Nouman Ali Khan – Amazed by the Quran – Special Counsel for Prophet Isa

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The Arabic language uses "has been used interchangeably" to describe spiritual counsel, rather than "has been used interchangeably" as it describes spiritual counsel. The use of "naive" in English is highlighted as a way to describe someone as a Christian, and "naive" and " Riley," in Arabic language is used to create a pattern for speech to avoid confusion. The use of "aryups" and "yo" in the Koran can create patterns for speech, and "naive" and " Riley," in Arabic language are used to differentiate between rain and Christian speech.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum everyone welcome to amaze by the Quran a series where I share with you what I find amazing about the Quran. Today inshallah I want to share with you probably three examples along the same lines. And this is actually a subject matter that's kind of difficult to understand at first, but I think we can understand it pretty easily. You know, there are speech patterns in every language, and every language has certain words that are almost interchangeable between one another like, you know, think of happiness and joy, you know, or anger and rage these words, even though they may have some nuances, and they mean different things. But in many cases, they are actually

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used almost exactly the same way interchangeably, right? Similarly, there are times sometimes words that are the full version of something or the lesser version of something like demo, as opposed to demonstration which you can in casual speech kind of use interchangeably. Now, bear in mind that as I shared this example, with you, the entire Koran is an oral tradition, it was revealed, you know, and it was memorized as it was sent down. And it wasn't documented in the way that a book is written down. It's passed on down primarily as an oral tradition, and later on, it is put into writing. So the Arabic language, let's start with that the Arabic language actually has two words for giving

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counsel. One of those words is wasa and the other word is outside. And even if you don't remember that vocabulary, it's okay. wassa is used in Arabic When you give counsel that is of a spiritual nature, or that when you give it over and over again, so basically, actually in Arabic, the only nuance to wasa is counsel that is given over and over again, as opposed to that also is actually counsel that's given one time, so I'll repeat that again. What sir, over and over again, also, one time, remarkably, in the Quran Council is talked about several times. And if you take tally of all those times, like bacara, and sure also to Shula, Nyssa, Merriam, all these different places where

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counsel is talked about using this language, every time Allah talks about spiritual counsel, counsel to do good counsel to worship Allah counsel to pray, you know, this kind of counsel, he'll use wasa, which is actually the word use for over and over again, and every time counsel is of a financial matter, like you know, inheritance is also kind of the deceased left some counsel about how the money should be distributed, you know, he uses alpha. So for financial or you know, inheritance type matters. Alpha can leaving a will leaving council behind, leaving advice behind instruction behind alpha and fight and spiritual matters, wasa which is beautiful, because Allah is saying, you know,

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think about it, well, how many times is inheritance going to be distributed one time it's a one time thing. So outside is a better word to capture the one time nature of that kind of, you know, distribution of will that kind of counsel. However, spiritual counsel, be mindful of Allah be truthful, be kind pray. This is not the kind of counsel you give somebody once you have to give it over and over and over again, that's the nature of spiritual counsel. It must be repeated so beautifully uses every single time the word was. Now think about it. In the Arabic language, what sign offs are interchangeable with a subtlety? One is repeated the others not. But the Quran is very

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precise about we're using each one with one amazing exception.

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Lisa, Lisa lamb Jesus is born. The Quran has a unique narrative about Jesus that the Bible doesn't have that he spoke the day he was born. And his part of his speech is what asani beside it was a karate model.

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He counseled me to pray, and to charity, so long as I'm alive, meaning a lot of counsel Jesus, Jesus says, He says Anisa Nam, Allah counseled me to pray and to give charity, except the word he used for counsel this time is the word that you typically find in the Koran for financial matters.

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Why though, this is a spiritual counsel, to pray, to give charity. Some argue that perhaps this word is used here because charity was mentioned, which is financial. But there's something more going on here. Remember, in the beginning of this elaborate explanation, I told you that olsa is for one time, and wasa is over and over again. These are the Salamis how old one day. He couldn't possibly have been given counsel over and over and over again. He's only been given counsel to pray and give charity one time. So he says, oh, Sonny, this celerity was Kathy 23 years of an oral revelation. And the only time the pattern is broken is when the one time advice is given. It's what you have to call

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amazing. Another two examples I want to quickly give you along the same lines because they're so short, that if I made a video by themselves, they'd be like a minute long. So I'll throw them in here in Sharla is two words, we'll compare two words. There's this word Aryan, and there's the word rune is a little more vocabulary for you. Are you and is actually

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It means two things. Each one of those words means two things. Anyone could mean eyes. And Aryan could also mean springs of water. It could mean eyes and it could mean springs of water. On a side note, the Arabs have the same word for these because anything that pleased their eye, they use the word eye for it. So waterfalls are called AI two because it pleases their eye. But regardless, you could mean eyes. And it could also mean springs of water. Another word or loon could also mean either one of these things, it could mean eyes, and it could also mean springs of water. But the Koran has a particular signature. So for 23 years of this oral tradition, every time Yun was used,

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it was about the eyes. And every time a loon was used, it was about the springs of water. Even though in Arabic, both of those could carry both meanings. The Koran decided that it's going to have a signature, we're arguing consistently, we'll be talking about eyes, and loon consistently is going to be talking about springs of water. That kind of consistency in oral speech is impossible to keep up with, it's just impossible to keep up with. And finally, just along the same lines, is the distinction between two kinds of rain. The Arabs use the word Mater for rain. They also use the word faith, faith for rain. And interestingly enough in the Quran, Mater. Every time a rain is kind of

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like a flood kind of a rain or a punishment is raining from the sky. And everything every time rain has something good in it, something that produces life and give us vegetation life. So it actually distinguished between the two kinds of rain that the Arabs themselves would not distinguish. They would use Matata and haze interchangeably. Rain is just rain, but two different words for two different scenarios of rain. Good rain, life, terrible rain muttered over and over again again for 23 years. The point of this short session was to illustrate to you how they'll hold on when it picks a word. And it sticks with it and it gives creates a pattern using that word, it actually creates a

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literary signature for that word. And these are the kinds of things in sha Allah over the course of this series that I hope to elaborate before you more and more and more May Allah give us a genuine appreciation of his beautiful word barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. See you next time

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