Nouman Ali Khan – Surah Yusuf #61 – V96 Didn’t I tell you!

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the use of the "harn't you" concept in relation to complaints against Muslims and Christian leaders. They emphasize the importance of learning the religion to become a better person and avoiding negative behavior. They stress the importance of finding the right soil for growing plants and finding one thing in the Quran that is a "has been there for a long time." They stress the importance of patient gratitude and finding one thing in the Quran that is a "has been there for a long time."
AI: Transcript ©
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Ravi let him initiate honor regime for them

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Luca Who was he fell asleep.

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Allah lm upon him in ni la mina la he mad at the moon rubbish. So recently I'm really working with Dr. Melissa Nia Coco leaf hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was a marine about once again everybody is still on Monaco Morocco right out over the capital. Today I tried to discuss with you some lessons I've come to learn from and number 96 of Swords use of I've titled as you can see in the video I've titled this Didn't I tell you because that is actually part of the phrasing inside of the ISO Let me start right away by translating it for you. You guys recall yesterday, we talked about how he was being taunted. And he was the recipient of the aggravation of

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his extended family meaning the his grandchildren, even according to Porter to be this conversation took place between him and his grandchildren.

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Where he you know, they were basically calling him and saying and how you're just, you're still so committed to your old confusion and you're still lost and you're practically insane and things like that. And he even said, I'm gonna say this, and had you had it not been that you called me insane in this way, then you probably would have scented the scent also alone would have gifted you this gift also, but you can't see it that way because you've you've shut your eyes and you've shut your senses to that dimension, meaning the dimension of faith. You just don't see it that way. Now, weeks have gone by days have gone by and this you know abuse continues and finally the caravan has arrived and

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this is the idea that the caravan arriving. I remind you yesterday I said that in the Quran. I after I add the scene progresses very quickly. So you might feel like this happened in a split second he had this exchange with his grandkids and his daughters in law. And then immediately after that the new the good news came that's not the case. This is actually describing something that took a long time and if we pay close attention to the language that actually does become clear. So the idea is fella Anja Alba she then finally when it came to pass or it's so happened it actually occurred that the giver of good news came along the the congratulate her came along now. Obviously who's the

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congratulate her that'll be a discussion, but that's the language but she was the one who gives good news who are allowed he cast it upon his face. Obviously the shirt doesn't have to be mentioned by name now, because we know what's supposed to be cast on his face. So when finally it's so happened, that the giver of good news came along he cast it on his face but the double Ceylon and he restored he became restored to his state of being someone who can see but see being someone who is able to see color. allama Colaco, he said, didn't I tell you in the alumina la de la la la moon? Certainly I know from his eye who knows from Allah, what you don't know. That's the IO we're discussing today.

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Okay. There's an outstanding discussion from last time that I want to bring to your attention. Before we get into today's conversation. And that is like yesterday, we saw that in number 95. Allah abou, whom Allah didn't say Yaqoob said, or the father of use of abou who his father said,

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The language is or simply the just the pronoun he said. Instead, the languages their father said, a boom. Or this is significant because he's been attributed as the father of theirs in a barnala feeble alley movie. Or in the case of Yusuf Ali Salaam, go give this shirt to my father, right? So he used to be in Allahu urban, he has a father. So the pronoun he my, your, our there that's been, you know, varying when it comes to Father, in this particular electrical, so tell us describe jacobellis. I'm not just as the father of your abusive, but he described Yaqoob as their father. Now, who's they technically is the father of all of his kids, right? But they're not there. They're

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in Egypt, or they're on their way back. So in a sense, what it's expressing is, he's the father of the entire clan. So even when they're gone, he's the father of the grandkids too. You know, so, and in saying that, what does that imply? Well, you know, the Quran is timeless teaching, which is even pre chronic is what really valid any Asana that you have to be the best you can be to your parents. And the honor one is supposed to, you know, direct towards their mother and their father is a timeless principle of this religion. And by using the word abou home, he is the He's worthy of their respect, twofold. He's not just their father. He's their father's father is illustrating the

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contrast between the way in which they

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He spoke to him, and the way that he's become accustomed to being insulted Lola and to funny dude, he's become accustomed to feeling that way, even though he's their father, as if Allah Himself subhana wa Taala is offended? How dare they talk to their father that way? This is important for us for a lot of reasons. This is actually the family of Ibrahim alayhis. Salam very directly. Right. So these are, these aren't This is not a family of like no holidays, where he's the believer and his family's not believers, right? These are all Muslims. These are everybody in the family's Muslim. What are we learning about sometimes a dysfunctional Muslim family, that the dysfunction isn't that

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some people are believers, other people are not believers. And that's why there's a conflict inside the family. But actually, every member of the family in this case is Muslim. They all believe in Ibrahim Ali Salaam, they all believe in is married. And as hackers, they that's all already established. That's already there. It's a given. They even call on the law, right the line. So that that's not the issue. But what we're learning is just because you're Muslim, and just because you have a good upbringing environment around you, even because even if you have a good role model around you, doesn't mean that you uphold your faith in Allah doesn't guarantee that you uphold the

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values that this Deen comes with. So what what can happen in the life of a Muslim is that they can hold on to some parts of their faith as part of their identity, and let go of other parts of their faith as if they have nothing to do with their identity. Let me be more specific, somebody can pray. Somebody can do Vicar, somebody can look the part of a very, you know, sincere believer, they can you know, like, it's, I find it interesting. Sometimes people comment on brother, can you please put a cap on your head? Or can you make a beard longer or trim your mustache shorter and things like that people have these comments about my peers, I find it entertaining personally, because not that

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I'm making fun of their their understanding of the religion. But Alhamdulillah I've got I had the chance to study these things. And I understand them to a certain extent for myself, I don't talk about issues in on my public platform, because that's not my area of expertise. I study that part of Islam, for myself and for my family. I study the Quran as something I want to learn and something I want to teach. But other aspects of Islam are actually personally for my own benefit. So when I'm about to go to 100 euro, I'm going to study the hip hop genre, if I were about to, you know, if I'm about to engage in any, you know, sort of ritual, or if I'm about to, you know, do something that I

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need to understand the rituals of religion, I'll study that carefully for myself. Because these are matters in which there are differences. And there are scholarly discussions. And sometimes these questions illustrate how little people have, you know, access to scholarly discourse that is very classical on some of these things. And it's because of the culture that they're surrounded by, they see Islam in a certain way, and they're not able to see it outside of that bubble, the historical bubble of Islam is much bigger, and the contemporary bubble of Islam is much smaller. Right? So you're around a certain group of Muslims. You see, Islam is limited to that. But anyway, coming back

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to this subject, why am I bringing that up now, because what can happen is somebody holds on to their faith, their prayers, their rituals, their appearance, they are very particular about how long their beard should be, or what you know, how you know, what kinds of pants they should wear, and things like that all of that is very particular, or what kind of food is halal and not Hello, hello, hello, and all of that. But there are other dimensions of the same religion, like respect for parents, like patience, like you know, when you're engaging and not raising your voice is not uncommon. Swati la SoTL Hamid, the uglier sound is the brain of a donkey was Goldman Celtic, the

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wisdom given in the Quran is lower your voice, obviously, nobody's raising their voice when they are having a normal conversation. It's in conflict situations that people raise their voice, right? So what the advice being given is in conflict situations, lawyer voice, but those things, even people that are ritualistically religious, identify themselves as Muslim. When it comes to the manners of Islam. It's like that doesn't even exist in the religion. It could be that they're observing the appearance, like, you know, a young girl could be wearing a hijab and observing the five prayers and still disrespects her mom still disrespects her dad still lies, so openly, falsely testifies, that

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can happen. So what happens is sometimes we pick one part of the religion and we say, well, that's, that's where my Islam stops, the rest is my own domain. Right? And that can it's a pretty scary thing. Because if that can happen in the family of a prophet, who will obviously teach the holistic Dean, he's not going to teach them the religion in portions while you just hold on to the beliefs and the rituals, but the ethics and the morals and the manners, that's not something to worry about. He did his job teaching. Sometimes it'd be the example my teacher used to give, and it's actually taken from an Enron because

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The way in which Miriam was raised, I'm about to hand the baton Hassan. So give you that analogy.

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Sometimes you have a garden, and you put the seed in the garden, the soil is perfect. It's the right kind of soil for growing plants, because you know, if you have the wrong kind of soil, it's not going to give the nourishment to the plant. Right, so you have the right kind of soil. And it's getting there, just the right amount of water, and just the right amount of nutrition, and just the right amount of rain and just the right amount of sunlight. Everything for the growth of this plant is it's perfect conditions. But there's something wrong with the seed itself.

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Right, so you planted three or four different seeds, some of them are coming out beautifully. They're all getting the same sun, the same water, everything, but there's something one seed is refusing to take advantage of all the nutrition that is coming its way you understand. Sometimes it so happens that you are in a good environment, you are surrounded by the opportunity to correct yourself. You're living in this case, you're living in the family of a prophet For God's sake. And the the father figure of your family is a prophet of Allah. And you are from the heritage of Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, right. And it's so you have to appreciate the irony. You can be in the most

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nurturing garden and not grow properly as a plant, right? That's the analogy. And what is the analogy of Ibrahim alyssum, you could be in a desert and grow a perfect plant.

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right because he was he was surrounded by a hostile environment that has nothing to do with nurturing your face, everything or in his environment was wrong. And he grows up, he turns into this profound tree of faith, surrounded by nothingness, surrounded by the desert. And now he wants this tree that he's become it seeds to become a garden. And now there that's supposed to become even more so that the nature the future generations, it's even easier for them to hold on to their faith. You don't have to go through the hostility that Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam went through. That's what he passed down. And now he's got sons, those sons have grand sons, those grandsons have great

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grandsons, and they're all believers. And they all know what their father went through to hold on to this faith. And they all have come to know Allah, and they've left the waves of shark, all of that's happening now.

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And they understand the institution have profited. And yet their manners are no different than someone who had no knowledge of Islam. No, no, no different. That's a scary reality. And in teach in sharing that with us, Allah has taught us that this is one of the things that can easily be forgotten in the life of a Muslim, or in Muslim family life, that we may hold on to Islam. But we may let go of the manners that come with it, we may let go of the treatment towards each other that come with it. That's a very easy thing to let go. So you don't you don't even have regard for your grandfather, or your father or elders in general. Or little siblings or, you know, talking to older

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siblings like their garbage and you know, there's a culture now, we're obviously we're exposed to lots of things that previous generations, even a decade ago, even kids five years ago weren't exposed to can you playing video games now on social media, right? People have screen names, people are, you know, foul mouth and each other trash talking to each other your garbage or this or that, you know, and there's a lot of like self

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aggrandizement, I'm number one, I'm gonna kill everybody, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that. Like there's a, it's a culture of like, demonstrating how amazing you are and celebrating your own greatness in sports. Whereas, you know, when somebody made a good shot back in the day, if you really know how to play basketball, and you made a good shot, and other people, you know, came, you give you a five, but the one guy who made a shot is number one. Nobody wants to play with that guy. No, because they're too obsessed with themselves, you understand. But now that's become kind of a thing. You You're you're self absorbed. And if you allow that culture to permeate, guess what

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happens then you're too big to be corrected. You're too big for your mother to correct your manners. You're too big for your older brother to tell you clean up your plate. And this disrespect culture, which is already the that's the norm online disrespect culture now becomes a part of a young man or a young woman's personality. And they bring that into the family. These are bringing that language that demeanor, those facial expressions, the rolling of the eyes. Aha. Like if you're talking to your kid, and one of your kids goes, mm hmm, yeah. Mm hmm.

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Boy, that you might as well use the worst filthy language because that is disrespect at its highest. That is not acceptable. That's not gonna fly. What I'm trying to get at is this can make its way into a believing family. They could still pray. They could still memorize the Quran. Tajweed would be perfect, but they're still turning into monsters. They're still turning into monsters. That's not okay. And that's something that has to be addressed anyhow. So that was an outstanding item, a boom. Perhaps the phrase a boom also, their father is contrasting that their it's their father, who received first and foremost the wrong

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With the scent of blood, the fake blood on the shirt and it's now their father, who even if they don't present to him the truth, even before they present it, he knows the good is coming. It's almost like it's contrasting before the bad happened. He had a premonition that bad is happening, is about to happen. I'm afraid a wolf might eat him. Some harm will come his way. I don't want to let him go. Right? He hasn't let him go. But the fear has already dawned on him. And he's got a feeling that something bad is about to happen to the point where he told his son not to share the dream. Remember early on in the story. It's the opposite now and it's it's kind of in in harm also, but a

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positive one. Good news hasn't even come yet. But he has a feeling it's coming. Just like bad news hadn't even come yet. And he had a feeling that it was coming. So that that's an interesting contrast with the word boom. Another comment that is recorded in the first scene. I took the Arabic excerpt. Let me read that to you first and then explain to you because I thought it was a nice insight about the previous ayah. Allah, the people of that seek deeper meaning into the ayat of the Quran have said so this is a generalization. So it's not attributed to one scholar in particular, in Allah Allah, Allah Allah Hee ha Yusuf alayhi salam, and then the last image that is one big rock to

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roll well thorough mineral mechanic buried that a large xojo gave brought him this the scent of use of Friday saddam

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at the end of a period of great trial and difficulty from such a faraway place. Well, mana Amina will soon carbery Mingo Sunni Hubbard e la makabe del Bella Bella tame me and Rafi modality sama Nina Santa, according to them, it's some monies. And I don't I don't think it is. But anyway, he's saying, and yet for decades, even though he says 80 years, for decades, a lot prevented any news of use of reaching the father even though the lands are not that far away from each other.

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Right, so now he's hearing about the sun by way of wind, by way of ascent. Now he's getting sense of the sun. And all these years. He has no news of the sun, even though the lands are right next to each other. They're not that far off, right? And so he says, What can you do Allah Nakula? silent for who has a manual Magna? sub for what is a man in Makkah, sir, welcome to Serbian for whom a fisherman in bal. Sal. It can be that things that are generally supposed to be easy. When a lot is putting someone through trial, when they're going through a trial, easy solutions become impossible.

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And when Allah wants to bring relief, the most impossible solutions become possible.

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So sometimes when someone's going to try the solution may be really easy, but it's still impossible. Like for anybody else, it would be easy, but for you just won't happen. Right? And for other situations, it could be when Allah wants to bring used to you the circumstances are impossible. No science can explain it. And yet a law opens the door. And that's the nature of trials. Sometimes you say it's happening to it's working out for everybody else, how come it's not working out for me, somebody is applying for a job, they've got a great resume, they've got the perfect, you know, experience, they've got all these credentials behind them, you know, they're there, their skill is

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high in demand, and yet they can't find a job.

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And then there's somebody else who has no credentials, no experience, their resume is a blank sheet of paper with just their name on it and their birthday, you know, and they get a job in two days.

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And they all they both get a job and the one with high qualifications is getting paid, then the one with low no qualifications is getting paid more. So how come it's easy for him? How come it's hard for me? Because sometimes for some people a lot creates a pathway of ease. And sometimes, even though all the means are there, a low wants them to go through a valley of difficulty before they reach the ease. Right? So that's actually a lot teaching us through this sutra that has nothing to do with how close or far you are from Allah.

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That Allah will give relief. That a level Have you go through trial, because ease is a trial and difficulties of trial. There are two different kinds of trials, but yet they are still trials. Nonetheless, it's remarkable that in the Quran, you find an attitude taught total total loss and a lot more and you send them in to very different circumstances. when things were overwhelming, and Qureshi were insulting him even resorting to torture at that point and things were becoming really overwhelming. What was he told subject behind the optic acaba tolu shamcey Welcome, lol hooroo. You just declare how perfect allies

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you busy yourself with reminding yourself and declaring the perfection of a law before the sun comes off comes up and before it goes down.

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The circumstances are imperfect. But Allah is perfect. You remind yourself of that. Just focus on this

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Then so this was in times of difficulty he was told basically to do this be Yeah. And then victory comes. NACA is conquered. All the enemies have been subdued. In da da da Silva he won. What I did not say NaVi de la vida for some day we have to do because

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when victory comes when people are entering into the religion in droves do the spear wait you said do this be when times are hard? Now you're saying do this be when times are easy you know what that's teaching us? That's teaching us a believer will go through difficulty and a believer will go through ease and in both times they must remember allies perfect none of the difficulties not attempt to blame Allah and ease is not a time to take credit for yourself man Finally I overcame now you didn't overcome bro. Or sis Allah brought you out that's still a time to remind yourself of the perfection of Allah. So the and also to remind yourself that even when ease comes that eases and

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endless just like difficulties not endless ease is not endless this life is just up and down. Everything in it is waves what's the laughing lady when haha you know, night and day keeps exceeding each other. You know storming, calm, storming, calm storming, calm life and death life and death life and death this life is constant change, ease will not stay permanently difficulty will not stay permanently Now coming back to the ayah By the way, just to establish You know, he said he was talking to his you know, extended family even ultraview Rahim Allah when he when they were insulting him and I said he must be talking to his extended family. This is from A to B Rahim Allah a call

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Alamin Holloman Colombian karate Hema mala mia fujinami Slava, what are the what are the that meaning when he was talking? He was talking to those that are relatives of his who didn't go to Egypt, meaning the kids of his kids. Other said no, not all the sons went back to Egypt. But I believe I do believe he sent all of them. That seems the more plausible explanation now for the eye of the day. phenom and john Belushi. Then finally, when the giver of good news came so the first thing here is for grammatical purposes. And it's something I want you to develop a thirst for the relationship between Arabic grammar, syntax, and its connection to meaning it's a really beautiful

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thing like grammars seems like such a hard thing to study. Like it's almost as entertaining as a root canal, you know, but it's not, it's actually really fun. And once you get into it, it's an addiction. It's It's such a high because then you start discovering things about love's word, you know, and insights into Allah's word that the translations aren't designed to tell you. They're not it's not a fault of the translator, they're just not equipped to the translation isn't a mechanism by which some of these discussions can even exist for anybody. But for those of you that are interested in a little bit of Arabic grammar, and for those of you who would like to quench or

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develop a thirst for it, and I'm saying all this because I'll be teaching Arabic soon and I hope you join me

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and, and actually, it's considered zaryadye here meaning you can say for Lama Alba shoe translation would be then finally when the giver of good news came, the congratulate her came and now you have an onion there, fella, Angela al Bashir, and technically it's considered that EDA, which means an add on your preposition, which would mean that the transition is virtually the same. Then finally, when the giver of good news came, so, the transition is not quite capturing the end, we have to do something to address that. So it has been explained in two interesting ways. One way I'll take from him and assure more from his elaboration he says this is a little kid with a key meaning that this

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is an emphasizing on and it's materializing. Now, what does that mean? That means previous artwork I sent I can sense the center of use of I find it over and over again. And their kids, that kid the grandkids said, Oh, you're still in your old craziness. Come on. And actually, when the good news came, when the giver of good news came meaning when in actual fact, his words were proven true. So the owner makes it in actual fact, as if now it's like they got face pump. Right? They got own because the the news has come true. So when the truth of it came out is captured inside the word an

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Imam fontina. Razi says that unmee represent a fire in my roof, which we can call an emitted verb in English. So for the Mahara machine, which is very similar in meaning when it became apparent or when it came when it's so happened. Valhalla when it's so occurred, that the giver of good news finally came. So it's actually continuing the irony of that conversation before they were poking fun of him, and when in fact, he did come and that's that dramatic shift is actually inside.

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The word and it's really quite beautiful. And there's these two explanations that eventually lead to the same thing. But now let's talk about who is this giver of good news? I'll summarize the classical Tafseer commentary is pretty consistent on who this could be. Well, bashira keela, who was Sharon Bashir, it said is one of the brothers shimmering. So one of the one of the brothers of use of joaquina yehudah. And it said Judah, Judah miyaza Paul, and as Hubble will come, he said, Yo, I will go with a shirt today come out of the hub to be mulata 100 dumb, just as I went so long ago when it was riddled with blood, meaning I was the one who gave him the shirt stained with blood.

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I'll be the one to give him the shirt that tells the truth. Allah who have no Ibis, this has been attributed to Mr. bustle the Allahu taala bacala well understood the and according to suit de

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Cali, what he he also said to his brothers, the brothers that went with the shirt, called the ultimate neither have to leave your committee or ha, for the only lady be commissioned for her. I you guys all know I took the shirt of Greek of grief and calamity to him. Let me now take the sheet the shirt of joy to him. So in these narrations, the story gap is being filled the question because it doesn't say one of the brothers went it says the giver of good news went right. So who is that giver of good news? The explanation has been It was one of the brothers.

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I personally am not convinced of this view. Not everybody accepts this view. It's not coming from like irrefutable authentic. NARRATION. So it's not like we have to take it as an ironclad evidence. There is room for discussion here. And I've had some interesting discussions with chefs for him about what this could mean. Because we have to also understand when the Quran was being recited its original audience in Makkah, not everybody was running on a bus and asking what it means. Right, or the level on whom they were hearing these words, and they were processing them as they were hearing them, you understand. And so there are there's a, there's an dependence also on the text itself to

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be self explanatory at some level.

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And or call for contemplation at some level.

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So now, what are the other possibilities? Well, one certain possibilities and the real right the caravan. And because the caravan is an official royal caravan coming from the wealthiest nation in the land, Egypt, the fact that it's coming towards the village, those of you that watch our total, when the when whenever somebody is coming towards the village, they, you know, hear the drums and they see the flags coming in, and then they all come out, and they're like, Good news or bad news, you know, and they have like, eight minutes of crying or whatever happens. But anyway, the point is, when when, when a procession comes to a village, it is, it's not a small thing, you don't just enter

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a village, this is a pretty big deal that's coming in. And it looks from afar because of the colors and the celebration and the gifts that it bears that it's coming with. Good news, right? And it could be that the brothers are in it. But they're, here's the reason that made me skeptical that it's one of the brothers alone. Or maybe it is the brothers. But the reason I'm skeptical is these guys went and lied to their father to his face, and then yelled at him for even bringing up anything to the contrary, for years on end. Yes.

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I have a hard time imagining that one of them walks in and Allah describes him as the bringer of what good news. Hey, Dad, guess what? We've been lying to you all these years. Here's the shirt to prove it.

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He's alive. You're right. We were just messing with you. All those insults we hurled at you and called you crazy for thinking he's alive. Yeah, it was all a lie. But still, I'm so happy. It's all okay now because he's alive. And here's a shirt

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that just don't see it.

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I don't, you could see if somebody if if I was I put myself in that position. If I was the one who gave the false shirt, and now I have to bring the right kind of shirt. I wouldn't be the giver of good news. I'd be the I bear a huge deal of shame. And come before father crying, apologizing before I confess that that's the shirt. You understand. Like it's not I wouldn't describe myself as the bringer of good news. I will bring I will describe myself as the bringer of a confession first and foremost. Right. And it would be actually pretty disingenuous for someone who has committed such a heinous crime to come in and act like that crime never happened. Hey, Dad, guess what? He's alive.

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What do you know, wolves aren't that good at eating? You know,

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as if you want to gloss over your crime and let's just focus on the positive right let's just let's not make this a negative occasion. That's really disingenuous, you should own up to the wrong that you did. So for those basic psychological reasons, I have a hard time wrapping my mind around the Bashir being one of the brothers. So what other possibilities are there it could be

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Because they've been told to go with along with a caravan, none of them can find it in themselves to

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face father. So they take one of the Royal employees, one of the servants of user friendly seven, say, could you take the shirt, please? That's the house over there. And so this representative from the Royal kingdom that is run by Yusuf Ali Salaam comes in, excuse me, sir, are you yaku, the father of use of you know, and etc? And he says, Yes, I am. Sir, I come on behalf of your son users and gives the good news and hands him a shirt. And there's kind of this, this, you know, he's officially the bearer of good news, I guess you guys are so Islamic, because you're on Facebook. So you don't watch movies and stuff. But in movies, sometimes, stuff that a lot of them. They have like kings

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that send the bearer of news. Like the Kings announcer he comes on a horse, he comes down, he opens up a scroll and says here, he announces the king, etc, etc. And it could be that he's giving a warning. Or it could be that he's giving good news. Right. And sometimes when he bears good news, he becomes the machine. So it's actually this machine who's coming this giver of good news that's coming, and and telling yaacov and so on. And that's to me is one plausible explanation. It could also be that the caravan itself that eat itself, its procession at large can be considered the bearer of good news. When the caravan arrived, meaning the scent got that close. And the details of

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how the shirt was given to him has been kind of emitted. But it's been the gap is filled by our imagination, clearly, because it doesn't have to be spelled out. That's the second explanation that the machine could refer to the caravan at large. But I'd like for him suggestion. The most the third suggestion. And that is something that actually occurred. there's a there's a showerhead, ironically, there's an evidence for it in this hotel previously. You remember in this the case of the

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when the shirt was ripped from behind that scene was shahida hidden and he had one of the witnesses testified right. And some of us you don't actually suggested that that witnesses the shirt itself, the shirt itself testified even though that wasn't a very plausible explanation then to attribute the shirt to be the witness because it says from her family, the shirt isn't from her family. So it didn't fit, but actually hear the word but she can actually serve the purpose of the shirt because the actual bearer of good news, the actual bearer of the heavenly scent of users is who is what the shirt itself so when the shirt itself arrived, so I wish I wish you could actually be al Bashir

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wahoo alchemise so the shirt itself arrived so there are these possibilities of the shirt and the shirt or an emissary or the caravan at large or one of the brothers those are the possibilities of what the good bearer of good news is. And I do think that there are multiple possibilities here. Hello Darla, them anyway, so but but that affects the interpretation of the rest of the ayah. So let's just go with the shirt for now. Let's see how that affects the interpretation. Well, it says the ISS, Phantom jaw, Anja Alba Shirou, Alico who Allah which he, he cast it on his face, he cast it on his face. So one, if it was a brother than the brother cast it on his face, the other the

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brother, you know, gently, you know, put it on his face, or hand it to him to put on his face. Or if it's a servant, he put it on his face. He's lying in bed, he's you know, he's sick. And now he's being it's being placed on his face, so you can smell it. But if it's the shirt itself, meaning when the good news, the shirt itself came, he grabbed the shirt, and he put it on his face.

00:33:50 --> 00:34:10

Like there's this remarkable scene where he's just drowned in this son's shirt. He's drowned in his son's shirt. You know, when you miss one of your kids, Mom, sometimes when they're when your kids get older, the sun travels to college, or go somewhere and you find one of his shirts in the closet or in the laundry? Or what do you do with that shirt?

00:34:12 --> 00:34:14

Oh, my baby's mother, baby.

00:34:15 --> 00:34:16

And as you do it, too, by the way,

00:34:17 --> 00:34:37

right? This idea of just being emotionally drowned in the joy of that set, he smelled it, he smelled it it was getting smaller and getting stronger and getting stronger and getting stronger. And finally the good news itself is here. The good news is the shirt itself really just caught it on his face. Oh hoo, ology.

00:34:39 --> 00:34:59

The happiness was already there. It was building and building and building despite the negativity of his family. We already saw that. And now finally, as he put it on his face for the double seerah he became one who can see again, if the DOD here at DOD is incredible. shakila harlyn kana la ha when something goes back

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To the state it used to be. So he went back to being someone who can see,

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he went back to undo his blindness. Now there's discussion about whether or not he was actually blind or his eyesight became extremely weak. Besides the point, miraculously, the emotional healing led to his physical healing is what the Quran is saying. Now, that could be divine intervention. And it could also be an insight in the Quran about how if you have caused someone wrong, then make it right, and perhaps their physical pain may go away. You may be able to get rid of their physical distress by alleviating the harm you may have caused, or giving them that physical relief. And this case, it's the shirt that serves that purpose for the double seven. God, he said, Now we get to the

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fun part. So he's lost in the joy of the shirt. The tears of joy are rolling off of his face. Maybe he's crying use of use of use of my baby, my boy, my boy, and he lost in that joy.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:21

But now who's around him. By this time the sons have arrived. The extended family who kept calling him crazy for talking about yourself is all standing there with their jaw dropped. You know how sometimes in cartoons they show the character's jaw drops to the ground and then the tongue rolls out like a rolling carpet. It's like that kind of a scene, though.

00:36:23 --> 00:36:42

Like you you got owned all of you all y'all got owned right now. And you're all standing there and the government officials are standing there honoring Yahoo and all y'all are feeling like we've been insulting the king's father we've been humiliating it and how how immediate your behavior towards him is gonna change.

00:36:43 --> 00:37:13

Cuz he got back now he got security behind him now. He's an official royal immediately, you understand? So the scene in the family and how they perceive him and what they you know, what they were to him and what they have to be to have now has immediately changed. And this is for the first time where he is not a powerless old man who's losing his sight in his health. bedridden, he is in a position of put lay the smack down. He's in a position of put them in their place for the first time.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:15

He could actually no

00:37:16 --> 00:37:17

Oh, you're gonna get it.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:24

So what he said, Well, here's let me just before he tell you, I tell you what he said. Let me tell you what he didn't say

00:37:25 --> 00:37:45

Llama Llama Hola, como la masala moto seafood? Didn't I tell you a level helped me against the lies you come up with? Remember when they came with a shirt? Didn't I tell you you're a bunch of liars and Allah will help me. didn't say that. If Titan was added to Malaya, you made up this lie. And all these years you were angry at me?

00:37:46 --> 00:38:18

You were the ones insulting me. When you did the shameless act, and you called me and saying you had the audacity to do this to me. For all this time. This is what you did. How do you even look at yourselves in the mirror? That's not what he said. Come as up to Mooney Salawat. info villa. How much did you torture me? Do you realize how much you put me through year after year after year? Now one day did you feel remorse for my tears? No, that's not what he said. The summer fell to move alikum a lotta trouble.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:28

The How disgusting is what you people have done? You call yourselves my son's Get lost. I don't want to see you. Shame on you.

00:38:29 --> 00:38:32

Shame isn't even the word. I don't even know what to say.

00:38:34 --> 00:38:35

That's not what he said.

00:38:37 --> 00:38:38

I mean, that's what I would say.

00:38:39 --> 00:38:43

I do more. I'd say less, I do more. I find a well

00:38:45 --> 00:38:50

chuckerman one at a time and see how it feels. I'll check back with you in a week.

00:38:51 --> 00:38:58

I would be in it after the joy. Now it's time to make retro make right.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:14

And even the last time he sent them he said he mentioned use of and they got angry at him remember that? That's not even years ago. That's the last time he saw them. That's the last time he saw them. And none of this is coming out of his mouth.

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This is where I'm in shock about this man.

00:39:19 --> 00:39:22

I'm just in awe of Jaco renesola

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what kind of heart Allah gave him What kind of what kind of father he is really at the end of the day. He's being depicted not just as a matter of patience. He's being depicted over and over again. Allah didn't even say the name iacob. He kept saying Father, Father, Father, Father, Father, isn't he? He's emphasizing something, the character of a parent of a father figure of a father.

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I'm reminded of

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Ibraheem alehissalaam

00:39:53 --> 00:39:57

whose number one concern was women do reethi What about my kids?

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59

He's concerned

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was for the well being of people in front of Allah.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:11

It's human to be overtaken by grief, and by trauma that hasn't been resolved.

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It's human to lose your eyesight, crying over a child and you don't know what happened to him.

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It's human to be lost in tragedy when the people around you are emotionally abusive, that's human. Even a prophet is human. At the end of the day, he felt all of those things for who ecoline you know,

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the the sadness, the swallowing, he had to do all of that's been described. But

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when Allah brings him relief, which is what happened here, right? Allah brought him relief, the moment Allah brought him relief, instead of focusing on what has happened the way if you try to go inside the mind of this remarkable human being, what how is he processing this, when the solution comes from Allah, when the healing comes from Allah, He is grateful to Allah number one, that Allah has given him relief for all of that suffering.

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And he understands that that's a trial that was met, yes, it was done by at the hands of people. But there was wisdom from Allah and Allah has given him relief. Now.

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His number one priority is not to let not to vent

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is not to let out some steam that he's been holding in, is not to release pent up anger, his number one priority now that his trauma has been healed by Allah Himself, is to restore the faith of his sons. Because as angry as they are, right now, they are ashamed of what they did. And this is this is when the iron is hot, I could use this opportunity to shame them, and humiliate them, and kick them out of the house and be angry at them and punish them or give them the cold shoulder, I can do all of those things. But right now I have an opportunity to do something that might change the rest of their lives for the better. And they can stand in front of a law with faces lit instead of faces

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So I as a father have to decide, is my frustration with them stronger? Or is my desire to see them saved before a law stronger?

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And with that remarkable faith in his heart and his mind, he says Didn't I tell you? I know from Allah, what you don't know.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:37

Didn't I tell you not to lose hope in the mercy of Allah Remember that?

00:42:38 --> 00:43:13

And I know from Allah, something you don't know, didn't I tell you that I, I'll keep use of hoping useful for life? Didn't Didn't I tell you that Allah has given me a lot allowed me to hear the dream from use of mouth himself. And I knew that revelation from Allah, that it will come to pass I know from Allah, something you don't know. Didn't you realize I have a connection to Allah and an optimism with a lot and a hope in Allah that never let me give up open use of an ally is the one who sent me and sent me the scent. I already knew from Allah what you didn't need before the shirt even happened I already knew. I already knew I know from Allah what you don't know. Didn't I tell you to

00:43:13 --> 00:43:21

just hold on to your faith in the law the way I do and if you're feeling ashamed right now, maybe you need to come back to a lion get to know him the way I do.

00:43:22 --> 00:43:29

This is the time for you all to come back to Allah not to come in apologize to me. But to come back to Allah.

00:43:31 --> 00:43:42

It needs a did not tell you you serve is alive did not tell you I was right. That night, tell you you were liars? None of that. Didn't I tell you I know something from a live come to experience something from Allah that you don't know.

00:43:43 --> 00:43:50

Now, this is an important moment, because I keep emphasizing and emphasizing and emphasizing that they're all Muslims, so they know Allah.

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They know Allah, they know about Allah. And what he knew from Allah, He told them, the use of is alive that I have all that maybe a little bring them back together. He kept saying that, so they know what he knows. But how is he saying I know what you don't know. Because there's different kinds of knowing there's knowing cognitively up here.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:13

And there's knowing in your heart for feeling the knowledge in your heart for something to be true.

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There's levels of conviction. There's knowing something to be true in your gut, it flows through your veins is a conviction that is like your life blood. And then there's passive knowledge that sits like a shelf in a corner in your brain somewhere. Yeah, we're Muslim. Yeah, we know Yeah, judgment, a judgment day.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:59

I've come to experience the real knowledge of Allah. I really know who Allah is. The way you Don't you've never really known you've, you've said the name Allah, you've prayed. You've uttered the US God, you know about your father's and their Prophethood but you haven't really your heart hasn't known a lot of the way I do. And now it's time that it does. And I'm maquila come in Niala Moomin Allah him Allah tala.

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It is, like he found the most profound moment to not make them ashamed of him.

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But to make them ashamed before a lot.

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And that's the biggest gift. A believer can give another believer, inspire them to make Toba

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when you can hear somebody's words, and you're not embarrassed to them, but their words are making you embarrassed to stand in front of Allah, and apologize to Allah, and make right with a law.

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That is the best gift family can give to family or friends can give, or Muslims can give each other, to remind each other of doba.

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To remind each other, to have hope in Allah, to remind each other to be bonded to Allah, to cry to a lot to find joy in Allah to believe in the relief that Allah will bring. Man, that's what he wants for his kids. And he knows that if they do that, then all the wrongs they can make, right?

00:46:02 --> 00:46:04

If they can just get to know a lot that way.

00:46:05 --> 00:46:27

This is the grandness of this man, this father that goes beyond the grudge or the pain his children caused him or the grief that he suffered for so many years. He can put all that aside because there's something bigger in front of him, the legacy of his father Ibrahim Alayhi Salam who was concerned above all else for what will happen to his kids in the end.

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That's that was his ultimate concern.

00:46:32 --> 00:47:01

So he said he near Fleming Allahumma tanomo. Before I close today, I want to share with you an interesting contrast that you may have observed on your own, but it's good to spell it out the two primary characters in the story that we are to follow and learn from as role models, our use of artists, and jacobellis. These are the two people that inform they're the pillars of the story, right?

00:47:03 --> 00:47:15

And they're the role models of this story. You find something odd, almost odd, about the way home Elisa Lam has talked about. After so much grief, and Allah gives him relief, you don't find words of thanks.

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You don't find him thinking a lot here. Those words don't come.

00:47:22 --> 00:47:44

You find room, whether said explicitly, or you can imply it from the words he's using, you find a remarkable demonstration of patience. That's what you do find. But gratitude, you don't find the words here. You don't find the implication for gratitude, what you find the implication for an incredible amount of what patience.

00:47:46 --> 00:47:57

By contrast, when you study the the depiction of use of an incident in the story, you're not going to find a lot of language surrounding or themes surrounding his subject, even though someone was always there.

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You do find his gratitude though.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:15

He is grateful in jail. He's grateful when he comes out of jail. He's grateful in any situation. Grateful Grateful Grateful. The theme that sticks like glue to jacoba a salon through the entire story that Jacob is patients.

00:48:16 --> 00:48:58

The theme that sticks to use of to the entire story is what gratitude. Now the here's the reality, jacobellis lamb is both grateful and patient. He's both and Yusuf Ali Salaam is both grateful and patient. That's that's the fact these are facts. But what did Allah decide to do? He decided to depict patience surrounding one character, and lessons of patience surrounding the character of who jacobellis lamb, even though we know that his gratitude is always there, you know, in the Quran, sub Baron Shaku that the quality of a slave as someone who has tremendous patience is also extremely grateful.

00:48:59 --> 00:49:02

In the phenolic Allah at an equaliser bar in Chicago, right.

00:49:04 --> 00:49:20

New holiday salon, we know his incredible legacy new Hyundai Salaam, when you look back at it, you will say that would be the role model in the Quran for what quality patients 950 years, right? Well, how does the law describe him and know God, I've done shakoora he was a grateful slave.

00:49:21 --> 00:49:47

Instead of saying, you know, who can act on sabara or sabara, he says, you know, can I've done shakoora to let us know patients, you know, it patient this patient is obvious, but let me tell you the secret behind his patience, which is what is gratitude, his gratitude gave him the strength to be patient. Okay. What I'm trying to get at is patience and gratitude are actually two sides of the same coin. So let's talk about those two things for a moment.

00:49:48 --> 00:49:59

Let me just instead of being philosophical, or theological with you about these two enormities in the Quran, let's just make it super simple. You open up the fridge, you wanted to drink orange juice.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

The orange juice isn't there.

00:50:03 --> 00:50:22

Come on, where's the orange juice, you have, you just experienced a lot, a loss of what? Patience. But the moment you opened up, and you wanted to get orange juice, and you didn't see the orange juice, but you only saw apple juice, or you saw cold water, or you saw, and you said, 100, I have something to drink, there are so many who have nothing to drink. And when they do, they have to drink out of a puddle.

00:50:24 --> 00:50:26

And there are people in the world who don't know what a fridge is.

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For them, that's the life of kings. And I have a choice of drinks, and the fruit, whose extract I'm drinking from this apple juice, that fruit traveled countries, and then went to a factory and somebody worked on squeezing it, and some other factory worked on bottling it and a trucker made his living trying to deliver it. And then I got to pick it up from this grocery store. Allah made that Apple for me from that tree. So I can he can go down my throat, I am grateful. And when you're grateful, then that impatience disappears. In other words, gratitude makes one easy. Patience. Gratitude makes patients Easy there, they're lousy mumbo jumbo, two sides of the same coin. That's

00:51:12 --> 00:51:14

one easy way of looking at it right? Now.

00:51:16 --> 00:51:20

One of the most interesting features of the Quran that we learn in this surah is as if

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these two people, Yahoo and YouTube are like one person,

00:51:27 --> 00:52:05

like two dimensions of one personality. Because a person should be patient, and the person should also be grateful. And what Allah does, he's not telling us that jacoba a salon isn't grateful. But he is going to highlight lessons of patience in the character of Yahoo. And then he will highlight the lessons of gratitude, in the character of use of as after tell us the prophets and the people a lot talks about are so complimentary to each other, that they are, it's as if they are one body, like you know, the oma is described as one body. Here you have two profits being described as one body, one spiritual body.

00:52:06 --> 00:52:34

And maybe this is going to inform our study of other sources and other characters and other individuals in the Quran, where Allah will highlight one thing about them, but there will be someone complimentary, or Allah will highlight something else about them. And you have to look at the two of them together to find the whole picture you understand. So it's a really beautiful, unique, sophisticated feature of the Quran, that allows origin does that. And he's done that here with, you know, because for him to just say, I know from Allah what you don't.

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The choice of words here, the impatient choice of words were many.

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And it takes an incredible amount of subud, to choose these words, to overstep all of your negative feelings, and to choose what will actually be of benefit to these children and his grandchildren of Jaco that this will be a lifelong teaching moment for them. So panela, in the moment, Allah haemagglutinin. And you notice in the Quran, we don't find much more being said by him.

00:53:08 --> 00:53:45

We're gonna find one more statement by him, and then the story doesn't actually talk about him. It doesn't talk about what he says this. So the few things that Allah mentioned that he says, must be of that vital importance. And it must be that I know from Allah, something you don't know, which has been repeated multiple times. Now. I know a lot in a way that you don't know is one way of thinking about I know of Allah in a way that you don't know, is a theme Allah wants us to nail into our hearts. Like if you walk away from this story, and you say I learned something about Jaco bodyslam Well, the thing I learned about him the end from the Yakuza and Islam anthem is, I know from Allah

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what you don't know. In other words, I have a hope in Allah, I have I find relief in Allah, I find my strength in Allah. I am grateful to Allah which makes me strong in my patience to Allah in a way that you don't realize and it's okay.

00:53:59 --> 00:54:02

I'm going to and I'll try to instill that in you.

00:54:03 --> 00:54:14

But our lumen Allah him Allah tala, when it's remarkable that these words came out of his mouth, when they were shaming him, and these words are coming out of his mouth, when they are actually apologizing to him. His stance doesn't change. He's saying the same thing.

00:54:15 --> 00:54:36

As a, he's a constant in the family. He's a pillar, he doesn't shake everybody else's wavering. But he's the, he's the orajel of the household. He's the spiritual anchor of this household. So his words stay constant. And this is what we're taking away from our that will mean Allahu Allah Tada. This is a

00:54:37 --> 00:54:41

and this is the last thing at five minutes inshallah and I'm done.

00:54:43 --> 00:54:47

You see, the shirt is not used.

00:54:49 --> 00:54:59

seeing yourself, hugging users kissing his forehead, crying on his shoulder, letting him cry on his chest. That's the actual moment of relief.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

The shirt itself is just a piece of cotton.

00:55:03 --> 00:55:04

It's not a person.

00:55:05 --> 00:55:18

It's not a family reunion. It's at the most if you want to give it spiritual significance, it's a sign from Allah, that relief is coming. Yeah. But it's not the relief itself. You understand that right?

00:55:19 --> 00:55:20

Now think of it this way.

00:55:22 --> 00:55:31

If you're good Allah is Allah decided to take his life. And the angel of death came to him before he got back to Egypt. Imagine

00:55:33 --> 00:55:34

does he die sad or happy?

00:55:36 --> 00:55:37

He dies happy.

00:55:38 --> 00:55:50

Why? Because the relief, the grief he felt in his heart has already been removed by way of a shirt even though he actually never felt the relief itself. You understand that? In other words,

00:55:51 --> 00:55:56

there's a theme here, you there is the actual joy.

00:55:58 --> 00:56:02

And there is finding comfort in the guaranteed promise of joy.

00:56:03 --> 00:56:14

Let me take the take you away from jacobellis. I'll give you another example. There's a guy who's absolutely bankrupt, doesn't even have food to eat for the next meal.

00:56:15 --> 00:56:28

And he gets a letter that next month, you're gonna get a million dollars, you there's a long lost uncle of yours. Here's the you know, here's the address, you're going to be handed this mansion, and a million dollars and a lifelong income and all of this stuff and he's going to be a millionaire in a month.

00:56:29 --> 00:56:35

For the next month, he's still homeless. For the next month, he's still got nothing, but he's got this letter.

00:56:37 --> 00:56:45

This government certified legally certified letter. And even though he has one meal a day of one bite, everybody else's miserable around him, and he's like,

00:56:48 --> 00:56:48

why are you so happy?

00:56:51 --> 00:56:58

I know something you don't know. I got something that's a guarantee of something that will give me relief in the future. Right?

00:56:59 --> 00:57:06

Well, he got a letter from the government or a lawyer or something like that, and he has confidence in it. The promise to yaku came from whom

00:57:07 --> 00:57:08

you came from Allah.

00:57:10 --> 00:57:15

And even before the promises filled, His heart is filled with joy, yes or no.

00:57:17 --> 00:57:29

believers have been promised forgiveness jhana that their deeds will be counted, that if they make sincere Toba that level recognize that the no effort they ever make will go wasted.

00:57:31 --> 00:57:45

In this life, surrounded by misery, surrounded by deprivation, surrounded by loss. There's this promise of Allah, the faith we have in Allah and the promise of Allah's words. The this cron is like the shirt,

00:57:47 --> 00:57:49

who sent is constantly giving us relief.

00:57:50 --> 00:57:56

We're not in Jannah we haven't gotten the get we haven't gotten the forgiveness, but the promise of how to earn it.

00:57:57 --> 00:58:26

And the honor of being able to do a good deed. And every You see, imagine the caravan traveling to use of again, every step that the camel takes every step that the horse takes every tree that Jaco passes by. I'm getting closer to my son. I'm getting closer. I'm getting closer. I'm how much longer how much longer. Every step, step by step he takes closer to the fulfillment of a less promise brings him more joy, yes or no.

00:58:27 --> 00:58:45

in a spiritual sense, perhaps we're learning that every step we take to serve our master. Every step we take to pray. Every day we get the honor of praying fudger of all of us of mahabhava every time we take one step, we're getting closer to Allah as promised towards us.

00:58:46 --> 00:58:58

Every time we chose the higher road and we didn't back by every time we chose to tell the truth. Every time we chose to earn the honest living and not lie. Every time we try we we walked away from you know evil.

00:59:00 --> 00:59:23

Every time we walked away from making bad assumptions, every time we walked away from the temptation of saying something wrong, we didn't say every one of those is a step towards a less promise. And every step towards Allah promises is supposed to bring us What joy because and everybody else around us like they'll feel like you're missing out Why are you happy? Because in the moment Allah He bilotta animal

00:59:24 --> 00:59:27

I've come to know something about a law that you haven't experienced yet.

00:59:28 --> 00:59:33

I am overjoyed that I get the opportunity to serve my job

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to do something that makes me closer to the fulfillment of his promise of forgiveness.

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To make makes me more I pray like sepsis so that I can see him and I can find the relief in him that he's guaranteed me that he's that he's offering. I pray a lot makes doesn't make it work, you know, let it get washed away.

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And even if in this world, the relief I was looking for never comes I know

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That allows the wizard has given me this relief. So I will, I will leave this world happy, because I lost promises always true.

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So there's a, there's a worldly relief and a hope and worldly relief. And there's also a spiritual dimension to this phrase that informs our lives. It gives value to nothing being a waste, nothing being a waste, some of you dropped out of school, you couldn't finish. Some of you lost your business. It didn't work out.

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And some of you your marriage failed. Some of you, your children ran away from you. Some of you, your siblings won't ever talk to you again. All of us have different kinds of catastrophes in our lives. And doesn't matter what that catastrophe was. It doesn't matter what that hardship was, whatever that hardship was, if through that hardship, we were still able to obey online take a step towards a lot than you know what, when we stand in front of a lot, we're gonna be like, those were the best opportunities in my life, when everybody else will see us failure and disaster will be his secret source of joy for us because we're getting closer to Allah.

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He's bringing us closer to him. Sometimes tears caused by human beings lead to tears in front of a lion. Those are the most valuable things you'll take in front of a long Judgement Day. Nothing I bring in front of Allah will be more valuable that the emotions I felt from my heart when I worshipped him.

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And sometimes he just wants me to do that. Sometimes he puts me through it so that I recognize who am I Rob really is who's really in control. I can't control people, I can't control who loves me and who hates me. I can't control what people are going to do to me. I can't control any of that. That's always been in my hands. What I can control is how hard how connected My heart is to Allah that I can control. And when I can steer myself towards Allah, man the doors he will open the relief he will bring the sense he will bring my way. The joy he will bring me allows will really give us a life of joy rooted in the promise of Allah made to us and his book milazzo Jamaica, so those who

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really find their heart's content and his words, and are able to stand before a long Judgement Day with these words of a law being a testimony in our favor, and not a testimony against us. But a calamity welcome Phil karate Hakeem. Whenever anyone here can be if you would like him

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and I do the same thing.

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