Navaid Aziz – Story Of Ka’Ab In Malik

Navaid Aziz
AI: Summary © The Dark Desire is a series of predictions and predictions about the future, including the importance of being quiet and not giving out too much information. The book is a series of reasons for knowing and avoiding wasting time and money, including the use of honoring one's actions and not repeating them. It also touches on the importance of learning the Arabic language and practicing it at home to build a passion for Islam, sharing stories of acceptance and being positive in order to achieve success in Islam. The segment also touches on the use of Sub hangings to deter behavior and strengthen connections with reality.
AI: Transcript ©
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smeller hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Ashraf al Anbiya Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam ala Sleeman Kathira Dar Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Brothers and sisters, I welcome you to the third day of Abu Huraira 2023 Summer Conference titled stories from the Quran Alhamdulillah day one and day two, we went through some of the stories of the Quran, like the stories of Musa critter, the advice of Lachman to his son, the stories of the two sons of Adam, and DUA of Musa alayhis salam in sha Allah to Allah. We will conclude this conference with two final sessions, starting with Chef, but Houthi and his story will be the people of the cave, followed up

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with our special guest from Calgary. She is an avid Aziz and his title will be the story of the noble companion character, Malik Radi Allahu Allah, and inshallah we will conclude the evening with a q&a session. And now without further ado, I would like shahada proceed start to Zakum la Hara.

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Smilo hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah He or sabe was salam. You can hear me right.

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You can hear me. Does it need to be louder?

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Me Loud. Okay. Higher. This is better. Better. Okay.

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Louder. Still? Active. Hear me good. I think

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you can't hear anything here. So this I'm just hearing on the sisters side that the speaker may not be working. So I just want to alert you to that.

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Or he's maybe it needs to be a little bit louder.

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He's working on it. Okay, so they're working on it in sha Allah. So I'm going to try also to be a bit louder and see if that inshallah compensates. Sweden I will humbly low salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While early he also happy he was salam at Loma Linda MA and fauna. When found IV my Olympian I was in that Iman audible Alameen Allahumma inna Allah Vickery, kava Shoukry, CO, Hosni Baddeck.

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So the story of the people of the cave sutra was Hi Bill calf.

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And that like the story of yesterday, it is in surah, Al gaff, and in fact, this story gives the entire Surah its name. So Surah tell Kath is based on the story of the people of the cave.

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And that might tell us what Allah Who, Adam, that this story is central to the surah itself.

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And it reflects the message of the surah. Right. And the main theme, and the lessons of it.

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And the story of the people of the cave may have been

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a question that had to come to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam.

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By the Metcons, through the People of the Book, we say may have been because the Hadith about it is not so here.

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But there is some evidence that could attest to it, to the fact that the people of Mecca, wanted to test and in that they were seeking to expose

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the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam as being a nonprofit, by asking the people of the Book who have knowledge tell us about something that we can ask him, sort of to expose them so that people have the book. One of the things according to that week, narration one of the things that they asked the Mexicans to ask them about, at slim about youngsters and lads and young men.

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Now it's gone, okay, young men

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who had slept

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in the cave, what happened to them and what is their story? So this tells us that this was a special story that very few people knew about. And if you wanted to know it in detail, you had to be a prophet of Allah. So consider also yourself very fortunate. That Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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received this revelation and through him you understand this story because without it, it be lost in history. You would know very little about it. And Allah azza wa jal here in the Surah on begins, and I in number nine, he says Subhanallah what the ILM has done last Hubble Kathiawar rocky mica no mean it najiba? Did you suppose that the

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people of the cave and rock team, the tablet, where their names and story is written on. Do you suppose that they were the only wonderous thing among our signs?

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And here Allah azza wa jal is alerting all of us. He says, As incredible that as that story is, and it is truly incredible.

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But sometimes we as human beings, we fixate on the extraordinary, because it is out of the ordinary. And we forgot forget that in ordinary things, and a lot of ordinary things and ordinary because they happen all the time. That these are greater signs than the signs that we are looking for. The people of the cave, sleeping for 300 doors, some years and then waking up is truly something wondrous, but what is even more wondrous than that is the rising and the setting of the sun.

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Right, of people being born and dying,

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of Allah azza wa jal answering your DUA out of nowhere things happen to you. So Allah azza wa jal is saying that Allah azza wa jal has many signs that surrounds you. So when you only think that the only wonder is thing are these signs you miss out on all the other signs

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that you are living through? Because somebody could say,

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by no is Surah, Isla saw many signs?

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Right? And the people before saw many signs, and you may say to yourself, indeed, if I were to see these, I would be a believer.

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Where are the signs that I'm supposed to see?

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So Allah azza wa jal wants to tell you are the people of the cave, a bigger sign or the Quran?

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The Quran, the book of Allah azza wa jal is a bigger sign. If you don't see that if you have not felt it, then study the Quran to understand that that is a bigger sign, or the movement of bodies in the sky in the universe. Is that a bigger sign?

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Imagine, right, this incredible sign of the universe size of the universe that just lies beyond our human comprehension. All of this is not incredible enough for you, but a group of men that sleep of 300 years that is incredible, which is more wondrous, so keep that in mind. Right because it's really helpful as a lesson and consider it to be the first lesson of today.

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So Allah azza wa jal, he says either I will fit here to either Kaffee for Carlu now is the beginning of the explanation of that story. He says when the fifth year the feta is someone who follows from 19 to 30. So they were young men. So he says they took refuge in the cave and they say Robina Oh Our Rob, and when you supplicate to Allah azza wa jal with his robe will be here. Ya Rob be What are you asking him? You're saying? Yeah, hola who? And this is the meaning of Rob took care of me

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and takes care of me.

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And is there whenever I need him? Give me so you're asked him by his Rubia Oh, who feeds me feed me? Oh, who protects me protect me? Because Allah zoodle Is your Rob. All right. So if you are the mother or father

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of your family, you are rubble vuestra they call them the rub of the Azra Why are you called the ROB Busara because you take care of the family. So who's Rob Bull? I mean,

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the caretaker of all beings. So when they say Faqad Robina oil, our Rob attina Mila Dunker, Rahima grant us a mercy from you. Why yet, Lennar? Min Emery now Rasheeda and grant us success or guidance in our affairs.

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So they're asking for mercy from Allah azza wa jal, and also they're asking for guidance and what they are going in going to encounter. So Allah azza wa jal here and here he abbreviates the story and then he goes on to explain it. He says follow up now. Then even Phil Caffee say Nina either, so we cause them to sleep in the cave for many years. Sydney Anna either demeaning you could count the years

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from a bath now humulene Alhama you would Hispania salamin Lima la vie through a murder. Then we brought them back to life to see when they start to wonder wonder how many years have we slept who among them will be able to correctly predict how many years they've slept? Meaning Allah azza wa jal wants them to know how many years they've slept and Allah wants people around to also know how many years they've slept because

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Allah has a lesson behind all of that. So this is a murder jeiza This is a Kurama

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a gift from Allah azza wa jal to prove

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There is a lesson behind it.

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Then when Allah says no, no, no, so I like an Uber home Bill hack, it says, we tell you their story. In truth. This is an important area, by the way.

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Because a lot of people can tell you things about them, but they're not true.

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See, or to understand the value of what you have in the Quran, you will get pure uncontaminated knowledge exactly of things, how they happened, where they happen, without any doubt. And that is the great blessing of reading it in the Quran. If you did not have it, people will speculate how many years, their names, why that happened to them, what was their faith? What was the outcome of that encounter, all of this will be unknown to you.

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And you will be completely and utterly confused about it. To the extent that you're not gonna get anything from that story. But when Allah says, We are going to tell you their story in truth, meaning listen to it, this is exactly what happened. And this is what you need to know.

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Nothing beyond it. This is what you need to know. So listen carefully to it. Because everything that you're going to be absorbing right now is the truth from Allah azza wa jal. So Allah azza wa jal in the home fit here to an AMA noburo Be him was it Nahum Huda? They are young men who believed in the rub and we increase them in guidance.

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That is the essence.

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And the most important thing in their story, what makes their story possible is this, that they had Iman and because of that Iman and their trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah said, and we increase them in guidance. And by the way, this is a great gift from Allah subhanahu wata Allah to increase you in guidance.

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So we always are pleading with him SubhanaHu wa to Allah add in a slot on Mustafi guide us to the straight path. What does it mean when we're asking Allah to guide us to the straight path? If you are already a Muslim and you already pray and fast and you already have to heed

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what does it mean when you say he did not sit out and Mustafi guide us to the straight path

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it means several things among them

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steadfastness to be established on it and not to move away from it. So not to deviate and also to increase in guidance, because the more that you know, and the more that you do, the higher your Eman so if I know this about Allah azza wa jal this bunch and I know a little bit more my Eman increases if I do this much in worship, but I do more my Eman increases and that is all based on as the the in Houda an increase in Huda so if you give, if you have Iman Allah opens the doors of Buddha for you. And if you seek it Allah gives more of it to you. And so here Allah bless them with increase in guidance.

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What about Sonia Allah Kaluga him and we strengthen their hearts if camo for Carla with

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when when when they in resolve and determination said Allah buena Ragusa Marathi will order our Rob is the rub the Creator

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of the heavens and the earth we will not call on any other one but him. Look at Pune even Chautauqua indeed we have we would have then have said and done something quite outrageous.

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Here Allah azza wa jal, he says we strengthen their heart.

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Why is that important? Because they were rising against their people.

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And how old were they again? We said, between what and what? 19 to 30. So they're young. Right?

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And so they're rising against everybody, their parents, their families, their neighbors, their society, friends, everybody that they know is going to turn against them, and they will be alone. And they will face the threat of violence, exclusion, denial of provisions, jobs, so imagine yourself today. If you simply want to understand this, if you decided

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that you are going to be 100% forthcoming with everybody around you when it comes to halal and haram. Allah loves this and Allah hates that uncompromising. So you go out into society, and you speak their truth to everybody. Do you imagine the consequences of all of that? Imagine publishing something like that on social media, the complete truth, as you see it, if you see something wrong, no, this is it as Allah and the Prophet said, Imagine the backlash, right?

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The attacks, you'd be canceled. Your job wouldn't be will be in jeopardy, you'd be fired.

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Could you do this without strength?

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That you would say I do not care, I believe in Allah azza wa jal, and I will weather the consequences. So Allah says, We strengthen their heart and the expression here is we tied their hearts as if the heart is like that, and it's agitated. So when you tie it, you fix it in place. It doesn't move. That's the expression.

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So they said this, they declared it to everybody.

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Then they confessed and declared

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the wrong belief of their people. They said How old are your home on a Data Domain do any earlier? These are people who have taken instead of Allah azza wa jal, Ali Amin and people that they pray to and ask for help and support. Lola tuna lamb Soltani being from another woman manufacturer, Allah Allah He can Eva

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they when they said, Why do they do they not meaning our people bring proof to support the claim that other than Allah azza wa jal could be an ILA. Where is the proof for that? Who is more unjust that the one who lies against Allah azza wa jal?

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This, by the way, is what makes the next thing possible. The miracle of the sleep in the cave would not be possible without that Eman. So when you're reading the story, understand the most important part of it, which is not that they've slept. The most important part of it is that they had Iman that made that miracle possible. So when they say, Where's the proof that so and so is an ILA.

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That is a great concept to keep in mind. You want to claim that such and such as divine, such and such can intercede such as such listens to your DUA such and such can save you you want to make that claim? Where is your proof? The burden of proof is on you.

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And the proof is what? Something that hadn't been revealed from Allah azza wa jal not a thought that you have a not a feeling, not something that you inherited from another human being like you, but rather something soltanto been a clear evidence from Allah Zhou Julius pray to so and so they can help you. And Allah said so then Allah authorized it otherwise, no one can intercede and no one can protect and no one can answer a DUA, except Allah has.

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Right. So that's why they say from another moment, man if Tara Adela hookah diva who is more

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a greater wrongdoer than the one who lies against Allah azza wa jal, and you can take from that.

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Elif Tierra, oh, Caliban, Allah azza wa jal you can take from it is that when you want to speak about Allah, about Muhammad Ali, his Salatu was Salam. He better be sure that what you're saying is right. Right. As he said Ali is Salatu was Salam in Akkadian Alia Lisa can even add a HUD it says lying against me is not just like like lying against anybody. mencoba Allah Yatta Amida familia turbo Amok either hoomin inner who lies against me intentionally, lets him

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acquire or receive his seat in hellfire. So you could lie against anybody, right? Even your parents, your children, relatives, strangers, lying is haram. But when it comes to Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam. Lying is a grave matter and lying against Allah isodiol is a grave matter. What are the holy matassa for Alsina to communicate Eva HalleluYah the Haram don't say falsely with your tongue, this is halal and this is haram. If you know it to be true from Allah zoodle Then so if not, what do you say?

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Low LM I do not know. Then you're safe. Alright.

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Then Allah azza wa jal says that is to move

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Mohammed Abu Dujana Illa Allah azza wa jal Caffee inshallah Cobra buco Marathi, it says now that you have boycotted them secluded yourself from them and what they worship, except Allah azza wa jal seek refuge in the cave, and Allah will grant you or Rama from him, and will grant you comfort in your affairs.

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So here is their separation from their people.

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And that's the other thing that made the cave possible. What made the cave the cave, because if they've decided that the walls are going to stay with their people,

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we would not have the cave. Why was the separation important?

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Because they feared for themselves and their religion. If we stay, they'll force us to be like them, or they will kill us.

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So if in order to save your Eman, you need to separate from the people of falsehood,

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then you must separate.

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I'll repeat that right and that separation exists till today. And we have to practice it, practice it every single day. When you go online, outside your house, talking to people, you always must have in mind a separation between what is pleasing to Allah and what is not.

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When physically when you are present anywhere, if the place is displeasing to Allah, then you separate distance yourself. If virtually that's the case, then even inside your house, that location virtual location is displeasing to Allah, then you separate that channel displeasing, that lecture is displeasing to Allah, then you have to do the cytosol. You separate, to protect yourself from doubts and from temptations. If not, you will be subject

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and you will fall victim to them. That's how you preserve your iman. And don't be so deluded and think that you are strong.

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There are limitations to our strength. And some of these things can catch you when you and I are weak.

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Or in areas where when we are weak. So Allah azza wa jal says you've separated now from them. So Allah has Zoda, and you're going to take refuge in the cave.

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And if we say, like some of the other movers, Sharon,

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the people of Tafseer have speculated they said that they are. And Luna Emma, that these young men were rich, or they come from rich families. Allah knows best. Right? But if we say that's the case, do you think taking refuge in a cave is easy?

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Where's the food? Where's the water? How do you sleep? Who's going to protect you?

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Right? You leave behind all the comforts that you've grown accustomed to the security of your parents and your homes and your room, right? My own room, my own things, my own friends, the things that make everything possible and easy everything. You extract yourself from all of the things that you love

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The clothes that you like, the shopping that you're used to the tea and the coffee and I'm just trying kind of to make it as close to us as possible. All the things that you like, stop.

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And you take refuge in a cave, dark, humid, these this isn't the teacher of a cave, right? But Allah says to them, that if you do this, and that's probably through what something that they felt.

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Because who is talking to them? How did they know that if you take refuge in a cave, you will find all of this. How do they know?

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Just as you know, that if I leave this for the sake of Allah, Oh Allah Lord, give me something better. And you really feel that

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that's how so they believe that if they leave their people behind, and they take refuge in the cave, Allah will grant the mercy and ease of living. That's the myth fucka then Allah azza wa jal says what and now you're gonna see Allah's care.

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How you see Allah takes care of them.

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He says without a Shem say that Allah Azza wa Wangka for him that really mean you see the sun when it rises, it moves to the side, it moves to the right, right meaning the light of the sun moves to the right way the hot orbit darkly to whom that is shimmer and when it's going to set the light also moves away from them to the left, while Humphrey February in men and they are living in a spacious space area within the cave. So Allah azza wa jal

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He commands the son to take care of them for all that period, just now he would see how Allah azza wa jal will care for you.

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If you champion Allah has Zoda if you care about Allah, how Allah cares for you. So he commands the sun that when you're going to rise don't disturb them with your arrays. So go to the right.

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And when you're going to set to collect the home data CheMin it means that this rays of the sun do enter the cave, because in the morning, it doesn't at all, but in the evening, as the sun is setting the rays of the sun do enter the cave, but does not disturb their bodies when they're asleep. Right. That's the meaning of it.

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Allah says that he can mean a Atilla This is from the signs of Allah azza wa jal if Allah guides you, you're guided.

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And if you're not guided, no one can guide you and tell you the Allahu Walia. Murshida no one can help you, and no one can guide you.

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There's if you submit to Him subhanho wa taala. And He guides you He guides you in ways that no one can guide guides you in ways that will boggle your mind

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in incredible ways.

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But if someone lacks guidance, and they refuse it, and that is the end of their story, it doesn't matter how much you try. No one can guide them if Allah has already destined that they're not going to be guided.

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Then Allah azza wa jal also continues with their story and he says with several whom I have Calvo will whom rule could

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says you think if you were to see them, they're asleep, right? So they're asleep, sound asleep, they can't feel anybody around them.

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But if you were to see them, you would think that they are awake while they are asleep.

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When you call them Kalibo, home the Atelier meanie where that is * and we turn them from side to side.

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The Scholars say why is it that Allah azza wa jal turns them from site to site so that the bodies are not damaged so the blood can move?

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An interesting question maybe to ask yourself, Allah azza wa jal could suspend all these laws, so he doesn't have to move them at all right? But he still moves them. Right? Why is that? Right? Maybe the wisdom behind it to Allahu Allah is that even when Allah azza wa jal suspends some laws, he does not suspend all of them. And you still need to pursue your objectives through the laws that Allah has voted at set. So even from Muhammad Ali his Salatu was Salam. right in the eye, when he took some sand in his hand, and he threw it in the face of the disbelievers. And Allah azza wa jal told him Mr. AMITA either AMITA Allah can Allah Rama and he did not throw when you throw but Allah threw

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type was it needed that a prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam would throw the word throw the first kind of phase of it? Was it needed? Allah could have just send the sand directly. But here's also to see what Allahu Allah and effort is needed. Put the first effort Allah takes care of the rest. So not all these laws are going to be suspended. So don't think that if you are really close to Allah azza wa jal, and if you start thinking that you are what do you have Allah Zota then no one's supposed to think that they are what do you have Allah? But even if you are, that's him, somehow the laws of Allah do not apply to you. Oh, they apply to OB to everybody, right?

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were killed boom, bow Satomura i Hey, Bill was said and he said that their dog is sitting there with his four legs at the entrance of the cave.

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And one benefit that the scholars have taken from that is that if you keep the company of the righteous, Allah elevates you.

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Even if you're an animal, right?

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So why was he mentioned? Because he was with them. Right? So even if you don't feel like being in a halacha you don't feel like coming to the masjid.

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But being in the company of the righteous, being in the place that Allah Zoda loves brings you the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and changes you. So be where Allah wants you to be. And the opposite is true. By the way, if you find yourself for Allah azza wa jal hates, that changes you as well. Right?

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Then Allah says Subhana wa to Allah and that's also part of his protection from them. Lower Tala to lay him lower. Later in home Ferrara will emulate him in home road, but if you were to see them, you would run away from them you would escape and run away from them and you would be filled with fear.

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And that's how Allah azza wa jal kept them a secret. That's how Allah azza wa jal protected them.

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So if you're to imagine yourself, somehow climbing to the cave, just wanting to explore that area, as you approach that area, you'd find yourself being filled with anxiety and you don't understand why.

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And if your eyes were to fall on them, you would be so terrified that you would never stand but you're one know, to save your life and you would not know why.

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And that is how Allah has zoton protects

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in ways that escape

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our predictions, and now our our comprehension.

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So with Muhammad Ali, his Salatu was Salam, he said, Musa to be Robbie Masirah Tisha, he's always champion with fear, the distance of a month,

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meaning that anyone living the distance of a month from the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam when he was in Medina would not think about attacking Medina because he would be afraid of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam, even if the numbers do not strike fear in a person's heart? How many are they in Medina? Right? But he will never attempt or think about it, because when they start thinking about it, they will be afraid of Prophet alayhi salatu salam, so they would not attack. So you see again, how Allah azza wa jal protects. And Allah says in Allah udev here or any leadin Ermanno, Allah defends the believers. So this is one thing that you can take for yourself, as you read the

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If you champion Allah, Allah defends you,

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somehow in some semi in ways that you may not be aware of, or you could not protect, predict, but Allah azza wa jal defends you and Allah protects you, and Allah takes care of you. But Allah wants to see something from you, that you trust him more than people and you put him before people and you're willing to sacrifice for his sake, like all these people have sacrificed. So these have sacrificed a lot and that's why Allah azza wa jal

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bless them with this sign. And with this mentioned in the Quran, then Allah has noted when he says, and so we resurrected didn't resurrected them, so that they could ask each other some of them started to ask how long have you have we slept? So one party said, we slept a day or part of a day,

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less than 24 hours, right? Less than 12 hours. So 12 hours or less, that's what they thought, less than 12 hours, the other set or a book or movie mela bifidum. Your rub knows how long you've actually slept.

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And there's an adverb here by the way that we may miss, which is that if there is no way to resolve an argument, or the argument is not really beneficial, let go of it and move on.

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You know how some of us have to win every argument.

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And some of us are really argumentative in terms of I have to win, and I have to prove that you're wrong. And I have to be the winner all the time and it and you can't let go of that quarrelsome, by nature or by socialization.

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But here, how long did we sleep less than 12 hours? Well, you know what Allah knows best. And they move on to what is important. And if you can be such a person who knows the value of the argument, and to dedicate to it, the time that it actually needs, you will be able to avoid a lot of arguments and a lot of disputes. Oh, this is not important. It doesn't really matter.

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Whether it was a or b move on, so that's why they said

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for batha comm send one of you with this silver money that you have so that he could buy food for you in the medina in the city while Yatala tough and let him be subtle and gentle.

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Wallah you Sharona the coma hada let him not alert people to who you are or where you are.

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Meaning be what private and undercover. Don't let people know who you are in the home as to how to add a comb. If they know who you are, and they come and they overpower you. Your job will come they will stone you or force you to go back to their religion and then if that happens, you will never be successful. That's what they were afraid of and they were dealing with. If they find you, they will take you and if they take you two things will happen to you.

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The first is that they will stone you to death. They will kill you. The second they will force you to go back to their faith and if that happens, you've lost forever. And it's interesting that Allah azza wa jal he put or they when they spoke, they put

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stoning first, to indicate that their inclination is to die for their faith.

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All right. So it's not like if they find us, they'll force us or they can kill us know, if they find us, they'll kill us, because they will never let go of this faith or force us. So the likely outcome is that they will kill us because we are going to be strong in rejecting their message.

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Then Allah zodat explains it. The Sunnah doesn't explain much beyond this right? much beyond what is there in the Quran? Allah azza wa jal says, and so we

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made people find them.

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Right? We made people find who they are, despite their effort to stay a secret, Lea Allah mu so that they would know that the Promise of Allah is true, and that the hour is true, there is no doubt about it. So why,

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let's say the main reason that Allah azza wa jal caused them to sleep and then wake up after 309 years or 300 years, so that people will know that the day of judgment is true.

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So those who disbelieve in it at that time will see that if Allah azza wa jal could make them sleep for such a long time, and then bring them back to life, then the Day of Judgment is a possibility. Right? So sometimes you need something out of the ordinary to wake you up to the fact that Allah has loaded can do these things. For you, you actually see something like this every day. It's not 300 years, but you see something like that every day, right? When you sleep and wake up, sleep and wake up, right? And so maybe that is why Allah azza wa jal calls or makes asleep and wake up every single day, so that every single day you have a reminder of death and resurrection, death and resurrection,

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death and resurrection, because what's going to happen to us at the end of our life is asleep like that, and then we wake up again, alright, so Allah azza wa jal wants to show that to them, and that Allah azza wa jal says for codogno, Allah him Boone Jana, some of the people there they said, build something, you know, to commemorate their spot, because they it's it is said to Allahu Allah, that they passed away, meaning they died soon after. So they say build something at that spot to commemorate it. On a boom island will be him. Their Lord knows the best. What is going to happen to them? What is their affair? What is their condition because they've died again. Right? Others said

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Linnet the heathen Allah He messaged you, though we're going to build a masjid on top of them. Right? And here we know from the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam

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that if there is a grave, are we allowed to build a masjid on top of that?

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No, or yes, no, right? Because the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam said in no uncertain terms that Allah azza wa jal has cursed the People of the Book for doing so. If a righteous person or a prophet of theirs would die, they will build a masjid on top of that. So this is something that is haram in Islam. And what you find in Medina is something very different in Medina and the mistake was not built on the grief the mustard was there first. And the grief of Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam was outside and within the wood they had to expand, then they've included that in but it was not originally built on top of the grave of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam.

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The last thing here that I want to mention insha Allah is that Allah azza wa jal does state how long they've stayed 300 years or 309 years. And then also Allah azza wa jal, he said, he mentions how many they are and there's a benefit in it. So Allah azza wa jal when he says, they say they are three and the fourth is their dog and they say that they are five and the six of their dog or regimen Bill hype guessing blindly. So in blind guessing, they are saying it is this and it is that these are the numbers. Then Allah azza wa jal says oil coluna sabato with me norm Cal boom and they say they are seventh and the eighth is their dog.

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And the move is soon beginning with ignore Ibis above the Allahu Anhu. They've said that the our seventh and the eighth is their dog because Allah azza wa jal does not discredit this third option by saying that it is a blind guess. Right.

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But what is important here is kohlrabi and Amobi identity him even after this, Allah knows how many they were. There's also an important lesson in that which is, does it matter how many they were

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three or five or seven?

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Does it it doesn't matter. So sometimes when we are drawn to these stories in the Quran or stories and

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Generally, we tend to focus on irrelevant or secondary details. And we miss the,

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the heart of the story, the objective of the lesson that is in it. So Allah zoodle wants to teach you something important in the Quran. So Allah strips that story of all these secondary details, you don't no need to know all of these things to focus on the main part of the story. So when you read the books of tafsir, don't be distracted by the fact that some in some books, if they've said they're going to be started, start talking about their names. And no one knows their names, or location, and no one knows the location.

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So ask yourself, Is this relevant and pertinent to the story, like if we were going to talk about they are in Turkey right now or Syria right now, or the cave is here, and that doesn't change anything. But it's only mere speculation, the names mere speculation, the time where they lived mere speculation, but that's not what you really need to be occupied with be occupied with what Allah is saying, Don't be occupied with what Allah is not saying. Allah

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admits it for a reason. And focus on this for a reason. So focus on what Allah is focusing on. So it doesn't really matter. So that's why Allah azza wa jal says for that to marry him in La Mirada, l. Va. Hera, don't argue about it except a brief argument, meaning mentioned it and move on. Meaning the names we don't have to access the number just mentioned, and move on. And if somebody wants to argue with you, decline that argument. And that's how you acquire wisdom.

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You look at the objective and the importance of that argument. If there is no good in it, move on.

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If there is good, continue to argue, be let you hear us and in the best of manners, but if it's not, then let it be a brief via meaning superficial argument, you don't go deep. This is it and you keep moving on so that you can learn to focus on the most important of things and you let go of what Allah does not want you to focus on. So the story of the cave in summary in sha Allah the story of the cave is talking about this refuge

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that Allah azza wa jal grants every believer them in particular, but every other believer who sacrifices for Allah azza wa jal and feels the vulnerability of that sacrifice your Allah I'm gonna leave this for your sake but I feel alone. Ya Allah azza wa jal I'm gonna let go of this but everybody else is enjoying this but except for me, and I feel left behind because of this. Y'all Allah azza wa jal This is haram. I'm not doing it but everybody's getting rich because they are doing that haram thing, but not me. So when you feel left behind sort of innocence even battered with life, you feel that you need protection, you need to feel that you need support from Allah azza

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wa jal, your support is this cave. metaphorical in our sense, but real and physical in their sense. That is the refuge that Allah azza wa jal gives to you. So you say where is my cave, you don't need to run into a physical key for you to find that refuge. Let your cave be the book of Allah azza wa jal when you are weak, let your cave be the book of Allah azza wa jal hold it and read until you could feel that cave surrounding you and then you will feel as if Allah azza wa jal said to them, the Mercy of Allah azza wa jal coming to you and the comfort and ease of Allah azza wa jal coming your way. Let it be your DUA as your cave, let it be the decree of Allah azza wa jal as you cave you

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sit and you engage in Allah as they occur, you sit and you ask Allah azza wa jal and you feel as if you're being surrounded by that cave, which is Allah's protection, and if Allah is protecting you, you don't need any other protection. And if Allah enriches you, you don't need anybody else to make you rich. And if you if you need somebody to, and if you're feeling lonely, you're not going to be lonely with Allah as if you feel alone. If you feel vulnerable. If Allah is with you, you're not alone anymore. So yes, the cave at times will feel lonely. A cave at times will feel barren and empty. But that is what we expect. But if you venture and you enter the cave, then you will find the

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cave has a lot more mercy than what is outside that cave. So as Allah Allah Allah mean or hamara Hamid, to make us of those who read his book, and those who contemplate it, and those who seek refuge in his protection, seek refuge in his words, seek refuge in to seek refuge in the vicar of Allah azza wa jal, we ask Allah Rabbil Alameen to fill our heart

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So with iman, to make us of those who willingly and lovingly for sacrifice for his sake, we'll ask him subhanho wa Taala to make us of the people of Jana and protects us from hellfire. Yeah Allah protect us from our own weakness from the temptations of the shaytaan from the temptations that we found you find all around us as curable Allah means to strengthen us in this life in the earth era. I mean your bill Alameen Subhana Allah who are behind the shadow Allah either hailed and stuff he will go to Lake will Hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen

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Just like a lock at a show Holly in Sharla will gonna take a short break, and we have teen snacks being served outside in Sharla will resume 730 In sha Allah with our final story with Chef Novita Aziz the story of the noble companion, Gabbard numedica The Allahu Han followed with a q&a session. If you guys have any questions please post your questions on the Instagram post on a borderless page salaam allegorical Africa

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this only will have a certificate I'm happy about

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and develop

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go to store

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and also talk about the story

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just finish the story and learn

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seem to expectations a lot

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01:04:52 --> 01:04:57

similar Bismillah are our brothers sisters with common side hustle Donna sha Allah

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01:05:00 --> 01:05:02

The Sisters list we're about to start to shut off our final session

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alright, but inshallah let's get back inside of Surah Donna sha Allah for this good I can request you to move forward and Shala please kind of move forward and make way and space for the people to come later on Sharla come a bit closer to stage

01:05:39 --> 01:05:45

Kamala head on, but outside if it coincides we could start, so we could start shortly. So Kamala Heron

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in sha Allah after the chef has done with his story, we will have q&a inshallah session was just in the lead

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on the upper Herreros Instagram post, you can post your questions over there so the post is up on the latest post just in the replies in the comments, ask your questions in sha Allah and we will present them to the chef's that Kamala Hara

01:06:11 --> 01:06:15

also a reminder if you guys have any drinks is finished them outside before coming into the con la Hi Ron

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and we also apologize for the delay or give us a low better Korea

01:06:29 --> 01:06:51

Okay, inshallah and Hamdulillah. Brothers Sisters, welcome back to our final session, the last day of a borderless 2023 Summer Conference titled stories of the Quran Alhamdulillah we went through the story the people of the cave, with the Chicago Emperor Houthi and now for the final story will be the story of the noble companion Cabot nomadic Rhodiola Juan with our chef from Calgary chef Novita Aziz little football

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I just need 1 million shelf that's okay.

01:08:02 --> 01:08:20

If we do we have any of us in the room anywhere else in the room? Anyone that's memorize the Quran as an assignment for our brother over here. Can you find me the iron number in Surah Tober where Allah subhanaw taala says yeah, you already know I'm going to cola Hakuna Masada just the iron number if you don't mind me then I hate Allah. And I'll begin the dots. In the meantime.

01:08:21 --> 01:08:24

I want to one JazakAllah khairan so short the Toba Iona one.

01:08:25 --> 01:08:59

I was realizing that she thought Jean Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Al Hamdulillah number one is the aina who understood when I was a biller, Himanshu Rudy and fusina women so yeah Dr. Molina Maya Hilah who further medulla Who am I will delete who further hurt the Allah are shadowing the ILA. Hey, Lola who heard the hula shady color who are shadow Anna Mohammed Abdul Hua Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa the early he was talking to he was sitting them at the Sleeman Kathira Allahumma, el Medina, Ilana Lampton Arthur eliminare Malian foreigner one foreigner Bhima Lambton I was it nine Maya Kareem? My dear brothers and sisters Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

01:09:01 --> 01:09:51

Today inshallah we'll be discussing the story of cabin nomadic, and in reality, it is the greatest story of Toba, that has been preserved in the books of history that has been preserved in the books of Hadith. Insights are held because if you were to read the story, it's actually three pages long. Now, there's something very beautiful about the story, because Khabib nomadic Rhodiola Hutan and who he narrates the story himself, and it's very rare that you find stories that are directly related to the Syrah narrated in the first person. And the hadith is narrated by carob bin Abdullah Ibnu cab so the grandson of cab no Malik narrated from his father who is the son of Cabo bumalik and it's just

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a very touching stories Panama. So inshallah we're going to get into it. In order to to understand the context of the story. It's very important to understand

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To Khabib no Malik was Khabib, the molecular the Allahu taala, and who he was from the elite of the unsought. He accepted Islam very early on, and he was part of the group of Belton October meaning that before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even migrated to Medina Khabib nomadic and a group of around 70, other unsought, they went to Makkah, and in the secrecy of the night, they met the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he pledged their allegiance and accepted Islam at that time. And in the story of cabin nomadic cabin nomadic he mentions that, you know, I have never missed a battle with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I was blameworthy for other than

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to book. I also missed burden. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't blame people for missing brother. Now why didn't he blame people because brother actually wasn't meant to be a war, the process Saddam had just commanded the people to go and take back what was theirs and it wasn't actually meant to be turned into a war. Now, the reason why I mentioned this is because he says that even though brother was more famous, the bay out to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was more beloved and more precious to me. So this shows the significance of it came up the Malik was one of the three poets during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So you had the famous

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poet has signed up the Sabbath and you had Abdullah Abdullah WA. And then you had CALB. Know, Malik, he was the third part galbanum Oh Malik, he focused a lot on the poetry related to war. So when things were happening in the work, Abdul Malik was the one that was creating poetry to taunt the opposition during the war. So we attended all of the expeditions with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with the exception of the book and with the exception of brother, and he was a part of battle acaba. And this shows us the elite status that he has, it's only when you understand the elite status that God of the Maliki has, that his story will really hit home on the human aspect of

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how anyone can be prone to mistake, and how even the dunya will overcome even the best of us Subhanallah

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Kabam no Malik are the Allahu Tadanobu. He was a poor companion for the vast majority of his life. In fact, it was narrated at one point that he was from a philosopher, meaning the poor companions that were living inside of the mercy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when he was about to to book actually takes place, he has been Muslim for about 10 years. And it was actually a very difficult moment for the believers at that time, because they had just gone through hardship, war after wars taking place there. You know, resources are being depleted. It's in the heat of the summer. So now the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, he now starts asking people to donate

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whatever they can. And people are coming and they're donating whatever they can. You have this one companion, abou Haytham, who went and he worked with the whole entire day. And as he went for the whole entire day, he was only able to get a handful of grains. And he says the Rasul Allah, I would like to donate this for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And you look at the hypocrites, what is their response? You know, Allah is not in need of this miserly donation that you're giving. And then you have the likes of Athonite Lebanon fan, or the Allahu taala. And who and Abdullah reminded myself, they pretty much funded you know, J shell, Ursula, the, the army that was going through

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hardships Pinilla, he they funded the whole entire thing. And what did hypocrites respond? Oh, look at these people, they're showing off. So there's always been this problem of you know, armchair critics, you're not going to partake in any good. And we're going to criticize any good that's taking place, good or, or bad. And there's some beautiful incidents that took place. With regards to donation SubhanAllah. I'll share one of them. It's narrated, that this was about them to Saudia, but the name is not mentioned. It's the story itself that is beautiful, that this companion he wanted to donate for the sake of Allah. But he lived inside of the machine of the process of selling he didn't

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have a job he there's he had no source of income, other than donations. So he's hoping that someone would come and give him something so that as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is collecting this wealth, he can give something to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So someone comes in, and he's hoping that someone's going to give him something but they go directly to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So he says, I have to give something it's not you know, befitting that the process is asking, I don't give something. So he goes and he gives his shirt he says he Otto su Allah, you know that I own nothing other than the clothes that I'm wearing. And I'd like to give my shirt for the way of Allah subhanaw taala. So he's donated half of his wealth, and he says, if it was permissible for me to lower donate my lower garment, I would have done that as well. So he's donated his wealth. And he goes back and he sits and he's hoping that someone will

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give him some soda so that he can give something so that he

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You can be included as a part of this help to the OMA. But no one gives him anything. So then he gets up and he walks away. And there's tears in his eyes and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada He preserves this moment in the Quran. When he says, Why are you on the home turf field women are dumber, that their eyes flooded with tears as they walked away. Now I want you to think Subhanallah Why are this man's eyes flooding with tears? Is it because the person keeps asking? And they're getting annoyed and frustrated? So you can imagine you're at a fundraising dinner? It's almost a third time and you're like, Man, why won't they just starve? Why can't we just go eat? Why can we just talk and socialize?

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And you get annoyed and frustrated? It's normal. It's a human thing. But it's important to look at why we have these human reactions. So here Allah subhanaw taala He preserves what a ideal human reaction is meant to look like. What are you know hunter field on when a dummy has an Alaia Judo Mayan FICON that their eyes flooded with tears as they walked away, because they wanted to give in the way of Allah subhanho wa taala. But they found nothing to give Allahu Akbar, you have a generation of people that were like that, that because they had nothing to give in the way of Allah subhanaw taala they would cry that Oh Allah, I can't believe I'm missing out on this opportunity.

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Now let's get back to the story of cabin in the mind the cabin nomadic, poor Sahabi lives in, lived in the masjid that the early on. Eventually, he gets onto his feet. And now the Battle of the book has come. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been telling people, we're going to be going to the walk, get ready, be prepared. So it's the summer months. The journey of the book is about, you know, 600 kilometers away from Medina. There's no spots for water on the way you have to make special preparations. And that is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling them get ready and be prepared. Khabib no Malik. He says that I was never in a better position in my life

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than I was at the Battle of the book. For the first time I actually owned two camels, not just one, I owned two camels. I had a garden, and the harvest was just about to come about. I saw that the leaves were growing larger. I saw that there were shade under the leaves. And I knew that the harvest was going to come any day now. And I thought to myself, I've been through so many expeditions, I can get ready in an instant. And one day cabopino Malik he goes and he sees everyone getting ready. And the next day Subhan Allah He goes, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has departed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has departed, and he tells himself insha Allah

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tomorrow, I will go, and I will catch up with them tomorrow, I will go and I will catch up with them. But day after day, the harvest is delayed, the crops aren't ready and they just need a little bit of more time. If I can get just a little bit of more time, I can, you know, read my harvest storage, sell whatever I need to, and I will be good to go.

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Now, as people are going I want you to look at what the modern African are doing. They're saying it's the summer months it's going to be a very hard journey. Or Lulu Tong federal Philhealth that do not go in this journey of heat. You're going to kill yourself you won't exhaust yourself. Now what's amazing, is that rarely Allah subhanaw taala he doesn't even take the statements of them when Africans seriously that they're not even worthy of being addressed. Been here Allah subhanaw taala rebukes them so hard, like we get slapped in the face so hard, called Luna turn the federal filled her call now to Johanna Asha do Hara that he said don't go in the heat. And Allah subhanho wa Taala

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says, tell them that the heat of the Hellfire is greater, what is going to defend you and protect you from that. So they're criticizing the people. So you can imagine the human emotion at that time. So time time goes by now. And Khabib nomadic, he's walking in the streets of Medina. And all he sees are the hypocrites. And all he sees are the elderly and sick people that had valid excuses not to go. And so much time has gone by. He thinks to himself, What have I done? Like how did I put myself in such a position? Subhanallah right for those of you that our students how many of your students raise their hands? If you're a student, raise your hand. You're studying elementary, high school

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University. Man, I would have thought I thought you guys were a lot younger than I am. I'm making it out that a lot of you were students, but it's sort of that instant instant, where you know the exams coming like two months from now. Then it's a month away. Then it's like two weeks away. Then it's like the night before your exam. You're like lay like the law. How did I get to the situation? When I had so much time to prepare? I should have been ready, but I'm not ready.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:08

This is what happened to cabin when the Maliki Oh was that he had more time he always thought he had more time, you always thought he had more time till he had no time left Subhanallah

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and at this time he thinks to himself, you know, what is the point of me going? Now let's go to what's happening with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. The journey to the book was, in fact, a very hard one. Some of the narrations mentioned that they had to slaughter their own camels to get the water that was stored inside of the camels to be able to drink that water that that is how difficult things got for them. There was a moment and there's 20,000 companions with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there's no record that's being kept of who's there and who's not there. So God may have thought, You know what, maybe the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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wouldn't notice me? Where do you know those situations? Where do you think you'll get away with something? What happens? You're not gonna get away with it. Of all of the people that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asks about, he asks about cabopino Malik, and apostasy don't ask you know, where is Khabib no Malik, and a man from Bernal Salama, which is actually interestingly enough the tribe that Kabam know Malik is from he says, that cab nomadic he got busy with his gardens, like trying to put him down. He got busy with the dunya and then look at why the Majelis Marlin and Jabba the Rajala who Tada and who he says Be quiet what an evil thing you've said. We only know God of

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Khabib nomadic we only know good have Khabib nomadic And subhanAllah This is such a wonderful lesson you can make this point number one is that all of us at some point in our lives are going to be an incident of backbiting where someone will back by another individual. What is our response meant to look like? Like my them and Jabba Dolla dolla Huhtala know, where you tell the people be quiet mind your own business, you have nothing good to say don't say at all. We only know good of this person. We only know good of this person. Exactly what more either been shoveled or the Allahu Tada and who did and spineless. Interesting how that incident is now reported back to cab of the Malik and that's

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how he finds out. So the journey continues to get to the book. And in fact, no war took place. And you can study the expedition of the book, you know in itself, but they're hurrying back now. They're hurrying back to Medina. Abdul Malik, he's having this internal conflict with himself. Should I lie to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam should I tell the truth? What should I do? But Subhanallah his Eman kicks in all the time. And his Eman tells him that if you lie to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, sooner or later you will be exposed. You may not have consequences in the short term but eventually Allah subhanaw taala will expose you and you will have the anger of

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the private sorry Salam and Allah subhanho wa Taala upon you. What is the point of that? And eventually the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he returns to Medina. And this you can make as listed number two from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that when he went on a journey, when he came back from his journey, the first thing that he would do is go to the masjid and pray to Allah cause go to the masjid

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and pray to Allah cause. And as he did that, the people with their excuses, came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and there was approximately 80 people that came and gave their excuses to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So Cabo nomadic, he didn't want to go when people were there. So he waited to people gave their excuses. And then he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam angrily smiled at him. You know, the situations where there's someone that loves you dearly, but they're angry at you. But as a part of their nature, they always smile, so they're angry at you, but they're smiling. That is what the

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Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam did to capture the magic. He loves Cobham nomadic dearly. Well, now he's wondering, you know, how could a man like this that traveled to Makkah, you know, when there was a huge threat to his life, Subhan Allah to give the Pledge of Allegiance, he partook in the Battle of jihad and I missed that part. It's very important to highlight that cabin nomadic he partook in the Battle of Fort Hood. And in the Battle of Baja, there was this rumor that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had died Kabam nomadic was the one that went and countered that rumor because he saw the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he went a step further, he told the

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Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam yada so Allah let us exchange armor so that the corporation think that I am you and they'll come and attack me instead of you. And the Prophet SAW Selim exchanged armor with him and capital Malik, he had 17 wounds from the battle of Earth. So the province of Allah Williamson only knows righteousness from this man. So you can imagine that he loves him dearly but he's angry I'd with him that how could you not go on this expedition? When you know how desperate it was for us?

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And then kappa Malik he says he rasool Allah. I'm going to be on

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honest with you, even though I know I could have lied, and you would have believed me. And what had happened previously that as the people came and gave you their excuses, even though they were lies, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam accepted their excuses, and he made dua for them. May Allah forgive you. So cabeza Malik is saying, I know I could have given you an excuse. And I know you would have accepted it, and I know you would have forgiven me. But he's also pointing out the fact that look, I'm very articulate, I'm a poet, I could have easily swindled my words, and made it even more convincing. But I know that if I got your pleasure now, eventually Allah would reveal

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something, and then you wouldn't be angry with me and Allah subhanaw taala would be angry with me. And that is something that I couldn't, you know, handle.

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When the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam heard this, he says that this man has spoken the truth. And now we need to wait for Allah subhanaw taala to reveal something.

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So he starts walking out, and his family is telling him you know, you should have just made up something. Just made it up. Why would you put yourself in this predicament where he now you have to wait for revelation to come down to clarify you to declare you are on earth and absolve you of sin. Subhanallah like why would you do this to yourself? Even though if you go you make an excuse? He'll forgive you. But he said, No, I can't do that. And just out of, you know, a conscious he asks, was there anyone else that told the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that they had no excuse? And they said yes, there were two other individuals. He learned when omega and Marrara been Robbia. He

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Allah has been omega and Marrara been Robbia. And then this is where in Surah Toba where Allah subhanaw taala talks about wireless data sets and Adina Holyfield had a docker to lay him and the till the end of the year, that upon the three of them that stayed behind and their life became so congested that they thought they were going to be you know, devoured by the Earth. Right, this is referring to these three people cabin nomadic Hillel, Ben omega and Marrara been Robbia.

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And he says that in so cabina Malik now, he says that he learned and Marrara they are from the, from the participants of brother, and Subhanallah, these righteous men did this, then I know that I'm upon the truth. And I know that I've done the right thing. Now during this time, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he commands all of the believers not to interact with these three individuals. No salams no business with them. No eating with them, no drinking with them, no talking with them. Nothing do not interact.

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The other two healers and Marrara. They were just overwhelmed with grief. And they couldn't handle it. They were also older in age, and they couldn't handle it. So they stayed in their houses, and they just cried the whole entire time. But Cabo the Malik, he says I was young, I had energy. I had everything going for me at this time. I went to the marketplace. I give sometimes to people, no one interacted with me. I went to the masjid. And I used to give Salaams to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he used to focus on his lips thinking that perhaps, you know he'll whisper it back, but those lips wouldn't move. So long time would come and he would be praying. And I would

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look at him and as soon as he'd finish praying, I would hope that he would look at me. But as soon as our eyes would lock, he would turn away from me, he will turn away from me. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wouldn't even look at him. And he says life continued like this for 40 days. And on the 40th day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that even the wives should not be staying with their husbands anymore. So when to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and I asked ya rasool Allah, does this mean I'm supposed to divorce my wife? Like, what is this mean? Am I like, what? How does this make sense that even my wife cannot interact with me anymore? Like,

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literally, she's the last person in the house. How could she not interact with me? And the problem? Sorry, sir, let me just quickly answer the question. Don't divorce her, but she can't interact with you.

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The wife of Hillel when she comes to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and she says the Grace of Allah, He knows his order, and he has no desire for intimacy has no desire for companionship. But I know that he can't take care of himself. Please allow me to take care of him. And his wife is granted permission.

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His tribe members by no selama they come to cabin nomadic and they say, look, the wife of Hillel, she was allowed to go and take care of her husband. Why don't you go and seek special permission for yourself that your wife can keep you company and take care of you? And he kept says no, that's not befitting, like this is my own doing I have to suffer the consequences and you can make this

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Here's lesson number three, that when you make a mistake in life, you have to be ready to suffer the consequences. You have freedom of choice, but you don't have freedom of consequences, right? This is the whole debate of freedom of our times, that be free, be free, be free. Be free to express yourself in any way that you like. But at the end of the day, you may be free for choice, but you will not be free of consequence. So Kabam the Maliki understood this that, look, I made a mistake, I have to suffer the consequences. It is what it is, and I'm going to go through with it. But at the end of the day, we are all human. And we have a certain capacity of patience and tolerance. And you

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can see that cabin nomadic. He's getting to its end like it's really starting to get to him. How do we know this? Because shortly thereafter, one of the people that he accepted Islam with was Abu Qatada and Abu Qatada. We know that he had he had this garden. So on his way back from salah, he sees Abu Qatada in his garden, he climbs the wall of Abu Qatada to get into discord. And you can imagine someone's climbing into your garden and climbing the wall. You'd be like, you know what's going on, you'd like rush towards them to try to like, you know, handle them, but have a good data. He sees his capital Malik. And he's like, Man, this is gonna be such a difficult situation. Because

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he's so beloved to me. I love him so dearly. But if I interact with him, I'll be disobeying the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam and I can't disobey Him. So in his own garden, he starts running away from capital, nomadic climbing wall to try to get over it.

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And QA will Malik he tells him stop, stop. I just need to ask you one question. Just one question.

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Do you know that I love Allah and His messenger? Just answer that question like, it's almost as if he's starting to doubt it. Like Did I commit a level of hypocrisy that is taking me outside the fold of Islam that I'm deserving of all of this hostility? No one's talking to me. No one's giving sometimes to me. Everyone's giving me dirty looks. Do I love Allah and His messenger and Abu Qatada is not answering till eventually, he grabs Abu Qatada from his caller,

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pulls him down, and he looks him in the eye.

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And he asked him again, do you know that I love Allah and His messenger

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and Abu Qatada he finally a response?

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The only answer that could possibly be worse than no.

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Is Allah and His Messenger know best to create room for doubt, because there's no clarity Subhanallah and they just absolutely destroyed capital. Malik absolutely destroyed him.

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Like he really thought hard about the mistake that he made.

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And just when he thought that things couldn't get any worse,

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Kavanaugh Maliki goes back to his house now.

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And there's a messenger that's not from Medina. You could tell that they've come from outside messenger says I'm looking for cabin nomadic. He says, He is I that I am cabin nomadic. He says there's a letter for you in cabin bumalik was was littered he was able to read and write. He reads the letter. It's a letter from the sun at Empire, a Christian empire and that says we heard that your companion is mistreating you and you're not worthy of being treated in such a way. Come to us and embrace us. And we will honor you. And listen number four, Allahu Akbar. Lesson number four. When you are at its weakest, your weakest point, Satan is going to come to you, Satan is gonna come

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to you and find a way to make the situation worse. How do you make the situation worse, convert leave Islam SubhanAllah. And you can imagine in a state of weakness, feeling abandoned, feeling not included feeling not welcomed? You'd think that would be the case Subhanallah you'd think that would be the case like why should I tolerate this hostility? Why should I tolerate not being welcomed? But you look at the man of cabin nomadic again. He says I knew this was a plot from Shaytaan I took the letter, and I burned it in the oven and I burnt it in the oven. And I stayed in my house for the rest of the days. But as is the Sunnah of Allah subhanaw taala that as you get through the most

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painful moments, the most darkest moments, that is the one the victory of Allah subhanaw taala is going to come. So surely, shortly thereafter, a messenger from on top of the mountain, he shouts out, rejoice Jakub rejoice. Rejoice ye Marrara for Allah has accepted your repentance and Allahu Akbar this is like greater than the devil even now because as he learns as cargo leaves his house now people are congratulating him you know how we say Eid Mubarak to people as we're walking on the roads. People are saying Mubarak Allah has repentant eggs as accepted your repentance. And the first man that Kabam nomadic saw. He got so happy he gives shirt. He gets so happy he

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gives him a shirt till he realizes I don't have another shirt to wear to go and visit the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which shows us their level of wealth is completely different to our understanding of wealth. The cabin of Mauna Kea does. He considered himself wealthy. I have two cameras and I have a garden. I'm wealthy, but the fact that he gave his shirt away, he has no other shorts to wear to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had to borrow a shirt from his neighbor to go to the masjid.

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So now he's on his way to the masjid and people are congratulating him they're saying Mobarak and as he enters into the masjid, the companions are sitting with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as if a halacha is going on, as if a gathering is going on. And when the gathering is going on, it's not customary that you stand up for someone as they're coming in. But one person stood up on have been Obaidullah, he stood up for cabin nomadic, he gave him the biggest hug you could possibly imagine. He gave him the biggest hug you can possibly imagine and calm in his own words. He says that I will never forget this embracing of Tala, I will never forget to this embracing of Tala,

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which brings us to lesson number five. People will always remember the good o'clock that you show them. People will always remember the good o'clock that you show them. Paul has stood up and gave him this hug and made him feel loved. After this long period of hardship of 50 days Subhan Allah had gone by and feeling abandoned. He showed him this love and cab says that I will never forget it. So Cab, he finally comes and he sits right in front of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And he says I sat in front of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he smiled at me again. Referring to the first smile with porcelain was angry at him. Now the prompts are some smiles

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at him again. And he says this time his face brightened up as if it was a piece of the mood. That is how you know know how much note was on his face and was emanating from his face out of happiness for CALB nomadic and the three. So he says the aka the processor and he says Jakob rejoice for surely Allah subhanho wa Taala has accepted your Toba. No CARB is overwhelmed, but he wants to make right with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he asked me out of Salah. Is this Toba coming from you? Or is this something that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed?

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And he says that this is something that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed. So Caleb is overjoyed now. He says uracil Allah if this is the case, I'm going to donate all of my wealth in the way of Allah subhana wa Tada Allahu Akbar. I'm going to donate all of my wealth. Now the problem is sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, he shows us his wisdom as a prophet, that even though the Ummah was in a desperate state of need, always during that time, he says Jakob, it is good to be happy, it is good to praise Allah, it is good, to be thankful, but keep some wealth for yourself, and then give whatever you don't need in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. And then he says, You are a soul, Allah,

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then that is exactly what I will do. That is exactly what I will do. And he gave his wealth for the sake of Allah and he just kept in the middle of it that he needed to survive. And subhanAllah you can make this lesson number six, that the dunya that distracts you from your obedience to Allah subhanaw taala you have to be willing to give that away. And subhanAllah we have these two answers from the pious predecessors that used to make dua that Oh Allah, take me away from that which takes me away from you, oh, Allah take me away from that which takes me away from you, which is such a powerful dua because if you if you look at the things that are in our lives, whether it is our

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family, whether it is social media, whether it is our job, whether it's our desires for the dunya, a bigger house, a faster car, you know, newer gadgets, whatever it may be, if those things are now becoming a distraction between you and Allah, do you have the courage to make that do other Oh Allah take away from me that which takes me away from you. That's a very, very brave and courageous do automake And Kabam the Maliki recognizing that there was the dunya that kept him behind. It was his wealth that, you know, made him complacent and to delay things and procrastinate, so he gave it away in the way of Allah subhanaw taala. And he says, the out of school Allah

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as a part of my Toba, I promise, I will only speak the truth from here on it. And now he is narrating to his son, Abdullah. He says that I do not believe there is in the history of know of the Quran or of the Muslim ummah. Anyone that has gone through great

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calamity through speaking the truth than I have anyone that has gone through greater calamity and speaking the truth than I have. And this is when Allah subhanaw taala revealed that verse Surah Toba 101 Yeah, you had ADINA, taco Allah will call No Ma saw the Queen, that Oh you who believe be conscious of Allah subhanho wa Taala and be with the truthful ones be with the truthful watts. And Allah subhanho wa Taala accepted their Toba and they celebrated and the rejoiced as if it was the day of eat. And now Subhan Allah, there's so many lessons to be derived from this, we move on to lesson number six Subhanallah that a victory for one person in the Ummah is a victory for all of the

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Ummah, a failure for one person in the ummah. It is impacted, and it is felt by everyone in the OMA, we noticed that specifically in the story. Number seven, is that at the end of the day, sometimes when you speak the truth or in fact, not sometimes always, when you speak the truth. The consequences that you face are better for you than the life of deceit that you will live. The consequences that you face are better than the life of deceit that you will live, because there will be a greater reward in the hereafter for your truth. Even though there might be a reward for your deceit in this life. There's only punishment in the hereafter for the lie. There's only punishment

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in the hereafter for the lie. So never be afraid to face the consequences of speaking the truth. Like Khabib nomadic did, and this is one of the greatest lessons to be taken away from the story. Number eight, relationships are so complicated, so complicated. Look at the tribesmen earlier on. They're the ones that are encouraging him lie to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said he'll excuse you and make dua for you. When it comes to the incident of the wife, they're the ones that are telling him you know, going to make an excuse so that your wife can actually stay with you. When it comes to DEP SallAllahu Sallam asking where it's kind of nomadic, it was his own tribesmen, a man

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from Benny sedima That actually said Oh, he got busy with his gardens. family relationships are so complicated. Well Jana Bardot calm the body and fits in a ton of US Bureau. But look at the way Kab treated them in this hadith

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of all of the good deeds he mentioned the people by name more or them enjoyable, defended me Tala have been obey the law he stood up for me, but anytime it was something bad, or tribesmen encouraged me to do something or a band from bundle cinema told me to do this, a man from bundle Salama said that I got busy with the dunya he doesn't mention their names Subhanallah always live a life of dignity always live a life of honor. Always live a life of forgiveness particularly with your family members. And this is the lesson from the story of cabin nomadic lesson number nine that when you look at the story of cabin nomadic, you have those personal relationships that are so valuable that

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at the end of the day, remember we were speaking about your rock, Moose Ali salaam, he had her own in the story.

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Cabin nomadic he had Abu Qatada, he had Abu Qatada and he mentioned him by name. Not that Abu Qatada did anything wrong. He's only obeying the orders of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And you know if you remember my last point, that anyone that did something good, Caleb know Malik, you mentioned to them by name. So when Abu Qatada he didn't answer his question, do I love Allah and His messenger? He stays silent. And then eventually he says Allah and His Messenger know best. Why did Abu Qatada get named because that is causing Cabo nomadic, so much pain? All he had to do was say Yes, I know you love Allah and His messenger, you made a mistake. That's it.

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But the fact that he stayed silent and he said Allah and His Messenger know best, this was his obedience to Allah and His messenger. And even though it hurt cab so much, it was still the right thing to do.

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And Subhan Allah, sometimes the right thing will hurt you. We've seen this in the story of Camp over and over again. But at the end of the day, if they're obeying Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you still have to praise him for it, even if it hurts you.

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And now remember, yesterday we were talking about true companionship, Musa and Harun que no sobipro cathedra one that's called Oka Kathira so that we will remember you and glorify you. At the end of the day. The ultimate goal of your companionship is to get closer to Allah subhanaw taala. And even though Abu Qatada did not say what God wanted to hear, he still did the right thing. And God loved him for it. Because our love for one another should transcend the favors we do for another hour Phil

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The issues to our sports teams to the good times that we have with one another, to the ultimate love for Allah Subhan Allah Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and that is why Abu Qatada was named, even though he did something that hurt him, he still did a good deed, whereas the people that clearly did bad deeds, then carb did not even mention them. Lesson number 10. And this is perhaps you know, a very valuable lesson. For those of us that are parents, how many parents do we have in the room if you're a parent, raise your hand

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to Xochimilco and may Allah subhanaw taala bless and protect our children and our families, and keep them upon guidance in this life, and grant them protection from the Hellfire in the next Allahumma Amin.

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You know, it's very difficult to talk to your children, about your failures and your mistakes. But Kabam know Malik,

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he's 40 years in the future when he's narrating the Hadith to his son, Abdullah. He's gone blind at this point. He sits him down and he starts telling him about his failures that I made this mistake. I was called to go to the Battle of the book, I didn't go and he tells him the whole entire story.

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When you build a perfect image in front of your child as if you make no mistakes, you're setting unrealistic examples and your destiny them for failure in your relationship. Because they will start to idolize you and as soon as they find your mistake, which inevitably will happen as they grow older, they will realize okay, maybe my parent is the person that they made themselves out to be. But if you can discuss your mistakes, derive lessons from them, then be even Allah heeta Anna, this will only increase your honor and your status in their eyes as they grow older. Because one, they will realize your sincerity and the goodwill and desire that you have to teach them and to show them

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the right way. But number two, inshallah Huhtala they will not repeat your mistakes, they will not repeat your mistakes. Which brings us to the last point that the greatest gift that anyone can be given. And this is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells Kabam nomadic, that this is the greatest day of your life after your mother gave birth to you that Allah accepted your Toba

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is that you can have your Toba accepted

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but it's fascinating here, because Tober is not given to anyone.

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Allah subhanaw taala he tells us about these people for metabo are they him Leah Tubu that Allah subhanho wa Taala granted them the Tofik to perform Toba and thus they did Toba and thus it was accepted. As if Allah subhanho wa Taala does not guide you to Toba.

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Then Toba cannot take place. The fact that Allah guides you to Toba is a sign of love from Allah subhanho wa taala. In Allah you hit with Tao beanie while you humble Matata hidden that surely Allah subhanaw taala loves those that perform Toba and loves those that purify themselves physically and spiritually. constantly engage in Toba, and this is why the story is told to us from the various lessons but from the beauty of Toba, the importance of Toba the consequences that will come with Toba but through all of it, keep doing it, because it is so beloved to Allah subhanaw taala May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us though but then also her before we pass away Allahumma Amin, Allahu

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Allah, Allah Allah. Now, my dear brothers and sisters, we're going to be starting up the q&a session very, very soon. I did want to highlight one thing. We noticed two things from the story in particular, number one that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before the Battle of the book, he had asked people to donate you had people that have made them not fun, and I would have made him an offer that literally funded the whole entire expedition. Then you had a bouquet farmer who gave even just a handful of dates and spatula. I forgot to mention that during that incident when the pastor of Salem was asking where's cabin nomadic, the process um, sees this mirage of a man running

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from all the way in the distance, no horse nothing.

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And he sees this man running towards him in pure white clothing. And it is abou hyphema he ran from Medina, even though he was late to catch up with the army, so Abuja he just gave a handful of dates. And then you have that individual that wanted to give in the way of Allah subhanho wa taala. But he found nothing to give, and Allah subhanaw taala loved that. So the small acts of kindness that we think are insignificant, they're great in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala and Kabam nomadic he understood that and that is why when Allah subhanaw taala accepted his soul but he wanted to give everything in the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala everything that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam he told him, keep what you need to survive and give the rest in the way of Allah not one.

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wanting to manipulate the situation and wanting good for Kabam nomadic, he said, Give what is easy for you. And on behalf of whatever are the Allahu anhu, the center, not the companion, but the center is named after the righteous companion.

01:50:16 --> 01:51:03

I asked you the same thing. Events like this need to be sustainable, an organization and a machine like this needs to be sustainable. And we're not looking for people to donate $100,000 We have 100,000 Please give it in the way of Allah if you're able to do so. But what we are looking for are people that can donate $1 a day for a total of $365. And what I'm looking for being Allahu Taala are 25 people, can we get 25 people that are willing to commit to $1 a day, literally $1 a day, or 30 some odd dollars a month, or $7 a week within the heater. The first people to raise their hands in sha Allah will get the pleasure of everyone that donates after them. Can we get our first and I'm

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gonna include myself in this binder in the heater. If you're able to donate and make a commitment, you can have pledge forms. Allahu Akbar didn't even know we had pledge forms. So there's going to be brothers that have pledged once take a pledge form and we can get signed up in Allahu Taala so I'm looking for 25 people. So we have 123456 Sisters 789

01:51:30 --> 01:51:41

Can I get 1011 1210 1112 Excellent. 1314 1510 more to go folks. 16

01:51:43 --> 01:52:21

can I get 17 to 25 My dear brothers and sisters so Dollar Day 17 Over here. 1818 over here, Giselle, Camilla Clara, can they get 19 to 2519 to $25 a day, folks, as Muhammad has mentioned, we have 19 We have 20 Zakum located 2121 from the sisters. Is there 20 firsthand. 20 firsthand. We have a 21st hand over here just icon located and we have a 20 year I've counted that already. Do we have a 22nd 22nd to 25 Brothers Let's go. Allah has given you wealth $1 a day can we make this happen?

01:52:22 --> 01:52:24

22nd To 25

01:52:25 --> 01:52:56

Three more hands, three more hands, brothers, we have a 22nd over here just located on 23 to 25. From the brothers or the sisters 24 Excellent. Sorry, 2324 Verse 24, the last two, the last two we have 24 Allahu Akbar. And who is going to be the last one who will keep them or who misc. We have two sisters Allahu Akbar 25 and 26 May Allah subhanaw taala bless you and your wealth and increase you in goodness and grant you the best of this life and the next Allah whom I mean

01:52:57 --> 01:53:15

and save us all from the punishment of the Hellfire right? At the end of the day, save yourselves from the punishment of the Hellfire, even if with half of a date and that is the ultimate goal. May Allah subhanaw taala accept from us all. By now we will begin the q&a inshallah. I saw shift shape, shape shape, okay, unless

01:53:17 --> 01:53:57

there's questions Nicola Henshaw or the park? If you tell your children your mistakes, doesn't that give them the green light to make a similar mistake? And say, My father made such and such mistakes, to even if you advise against Allahu Akbar? That's a great question. And that is a risk, you'll have to take that if you expose your mistakes, are you not opening up the door. But I believe it's also about how you frame it. So when you tell your children about the mistake that you made, you start off with the disclaimer, my dear son, my dear daughter, I'm telling you about this mistake that I made, so that you don't fall into it. And that you learn from the mistakes of your predecessors and

01:53:57 --> 01:54:34

your elders, so that you don't fall into it. Because as you share this mistake, imagine the story of cabin nomadic. It's not the fact that he stayed behind, right? And he got to enjoy himself for a little while longer. He didn't go have to go on this hard journey. But the fact was that he got abandoned for 40 days by the people for 10 more days by his wife, and he went through all this hardship and calamity would you want that for yourself? And we're hoping that they're sincere and logical enough to understand that, no, I wouldn't want to go through those consequences. So learn from my mistakes, feel the pain that I went through through my consequences, so don't you don't have

01:54:34 --> 01:55:00

to repeat them. And I believe there's three main ingredients to good parenting. Number one is leading by example. So always whatever you want your children to implement into practice, lead by example. Number two, don't, you know be hypocritical and the things that you tell them not to do something and you do it yourself? Are you

01:55:00 --> 01:55:35

You tell them to do something, but you're not doing it yourself. Right? So it sort of goes hand in hand. But it's an emphasis on making sure that you don't create a living contradiction for them that they affiliate with the faith in particular. So you tell them to pray, but you're not praying, you tell them not to smoke what you're smoking. It doesn't work like that. They're going to end up detesting the faith because of the living contradiction that you've created. And then number three, make dua for your children, there is no better dua that your children will receive, other than your DUA. So if you do this sharing of mistakes with sincerity, then be underlined to Allah, Allah

01:55:35 --> 01:55:38

subhanaw taala will protect them. Allahu taala. Anna

01:55:40 --> 01:56:19

does the color Hirscher second question. I know the punishment that was put on Khabib nomadic by the Prophet salallahu Salam was because of him missing out on the war. But that being said, there was no other way for carignane Malik to attend the war, because he had no money to get ready. His crops took longer than expected to harvest. So technically speaking, is it entirely his fault? can one say that he did everything he can to try and attend the war? JazakAllah? Could? That's a good question. Well, we notice from the language of cabin nomadic himself, that he felt regret over his decision, meaning that he knew that he was able to go, and this is why even 40 years later is he's nearing the

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Hadith. He's saying all me if I had attended the Battle of the book, and we know that Kabam the Molokhia, two cameras at that time, and yes, the harvest was taking longer, but he still had the ability to go because he had mentioned that I was in the peak of my health, and he had the two camels, and I was able to go, so it was his responsibility, and he took ownership for it. Allahu taala.

01:56:45 --> 01:57:25

The third question after repented to Allah subhanaw taala. How can one know if ALLAH has forgiven them? Are there signs that Allah has forgiven them? Excellent. This is a very good question. What are the signs of an accepted Toba? And what's fascinating is we have a verse in Surah Al Furqan, where Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us Ilam and taba am an hour I mean, I'm Ilan salejaw. But hola ek Ubud did Allahu sejati him Hassan at what kind of Allahu Allah for Allah Hema, that except for those people that believe and repent and do righteous deeds, then for those people Allah subhanaw taala will replace their good deeds, their bad deeds into good ones. Abdullah basadi Allahu

01:57:25 --> 01:58:06

Taala in Houma, he was of the opinion that this is something that will happen on the Day of Judgment, that your sins will be converted into good deeds. But so even the Messiah, he brought it into the life of this world that assigned that Allah subhanho wa Taala has accepted your Toba is that the habitual sins that you're committing that you're doing over and over again, when you make Toba for them, Allah subhanho wa Taala will replace your sins with good deeds. So someone that wasn't praying, which is a major sin, they now start praying, which is a good deed, someone that was spending in Haram, they now start giving and sadaqa. Right, so these is how Allah subhanaw taala

01:58:06 --> 01:58:47

shows you that a sign of your Toba has been accepted is that he replaces your sins with good deeds. This is from one of the signs but we will never truly know until we meet Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is why as a sign of humility, we always ask Allah subhanaw taala for acceptance so Robina Taco Bell Mina in the Kansas Samuel noname. Right. Ibrahim Ali Salam he is commanded by Allah subhanho wa Taala to build the Kaaba, he is fulfilled the Command of Allah. And just because it was the Command of Allah, He doesn't assume that it will be accepted, but from the humility of the believers that he acts, he asks Allah subhanaw taala for acceptance, and this is something that we should ask Allah

01:58:47 --> 01:59:09

subhanaw taala for as well. May Allah subhanaw taala accept our Toba and all of our good deeds. So certain signs may be that your sins are replaced with good deeds, and you become more righteous, but the ultimate knowledge is with Allah. And thus you continue striving hard and working hard to earn the pleasure of Allah and keep asking Allah subhanaw taala for acceptance, Allahu Tagada

01:59:12 --> 01:59:21

what are the steps to live off that which you love for the sake of Allah? How do we stay steadfast in our pursuit of goodness and living off bad habits and deeds?

01:59:22 --> 01:59:24

Now that's a difficult questions, Paola.

01:59:26 --> 01:59:31

How do you give up the things that deter you from Allah subhanaw taala.

01:59:33 --> 01:59:53

Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us in them and why Docomo Allah to confirm that indeed your wealth and your children are a trial for you. So be very careful as to how you trade with regards to do these two things. So this shows us that the dunya is a trial and a temptation. And if you go back to yesterday's lecture,

01:59:54 --> 01:59:59

we were speaking about you have the giver and you have the gift, and short sightedness

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This is attached to the gift. And faith gets us attached to the giver. And that's what we want to build. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from his other ear was Allahumma allinial originial. Hakka, Hakka was looking at the bar, or in the Al Bartylla, Bettina was looking, insisting that oh Allah show me the truth as it is and allow me to follow it and show me falsehood as it is and allow me to abstain from it. The gifts that you receive are the falsehood, they are the temptations, they're luxuries, they're the desires of the life of this world, that ultimately will deter you from the Path of Allah subhanaw taala if you are not grateful, if you are grateful, then

02:00:40 --> 02:01:22

those things will bring you closer to Allah subhanaw taala. So, that is the trick, but Allah subhanaw taala also tells us that it is very, very few people that will be grateful. So then what you need to focus on is having this you know special lens, that you can see the dunya with that what is a temptation that is deterring me and detracting me from Allah subhanho wa Taala and what is the ultimate reality of meeting Allah subhanaw taala in the hereafter and Jana being Huck. And now that being a hack, and the deen of Islam being hacked, and Allah being hacked, and the postal system being hacked, and all of these things that we will see what the Ayatollah clean in the Hereafter,

02:01:22 --> 02:02:10

right? So I think focusing on that form of mentality and making dua to Allah subhanaw taala. Sincerely, is the only way out there number two, surrounding yourself with righteous companionship, right. We always have this concept of getting bigger and better networks and circles, have more influence, have more power, have more wealth. But if you look at the stories that we've shared throughout the weekend, is always about the righteous companions that will that will get you closer to Allah subhanaw taala. In fact, Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us about Allah, that those that are the closest of friends, they will be enemies to one another, they will turn on one another, on

02:02:10 --> 02:02:13

the Day of Judgment, except for one category of people

02:02:15 --> 02:02:50

talk on they will be there for one another. So if your companionship is based upon Taqwa being Allahu Taala these are, you know roots that will grow into fruits of Paradise. But if your relationship is not based upon taqwa, then even on the Day of Judgment, you will turn against your closest of friends. Subhanallah so surround yourself with righteous companionship. Number three, the importance of making dua to Allah subhanaw taala. Again, look at that dua that the predecessors made that Oh Allah, take away from me that which takes me away from you. Do you have the bravery and courage to make that to do

02:02:52 --> 02:03:14

that, what if you end up losing the job that you have what if you end up losing the car that you are what if you end up losing the family that you have the wealth that you have, because they are the things that are holding you back from Allah subhanaw taala. So now the option over here is, make sure you have if you have those things, you're grateful to Allah and you use them for claim and utilize them for height.

02:03:15 --> 02:03:53

And that way you get to keep them and they are a proof for you and not a proof against you. But if you're not utilizing those things for faith, and you make this dua to Allah subhanaw taala then know that they will be taken away from you. So be sincere with Allah subhanho wa Taala said, Look, my Allah is from the most important of things being truthful with Allah subhanaw taala May Allah subhanaw taala granter syphilis and sit with him Allah Hum I mean, the next question, I've been making dua for something very specific for two years. Allah has shown me signs for the past two years are pretty staccato and I'm still confused. What should I do?

02:03:56 --> 02:04:12

Without specifics, I can't answer the question, but clearly this is something that is causing you anxiety and pain may Allah subhanaw taala make it easy for you. Schedule an appointment with Chef mortise them or chef Ali Inshallah, explain your situation and hopefully they can help you get some clarity on it. Allahu Tadano

02:04:15 --> 02:04:52

what books do you recommend to advance strengthen one and learning understanding the Quran Hadith as well as helecloud Allahu Akbar so you just want to go from zero to here overnight Mashallah. Tabata kala you know, I think one of the most important things to do is always start out with the Halaqaat and the teachers in your own massage it right the fact that mashallah to adekola you guys have shaved my thumb and shake it and shake shape and the other machines that are here, benefit from them, utilize your time and benefit from them and whatever they feel comfortable teaching you in. And eventually what you will realize is that you have your own passion and your own desire for

02:04:52 --> 02:04:59

certain sciences. Right? We will some of us will love Aki that some of us will love Hadith some of us will love work. Some of us will love will solo

02:05:00 --> 02:05:41

Look, some of us will love logo, right? We all have these different things and eventually, you you develop through identifying what you're passionate about. But with regards to building the absolute basics, so number one focus on learning the Arabic language and memorizing the Quran. Those are the two most important things that any seeker of knowledge can do. And as you're building your basics in the Arabic language and in the Quran, learn the fundamentals of Aikido, the chef Amara Lashkar series, the books that is a phenomenal book set to start off with that Jamal's or bozos explanation of Imam I know is 40 hadith is an excellent place to start from understanding the science of Hadith.

02:05:43 --> 02:06:12

So he has a body he has a book in Introduction to the sciences of the Quran, an excellent book to start off with the introduction to the sciences of the Quran. tafsir Ibn katheer is available for free in the English language online, just type in the FCRA and cathedra online, and you can get even kefir online for free. So utilize your local machine, utilize the programs that they're offering, utilize their mentorship, and then go to these books and study them at your own time as well. Allahu Tanana

02:06:13 --> 02:06:49

does the clock hit share? And I apologize, we can go through all the questions. So this is going to be the last one in sha Allah Sharma. A Salam Alikum, I have a friend who's interested in Islam. However, his father is a Christian. He's a Christian priest. And for context, my friend is 17 years old. How can I draw him closer to cut overdone without being too pushy, or not pushy on the clock, when it comes to what I kurta. Allahu Akbar, is beautiful, that you care for your friends so much that you're concerned about their akhira as well as their physical well being in this dunya. So I pray that Allah subhanaw taala guides your friend to Islam and makes it easy for them. With that

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being said, I think it's very important to share the stories of companions that accepted Islam. Right. So you have the story of of delivering Saddam, the story of, of delivering Saddam and how he accepted Islam, the story of Salman al Farsi, or the Allahu taala, and who and how he accepted Islam. But I think pertinent to this person's case, is also the story of Solomon who costs and the trial that he had to go through with his mother when he accepted Islam. So at the end of the day, you know, there has to be this understanding that look, if you accept Islam now, or later, I'm going to continue to be your friend. But also think about what if you were to pass away tomorrow? Do you

02:07:31 --> 02:07:54

have something to meet Allah subhanaw taala with, so do not delay your accepting of Islam, if you know that it's the truth, if you know that it's the truth, do not delay in your accepting of Islam. And then with regards to the hardships and calamities you'll face with his father or her father, make sure that there's a support system in play, I know that mashallah brothers would bear

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while I used to see at the masjid, you know, it takes care of the converts, you know, make sure that if they need a place to stay, there's a place to stay, if they need, you know, a job or a place to live or anything like that, you know, that you're ready to provide those places and that they are they do feel fully supported, if they face that sort of persecution, but in the stories of the people on the fast they will find solace, that they were able to get through it, and inshallah they too will be able to get through it. But also be positive and optimistic, that perhaps not only do you not face any persecution from your father, but in sha Allah, Allah guides your father to Islam

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as well. Like as a recent we've been seeing so many stories of priests accepting Islam Subhan Allah, this past hajj, there was a priest from South Africa that you know, kept having this dream that he should be wearing a coffee, and he accepted Islam and his whole church, and it accepted Islam and he made Hajj this year. So it's nothing is beyond the capability of Allah subhanaw taala He guides whom He pleases May Allah subhanaw taala guide us and the people that we love towards Islam, and let us die upon that as well. Allahumma Amin Allahu Taala Adam was Salallahu Salam o Baraka then the BNF Muhammad one that only he was to be what a Jemaine Subhanak alone would be Hyundai kia sedona in

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hola and iStockphoto Hirokawa to Lake desert communicating for your attention and I'm going to hand it over to our dear brother and shakin Sharma.

02:09:23 --> 02:09:25

sokola chef, well,

02:09:26 --> 02:09:40

here is a scenario mashallah the chef was able to finish the first 25 and she took us out of town misafir hamdulillah now it's my turn the next 25 so you guys can let me down.

02:09:43 --> 02:09:58

So exactly who's gonna be let's count the first second 25 $1 a day every Friday $7 will come out of your account each and every single Friday which means as if you're donating each and every single day, this dollar a day will go towards the

02:09:59 --> 02:10:00


02:10:00 --> 02:10:15

hydro bills, the water and all of that just to keep the place really up and running. So who's going to be the first shout out was Africa two sisters I'm sorry brothers or sisters always mashallah when it comes to the hair, they go really fast. So the first one if I mean first $1 a day

02:10:16 --> 02:10:19

just $1 a day to kind of have someone from here

02:10:21 --> 02:10:21


02:10:23 --> 02:10:28

Oh, you had a lot mashallah Masha okay so as Mrs and have done their job. Okay, brothers Sirish Allah Tala let's come to the brothers.

02:10:31 --> 02:10:32

How many do you have Sister Maria?

02:10:33 --> 02:10:34

So Maria

02:10:38 --> 02:10:39

I want to give you 25 So

02:10:40 --> 02:10:40


02:10:42 --> 02:10:46

okay, you should all right. Shall and shall Okay, well doing shall okay.

02:10:51 --> 02:10:55

So inshallah the event will be in nine minutes with Anita Anna Jones, aka Mahkota

Stories In The Quran Conference

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