Omar Suleiman – One Day You Will Remember What I Said To You

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the operation by Iran and the importance of not resigning from punishment. They emphasize the need for people to trust their bodies and avoid the consequences of their actions. The speakers also touch on the negative consequences of following the prophets and the importance of learning from past experiences and avoiding denying one's success.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right, so now I want to come up with a lot here but a cattle

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scenario if it was not a normal human handedly lagging behind I mean, what are we wanting to learn a lot? I mean what have you got to learn? We're talking a lot most of us selling robotic arm decoders really come from and then solahart he was similar. On earlier he was like he was selling to * concealer, Charlotte's it before I get into the subject I want us to, I wanted to remind everyone, if you are on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter, I put out the link to donate to the family of our brother Abdullah he Mohammed's military tada who showed up again, who turned up dead in a prison here in in Arlington Terran County, and to you know, we are inshallah seeking justice for him but in

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the meantime, please do support his family inshallah tada with their expenses, they've lost their breadwinner. And you can find that campaign there. I also want us to make your app for the father of brother hubby who passed away a whole lot to Allah from COVID and ilus. Parents accept him as the Shaheed the father of chef, hello, Becca shotty, as well May Allah subhanaw taala Have mercy on him and accept him as a Shahid And may Allah subhanaw taala Have mercy on all of those that have passed away from our community and make it easy for them, their families have mercy on them and make it easy for them. A lot mean, so tonight in Charlottetown, or Today, I wanted to talk about this verse

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that shows up from the court of Fidel. Now over the last few nights, we've been talking about this idea of people that find that find strength and that find dignity and honor by attaching themselves to as ease of Hameed to Allah subhanaw taala, the Almighty they innately praiseworthy, and the implications of that, and we've spoken a lot about, you know, what that translates to in terms of

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person spirituality, and their, their uncompromising honor, in the face of some of the most difficult circumstances. And if you're living in the time of Fidel, and if you're living in the time of the Pharaoh, you are living with the most brutal man, possibly that's ever existed a person who shows absolutely no remorse whatsoever in murdering people in the most disgusting of ways, including his own wife, Asya, right, it's different one you're talking about, may have no thought of doing this to get out of murabaha a long time when there's no blood relation. But you're talking about a man who was so egotistical who was so arrogant, that he actually took his wife out, and he

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humiliated her and murdered her in that horrific way. Because she challenged, She challenged his narcissism, She challenged his oppression. And, you know, if you're living in that time, it's extremely daunting to challenge the fit out. And you can imagine, again, the psychological torture of anyone that lived in the kingdom of Freetown, which made belief in that time, so much more appreciated, which made belief in that time, so much more admirable, right, that you have a pharaoh and if you are a subject of the farallon, you are worried about being accused of treason, if you are from the lower caste of people and the time of fit own, you're worried about, you know, when he on a

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whim decides to carry out mass * and mass murder, kill children, if you whether you're an Egyptian or from Venezuela, either at the time, whether you're from the power class, or from the class of those who have no power, whether you're a close confidant, or you're a distant enemy, this man has kind of gotten in your head because he's someone that extends his cruelty to everyone in society, when he even when he even senses a hint of a challenge against him. And so there's this this man that is in the court of fifth down on he says those words that I spoke about that I will back it'll be a lot of time No one said, when the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was

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being oppressed when he was being beaten. And here you have the Prophet Moses musante said, I'm being oppressed. He and his people being oppressed the threats that are being hurled at Musashi his salon, a tougher to do and Roger viola, would you really kill a man because he simply says that, my Lord,

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would you really kill a man just for saying that he believes in one God? Is that really just that you would kill him and just for that reason, you'd fight him just for that reason? So you have this man, that Allah subhana wa tada tells us about And clearly, the implications of it as the more festivity and point out is that he was someone who was in a senior enough position that for their own, you know, wants to

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to devise a plot to kill him, so that he didn't rupture the, you know, the relationship that he had with his closest ministers with his senior ministers there. And so you know further on is going to devise a plan to take him out an evil plan to take him out. And this man is positing his advice to these people, as a person who wishes well for them, right? Like, wake up to your oppression, wake up to your cruelty, humble yourself, and you still have a chance to be saved. Don't do this, right. Don't carry out the suppression and save yourselves and do what's good for you. Right? So someone that's giving them good advice. And finally, as he realizes that advice is not reaching, what does

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he say to them? festa Tez Corona akula, calm what will fall with Emery in a law in the law, heartless Iran very bad. He said, soon you shall remember what I have said to you. You will one day come to know what I've said to you. And in the meantime, I entrust my affairs to Allah surely Allah is watchful over his servants. So he's acknowledging at this point that because his advice did not reach these people, that you know that he knows what comes next is the device plan against him. And he says, Listen, one day, you'll remember what I'm saying to you, you will come to remember what I have said to you, in the meantime, will follow with me in a lot I put my interest my affairs to

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Allah, and indeed Allah is watchful over his servants. Now when he says such as Karuna, my food account most of the scholars they say that this is referring to the punishment of the Hereafter, the punishment that comes after this world, right? So you will come to know that what you have been warned about is indeed real, is true. And then Allah subhanaw taala says philokalia loves a female McArdle well how could the early fitter owner suit rather

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than from the evils of their plots, and a woeful punishments encompassed the people of a woeful punishment encompass the people of the Pharaoh, then a lot goes on to talk about the way that they're exposed to the fire every morning and every evening. And this is one of the proofs of it, but is that the time between death and the resurrection, right is they are exposed to a punishment of the Fire. But it is not the ultimate punishment. When Allah subhana wa Taala would say to them, on that day, we almost almost die, the day that the hour shall come to pass at the fetal alcohol syndrome shut down either enter you or people of Pharaoh into the most severe punishment. So I want

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to talk about this inshallah from a few different perspectives. One of them is that when the man said this, he had already developed a resolve that you know what, this is the truth and I'm willing to suffer all of the consequences that come with believing in that truth. But at the same time, though, he had resigned himself to the potential of the worst type of plot in this life, he did not despair and Allah's mercy. And Allah has power in the midst of all of that, right? So Allah is watchful over his servants, I entrust my affairs to him, Allah is watchful over his servants. So if Allah subhana wa tada chooses to protect me in this life from your plan, or chooses to allow me to,

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you know, to be inflicted by that harm, only to be given the ultimate reward in the hereafter when it comes to the law, I'm okay with that. Then all praises are due to him. I'm okay with that. I've resigned myself to that. And if Allah subhana wa tada has decided in his divine wisdom, to protect me from your plot in this life and still grant me the reward in the Hereafter, then surely he's capable of that and inhabited a lot all praises and things are due to him. And so there is an independence of the outcome as well, that you know what I'm okay at this point before we will empty it a lot I I turned my affairs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And I turn my affairs to him knowing that

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he will do what is best for me, the main thing that my reward is assured, my reward is assured, and his power is certain. And so whatever comes out of this, I am okay with that. Now, the logical outcome of this is that he's going to be tortured if that island did not spare his own wife, of course the pharaoh is not going to spare him. Pharaoh does not spare anyone. But Allah subhana wa tada says, After that fellow of tahu lotto that Allah subhanaw taala protected him saved him from the evils of their plot. Well, half of the early fifth

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and a woeful punishment encompassed the the people that own now, what ends up happening is that they are distracted from carrying out the punishment of this man by the pursuit of

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moose is by the pursuit of Moses himself and his people. And so you know that they come to this this way of you know, we'll deal with you later, and instead go out and they chased the people of moose is that our moose and his people bending aside. And of course, as they are chasing them, we know what happens next, the last palitana, drowns them in, they're evil, and then they are punished with that evil in the bubbles of exposed to the fire day and night. And then ultimately, on the day of judgment, enter into the worst type of punishment, the worst type of Johanna May Allah subhanaw taala protect us from that fake a llama, I mean, so this man, you know, is is, you know, an

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interesting man to focus on. But I really want to focus on those words, when you're trying to give advice to someone or when you kind of state this position, like, Look, I've done everything that I possibly can at this point, and I leave the rest to Allah. If you follow the last few nights, when we're talking about Tafseer, about him, or reflections on soda, Ibrahim, we started off with this idea of

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you know, that Allah Subhana, Allah guides whom He wills, you don't guide whom you love. And so you do your best, but you disconnect yourself, you take responsibility, but at the same time you acknowledge your lack of control over the situation, you leave that to God, right, God's gonna guide whom He wills, Allah subhanaw taala will guide whom He wills, you do not guide whom you love. So you leave that to a loss of habitat, you do your best effort, you leave it to Allah. And then we moved on to this idea of a person who finds or is who finds that strength and that power and that honor and that dignity in Allah subhanho wa Taala in their Lord. And one of the things one of the outcomes

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that they are detaching themselves from is not just the outcome of what's going to happen to that person, but the outcome of what's going to happen to them themselves as a result of their insisting on belief, insisting on truth and not resigning themselves.

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What's gonna come about with you, and I don't know what's going to come about with myself, and there are various ways that this plays out through the end. There aren't there's the way of the profits, right. So the profits, you know, persevere with their people for years and years and years and years. You know, in the case of Noah 950 years, no, Holly has saddam. So they persevere with their profits for years, years and years and years, calling them to Allah subhana wa Tada. And as they're calling them to Allah Subhana, WA, tada, they're warning them, but they're calling them from a place of great concern. Listen, I'm trying to help you, I'm trying to help you. And, you know, eventually

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it becomes a you know, at the end of it, you know, what, I've tried, at this point, I can't save you any more from the torture from the punishment, that is coming your way, because of all that you have done to reject and to, you know, and to push back on this guidance that was meant to take you from the darkness to the light. So you know what, at this point, I resigned myself to what Allah subhanaw taala has decreed in regards to you. Sometimes it's with their own family members. And this is one of the most painful things when you read about the prophets is that they're speaking to their own family members. And they're saying to their family members, to their children, to their spouses to

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their parents, look, I'm trying to help you. Right. So whether it's him with his father, or new adult with their spouses or North with his son, right, this is throughout the end of people that are speaking to their family members and saying, I you know, I want good for you, I want good for you. I'm not, I'm not trying to hurt you, this isn't to punish you or torture you.

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What's interesting about that is that this has practical implications for us in our own lives, because there's sort of the doubts of community and, you know, trying to seek justice and trying to do good for people call them to toe heed and serve them for Allah subhanaw taala, all those things, right. That's all there. And then there are people that are even close to us that are beloved to us. And so, just like when we seek from the prophets, inspiration, methodology, guidance on how to be inspirations to others, and how to be guides to others, we also sit with the way that they sat with their pain, right? When they could not guide the people that were beloved to them. And when they

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were trying to give advice to people that were not in a place to hear them. So a lot tells us in sorts of off, for example, the parents that are talking to their children, and they're saying to their children, we look at Amman, in the water and de la valle kulu Maha that he let us athlete on a wedding, right. So this person, this person is being spoken to by their parents and saying, look, I want good for you. You're going to remember this one day. I'm trying to guide you

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To a good path, I want you to take this advice I want you to do right by the situation. And that person says, oh, Phil, lacuna attorney, Danny and rajwada politic tournament public, right? That person says I don't care about you, right? The person talks back to their parents and says, Who cares about you? I don't care about you. Right? Well, silica Get out of my face. Often luck, oh, man, you don't know what you're talking about. Often. Luckily, I'm a grown man and a grown woman. You don't know what your how, you know, stop talking to me Stop trying to give me advice. Stop worrying about me. You know, and nothing is going to come about of what's what you're saying anyway.

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And, you know, that person says, Wait a second am in the parents, though. They're being insulted by their children. They're saying, Listen, It's for your own good. Even though you're insulting me, even though you're causing me great pain, I want good for you. I want you to pay attention, I want good for you. And the, you know, the kids in this situation, brush off their parents and they say whatever these are just, these are just the stories, the fables of the past. These are just the fables of the past. So that pain of a parent speaking to their child is one that some had a lot. I mean, anyone that's in a in a community leader position, will would have seen that many different

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times you're trying to help someone in the case, once your own children who you would do anything for them, you do anything for them, and they're you know, they're on a path of hurting themselves harming themselves. And you're trying to tell them, Look, it's for your own good, I want you to, you know, I want you to think about the consequences of your actions. You're not thinking about the consequences of your actions, and they're brushing them off. Notice that I'm speaking to a son, right? What's more hurtful than that, and sometimes the equation is flipped. Ibrahim speaking to his father. You know, they say that when when someone can't hear your advice.

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Just let them know that you're that you're going to love them through their stubbornness. Okay? You're going to love them through their stubbornness, something along those lines. And when I hear that, I think

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things to him. And he said, as salaam when I need no peace beyond to you, I'm going to seek forgiveness for you. Well as your little Bs, and I'm going to pray. And he's not saying it to his father, like you get away from you full. I'm going to pray for your soul because you're lost. And no, it's I love you dad, even though you just said that you wanted to humiliate me and bury me and, and make an example out of me. I love you. And I'm gonna pray for you. And I'm here for you. The door is open when you can hear what I'm saying. Because clearly you can't hear it right now. You can't hear it right now. Right. So that's Karuna. akula. Calm has, you know, when it's talking about

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the Hereafter, it's got a finality to it. But like right now, like, Hey, you can't hear me right now. I'm telling you

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something that hopefully will one day come back to you. And how many times is it that someone gave us sincere advice? And it hit us later on in life? Right? Like, wait a minute, while it hit us later on in life, like, I wish I would have listened to my parents sooner. I wish I would have listened to that good advisor sooner, I wish I would have paid attention sooner. How many times do we find ourselves on the other side of that, right on the other side of that, where someone's trying to tell us something that's good for us. And we're not paying attention, we're not in a position yet to hear that person. Of course, in the Hereafter, the banality of that is when a person, you know, when a

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people or a person, an individual did not, did not come to that realization or that recognition soon enough. And so there is the recital of those same words to them on Yamaha piano, and the recital of those same words to them, you know, as they experienced the fate of that which which they were told about by their profits, and then the article now via, didn't a warner come to you were you not warned about this exact situation happening to you. All of that is there, all of that is there, right? And for us, I want us to actually think about ourselves and conclusion in one of two ways, when you're trying to give good advice to someone out of a place of love for them. And you're you've

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made it a point to remove your ego. Because what you know what will make your advice ugly is when you have ego in it when it's condescending when it doesn't, you know, maybe somewhere in there some noble intention, but in the midst of your noble intention is being lost in the ugliness of your words, right. And so maybe somewhere in there, like you're really trying to give someone advice out of care for them, but you're doing a very poor job of conveying it. And you have to ask yourself, what is it about the way that I'm saying it? That is, that is reflective of maybe a contradiction in my stated intention of wanting good for them. Is there something else in there that I'm not paying

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attention to so you got to remove your enough's and you got to make sure

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You're giving advice for Allah, I'm giving it out of love for you. Right? And on the receiving end, what would cause a person to not receive even the most beautiful advice? Even the most well meaning of advice is that their egos in the way. So I can't hear you because I can only hear my arrogance, I can hear, I can hear my, my ego, my you know, my own sense of pride, I can't hear you. Even if you're saying the most beautiful things to me, even if you're saying something from the purest place, and in the purest way, I can't hear you. And so for both of these people, both the one giving that sincere advice, and the one listening to that sincere advice, right, the ego has to be removed

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from the picture. And you've got to, you've got to consider, you know, whether if you're giving advice to someone sincere advice to someone out of the love of Allah subhanaw taala and out of wanting good for them, then even if they respond in a nasty way, you hope that you would have planted some seeds that will bear fruit before death, that they'll wake up soon enough, right. And you hope that you planted the seeds maybe later on, they'll think about it, and it will save them. And this is what I tell parents, you know, May Allah help all of the parents that are struggling with their children, you know, if their children have taken, you know, a path of harming themselves,

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and in the process, hurting their parents, you know, one day inshallah tada that good advice that you planted those good seeds in the ninth hour, one day it will pop and again, sometimes it's children that have spoken to their parents that have tried to stop their parents from being a harmful path, right? We find both of these examples in the profits. But one day hopefully that good parenting that good advice, those seeds that you planted one day, hopefully, they will, they'll wake a person up. And on the other hand of that, like think about how many times you may have disregarded good advice because of your ego. You didn't like the way it was said you didn't like the person that

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was giving it to you, but it was good advice, right? Remove your ego, remove your knifes and listen, that's

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the point is, is that you want to come to that conclusion in this life.

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And as a final thought, you know, when I read the seal of the prophets, I saw them and when you read about the Sahaba, and you read about the points at which they came to the Prophet peace be upon them, some of them really held out for a very long time. But then they had extraordinary careers in Islam, you know, of doing good, extraordinary legacies, right? Like the hottest abundant woods of the world. Well, the a lot of time, right, like held out for a really really long time. But eventually it came to pass. And there is no way for us, at least in this life to think about those that held back in Mecca, and then eventually became, you know, followers of the Prophet slice and

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eventually remove their ego. What advice or what words lived with them for a few years and that chipped away, at their Khufu at their, at their to Leann at their oppression at their rejection, like what was chipping away at it for all those years? Was it something that my son said to me before the heads up? Before he migrated to Medina? Was it something that my sister my something that I mean, this was of course, spouses, parents, everything, right? Was it something What was it that lived with them for a few years that they thought about that later on, you know, eventually came to a place of them standing in front of the profit slice on not as his enemy but as a follower. And as

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one who would actually support the cause of righteousness, right? It's you don't know what was planted there, and how that was working in a person's thoughts and how that was working in a person's heart. And so don't despair. If you've given good advice to someone, if you if you love someone, and you're trying to give them good, don't despair, if the message that you gave to them was rejected initially, and it would came from a pure place and that was given in a pure way. Don't despair in it, maybe one day, maybe one day, it'll click in Allahu taala and do not fail to take yourself to task and ask Okay, what were the good messages that were given to me in life that I

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didn't pay attention to, that I should have maybe listened to and paid attention to? We ask Allah subhana wa tada to allow us to live this beautiful nature of a dino naziha both in giving advice and receiving sincere advice and we asked Allah subhanaw taala to allow us to see the fruits of the advice in this life and the next to see the ultimate reward in the hereafter. I mean, does that come along? fade on inshallah Tada, Monday night? Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, we'll continue with some lessons from Sudoku, Brahim. Tuesday, the next three Tuesday nights in Charlottetown. I'm going to be doing the life story of Ibrahim on Islam of the Prophet Abraham peace be upon him. And Fridays

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again, we'll continue with this and Charlottetown does that mean well, Donald Sutherland will sort of embark on being a Mohammed rather early he will suddenly as rain was to them, it comes to life.

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