Navaid Aziz – Uloomul Hadeeth Status Authority Of The Sunnah In Islam Part1

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary ©
The interviewer describes a man who experiences a similar experience as a Christian companionship during Islam, leading him to become an apologetic companions. The interviewer discusses the journey of Javelin's writing, including the use of Javelin's coworkers to obtain information, the importance of keeping in mind the definition of value globally, and the use of the physical description of the prophets of Islam, including the use of Javelin's coworkers to obtain information, and the importance of understanding the actions of the prophets to avoid confusion. The speakers also discuss the definition of a culture being "has" or "has" meaning that something is clearly understood and recognized as a way to do things, and how it can be used to accomplish things.
AI: Transcript ©
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want to start so when I will be learning the Chilean elements the

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Wash was

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he was seldom at the Sleeman.

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Yeah, he was.

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He was

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What's up

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in North

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is a local woman

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that knows and

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he has

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a lot more honey, listen

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This is our discussion for today is going to be pertaining to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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And before getting into our discussion today,

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I wanted to mention his brief story as to the struggles that his scholars have had to go through in order to preserve the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Solomon.

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The first of these stories is the subways, the companions of your lungs,

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as we know, from the companions, of the companions, became known for narrating the most, from the pockets of the law findings,

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as the head of them was

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5000 plus 100, from the pockets of the Law Center. And we when we mentioned these ideas, we're not talking about the different chains of narration that came from whatever was rather 5000 different events, and statements and actions.

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Now, the interesting factor here is, and a lot of the orientalist criticizes points is that

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he only accepted Islam during the year of cyber, which was the seventh year of the eighth year. So the most time he could have spent with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was three years, then you have the likes of Abu Bakar was with the prophets of Allah,

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since the very first days of Islam, so altogether, he was a professor for 23 years. And then you look at the number of ID between them, you know, whatever is 5000 bucks, and has, you know, somewhere close to 300 or 200. You know, there's a vast difference. So when, when you went into a seat is the same person known as the Buddha, he couldn't have existed, because people who lived with

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them only inherited, you know, one or 200 in a span of 2023 years, what a man basically lived for two, three years with the Polycom allamani was now in more than 5000 houses physically possible. So they claim that

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they make literature that the Muslims made up that when they wanted to sell something to the public, so a lot of the same narrative or whatever. And obviously, you know, he's a good customer that wants to get into it exists. But in all actuality, people solve whatever the mental whatever their stories about other companions.

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So obviously, we know that existed and he was an illustrious and noble companions, who sacrificed the desires of this world, to be with the pockets of a lot

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of incidents, is the incidents where he was with the prophets of Allah, it was in the mission of the prophets of Allah.

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Salaam, finished and the prophets of Allah, it was purchased from the mustard.

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And as we know, in the machine that we focus a lot on instead of is a raised platform to till this date today, if you go to the front of the machine, if you're facing the left on the left hand side, in the very front of the machine is a raised platform. This rich platform was known as the area of

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super work the poor people are mostly competitors and if anyone has any

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No money to give, or had any food to give, they would come to this area and give it to those people. And therefore the poorest of the people, and

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he didn't have much work. So he used to accompany them.

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So one day

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he was starving from hunger and he was starving is an understatement. So he was thinking, you know, as soon as Philips finishes, and, unfortunately puppets of Allah, and asked him a couple of questions, seeing maybe you're in, but it was. So outside finish.

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He couldn't catch up. So then you take a look at the machine,

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the machine, so

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the machine, whatever.

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And he says, How are you doing? How's your family? You know, how is the process that I'm doing? I had a question a couple of pushes to ask you, do you think I can accompany you? And, you know, I was like, Sure. So they reached the house.

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Like, a chalet in the us something to eat. When I looked at it, he excused himself and goes into his house, and without any food.

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So then, he goes back to the Mr. And

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Mrs. Palmer, some questions, and hopefully, he'll give me some food.

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So he went to almost ready to depart from domestic. And,

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and he asked

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me, you know, how

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you know, I have a couple of questions to ask you, the Philippine company will accompany you along the way. So when companies

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literally reach the door of his house, and something to keep in mind is that during the time,

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the houses were actually attached to the master, there wasn't the distances that you're walking from the machine, and maybe about 15, to 20 meters of the most analysis of the components connected to the machine itself. So they walk to his door. And he's thinking that, you know, maybe if I stand in front of the door with him long enough,

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you know, I'm going to excuse himself, and he goes in. So, you know,

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you know,

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the kinds of hunger games, and it was narrated about him, that he needs to reach the level that needs to have similar to epileptic seizures, that he just clumps in the mouth and started shaking, and his mouth would start forming. So people would think at that time that he was possessed by him, or something was wrong with him. So he's to put their feet on his throat, so then stop shaking, and then start feeding him thing, you know, look at the genomes. But also, this is not the case. This man was just telling me. So

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time comes again, and the prophets of Allah is finally coming. And he wants to focus on love on Instagram. And who sees him, you know, he doesn't like dirt all over him, and he's really weak. And he can even shake the hands and pockets of love on your Southern property. So the public sees this, and they come with him, and he brings them over

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to his house. And he says, Aisha, Do we have anything to feed our gifts? And I shall do

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that, yes, you know, someone use a gift, milk as a gift. So she deposits themselves it means to me, and Let's feed our guests. So you know,

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to have some milk. And this shows the the asceticism of the companions that, you know, what, in our days is some services, milk and food?

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What type of generosity is this?

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You know, where's the love, where's the meat, where's the rice

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to get happy with, you know, something nourishing something to fill the stomach. So

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this bowl of milk,

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ready to suck it down.

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Go share this with your brothers.

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And he can just

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do something in

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the herd and it will be

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so the father

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walked in the machine now. And

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proximately 30 of them dead. So one by one.

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And the customs amongst the ROTC. That's the one who serves the last one.

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Again, this patient is being tested. So he goes to the companion companion. You know the pole is small and we thought

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he was sitting on the top

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And then he invited them once his model was used.

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So now a homeowner is going one by one, as you can see up the middle.

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And he's getting really, really upset over here, but he's

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so efficient upon this. So then finally, it comes all the way back to the province and allow yourself to finish is complete, and the counselor level you have something to drink. So you know, the force of the center, and it feels emptiness, you know, there's nothing left. So the public says, Yeah, you know, give me give me the parts. And, you know, so whatever, Jesus was still hungry, and he feels that there's something left in the in the pots before you get to the proper setup. And all of a sudden,

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the investors taking customer

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and you they are astonished and amazed. And liquid, he's still hungry. So now certain

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poses for him. And he drinks and asked him the

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question on and on.

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And he No thanks, the messenger.

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So we see two things over here.

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For number one was, you know, some of the blessings that the public for the love of cinemas, given that he could get something small, and

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was able to bless it, so that it could feed many people now imagine ourselves to their small parts, you know, you feed one person with a bunch of others to them through the blessing in its face, 30 of the companions.

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Then we also see from this, that

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the struggle and the struggle that he went through, that you couldn't become a merchant, he could have become anything else that he wants to become, but in order to learn and accompany the puppets,

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he wants to these extreme stages of poverty

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so that he learns

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from the puppets of alumni. That example number one, example number two is that a jogger in

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another list his companions from the 10 companion scenario, the most ideal from the pockets of Allah.

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And his story is as follows. That

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will be possible alumni incident passed away. He stayed in Medina, solely complaining recording,

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and even advising other lenders. But

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so one day he is revising all the ideas that he learns from the focus on the law of finding the center. And he recalls the idea that he heard when we focus on the law filing center says that mankind will be gathered in front of Allah subhanaw taala in a state of nakedness, without any issues. And the ones who are far from Allah that will hear him just as the ones who are close, which when he got to this point of the heavy, he dumped it in his mind, is this one actually heard from the public?

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Or is this something that she comes whispering to me or my own mind is coming up with? So a long time?

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Exactly. When you heard the story from the pockets of audio send them there was another companion.

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now, as you mentioned, a lot of the companions, political Medina, when the puppies are alive instead of doing so he learns that

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I believe it was Egypt.

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It was in Egypt at this time. So Javelin Abdullah, he awaited everything that he has. And he prepares himself to go to Egypt, when he realizes the only way you can get a writing is to go to Egypt is if he sells everything that he has. So

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he sells everything that he has to get this one horse or this one camel to go to Egypt.

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So this journey of 30 days of writing the hegemon, very little provision, he found in the region.

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And he is he goes to his house and knock on the door. And the service over those nominees opens the door and says, How can I help you, you know, who are you and he goes,

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the Companion of the prophets of Allah.

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This is the house

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the service replaces the javelin.

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So he goes inside the walls inside the house and calls up the law. And he says you have the love, we have a companion from the competitiveness of the prophets of Allah.

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So please come after donation astonished. That is a companion of trouble.

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All the way that you get to speak to me. So then

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and he sees Javelin, he's enlightened and his whole face illuminates rejoice. And he says, Dr. Javid, what is it that is watching here?

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And then jabil goes, do you remember the day that we're with the purpose of cinema, and he narrated it, and narrated to us, such as such anything circulating?

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On your piano mankind to be gathered in front of a lot of

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folks in the meeting without any quotes? And without any issues? And the ones who are far from Allah subhanaw taala will hear him just like the ones who are close, do you remember? Do you remember this?

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And switch? says yes. So, Jared goes, can I reset it to you? And you can correct me in it. So he would send it to him and is the one that you mentioned finding.

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sells Yes, this is how I will be collected from the Office of Planning Center. So, you know, again, getting ready and head back at Dr. Medina,

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is astonished because you came to see me just for one,

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and Jared was, I was afraid to say something or it could be something to the public,

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without reconfirming. So another 30 days of going back to Medina, and is not mentioning the strike that he wants to do in the middle of food, you know, water was very scarce at that time. So, and all this has to take into consideration. These are the things that just the companions were through to preserve the Sunnah of the Prophet.

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And we'll take one last example of Imam Bukhari

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as he mentioned on Friday night in Albuquerque,

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was a lab of late amongst all the other luminaries of his

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life, Sean's very, very bright, and the effect is left upon Soma is immense, and very grateful. And one of the things that he never

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used to do that almost 9000 ad that is mentioned in his studies, without repetition, he mentioned that before I collected any study, in my competition, I would pray to Allah subhanaw taala, asking his guidance, seeking his help, should include this heading or not. So imagine 9000,

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to 18,000, records, just to compile.

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So the compilation

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and compilation of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is not something is not something that people in our time should take lightly. Because people sacrifice their sweat, and the blood so that the statements of the prophets alliance in his description is actually be preserved may be preserved, that we may recognize them today. So when you study the sciences,

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and the sciences, we should always keep in mind that almost kind of what Allah has blessed us with such pious predecessors as the correct word, that they were able to preserve this and they'll be possible so that it reaches a city. So keep this in mind, as we start our discussion.

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As I mentioned yesterday, that the first thing we do whenever we study a site, is what we take the definition and define the parameters. So our discussion today is around the center of the coffee center. And the reason why we're going through this process of a loan funding center in the universities and what the prophet sallallahu Sallam said, I have lived amongst you two things, if you hold on to them, you will never go astray, they are the bukoba

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So, yesterday, we took some of the sciences of the forest and

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today we will take some of the sciences pertaining to the Sunnah of the prophet of Allah.

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So yesterday, we mentioned that when we study in science, especially in the Arabic language, we are given two definitions of value globally. And a value

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as a novelty is the linguistic definition. So the linguistic definition of the center is a CEO of an affiliate.

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So in the past that you trained as an affiliate, so there were certain means the past that you trust, and then linguistically speaking, it can be in the past, which is good, or a past, which is bad.

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Now, as for the convention,

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we have four conditional meanings of the words

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and the reason why we have four conditional meanings or production meetings.

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Due to the fact that each specialist of respected scientists gave his own definition, so, we will be taking the definition of

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it, which is the definition of sponsor howdy definition of the definition of the people who are specialized in standards, then the definition of the scores.

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And then lastly, the definition of the scholars.

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So, the word student is applicable to all these four sizes, and they each defined their words in a unique and different way.

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So, in the science of hiding, the way we

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define the world, is that which is attributed to the pockets of a lot of money

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that was attributed to the pockets of a lot of money

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from statements or actions

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or exceptions, are

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expected and actions that result in front of him without reviewing it and without rejecting all of the quality Arabic language.

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So anything that he said daily,

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or the prophets of Allah hunting center, was described with

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from an adoptee and

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it is a construction, meaning the processor has such intense fear, he was of such and such, his skin it was of such and such texture, this is.

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So his physical description, as well fallopia, then it is the character of the pockets of a law finding center, to foster and cinema was generous that the winter in the month of Ramadan, and probably some of our new stem cell donor was angry. So this is the character.

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So we see that the definition of a phone, they encompass how many things how many things

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cobbled together, the statements of the process and the actions of the

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vehicle for the acceptance of the prophets of Allah.

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And then the

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philippian, then those attributes that the public will allow, and send them out of,

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you know, physical description, or describing his character.

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So that is the definition of the theme. So now, let's try to take an example of each of these spices.

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An example of the distinctness of the puppets of Allah would be famous Teddy in

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that actions are first.

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And this is a very big number, that you see that even

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this is the first study that he started, he was

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the first study he started doing in his

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area. And likewise, the 70s to save especially on last minute demanding that if I was to author a book, we mentioned at the beginning of every single challenge was a man constantly needs to renew his intention and purifies intention, and protected intention from the whispers of his soul, and from the whispers of Shiva. So this is an example of the statements of the prophets of Allah.

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Now, an example of the actions of the prophets of Allah

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would be the famous hadith of a man

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where he describes the widow of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that he

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started by washing his hands, and then he reached his nose and nose. This would be an example of the actions of the prophets of Allah.

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Then the act, then the Corrado, the acceptance of the former Civil Law Center, an example this is the study of politics.

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That when the US entered the attic, entertaining the promise of a law funding system and the guest and he presented to the public,

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meaning those large die

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He presented it to the foster mom and instead of as,

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as a delicacy, and

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he abstained from it, he didn't make everything was a restaurant, and father did nobody ate anything to make intolerance. me that he didn't review

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for heating this

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year shows the acceptance of the profits of the law.

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it shows the permissibility of it, and

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doesn't show that it is something which you dislike, or something which is hard, even though

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it's another example of this is the headings of the allowance

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said that in my dream, I heard footsteps of someone. So I asked the angels who?

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footsteps of me, in general? And he said, these are the footsteps of

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angels, what is it, that that caused him to do this? Or that?

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And the angels responded that every time he makes, he prays to God.

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So when we saw the doctor waking up, he mentioned this to him. And he said, Is it true that you pray to look

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and realize the near and the cost of food. So this is another form of that even though he didn't do it himself, or it was reported that he did it himself, he approved of it, and since it is an activator that just became from the center of it.

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So now, we are taking the statements, the actions, and the economy of the prophets of Allah.

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As for the

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then these because

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there are, there are a lot of weak and fabricated a handy, and very few of them are actually true. But some of those that are true, is that when the focus of our party instead of used to buy shoes, you would prefer buying the shoes or the standards that work for them.

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So these are the specifics physical description of the process that used to buy shoes and constantly wear shoes that were found that a special type of leather a special type v switch. And this is what the focus of a lot, on instance, referred to, as for the thing that Foster's beard was down to his chest. And

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then most of these are weak, that have little or no basis to them.

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But one thing that is actually true, and

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that the favorite color

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was the color green. So this shows the purpose of the profit center, that he preferred the color

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as for the characteristics of the peninsula Peninsula, then we mentioned an example of this already, that I showed the last time

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that he comes to the last minute, he was generous that the winds when they want to hold on key, meaning that he would give out, you know, give out from as well for whatever he has, towards his gifts towards the poor people as much as he could in the month of Ramadan without even questioning or without even looking into the matter. So he's generous, like, so this is the definition of this one. And you will see that amongst the definitions, there are similarities. So the similarities that we have.

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And we have defined inshallah, we won't need to repeat.

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So as for the second definition, and this is the definition of these colors.

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Now, a lot of people they asked, you know, what is the difference between silver, and gold.

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So let's take a brief brief introduction into this seven is Islamic jurisprudence, meaning how to pray, how to do or how to make how to

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how to take how to partake in business transaction, we should all go under.

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then they are those rules that we apply to the text of the Quran and the Sunnah to derive. And so there are those rules that apply to the province to get jurisprudence or to get.

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So in the example of this is

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that an amendment necessitates obligations. This is an example of sort of a commandment, necessity, obligation. And you'll see that some of the principles

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are something that you naturally understand in our daily lives, that when our parents, they go do this, it means we have to do is we don't have an option. And likewise, when Allah subhana wa tada says, do this, or as messengers of Allah wanting to send them says, you have to do this, we understand the exact same concept that we have to deal with you that commandment, the simplicity, the obligation of doing it. So this is an example of a sort of the difference between them that is the actual jurisprudence and also our rules that we apply to the text

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to derive the rules.

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So this falls into sort of

00:29:47 --> 00:29:49

how did they

00:29:50 --> 00:29:59

define the word sooner or they say that it is anything that is established from the pockets of a longer set up and tried to be as the

00:30:00 --> 00:30:07

It is possible on the definers that the hydrophone they said anything that is reported from the

00:30:09 --> 00:30:15

right. And disposal is anything that is established from the pockets of

00:30:16 --> 00:30:22

from statements or actions or suffering or meaning meaningful acceptance.

00:30:23 --> 00:30:35

Okay, and what is the fitting to use as a proof insert, or what is the meaning of using as the proof other than the forearm and it's not.

00:30:37 --> 00:30:38

So, in this repeat that,

00:30:39 --> 00:30:52

they said that is anything that is established from the pockets of a lot of money send them wrong statements, action, or a fraud or acceptance that is suitable to use as a proof in the car.

00:30:54 --> 00:30:55

Other than the

00:30:57 --> 00:30:57


00:30:59 --> 00:31:00

or the assignee mentioned

00:31:02 --> 00:31:07

that these are the four levels, that disposal sources used to dry the Spanish.

00:31:09 --> 00:31:21

The Sunnah, is not meaning anything that the scholars of a certain certain timeframe agree to, that is an activator, this would go under the concept of each round,

00:31:22 --> 00:31:35

then it is what they call analogy, an example would be that we know alcohol is right below consensus. So with consensus.

00:31:36 --> 00:32:15

Now, in decline, or the center, we don't mentioned, we don't find anything mentioned about marijuana, or heroin or cocaine. But we can use alcohol to use as an analogy. And the reason behind this is that the effects of alcohol are very similar to the effects of marijuana or cocaine, meaning that they do this and we lose consciousness, and we're unable to think straight or properly. So this, the reasoning behind the coalition is found in both of them, so that you can make an analogy from one upon the other. So this is what they call pf, or analogy.

00:32:16 --> 00:32:17

So what are these folks

00:32:18 --> 00:32:29

actually trying to use or do when they find the center, they're trying to find all of those things that can be used as a proof, many to define

00:32:31 --> 00:32:32

from the pockets of a lot of money. And

00:32:33 --> 00:32:37

so this is why they didn't mention the sci fi.

00:32:39 --> 00:32:40


00:32:42 --> 00:32:44

they wanted to show us and

00:32:46 --> 00:32:48

show us that it is recommended.

00:32:51 --> 00:33:09

So this is something that you missed out. And like was another key distinction between the phone and these folders also, is that the scholars of Haiti, they wanted anything that is reported, anything that is reported, they would look into this, and then say that is authentic.

00:33:10 --> 00:33:13

This is the angle and as for the smallest,

00:33:14 --> 00:33:31

they want to see if it's authentic or not authentic, we only want to take those things that are established from the province of Alberta. And the key points over here is the reason you want that is only those things that are authentic, that we can use to derive religious rulings from

00:33:32 --> 00:33:35

So, this is the second definition is quite self definition.

00:33:37 --> 00:33:43

Now, the third definition is the scholars have already forgotten

00:33:44 --> 00:33:44


00:33:46 --> 00:33:48

they use the word

00:33:49 --> 00:33:54

as a synonym or what they call a What are this for.

00:33:55 --> 00:34:05

Now, as we know that the act of leaving the city or the levels of responsibility that a person is ordered within the city is on fire,

00:34:06 --> 00:34:11

you have that which is which is the highest level was a political majority.

00:34:13 --> 00:34:22

Then you have language to use to have meaning that which is recommended, and the only three terms over here most

00:34:23 --> 00:34:24

men do

00:34:26 --> 00:34:35

these three terms. So, this is the fourth and why is something which is obligatory, something you have to do is compulsory then

00:34:37 --> 00:34:57

and is something which is recommended to do. Then the third level is MOBA. Meaning that there is no meaning. It's not just like nor is it performative or late. And then you have macros, which is something which is displayed. And then you have that which is

00:34:59 --> 00:34:59

that which is

00:35:00 --> 00:35:07

prohibited, and we are ordered to abstain from. So these are the three that the city has registered.

00:35:09 --> 00:35:25

And every action we do comes into one of these five categories. So now when the fuqaha for disposal, use the word Sunnah, and you see this in their books, it means that it is a synonym, or a word which is very similar to

00:35:26 --> 00:35:47

meaning that which is recommended and encouraged to do. Now, how do we define that which is recommended and encouraged to do we say that was the hub of Asana. And when you are those things that a person does, they are awarded words. But if they leave them, then he's not punished for it. This is how we define

00:35:49 --> 00:35:55

or, or now, this is the definition of the scholars have.

00:35:58 --> 00:35:59

So many definitions,

00:36:11 --> 00:36:14

one definition, which is to disclose a lot

00:36:19 --> 00:36:29

of different dimensions, so the producer definitions were very similar. So we took them together, we mentioned that, in fact, they don't wanted anything apart from the process.

00:36:30 --> 00:36:33

So the community is established.

00:36:35 --> 00:36:40

So the last definition that we take the team to the center, is, the scholars have

00:36:42 --> 00:36:43


00:36:44 --> 00:36:47

used the word center, and

00:36:48 --> 00:37:05

anything that the Sharia came to prove, meaning that anything that has a religious ruling to it, or I can't think of the exact term in English, but anything that is Islam or

00:37:06 --> 00:37:07


00:37:09 --> 00:37:24

religious ruling one, then they call this and we'll take an example of this. If you look into history, some of the first books that came to Islam, were written by the discourse, they call it a seminar, or

00:37:26 --> 00:37:27

for the dream.

00:37:28 --> 00:37:32

And this was anything that the companions of the Prophet SAW,

00:37:34 --> 00:37:41

or the students agreed upon, with the people used to do frequently, they would call it a sin, meaning that to believe that Allah

00:37:42 --> 00:37:44

is about his throne, they will call it

00:37:46 --> 00:38:07

upon a belief that the legislature and to weigh over the whole fall over the salt is from the center, because we see that the text of the Select indicators, and the different things the differentiating point scores, they want to use the term assume that they use as an antonym for it.

00:38:08 --> 00:38:09

So if you

00:38:10 --> 00:38:12

know that is coming from an accident,

00:38:13 --> 00:38:26

so the sooner is that which is established in the deen of Islam, and is anything that a person does, that has no place in the city. Now, one thing to keep in mind that the terms

00:38:28 --> 00:38:30

can only be in terms of

00:38:31 --> 00:38:36

that in terms of marma. And in terms of daily life, there is no front

00:38:38 --> 00:38:39

and center.

00:38:40 --> 00:38:54

Let's rephrase that. There's no concept of data, there is the way we dress ourselves, the way we teach ourselves, there is that aspect. But there is no such thing as being that the person wants to wear a blue shirt, and he wants to wear a wig check. There's nothing wrong with that

00:38:55 --> 00:39:04

was a first timer once you write a part, you know, except in our times or an allocation, there's no problem with that anywhere else in the world. And

00:39:05 --> 00:39:10

so this is one thing that has been done is in acts of worship,

00:39:11 --> 00:39:17

sitting closest to other things, practicing and Islam, this is the only place that

00:39:19 --> 00:39:26

does not take place in actions pertaining to our daily lives. So that is something to keep in mind.

00:39:27 --> 00:39:35

And that really means that we have changed the definition pertaining to a seminar. And we will

00:39:36 --> 00:39:59

go with that briefly. So to make sure that there's no discrepancies, or misunderstandings that you mentioned, in the language, it means a path or a way that we trade. And this can be somebody's face wedding or something on Facebook, then in the US, or the conventional meaning it depends which angle we're looking at it from, if we're looking at it and as an example

00:40:00 --> 00:40:15

Matthew angle from the iPhone, then it is anything that comes from the pockets of a law abiding citizen from statements, actions, or acceptance, and also his physical description, as well as churches.

00:40:16 --> 00:40:20

This is what we intended to describe without finding us, that is false or

00:40:21 --> 00:40:29

anything that stands for the purpose of funding from statements actions, and a clause that is suitable to use as a proof

00:40:31 --> 00:41:11

then response using as a synonym for that which is must have, meaning that every person is awarded. And if you leave, this is not punished. And then the last definition is the scores of Africa. What he said that is anything that is the opposite of meaning, that is anything that has a religious basis to it, they would call this a sim. So these are the definitions of a similar, depending on the angle that you look at it from, and that will take a short five to 10 minute break, but it's hard to do in that order any questions or clarification that needs to be done?

00:41:14 --> 00:41:15


00:41:20 --> 00:41:20

give us

00:41:24 --> 00:41:25

any other examples

00:41:30 --> 00:41:31

that will help.

00:41:41 --> 00:41:42

This will be another example

00:41:45 --> 00:41:53

that will be more towards, like how do we get the counting understand that going to the beard is something which is obligatory.

00:41:55 --> 00:42:03

Right, so this will be an example of how we use the auto sector driver. So that's what it would be. But other than that,

00:42:06 --> 00:42:09

no, this will be provided here. And

00:42:12 --> 00:42:13


00:42:14 --> 00:42:22

is that we do not farm loans. We allow the simplification of farm that we don't have others, nor do we allow other people to harvest. And this actually

00:42:24 --> 00:42:28

and this is what they call the collider Sophia, I know

00:42:29 --> 00:43:04

means that they look at all the texts from the Quran and the Sunnah, and the smart IPS, and anything else, and undertaking a general and subjective and broad view. They tried to derive principles that you can apply to our daily life. So, as Muslims, we might not know this specific proof that we're not allowed to kill someone, or we're not allowed to steal from someone, or we're not allowed to, you know, committed adultery. But if you understand, you know, principles like love doesn't

00:43:05 --> 00:43:19

mean that we're not allowed to harm others nor we love the suffocation of harm. We know that this is something that is accepted amongst the scholars, this will also be considered a proof that this follows derive this as a ruling as a rule. And we can just use these words to know that

00:43:21 --> 00:43:25

this would be an example of appoints appeal, and not all sorts of

00:43:27 --> 00:43:29

things pertaining to is

00:43:31 --> 00:43:33

when you have a section

00:43:35 --> 00:43:35

and almost

00:43:36 --> 00:43:56

abrogated with another text, right? How do we deal with this? Does the first text that is abrogated, still holds any value as a proof or does it not, you know, the obligation only in recitation or an application. So this is some of the examples that would fall under

00:44:01 --> 00:44:01

Anything else?

00:44:04 --> 00:44:07

So that inshallah we'll take a 10 minute break

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and we will return to that.

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