Naima B. Robert – Biggest Intimacy Challenges Faced Muslim Couples

Naima B. Robert
AI: Summary ©
The speaker recommends a book called "The Strong," which describes a woman as a Christian and a woman as a woman who is experiencing a lack of communication and desire. The book describes a transformation process that takes place in women, including feelings of hurt and anxiety, and a woman who developed a condition calledUsters of Desire. The speaker also mentions a woman who was married for a few years and had a condition calledUsters of Desire, which is related to a "geisha fitter."
AI: Transcript ©
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One of the books I would recommend for

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this, by the way, is a secular text

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that's very spiritual in nature. And when I

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say spiritual in nature,

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I think she actually, technically, is a Christian.

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She's called Brene Brown. I'm sure you've heard

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about it. Yeah. Yeah.

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And it's called rising strong. Men and women

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can listen to this audiobook, and it should

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be a game changer for people in terms

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of how vulnerable they present in their relationship

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with their spouse.

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The biggest challenge, would you say,

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that couples are facing

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behind closed doors, what would you say it

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I think it's probably the inability to communicate

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Mhmm. And that's, like, across the board, not

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just about intimacy because that does

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I think people,

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they struggle to be vulnerable.

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And one of the books I would recommend

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for this, by the way, is a secular

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text that's very spiritual in nature. And when

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I say spiritual in nature,

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I think she actually technically is a Christian.

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She's called Brene Brown. I'm sure you've heard

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about it. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And it's called

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Rising Strong. Men and women can listen to

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this audiobook, and it should be a game

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changer for people in terms of how vulnerable

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they present in their relationship with their spouse,

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how we make that safe,

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how both partners are probably making up a

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story about what they think the other person's

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thinking half the time. I'm jumping to an

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assumption, which causes lots of arguments and resentment

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and regret and all that kind of stuff.

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And she talks very honestly about her own

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journey with that with her own husband. Yeah.

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And I I don't need to, you know,

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preach to the converted, so to speak, about

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that. Because

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it's called Daring Greatly, I'll say it again,

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and it's by Brene Brown. And it's like

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8 hours of audio book, and I recommend

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it. And I'm not getting any kind of

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commission for that.

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Spiritually for me,

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my husband's not listened to the whole book,

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I don't think, but he found it. Because

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men don't like therapy either, like, traditionally. So

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it's like a mm-mm. Men don't really they

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don't need that. It's like you definitely don't.

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It's hard enough to get women into therapy

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when they need it. You know, getting men

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into therapy is even harder.

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But giving them personal development projects, if you

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of anything. Because I'm like, any kind of

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spirituality is personal development. Right? It's like once

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I don't need to, explain that to you.

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That book

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is so practical.

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It's a way of constantly analyzing

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why am I triggered right now, actually. Mhmm.

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I'm on the military. What's going on with

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me? Yeah. What's going on with me? What's

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the story I'm telling myself?

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I love that question. Yeah.

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Is like, the whole essence of Islam, right,

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is, like, it's one big personal development journey.

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I mean, you're married to somebody else who's

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also on a personal development journey, but you

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need to be very vigilant on yourself. And

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if you know that you might not have

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said something in the best way or you

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could have said it better or you may

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even owe an apology,

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don't hold back apologising. Just No. Apologize in

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whichever way you apologize. You know, verbally, it'd

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be great, but some people do it in

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other ways, of course,

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acknowledging the mistake.

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But in intimacy, it's like

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there really is a debilitating

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element of that. Like, they feel like they're

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directly hurting.

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How do you communicate your needs? How do

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you communicate

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how truly satisfied you are or you aren't?

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Now you think the nonverbal stuff usually confirms

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that, and it does it does a lot

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of the time. But a lot of women

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are coming out of,

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you know, an intimate interaction if you like.

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Not feeling fulfilled and still feeling like they've

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got no voice with it. Again, I recommend

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Habib Akande's books for that.

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And one's called Women of Desire. The other

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one is called A Taste of Honey. That's

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definitely a 2 person book, and the other

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one is called Coniaza, I think it is.

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Something like that. Mhmm. The re I'm getting

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no commission for that either, but the reason

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I'm mentioning it is because these books are

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literally transformative. And I don't need to tell

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you how rooted this is in

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Islamic tradition because he's done all that research

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for you to look at. Check the references

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yourself if you're, like, you're, like, kind of,

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you're a Muslim. You feel like you need

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that to leave and all that kind of

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It really is,

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incredible stuff that he's put together there for

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us all to benefit from. I'm truly grateful

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for it.

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Because I've even had women

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so I I've had one lady, and she's

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given me permission to anonymise her

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and, talk a little bit about her experience.

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So she got married as a virgin.

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This is something we've not touched on properly

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yet, I don't think, or maybe not gone

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into very deeply. Well, we did a little

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bit, but

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she came from a different cultural background to

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the chap she got married to. The chap

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had been married before, and on the wedding

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night, even though he knew she was a

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virgin, he did absolutely no foreplay with her

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And, obviously, there's a lot of anxiety around

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losing your virginity anyway. That's why a lot

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of non Muslims end up losing it drunk

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or high. Or, you know, there's a lot

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of and you can see why they end

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up doing that. Not that not that they

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but Yeah. It naturally is a Geisha fitter.

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Right? They shouldn't be doing it in the

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1st place, so they do something to numb

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that kind of alarm bell that's going off

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inside the sole. So you knew we're doing

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And really sadly so, they weren't able to

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consummate the marriage, and they were married for

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a few years. And she developed a condition

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called vaginismus

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Yeah. Which, I'm sure you've heard of before.

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So she literally, psychologically,

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her muscles are contracting in the wall above

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her. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So she's clamping

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down, and there's just no way,

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even with an erect penis that they're able

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to, consummate that marriage. He ends up screaming

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at her a few times, telling her she's

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weird, and, they ended up not married, obviously.

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Sorry. How long how long was that situation?

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How long were they together? They were married

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for about 2 or 3 years. Oh, no.

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Oh, so panel

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