Nouman Ali Khan – Amazed By The Quran – Why is Musa Different?

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the use of passive actions in the Quran, starting with the verb "ma'am" and then "ma'am" in the passive form. The actions are described as being " Acts of calling" and " Acts of saying" to capture the accurate history of the title. The speaker also mentions a book of Islam that is too subtle to be a serious read.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome to amazed by the Khurana series in which I love talking to you guys about what I love or find amazing about the Quran. Today I want to share something with you from salted hij, the 22nd surah of the Quran, and this is about the use of the passive. We're going to see a verb that occurs in the active form and then we're going to see it in the passive form. Let me say that in plain English then

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they called someone a liar. They called a liar. They called Ibrahim a liar they called luta, liar, etc, etc.

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That's active because who called them a liar they did their nation state. If you say Moosa was called a liar, that's passive. Musa was called a liar. In other words, you're not saying who called him a liar. You follow? So now what you're going to get is what? What you can do buka if they're going to call you a liar, the prophets told faqad kapsabet problem como una Hanwha de mucho como Brahim la comunidad was habermasian long list, if they're going to call you a liar, then before you the nation of loot, the nation of odd the nation of the mood, the nation of Ibrahim and the nation of loot, called them liars to

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they also considered that a lie. So the who's the doer of all of and by the way, the people of Medina also did the same.

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So all of them who's the one calling someone a liar the nation is the nation does the act of calling them a liar. And all of a sudden at the end of the I work with Viva Moosa and Moosa was called a liar. It switches their nations called them a liar, who are them knew the Prophet you know, who saw the Ibrahim loot schreib long list, their nations called them a liar. And Moosa was called a liar.

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So it's weird because you're expecting and his nation called Musa liar to like you want to incriminate the nation. But the Quran is so subtle in its depiction of history. Most people are the Israelites, they didn't call him a liar.

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The Pharaoh called him a liar and the Pharos, people called him a liar that are not as people. So he was called a liar, but not by his nation. So it switches immediately to capture the accurate, you know, account of history that his own people actually accepted him as a prophet gave him a hard time anyway, but they didn't call him a liar.

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founded the those people that so hard on law, just the way in which these switches happen in the Quran, they're not just for grammatical reasons, but to capture such powerful historical, you know, nuance, and to be careful about that as you're in the middle of a sentence, and a list of all these prophets. This one, this one, this one, this one by the Moosa No, not his people didn't lie. He was lied against. He was called a liar. So Pamela, Eliza will help us appreciate the perfection of the book of Allah barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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This episode elaborates on why Musa AS is different in the light of an ayah from Surah Hajj. Join in to understand how Allah SWT captures the powerful historical nuances in the noble Quran.

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