Nouman Ali Khan – A Really Hard Test

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The Handing series of ad hoc statements and phrases describes a place or situation, and each statement is linked to a point. The title of The Handing is a series of ad hoc statements and phrases that describe a place or situation, and the importance of studying the Quran in a single way to learn about the various dimensions of the story is emphasized. The choice of who has faith is a decision made by Allah and the importance of obeying guidance and not just giving false advice is emphasized. forgiveness is not just a choice, but a message of love and avoiding mistakes is emphasized. The conversation also touches on the importance of forgiveness and the need for a way back to restore faith and change behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah and hamdulillah hollyfield God Mina Lada Magellan udimi nakulan are mostly just subliminal alum from Alcatel but he added madam, furnish guru who added Messiah he can manage guru who adenium when suddenly Allah rasulillah crumb they shall affiliation show me when noodle atom will kitabi mokum aka Melina Bina will hartham CD with the atom under the bus shalabi here is a new medium, whether it be 30 Ebrahim or alayhis salaam Hina. Canada Furukawa debate Allah Hill Mohan for some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he hide illumine allatheena barakallahu li him carefreeness a lot of I mean whom Elijah hamdulillah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah who fully human and

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fully what a beautiful tequila well hamdulillah lady Angela, Allah Azza wa Jalla whoever will hamdulillah Lydia who want to start you know who want to start Pharaoh who want me to be here when he when we let him and surely and fusina woman say to Melina, when you have the healer who Fela Mandala oma, you will Holla Holla when the shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah, Allah when I had to enter Mohammed Abdullah he was solo Ursula Le hota Allah will Buddha within the Hara, who Allah Deen equally aka fabula he shahida for sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to slim and Catherine kathira and about

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but in a circle, Hadith he cuttable la vida de Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in a short run Morimoto to hover in Abu Lama desert in beta wakulla diet in Walla Walla Walla, the

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Kabbalah horizontal funkita became caringbah and akula arose Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim masaba min mercy but in the lobby of Nila woman Milla he Calva Allah hubby Alicia in honey. Well I think Allah wa t Rasulullah interval later on for innama Allah rasulillah whole movie Allahu La Ilaha Illa whoever Allah Allah he fully at our college minion Yeah, you Hello Tina amanu indominus YG como la de kumada Welcome factor ohama into who was familiar with Alfredo in the la hora him in Mr Mr Lu como la, la la la hora en de who are Jonah Lim, Fatah, hula, Hamas Tata Tomas Maru and Pico hi Randy and forsaken, when you put your hand up sihi for eco homonuclear home in Tokyo law club and has a

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new bar with a combo of a local mala Lucia Quran Helene alleman I wish I had that Eliza is when hiking rubbish is everywhere silly Emily rock Tata melissani of Coco de la mata COVID-19, la TV La ilaha illallah wa ala homage and let me know livina Amina Mohammed Ali has also been happy, whatever. So we saw that I mean, yeah, behind I mean, I'm about

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typically when I give Hooda. In the half hour or less that I share something with you from the last book, I tried to focus attention on an ayah or part of an ayah. And just a series of harbours, we completed over the last few weeks, we were focused on a single I have the Quran in solitude.

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But this is an opportunity to also share with you that there are different dimensions of studying the Quran. And to give you an analogy, before I talk about those dimensions,

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if a photographer goes to a beautiful place, and they see a valley, right, they can take out their camera, and they can capture the mountains, they can capture the greenery, they can capture the clouds, the snow on top of the mountains, maybe a waterfall, all of it in one shot. Right. So there's this incredible landscape, all of it captured in a single picture. And then the photographer can take pause, and sit kneel over and he sees one flower. Right, and you can zoom in and have this kind of, you know, focus lens that can highlight the colors and the contrast and the lines on a single petal of a flower. And take two very different pictures. And they're both extremely

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beautiful. But one of them took a step back and looked at the larger view, right. And it was remarkable. And then the other looked so zoomed in that even the human eye can't zoom that much in. But the camera lens can, and it looks inside, and it sees something remarkably beautiful also. So there's the micro view, the zoomed in view, and there's the macro view, there's the bigger picture view and they're both valuable. The Quran is like that. So when you're when you're studying the Quran, you can actually dive deep into the study of a single word. And it's very enriching, you'll learn a lot from that, or to stay on an idea and contemplate an idea. You'll learn so much from it.

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But if that's all you do, then you lose sight of the fact that there's a painting being painted, there's there's a tapestry, there's an entire view that you're missing out on. Now, each one of them has a compromised because when you zoom in, then you don't see the bigger picture. And when you see the bigger picture, you don't you miss out on the finer details, right. But at the same time if you're aware that both of those approaches exists, then you can take advantage of both and appreciate at least get a taste of both.

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So today's homebuyers a little bit different, because I'm giving myself you know, reviving in myself and hopefully in many of you a taste of how things come together how Ally's presenting, not just a statement or a phrase, but he's actually giving us a speech. He's giving us a Moreover, a council. And a council is made up of several statements that are all linked to each other, and he's making a point. So each idea has a point, each phrase inside the IRA has a point. But they all they all together also have a point. And I thought that a really beautiful place that I wanted to share actually, first, I thought I should share one idea with you from this passage of sort of the hub

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one, sort of the hub one is the 64th surah of the Quran. And the idea that I wanted to share with you or the two out that I wanted to share with you are rather difficult to understand at face value, they're 14 and 15. They can be misunderstood easily. But then I decided let's go back and kind of look at the entire passage. So what I'm going to try to do in this shortcut bar is talk to you about is number 11. All the way to the end of the sutra, which is 18. So that's unusual for me to do in the hood, but seven you know, ADR together, inshallah is what we're going to try to look at masaba Min, we'll see but in elaborate Mila on a human Billa he he called Oh, no calamity strikes of any

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nature, that anything that ever strikes you in life hits you in life. Never would that ever happen except by Allah's permission in love in the law. Well, may you remember. So now, first thing first, we recognize that every difficulty and isabeau in Arabic can be used for difficulty, but the Quran redefines it. So it uses and sorta Toba, the word masiva for good or bad. In other words, everything that strikes you isn't bad. Some things good things come your way. But anything that's come your way, anything that's hit you in life, any incident you've gone through any pain that's come your way, any pleasure that's come your way, all of it has actually come from Allah Himself, it's a less

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permission for that arrow to be released to hit you. That and without that permission, it would not have happened. So it's part of a less plan masaba we mostly but in elaborate milada had to happen. That was part of the plan. Now, woman you mean biLlahi and whoever can have faith and allow whoever were to believe in Allah. Yeah, the caliber who Allah will guide his heart. Now, there's a lot that can be said about this ayah on its own. But I'll highlight one thing, of the many things we can learn from this idea. And that is sometimes you're hit with a situation and you don't know what to do.

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You're in a you're in a bind, do I? Do I stay? Or do I leave? Do I say something? Or do I not say something? Do I come? Or do I go? What do I do? What action do I take and you're caught. And Allah says something remarkable when you're stuck in a calamity and you hold on to your Iman and Allah, you decide to remember a lie at that time, you decide to have intimate conversation with Allah and Allah alone at that time, you restore your faith. So it's, you remember, Allah is not just whoever it happens to be a believer, but you don't think of belief as something you already have. And now it's in your pocket and you walk around with it. emaan is something that you have to restore. You

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have to polish you have to revisit, you have to bring it to life again. And so in the eye, it's as if when you're stuck, and I'm stuck in a calamity, or we're hit with something new, or something difficult. And it's overbearing on us. And we have to, we keep thinking about fixing that problem, right? And the law says when you're stuck in a calamity like that, think about fixing your email. Think about restoring your connection to email, which seems unrelated. Because you know, here you have a situation you're confused about what to do. I don't know how to handle this, and ally saying, how about you restore your faith? How about you turn towards me? Why what But how's that going to

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help you with this? Allah answers in the ayah? Yeah, the kalba, who Allah will guide his heart and whoever restores their faith, or has faith, Allah will guide their heart. And what does that mean? That means that Allah Allah didn't say, whoever has the mind and Allah, their difficulty will be over. He didn't say that. He didn't say whoever has difficulty with a lot, the trial didn't, we'll see. But we'll go away, the calamity will go away, or whatever, he will go with no less head, good or bad, whatever's hit you if you can remember Allah, and you can restore your faith in Allah, then Allah will guide your heart, which also means a level guide your heart on how to handle this, what

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to do, what not to do, what actions to take, what actions not to take, which is the most powerful thing a human being can have. Sometimes we don't know how to make the right choice. We don't know which way to go. And we turn to others for counsel. And we say what do you think I should do? Right, and that's an important part of living. We take counsel from parents or loved ones, spouses, sometimes even children. We take counsel from those we trust, and we say what would you do in this situation? What would you have me do? What do you help me think through this because I'm too clouded by my emotions, or too caught up in the problem to be able to think for myself. So I need an outside

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help and this is actually Umrah huzhou rabina. Home it's something recommended in the Quran.

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Allah says their decision making is after consulting with each other. That's a very multilayered statement also in the Quran. But here, Allah says, but you can you can get people's help, you can talk to 1000 people about whatever issue and get whatever advice. And every time you talk to somebody, you get a different kind of advice. And momentarily, you're like, yeah, I think I should do that. But then 20 minutes later, your heart's like, no, we're not gonna do that. And then you go seek somebody else's counsel, and they give you some advice, either. Yeah, I think you're right. But then you leave there and you're like, I can't do it. Because your heart's not settled on it. What

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does the law say? If you restore your faith in Allah, Allah will guide that person's heart.

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Your heart will be content with a choice. And that choice will be inspired by Allah, Allah will intervene in your situation. So what an amazing thing to say, hmm. So when you remember Allah, he has the Kaaba law of equalization, Ru, and Allah is fully knowledgeable of all things you see when you tell your problem to somebody else. And then they understand things from your point of view.

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But your story, whatever problem you're going through, has other actors and other characters, and they've got their point of view. But when I share my story, I can only share my point of view, which means I can make me look better and make them look worse. Or I can only consider so many factors, I can't consider the cons because one action has multiple consequences, right? One action I take can affect myself, it can affect one family member, another family member, it can affect my neighborhood, it can affect the business, it can affect so many affects so many things. Who is the only one who knows this one choice that I make? What effects will it have? And how will I be saved

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from the harm that may come from any of its effects that can only be Allah. When Allah says he knows everything. You see, when we're caught up, we can think about the consequences. We just want to get out of a problem and make a choice. And sometimes we make impulsive choices, without a lot of guidance. Allah says whoever has faith in Allah level guidance on what this also means is, then when you have faith in Allah, you open up a large book, you will turn to Allah as messenger solution. And you will find the answer for what you were looking for in the most unexpected place. Because you came with a heart, seeking to believe in Allah and seeking for a solution from Allah. And Allah, his

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book will just open it up to you. You'll come to it and Allah will tell you exactly what you needed to hear. When when you hear the Kaaba, well lobby Khalifa in early. Then he says with your law school, and this is one continuous conversation, like I keep saying, right, so what does that mean? A lie is not giving a lie is now giving us counsel, in one way of how to carry ourselves to deal with a difficult situation. Whether that situation is because of the environment, or because of a person that doesn't matter. It's a difficult situation is a difficult situation. Now, he says what a three year old law was about the auto suit, and obey Allah and obey the messenger. What does that

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have to do with anything? Well, it has to do with everything. Because when we're hit with problems, and we trying to find solutions, sometimes those solutions are disobedience to Allah. And their disobedience. So the messenger sallallahu sallam,

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the previous I said, Have faith in Allah. And you say, Yeah, I have faith in my heart, but I still want to do some haram stuff to get out of this problem, but I'll keep making dua. So eemaan is over here. But I will help keep my faith and keep making drying even crying. Yeah, love. Sorry. So sorry, I'm about to do some really haraam stuff. Oh, Allah says, obey Allah and obey the messenger. When you're going to deal with a crisis, you will make the crisis worse, because right now you're getting trouble from people. You're getting trouble from people that allowed them to give you some trouble in life, so you can deal with it and navigate it. But once you fail that test and you start

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disobeying Allah. Now, it's not people that are displeased. Now, it's a lot less displeased. Now, it's not people that are disappointed, it's a lost profit, that's disappointed, it's a lot harder for them. That's a bigger problem. Wealthy or lower, the road was sued, for interrelate on for a number of hours. But then if you turn away, then the only responsibility on our messenger is to communicate clearly. So his job is only to give the clear communication and the clip communication that clarifies again, a very powerful statement Allah saying, sometimes when we are in difficult circumstances and we know what Allah wa would want us to do. Maybe we realize we're in this

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situation to begin with because we disobey the line as messengers. And now to get out of this situation, we better now obey Allah and obey Allah as messenger Salaam Salaam.

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obeying the line of being a lead messenger is not always easy.

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Sometimes it takes a lot to overcome your own self to obey Allah. Overcome your own fears, overcome your own anger, overcome your own grief. Sometimes it takes a lot to face people because in order to obey a law, you might have to be in a very confrontational situation. It's not an easy thing to do to just obey Allah. So a person when they realize that obeying a lie is going to put me in

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in the hot seat, which is going to create a new set of problems, you say to yourself, no thanks, I already got enough problems. I don't need a new set of problems just because I'm trying to be a lion obey the messenger. And Elon makes it very clear, you're going to have to make a choice. Do you trust me that the way I'm telling you is going to have you go through your problems and you'll see through them and Allah will guide your heart? Or do you trust yourself more than you trust me in my messenger?

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Because at the end of the day, we're gonna go with who we trust, right? If you trust your own self, your own gut feelings, even if they're going against a lion His Messenger you'll go with it. That's what you'll do. And unless I'm on force you into morellato Selena Bella whole movie are messengers only responsibilities to let you know clearly what you must do. What this also means timelessly is the choices we're going to make the answer what choice should we be making, how is Allah guiding our hearts, but something given to the prophets of Salaam for the entire oma until Judgment Day. So even if the professor Sam is physically not here with us, that we can go to him and say, he also loves

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me. So I have this problem. This situation helped me his words and the revelation he was given timelessly a gift of this oma, we can go back to it and we'll find the answer and allies holding us to that and saying, I that's been clearly communicated to you, whether you want to listen to it and ignore it, or you want to take it and and, you know, hold on to it and deal with whatever that comes. Whatever that comes, can come. That's a choice you have for enema, Allah Assouline, Allah, Allah Allah, Allahu La Ilaha Illa where Allah he fully at our clinic, we know that Allah says Allah, no one has to be worshipped, or obeyed in any way, shape, or form. No one has to be loved and adored

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in any way, shape, or form the way he is

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Ilaha except him while the law he ferlito. We know and Allah on Allah alone, should believers place their entire trust.

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Now, you saw an AI about putting faith in Allah, and you sign a robot or being alone or being the messenger, then you see an ayah about believing in Allah is the only one La ilaha illa Huwa and trusting him completely? What does that mean? When you obey me? Trust me, I will be on your side. When you obey me completely, trust me, I am the only one who can see you through your problems. What you have in your head is as the solution is not the solution, what I'm giving you a law is telling us that's the solution. Learn to trust me, and those who believe. Okay, fine, you have faith in Allah, that it came from Allah. Yes, the problem came from allies, only half the faith and the only

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one who can get me out of this problem is Alliance. The other half. And the only way he'll get me out of it is if I continue to obey Allah and obey the messenger or if I choose now, even if I've been in disobedience, I migrate to obeying a line obeying the messenger, then he's gonna get me out of my problem. You know, it could be somebody has a job where they're making it difficult economy right now, right? It's hard to get jobs, but somebody found a job. And then they figure out that the job doesn't exactly Hold on.

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And or maybe they realized that even during the interview process, this isn't exactly how long, but then they're like,

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Well, okay, maybe it's around, but we'll just a temporary Hold on. By next Ramadan, I'll be out of it. Right. So they tell themselves, whatever, and they just get the job, at least is paying the bills. And now when they are in that situation, they put themselves in that situation, their conscience keeps poking at them. And maybe they start seeing new problems in their life they never saw before. Because there's no blessings in the money that's being earned. When the money being earned is coming from a haram source is coming from a source of love doesn't bless. Then the food you buy from it, the groceries you get from it, the rent, you pay from it with it, right for the

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apartment, that rent that apartment has more fights in it than peace. That food gives you more indigestion and the nutrition. Nothing has blessings in it. Things are going wrong all the time you you start seeing you have to take a step back and say what am I doing wrong, that blessings have been removed? A lot of them punish people. But there's, there's there's like there's natural law, there's spiritual law. Naturally, when you when you eat poison, your body gets poisoned. When you consume what is spiritually poisonous, your life gets poisoned. And that's just what happens. So you have to ask yourself, What am I doing? Who's right? Did I take? What did I not do? Maybe somebody

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just decided not to give us a car even though they should be giving us a car or maybe somebody owed to pay back and they can pay the loan back and they still didn't pay it back. They did something wrong with money and we think we can get other things with that money and our life will be better whatever things you get is not going to get better suddenly gonna get worse. So at that point you and I have to realize maybe this money is better than let go. Maybe I need to come back actually certainly need to come back to obeying the law no being the messenger and this problem will disappear and then people will come and say to you but we're how are you going to pay the bills? How

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are you going to do this? What are you going to do that okay, I get it will be a lie in the messenger but come on. Get realistic.

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Allah says yes, trust yourself trust what people say but more than anything else trust en la vie de la jolla Tavakoli Allahu La ilaha illa Huwa Miranda like we know now the I was going to tell you about you Hello Nina Amano nemunas yg como la de cama de welcome those of you who have faith, there is no doubt about it. from among your spouses and your children, there are enemies for you live.

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I just say that from among your spouses and your children. There are enemies for you is the next ayah believers Listen up. This is in Medina, the prophet SAW Selim is in Medina, there are people that are sitting in the audience that have fought the enemy in Mecca. And they fought them in the Battle of butter. They fought them in the Battle of art. And now an iron comes they're sitting in the Brussels ashram is reciting this ayah to them. And among your spouse's and your children, there are

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And they're the enemy are the enemies on the battlefield. They're the ones who are putting idols at the karma. They're the ones who do ship with Allah. They're the ones who tried to kill the last messenger, how can my wife and my children be my enemy.

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He didn't say all of them, he said, among them are those that are enemies for you. So he didn't say all of you have families in which there is animosity, but some of you are harboring enemies. And as you actually can be used for husbands and wives. So it's a bad translation to say, all believers, your wives and children or enemies, or some of your wives and children, most of your husbands are enemies to

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your children are enemies. So how are they enemies. When you cross a less lines because you hate someone,

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right? When you cross the less lines because you hate someone out of animosity, that's not acceptable. But when you disobey Allah and disobey the messenger or trust, those that you love more than you trust a lot, and you trust the messenger, when you want to make your spouse and your children happy, while you are okay with making a lot unhappy when you put them in a place that only belongs to Allah, when absolute obedience starts going to the spouse and the child, even at the expense of obedience to Allah.

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Then even though you love them, and they love you, and you hug them, and they hug you and you eat with them, and they with you, even though you live your lives together, you're living under the same roof, you protect them, they protect you they become enemies.

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Physically, no, nobody's trying to kill nobody. This is not an eye about when you go home, make sure there's no dagger under the pillow. It's not that that's not what this is about. This is about spiritual animosity. What's the treasure that Allah gave in this ayah faith in these faith, reliance on Allah, when you create an environment in the family, or obedience to Allah, reliance on Allah, dealing with a crisis and turning back to Allah, those things are being pulled away.

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They're being pulled away and they're being pulled away by by by spouse, or child, then they are becoming a kind of enemy. Well, if they're an enemy that we should fight them, because the rest of the aisle should be, well if they are your enemy, now that you know that they're your enemy, sharpen your swords, or get away from them at least, because they're, you know, they're the enemy. What does Allah say? In amenas Raja combo daddy Kumar, welcome Fado home, then be careful of them, watch out for them. What in that fool? What does for who What are you for in Allah however for him, and if you do, in fact lovingly, forgive,

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overlook the test for who does what who suffer harm means to turn the page, meaning they messed up, or they said something outrageous, even outrageous that takes you away from your face. And they said those kinds of things which are able to turn the page. Now this is already really getting really hard. So there's a family that even a lot of declares can be like an enemy, or be an enemy. And then Allah says to you and me if you can Pardon? And if you can turn the page. And then what what have you and you can cover up for them. So there's three words for forgiveness being used in one ayah. There's no I like to look around like that, where multiple words for one Act, which is forgiveness

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is being used over and over again, because when Ellis has lovingly pardon, thoughtful, it's a word for forgiveness at the end thusfar who turn the page, let it go bury the hatchet, whatever phrases people use Punjabi people say multiple, multiple color, all right. So they say just you know, put dirt on it, you know? So there are different expressions for it. Just let it go move on, right, which is again, forgiveness, isn't it? And then he says what does it feel and you this is a common word for forgiveness actually literally means to cover. To cover it up, turn the page cover it up as if there was no nothing turned either. Now the whole thing the imagery of turning the page means you

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can't see

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See what's on the previous page, which means the kind of forgiveness where you don't bring it up. Remember, in 1997, when I forgave you,

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then either already turned the page, you already turned the page.

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But the idea has this remarkable contrast. It started with some people in your family, your spouse's and your children and your enemies. Watch out for them.

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Okay, I'm on guard. And then he says, and if you can lovingly pardon, and turn the page, and forgive, cover up for them cover for them to find the lava folder Haman, certainly Allah is extremely forgiving, always loving and caring.

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What how do we understand this? How do we make sense of this ayah because it's giving us two very different pictures. And they're going into very different directions. Being careful of an enemy is not lovingly forgiving an enemy. And those are two different things. You don't know if they're carrying a sword behind their head, and you come and give them a hug. And that's the last thing you ever do. So how do you reconcile and that's, I was gonna go through the whole rest of the suit, maybe inshallah next, but I'll tell you, at least this much for now,

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our families can be the most massive trial, they can be the most difficult trial, it can come from any direction. And it can be a trial from the people you love the most, they don't even have to be abusive to you, for them to be a trial for you. But even if they are abusive, even if they are abusive, you know the difference between someone who lost their cool, or who made a mistake once

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or at a certain event, or a certain moment, but that's not their nature. You know, who they really are.

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And what anger does, is anger wants us to look at someone and remember their worst moment.

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And that's all you remember about them. Like your picture of them, is how you think of that person, that spouse of yours, or that child of yours is the worst thing they ever did. That's the picture in your head. By the way, there's another delusional side to when people are so in love. They stay overlook all the horrible. And they only see the good the one good thing that happened in 1983, they remember and that's the picture in their head and this person could get away with murder after that. And that's all they see. Right?

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A lot as origin is first telling us when someone is bad to you recognize it.

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When someone's not okay, now not doing right by you, then you should know. You should be careful. So the eye open now delusional the eyes open reality? Is this person really abusive? Was that a one time thing? Is this a serial habit? Is that just in their nature to be this way? Is that just something they keep on doing over and over again for years and years and years? If that's the case, be careful. But But here's the thing, here's the part when that person changes, because change is possible. Every human being can change.

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And if that person changes, and you're smart enough to know, that is not an artificial change,

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because artificial change means I'm so sorry. I'm never gonna do it again. I feel really bad. And you're like, Okay, okay, yes, yes, I forgive you. Allah says, I forgive you. Allah has to forgive, so I forgive you. And then two weeks later, they're exactly in the same place again.

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No sorry, at all. Right, and they're even worse offenders than before, then you know that there's a serial habit of telling you what you need to hear, to get you to put your guard down.

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But if you're careful with the word factor, is pivotal here. If you're, if you're watchful, then you know where people stand, then you have a pretty good gauge. And when you genuinely do see someone make a change, when you genuinely do see someone is remorseful, and they've changed their ways,

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then it's okay to let go of that image of them as a vengeful person or an evil person or someone who did a lot of evil or bad. It's okay to let that go. And it's okay if they're asking for forgiveness,

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that you can pardon them, that you can turn the page. This is not about people who curse you. And then you say what Allah says, forgive. So I'm gonna forget, I didn't ask for your forgiveness. You know, you don't forgive someone who doesn't want forgiveness. You don't turn the page for someone who's burning the book. That's not what this is. This cannot be put to misuse. Allah is not asking us to be passive and people can walk all over you whether you did their family, and you just forgive No, no, but if they want to make serious reconciliation, they want to make things right. And you still feel that there's room to make things right even though they've been really bad, so bad that

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even the luck hold them enemy.

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But you genuinely see that they've made a change. Then if you pardon and forgive and don't bring it up again.

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Because Allah has put that behind them. Allah says For the love of Allah, human certainly allies forgiving, if I'm lucky and forgive that and if we're lucky and forgive serious, sincerely

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Maybe I can make room in.

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The last thing I share with you before I let you guys go about this is not the rest of the social justice

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is Don't misunderstand.

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Allah didn't come in you and me to forgive in this ayah

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it's so amazing. They are enemies for you watch out for them, that was actually an instruction Watch out for them. And that was that was advice, watch out for them. And then he said if you forgive them in three different ways,

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then a less forgiving to what you know what that means. If you take that choice that you decide to forgive them, it's a choice you have.

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And it may be a very hard choice. But if you make that choice sensibly, even though it's extremely difficult to make that choice, then Allah recognizes that you have done something amazing and may be allowed to reward you with ultimate forgiveness. Maybe that will be your reward, you won't be punished for not forgiving.

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But you may be greatly rewarded for forgiving, and for making things right when Dafu What does for what else you for in Allah?

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So it's just the the balance between those two has been struck? And where did I start to hold by today? no difficulty strikes you except by Allah's permission, no calamity strikes you, right. And a few hours later, Allah could have talked about any kind of calamity. He could have talked about sickness, or death, or he could talk to talk about war, he could talk, he could have talked about any kind of major trial. But he decided that in this remarkable pseudo pseudo tawan that he will give us he will articulate to us a trial like no other trial. The trial there comes from loved ones, the child comes comes from spouses and children, it's a very difficult trial. Even a law recognizes

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things can get so bad that they become an enemy. But even then, Allah says there may be a way back. There may be a way back, he doesn't guarantee there's a way back. Because you have to have the sense to know whether there's a way back or not. Right? You have to decide that yourself. And how will you know the questions that somebody might ask by the time they get it? How do you know that they're not really an enemy? How do you know that there is a way back? How do you know that forgiveness is gonna work out? Well, here's a here's a hint, when you mean biLlahi nickleback couple is to go. Wherever calamity strikes what should you do if you don't know what to do? restore your faith in Allah, Allah

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will guide your heart if you're if you're a heart is constantly consumed with anger, and memories of what went wrong and you know, the need for justice in somehow delivering pain. Where's your mind?

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Then your heart isn't busy with a lot. It's busy with this person.

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And it's never going to solve anything. Take your heart back to a lot maybe the guidance from a level B you need to leave or maybe the guidance from a level B here's how you need to make reconciliation. I don't know that's that's coming from Allah. Yeah, the condo por la Javi. Khalifa in la mala is the one who knows everything. So it's an incredibly cohesive, this is what I wanted to show you right? Sometimes you look at one idea, and you get something but when you look at the at least this time, half a passage, then you see more and you see how things are tying together and how it was counsel. You know, everything is weaved together. And you get so much more out of that in

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this way to Mark 11 You're welcome for Anil Hakeem. When the final year coming it was a good hacking

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hamdu lillahi wa salatu wa salam O Allah, Allah Dino Safa hosoe sanada Felicia Mahatma Nabina Muhammad Al Ameen rather early he also be here Marine, Allah azza wa jal fee Kitab al Karim bada an akula arrow below him in a shape on the team in Oklahoma, Dakota who saw lunarlon Latina Amano Salalah he was a limo, Taslima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed comma Salat Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah amin in the middle Majeed along nomadic Allah Muhammad Ali Muhammad in Karnataka Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah mean in the Gambia Majid about de la como la de la in a lot more when I deal with Santa Fe Then what about when her and his fashion it will not cover whether they

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Friday Sermon

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