Nouman Ali Khan – 093 Duha A

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of acceptance in surahs and the use of words to describe emotions and moments. They touch on the use of "will" and "will" in Arabic literature to describe events, and the use of "na" and "ba" in Arabic to describe emotions and moments. The speakers emphasize the importance of understanding the meaning of wealth and the "any negative" in the meaning of "any negative" in the meaning of "any negative."
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam O Allah say the ambia will Muslim. While early he was a minister Nebuchadnezzar he landed in La Jolla main home Amina Latina Mmm, sorry hot water, wasabi hot water, wasabi Southern minion, but I mean, shall not Allah we begin today, a study of Soto Baja. I hope all of you enjoyed the wonderful recitation today it's a change of flavor in sha Allah. With with our beloved teacher, half ago son.

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As I described Last time, we were here a couple of weeks ago, we're going to start our study of every surah with a series of parallels that it contains with the Sula that preceded it. So that's how we're going to start we're going to look at a comparative we're doing, we're doing a comparative look between Salt Lake, and salt of Baja Soleil being the surah we studied last time, from a stylistic point of view from the area of Albania. We noticed that in Salt Lake Eliza, which I mentioned the night first and the day second, when they leave a shower in a hurry that agenda The night was mentioned first and the day was mentioned second. Now as a contrast, what we're going to

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see here is the days mentioned first and the night is mentioned second of Baja, the morning light. The house refers to light, the light of the sun also refers to the early time of the morning, and then one lady that suggests so the first night second so that's one contrast. Keep that in mind as we look at the other contrasts in these wonderful sources. In the previous slide, the addressee the audience primarily was the koresh they were the audience of that saw. The this surah is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. So it's a completely different audience. A contrast in who is being addressed is the second difference in parallel between these two soldiers.

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sudo ln ends the conclusion we said this before the conclusion of a given surah is tied to the introduction of the next as a bakery comments and assignment. He also said in the conclusion of the previous surah, we read what are soulfire ba Those were the last words we read in the previous order, that soon he will be pleased elaborate the law our hero bill Allah, what a sofa

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with the exception of the one who pursues the face of his Lord or his of his master, meaning he is in pursuit of Allah's contentment, and that's the only goal before then this is the one who will finally be truly pleased and satisfied. In this surah we learn who is the most qualified of that title, that they will finally be pleased in the very beginning of this surah we're going to learn when I sell for your Oakley kata buka fatorda, that your master will give you meaning Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then you will be pleased. So in the previous slide, generally, whoever does this, whoever pursues the face of their master will be pleased. Now we're learning well, who

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actually truly pursues the face of their master? It is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so he in fact will be pleased Fatah Soleil makes a promise

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about making ease we read this last time for a moment, appa what Kawasaki kaabil husana Fasten your seat and you saw you know you fulfill certain conditions if you recall. And at the end of it of the the gift Allah will give you He will make the easiest thing facilitated for you the easiest thing being a laws guidance and obedience to Allah, He will make that path easy. But you know, we also learned to acknowledge that the path to truth in the sutra before even was described as difficult and Aqaba this high mountain you have to climb up. Now the messenger himself sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is in a struggle, which obviously is difficult. So while the previous sort of promised ease,

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this surah acknowledges that the struggles of the messenger sallallahu Sallam are becoming very difficult. So he is being given promise that it's going to get better. So it's almost a continuation of what what started in the previous surah. here Allah says, when an era to hide will occur, meaning oola it's like giving his messenger Ani Sato, salam, this this almost constellation that you it's going to get better than what is coming eventually is better than the earliest. Also in this What have you found Well, so far, you click on a book soon your Lord will give you and when the ayah comes we'll discuss that in more detail. Another wonderful comparison between these two sources. In

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the previous surah Allah mentioned the one who gives for a man appa Kawasaki cosna aka the one who gave, so giving was attributed to the human being he should give. But in this surah it is the contrast Allah is the one who's giving What are so far your earthly Kakuka your master will soon give you so in the previous surah the human being was giving and it's like Ally's responding to you gave and now Allah is giving subhana wa tada your master will give. In the previous little we learned simple term of accepting or confirming the truth of Islam was a de kaabil persona that he confirmed the truth in the most beautiful good he confirmed the truth in the most beautiful good and

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in the messengers own life. He was also seeking that truth and eventually a large soldier revealed it to him and those are the words Baba Yaga cabal and hahaha and you know we shouldn't casually translate that you know the word ball just like in silicon Fatiha is translated misled right or lost. So you some people have translated even know he found you lost and guided you. But that requires a little bit more discussion because we should be careful when we speak about the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. Another amazing comparison in parallel and lesson between these two soldiers and their comparative discourse is the mention of man and the mention of giving a winner.

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Rena in Arabic, if you don't recall, is the the the state in which someone doesn't need anybody else. Allah says about himself a lot of money, always free of need, he doesn't need anybody else. Money in the worldly sense as someone who's so rich, they don't need any money. They don't need anybody's help. They can do everything on their own. This is in the previous surah we learned a lot. So he just says, Well, my uni and boom, boo boo, Tada. his wealth will not be able to make him money. his wealth will not be able to make him free of need. He thinks his wealth is going to make him free of need. But when he falls into the ditch, his wealth will not be of any benefit. This is

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what we learned in the previous solar. So we're learning here that wealth will not make you free of need in this surah the positive side, okay, so while wealth is not going to make one free of need, so where is how are we going to become free of need? Allah azza wa jal says in this surah whoa jakka even

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he found you in a desperate state, and he made you free of need. So it's not mad that gives dinner. It is a law that when a law makes someone free of need, a law takes care of their needs. So the pursuit of wealth is being contrasted with the one who pursues a law and that's why in the previous law

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Have you found in its conclusion if the law was here or be the pursuit of the face of his master as opposed to the pursuit of what, as opposed to the pursuit of wealth. So, going further, we find in the previous surah Allah azza wa jal mentioned similarly again about man unless he the man who Yasaka The one who gives his well in order to cleanse himself. Now, what are some avenues in which you can give wealth they are discussed in this surah for Emelia, tema, feathertop hora masala for Latin ha as for the orphan as for the one who asks, and we're going to talk about the injunctions of Allah, don't turn them away, don't humiliate them, don't, you know, embarrass them, etc. Now, the

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ultimate blessing, the ultimate blessing in the previous solar was, at the end, the ultimate goal, and if somebody can achieve that they've attained the ultimate blessing that was in Liberty law, our God Hill, Allah, Allah. So that's the ultimate blessing. And when somebody has the ultimate blessing, they should be grateful for it. And they should acknowledge that that favor that has been done upon them at the conclusion of this solar in silico, how we find what we need to have because this

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interestingly, on the matter of guidance, both surahs talk about guidance, Allah azza wa jal makes a declaration in the previous surah. In Elena and alhuda, we have taken exclusively upon ourselves, truly the matter of guiding, guiding is only an exclusively something that allows the witch hunt gives them we talked about that last time in this surah Allah because he's the one who owns it. He even shows us how this paper was given to his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whoa, agenda, bond and Sahaja. So he took ownership of guidance in the last surah, and shows how he guided His Messenger sallallahu sallam, in this Surah

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An interesting contrast between two kinds of needy in the previous surah, we were the needy, and we were seeking a less pleasure in this surah, the needy come to us and we shouldn't turn them away. So there's two kinds of needy that are being described in the lesson we're learning here is the one who's truly in need of the favor of Allah and the person and the pleasure of Allah, they will never be turning away anybody else who comes towards them with a needy face. So we actually recognize the fuckup and the the ALA, as we say, in the language of our own selves. As far as the layout of this soul is concerned, it begins with a couple of oats will look out when they need it as such, and this

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is a consistent theme we've been observing in these series of surahs. They begin with a number of them. And the oath as we said before, is a means by which you are asked to reflect and it prepares you for the lesson that is about to come. The fundamental lesson of the surah is favours Allah gives His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is what we're going to we're going to find in this Sora and the next surah they're paired together in the the our special sauce about Allah giving his messenger favors Allah humans are in subtle sudden, the final of these, the surah that culminates the favor and its ultimate form will be so to calculate when we read in our Kanaka and culture. But

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before that these two soldiers are also dedicated to Allah explicitly describing the favor that He gives His Messenger sallallahu sallam. So we'll explore the relationship between the oaths that were taken in the beginning of the surah. And what they have to do with the fact of the favors that a lot does for His Messenger, some Ola on Instagram. So this is essentially the the first part of the soul of the oath, and then the favor is given to the His Messenger sallallahu sallam, and the conclusion now that the Favorites have been done to you, what should you do in return as a show of gratitude to Allah? What should your response be a messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam, and as a result, what

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should we be learning when failures are done upon us now about how we begin, maybe not Allah with the study of the soul itself. As far as the context of Revelation is concerned, you've come to know who in kata Allah who I am, and that the the it's mentioned that the revelation was discontinued for a few days for has another Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then the the messenger of the subtle Salaam was, you know, depressed and he was very sad and then revelation stopped coming live Alec has an EN Shadi then hatha Kala Kasama Mira machete keen man aboukir Uk laconic. You know, he was intensely grieved by the fact that revelation stopped coming for a while they spotted this gap

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until a group from among the machinery cool some of like him look a few Rahim Allah mentions it was the wife of Abu lahab right that's that actually said this or started this kind of sarcastic comment. They basically said oh, we we see that your Lord or your masters pretty much said goodbye to you what duck. The only thing left for him to do now is to say goodbye to you and he's abandoned you and he's unhappy with you. It seems carnac what the aka the manor tharaka lokala cavanna locka Ouattara CAC. What that means to you know, he's abandoned new, he's left you and color. A color that's going to come in the eye also is that he is displeased with you. So somebody

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Fancy rune say because of the sharp comments of the machine raccoon, it is in response to those comments like this little was revealed. Before we go any further, you have to understand some some things about the historical scenario that we're dealing with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is delivering this message. And he is ultimately concerned with the plight of humanity, we have to appreciate the burden on his shoulders. And I mentioned those words strategically, because in the next surah, Allah will talk about that burden. Okay? Allah azza wa jal mentioned wisdom, with meaning the burden on the shoulders of the messenger, sallAllahu wasallam,

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there's no more messengers coming. If he does not deliver the message properly, then it's not just a Quraysh, who get destroyed all of humanity's destroyed, it's an enormous amount of pressure on his shoulders, and his salt was set up. So when he is delivering this message, and people are not accepting, instead of complaining that the people are not accepting, he's constantly worried maybe I didn't do something right. Maybe there was something missing in my efforts. So he's always almost internally blaming himself. And Allah azzawajal constantly tells him, this is not your fault. You have nothing to worry about, you know, these people, they're the ones that are at fault, etc. So

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what constantly consoles His Messenger, but the Qureshi this opportunity of a few weeks, or a few days of revelation coming? And what do you say, Oh, no new is today. No slot today? Oh, I suppose he's not happy with you anymore. And they're chuckling among each other. They think it's funny that they make these kinds of sarcastic remarks to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam. Now the messenger it is not to say them, not that those words, he gives them wait. But it's the thought starts creeping in his mind that maybe maybe I did do something wrong. Maybe that's why revelation stopped coming. Maybe that's why revelations stopped coming. One of the benefits of knowing that the

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the oath in the beginning the first I have the sort of Baja Allah swears by the morning light of Baja is the time of day in which there is activity. And 5g is still early morning. People are just starting to wake up. But oh, Baja, it's hustling and bustling, it's rush hour on the highway. Everything's moving around. It's the time of basically the time of day that is full of life that's full of life and activity and movement. That's a Baja. Allah swears by that time. And by the way, we mentioned some of this before, you know, when we when the word Baha came up, the light of the sun can be soothing, and it can also be scorching, right later on in the day, it can get pretty intense,

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and it's painful. But early in the morning, the light of the sun is actually soothing and wonderful. And it's something lively. Allah swears by the soothing light of the morning. And what that teaches us is, it's a parallel drawn between the revelation coming upon the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. When the revelation used to come to him, it was like a soothing light of the sun falling upon him. It is full of life. Now let's look at the next Oh, actually, before we go to the next level, some evidence is in the Quran. Allah talks about when you shot on asobo hand that people would be gathered at the hard time. Even the Quran alludes to the fact that people are hustling and

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bustling baja time, a little bit of a small passage from Doctor father solid Samurai that I'd like to read and translate for you will call up some Allahu taala but when lately either sagia Allah has certainly taken an oath by abohar the soothing morning and also by the night as it becomes still and lifeless. Such a one lane I swear by night it has such a when it becomes still and lifeless. Let's see what else he says. Well Huma walked on the moon tariqa Allah Neff Silva Sharia, he has another comment of reflection on this. He says these both of these times are important. from a psychological point of view on the human knifes on the human personality is law. He commented on this further, he

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said that, you know, these two things, these two terms are very, very opposite. And Ally's alluding to these two times because these are the two, it alludes to different kinds of emotions or situations people face. Sometimes life is easy. Sometimes life is difficult. Sometimes there's happiness, sometimes there's sadness, sometimes there's ease, sometimes there's difficulty. Sometimes there's relaxation, other times there's pain, and you would think why isn't there always ease? Why isn't there always relaxation, but if you reflect you will learn just like the night and the day, the night when it becomes totally still it is the time that all of you know the animals and

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human beings they get a chance to rest in sleep. That is an important part of life, to go through the darkness. So what we're learning by almost by drawing a conclusion from that is going through hard times in life is actually a part of life. And you have to go through it because there are some things in our personality, some good qualities that are not put in us. You never get to harness them and to develop them until you are put in a difficult situation. Give you an example.

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If life is always easy, you would never learn to have it's a quality of love put inside of us. It's a virtual love put

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inside of us, but it only comes out. And it only manifests and it only booms under difficult circumstances, gratitude, only when something is taken away, you become more grateful of what what you had. And when you get even a little the gratitude comes out and harnesses. So even in difficulty, there's a blessing. The day has its smoothness and it's comfort and it's relaxation. And yes, the night is still in definitely. And it's you know, it's motionless. And it's depressing, but both of them have a role to play. So he that's what he's talking about as far as them having a, an effect on the person. But the other thing that's also really interesting is that both of these times

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are very soothing. In the morning, time is relaxing, and the deepest part of night is also basically a time of deep rest, we will find the soft language is used from a from a video from an embellishment point of view, because the entire soul is talking about the messenger sallallahu wasallam. So we'll find language that even the choice of words illustrates allows love for his messenger sallallahu sallam, when Annie, Annie Maya, Allah mohabbat Allah, Allah Rasool Allah, he was in it he be so hon Allah, that these words the choice of words is we're going to find in the surah they allude to the love Allah has the intense love Allah has for the messenger sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam, and the subtle, beautiful words he chooses in the context of discussion with him. So what is the definition of a boho we said already a logo who is Shams by the Shamrock. It's the time of the rising of the sun after Shahrukh it's kind of late morning. That's the time of now let's talk a little bit about a soldier and the use of that word inshallah, in this ayah

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sagia, I said two things, but the meaning the meaning, there are three things meant the first meaning of soldier is a second stillness. That's the first part of the subject. So when the less less swearing by night, he does this in other places when they leave,

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when they leave is so what's different between lately is I have shot the night as it covers, when they needed it yesterday night as easy as in and eases out. And then when lately either such Why such are the best choice of words here as opposed to those ayat in other IRA, which Allah talks about tonight. In all of them, there is motion Yasha, there is movement of the night. Yes, there is departing of the night or arrival of the night. But here there's stillness in Qatar. It's cut off, it's still it's not moving. And the theme of the sutra is when revelations stopped coming. So the word chosen is that which is alludes to discontinue this continuity, it stopped. If Yasha or yesod

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are used, there's motion in them but there's stillness in this one then there's death in this one, there's you know, and actually sad is used for even such as the corpse was still Leyland saj the adjective is used in Arabic literature, when the light becomes completely motionless, not even a leaf is moving. Similarly sajama I think there's an expression in Arabic cover and you know, hide completely buried so that becomes still the fault of your brother. This is an Arab Arabic proverb from even before Islam. Now, I alluded to the fact that even the darkest of night and the brightest of the both of them have a purpose. And so how Allah Allah tells us this himself, he says wonder the

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jalila como la la la escuela de when the harem of seven, he is the one who made the night for you. So you can find tranquility and stillness in it, you can relax in it and he made the day full of are easy for you to see and so you can move around and go about your business. Now.

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This is the allegory that I've been trying to allude to but let's go to the text itself and see what's been set by the Mufasa on well Bahama, you must follow neuron ye ye Shakti, the soothing light represents the light of Revelation and the brilliance that it had on the messenger. So I saw them and how he was able to deliver that brilliance to others come out call aloof as soon as the Mufasa would have said, when they know you must feel on paper and where he was aku was sakuni. He rather he says that the night represents the discontinuation the cutting off of revelation when the revelation stopped coming and it's stillness. What dunia beautiful he says a seminar he says what

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dunya mean? Hi renew Hello Ivana. This world without the light of revelation would be in darkness without the light of revelation of being that darkness. When he vantika Kadima Subhana Allah subhanaw taala how amazing the Quran he says, How come I mentioned the morning first in the night second. He's describing from from a literary point of view, how come a love begins with baja and then goes to LA? How can we didn't begin with rain and then went to baja while revelation started coming first, and then it was discontinued. So the morning is mentioned first because that represents what the revelation coming down to the morning soothing light, and then it stopped coming

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and that is like the night when it became still so that that sequence of the events in the life of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam is captured in well how when they need us, because you know somebody from a skeptic mind can come around and say well

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How can the previous law said when lately they have shown the heritage of a light night first day second? The surah should also be night first a second but it's contrast because it fits this context better soprano law.

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So now what the acaba bukoba makala. Now large xojo gets to the point Remember we said the machine Kuhn had said, Oh your Lord about your master abandon you, he left you. Actually, some of us who don't disagree some of us who don't say this is not an authentic narration. And perhaps this is a feeling that the messenger had without even the commentary of any Muslim Kuhn. He felt this in and of himself maybe alive is displeased. Let's look at the language a large engine used now what the aka let's explore the words first adobea in Arabic, is to say farewell, but that's the original word is only with our which some older speakers who used to live with or cannot write and without an

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Arabic is to say goodbye, but a toady is your Google Masaryk it's like final goodbye or never coming back. Okay like goodbye at the airport One Way Ticket that's it though dear. But goodbye at work because you're going to see the guy the next day if Allah wills is alveda there's a difference between the two now Allah uses a toady they're shocked on what the aka by the majority of the Quran they recite not what the aka but what Dhaka so Allah saying Allah has not permanently bid you farewell. Allah has not said goodbye to you forever. Now before we go any further there are different ways of saying this in Arabic. You could say Lem, you are deca he didn't in the transition

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would say he didn't bid you farewell. But we don't find this in the Quran we find what the aka the use of the word ma is important to note MA in negation Mas, you know, to say a sentence and make it negative in the past tense. But its benefit is to actually emphatically declared, for example, just to make the matter simple, simple. If I say, LEM, you have a car, he didn't bid you farewell. He didn't say farewell to you malwa Dhaka, he didn't bid you farewell at all. That's not the case at all. He's going beyond just saying that to actually convincing the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Because this use of na illustrates that the audience that you're speaking to, are

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skeptical or unsure. So it actually alludes to the unsure state of the heart of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who wasn't sure if Allah is happy with him or not? So Allah is giving him absolute certainty. Allah is not at all and it has not at all been displeased with you just by the use of the word ma here that Maya in and of itself is an expression of Allah, his love for his messengers from Allah, Allah who sent them. The other thing that's really beautiful, is that, you know, the bidding of the bidding of farewell this alto de yakun Bane al Motta has been, has been hyper loja, this bidding affair volatility is not used when enemies say goodbye to each other. It is

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only used when two people that love each other friends family when they say goodbye to each other. And this is an emotional thing. And this is a thing that's full of honor and respect and love. That's when tau D is used. So first of all the love is the word in and of itself has love for the messengers of Allah harness, even though it's bidding farewell. So let you know could have said Matt thorak your Lord didn't abandon you. He could have said he didn't say that. He said forget abandoning, he didn't even lovingly say goodbye to you. He didn't even do that much. He's not left you at all. Now, the word for allow us here is Rob buka.

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Allah does not say man what are called law. A law did not bid you farewell at all. He says your master did not bid you farewell for a book, okay for you. You are the OIC. Right? He is your master. He's the one who gives you gifts. Who takes full control of your affairs? Who's in charge of you? Why would he say farewell to you? So in the use of the word rabuka your master is your master. Why would he say farewell to you? That just the use of the word rabuka in and of itself again has love for the messenger sallallahu sallam. Now what the aka or buka haobo sumati will not Allah Allah Allah knows the name or buka this in and of itself is an expression of Allah's love. And again to

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say farewell to others in Arabic as we find in the Quran, you could say as Allah without Taka, Hazara there are different words you can use to bid farewell but the perfect choice of words to say even in the most loving sense Allah has not left you or abandoned you some Allah Allah He will send them the next word is warmer color, warmer color, and he is not displeased at all. He is not at all displeased. Now let's explore the meaning of the word color first, before we discuss some of its you know its implication of color in Arabic is when you are unhappy with someone and as a result you discontinue communication with them. you're unhappy with what

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Someone did. And as a result, you're not continuing to communicate with them anymore. Now the amazing thing is the word color is called what we call an Arabic and without D it's a transitive verb. What that means is you don't just say he's that he's displeased you say he's displeased with you. Like in English you don't just say for example, you can't just say I or you could kind of say I ate but you're expected to say I A Sam for the other time Okay, so inshallah tada discuss the Iowa colada part of it after this also Chronicle la Moby Dick, the Chateau Allah, Allah Highland.

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Park Allah

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I've really been gone for a while.

Quran Tafsir/Explanation – Juz Amma

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