Riyadh Walls – Sunday Talk Masjidus Sunni (11 September 2022)

Riyadh Walls
AI: Summary ©
The importance of following Prophet's teachings during testing and finding the right person is emphasized. The success of Islam in achieving goals and finding the right person is emphasized. The importance of history and living in a busy city is also discussed. The use of technology and the Quran for guidance and understanding the meaning of words is emphasized. The importance of water in the desert and the need for guidance on what to expect in the future is also emphasized. The use of "has been" in court proceedings and the importance of reading and writing the Quran for guidance is also discussed. The segment concludes with a brief advertisement for a book and a tour of a former location.
AI: Transcript ©
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When I will be learning to read and phocoena alameen sejati

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Marlena, Maya de la de la la Who am I you do for la ha de la? When

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a shadow Hola Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola Sharika wanna shadow

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Ana Mohammed and Abdo Rasul salatu Rabine or Salam wa alayhi wa ali

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he was happy woman da vida what to heal our

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brothers and sisters in Islam Salam aleikum, wa Rahmatullah

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heeta Allah Baraka

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it's nice to see some people here I mean in the cold in Masha Allah

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may Allah reward you abundantly for the sacrifice of making.

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For the deen of Allah Spano, Tala. Now the topic for today was to

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base on the Quran and Sunnah. So this may be quite a different

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experience for all of us. In that, we are not going to put him on the

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shelf you Abu Hanifa we are humble.

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In others scholars, we're just going to quote the Navy Alice had

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to Salam and the Quran wherever it is applicable if

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a man came to the Prophet allah sallallahu, alayhi salatu salam

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they said was a bit of an RRBs bed.

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And he said, doesn't

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matter sat here.

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But the SA a sa, we all know a Timex watch. What else does it

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When is the day, the hour?

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Meaning the last hour?

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When is the last hour?

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Now nobody could have given you an answer. And worked out something

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to say to this man, then the Prophet salaallah alayhi salatu

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salam. So what did the Prophet say to

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the Prophet stating, why do you ask the question? I don't know.

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The Prophet say to him.

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Let's see what the Prophet said to

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the Prophet SAW Selim replied to him by asking him a question.

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Poverty to mA that

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law, what did you

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prepare for it?

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What did you prepare for it?

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So it's not about when, when?

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Or how it is about, what did I prepare for it?

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And I will give you I was always that man, I would have said, well,

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I met salah I done this, I do this. I do.

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He said none of those needs he didn't know.

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What I was What did he say?

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He said,

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below here are a small

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segment of Ask him, what did you prepare for the last hour for the

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Day of Judgment? But he did say, he said, Hubble's law here we're

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assuming the love of Allah and His messenger

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he didn't say

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three times was in Makkah five times are still live, I could go

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to the masjid every day.

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He said I have prepared for the akhira and my preparation contains

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two things. One is love for the prophets of Allah. And the other

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is one is love for Allah subhanaw taala and the other is love for

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Muhammad Salah.

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So what is the Prophet replied to him with a short conversation?

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That's a big question. But, you know, if somebody should ask them,

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What is it you know, look at Pakistan, look at the floods, you

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know, I looked at it the other day, somebody sent me a clip, you

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know, I, I was nervous and shocked in my life. And so this was

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and if you've seen the clip of the water, how it just, you know, it

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comes down like mother rivers like triple rivers, and it just

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it just demolish the house on the side. And at the end is this river

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going and in the middle of the river, this is big black

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house of water that is stuck in the middle of this river and the

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river is going around it

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and I thought I thought I said that city I sent the responses to

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my children, I send it to them and I say to them, so what is and what

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did they do that allows for Hamilton has put this

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what is the Pakistan is due for this kind of this kind of test?

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The test of new hypothesis.

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This is the same test is no answer, sir what

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Do they do?

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And I say to my children look up Surah Noah don't read surah this

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time you read it, really to understand what it says and why

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Allah was part of that sent the delusion or the flood.

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Immerse the whole world. And we always say, you know, what do we

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say? Uh huh, you know, it's the weather changes, and this and what

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else? What else do we say? What are the common words that we use,

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climate change, climate change, nobody says Hola, of another

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single person tend to be

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climate change.

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Climate change by itself, climate has a climate has been created by

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someone and changed by someone. Allah is One Who created the

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climate. And Allah subhanaw taala is changing the climate. And this

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is what we see and allows for heavily uses this to warn us of

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the South to warn us of the South. And I always think you know, why

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are we to Africa, we don't have these things are we waiting for?

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Is there something is waiting for us also, should we prepare as

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Muslims particularly for that time? Should we change our

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behavior? Should we change our love for Muhammad Salah and for

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love for Allah?

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And how do we love Allah? How do we love the Prophet salallahu

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Alaihe Salam, what does he do? What is how do you go about

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love Allah is integrated, put salah and the Prophet you love the

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prophets ourself?

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Listen, that's minus 50% of what you require minus 50% you haven't

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yet started on the first rung of the ladder.

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Allah Subhana Allah says,

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and we know that

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love for the Prophet is what you call me embrace him. You can't see

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him. So how do you love him? Even if he says Tell him and you love

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your children or grandchildren? I love them. I hug them and kiss

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them. You know, they love me I kiss I tell I love my children and

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so on your eyes and you say that

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from Joshua, what do you like to eat? This is who I love this, this

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says and he really needs it because you can see these letters

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already gaining weight from thinking just about the food.

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allow us to handle the answers in

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our last argument says,

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talking about this man's love. Allah says come to and what what

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surah is this sort either Imran verse number 31 Allah and Ron

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verse number 31 What does Allah say? In good to a bone Allah

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attenzione Sahaba used to say Oh, I would love you to say come to

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and say oh we love you courses and they really loved him and they

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truly love

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what does Allah say to them? Despite the fact that they are

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immersed in the love of God Salah What is Allah told him, Allah says

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if you say that you love me, Allah directs the love of Allah Tala by

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himself. He says to the Sahaba to us if you say that you love me,

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factory only Allah says when it says Allah tell them if you say

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you love me

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then follow

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this is not just follow me means follow me. You know if you follow

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whatever people follow on

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on the internet or whatever they say, ya know, we follow that

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person and so on. So on YouTube, you know, we love his lectures,

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you know, listen to all his lectures, etc, etc, etc.

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So suddenly Allah's father says to the Sahaba to us, follow me.

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Follow me.

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What does it mean? Follow me? What am I mean?

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Tell them to follow you.

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To follow him, in his words,

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in his definition, in his sunnah

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to follow memesan in everything he did, and not to follow anything

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which he didn't do.

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Not to follow anything which he did not do, obviously, that's what

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it means. That's what it means. It means you should follow him in

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everything he did. And everything he did, was, who commanded him to

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do it allows, so when you follow Him and your ability, you'll be

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done to who knows.

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And if you disobey Him or you overlook,

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you know, this, this is what I do, and this is what I think I should

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do. And this may be better at make it more rewarding to do this.

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Because if a prophet did it three times, I'm going to do it

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because I have time to do it 30 times. But the prophet only did

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It'll be done.

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Or this thing I'm doing is do our can be wrong with this lm t. What

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is wrong with it?

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I put Salawat. Maybe I put it in the last panel.

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What is wrong with the Prophet? No, then there's not wrong with it

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because not

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if you invent things that you think is better to do, than what

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the prophet commanded, that is appropriate,

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because he was the ultimate example.

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He was the ultimate example

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was Swatara.

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I use the wrong word allows the user to connect with Allah says he

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was the best example.

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He wants to listen to how can I ever deviate from following?

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When he was the best example?

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When are we very proud of our children we love

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when they do

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when they listen.

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Not to achievement. So humans can go that way. And achievements can

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And achievements can go.

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He was the best example. So when do we love our children? When they

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follow what we say?

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When you ask him to do something, we're the most proud has been in

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the news, will that ask you for anything?

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If I asked him to come now it comes down, not three days later,

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to ask him for 15. And he said, he doesn't say what I'm saying. What

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don't ask him for 5000.

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I mean, he'll say yes, but you say did you I didn't if I didn't, why

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didn't you say to me if

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so that's a practical example of us being happy with our children.

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They do what we ask them to do, and they follow and they follow

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what we teach them.

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But who knows what will happen if you do it? What will happen? If

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you do what Allah says Follow the habits of Salah what will happen

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if you are obedient to your parents? There's also been some

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sense you obedience from the parent

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mentioned in the Quran.

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Be kind to them.

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But Allah say what you're doing in going to take bone Allah Azza wa

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oni you'll be Bakula.

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I tried to find this form of buhbuh buhbuh double A double VAT

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you'll be double bar has got only one his love means love.

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Or hate moving.

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But we say why book a book? I don't say baby

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can I say I don't know it's a double wide hallway is why I'm

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still searching for that. I don't know that. I tried this morning. I

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couldn't find

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in Kentucky right Gunilla factor be only your

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Allah says

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You follow? Muhammad says Allah, Allah will love you.

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90% of the people will hate you. But Allah will love you. What do

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you want?

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Follow the Sunnah.

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Nobody loves you.

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you follow Muhammad, Allah says,

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Phil Oh, you the problem wasn't loved by his own people. People

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are gonna love you

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Allah, Allah doesn't really say he's gonna love you. Allah says,

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Well, Phil,

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forgive all your sins.

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We will not have given to where somebody's is, oh, that man is a

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pious man. Or that man is this. Look at him, you know, looks like

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a pious. Maybe he's a very pious

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but Allah doesn't say anywhere in the Quran.

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Allah says

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in the Quran, you must follow this man. No, no, no, unless you only

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follow one man.

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If you have another man you in trouble.

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If you have another manufacturer, right big trouble, in trouble with

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with a loss.

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Yeah, maybe Kamala

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Khan. Allah says, Give all your sins because that's why people

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follow that undemanding because other men promises the most

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agenda. He promises him also you can follow me.

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Definitely I will send you

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Walla Walla. Allah emphasise Allah says wala would also Rahim Allah

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is the most powerful forgiving and the Most Merciful don't bring me

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any other person there's no other person

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that's more forgiving

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and more merciful than Allah

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to get this this door here we have to get right if we don't get it

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right we don't get nothing right

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what is the opposite

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of following Muhammad

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Arabia's Parliament

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He was a famous

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hola Nerissa Selim says

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there will come a time

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there will come a time

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when this deal will again become a very

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with me it becomes strange

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comes to

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some of today's topic I wrote the topic

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they are more based on the Quran itself

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how will my background being Shafi now? What does he mean?

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What does it mean?

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They are more based on

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what about the Madonna him What about all the other great

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scholars? Look you can you compare to the Quran?

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No. Right. So, the Prophet SAW Selim said

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this Daniel becomes strange

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but arriba was

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the start this didn't start the trend started strange.

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It will again become switch

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and then it'll be sell Samsung and glad tidings to the strangers.

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Glad tidings to the strangest times people say

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revert of that stranger stage.

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When the Prophet came and said lai lai Lama Pakka, the very

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intelligent people who were leaders of the Arabian Peninsula,

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which is a very strange philosophy, this management, we

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don't understand.

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today, I wouldn't, I'm going to

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put what I said

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in the

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based on the Quran, first of all

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when I say based on the Quran, sunnah met follow who follow

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And what did Muhammad wa salam follow? If

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it only has, you know, other books, have a library full of

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books. Now look at it that I think should just get rid of all of and

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just keep all the books on the Quran.

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But of course, one needs to go through a process before you get

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to a result

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I want to put into perspective why I said in terms of Quran sunnah.

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Imam Shafi

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all the 40 mobs Shafi, you came first hanifin Mobile Hanifa who

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came second, Eva Malik, Indiana's even Abu Hanifa was Where Where

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was he? He was in Iraq.

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Mr. Malik was where,

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say, I'm

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gonna punish you

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by the grace

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he was, it was amazing ex colleagues, I suppose. Hanifa

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Shafi, where did he come from?

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He came whenever we did they come from we was we were doing we were

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busy board we will see what was his own territory.

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He was injured. today. We say it's too loosely but he that say that's

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where he will go.

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And finally,

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where was he based? Where was he born?

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That era

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Iraq. Okay, so they will quite spread over him list.

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Let's see when they lived. Let's look at when they lived in which

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area did they live in?

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Imam now, he was born in 80 after the heater

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80 years after the death of Mohamed Salah Salem he was born.

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Where was he born?

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He was a cufon. You came from Kufa in Iraq.

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Anybody know anything about Kufa historically?

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It was, but what was the most important part?

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It was Alice capital. Yes, yes, correct. Correct. But Kufa was

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built at the instructions are formidable. There was no

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claim on that he built it.

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that was the bar cost. And so all these colors used to levitate

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towards Kufa. But let the rest is part of our discussion. We're not

00:21:11 --> 00:21:14

doing history today. And he died.

00:21:15 --> 00:21:16

How many years do you think you live?

00:21:22 --> 00:21:24

You live 40 years, for 40 years.

00:21:27 --> 00:21:31

You achieve what all of us in the budget, baby in the whole world

00:21:31 --> 00:21:37

didn't achieve in eight years. 14 years you can believe it. But 14

00:21:37 --> 00:21:38

years he was a child.

00:21:39 --> 00:21:42

So maybe Mercedes was a child for six years or five years. That

00:21:42 --> 00:21:44

means your next 35 years

00:21:45 --> 00:21:47

he had such an impact on the world.

00:21:49 --> 00:21:54

So much of the Empires enforced only his Muslim empires like which

00:21:54 --> 00:21:57

Empire only enforced which empires

00:21:58 --> 00:22:01

which empires only said no other mothers in this empire

00:22:03 --> 00:22:07

didn't say no, they just enforced the Hanafi model which is which

00:22:08 --> 00:22:09

the last thing which is

00:22:15 --> 00:22:17

particle, the Turkish

00:22:19 --> 00:22:21

in Arabic known as the ottoman, ultimately

00:22:23 --> 00:22:27

they will have Hanafis Hanafy and

00:22:29 --> 00:22:30

pure unadulterated

00:22:33 --> 00:22:36

and as a mnemonic was born 93 of the Hegira

00:22:38 --> 00:22:43

he died in 179 he became an old man 86 years old, Mashallah.

00:22:45 --> 00:22:48

Number three, Abu Abdullah, Mohammed Idris, Ashanti, he was

00:22:48 --> 00:22:49

born in

00:22:51 --> 00:22:54

150. So, is where does it start at

00:22:55 --> 00:23:00

first since at a while he was born 150 and he died in 204. So, he was

00:23:00 --> 00:23:04

54 years old, also achieved Subhanallah I mean, I read these

00:23:04 --> 00:23:09

books, I still read his I love his books, I love to read his books.

00:23:10 --> 00:23:14

But he was very it was very detailed, very detailed in

00:23:15 --> 00:23:16

extreme detail.

00:23:19 --> 00:23:21

So first of all, he was ventually died way

00:23:22 --> 00:23:24

in Canada, in Egypt.

00:23:26 --> 00:23:29

Then there was Hamid Hamburg

00:23:31 --> 00:23:37

he was born in 164 and died in 241. So you were 77. So the eldest

00:23:37 --> 00:23:40

of them the longest living there was 86 years.

00:23:42 --> 00:23:46

Now just remember two dates at that was when Imam Shafi was

00:23:48 --> 00:23:53

when he was at after dinner, what Chef was what on that? What was

00:23:53 --> 00:23:55

what happened now know about honey?

00:23:56 --> 00:23:57

He was born

00:23:58 --> 00:24:02

and the last of them died in 241, which is who?

00:24:04 --> 00:24:05

So they lived.

00:24:07 --> 00:24:10

The four Imams lived between 80 and

00:24:12 --> 00:24:13


00:24:14 --> 00:24:14

How many so?

00:24:18 --> 00:24:21

I wanted to do the calculation session right to ask you students

00:24:21 --> 00:24:21

to tell exactly what

00:24:25 --> 00:24:30

1111 61 So in 161 years,

00:24:31 --> 00:24:35

these four brilliant men of faith came on the scene.

00:24:37 --> 00:24:41

So it was an intense how many 61 years

00:24:42 --> 00:24:48

161 Intense 161 years of of with the best men around

00:24:50 --> 00:24:51

be concentrated on

00:24:52 --> 00:24:54

now let's go to the six men of

00:24:57 --> 00:24:57


00:24:59 --> 00:24:59

six of Hadith

00:25:00 --> 00:25:02

So who were they the first one was

00:25:05 --> 00:25:11

was Al Imam Al Bukhari and they will not get the word go checks or

00:25:11 --> 00:25:14

Bolinas or precedents

00:25:16 --> 00:25:17

whatever we call

00:25:18 --> 00:25:22

the highest form of respect and the highest form of people have

00:25:22 --> 00:25:23

monitors called

00:25:24 --> 00:25:25


00:25:26 --> 00:25:31

Imam Abu. Today if you call him an imam in Cape Town excuse me I'm

00:25:31 --> 00:25:35

not taking my Maulana yesterday wasn't gonna meet him memorials in

00:25:35 --> 00:25:35


00:25:38 --> 00:25:41

Then titles didn't exist. It's a new modern title.

00:25:43 --> 00:25:48

Anyway, so Buhari was tombola he was born. So when did the four

00:25:48 --> 00:25:51

Imams love between reached the end which here I'm going to remember

00:25:51 --> 00:25:53

that at end

00:25:54 --> 00:26:01

241 80 and 241 Okay, so you have that's a 480 between 80 After the

00:26:01 --> 00:26:05

Internet to 241 after it. Now we start at 194

00:26:08 --> 00:26:12

You already you already noticed something

00:26:17 --> 00:26:20

overlap overlap. So how old was Imam

00:26:24 --> 00:26:25

when Imam

00:26:27 --> 00:26:28

Abu Hanifa died

00:26:29 --> 00:26:34

in Abu Hanifa died 120 After the heater animal Buhari was born 194

00:26:34 --> 00:26:35


00:26:38 --> 00:26:39

so which means there was an

00:26:41 --> 00:26:41


00:26:43 --> 00:26:47

In other words, the people of Hadith the greatest people had he

00:26:47 --> 00:26:50

didn't live came after the grades people have.

00:26:52 --> 00:26:57

So which means Imam Shafi Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Malik Imam

00:26:58 --> 00:27:00

did not have what we had.

00:27:02 --> 00:27:03

Did not

00:27:05 --> 00:27:08

this is a book they could never This is a book this book is called

00:27:09 --> 00:27:10

a low blow on by

00:27:12 --> 00:27:17

FEMA tuffa Kalisha al Bukhari Muslim. This book is called Big

00:27:17 --> 00:27:22

poles in small polls. What is this about? Big closes small polls is

00:27:22 --> 00:27:28

what Imam Al Bukhari and Muslim agreed upon all the Hadith the two

00:27:28 --> 00:27:30

of them agreed upon is in this book.

00:27:31 --> 00:27:35

Imagine that this the most authentic hadith in the world that

00:27:35 --> 00:27:39

all Muslims recognize. And I'm not even saying certain things

00:27:42 --> 00:27:43

they were the greatest.

00:27:45 --> 00:27:48

And this is the best book I think this book was only printed

00:27:49 --> 00:27:50

and done

00:27:52 --> 00:27:52


00:27:55 --> 00:28:01

2002 2000 If you look at when they live

00:28:03 --> 00:28:07

if you look at when Buhari law 194 And the Messiah was a Muslim was

00:28:07 --> 00:28:12

born into our to 206 only harmony is late in the day in this book.

00:28:15 --> 00:28:16

So even Buhari

00:28:17 --> 00:28:23

was born 194 di 256. He was 62 years old, young men, I mean in

00:28:23 --> 00:28:27

terms of how we look at ourselves, it's a Muslim, a Muslim was born

00:28:28 --> 00:28:29


00:28:30 --> 00:28:35

to 206, sorry, to 261 He was only 55 years old. And he achieved more

00:28:35 --> 00:28:36


00:28:39 --> 00:28:42

because there's something to build. Foundation was there. So

00:28:42 --> 00:28:45

you just have to build a house. So you could achieve more. And then

00:28:45 --> 00:28:48

we come to the third one. And NASA

00:28:49 --> 00:28:55

was born to 15 and died 303 He lived for 88 years. It's always

00:28:55 --> 00:28:58

one of them will live for 28 years. No

00:28:59 --> 00:29:05

86 years, 88 years. Then we go on to Buddhahood 2002 to 275 73

00:29:05 --> 00:29:14

years. We do this quickly. Tell me the 2092279 Exactly 70 years, even

00:29:14 --> 00:29:18

the merger 209 to 273 64.

00:29:22 --> 00:29:29

So the last of the six died in 273. His name was a pretty much

00:29:30 --> 00:29:34

the first one of the six letters board was on Buhari 194 So we have

00:29:34 --> 00:29:40

a period of 206 to 273 How long was that period

00:29:45 --> 00:29:45

Wait a minute

00:29:51 --> 00:29:53

an OSI di 303.

00:29:54 --> 00:29:59

That was the longest living so it's between 194 and 303. How long

00:29:59 --> 00:29:59

was that period?

00:30:04 --> 00:30:05

Do under

00:30:08 --> 00:30:14

nine 109 109 All right, the top one was more or less the same 120

00:30:14 --> 00:30:14


00:30:17 --> 00:30:22

the top one all right. So, we can see now that

00:30:24 --> 00:30:27

the Alama or figure I will repeat this did not

00:30:28 --> 00:30:33

have the privilege of the books of Hadith or the Hadith Imam Shafi

00:30:33 --> 00:30:36

had to go look for it to find somebody who knew that

00:30:37 --> 00:30:41

you had to walk somewhere to find the Hadith says Abu Hanifa and

00:30:41 --> 00:30:42

same with others.

00:30:48 --> 00:30:51

Now, we come to a modern day scholar. So that puts into

00:30:51 --> 00:30:56

perspective. What does it tell us? It tells us we are now in

00:30:56 --> 00:31:01

2010 2000.

00:31:03 --> 00:31:05

So, at are we going to do this?

00:31:07 --> 00:31:08


00:31:09 --> 00:31:11

it's more than more than 1000 years ago, I think that these

00:31:11 --> 00:31:16

people live more than 1000 years ago. So we have accumulated

00:31:17 --> 00:31:22

another set more plus minus 1000 years of knowledge books.

00:31:23 --> 00:31:24

So many books I mean,

00:31:25 --> 00:31:29

hundreds of 1000s of books have been written on Islam on hadith of

00:31:29 --> 00:31:30


00:31:33 --> 00:31:37

and I was asked myself the question, if Imam Shafi Abu Hanifa

00:31:37 --> 00:31:38

had this book, just this one book

00:31:40 --> 00:31:44

was the mother of Salah been the same? For example, if I presented

00:31:44 --> 00:31:48

Imam Shafi today, and I said to him, Sir, this hadith was narrated

00:31:48 --> 00:31:49

both party

00:31:51 --> 00:31:52

to accept the site of course,

00:31:53 --> 00:31:57

course he would say, why because it existed his time.

00:31:58 --> 00:32:02

The knowledge we have is always in terms of the hadith is complete.

00:32:03 --> 00:32:07

They know about semi Hadith, somewhere in somebody's draw some

00:32:07 --> 00:32:11

displays or somebody's library, we have we have it all.

00:32:13 --> 00:32:19

That publication of six. So we have found mama Shafi and because

00:32:19 --> 00:32:21

we know more, somebody out to

00:32:23 --> 00:32:23


00:32:24 --> 00:32:27

I already feel out of place, sometimes with a little knowledge.

00:32:27 --> 00:32:30

When I speak to the youngsters and they, they they use technology

00:32:30 --> 00:32:32

that I've no idea what it means.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:36

But that's fine.

00:32:39 --> 00:32:42

So what do we have? So what what do we want what should we do know?

00:32:44 --> 00:32:49

We should confine ourselves, we should reach out and readable. But

00:32:49 --> 00:32:50

what way should we go for five

00:32:52 --> 00:32:53

must go.

00:32:54 --> 00:32:58

We have no choice. We have to go. And even if it wasn't we still

00:32:58 --> 00:33:03

have to go to hadith of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

00:33:06 --> 00:33:07

All right.

00:33:10 --> 00:33:11


00:33:13 --> 00:33:18

Imam Shafi says if you find a hadith which is contrary to my

00:33:18 --> 00:33:21

mother Humpin, then you take the Hadith in this

00:33:23 --> 00:33:28

in this take my view that I had throw it against the way

00:33:30 --> 00:33:34

and take so what we're going to do is is to follow them all of them

00:33:34 --> 00:33:38

said exactly the same way. Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Shafi the author

00:33:39 --> 00:33:43

had to save it like I would say to you if this was authentic hadith

00:33:43 --> 00:33:46

or divided through the way if they say there's

00:33:48 --> 00:33:51

an icy contemplate declare me that

00:33:52 --> 00:33:57

declare me because only need sane men will have opinion above the

00:33:58 --> 00:34:02

the what Allah said a good Mohamed Salah Patsy Ali Salam

00:34:07 --> 00:34:10

I'm not gonna have enough time for this to fully today but

00:34:12 --> 00:34:13

Alright, so this is

00:34:16 --> 00:34:19

the kind of new few new things that the old people with gray like

00:34:19 --> 00:34:19

me melawati

00:34:21 --> 00:34:22

But I can tell you

00:34:23 --> 00:34:26

to base your knowledge in the Quran and Sunnah makes life so

00:34:26 --> 00:34:27

much simpler

00:34:30 --> 00:34:34

to follow the Quran and Sunnah because it cuts out 70% of the

00:34:34 --> 00:34:35


00:34:38 --> 00:34:43

and I always say this, because this Quran and Sunnah is not for

00:34:43 --> 00:34:44

people who studied UCT

00:34:46 --> 00:34:49

this Quran and Sunnah is meant for the majority of people in the

00:34:49 --> 00:34:50

world can't even read and write.

00:34:58 --> 00:35:00

Call Allah Allah

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

organization. This is firstly, firstly

00:35:09 --> 00:35:14

we're going to model or other suffering Oh ah didn't mean come

00:35:14 --> 00:35:21

when hola hola Mustonen Lisa falam taggi Duma for the animal side and

00:35:21 --> 00:35:25

the Yerba from the OB will do eco ad come meet

00:35:26 --> 00:35:29

this is a very very important subject subject

00:35:30 --> 00:35:33

because as * knows that I know or * they know all the great

00:35:33 --> 00:35:36

people we have to give

00:35:39 --> 00:35:39

Are you down?

00:35:41 --> 00:35:42

I'm a bucket and

00:35:45 --> 00:35:48

he's been he's probably one of the oldest students that I can

00:35:48 --> 00:35:50

remember. I think I was probably

00:35:54 --> 00:35:56

I just came back from Cairo.

00:35:58 --> 00:36:04

So, for more than 50 years, 150 years, you're gonna wait for me

00:36:04 --> 00:36:08

sometimes, because I was too strict. But then you came back,

00:36:08 --> 00:36:10

I'm just not

00:36:14 --> 00:36:14


00:36:18 --> 00:36:22

so, what is the Quran says and all of you will use it sometime in

00:36:22 --> 00:36:24

your life, all of all.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:30

Everyone, every one of us, we may have a patch on our hand and we

00:36:30 --> 00:36:33

may have we seek a high fever

00:36:34 --> 00:36:39

you know, difficult to pick up Das. Because what is the Quran

00:36:39 --> 00:36:43

second to Marga Allah says they must listen very carefully because

00:36:43 --> 00:36:45

this is not Imam Shafi rotis

00:36:46 --> 00:36:49

in quantum and I'm not saying anything only mug shots where the

00:36:49 --> 00:36:54

mug shot was a very detailed man in his explanations that he gave

00:36:56 --> 00:37:02

because he had to he was at a price mind. There wasn't much. So

00:37:02 --> 00:37:06

we had to apply his mind to a lot for the for the maps. That's why

00:37:06 --> 00:37:09

there was that's why they were that's why they've considered too

00:37:09 --> 00:37:13

great because their minds were so great. They applied and extracted

00:37:13 --> 00:37:16

from the Quran and Sunnah. But nobody else can do.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:21

So Allah says we're in control if you are ill, Allah says, Oh Allah

00:37:21 --> 00:37:26

suffering or you are traveling. Oh Jah don't mean coming alive or one

00:37:26 --> 00:37:28

of you comes from the toilet

00:37:29 --> 00:37:33

all must do on me sir. Or one of you have touched the lady. And

00:37:33 --> 00:37:38

yeah, the interpretation is love la masa either means to have

00:37:38 --> 00:37:42

relationship with that person. Your wife, oh, it means touching a

00:37:42 --> 00:37:47

strange person. Some some interpreted as touching Imam Shafi

00:37:47 --> 00:37:48

says in touch a strange woman

00:37:50 --> 00:37:54

you must take hold and if there's no water, there must take them in

00:37:54 --> 00:37:57

Abu Hanifa says, no, no, you can touch the secretary you don't have

00:37:57 --> 00:37:57

to take

00:38:00 --> 00:38:02

but we'll see what the prophets

00:38:03 --> 00:38:08

and he says that's what it means. But honey for this No, I interpret

00:38:09 --> 00:38:11

and both interpretations. Correct.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:18

Oh, la masa for number 32. Man. So if you're sick, or you're in

00:38:18 --> 00:38:21

trouble, or you've come from the toilet, or you've touched a

00:38:21 --> 00:38:26

stranger, or you've had sexual relations with your wife falam

00:38:26 --> 00:38:28

taggi. DuVall and you'll find no water.

00:38:30 --> 00:38:36

What does Allah say? To say it with me? So say, and you find no

00:38:36 --> 00:38:36


00:38:38 --> 00:38:41

What does that mean? Anyway? Just quickly, there is no water. Wait.

00:38:43 --> 00:38:47

No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, would you say Allah is meaning to

00:38:47 --> 00:38:50

say? If Allah says there is no water?

00:38:53 --> 00:38:54


00:38:55 --> 00:38:58

is in the Disney movie? No. This is not for the desert. This is for

00:38:58 --> 00:39:03

people who live in, in, in, in, in Toronto and in Canada. In London.

00:39:04 --> 00:39:09

This has been for everybody falam Teddy Duma. And he doesn't find a

00:39:10 --> 00:39:10


00:39:13 --> 00:39:16

out if you're in that house and insert house

00:39:18 --> 00:39:19

wherever you

00:39:24 --> 00:39:27

want I'm telling you to mine. He doesn't say well, so it means

00:39:27 --> 00:39:28

wherever you are.

00:39:30 --> 00:39:32

And for whatever reason, there's no water.

00:39:33 --> 00:39:34

Does Allah say I was gonna look for whatever

00:39:37 --> 00:39:38

No, no, no.

00:39:39 --> 00:39:42

No, I'm not just says Falun. Gong fine working.

00:39:44 --> 00:39:48

Inside your household has been shut off. But you go outside, you

00:39:48 --> 00:39:48


00:39:51 --> 00:39:55

there's no water. If you're in the desert, and you're looking at you

00:39:55 --> 00:39:59

look like there's no water there's no water. Don't walk three miles

00:39:59 --> 00:40:00

south until

00:40:00 --> 00:40:02

You must notify somebody the scholar said three months after

00:40:05 --> 00:40:06

the reason you taking

00:40:07 --> 00:40:10

the first place is not to what

00:40:12 --> 00:40:13

to make things difficult for you.

00:40:17 --> 00:40:19

So if you're going to add something to that which make

00:40:19 --> 00:40:20

something difficult to take

00:40:21 --> 00:40:22


00:40:23 --> 00:40:24


00:40:25 --> 00:40:29

he was looked forward to until the end of the week, and just before

00:40:29 --> 00:40:31

the end of the vlog, if you still can't find what they need, then

00:40:31 --> 00:40:32

you can take

00:40:34 --> 00:40:38

that was the interpretation. They may or may not ever get a hadith

00:40:38 --> 00:40:39

but we will come will get the Hadith

00:40:41 --> 00:40:44

because we need the Quran and Hadith see what Prophet SAW salem

00:40:44 --> 00:40:48

said. That's the final word on the interpretation of

00:40:49 --> 00:40:53

so Allah says, philanthropy to follow that you don't find what

00:40:55 --> 00:40:55

that is.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:00

Allah says he can take

00:41:01 --> 00:41:03

other words use whatever

00:41:05 --> 00:41:09

and allows him describes with what you must take a guess or what what

00:41:09 --> 00:41:11

you must take them side and

00:41:13 --> 00:41:14

goodwill good.

00:41:16 --> 00:41:21

We clean I listen to clean, Allah says good

00:41:25 --> 00:41:28

cause cleaned what for clean is thaw here. Allah says good.

00:41:32 --> 00:41:36

Now, you see, in fact Imam Shafi sticks with me now I will just

00:41:36 --> 00:41:38

have read what he said about this.

00:41:39 --> 00:41:43

What kind of earth it must be, it must be dust and the dust must sit

00:41:43 --> 00:41:47

on your hands. That's everything. But now what do we do? We say what

00:41:47 --> 00:41:52

Allah says and we only look at what Allah says. Allah says make

00:41:52 --> 00:41:54

Tamil with good Earth.

00:41:55 --> 00:41:59

I will explain what sorry that Miss light on farms who will be

00:41:59 --> 00:42:03

will do he come and Allah says rub your faces there with

00:42:04 --> 00:42:05

your hands

00:42:09 --> 00:42:10

Let's see your arms.

00:42:12 --> 00:42:13

What is

00:42:15 --> 00:42:18

your face his annual year

00:42:19 --> 00:42:24

from year to year, ad is plural from year to hear.

00:42:26 --> 00:42:27

From listeners I'm not saying

00:42:30 --> 00:42:31

ad Eastern.

00:42:33 --> 00:42:35

So Allah says Allah says

00:42:36 --> 00:42:41

love your faces. And we will get to know how we should do.

00:42:44 --> 00:42:45


00:42:47 --> 00:42:47

any questions

00:42:55 --> 00:42:57

it's not going to guess he left to go look it up.

00:42:58 --> 00:42:59


00:43:02 --> 00:43:03

I'm gonna stop spoiling.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:06

But now you have a reasonable look at that verse.

00:43:08 --> 00:43:10

You have reason now? Don't look at the verse

00:43:13 --> 00:43:14

All right.

00:43:17 --> 00:43:21

So there's nothing in the Quran which is anything about Allah,

00:43:21 --> 00:43:24

Allah, Allah seeking for what? Looking for what?

00:43:35 --> 00:43:36

All right.

00:43:41 --> 00:43:45

So the absence of water does not include here's the

00:43:46 --> 00:43:47

thing about this.

00:43:49 --> 00:43:50

The name of this island is

00:43:52 --> 00:43:52

this island

00:43:54 --> 00:43:58

that wrote this book, this Alima wrote the original book, it took

00:43:58 --> 00:44:03

him he says, he worked on the original book for 14 years.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:08

For 14, now he wrote down intermediate portsalon

00:44:09 --> 00:44:13

They would only use the parameters and then you know this book.

00:44:15 --> 00:44:18

Allah, Allah road under the

00:44:19 --> 00:44:20


00:44:21 --> 00:44:25

So what does this mean? This means that it notes important goods on

00:44:25 --> 00:44:26

my books.

00:44:28 --> 00:44:31

So what he did was he went through his book was copied a number of

00:44:31 --> 00:44:35

volumes and read it again and looked at these mistakes and

00:44:35 --> 00:44:36

correct, rectified

00:44:38 --> 00:44:39

only a real

00:44:40 --> 00:44:44

a real scholar. He says, You know, I said that year ago, or the day

00:44:44 --> 00:44:47

No, that was wrong, you know, and I corrected it and I'm correcting

00:44:47 --> 00:44:48

for you.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:50

All right.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

I'm trying to remember what I did.

00:45:03 --> 00:45:04


00:45:13 --> 00:45:14

Walker Walker aminu.

00:45:16 --> 00:45:17

Salallahu Alaihe. Salam

00:45:20 --> 00:45:25

he says what we have mentioned now about what the Quran says we'll

00:45:25 --> 00:45:27

also find in the hadith is going to be so long

00:45:30 --> 00:45:32

for in no time

00:45:33 --> 00:45:36

Phil Medina t mean GRE

00:45:37 --> 00:45:43

comma on Tabatha Valley for Sally Haney bindoon and yes

00:45:46 --> 00:45:48

this album was named is

00:45:50 --> 00:45:51

is there is

00:45:54 --> 00:45:54

I was bad

00:45:56 --> 00:46:00

shape. And Alberni is the modern day

00:46:04 --> 00:46:05

he was born in

00:46:06 --> 00:46:09

Albania that is musical, Al Al Bundy

00:46:10 --> 00:46:11

and he died

00:46:14 --> 00:46:15

think he died in Lebanon,

00:46:17 --> 00:46:19

Lebanon, I made a note somewhere

00:46:20 --> 00:46:20


00:46:22 --> 00:46:23

too long ago.

00:46:26 --> 00:46:32

We didn't make a note to Albany 1999 He died 1999 And he was 85

00:46:32 --> 00:46:32

years old.

00:46:36 --> 00:46:39

He wasn't watchmaking. His father was a watchmaker that was in

00:46:39 --> 00:46:40


00:46:45 --> 00:46:50

See great scholars in order to efficient for themselves.

00:46:53 --> 00:46:53

He says

00:46:55 --> 00:46:56

that he's a lot.

00:46:59 --> 00:47:04

When you take time when we took the dancer gets a walk, did that?

00:47:06 --> 00:47:10

Yes, it was a it was a wall made of clay, but it was a wall. In

00:47:10 --> 00:47:15

other words, this is done for you by this earth, which Allah speaks

00:47:15 --> 00:47:18

about in the Quran is not only Earth which is flat. It is

00:47:18 --> 00:47:18

whatever comes

00:47:19 --> 00:47:24

out of the earth. Whatever is made from Earth and is above the

00:47:25 --> 00:47:25


00:47:29 --> 00:47:33

explained to you later why the last one doesn't mean doesn't use

00:47:33 --> 00:47:36

the word clean. Why clean is left out.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:40

All right. So let's look at the Sahel. Hi, this is

00:47:43 --> 00:47:47

what the Prophet SAW Selim says is the same as when Allah says not

00:47:48 --> 00:47:53

so we'll hear there's no visa and say that you must just

00:47:55 --> 00:47:57

wipe your face and your hands

00:47:59 --> 00:48:02

what is the net result? It's let's

00:48:04 --> 00:48:06

open the mystery book.

00:48:08 --> 00:48:12

Somebody must translate this beautiful book Sharla I have to

00:48:12 --> 00:48:12

live in Atlanta.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:15

Maybe I should start

00:48:21 --> 00:48:24

I'm you know I'm a model.

00:48:26 --> 00:48:26

I'm married

00:48:28 --> 00:48:28

by the calorific.

00:48:39 --> 00:48:41

Amen, came to Mr. Bill photolysis.

00:48:43 --> 00:48:46

And said to him in the jump to phenomenon

00:48:48 --> 00:48:54

he said I have had a dream and I don't find water to take over so.

00:48:58 --> 00:49:03

Sakala Amara ni se llama I think this was during a battle this was

00:49:03 --> 00:49:03

during travel

00:49:06 --> 00:49:10

for kala amar in the acidly Amara tub

00:49:12 --> 00:49:14

so a man say to a man with a tub while they want

00:49:18 --> 00:49:20

a man to make that call.

00:49:21 --> 00:49:26

And Akane if he's suffering what you say to him or do you remember

00:49:26 --> 00:49:28

the time when two of us will travel will also tell you

00:49:31 --> 00:49:31

what Amana

00:49:33 --> 00:49:37

to facilitate. As for me, I'm going to be I'm going to say as

00:49:37 --> 00:49:38

for me,

00:49:39 --> 00:49:42

I rolled myself in the dust.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:45


00:49:46 --> 00:49:49

because he thought I was like to take

00:49:50 --> 00:49:55

your time, you must, you must your whole body must be covered in dust

00:49:55 --> 00:49:59

because likely to What are you talking about? His so he had only

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59

himself in the dark?

00:50:00 --> 00:50:00

animate salah.

00:50:03 --> 00:50:07

Further currently there is Allah Allah Allah some so when we came

00:50:07 --> 00:50:08

back to Medina we asked Who

00:50:09 --> 00:50:10

Who did we ask?

00:50:13 --> 00:50:17

The most Beloved of Allah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salatu salam

00:50:19 --> 00:50:22

call and maybe you sell Allah and the Prophet replied the Prophet

00:50:22 --> 00:50:24

respond to what the Prophet said

00:50:25 --> 00:50:27

in an iconic peacock

00:50:31 --> 00:50:33

The Prophet said

00:50:36 --> 00:50:39

you should have done only what I'm going to show you now.

00:50:41 --> 00:50:46

You didn't explain to Amanda, you said to Amari, I'm going to show

00:50:46 --> 00:50:48

you what you should have done instead of

00:50:49 --> 00:50:54

rolling yourself in, in the in the sense or in the desert. In the

00:50:54 --> 00:50:55

desert we have a word

00:50:56 --> 00:50:59

for dollar Bernadine Salah Salem

00:51:00 --> 00:51:03

be cafe and we're never happy

00:51:08 --> 00:51:11

because there's knowledge we have to transfer to other people.

00:51:12 --> 00:51:16

So where is this hadith by woman who narrated the Saudi

00:51:18 --> 00:51:22

who have the bow of the one of the two six people two of the six

00:51:22 --> 00:51:23

people which to

00:51:24 --> 00:51:27

Buhari and what are they called? When we refer to them we say in

00:51:29 --> 00:51:32

Hadith if you hear the Imam says from remember

00:51:34 --> 00:51:35

that both Imam

00:51:37 --> 00:51:40

these two Imams have narrated the Hadith and the words it is

00:51:40 --> 00:51:45

absolutely Embree they can give account of every man from the

00:51:45 --> 00:51:47

prophet to them were narrated

00:51:49 --> 00:51:51

okay, it is called

00:51:53 --> 00:51:57

Hassan sahih hadith is called

00:51:58 --> 00:52:05

sound it's called Sound hottie the what what what we call changing

00:52:05 --> 00:52:09

changing of what we call it know what the what is the chain called?

00:52:11 --> 00:52:16

Is not the is not of the Hadith chain of hadith is absolutely we

00:52:16 --> 00:52:19

know every person we don't know they know not only knew every

00:52:19 --> 00:52:23

person, but they also knew his character. And what he did his

00:52:23 --> 00:52:27

whole life. He made autobio autobiographies on every single

00:52:27 --> 00:52:29

person that they use for writing.

00:52:31 --> 00:52:32


00:52:36 --> 00:52:40

America in the US he says the Prophet Baba

00:52:43 --> 00:52:45

he designs it didn't say well

00:52:47 --> 00:52:49

this could have been against the wall because this is one Medina in

00:52:49 --> 00:52:52

Medina we're never happy, but then he

00:52:53 --> 00:52:53

blew up

00:52:55 --> 00:52:59

the excess dust it may be nonsense, because the idea is not

00:52:59 --> 00:53:00

to dirty your face all your hands.

00:53:03 --> 00:53:08

So, you can put your hands in the sand in this direction. And and

00:53:09 --> 00:53:12

and just no no no no no. and say well Baraka

00:53:15 --> 00:53:19

that needs to change. You you all the excess that is on here. You

00:53:19 --> 00:53:20


00:53:21 --> 00:53:25

then what are you going to do what databases have been going through

00:53:25 --> 00:53:26


00:53:28 --> 00:53:30

Be Hema what you have

00:53:36 --> 00:53:38

decided is also highly so you can look it up

00:53:40 --> 00:53:46

in this hadith number two, chapter seven, chapter seven. They will

00:53:46 --> 00:53:47

find it on Google. You can Google it.

00:53:49 --> 00:53:54

You can just Google Amma Dibiase and in time,

00:53:55 --> 00:53:55

in fact,

00:53:56 --> 00:54:00

to Mombasa, then he said the Prophet Ron Bhima with his two

00:54:00 --> 00:54:02

ends like this, He rubbed his face

00:54:08 --> 00:54:09

and then what did you do?

00:54:10 --> 00:54:11

He rubbed his hands

00:54:15 --> 00:54:17

from year to year.

00:54:19 --> 00:54:21

My whole life I've read from year to year.

00:54:24 --> 00:54:24

The solid

00:54:26 --> 00:54:31

body which is somebody the man who wrote this GitHub on

00:54:32 --> 00:54:34

he says I will not take a week.

00:54:35 --> 00:54:41

No, no no no all the habits I will use to establish my proof will be

00:54:43 --> 00:54:44


00:54:45 --> 00:54:51

sahih Hadith sahih Hadith in certain levels. This book contains

00:54:51 --> 00:54:57

all the Hadith greeted by bang Buhari and Muslim and they all

00:54:57 --> 00:54:59


00:55:00 --> 00:55:02

There's no like little bit of there's a little bit of doubt on

00:55:02 --> 00:55:04

this man this little bit of data that

00:55:05 --> 00:55:06

this is

00:55:09 --> 00:55:12

basically like the official review board when I was a child

00:55:14 --> 00:55:18

you know you go to the barber shop you buy go buy fish by the central

00:55:18 --> 00:55:21

for two pennies of fish oil in

00:55:23 --> 00:55:24

the field of fish

00:55:29 --> 00:55:30

in the Atlantic

00:55:33 --> 00:55:34


00:55:40 --> 00:55:42

there's two Hadith dealing with this but I want to quote for you

00:55:42 --> 00:55:43

both Hadith

00:55:47 --> 00:55:47


00:55:52 --> 00:55:56

next hadith is by a be a Jew Haim Allah I'm sorry.

00:55:58 --> 00:56:00

And the Hadith goes as follows

00:56:02 --> 00:56:06

Abuja Akbar Allah Nabhi us on Allah Allah Salah me nahi Brittany

00:56:06 --> 00:56:10

Javelin for lochia who Rajan and for Salah

00:56:11 --> 00:56:15

This is our understanding this hadith goes that the NABI

00:56:15 --> 00:56:16

SallAllahu wasallam

00:56:17 --> 00:56:21

had come from the direction because man says prophet is coming

00:56:21 --> 00:56:25

from the direction of a well the wife of

00:56:26 --> 00:56:29

a well called the well of the cow

00:56:30 --> 00:56:33

name was given that was the name of Proverbs coming from the world

00:56:34 --> 00:56:35

coming towards him

00:56:37 --> 00:56:39

and he greeted to Nabi SallAllahu

00:56:41 --> 00:56:42

he greeted him

00:56:43 --> 00:56:44

for lumea

00:56:46 --> 00:56:47

the Prophet didn't respond to his

00:56:50 --> 00:56:51

let's find out why the process

00:56:52 --> 00:56:57

I'm going to tell you next week if there's nobody that I know none of

00:56:57 --> 00:56:59

you had done any research

00:57:00 --> 00:57:01

but I'm your

00:57:02 --> 00:57:06

profit board pastor I think you have to treat as follows

00:57:10 --> 00:57:11

Hector Akbar Allah Allah

00:57:13 --> 00:57:17

he says the Prophet walked until he came to the toy world there was

00:57:17 --> 00:57:17

a word

00:57:19 --> 00:57:23

for Master happy word God what were they then here

00:57:27 --> 00:57:31

and the world he ran his face one day

00:57:33 --> 00:57:34

and there are these

00:57:35 --> 00:57:36

two hands

00:57:37 --> 00:57:38

So Miranda

00:57:39 --> 00:57:45

then he responded and came and say to the men who aren't equals

00:57:48 --> 00:57:50

I know that one of the

00:57:54 --> 00:57:55

previous readings

00:57:56 --> 00:57:57

so next week

00:58:00 --> 00:58:01

No, no no.

00:58:03 --> 00:58:07

We busy with a with a hadith in the Quran to you and accompany you

00:58:10 --> 00:58:13

Okay, let's put that on the back burner

00:58:18 --> 00:58:19

because it's very important

00:58:21 --> 00:58:21

why would it be

00:58:24 --> 00:58:25


00:58:28 --> 00:58:29

if you linked up with

00:58:31 --> 00:58:31


00:58:35 --> 00:58:35

he came from

00:58:37 --> 00:58:39

but the well was probably either too deep or there was the water

00:58:39 --> 00:58:42

Yeah, I think those two things either DEP couldn't get the water

00:58:42 --> 00:58:43


00:58:44 --> 00:58:46

Oh, it was so it was dry

00:58:49 --> 00:58:50

so there was no water

00:58:52 --> 00:58:55

any other questions? You should take? Any questions

00:59:01 --> 00:59:03

Oh yeah. Before before before let me just

00:59:05 --> 00:59:05

read to you

00:59:16 --> 00:59:17

don't make us

00:59:23 --> 00:59:24


00:59:27 --> 00:59:29

don't ask question. Somebody want to ask a question.

00:59:32 --> 00:59:35

I thought um, don't ask questions. Okay, okay.

00:59:38 --> 00:59:41

New people must Please write your name on the list so we can send

00:59:41 --> 00:59:43

you notices for the lectures.

00:59:45 --> 00:59:46


00:59:48 --> 00:59:51

should I finish up 4434?

00:59:57 --> 00:59:58


01:00:00 --> 01:00:00

Yes, yes

01:00:03 --> 01:00:04

yes, yes.

01:00:05 --> 01:00:07

Yes, yes

01:00:10 --> 01:00:11

yes, yes

01:00:18 --> 01:00:21

yes, yes. Yes. Yes

01:00:25 --> 01:00:26

that is that instruction

01:00:28 --> 01:00:33

at the beginning of last one says hola Mustermann Lisa hola Mustonen

01:00:33 --> 01:00:34

Michelle means

01:00:37 --> 01:00:39

hola Monsieur Minister has two meanings one is that

01:00:41 --> 01:00:46

a person relations with his wife and there's no water so they

01:00:46 --> 01:00:49

thought and also at the bottom allows others his

01:00:54 --> 01:00:57

wage and hour mentioned in the in the verse you said at the bottom

01:00:57 --> 01:00:57

of the verse

01:00:59 --> 01:01:00

you use it

01:01:02 --> 01:01:03


01:01:13 --> 01:01:14

that's the first record.

01:01:15 --> 01:01:17

Duncan state is not in there

01:01:19 --> 01:01:20

oh okay

01:01:23 --> 01:01:29

No, no I understand chakra chakra so basin to La master Melissa

01:01:29 --> 01:01:30


01:01:31 --> 01:01:32

we say to speech

01:01:33 --> 01:01:38

No, no, no. I'll have to, you know, I'm not gonna say

01:01:41 --> 01:01:44

but we understand it. We understand that if you need to

01:01:44 --> 01:01:47

take a bath and there's no water where there's some tangible

01:01:47 --> 01:01:47

nothing else

01:01:48 --> 01:01:49

you can take

01:01:52 --> 01:01:57

your original interest alright. But I will explain what this what

01:01:57 --> 01:02:01

this concept of does actually means. How it is interpreted. What

01:02:01 --> 01:02:03

does it mean? Allah says side.

01:02:04 --> 01:02:08

Allah doesn't say Torah always is a specialty inside. So even inside

01:02:08 --> 01:02:10

means that you wish that which is above.

01:02:12 --> 01:02:16

So the earth covers the whole sand covers the whole earth. Whatever

01:02:16 --> 01:02:19

is above the Earth with a bead maybe it's a winter rock or

01:02:19 --> 01:02:24

mountain, a wall whatever is built from the earth is part of

01:02:28 --> 01:02:28

what our thinking

01:02:32 --> 01:02:35

was somebody wanted to ask the questions if you want to ask a

01:02:35 --> 01:02:36

question about

01:02:37 --> 01:02:41

last week. There's a lot of questions in my mind. What about

01:02:41 --> 01:02:44

last week that I wanted to talk about? Is there anything in

01:02:44 --> 01:02:48

particular that anyone here wants to ask me about about last week's

01:02:48 --> 01:02:51

lecture because last week's lecture also an important lecture

01:02:55 --> 01:02:55


01:02:59 --> 01:03:03

Subhanallah whom Oberheim Lika national Allah Allah is critical.

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