Nouman Ali Khan – Lakemba Mosque Sydney

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The challenges faced by village women in Pakistan, including the lack of transportation and the need for people to focus on their goals. They emphasize the importance of finding the same person and building stronger businesses and universities. The current crisis has impacted the economy and the US housing market, but the future is uncertain. The speaker acknowledges the uncertainty surrounding the virus and how it could have a negative impact on the economy. They also discuss the potential impact of the pandemic on their business and how they have been working to mitigate potential risks.
AI: Transcript ©
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They'll still be mad to know who we're buying a machine leaking

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in a cafe in Canada Mr. Ze in

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a lady Nigel Hi Luna hola he Isla Han Han. First of all find out in the moon

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what are called llamo and Acharya we call Sadhguru cabbie McAloon.

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plus a b, b Hamdi are being Kawakubo M meanness, GV.

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Wow, Buddha Rebecca,

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can you have been

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rubbish actually sorry, we are silly Emery who looked at me listening of Gokhale. But hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was so happy here, Jemaine.

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Oh, my bad everyone has said Mr. Alikum rahmatullah wa barakato.

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I was thinking a lot about what to share with you tonight. And I was told this is going to be a youth event. So apparently, there's a lot of young people at heart that are here.

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but I'm glad that we have all ages sitting here, because personally, I don't believe in youth events, I believe children should have their own events. And once you get past the age of childhood, and you're a young adult, you should be treated like an adult, and you should be part of the adult conversations. And that is the way of Islam. We have in Western societies, this idea that first you're a child, then you're an adolescent, than you're a teenager, and then after you're a teenager, You're a stupid college student. And then eventually, you're still figuring yourself out, you know, and then eventually, maybe, you know, when you're in your mid 20s, or 30s, or they're still young,

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you know, and this idea, so what that does is it keeps young men and young women from mentally actually even thinking of themselves as fully grown adults. And they think of themselves in these categories, or I'm just a teenager, or I'm just a youth. Right? And they don't think of themselves as adults. The way that I cannot categorize this is especially okay, even if you take the western standard, many countries, what age do you get your driver's license in Australia? 16. Okay. So if you get your driver's license at the age of 16, and you cut a red light, right, you go through straight through a red light, is the police officer going to? Or is the law going to treat you

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differently from a 40 year old that went through a red light? No, you have a license? You guys are having a really interesting conversation. So I'm going to wait for you guys to finish.

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We're good?

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Sure. Okay, cool. All right. I know it just gets distracting to the rest of you, I don't get distracted, you guys get really distracted, I saw your faces. So. But anyway, so the idea is that if in the court of law, you wouldn't be treated like a child, you'd be treated like an adult who committed a crime.

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If what you consider just a teenager went and stole something, and they go in front of a judge, they're gonna get treated like they committed that crime.

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And what's even more important is if a young person dies, and they go in front of the court of Allah, it's not like Judgment Day has a separate separate category for teenagers that are going to be judged differently than other adults, once you hit the age of puberty, and once you become what you formulate yourself physically, and mentally, you're becoming an adult. Now in the court of Allah. And actually, in most societies, even in the court of you know, the law of the land, you're an adult,

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but for some reason, we refuse to treat them as adults within.

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Okay, so for some reason, we refuse to treat our youth as adults. And I refuse to do that I refuse to talk to them as though they are kids. I want to talk to them as though they are adults. So I'm glad that I sit in this audience in front of you and what is supposed to be a youth program. And we have people that are grandfathers and grandsons sitting next to each other and it's all good. That's how it's supposed to be. Okay. But now I want to get to the subject that I wanted to share with you a few thoughts about and it has to do with a Sutra i was studying some time ago, salt Aloka. And Allah describes the scene on Judgment Day in South Africa. Most of the time and most of the Quran

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when judgment is described, there is the people that are going to Jannah and they're the people that are going to join them to categories, right. So

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There's people in the in the gnar in the fire and people going towards Jana simple, clear simple category. What makes total wacky I interested in interesting is that instead of two categories Allah gave us three categories.

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So he said as hobbled way mana tema has horrible name and other people on the right side, which is of course the people that are going to be given the book in their right hand. And as a result of that they're going to be making their way towards Jannah which is described in Surah Hareem as Robina at swimlane and Aruna our complete our light for us allow us to make it all the way to Jana. It's a long walk to Jana on judgment day. But because you have the book in your right hand light is coming from your right and it's coming from your chest because of the man you had in your heart noodle homeless Avena at him will be a Imani him and they're walking towards Jana the gates of

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heaven. That's what's happening on Judgement Day. These are the people on the right.

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And then you have the people on the left was How was she Malema was harbor Shima. There's the people on the left. Make sense.

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But then, unusually, Allah adds a third category and he said was sabe Hola, Serbia goon.

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The people who come first, the people who come first, the first and the foremost, the VIP section. And why are this so there's, I want you to visualize this. There's a huge chunk of humanity on the right side. There's a huge chunk of humanity on the left side. And then there's a small group of humanity that's in the front.

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There's the right section, the left section in the front section and they have been brought close to Allah Allah equals Makara Woon. They've been brought close to Allah, they've been given this unique place, even on Judgement Day. So what is it that made these people special? And how are they different from the people of the right hand?

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Many people when they interpret this ayah and they think about this if they think about how the muhajir rune, the people who accepted the call of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he was in Makkah, the first people to accept Islam, like Abu Bakr is to decode the Allahu Taala and who alila the Allahu Taala know the earliest Muslims. They were the first to accept and the ayah says the first ones. So this must mean the earliest Muslims. It must mean the earliest Muslims. We'll dig into that in a second. Another possibility. And the reason this isn't entirely true is because Allah mentioned something in Surah Totoaba. He said a Saba Kunal a well known mineral muhajir, Serena

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Williams, ha.

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He said the ones who come first before anybody else, they belong to the MaHA Jiun, which means the people who accepted Islam in Makkah, but he also said, Well, I'm sorry, and the people who were helpers in Medina and the people in Medina came a lot later. So now from that we learn that this the word Saba Hoon is not referring to people that were earlier because it includes the people that came earlier. And it also includes the people that came later. So what in the world does the Sabbath golden mean? And that's what we're going to try to understand a little bit today. And then, beautifully, the Imam recited such incredible Ayat at the end of sortal hedger, and we're going to

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tie this concept of a Saba cone with what was recited at the end of certain hedgerows. So some a small piece of certain work, and some piece of sutra hedger and my job for today is done, I can go eat something. Okay.

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So what I want to now share with you is an example.

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You know, in many countries, I had a chance to travel to quite a few Muslim countries in the last year, and quite a few communities in the last year, and I noticed something. And this may be true for your family, and may be true for your community, or it may not be true. But it's what's happening in Allah of Muslim families is that when we raise our sons, we raised them with a certain expectation, and we raise our daughters, we raised them with a certain expectation. So I'll give you an example of what I noticed in Pakistan, for example, where I were where I'm from, and I spent some time there, we encourage our daughters a lot to go to medical school. And so lots and lots of girls

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in Pakistan by the millions are becoming medical doctors, but not because they're going to actually become medical doctors. Once they have the medical degree, that makes them a really good candidate for getting married.

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So actually, there are millions of young women that have become doctors in Pakistan, not because their family wanted them to practice medicine or to work in a hospital or to help with you know villages and you know, children giving birth in villages that are dying in villages because there's no medical facilities. That wasn't the reason. The reason was Sheila, she's gonna get good proposals, because she's a doctor. Right? And the entire purpose of educate Why are you becoming a doctor? Well, because my parents want me to become a and my sister got her degree and she

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got a really good proposal. So that's why I'm going in sha Allah, I will have the same success as my sister had my older sister. Right. So these, these younger girls are looking at their older sisters, they're comparing themselves and saying, This is the standard of success, this is what I want to achieve. If I achieve this, I have achieved something in my life. Of course, young men are also encouraged to go and become engineers and doctors and all of these things, because then they will have a good job and once they have a good job, they will have respect. People will say, mashallah, my son is a doctor,

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you know, an engineer, my son, is this my son is this, right? So it becomes a source of pride. And these young men, if you ask them, Why do you want to become a medical professional, while they want to become a medical professional one because everybody else in the family or they have their dad was a doctor or their uncle's a doctor, or their older brother, oh, my god, he became a doctor. Now I'm a loser if I don't become a doctor, because I need to keep up with my older brother. So their entire motivations, what am I getting at? Let me get to the point, the entire motivation for the direction you choose in your life is coming from someone else, someone set a standard for you. And you have to

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follow that standard. And most of the time, that standard is designed by comparison. Look at those people, they did it, look at how much money they made. Look at how much respect they have, you should be like that that works.

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So basically, we are in the hundreds of millions nations have followers, not just in our religion, we follow something in our religion, we follow the same pattern in the prayer, we follow the same schedule for Hajj and Ramadan, not just in our religion, but even in our careers, in our thought process in our priorities in life, every day, the priorities have previously already been decided. And we just a generation after generation pumping out a new set of you know, the same old set of priorities. This is a phenomenon that I noticed wherever I went. And I want to compare that to something I saw in the United States. And something I saw in some other countries in the world that

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are very successful.

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So you have this crazy idea that you know what happens in the US. You know, you have people like Mark Zuckerberg,

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and you have people like Elon Musk.

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And I don't like these people. But I'll tell you something about them. They're weird. And they don't follow a standard. And you it's not just these examples of people that made very gigantic companies and conglomerates. But you have people that didn't follow a standard. They started something new. And when they started something new, everybody around them said, that's exciting.

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If you were in Bangladesh or Pakistan, or you know, Georgia, and you wanted to start something new, why would everybody in your family tell you?

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You're crazy? Nobody does this? Why are you so stupid? Why can't you be like your cousin? Why can't you be like your brother, look at your sister. Look at this one. Look at this word, follow, follow, follow Why are you doing something new? You can do something new, you're crazy. If you do something that nobody else is doing, you are insane. Maybe we should take you to the Imam he will do some Rukia on you. He will you know, recite some Quran and you know, solve your problem. Right? But what does that have to do with a semicolon

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes to Makkah and these people have a religion. They have a culture. They have a way of getting married. They have a way of raising children. They have their ways. And they've had those waves for 1000s of years. And a little Allah salAllahu Alaihe. Salam is restoring the religion of Ibraheem Alehissalaam and is giving them this new way of looking at everything. I mean, they were raised with the Kaaba in front of them with all of those statues. And their father was raised with that, and their father's father was raised with that this is normal part of their life. This is a national Mali monument to them, and the Quran comes under. So Allah

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Salam comes, and he says something completely new, this is all wrong.

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All of these idols are wrong. And this stuff that you people do in your businesses, and the way that you bury your daughters, and this, these other things that you do, all of that is wrong.

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And they said, no, no, we follow what's already been given. We follow. We're good at following we don't do new things. This is insane. So one of the one of the main accusations against Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi. Salam is that he was insane.

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And I looked at the clinical definition of insanity, even though there's lots of varying definitions, but what is the what is even less than insanity? What's the definition of abnormal behavior? abnormal behavior is if there's a highway, and all the cars are going this way, and you're the only car going that way, then you're the one who's insane. You're the one who has abnormal behavior. So by that definition, everybody's following Schipperke everybody was doing what they how they were living in their families. Everybody was doing it the only

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One standing against it was Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So obviously they looked at it and said, Look, if this was normal, other people would be doing it too. This is insane. So he had to be the first one. Allah chose him to be the first one in his society to say something like that. To be given this message, in a sense, he was sabich he was the first he was the first to challenge

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a weight or weight young man, come, come, come. That's okay. Where you want to go? Over here? Cool.

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Now give me five.

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And who you waving out over there?

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Because your friend you miss him? Or the camera? You or maybe from the camera you review?

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Okay, now we've had me directly. Okay, now we're good. Okay, solid.

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What was I saying something about Islam.

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Sabaton. Okay.

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All right. So

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the thing is, when in I want you to use your imagination a little bit, I want you to imagine that you live in the time of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam. And you live in one of the average American families, you have that religion you have that those practices, all of that right, and you hear this man is claiming to be a prophet. And his message is get rid of all these idols. His message is don't do business in this way. His message is, you know, treat orphans very differently. You're used to treating orphans a certain way. Like in many Muslim countries, when you go, you know, we say that we are in OMA of a hula. But when you go to Muslim countries, you can see there's there.

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There's a class society, there's certain class of people that are sitting in certain restaurants. And then there are other class of people whose children are running around outside with shoes without shoes. Yeah. And sometimes even their children are serving you food. These kids are serving you food and the way you talk to your kids is what would you like some what would you and when those one of those serving kids comes up to you is a shy

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career, this is how you talk to them. Right? So clearly, you don't treat them equally. But this Quran came in that society and said, even those kids that are orphans, you can talk to them that way for that you can let the adult on your team. You can talk to them that way.

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Collab Allah to criminal your team, you don't honor the orphans. You honor the orphan, you want me to honor my servant.

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You want me to show respect to him? I said, Look, we show respect to people that are at least a doctor

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that at least have to have a degree for me to show them respect. You know, one of the things I noticed in the OMA a lot of times when you go new places, what's the first people think people tell you about themselves?

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What they've accomplished?

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Yeah, so I'm really cool. My name is Abdul Karim. I'm a doctor. I'm the head of the hospital. I'm this and this and this and this and this. And like, there's a whole list of qualifications. Am I sure? And I don't know you but then you come up to me and then you say, so I'm only gonna follow you. My name is this and this. I started this Masjid.

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I just wanted you to know, why do we say this? Because, well, why would you respect me if you don't know what I've accomplished?

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You have no reason to respect me. What is the Quran saying? No, Quran is saying you have to honor the orphan.

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Allah is saying every child of Adam was honored. I don't know their qualifications. I don't know what family they come from. I don't know what background they come from. I don't care what clothes they're wearing. I don't care about the color of their skin, or the language or their accent, or what village they come. None of that matters. Every child of Adam is honored. That's the Quran. But you live you're using your imagination. Still, you're in Jaha Lea Maka and you're like, This is weird. Everybody's equal now, okay, okay, this, this homeless kid outside is equal to me.

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What kind of religion is doesn't make no sense.

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But you start thinking maybe this makes sense.

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Maybe all human beings are equal. Maybe it doesn't make sense to have all these different religions and gods. Maybe there is only one religion. Maybe there is only one God. I need to hear him out more. And you start quietly listening to this man, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, and then you decide, You know what, I'm going to be the first in my family to get up and say, I shall do Allah ilaha illallah wa Shawanda Muhammad Abdullah rasuluh just you just use your imagination. When you do that, what's your family's reaction gonna be?

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Look, he's, they call the messenger what? And saying, Listen, you're becoming insane with him.

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Look, he's crazy. Nobody follows him. Why are you following Him? We used to respect him and like him when he wasn't seeing these crazy things we used to like him, but clearly he's suffering from some kind of problem and he's lost his mind and you're losing your mind overnight.

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thing, you need to be normal, normal means you need to be like everybody else. Because when you're not like everybody else, then you are insane.

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So, these people, the first people that accepted Islam, you know what they did, they were ready to leave everyone's support behind.

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They didn't need anybody else's motivation, like nobody was motivating them. In fact, everybody was demotivating them.

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If they accepted Islam, the people who love them are upset with them. The people who did business with them don't want to do business with them. The people who used they used to look up to now look down on them, and they don't, they don't just they distance themselves from them. They, everybody they loved hates them in return. Now, they become isolated and alone and lonely, even as some of the people in the audience that may have taken Shahada. They come from non Muslim families, and they took shahada and what they experience from their family, some families are supportive. Others say, What have you done? You broke this family? Why can't you be normal? Why are you so strange? Why are

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you accepting the religion of the enemy, this is the kind of things they have to hear.

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And but they become a sabich. In their own family,

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the Sahaba became sabich own in their own family.

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The Quran taught us something about the people who changed the entire world because we proudly say that this Quran came in 23 years, and it changed the entire world.

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To change the entire world, you can't follow the world, you have to do something new.

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You have to do something new. It's never been done. You have to challenge what everybody else is doing. And not care if you if you're right, you're going to do it, you're going to step up and you're going to do it. You're not going to follow a programming.

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You're going to break the programming, and you're going to live by your principles. You're going to become a sabich. And those people the Sabi ko and what happens with them, those people when when they start everybody calls them what? Insane. Everybody rejects them, everybody, they warn their kids against them. Don't follow these people. They're just they're doing something nobody else is doing this. This is weird. This is strange. But eventually the sabew and the Saba call when they hear all this criticism and all this attack and all these constant constant discouraging constantly discouraging words, constant isolation, they don't let it affect their motivation. They don't let it

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be affected, and they keep pushing forward. And eventually what does Allah do for people like that? He wants to test them, how much do they want to be a sabich? Or do they want to be a follower

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and eventually they break through. And eventually Allah gives them victory. And once Allah gives them victory, you know what happens, other people now want to follow them.

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They want to follow them. And this is a Sunnah of Allah. It didn't just happen in the seal of the prophets, Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, this happens in the world all the time. This is from the Sunnah of Allah, you have somebody who has a crazy idea. They say, I'm going to make you know, many cupcakes.

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And roses, you crazy, nobody's gonna buy that. And then they start this stupid company in their garage. And then it becomes the biggest cupcake factory. And all this becomes huge. And everybody wants to like, copy them now and replicate their idea and follow them. You know why? Because they started something new. nobody's willing to take the risk. Because we don't know if it's going to work or not, it's probably, it's probably going to fail. Once it succeeds, we are ready to what follow

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the nations in the world that are the most powerful today. The nations in the world that are the most economically powerful, culturally powerful, strategically powerful, militarily powerful. One thing you will find they have in common.

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They're nations of invention,

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their invention, their nations of research and development. They invent a lot of new things. They, they're constantly being sabich in the world of science, they're being sabich in some other areas, in medicine, in research, and so much so that you can curse the kuffar and you can be angry with them. But if your mother needs a surgery, you're gonna go to the top Western hospitals, because there's some people in some fields, you're gonna go to them, you're gonna shut up and go to them.

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You're gonna hate them and you're gonna say they're this and that and the other but you're gonna buy their phones, not a phone made in somewhere in the country.

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Like we've made an iPhone or something like there's not going to be nobody buying it. When it comes time to buy a car, you're not going to buy like AbdulKareem you know, four by four. Why not?

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Because those people became savvy Cohn and building cars, they became savvy Cohn and building Microchip Technology, they became savvy honed in medical research, isn't it? And when they become savvy when the entire world starts depending on them, they start depending on them. But the thing is what makes them so powerful? Is it their natural resources? Is it oil? Is it gas? Is it minerals? Is it plutonium? No, it's the human mind.

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They create a culture in their societies, the leading nations in the world, they create a culture where they say, We want you to experiment. And we want you to try new things. And if you fail, try again. And if you fail, try again until you succeed, and we are going to fund what they call research and development. That's what they do.

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And this is so powerful that Muslims from around the world smart Muslims from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Syria, you know, Serbia all over the world, when they want to do serious research in the field. And they want to progress forward. Where do they end up?

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They go to America, they go to England, they go to they go to Sweden, they go to Denmark, they will come maybe even come to Australia they come they come to these universities. Because these universities have understood something that Allah even gave us as a legacy. We have to be the Saba Khan and all things. We have to proceed everybody in all things in our deen we proceeded in our deen we proceeded.

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But even in the sciences, even in business, even in community development,

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where it's so easy to look at another community and say, Oh, these people, man, they have so much power.

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Did you ever study how did they get that power? Although shaitan was with them, the gel helped them

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that you're in answer. This is why you can't progress. This is why you can't be heard. Because you're not understanding something fundamental. That is from the Sunnah of Allah. It's from the Sunnah of Allah, that those who will put in the work, and those who will be savvy cone will find success, and everybody else will follow them. Everybody else will be like them.

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And take any field, any field. You know, stories are written a certain way. Right. And there's a standard and lit English literature for how stories are written. And somebody comes along and writes a very different kind of story where the the ending is being written in the beginning and the reverse the script and all of this stuff. And all of a sudden, that becomes a number one movie. And now there's 1000 movies copying that model, because it's something new, pioneering and something innovative. Constantly. Why am I giving you this entire talk? Because there's something I want you to get out of your system. Stop being a copier

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be innovative. Think originally. So many Muslim youth, what should I do for Islam? I want to be an influencer. Really.

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You want to be an influencer? You're under the influence, buddy.

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Why why do you want to be an Ask yourself that Oh, because I saw this other person who's an influencer? That's so cool. I want to do that too. Isn't that copying?

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I want to I want to create content, like your idea of serving the almost creating content.

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Right? Well, what does that mean? Well, let me see what other people are producing. Let me copy along because that's trending right now. So let me produce something that's trending. Let me use a hashtag that everybody else is using copy, copy, copy and copy.

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You're going after what's popular.

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In the in the technological sense, you're doing something new. But in the psychological sense, you're doing the same exact thing that's been done for 1000s of years copying.

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In our deen, we are given a prince like a purpose a mission.

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Muslims should not think of themselves as minorities, like other minorities. I'm talking to the Muslims that are living in Australia, for example, because I'm here right now. So I'll talk to you guys. Like I am I'm from the United States. You know, they'll say in America, the Irish or you know, the Chinese community is a minority that Latino communities, minority, the different religions, community, the Buddhists are a minority. The Hindus are a minority Muslims are also a minority, right? We're just a minority community. You see you I allowed somebody else to identify you.

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You did that you accepted that identification. And then because we're this minority, we should move to this minority neighborhood. And then we should do the things that we always do. Right? And we're not thinking big. We're not thinking okay, how do we become the kind of Muslims and the kind of community that even the non Muslims come and say, We want to live here. We want to move to this neighborhood. We want to be close to these people. You know what happens usually when Muslims moved to a neighborhood, the non Muslims started moving out. This was gone.

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And the real estate value instead of going up, what happens to the real estate value? It starts going down, and other minority communities when they move to a neighborhood, guess what happens? The real estate value goes up because they innovate. They do new things. They produce two things. They cooperate with each other. Which brings me to my next point, what do we have to do to build powerful communities and innovative communities. First of all, at the level of family, if your sons and daughters are trying to do something innovative, they're trying to do something unique, other than being an influencer.

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They want to invent something, they want to do something in the service of the OMA that hasn't been done before. I'll give you one story that really hit me. I met a young man in Pakistan.

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I won't name him. He knows.

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I met him he was going to university and while he was in university, he visited his village, in Buxton. And when he went there, he saw that the village, the roads are really bad, you know, and there's no hospital nearby. And when women get pregnant, they have to drive three hours in the back of a pickup truck, the pregnant woman that's about to give birth, it has to be on the back of a pickup truck truck like this. Three hours to get to the hospital. And most of those women lose the baby.

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Most of those women, and this is a reality of the village life, like they are trying to have the baby, it's getting complicated, they have to take it to the doctor, and they die on the way and he saw this happen in front of them. So what he decided to do was he tried to create a solution. So he bought old trucks. And he created he with the help of some some research, you know, students and some doctors, he helped create portable, you know, birth, you need neonatal wings, like portable ambulances, where you can deliver the baby. And he created courses, where the village women can learn how to deliver the baby effectively, even if there was no transportation. So 2030 women in the

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village now know how to deliver a baby. And then when that caught on, he did this in 234, or 510 1520 100 villages across Pakistan. And 1000s of babies lives were saved because of this effort of a college student. And I was having a conversation with this college student and I asked him, What's your biggest challenge? You know what he said?

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My parents think I'm wasting my time.

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My parents are discouraging me from this. They think that I just wasted my career.

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And you know what that made me realize that's not the only case.

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We have brilliant men and women in this OMA that see a problem and have innovative ideas and desire and purpose to solve that problem. They have that. And you know, who gets in their way? Sometimes not just their parents, the entire culture says no, no, no, you don't do that you copy everybody else. Don't be savvy own.

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Don't be sad. Don't Don't do something new. don't innovate, don't find a new solution. This is just how it is. Keep it like that. Because we're we would rather keep things the way they are. And then late night, get together for some chai and then discuss how corrupt the government is and how nothing is going to change and how things are so bad. This is this is our way so grow old girl big belly and sit outside the restaurant and discuss the problems of the old man like that, because that's what we did. That's what you're gonna do. don't innovate.

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And then on top of that, even even look at this community, Masha, Allah, may Allah protect this community. In this community, there are some businesses, some institutions that have worked really hard, and there's some of the most charitable institutions in this community. There's like the backbone of this community, all of you contribute, but there are some, some some families and some businesses that innovated that did something new. And as a result, they didn't just do it to get rich. They wanted to be contributors give back and when they get when they gave back so many benefits that you and I and maybe even the machine we're sitting in right now is because of the hard

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work they put in and the innovation they did. They did that.

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And we think No no, this yah, yah hoo. You're talking to people about going after the dunya. This deen is about the akhira What are you talking about? Dunya let me tell you. First thing I'll tell you is maybe you should try reading the Quran a little bit.

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And the second thing I'll tell you is maybe you should study the seal of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam a little bit.

00:34:32 --> 00:34:36

You know, the most one of the most important events in the spirit of the prophets like Selim is the Hydra

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was also Isilon migrates.

00:34:41 --> 00:34:42

How do you think the Hydra happened?

00:34:44 --> 00:34:45

who financed it?

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who supported it? Who paid for the ride?

00:34:50 --> 00:34:59

Who made sure that the ride will be secure and secret? Did that require funds? When was hula sai Salam was first doing his Darla

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who's supporting him? How was he being? How was he making? Even how was he having meals in a day? Where was that coming from? Was it coming down by the 10 Minute Sabha

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the support of Khadija or the Allahu taala. Anna, the support of Abu Talib, the support of Abu Bakr Siddiq isn't that financial and business support.

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And to be successful in business don't you have to be innovative?

00:35:25 --> 00:35:42

Don't you have to be innovative work, we're, we're teaching millions and millions of Muslim youth to go get a job. So you can work for the people who innovate not don't innovate yourself. Go become a doctor, go become an accountant, go become an engineer, work for the engineering firm.

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Make them money,

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grow their business.

00:35:47 --> 00:35:56

You know, Allah says about this, this concept of, you know, this, this empowering ourselves building alliances are actually built on money to business to

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and Allah says one of the things that fascinated me about the Quran, when he said, Well, Athena Cafaro, Barbu Malia Obama. Now the disbelievers are allies with each other. The disbelievers are allies with each other and we'll move on I will move in at Bahama Lea Oba believers are allies, men and women of each other. But he said at the end of that I

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couldn't fit not one fell out of the if you don't do this, there's going to be fitna in the world, you know what he's referring to, if you don't become allies, if you don't cooperate, if you don't build larger enterprise, and community investments, if you don't do that there's going to be great fitna in the world, we have to now start thinking more than the building of a masjid.

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We have to start thinking more than just building you know, the charity services, we have to build the strongest businesses, the best universities, the institutions, the top institutions, we need to start thinking much, much, much bigger and do alliances with each other. But in order for Muslims to do that, they have to stop comparing themselves and they have to stop destroying themselves. I'll make a quick comment and go to the last day out of social hedger like I promised you. One of the things I noticed in successful societies and that used to be in the seal of the Prophet SAW Selim believers supported each other.

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Believers supported each other. And when somebody failed, they encourage them, encourage them, encourage them until they succeed. You know what happens among us Muslims. When somebody succeeds, we criticize them, criticize them, criticize them, and make sure we keep criticizing them until they want until they feel ha now like you're not, you're like the rest of us, we feel better now.

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Successful societies take people who fail and keep pushing them to try again and again and again until they become successful. And failed societies take the successful people and cannot stand them and want to tear them down. Instead of actually building alliances and building strength with them and cooperating with them. This is, there's a lot of thought that needs to be put into what these IR translate into in our day and age. But for those of you that are going to innovate, like that young man's example that I gave you, that are going to do some something new, you're not just going to be an influencer.

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If that's if that's not what you're interested, you're wanting to do something real. You want to solve a real problem. You can't solve all of the problems of the OMA, let me just tell you,

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when people come and ask the question, we'll start how do we solve the problem of Viola? When is this going to end? When you stop asking these kinds of stupid questions? When you start asking serious questions, what can I here's a problem I see I can solve that. But that doesn't solve everything. But there's a billion of us if each one of us start solving a small problem. Can you imagine the kind of OMA we become

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if if a few of us are solving medical problems, and a few are solving social problems, and a few of us are solving education problems, and a few few of us are solving political problems. Do you see how it adds up together? We're all the Sahaba doing the same thing.

00:39:08 --> 00:39:18

over each of them utilized for different strengths. Each of them were contributing and becoming sabich in their own space, and their own contribution. They were not the same.

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They were not there was also some expectation from them. We're not we're not the same. And so to just drill this in your head fortunately, we heard these ayat at the end of McRib

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Rasul Allah Islam was told something and when he's told something, we take it as a sunnah for us, like he's told and by proxy we are being told. He said first la Bhima tomar. What are the brand new machine again, I love this idea.

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He says focus and commit and march forward with what you have been commanded to do.

00:39:55 --> 00:39:57

And ignore the Mushrikeen

00:39:58 --> 00:40:00

ignore the people who are talking

00:40:00 --> 00:40:27

Thinking, ignore the people who are criticizing. Ignore the people that think you're a minority, ignore the people that think you're powerless ignore the people that think you're a threat, ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore, ignore what they're doing, ignore what they're scheming, you have a mission focus on your mission. You work on this annual Mushrikeen ignore them. Don't let them get to you. The word solder is really interesting in Arabic. It's actually it's it's used for shotgun.

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It's a crack or an opening that opens up or like a rock or a pathway. Like if you crack a rock open, that you've done. So data who, so it's as if Allah is saying to the Prophet SAW Selim, there's a giant obstacle in front of you tear through it and stay focused. Just focus, there's obstacles, yes, break them, focus. Don't be distracted. Don't let them wish to go and distract you. Don't let the noise distract you faster and be much more rewarded by the machine. And if you can become a person of focus, the things you can accomplish, man.

00:41:04 --> 00:41:28

But you know what happens to you and me, you you know what they're saying, You know what they're doing? You know what they said, and you're constantly focused on what they're saying. And when you're focused on what they're saying, you're not focused on what you're supposed to be doing. You're You're too distracted. You have your own mission. You have your own thing to your work to do what you can and then he says also Allah saw them

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in Cafe Knakal, was Tenzin.

00:41:32 --> 00:41:36

We are enough for you. Against those who make fun.

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The people that criticize and mock and ridicule and belittle, we'll deal with them. Don't worry about them. Anytime someone becomes a sabich Anytime somebody innovates they are they are laughed at.

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They're laughed at what are you doing? Nobody does this. This is stupid. You're such an idiot.

00:41:58 --> 00:41:59

That's the idea.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:20

And I can tell you, Allah telling us this these words, those tourists Hola, Sai Salam, these are forever now whenever you're going to do something good. And that hasn't been done and it needed to get done. You will have people that will make fun of you. You think that's going to help you think that's going to change anything? You think it matters, you think you're going to change the world? Look at you.

00:42:21 --> 00:42:31

That's that's what you're going to hear all the time and Allah is responding to that and saying in cafe nachliel Musa zine, we are enough for you to deal with those who make fun.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:35

That's enough. And then

00:42:36 --> 00:42:38

Alladhina Allahu Allah and

00:42:39 --> 00:42:44

Sophia Levon, well, according to Anika leak, or Sadhguru, can be Maya coloane.

00:42:46 --> 00:42:56

Allah says also, we know that the things they say do make your chest uncomfortable. Allah is telling him to ignore it. But he's also human.

00:42:57 --> 00:43:01

He's going to hear stuff that's going to affect him, you're going to hear stuff that's going to affect you.

00:43:02 --> 00:43:15

It's going to demotivate you. It's going to, you know, put a negative energy in you, you know, people nowadays talk a lot about, you know, you have too much negative energy. So I'm going to take my space, and you'll just use too much toxicity.

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Because hola soy salaam was not told, hey, if they're giving you too much toxicity, move away from Makkah.

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Because, you know, you just need to like, you know, heal.

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You know, you just need to get away from toxic people. That's not what he was told. Do you think he has to hear SallAllahu? Allison, do you think he has to hear negative things? Once in a while or every day in Makkah? What do you think? Every day? Do you think he has to hear that from one person or lots and lots of people? Some people that are strangers, some people that are neighbors, neighbors, some people that are family, some people that used to be friends, he's hearing it from every side every day all the time bombarded with this criticism, bombarded with these attacks all the time, all the time. And what now Allah has helped prepares him and by preparing him he prepared

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every believer forever. We will deal with them we know it hurts. We know it we know your chest becomes tight. We know it's anxiety inducing. And Allah then he gave him the solution for some behind the Alembic.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:48

Just just declare how perfect Allah is. Keep declaring your protection your your connection to Allah, your salawat and by the way, the Chateau de cana for for Serbia hamdulillah Becca welcome Minister Janine we you know do the declare how perfect your rub is, by praising him I'll explain that in a second, but be from those who do such that.

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But you know, this B and such that the salah begins with this B and what are the last portions of the Salah is such that the messenger is being told Salallahu Alaihe Salam

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You hear all these negative conversations. And then I want you to step away from that, and just have a conversation with Allah. And it will undo the effects of all of those negative conversations. That's why I'm giving you salah, so you can deal with what they're what they're saying to you. This is the Salah is your therapy coming from God Himself. This is what the messenger was given Ali Santos. Well, this is what Salah is supposed to become.

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And this is why our mission we never become, we're not obsessed with the mission, we want to do big things, not because we want to put our name forward, we want to do big things because Allah made us capable of that. And that's our way of doing this. We have Allah, we're doing this as a service to Allah as dean. This is the mentality, I'm really hoping that you develop in your mind. The two things that you have to constantly do, there's a mission in front of you, you have to focus on that. And there's the Ibadah to Allah, you have to focus on that there's the inside goal, there's the outside goal and constantly you're going between the two of them. And you know what's happened some

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people are all focused on business and growth and empowerment and politics and that's all on the outside and there's no focus on what about other and other people are like no, these people think they're going to make change we just have to make dua we have to make Deacon we have to make a stefarr We have to make Salah all the focus is on everybody and then say Allah will do it. Allah will help us because we're doing so much everybody what is the Quran teaching you

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focus on your mission and when you get weakened every day keep coming back to Allah do you bother these two things fuel each other. These two things remind each they are needed for each other. That other gives you the strength to do the service and the service you can lose your you lose your your vision, you can lose your purpose you will you know you may have built the masjid for the sake of Allah for example, but later on politics comes egos come

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you know, control comes, the desire to be seen comes the desire to have the mic in front of you come these desires come and what is Eva gonna do? It's going to detox all of those corruptions, real Ibadah is going to do that. So this balance that Allah gave in the Quran between these two things.

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So first, we have the aerobics now the last thing about Sunday we have the Arabic And I'll close for tonight inshallah

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this B and hummed two things. Yeah, two different things. How do we do this? We Subhanallah How do we do hum Hamdulillah. Let me make this very simple for you what a sub B behind the Arabic I mean, let me explain what this means. Simple simply. This be means you don't have any negative thoughts or words about Allah. That's what this word means. Everything you say about Allah is perfect.

00:47:53 --> 00:48:37

You never think of him in any way that's less than perfect. His Rockman is perfect. His love is perfect. His plan is perfect. The experiences he puts you through the wisdom behind that is perfect. The difficulty the OMA has the plan is with Allah and His plan can only be what? Perfect, that's the spear. So even when he's hearing the kuffar say make fun of him. They're doing something terribly evil, but the Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi salam having to go through that is part of Allah's plan. And Allah's plan is always what? Perfect, keep reminding yourself that even when you're going through these horrible experiences, this is part of a perfect plan. And you don't see the whole

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picture only Allah sees it.

00:48:39 --> 00:49:02

I'll give you an example of this, like, you know, those of you that like to cook, right, and when you're cooking, and somebody's watching over your shoulder, you're gonna put that much salt. You're gonna eat that much. You put the image you Hey, it's been running the salesman running at this temperature five minutes, five minutes now, and you get annoyed like, Can you shut up?

00:49:03 --> 00:49:13

Can you just go go watch TV? Go Go over there. Look out the window. Let me finish because you don't know. Oh, it came out good in the end. Why is that? Because they don't know the whole plan you do?

00:49:14 --> 00:49:24

You if somebody's painting something? They're painting a beautiful painting and you're standing next to them really great. Over there. What do you do? Like

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you can't function because somebody's watching over your shoulder right? Now imagine we get anxiety when we see one part of Allah's plan.

00:49:35 --> 00:49:44

We see one little bit and we're like, what's this? This problem over here? Why is this happening? And Allah says, Let me help you with that. Sabir

00:49:46 --> 00:49:59

remind yourself that perfection is with Allah and every piece of this puzzle goes to complete something that is perfect designed by Allah. That's the sphere. But he didn't just say sub Bell

00:50:00 --> 00:50:41

We're back. He said Sabir behind the Arabic so now we have to discuss what happened is, so this week was everything about Allah is perfect his plan is perfect his wisdom is perfect. His love is perfect is Karis, perfect his help is perfect. Some people ask What is Allah has helped coming? How come Allah has helped us to come? Allah has helped us perfect and the time when it comes is also perfect as we have Allah okay now let's talk about Hungary real quick. hummed means whatever he does is something good, it should be praised and we should thank him for it. Everything Allah does Alhamdulillah not only is it perfect, which means we don't criticize it. But on top of that, we

00:50:41 --> 00:51:07

praise it. And we thank him for it. We praise it and we thank him for it. So now for the Muslims, Allah flipped our entire mentality. Well, that's a Latina Cuttino feasable Allah Hi, I'm Martin, Bella here and OB Musa goon free Hey, Nabil Murata whom Allah when fondly well your steps you want to be Latina, la mia, obey Him and confirm Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.

00:51:09 --> 00:51:15

Allah says, Those who died in the sin in the path of Allah Don't you dare think about them that they're dead.

00:51:16 --> 00:51:20

They're alive. They're being provided for with Allah with them.

00:51:21 --> 00:52:03

And they're happy. They were the ones crying, they're the ones that are what they're happy. And if you understand that, even when you see the most violent death in front of you, you say, these people there are Shahada. And for that we give him the villa that he took, well, that has been called Shahada. It will take among us some people that, that he just wants to see them sooner. He wants them in his company sooner. That comes the reason for hunt. Even that becomes a reason for hunt. That doesn't justify the criminals and what they do. But this is your relationship with Allah right now, nobody, this is not about people. It's not about anybody. This is just you and Allah. Sabir

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behind the Rebecca and when you perfect that, when you realize everything Allah does is perfect. And I'm going to praise Him. And I'm going to thank him for giving me the opportunity to be in this struggle, because some people were never when they never even thought about making the struggle. The fact that I'm going through the struggle, Allah chose me for the struggle, I better thank Allah for that.

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Because there's a lot more people that are a lot smarter than me a lot better than me, that never even took this step. They're going the way of shaitan i by at least trying to go to the way of Allah and I should be honored and grateful that Allah chose me to struggle in this path. I'm going to do handle him

00:52:43 --> 00:52:57

Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was being insulted. And now he's doing the hunt of Allah for being insulted because being insulted is elevating his ranks. It's part of his jihad,

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that Allah chose him for this struggle

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for Serbian behind Arabic.

00:53:04 --> 00:53:08

And welcome misogyny, the ultimate show of thanks is to fall into such that

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the ultimate show of humility in front of Allah is to fall into self doubt. So fall into sight. And then once you're done having that conversation with Allah, then when you hear what they say, then that that this be, and that hound has detoxed you so much, that it doesn't hurt you the way that it did, before that we had that hump, you see,

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to learn to ignore

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it again. You know, we know it hurts we know they say hurtful things. We know that it causes you pain, and every time it causes you pain, here's your healing. So I say that especially the youth

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become serious about what you want to do with your life.

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Become serious about what you want to accomplish. develop serious working habits, work ethic. If you're going to university, don't just go to university, get a job while you're at the university, learn work ethic, don't just sit there at home and be you know, a social media contributor to Islam.

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We need real men and real women that that substantively contribute to this ummah, substantively. And when you develop these kinds of personality traits when you work, when you try your hand at business, when you do your own thing when you try to become independent, young men that are 1718 years old, your goal should be to become financially independent. Your goal not and parents should encourage this instead of saying no, no finish university then finish your masters and finish PhD and then maybe you'll get a job and until then you can't get married. No, no no teach your sons and daughters independence teach them to become independent. This OMA will not be strong until the youth

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become strong. And if the youth are still waiting for the next UFC cheer

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ampionship And they're still waiting for the next, you know, PS five game to come out, or the next Netflix season of whatever. That's all they're thinking about, or when's the next iPhone coming out? I didn't get it yet. I didn't get it yet.

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Then all we're producing are consumers. That's all we're producing. They're just consumers. They're not they're not giving the world they're just taking from the world. We were made as an Omar that gifts to the world. That's what we were made to do. So this would be my my humble request to you is to actually just really just think about what it means to be a sabich and mentally prepare yourself for the criticism that comes with being a cyborg and mentally prepare yourself to ignore all the noise and push forward. May Allah azza wa jal strengthen our youth and make them much better contributors to the cause of this deen and to the empowerment of this ummah, than the previous

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generations have done and make this a chain reaction that continues to empower the OMA more and more and more and more BarakAllahu li welcome feel called Hakeem when a family what you can build it with.

00:56:11 --> 00:56:13

Okay, I want to take a picture with you guys.

00:56:15 --> 00:56:19

No, no Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, please. Please, please. Just 10 seconds that's all I need.

00:56:21 --> 00:56:22

Can you please sit down?

00:56:24 --> 00:56:28

I love when I ask somebody to sit down to stare at me and they don't do it. I love that.

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