Navaid Aziz – 03 Introduction To Shirk Biography Of Imaam Ibn Abdul Wahhab

Navaid Aziz

AI: Summary ©

The conversation covers the history and importance of Islam, including the use of the operator to protect against bad behavior, the importance of protecting one's religion, and the use of god's image to protect against heat attacks. The importance of protecting one's religion and not being associated with evil behavior is emphasized, along with the use of the god's image to protect against heat attacks and the importance of protecting one's religion and not being associated with evil behavior. The transcript also includes a brief advertisement for the COVID-19 vaccination trial and a brief advertisement for the company's financial results and outlook. The company's financial results for the first quarter of 2019 show a decrease in net income and adjusted EBITDA compared to the prior year, as well as a decrease in revenue from the previously announced water maintenance project in Virginia. The company provides detailed financials and outlook, including a review of their balance sheet.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa

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ala Yomi, Dean amudha.

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We left off the last second in discussing the categories of sick. And we mentioned that this like there are categories for the hate the same categories that occur for the heat, or the same categories that occur for sick. And it was based upon the understood concepts that are hidden here are opposites. So when something has an opposite, they will have some sort of similarities as well. Right. So just like there are aspects of Rodia and Ola here, and a small seaside interface, then likewise there are aspects of Ria Olivia and mouse effects.

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And we finished discussing it in the UI of Allah, Allah, Allah and Allah tala, we shall now start by taking shape in YOLO, here of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So how does Eric and Olivia actually occur

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in Olivia takes place in one of two ways.

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The first way that second Olivia takes place is by worshiping someone completely other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you will see that this mostly takes place in the light of the Buddhist and Hindu religions, where they have created statues, and these are the statues that they worship. This is the grave thing that they have fallen into. And this is their way of falling to sit in Do you hear of Allah subhanaw taala that they take their acts of worship, and worship someone completely other than Allah subhana wa Tada. Now, the second way is a way which is more common. And that is that they perform second here, along with someone Allah along with someone other than Allah subhanaw

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taala. And what we mean by this is, that you will worship Allah subhanho wa Taala directly, but at the same time, you will be worshiping someone else. So now you look at the life of some of the heretics of our time, who say that when you want any of your advice answered, you go to the grave of so and so. And you say, Oh Allah, I actually by the right of so and so person, it's great that you prefer my daughter. Or another example, you play five times a day, sincerely for Allah subhanho wa Taala, the Salah is only for Allah subhanho wa Taala. But now that you want a child, you will go to the grave of such and such person, and you sacrifice a goat over there. And this is worshipping

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along with with worshiping someone along with Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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The greatest misconception is what actually is a guy that Islam, people think a bada is just like praying five times a day, and fasting and making dua and even though they may know that doesn't actually bother to do directly to someone other than Allah subhanaw taala. Yet at the same time, these people fail to realize that our sacrifices that we do, right, in terms of the meat that we eat, right, the land that goats, the cows, any type of sacrifice that we do, is supposed to be for Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. This is an act of Riba that is legislated in Islam. Likewise, any us that we take this was to be by Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, I specifically for my personal

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experience, that when we go back to our native countries, you will find people saying, I swear by my mother's head, I swear by my father's head, these are activities that will only use to us, you're only supposed to use the names of Allah subhanaw taala. And we can only swear by him. So people have become ignorant of what the Bible actually is. And this was one of the reasons that I selected this course today, that we discussed the issue of the four principles of *, so that we may become clear of what Ava is, and why it's supposed to be only for China with China, and what are some of the ways that hinder this? And what are the some of the ways that we actually direct la vida to other than

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Allah subhanaw taala when you're not supposed to be doing so. So that was the second way that you can check in Olivia. And that was that you may have certain aspects of AI by the fall of Allah, but at the same time, you worship someone along with him as well. And the first one was when all of your activities are to someone other than Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And then lastly, we get to the sick and the Atma was the fact of Allah subhanho wa Taala and this takes place in three main ways.

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Okay, so the first way is that you compare Allah subhana wa Taala to the creation and what we mean by this is

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That there are certain characteristics or attributes that decrease in height, that Allah subhanho wa Taala has not affirmed for himself from them, or the likes of sleep, and tiredness,

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right? These are attributes that are particular and specific to the creation. Yet, if you were to look at the first chapter of the Bible, the chapter of Genesis, you will see that the Christians and the Jews attribute to the nest Allah subhanho wa Taala, that Allah subhanaw taala created the heavens and the earth in six days. Then on the seventh day, Allah rested because he was tired, why are the villa that how can you attribute tiredness to the one who created you and is all perfect? So this is how well we are, this is one of the ways that it is committed in the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala. Now the second way, is the exact opposite. That is take some attributes, which

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are specific to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you attribute them to some of the creations

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and examples of this, again, are many, right, like the knowledge of the unseen,

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right? We mentioned those * previously, the likes of the car, and the heretical Sufis, who claim that their leaders and the Imams have knowledge of the unseen, this knowledge of the unseen is an attribute that is only for Allah subhanaw taala. So when they attribute this to someone other than Allah subhanaw taala they're fallen into an act of faith, and the smell secrets of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And lastly, is that they devise the names of the idols through the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now you'll see commonly in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions a key particular number of idols, that irresistible ship from them were lads and also and other than them right.

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Now, if you look at the origin of these words, word has also come from right. Obviously, a lot of us might not know Arabic, but that is the feminine of Aziz, like Aziz is the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So they took one of the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala, and derived the name of one of their idols. So they call their name their either Elisa, and you like, look at the word last, where did the word last come from? Right, if the feminine of Isla, so they derive another name of the IOC, from the word ILA, like we know, anila is one of the names of Allah subhanaw taala. So that's the derived one of the names of their idols from the names of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So this is the first categorization right now that we completed.

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And we said that this categorization was that every category that exists for sahid exists for search as well. So we mentioned that the head height or obeah, Olivia and ethnography, and that, sir cazenovia, Olivia, and a smell, see for

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now another categorization of ships that we commonly Europe is major and minor ships. So now in this categorization, we're going to be discussing the definition of major and minor ships. And what are some of the key differences.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us in a explicit Hadith that is mentioned in the Muslim Avinash midorima, Allah, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that is the matter, which I fear for you the most is minus ship, and that is a real. So, look at the words of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, he said, the matter which I feel for you the most is minor sick, and that is a real, So, from this Hadith, we see that there is a minor form of sick enemies of ownership, right. So, what is made to sit and what is minus. Now, if you study the books of al Qaeda and of tawheed, you will find various definitions of minus ship from them, or definitions, the likes

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of what they mean, or rahimullah husana mentioned. And that is that anything Allah Hannah was Allah has called sick, but at the same time doesn't take you outside the fold of Islam. So obviously, that definition again, you might want to write this down. It might be on your test, you know, and know

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that one of the definitions of a circle or minor stick is anything that Allah subhanho wa Taala, or his messenger has called him, yet doesn't take you outside before of Islam.

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Another definition, and this was a definition given by a CF solace

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and philosophy, very similar definitions and this is quite a complicated definition.

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So, it says,

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other than Allah, with Allah,

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any matter that is specific to him,

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either by attributing it as a means or by way of accidents. So now what does that mean? To understand what that meant?

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Okay, I'll repeat that once more.

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So the definition goes minus Eric

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is equating other than Allah with a Ma, in a natural that is specific to him, either by attributing it as a means, or by way of accident.

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Anyone wants to give an example.

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The example you gave is correct. swearing by Allah is an excellent example. Now let's expand upon this. swearing by Allah subhana wa, tada is an example of minus six. And we'll get you through some examples of minus eight later on.

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So now, some of the swearing by law is something which is harsh to him, like is specific to him. We're only allowed to wink by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And by no one else, but certain times, you'll find obviously samosa prefer that you hear them say by golly, or by Joe's, right? Obviously, they don't know what these terms mean. But you'll hear them say it. And this accidentally is taking an oath by someone other than Allah subhanaw taala. So when you say by golly, you actually swearing by someone or something called golly, right? So this is an act of minus tip, because it is something which is hard to understand which Allah, but you're accidentally attributing it to someone else.

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Now, how does the concept of beautifying one's prayer fall under this? The way it falls into this like wine? Let's just say we're playing solo and direct when the mosquito playing our Salesforce latos or, or fossa, and, you know, one of the Imams from overseas. He comes in, and he's like, you know, it's well, he just walked in, let me beautiful, my personal things.

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machine, you know, I do my Goodreads. You know, Mashallah, I'm a pious person. Let me just do this right. Now, the way this becomes minus six is

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that you're beautifying your prayer, right? Yet at the same time, your prayer is still only for Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the way this becomes minus six is that your intention is still for Allah subhanho wa Taala, that you're paying your Salah, not for this Imam or six that is coming in, but you're doing it so for us to Allah, but it's extra that you're adding on to it, that's not from the, like the opposite of the Salah. Right, this extra that you're adding to it, the extra cushaw the extra firmness, the extra lowering of your head and whatever this is following falls under the because you're applying it for the sake of other than Allah subhanaw taala. So you're not thinking

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your intention, but that extra that you're doing is for someone other than Allah subhanaw taala and this becomes an aspect of minuses. So, if you again, if you look throughout history, you will not find a very specific definition. And that's why you see the likes of Napoleon and the likes of Alhamdulillah hakomi Rahim Allah who like not that they don't give a definition for monastery, but rather what they do is in their books of al Qaeda, they'll just give examples of minuses and expect you to understand it from there. There is just based upon the fact that there is no clear definition for what minus it is. Because if you look at the relationship between vilifying one splitter and

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taking an oath for other than Allah subhanaw taala there's not a direct relationship in a burger, right? If you look at those two aspects of a burger, you want to be able to relate them together. So there is no common definition. But what samina Rahim, Allah tried to do was give something very general just give like a guideline more than a definition. And that guideline was that

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philosopher or mindset is every act that is called cynic, which doesn't take one outside the fold of Islam, and almost in China, what Allah knows best.

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So now what are some of the differences between major sips and minuses?

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The first difference, and we'll take about four or five differences between each other

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is that major stick, exposed one from Islam

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and minus it doesn't expel one from Islam. The one who performs may be sick is no longer a Muslim. Yet the one who performs minus set is still a Muslim.

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The second key difference is that made us sick

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sensitive for a person to be in the Hellfire forever. it necessitates a person to be in the Hellfire forever was minus sick might cause a person to go to the hellfire. But once he is purified and cleansed, then he would come out of the hellfire.

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So mine is sick isn't it so he made a sick as an eternity and you have five and minus six is a small period of time in the Hellfire

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major ship this is the third one now these are different, major sick nullifies all of a person's good deeds.

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Right like we mentioned that I have some sort of Zoomer, who can remind you the English English translation anyone?

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Yeah, this is the translation.

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Exactly. Some of China's Allah says, In socialism or an EIN number 65 addressing the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that if you commit sit with Allah subhanho wa Taala lyoha Baba Namah look

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at that Allah subhanho wa Taala will not avoid all of your deeds, and will make you from the greatest of losers. So major sick and nullifies all the places good deeds, but minus sick, only nullifies that particular deed itself. So like, let's just say that Salah that you're beautifying for the sake of the other person, only that sama will become null and void, or that oath that you take by other than Allah subhanaw taala that also will be null and void as you're taking it for someone other than Allah subhanaw taala so made you sick,

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encompasses the person's whole Deen nullifies the invoice everything was minus check, only nullifies one particular deed or aspect of it.

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Now, the fourth key difference is that major shift makes it permissible for a Muslim, to take the life and property of the one who practices it, meaning that the blood of this person becomes solid, that once a person is Muslim, and he performs an act of *. And he's no, it's made understood to him, that what he's doing is wrong. And he still persists and continues in this, then the Adi or the hacking of that area has the right to legislate the punishment on this person, meaning that they take his life and his property, whereas mine is sick. It doesn't do this, that the person still stays within the force of Islam, and you're not allowed to kill him or to take his word.

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Now, lastly, and this is the fifth

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difference, I don't know if you want to call it a difference or not. But this opinion exists. That's why we're mentioning it. And that is that Allah subhanho wa Taala will not forgive made you sick, but will give forgive minuses. And like I mentioned, there is a difference of opinion in it. If you look at the ayah in general, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, in Allah Allah,

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that Allah subhanaw taala does not forgive that any share can be performed with him, right. So the word share here is something which is done in general is very general. It's not

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specified or restricted with anything. So some of the scholars have stated that this encompasses major and minor says that Allah subhanaw taala will not forgive it, but whether he has to make an explicit and clear Toba for this action. What are some of the scholars have said that no, this is our own incompetence, major sin and Allah subhanho wa Taala will naturally and automatically forgive a simple answer, or the minor ship. Allahu Allah Allah. So these are some of the key differences between major and minor stick. Now before we think the topic is Allahu Allah, and that was, the next topic we're going to be taking is how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam perfected so I want to

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take a small quiz is not pertaining to what we took. I'm not gonna quiz you on that yet. But my question now is

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there is an ayah in the Quran. Right? We know we all know the categories of sahid we mentioned that our head was a robot do I know Yeah, and is now ready to be a dealership of Allah subhanaw taala the actions that he does, and you'll hear the actions that we do a lot like worship, and then the smell of the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala there is an ayah in the Quran that encompasses all three categories of Sahara desert for the sake of general benefit. Who's gonna give me that ayah

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for the

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long run,

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okay, noisy over Vienna.

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Number ovia is the actions of Allah subhanho wa Taala. What is the action our last panel

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with Olivia and I Takashi

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we're looking for one particular idea that has rovia Olivia, and a smell in it

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it's inserted Miriam

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there's a bit harder now it's not super Baccarat. In fact, we're going to the middle of the Quran

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if you turn to

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Allah forgive me the I know really defeats the purpose now, but

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Allah Allah doesn't seem like anyone's going to get it. So when we get to the next three or four seconds,

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we're giving them a special price. Does that help? I didn't think so.

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So we go to the 65th ayah of Surah Maryam Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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rubbish somehow it was are the Medina who Matt Budo who was De De De De De La Mola. husen Yeah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the translation of this ayah, Lord of the heavens and the earth, and whatever is in between them, so worship Him and have patience for his worship, do you know of any similarity to him? So in this ayah, all three aspects of the heat are being covered at the very beginning. Allah subhanho wa Taala says,

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The Lord of the heavens and the earth,

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so the Euro booty is clear. Our Panasonic we mentioned the word with rubia comes from right. Then he goes abodo, who was Fabiola Eva Dotty and Olivia? Eva de los santos Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala specifically mentioned a dad over here, he says, worship Him, because He is rubbish, and I was even up. And then at the end of the ayah, Allah subhanaw taala says, Hello, Jamuna Hussein, yeah. Do you know of any, you know, similarity to him? Now, which one to explain? Yes. Now, aside from this,

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anyone want to try? How do we derive one of the principles from smls effects from this formula?

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Exactly. So what are the principles that were deriving from this or these principles that the scholars derive from this ayah is that there's nothing similar to Allah Subhana Allah. So even though Allah subhanho wa Taala, may attribute himself may attribute himself with the attributes with the likes of hearing and seeing, like we all have hearing and seeing, that doesn't mean that his attributes are similar to ours. So that there are no similarities between Allah subhanaw taala and his creation. So in this very ayah, all three categories of tawheed have been discussed. So that was just a small benefit

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for everyone is alive.

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Now moving on to the final and last section, before we actually get into the book, and

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that is, how did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam perfect so he's

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so in this chapter in this section, we're going to be looking at the various ways that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam perfected and protected the sahid of Allah subhanho wa Taala. As we know, Allah subhana wa tada has told us through the prophets of Allah Hardison and in the Quran, a Yama Atma convenor como Ashman polychromy Amati hora de tu la cama es la mattina. They all must know what Allah says, today I have perfected your religion for you, and completed my favorite upon you, and chose it for you Islam as a way of life. So we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala has completed and perfected Islam. And this happened prior to the death of the prophets of Allah. And once it's

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happening, the mission of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam was over. So in that time, once something is perfected, you have to preserve its perfection. Islam has a perfect nature, and Islam is free from imperfections. But whether it is the Muslims themselves, that have the imperfections in them, that's why you hear that when people attribute, you know, these terrorist bombings to Islam, and all these other evil actions that take place Islam, that's not just because Islam as a religion is something which is perfect, as it came from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Yet these actions which are done in the name of Islam, and by Muslims, they're done out of ignorance and Islam is free from

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them. So you can attribute a force not to the religion, but to the ones who follow the religion. So this is the perfect nature of Islam. And now we're going to be looking at ways of how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam maintained his profession and how he protected it.

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Just before we get into that, we look at the famous Hadith

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Narrated by a Buddha Raja Raja Allahu taala. And who is the third Hadith? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, for the Torah tomales, Bay de lado How can I hurry hat? Now you're the one Haddadi in the Hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I've left you upon a clear whiteness, and a clarity, and no one deviates from it after me, except that he is destroyed.

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So when our da da da da Allahu taala, who narrated this hadith? He said, Indeed, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has spoken the truth, that he has left us on a shining tight on a shining path, who is making it distinct from it today, meaning that everything is clear about it. And then we look at the statements of our Buddha as a 30 radi Allahu taala, who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed away. And there was not a single bird that flapped its wings in the skies, except that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam left his knowledge concerning it. Now, what is the point that I'm trying to get across when mixing all these assets? And the point we're

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trying to get across is that Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam fulfilled his responsibility from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he perfected the deen and he gave us ways and means to protect the deen of Islam as well. And that is the following of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So just as he told us about those birds, that faster wings in the sky, and he told us about the knowledge of the Day of Judgment, and he gave us knowledge of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In this very way, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us about the sanctity of tawheed, and how we need to protect it. And he told us about the evil of sick, and how we need to stay away from it. So this is

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why right now, we're discussing and looking at the various aspects the Prophet sallallahu wasallam used in protecting sahid.

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So the first way, and we will be talking about 10 of them, the first way that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam protected itself.

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And what we mean by protecting so he is that way is that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, prevented sick, even though the origin of the Act, may have been something which is permissible.

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So, the first way the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did this was that he prohibited the massages

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are being built upon the grace

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade the building or massage upon the grave. And we see this in the hadith of Rome selama or the Allahu taala, which is reported in Bukhari and in Muslim that, almost lm out of your language and I was telling you public sallallahu wasallam, about the beautiful, you know, places of worship that she saw in un habitat, or in Abyssinia when she was there. And she said that, you know, these places were so beautiful, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he showed a, a face of disgust at this, and he went on to explain why he was disgusted at this. He said, those people mean the people that meant that whenever a pious person

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died amongst them, they will build a place of worship over the grave and carved out images of them. Such people are the worst of mankind in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we all know that Allah subhanaw taala allows us, but rather encourages us to build masajid right, we all know this right? Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has included us and many are hiding from them. He sallallahu wasallam said Mandarin and India he must eat and then Allahu Allah who bacon children, then he will build a mustard for Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah will build a house for him entirely. So we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala includes this act, but this act is not, you know,

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unrestricted and restricted Li to be implemented. Allah Subhana Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited us from building massages on the grave. And the reason this was was to protect the sanctity of tawheed, that people might start thinking that this is a grave in this message, Navy, we're actually worshiping the grave and not worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. So to prevent this from ever taking place, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam prohibited the building or massage it upon the grave.

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Secondly, are we similar nature, the Prophet sallallahu wasallam forbade burning the dead inside of the massages. Now the brain the reasoning behind this is the same that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't want a time ever to come when people would think that the grave is being worshipped instead of Allah subhana wa Tada. So, again, he prevented the grave to be built inside the massages, and it's with great sadness that you see this in so many places in the Muslim world, that

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They'll have a mustard. And inside it, they'll have a grave. You see this everywhere in Egypt, in Syria, in Pakistan in India, it's all over the Muslim world. And it's sad that they don't know this severe threat that Allah's Messenger sallallahu wasallam gave, he said that they are the worst people in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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so that is the second thing that the prophets of Allah Hanyu send them forbade the building of grave inside the massage.

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The third way that he still Allah honjo send them protected the heat was

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forbidding the worshipping of Allah subhanho wa Taala in a place that was specific to the worship of someone other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. So now let me explain this in a better way. That let's just say there is a particular place in Toronto, right? Let's just call it

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not even a church, but like, some called has a temple, okay? This is called the so and so called, they have a temple, and in that temple, they sacrificed to one of their statues or to one of their gods. Now a time for some outcomes. You're walking by the temple. It is impermissible for you to put yourself out there, because Allah Allah Allah messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade the act of worship in those places that are particular to the worship of other groups and religions. Now, this is clearly seen and

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we're gonna say that the question answer time does lie.

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Okay, so now we see this, particularly in a Hadith, that once a man came to the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and your target is reported in Abu Dhabi. And it was authenticated by SQL Islam. ner Rahim Allah Allah, that he was a man came to the public from Allah Hanyu sent him and he said, I have undertaken an oath to Allah subhanho wa Taala, meaning I have sworn to Allah subhanho wa Taala that I will sacrifice a camel at a place called the winner. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stayed quiet for that moment. And then he raised his head. And he said, was it something particular about bawana? Jani? Was there any particular reason that you said that you will sacrifice at bawana?

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You know, whether any polytheistic

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which was ecoclear took place there previously. And then the man said, No. And then once he said, No, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed him to sacrifice this camera over there. So what we learned from this hadith is that we are not allowed worshipping in those places where other than Allah subhanaw taala worship, right. So that is the third point that we derive, that we are the puppets of aloha to send them forbade worshipping in those places that other than Allah subhanaw taala is worship. And again, the reasoning behind this is so that there will be no confusion as to who is being worshipped. Allah subhanho wa Taala, or the other deities, so that you won't be

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confused as a part of a cult or part of any other religion.

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Fortunately, the fourth way that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam protected the sanctity of tawheed is that we were forbidden from praying and bowing our dead at specific times. Who can tell me what those times are? What are the times that as Muslims are not allowed to pray and are no officers that is,

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when the sun is rising.

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This one, the center setting.

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And just before the time slots is odd, when the sun is advertised, so we have the Hadith, of aka badnaam era, the Allahu taala. And he said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited us from praying or growing our dead during three hours of the day,

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while the sun is rising, until it reaches above the horizon, right, then when the sun is at its zenith, or at highest point, until it starts to descend.

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And then when the sun is about to set, until it's clearly set,

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for these other times, when other than when the other religions had their, you know, times of worship, for in particular, these arresting, like all this is the direction we want to worship to the fire and the sun. So it was during the particular moments of the sun, that they would actually worship the sun. So that's almost fine with Allah and His Messenger sallallahu wasallam prohibited us from worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala at these times, so that we may be distinct from them.

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the way that almost nothing, it's a lot harder to sell them protected the sanctity of sahid was that we are prohibited from excessively placing

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Our latest and from them is even pockets of a lot of money we send them that we see in the Hadith narrated in Bukhari and Muslim, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do not excessively praise me like the Christians did to Jesus, the son of Mary, rather I am the slave of Allah and His messenger.

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So we see from this Hadith, that one of the ways that allows messenger for aloha to send and preserve the sanctity of the hate is that he wouldn't allow himself and then even more so the other righteous people to be presumed to be praised or honored beyond their Valley or what, obviously we know that all praise and thanks and gratitude is due to Allah subhanaw taala alone, so that we should not put people in a situation or in a sense, that is similar to that of Allah subhanaw taala. And when you slowly start placing a person, right, you may reach a level that would reach a level of play that is only for my son haniwa to Allah. So that's the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, cut

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it off at its root. And he said, Do not excessively praise me like the Christian faith eighth Ave Maria, but rather, I am the slave of Allah and His messenger. So that we see that the political lohani told us his stance in Islam, that he is not to be a rival of Allah subhanho wa Taala he's not a contemporary of Allah subhanho wa Taala nor is a partner of Allah subhanho wa Taala but rather, he is a slave and messenger of Allah subhana wa Tada. So it's with great sadness that again in the Muslim Ummah, we see in our masajid in our homes, signs that will say yeah, Allah on one side, then on the other side, it says yeah, Mohammed, equating the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam with

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Allah subhana wa tada and it is something that is particular to Allah, Allah alone, meaning that Anita or calling out saying yes to something is something that's particular to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, it should not be restricted to anyone else, and should not be used for anyone else. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed us his stance in Islam, when he said that he is the slave and messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala along

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the way, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam preserve the sanctity of the hate. And again, it's always similar nature

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is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited the companions to stand up for him in his ties in

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade the companions to stand up in his presence.

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And we see this in the Hadith that is reported in Sahih, Muslim, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he entered upon his companions.

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And as he was about to enter, he saw that some of them were about to stand, so he forced them to sit down. And then the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, you were about to imitate the practices of the Persians and the Romans, who they stand up in the presence of their kings, while the Kings do not do that. Now we see from this Hadith, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, even through the act of standing, prohibited, the Muslims were doing it in the presence of someone in either of one of the leaders, or one of the Imams, or anything other than and then that, that the prophets of Allah Hollywood sent him for beta from standing in their presence, that meaning we stand up just for

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their sake and just stick alone, because this type of honor and respect and dignity should only be given to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone.

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Secondly, the seventh way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited or sorry preserve the sanctity of so he was that he forbade the making of images, and pictures and sculptures. Now, we already mentioned

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the origin of *. And he mentioned that the way Sid Kashi came about was that Satan deceived the children of Adam and Eve, after 10 generations, that they should make portraits and sculptures of the righteous people so that they need to remember and eventually over time that people forgot why these sculptures and portraits were made, and they started to worship them. So that's an order of preventing that from happening again. Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prohibited the making of

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portraits and sculptures. And it's such a severe thing that we see that Allah His Messenger sallallahu wasallam, called them the worst of creation, and sent the worst of the curses or left handed with Allah upon these people. And they will be in such a tough situation on Yamaha piano, that they will be punished more severely, it will be said to them, that there is life to those things which he tried to recreate Nina to try to imitate Allah subhanaw taala by trying to create a sculpture or a portrait, then on Yama, Yama, you will be asked to give it like we tried to imitate the creation of Allah subhanaw taala. So the seventh way was that Allah's Messenger sallallahu

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Sallam forbade the making of portraits and so

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now an eighth week, and is a bit more complicated to understand. So we're going to take a bit more time in understanding this is that and attributing places which are sanctified or sacred, or places that are filled with Baraka. These types of things can only be done by Allah Subhana Allah and His messenger. And you see in certain parts of the oma, they'll say that if you go to such and such Valley, you will be blessed by the kind of abakada Jelani means that you take some risks and take it to a garden and you have a agenda going in your backyard, like these type of things

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take place in the Muslim ummah. And because of that we're trying to drive over here is the concept of placing of Baraka and this is only something that Allah subhanho wa Taala can do, right. So that we see that our messages Allah Hanuman sallam, and Allah subhanho wa Taala do restricted blessing to certain places alone. So in the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us do not take a religious journey, except to three massages, right? in Mecca, Medina, and I will knock this muscle relaxer. So a religious journey is not to be undertaken, except to one of these three places, and the reasoning behind this voice, so that the Muslims would know that it is only Allah subhanho wa

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Taala that places Baraka in places and it has nothing to do with the creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So just because of the Father, Gilani walked on the sand, it doesn't make it blush. Or just because, you know, one of the great Sufi saints was riding his boat in his ocean, it doesn't make the water blessed. These type of things can only be done by Allah subhanaw taala. So that's such exaltation. And such placement of blessings is something that was restricted to Allah subhana wa to Allah alone. And one of the ways the public will allow him to send them restricted and preserve the sanctity of sahid is that he told us of those places which were blessed. And he maintained Medina

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Makkah and albite on

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the ninth way with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam preserve the sanctity of Sahib was that he prevented the Muslims from imitating the non believers in those acts that were particular to them. And this will prevent the Muslims from following into from falling into sin and into innovation. We see this in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam reported in a trinity and in others, that he probably from a lohani was sent him said, When Tessa had becoming a woman home, that you who ever assimilate with a people than he is from them. And this is in those aspects, or in regard to those acts, which are particular to them. So the act of wearing a cross, and the act of

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wearing that little small black hat that they call the America, these type of things are particular to the Jews and the Christians. So that's a Muslim, would be prohibited from doing this, as it will be something particular to their religion, and that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam differentiated between the Muslim and non Muslim named as a Muslim is to dress and act and look a certain way. And you know, and Muslim is supposed to dress and act and look a certain way.

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tensley another way that Allah's Messenger sallallahu wasallam preserved the sanctity of sahid

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was that he ordered all of the grades to be lowered.

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As we know, when you go to the graveyards over here, you see a graveyard to look for, you'll see that they have these huge, massive tomes with the names written in placing a person the day he was born, the day he died, and a whole bunch of other useless information. Now in Islam is not to be done. I sign a report that yes, there is a person right here, but no tones are supposed to be placed at that area. Right. And this is one of the ways that Allah's Messenger sallallahu wasallam, protected, that it was through these acts of, you know, facing tones and so on and so forth, that people started going to these places and visiting them and doing your estimate data there. And so

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when they come to us, and if you look at history itself in history of Medina, when the Ottomans were in charge of and Medina is in Abuja, you'd see that in Albania, the graveyard What is your mountain home I buried that they actually had.

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They call it Missourians, but it actually looks like a house like someone could actually live inside of them. They that's how big it was. So the I like these huge tomes, where you can go inside and you know, if you want to put flowers or any other thing else, they'll put any form of sacrifice that whatever you're able to do so. So now when

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Muhammad Nawaz Rahim Allah came, they said that he destroyed

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The graveyard of the Sahaba he's abusing the rights of the Sahaba by taking these Muslims down, he doesn't have the respect and honor that we had for them. But in such a situation we asked them, What is the respect and honor that Allah subhanho wa Taala deserves, and when he is the only one that deserves to be honored and dignified in such a manner. So in any case, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam preserved and sanctified the heat by preventing the tones of the grave to be established. And if they were established, he ordered them to be chopped down

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the LMS way, that Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam preserved so he was by prohibiting and forbidding certain statements to be said, and from them were like, the statements of whatever Allah wills and you will write like a companion came to the prophets Allah how to sell them. And he said, Whatever Allah wills and you will, so then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do not say this, but why they only say what Allah wills right? You're not supposed to say that whatever I will and my mother was and then whatever Allah was, the willingness or the mercy is only for mosquitoes Allah. So when you say something, it is either de inshallah, you say something for the

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future, or if something has already taken place, then you say Masha Allah, that is what Allah has. Right? So this is something that the prophets of Allah Halim Islam did to preserve, and sanctify the heat.

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And we'll end off with those 11 examples. Obviously, there are other examples, like the horsea of the Prophet sallallahu. wasallam, was, in actuality, the preservation and the sanctification of the sahid of Allah subhanaw taala. But these 11 instances are more particular. So if you go through the Sierra, I'm sure you will find many more other examples. But you know, we have a timeframe that we have to live up to. So this, Allahu Allah, we shall now move on to the text, the text that we're studying, is called I'll provide a larva. You don't have to give it up yet.

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So let's look at the title of this book quite a lot about what does it mean? Where does it come from? The word collide in Arabic, is the plural of the word Chi. And so you've all heard of al Qaeda, I don't think there's anyone who hasn't heard of it. And pryda in the Arabic language means a foundation, or a basis from which you make branches, or factories from it. Right? So it's very similar to an author like we all know, our fellow soldier, by the end provide or similar in a sense that it is a basis or a foundation, from which you build other things on top of it. Now our back in the Arabic language is for so on collider ottobre, are actually four principles. And like we

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mentioned, these four principles are pertaining to set in which we distinguish ourselves from the Muslim team, not only in our eBay business, but in other aspects as well. And that is what the topic of this book is. So now, before delving into the book, we're actually going to delve into the book, starting from tomorrow Bismillahi Tada. And we're going to end off before silica. We're just going to take a brief biography of the author of this book.

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The author of this book, Muhammad Abdul Wahab, the leader of the Wahhabi sect, as he's called, now

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it's kinda like a learning it's sad. How many misconceptions are relating to the Rahim Allah tala. And we hope by taking his biography and by taking some principles, which we will take at the end. We were, you know, begin to appreciate some of the work that he says, Rahim Allah which Allah did.

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So firstly, his name.

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His name was Abu

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Muhammad Abdul Wahab, a Muslim man is no Ali. Abu Musab Allah wa Heidi from the tribe of cannon

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is anyone that's actually writing it down, so I could repeat it or just if you get the beginning, just remember Mohammed Abdul Wahab insha Allah and His cornea was double fussing. Okay, this cornea was double fussing, and his name was Mohammed Abdul Wahab. He was born in the city of Ganga, which is in the middle of the Arabian Peninsula, which is in current a Saudi Arabia

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in the year 11 115,

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which is the equivalent of 1704 of the Christian year.

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He came from a family of scholars in London and his father of the Wahhabi nurseryman was one of the famous scholars of that locality and was a comedy arena and likewise his grandfather selenite If not, he was also when well known for his knowledge and he

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an uncle as well by the name of Ibrahim Abu Saud, a man who is also well known for his knowledge. So you can see that he was raised in a house of knowledge, where he was cleansed constantly and persistently surrounded by those people who were guiding him towards that which was correct.

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He memorized the Quran before the age of 10. And after you finished memorizing the Quran, he traveled around the Arabian Peninsula, looking for scholars to study and now amazingly,

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Mohammed Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah tada is often, you know, recognized and known as an Arab, but you see that one of his most famous teachers was actually a scholar from India, whose name was Muhammad hyah Cindy Rahim Allah Allah. He died in the year 11 165. And his specialization was heavy. So Mohammed Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah met him in Makkah and studied Hadith in under him.

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And another one of the things teachers, another great scholar of Islam was Abdullah the silent al Bukhari Rahim Allah tala.

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So these were some of the main teachers of Muhammad Abdul Wahab Rahim, Allah husana. Now, who were his needs students,

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you will see that the vast majority of his main students actually came from his family. So his son for saying Ali Abdullah Ibrahim,

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they were his main students. And likewise, we know that Mohammed Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah, he wrote and compiled many books. And those books also have many explanations to them. So one of the most famous books that he's written and compiled is called Kito coffee.

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Now, this book has many explanations to it. The most famous of them are pathology, and say, theology. This book was actually written by one of his grandsons by the name of Solomon. Right. So Solomon,

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Solomon, mine was the name of the man of the husband, his grandson was one of the explainers of the same book, sexual material entitled.

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So it was one of the slaves of the Tabata he, which is one of the explanations of Cotabato, which is called proximity. So likewise, some other students were avid lodges in the Mohammed Musa and Hammad, ignacia and obligees A novela. Now, obviously, these names might not be too recognizable to us, and we might not know them very well. But if you study history, and the more Methodist scholars are like between the 18th and 21st centuries, their names will become, you know, quite recognizable, if you study the history that took place in that time.

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So now, what was the environment that Muhammad Abdul Wahab, Ramallah actually lived in,

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the environment that he lived in, was an environment that was, you know, a very strange one, he thought, someone who was raised upon the Quran and the Sunnah, he thought like a stranger in his own land. He felt like he was an alien there almost. And this was due to the fact that there was a lot of great worship that was ramping, as well as many other innovations that took place. One of the key things that used to take place in his time was that they used to attribute you know, blessings towards trees, mean that used to seek Baraka from trees, but Romina closed upon them. And then likewise, worship would be taking place at the grave, and then people will be making posts around

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them, and then they would call upon various saints and dead people. So this was the environment that Muhammad Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah worked in, so that you see that obviously, it took a great amount of effort and an enormous stripe, for him to actually try to clear up this, these practices of sit and innovation so that we see how history throughout history that Mohammed Abdul Wahab he made alliances and made treaties in hopes of eventually clearing up the land of Arabia from the lands of the haramain the likes of Makkah and Medina. He wanted to clear them from from said, As Allah subhanho wa Taala Sanctify them and they were only supposed to be used for the word sorry for the

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worship of Allah subhana wa Tada.

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So now what were some of the famous books that Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahab Rahim Allah wrote, right, so many famous books that he wrote for the likes of Akita butterhead which is a book which deals with the rights of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And what are those acts of worship that Allah subhanaw taala has legislated and regulated to be for him alone. Then another book is called sola salata, which are the three three fundamental principles in which

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He discusses the three questions that are going to be asked in the grave. Like who is your Lord? What is your deen? And who is your prophet? So in this book, he answers those three questions of what Islam is, Holy Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was, and who Allah subhanho wa Taala is, he discusses in that he discusses it in that, then our book that we're discussing alkaline alaba, which are four principles pertaining to fit, this is another one of his famous books. Then, fourthly, a famous book called switchable hearts. And what this means is the clarification of delta. And what he did in this book was, that those doubts that the mostly Kenyans to come with to justify their shit

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with Allah subhanaw taala. He refused their doubts in this book. So this is a more advanced book. Yet at the same time, I advise every single person to read and to study this book, so that you can no defect that took place at his time. And how is it similar to the very set that takes place in our time is what and how it was the same set that actually took place at the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and then it gives you the reasoning and the logic and the manner in refuting their arguments. Then he has another book called masala Sera, which is a semi zation, of the Shiraz exam that the Ceylon American wrote about the Prophet sallallahu sallam. This is a summary of it.

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Then there's Mufasa diary, as an official diary, is a great explanation of the halo query, written by Alaska nanny, right. And this book is very extensive and very detailed. So what he did was, he summarized this book. And then suddenly we have a book called Mufasa jagannadh. Dynamite, which is a book written by a Muslim Allah, describing the life of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam from beginning to end, up to the most minute and intricate details, right, as meticulous as an aquarium project. That's how meticulous he is he did. He described every single detail of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam to the best of his ability, and this comes out to be about six or seven volumes. So

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Mohammed Naga Wahab Rahim Allah, He summarized it and call it Mustafa denied. So these are some of the more

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well known or famous books that they say Rahim Allah, tala wrote, and we live for quite a long period of time. He died at the age of 91. Right? Who's going to tell me when he was born? When was a sick for him a loved 117 16

00:57:40 --> 00:57:46

Okay. 17 1704 and 1161 correct.

00:57:47 --> 00:57:52

Is it or I might be mistaken for the 1518 is correct.

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And then 16 and as the COVID of 1704. Now the SEC Rahim Allah who tada he died 1206 after the heads up, so and then 6406 who's gonna do the math?

00:58:10 --> 00:58:12

No, no, no, I'm not asking for the conversion of the

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sake when he died. That's what I'm asking is sick was 91 Rahim Allah Tada. And that total city's equivalent of 1792.

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So now, during his time, there were other good scholars that he met. That praised him as well from them with the likes of Amir Sinani Rahim Allah who's the author of civil Ceylon. And likewise, Mr. Michel Kenny Rahim Allah Hosanna, the author of nail author and photographer, we mentioned him previously as well. So these scholars, they met him and he praised him, and he praised his work. So now comes the important subject before we end up with a lot of mothers, and for the day as well, is there's a lot of controversy about Muhammad Abdul Wahab what is our stance towards him, as well as other individuals. That controversy revolves around

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as Muslims, we know that our foundation is based upon two things, the Quran and the Sunnah. So as China with Allah in perfecting this Deen, he told us of all those things, which are good, and of all those things which are bad, and in those things, which are good and which are bad, we can tell by person's actions. So if a person did those things, which are in accordance to the Quran and the Sunnah, then he is to be labeled as someone who is good. And those people who go against the fundamental principles of the Quran and the Sunnah, then those are people who are bad, and is what we see from the statement of Abdullah. You will find it in savasana. Remember Buhari Rahim Allah

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Allah, that he said, You will never know the truth by the people. So you will never know the truth by the people.

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know the truth, and you shall know its people. Hello, Peter again, he said,

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You will never know the truth by the people, but know the truth, and you shall know his people. So what this means is that in order to know which people are good and which people are bad, you have to know what's good and bad is, first of all, so increase yourself in a knowledge of Islam and knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah, if you want to know which of those good people are, because if you go around to various groups, and very accepting those religions, and you ask them, What do you think about this man? If you go to a Christian, or I do and ask them, What do you think about Muhammad, they'll say, Oh, he was a *. He was a man who was insane. He was a magician, and

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all those other evil words that the correct accuse him of, and the prophets of Allah hanya center is above or beyond such statements. Likewise, if you go to those people who are filled with heresy, and with many innovations, they will dislike the people of the center. So a simple principle, as the people behind the center we're gonna, we have to keep in mind is that the only way we will know which people are good and which people are bad, is by increasing ourselves in knowledge in the knowledge of what is good, and what is that. And then we judge a person upon his actions. So those people who have good actions, they are good people. And likewise, those people who have bad actions

01:01:23 --> 01:01:43

are bad people. And this is how we distinguish between the two with that key principle like Abdullah Ahmad Allahu taala, in Houma, established through the readings of the Quran and Sunnah. And with that we end off for today. For those brothers and sisters who don't have Judo, now's the chance to go make it. We're going to be praying for us.

01:01:44 --> 01:01:47

So design is going to be in about 10 minutes before Allah tala.

01:01:48 --> 01:02:05

So we end up with that and tomorrow we'll actually start with the text but Ohashi has the Arabic text and it will be distributed tomorrow Bismillah his Allah Allahu taala Adam with some Allahu Allah send them robotic, Vienna Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, to Santa Coloma de

01:02:06 --> 01:02:12

la ilaha illa and a subzero kawakubo like what Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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