about last week?

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torture, how many of you feel tortured at work?

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Alright, good, I was just making sure no one that works at you can raise your hand.

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So we're gonna move into a very personal, you know, interaction, which is the interaction of the employer with the employee, and vice versa. So tonight, actually, we're going to cover the subject of treatment of the employee. And the next week, because social justice justice goes both ways, both the person in power has a right that's due to him as well as the person

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who, who is being who's being employed by the person that's in a position of power. So next week, we'll talk about it from the other side. So I'm sure that half of you won't be here next week, because you just want to hear this part. But this is where we're going to actually talk about a very famous Hadith of the Prophet, slice alum. And one of the things that just in case I forget to mention it at the end, the first Hadith, which is the Hadith I'm going to mention now, as well as the last Hadith that I'm going to mention tonight are both narrated by the same person. And it's always interesting to see when there are particular subjects that are covered by very specific

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companions, because usually you can tie the personality of that companion to the subject matter if there is a consistency in the Hadith being narrated within a particular category. So this hadith is one that many people have heard, but rarely, again, is spoken about in a modern application. It's narrated by Abdullah Omar, well, the Allah and Homer, may Allah be pleased with him and his father, Alcala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, or to a JIRA editor who kubla Ania defer.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Give the worker his wages before his sweat dries, give the worker make sure that you pay someone that you've hired his wages before his sweat dries. And the Hadith is narrated in nomada, with an authentic chain, and it says in Faisal, Kadir it is haram to delay and postpone when someone is able to pay their employee to pay the labor. The command to give him his wages before his sweat drives is a metaphor. All right. Why? Because is this headache? What if a person does a job where you don't sweat? They still count. What do you understand from the Hadeeth? When you hear it?

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Don't delay the payment? Right? But how do you apply the before the sweat dries? part? What is it metaphorically refer to? If you're reading it, and you're trying to give it a modern application?

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in the office setting in a corporate setting, for example, what does it mean to you? Don't delay but what about before the sweat dries Come on people?

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as soon as the work has finished, so he said, this is a metaphor for the obligation to pay someone as soon as the job is done. Even if he doesn't sweat, or if he has sweat, and it has already dried. This is about when the work is completed. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, Do not delay One moment, and it is so it's an obligation that you pay the person as soon as they finish their job. As soon as they finish doing what they've been asked to do. And it is a son it's a form of excellence, to pay the person before they finish the job. So the scholars comments on it from those two angles that it is an obligation it becomes an injustice if you don't pay that person when they complete the

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job. And it is a son it's excellent to pay a person even before the work is done. And there are many different narrations about this so I'm going to go through some of them that speak to the same issue. One of them is a hadith in Bukhari and Muslim the prophets of Allah hiding was saddam said, Mark little honey hole that the withholding of a patient the withholding of a payment by a person who is wealthy

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Anthony here doesn't mean someone who's wealthy but then he here means someone who's capable. So withholding a payment by someone who is capable is a form of wool. It's a form of oppression. So the prophets lie Selim here is particularly mentioning a person who is capable. Why, because it might be that someone employ someone to do something. And let's say it's a long term job, and that person is unable to pay them when it happens. And it's not because they didn't they, they didn't want to pay them. But they found themselves in a difficult situation at that point. They try to reason with the person that they hired, they try to reason with the employee, they try to figure out something to

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where their problems do not become the problem of the one that they've employed. But the profit slice on them is recognizing here, the component of greed and the component of oppression, particularly on the part of a person who has no complications in paying the person that they hire, but they're still being stingy with that payment, or they're delaying that payments. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said in another Hadith where he combines now the person who withholds the payment, the circumstance of the person who withholds the payment with the consequences of doing so, this is a hadith that scenario, no Buddha would it's an authentic hadith.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the one who delays his payments, he says, lay your words at you, hello, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the one who delays in payment, even though he possesses the means to pay someone that he's employed, there are two things that become lawful number one, is their job is his reputation. Meaning it's not backbiting to speak about that person and to say that this is a person that wrongs his employees. Okay, this is one of the forms of permissible liba that to say that this is a person who wrongs his employees, why it's a means of warning other people not to work for this person, not to not to go

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into an agreement with this person. This is a person who does not fulfill their end of the contract. And this is a person who wrongs their employees. So yeah, hello, you Hello, Arielle Ma, who has read reputation becomes halaal. So it's not haram to speak of his reputation, what, who better and as well as punishments becomes permissible for that person. I'm loving what Rahim Allah says, that dishonor here means that that person can be spoken of in a way that it would be permissible backbiting. And the second thing he said punishment means that the scholar said a person can be detained. And this is obviously speaking to different circumstances, how punishment is carried out

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on an employer or someone who fails to take care of the one that's under them. And there's something revolutionary about this piece, particularly in a seventh century context. And this goes back to one of the earlier Hadith of the Prophet slicin. I mentioned, you know, punishments and how criminal law would be applied in, in praat. In previous nations, or amongst previous peoples, particularly mentioning Benny is slightly that if a rich person stole, then they didn't punish that person. But if a if a poor person sold, and they, you know, they happily applied punishment on that person. So you know, that the misapplication of justice or selective justice is in and of itself a form of

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injustice in and of itself a form of law. So to say that the one who is an employer or the one who possesses power is also subject to the same level of punishment, being detained or being held because they fail to pay, those that are employed by them is actually something that's quite revolutionary in a seven century context. So again, we take account from this, we take rulings from this, the second one is really not in our position, because none of us are in a position to apply the law. All right, no, surely our police and Irving police are in Dallas, we've had enough bad press. So no one go try to imprison employer because they didn't pay their employees. But the first

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part, there's a hokum that that is derived for us, which is warning against a corrupt business person or someone that does not fulfill their obligations in the contract or someone that harms others harms their employees. So that does not become hot. Um, obviously, you should speak to it to the extent that is necessary to warn other people without going into detail. So if I need to warn someone of this person, it's just like if you had to warn about someone who's guilty of domestic violence, or someone who's harmful, or someone who's predatorial, or someone who's you know who's doing things, you should keep it to what you need to warn about and not go further. So you can't

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make fun of their their hair in the process. You understand you just the goal of it is to is to protect other people from being harmed by that person. So the prophets lie Selim said, you Hello, Eveleigh, then his his his reputation or his dignity becomes halal as well as his punishment and the punishment is completely out of our hands.

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There is another Hadith where the Prophet slicin um and this comes under a chapter in Allah Buhari. The name of the chapter is Bob if Niemann manner as a G, the chapter about the the sin of the one who fails to pay

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to pay the one that they've employed. The Hadith is narrated. By Aveda, the Prophet slicin said Allah has said

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that I will be an opponent to three people, three types of people on the Day of Judgment, I will be in a hospital home, I will be their opponent on the Day of Judgment three people. So the first one that's mentioned is someone who makes a covenant in my name but proves to be treacherous. So someone who invokes the name of Allah subhana wa tada to go into a covenant to go into a contract but then proves to be treacherous. The second one is someone who, who sells a free man and consumes his price meaning someone who captures someone sells them into slavery, and consumes their price. The third person is someone the prophets lie Selim says, what I do is that john g Ron, is still firm in Whoa,

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what a miracle to me, he Adra a person who employs a labor and takes the full amount of work from that person, but does not pay him for his labor. So here the profit slice I mentioned that Allah will be the opponent of this person on the day of judgment will be that person's hustle on the day of judgment to demonstrate the gravity of it. So we take from this the ruling again, number, the first ruling we take is that you have to pay someone it is from either this from justice that you have to pay someone as soon as they finish their work. And this applies to all things now obviously, now, the nature of our contracts, you've got a contractor, you've got an employee, you've got it.

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This, this applies if you hire someone to cut your grass, right, this applies to your employee at work as well as someone that you would hire to do a job at your house, that you should not withhold the payment, nor should you delay, nor should you even be lazy. Like you know what I'll pay you next week or sorry, I'm not home right now, try your best to make sure that you always pay that person because you don't know what the needs of that person is are. So that person might be too shy to tell you that they need that to make a payment to pay a bill that month, and they're going to be nice about it maybe because they hope for you to call them back to do another job or to do something

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else, because they hope for some sort of future relationship. So you're not supposed to mistake their their silence as a means of approving of your delay. They just don't want to jeopardize a future relationship sometimes. And this speaks to the spirit in the poor. And how can maluma certainly will maharam that even when you're talking about a beggar that there is a right for the side, the one who's asking as well as the one who's deprived from asking that there's a hack that's established for that person. So you don't take that person silence as approval of your delay. And you make sure to be a person if you can even have a son even of excellence that pays them before

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it's done. The second thing we said that backbiting a person who harms people who harms their employees, or withholds payment from employees or doesn't fulfill their contract is halaal. Obviously with its limits, obviously with its restrictions. The third thing, this comes from another Hadith from our evil hoodie, or the alarm on which this just speaks to business ethics in Islam, the prophet sly, someone said, Whoever employs someone to work for him, he must specify for him his wages in advance.

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You don't wait for the work to start to start talking about how much you're going to pay for it. It's how long to do. So it's prohibited to do so. So when you're going to, you know, enter into a contract with someone, even if it's a very simple contract, even if it's a verbal contract, be very specific about what that payment is going to be so that you don't leave room for disappointment or for argument afterwards, if you can write it down, write it down, but be specific. Otherwise, you're wronging that person, even if you give them something that you think is good. Now let's say a person starts doing a job for you. And again, you come up with you say, you know what, Okay, I'm gonna pay

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you this much. And they agree to that, but they've already started it. So it's either not worth it for them to stop doing it now or again, there's hope for continued work or their circumstances are so bad that they have to take it anyway. So the profit slice, I'm assuming you specify things before you start, before you get into it. As someone that's been placed in between many financial disputes, that often takes place, right to people assume because we're friends, I don't need to, I don't need to specify anything. Then once things are underway, then one of them starts to complain about the other. And then it's like, well, I thought I made these assumptions. I assumed this and I assumed

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that don't make assumptions. Don't make assumptions. This protects both the person who is employing, as well as the one who's being employed. It protects both employer and employee, the profit slice and I'm also extended this so just like when we spoke about neighbors and we spoke about different things he extended this courtesy to different people.

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Beyond just your brothers in the Muslim community, you know because there there might be a thought that you know what I can take advantage of someone who's not Muslim or I can take advantage of someone I don't feel too bad about doing this to this person because, you know, this person doesn't seem to like Muslims or this person is this person anyway or like that anyway? It's just like someone you know, says you know, hey, I don't I don't sell drugs except to non Muslims. I've actually had someone you know who owns a liquor store who when I when I told him a tequila fear Allah He said, hey, look, when a Muslim comes in to buy liquor, if I know he's Muslim, I tell him I

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can't sell to you.

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Like I'm doing a service so the other guys I'm just getting them drunk and you know, they're not Muslim anyway. doesn't work that way. Okay. The prophets lie Selim says first and foremost about them or I hid. I will probably have a entire class at some point about a more I had more I had

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is someone who has a covenant. And what that refers to is the limit the protected people, which were non Muslim minorities that lived in Muslim lands, okay, nine non Muslim minorities that lived in Muslim lands. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He said in a hadith from Abdullah Mohammed amin are also the longtime man who, also uncertain Abu Dawood. He said, Whoever wrongs a more I had a non Muslim individual at peace with us or infringes on his rights. So whoever wronged him, infringes on his rights, burdens him with more than he can bear. That's number three, burdensome with more than he can bear. take something from him against his will. The Prophet sighs I mentioned

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four things. Can you repeat them back to me?

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The first one is general whoever wrongs are more ahead. So someone who wrongs a normal some that's a piece with us. The second one is infringing on his rights. So assuming that he has less rights, because he's not a Muslim, and again, not taking them seriously. The third one was what

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* are really sleeping at night. The third one was what

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burdens him more with something that he cannot handle so gives him a heavy burden or burdensome with more than he can handle. The fourth one, take something from him against his will. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, for Anna * who Yama Yama, I will be his prosecutor on the Day of Judgment. The prophets lie Selim will stand as his prosecutor on the Day of Judgment. This is so beautiful and so powerful the prophets lie some of them would stand up against someone from his own Muslim, a person who says La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah on the Day of Judgment would stand as the prosecutor against them for harming someone who just believed in himself, Allah Hardy, who is

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something that's as powerful as it gets. And again, it involves the concept of labor as well, giving them a burden that they cannot handle. That's also how to burden your employee with more than what they can handle. And the profit slice I'm extended this courtesy, even to two servants and two slaves and people that existed in that society that were the most downtrodden study from without all the along the title, or the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam said to him, that your servants are your brothers, Allah has placed them under your hand, and he who has a brother under him should feed him with the same food he eats, clothe him with the same clothes he wears, and do not burden

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him beyond his capacity. And if you do, then you need to help him. If you give them a burden that's too difficult for him, then you need to make sure that you are assisting in that burden that's in Sahih Muslim, but the treatment of him you know, when we talk about labor ethics, it goes beyond just payment, right? It goes beyond just finances. It also goes to the way that you talk to a person the way that you deal with the person the way that you respect them. And, you know, many of the scholars when they talk about this in the book of financial ethics, if you worry or you talk about the workplace, they mentioned the hadith of anisul of the Allahu taala. And, and it's been Malik

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says, I serve the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for 10 years. Never did he say to me?

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Like he was frustrated with me of affairs, like rolling your eyes or showing frustration. Never did he say to me, nor did he criticize something I did. He never said Why did you do that? nor did he say about something I left off doing? Why didn't you do that? So he was never overly critical. It has a lot to Islam, he had a way of conveying that he wanted something done in a certain way, or that he was frustrated with the way that something was done without denigrating or degrading him. And this was a child that was placed at the service of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam by his mother. So then what is that? What does that do to you know, what is where does that put an adult

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employee? Right? If this is the way the Prophet sly son would talk to a child that was placed at his service by his mother, by the name of the Allahu taala. And what does that mean for an employee. We also have a hadith of overridable, the Allahu anhu and this is a beautiful Hadith because it speaks to the person

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To the employer to the person that's, that's going into a contract where they're in a position of power, where they have the leverage that you need to be careful of a sense of kid a sense of pride. And this Hadeeth before I even mentioned it, one of the problems in a marriage tends to take place when one person is, you know, is in a position of power in their workplace. I'm not going to act like a psychiatrist here. All right, I've read, I've read enough just like you people can give Federalists. I can talk about psychology, right? But one of the things that often happens is what a person that's in a position of power in the workplace, when they come home, sometimes they don't

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know how to turn that off. Please start treating their spouse like their employee. Okay, it's a very common thing when someone's in a position of power at work, that they come home and they still think that they're the CEO or that their wives or their nurses or whatever it is, it doesn't work that way. And a lot of people have a hard time turning that off when they come home. Right so what's the problem here? It's a problem of kibitz a problem of pride when you're constantly the Yes sir, the Yes ma'am at work. When you're constantly a person who's given that position of power, you might start to see yourself as better than another person, you might start to see yourself as being

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inherently superior. So this hadith is very beautiful. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam he said, in this Hadith, must talk about a man Elena who her demo was rocky bail him out what document in Arabic as work, why tequila shots are for helaba the prophets lie Selim said, if a person wants to get rid of pride, if they want to remove COVID from themselves, they want to remove pride, the way that they remove pride or a person cannot have Kibet if they do these things. So the prophet SAW some is actually speaking with negation. You cannot have pride if you do these three things. He said the first thing, man akadama, who hajima a person who eats with his servants

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and again servant here, extend that courtesy especially be applied to your inferiors in the workplace, okay, that they eat with with their servants. And this is NSF, medical, the law and most of the profit slice, I'm used to eat on the floor with him. Right, it's a means of humbling yourself as well. When I went to Facebook, and I'm not claiming that Zuckerberg applies this today for one of the things that's really cool. And and I'm not just trying to get points with Facebook, this is on Facebook Live, but you know, increase my, with all the Russian ads stuff, I mean, you can increase my, my exposure as well with this with this helicopter, the whole glass office concept and everyone

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calling each other by first, it's kind of creepy, to not have any privacy with all the glass. But you know, just like his office being right in the middle and this idea that even the most powerful CEO can walk and talk to people and be approachable and things of that sort. That's something that's good for corporate culture, right. But it goes back to the person as well that the individual makes it a point, the profit slice and I'm an academic Kadima, the person who eats with their servant, what I call him out to be a SWAT and rides a donkey through the through the SWAT, to the marketplace, not a camel or a horse, but a donkey. So pay attention to the car that you drive to.

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And you know, when when you're driving, no offense to the people that have nice cars, all right.

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But you know, you pay attention to the, to the car that you drive, or the way that you drive that car or extravagance in what you ride, the profit slice, and I'm missing, that's a form of humbling yourself as well. And he says why tequila shots are for helaba. And he's someone that ties up his own sheep, and milks his own sheep. Okay, so this is a beautiful description here of a person, the profit slice on the saying, a person needs to go out of their way to remove arrogance from themselves. Because if you start seeing yourself as inherently superior to those that are inferior in a contract, then you're going to start treating them in a certain way. And you're going to be

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destroying yourself in the process, you're going to be developing a certain level of pride and arrogance that's going to be dangerous from you. So the prophets I send them is speaking about it from that perspective, as well. We also see when when we when we look in Islamic ethics and talking about labor and talking about employment, that this concept of a pension for the elderly, was actually found first in Islamic systems. And it really goes back to ornamental hip hop or the alongside and this idea of putting aside a pension for all of the elderly. And he has a very unused to remove even the jizya. So the tax that a non Muslim would pay in lieu of Zika or whatever it is,

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you know, for protection from military he would remove that from the elderly as well. And he said about the elderly said what kind of a people this is beautiful, he said what kind of a people let a man go helpless in his old age after getting service from him in his youth. What What does it say about a people when they let a man go helpless in his old age after getting a getting service from him in his youth, meaning that when a person's young and they have their ability to do so they're thrown into the workplace, they have to toil just

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To make ends meet, and they're benefiting society in some capacity, even if they're working within the overall construct of the economy, and boosting that economy by virtue of their work, but then once they're old, they're not taken care of. So I'll mow the lawn with someone who really enforced this idea of a pension for the elderly, at a very systematic level. And the scholars say that that goes also to appreciation, appreciation for people in the workplace. And this this, you know, if you if you're speaking against the servants, and you're speaking to people that are in a lower position than it should also translate into that the profits license showing that appreciation. For that

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woman that used to clean the mess Did not he didn't see her departure as insignificant, her death is insignificant, right, showing her that appreciation even after her death. Robbie, I have no capital SME law, the law and who used to always serve the profit slice on and always, you know, be there forming the profit slice and I'm suddenly asked me for anything that you want, anything that you want, and the only thing he could think of is he asked for the morava the companionship of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam in paradise. And this, you know, this speaks to a person

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being appreciated and being validated even after years and years after doing work or doing some sort of service for people. And some had a lot you know, you see a lot of people when they transition into retirement or whatever it may be.

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It's it's extremely important at that time, to be reminded of the good that you provided to people, right reminded of the service that you provided to people and showing that genuine appreciation rather than the coldness that would only exist, you know, in the corporate culture. Finally, Allah subhana wa tada he says, In the Quran, in Surah, Toad, what are topical, so NASA Shia, what a title for all of them have seen. This is really powerful. Verse 85. in solitude, Allah subhanaw taala says, Do not deprive people of their do, and do not spread corruption on Earth. Do not deprive people of their do and do not spread corruption on Earth. They're really not speaking about this

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idea. They said what's the the the the correlation between the two a person who withholds wages and a person who spreads corruption on earth? That rarely would you find that a person who doesn't, that a person who withholds wages from people that have done work for them is not spreading corruption is not guilty of other facades. Right, so if a person does not even show dignity to those that work for them, right to those that are due, again, whether it's a contractor, whether it's someone that cuts your grass, and things of that sort, a person doesn't show dignity to them, then it's very likely that that arrogance would would also contribute to title from the seed into spreading corruption in

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a different way. Now, the last Hadith that I'll end with, it's a beautiful Hadith. It's narrated by our beloved in our model, the love of Thailand, who once again who narrated the first study. And it's a story that a lot of you have heard that we talked about many times and hopeless, but maybe didn't focus on the individual lessons here. I'm loving all my scenarios from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, the story of three men that came from a previous nation that were together, they set out an you know, in an evening, and they were in a cave and a huge boulder, shut the entrance of that cave. And so what did they do all three of them, they said to each other, each one of us should make

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your arch and supplicate to Allah with a good deed that they did only for his sake, in hopes that the builder will move. So all three of them starting to make their art to Allah subhana wa tada

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and in with the deed that they did, hoping that it would cause that boulder to move. The first to made their requests. I'm not going to go into detail just because of timing, but the first two may they're there as to a loss of habitat they made their supplications and with their supplications the boulder moved, right. So there's the third person, this last person who has to make this route to allow us to think about something he did sincerely for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada and ask Allah subhana wa tada for, for some sort of followed for some for some sort of

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allowance for some sort of protection or for some sort of alleviation of difficulty. Because of that, so this man, this third man made out to Allah subhanaw taala and God an abuse of Allah honey was Southern Wakanda third is the third person said Allah in the alarm in his job to fujimura Allah I employed many laborers. So I was a person that would employ many people. And he said, that I gave each and every single person their wages

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I always made it a point, to pay everyone on time. And to give each and every single one of them their wages. He said, but there is this one men who I was not able to pay, meaning I didn't get a chance to pay him and he disappeared. So he did the work for me. And I went to pay him, and I was unable to pay him. So what did he do with the money that he said, Oh, well, the guy disappeared. He didn't come to me for the money. I lost them anyway, what did he do with the money?

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He didn't donate it. He invested it. Okay. And by the way, this hadith is in a, it's in a read the chapter afterwards the title of the chapter Bible hottie It's beautiful. So he said, you know, let me invest this portion of his money, Allah, so I'll be an amine, I'll be a trustworthy person. I'm not going to give the money away and stuff, I'll invest it for him. So I invested his wages, and somehow a lot out of all of the money he invested, that's the one that that was the most profitable investment. So he said, from that small investment, Allah subhanaw taala blessed me with all sorts of property, camel sheep, cows, those of you know, is a farmer. So all sorts of property came from

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that small investment that I was supposed to pay that man it's an insignificant amount, but a lot of times I blessed it, why did Allah bless it allows testing him right. It's also a test for him. So some time later, the man showed up. And he said to him, yeah, Abdullah, also slavery, Allah pay me what you owe me. So right away, the guy said what he said, You see this, all of this? The whole thing? The land, the servants, the livestock, all the animals, it's all yours.

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They said, they'll be Are you making fun of me? Like the guy didn't even believe him? Because there was no resistance when he went back to the man. The guy didn't even believe so I said, Are you making fun of me? He said, No, I'm not I'm not mocking you. I'm actually not making fun of you. He said that this is what I owed you. And when I couldn't find you, I invested it for your sake. Right invested in in your name. So take it all it's all your rightful belonging.

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Somehow Allah He gave the man everything that came from that money. And he looked up to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he says Allah on the income to file to the lick ability va ergic said Oh Allah if I did that, only seeking your pleasure. Buffalo Jana national fee, then removed from us the difficulty that we are in and that caused the boulder to completely move out the way beautiful Hadith al Bukhari Rahim Allah tala. He has a chapter he says, bad man it's that gentle. Iran taraka Abdullah Amina fee Hill mustard mustard, Azad Omen, Amina phenol, the very stuff. The title of the chapter is minister, Java, JIRA and photography. A person who hire someone to do something and that

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person left before getting paid.

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for I mean, a fee was that JIRA facade, so that person worked. With that money, he took the Agile he took the compensation that was due to that person. And that compensation increase. Omen, Amina female, the lady here for softball are a person who works with money that doesn't belong to them as entrusted with an amount that doesn't belong to them, but then finds that there is great blessing or then finds great increase in that money. Now, what's the ruling on what happens?

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The perspective from a jurisprudence perspective.

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If this happened to you, what is owed to the person that came back to you

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what's owed to them

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what's not

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only the salary only the only what was owed to them in the first place, technically speaking,

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you only would have to pay a person what you owed them in the first place. But this was an act of sincerity of that man and speaks to the sun and speaks to the excellence that that that a person should fear Allah subhana wa tada of possessing even one penny one of that which does not belong to them. But you know what, I benefited from this money, maybe there was a secondary benefit from all this livestock even and everything he could have just given him the amount and the guy wouldn't have complained. Like he came confrontational like you owe me money, pay me my money, he could have just taken the money and given them as 20 bucks and send them off. But he said hey, you see all this? All

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And the guy thought he was mocking him. So this was a person, hearing Allah subhanho wa Taala and being conscious and aware of their Lord, in their financial transactions in their dealings. May Allah subhanaw taala make us adjust in all of our affairs in the last panel, protect us from oppressing or being oppressed. I mean, next week, we'll talk about it from the other perspective. So if you're a disgruntled employee, I think you should show

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Next week to Zack more hydron questions

“Before the Sweat Dries…”

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