Nouman Ali Khan – How to Study the Quran Q&A

Nouman Ali Khan
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The Quran is a bridge to understanding the religion and is used as a stepping stone to lifelong learning. The speaker emphasizes the importance of reading and practicing it, as well as the need for an intermediate step before understanding the meaning of "immediate." The speaker also discusses the challenges of reading the Quran and recommends taking a year to get through it. The importance of finding a systematic journey through the Quran and finding the right motivation for their research is emphasized.
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because Arabic is the key to Islamic Studies. Yeah. Right. But you you cannot get Arabic until you have the right motivation. Yeah. And getting that run through the entire Quran will give you I'm telling you lifelong motivation. Yeah. Talking about this in theory said no, no, you know what I'm already motivated, I'm gonna go to the Arabic, I'll see you in a month when you quit. And that's what I feel my role is for younger people like what I did over a decade and a half you can do in a year you can do in six months. Yeah. And I become the stepping stone for your progression progression. Yeah, right. But the, the reason my work isn't an alternative to the study of the

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Quran, I see it as a stepping stone to the study of not.

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So stead for an average Muslim, what would you say is a good path for learning?

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It's a good question, I look my experience, sort of limited to study of the Quran. And then the rest of Islam kind of started falling into place for me as I was studying the Quran. So I can only recommend what I experienced, and maybe somebody else will have a very different recommendation than I will. But

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what's cool about my recommendation plan is that more and more scholars that I look up to and that I've admired, that are more like diversified in their knowledge than I am, across multiple sciences, now endorse my view on this. So I feel much more validated in making this recommendation. And that is that I think, the thing that the message that changed the world that the Prophet brought fundamentally was the Quran. And then the practice of the proposition is an application of the Quran. So it's as if the application, you know, when you're studying a chapter, and then there's examples. Yeah, so the Quran is like the chapter and the Prophetic practice. So the Sunnah is the

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examples. Right? It's putting that to practice so. So you shouldn't you can't be studying the examples. Without without knowing what are the examples of you see what I'm saying? So getting a comprehensive view of the Quran is a really powerful starting point. Yeah. And then as the Quran gets studied, the Prophetic practice keeps getting touched on. Yeah. And it builds in my view, it builds your appreciation of the Sunnah in the shade of the Quran. So and therefore you get a comprehensive picture of the religion. Yeah, so the real question is, how do you properly study the Quran? And for the average Muslim? That's really what the question. Yeah. So in my head, there's

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like a three four step. process. I don't think you should start with Arabic. Yeah, I don't think so. Because you're not motivated enough to keep going, okay? Like, you're gonna be investment of investment, you're gonna be fired up in the beginning, and then you're not gonna feel the motivation, you're gonna taper off and you're gonna quit. Yeah, so you kind of ended before you even started. So don't don't stop there. Yeah, so you don't start with Arabic? It's just a bit I know you. You're lazy. This is not a good idea for you just don't do it. Yeah.

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So what I did what I tried to do as well, how can I help the average Muslim get started with the Quran? Because the problem is, when you're reading translation, you guys tell me what problems do you face? When you read an English translation of the Quran? It's not like it's quite the English is quite difficult to understand. Okay, and you're an English major.

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Experiencing, I guess, someone else's version of how they've understood the so you feel a disconnect from the direct language. Also, it doesn't give like a full definition, for example, 100 level Barlaam. In finance, Praise be to Allah, you're missing some of it. Thanks, faith, Allah as well. Right. So there's, there's only one glimpse of meaning and several facets are missing, right? Other folks have identified like, I don't see how things are connected. Or I don't see how this subject was followed by that subject. But I don't see why there's so much repetition, etc. So you get these challenges when you're trying to read the translation, then you say, okay, you know what, I'm just

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gonna study tafsir. Right. And first of all, in English or other languages that I've seen resources are limited. But even if they're not limited, they seem sometimes too complicated. Yeah. Like it's not, it's not. Because we're talking about the average Muslim. Yeah. Many movers who didn't write their work with the average Muslim in mind. Yeah, they wrote it for their students. Yeah. Right. So which is a different category of people? Yeah. Right. So my work became, okay, how do I take it? How do I give folks more than translation? do justice to the fear without using AFCD language? So that becomes a bridge to where they get intermediate enough, that when they do go to the tough series,

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they can Okay, now that makes sense. Okay, now I'm not intimidated. So there's an intermediate step necessary for which translation wasn't enough, right? That's at least how I saw it. Yeah. So I did a commentary on the entire Quran kind of like, I like to compare it as what to a video game walkthrough. Right you know,

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members that make a walk, turn left here, right here, you're gonna see this boss, you can't if you don't upgrade this weapon, you're not gonna get back.

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So I did like a basic walkthrough through the entire Quran and like, Hey, here's the thing that's commonly misunderstood when you read the translation. Here's something that people commonly ask when they get to this idea, but not getting super hardcore on every detail, just kind of let's walk through that the whole thing, right? I call that a concise commentary. Yeah. So I put that together and put it on being a TV and that and my recommendation to anybody who says, Hey, what do you recommend? Well, I recommend take advantage of the years of work. So here's how, how about you start with that maybe 20 minutes a day, on your commute to work on you're just kind of kind of take a

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year, take a year and a half, get through the whole thing. It's about 300 hours, right? Just get through it. But no, no does. You're not taking notes, you're not listening to an audiobook

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or a podcast. So this is your Quran podcast, you're gonna you're gonna turn the Quran into your podcast, you're gonna go through the whole thing briefly. And even as you're listening, you might say, hey, he didn't go into detail here. But I have questions. Yeah, he didn't answer those. Right. So what what that will do is it will generate a real thirst in you about certain places in the Quran. Right, and curiosities. And it will also over time, it will make you more and more dissatisfied with the dependency on me. Yeah, like, Why do I have to, like, experience it through? Through me? I want to do it myself. How can I how can I get what he already has? I want it for

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myself. Yeah. Not vicariously through him. Yeah, that will generate the real drive and energy that you will need to study. Arabic. Because Arabic is the key to Islamic Studies. Yeah. Right. But you you cannot get Arabic until you have the right motivation. Yeah. And getting that run through the entire Quran will give you I'm telling you lifelong motivation. Yeah. Talking about this in theory said no, no, you know what, I'm already motivated. I'm gonna go to the Arabic I'll see you in a month when you quit. Let's do this. And we'll have a first of all, you have an intellectual bond with the Quran. And second of all, you will have the thirst to want to connect with it personally.

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Right? Yeah. And that's when you get into the Arabic studies. Now once you get into Arabic studies, there's the next challenge. The next challenge is there are complicated issues in the Quran sometimes. How do I deal with them? And I'm telling you 15 No, not 20 something years of studying the Quran now, there are issues I haven't dealt with yet in the Quran that I'm going to need time to be able to process them for myself to my at a basic level, I could talk about it, but at a deep level, I'm dissatisfied with what I know. Yeah. Right.

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So then that's why I did the deeper look series. Okay. Here are the solos where I have taken a deeper dive. Yeah, maybe I can help you here. And as your Arabic progresses, you can fact check what I'm saying with the Mufasa rune and with your own reading, because you know, you have Arabic to the access to the Arabic Right, yeah. And so I took advantage of the life work of several other people the life work of a shout out to Mr. Allah double life work of Dr. Sol Rahman.

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And even when we read that the fears were taking the advantage advantage of the life work of someone. Yeah, like we're reading in 20 minutes, what they what they,

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you know, that Surah mystery was taken in six months. And I could do it in five hours. Yeah. Right. So. And that's what I feel my role is, for younger people, like, what I did over a decade and a half, you can do in a year, you can do in six months. Yeah. And I become the stepping stone for your progression progression. Yeah, right. But the the reason why my work isn't an alternative to the study of the Quran, I see it as a stepping stone to the study of the right. And then you you might find yourself having learned from me and disagreeing with me on many, many things. Yeah. And, in fact, I celebrate that, that progression, because that's what I'm a product of, I'm a product of

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disagreement, product of inquisitive thinking, asking questions. And just because I arrived at a certain conclusion that I find candidates number one, and you are free to arrive to a different lens, so long as your loyalty is to the text, your loyalty is to the truth. Yeah. Then you're right to explore and be convinced and find better argument. And, you know, that's actually what the Quran deserves. Because your loyalty is not to you, to me, it's actually

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you know, you must become more independent as a student and brave, in fact, yeah, so this is one of the things that are so cool about my own journey that I really, I can't think ally enough, I became famous for whatever reason, and

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I got access to some very powerful scholarship around the world because of my fame that I probably never would have had, like WhatsApp direct message access to otherwise, and now I get to ask those people at the top of their fields

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Yeah, really unabashed, unfiltered questions about what? Because I have a safe space with them. Yeah, for my own exploration. Yeah, right. I think that's one of the biggest blessings in my life. So the hugest blessing, I don't have to have reservations about what I'm exploring, you know, in this study, so, and that's why I want to do the best that I can with it, because I do see it as a responsibility. But what excites me is actually this young generation of people that are coming, that are going to see my work as not the endpoint, but like the endpoint, the endpoint of my life, is just a starting point for them. That's what I see is really, really exciting. That's why I

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decided that this work that I'm doing is not even, I don't think it's smart of me to do it myself. I need collaboration, I need to work with others, and study as a group. So I just developed collaborative learning models for myself for Quran study. So it's a group of scholars group of students that work together and study any thought on that we're working on. And I think so, to come back to the question. Take us like a systematic journey through the Quran. Yeah, let me help you for a year or two, then get into Arabic. If you can't afford to go to Egypt or Jordan or wherever else, then do it online with me. And if not, would be with someone else. But just do it finish at least

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master the Arabic sciences after that, because you'll have the motivation to see it through. And then as you're navigating the Quran, thick Hadith, Surely all of that will start coming into play as you're navigating. This is a part of like the journey itself. Yeah, yes. Who truly puts the Quran at the center, which it's supposed to be Yeah, yeah.

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