Nahela Morales – Is Islam Hard or Easy for New Muslims

Nahela Morales
AI: Summary ©
The difficulty of practicing Islam for new Muslims is discussed, including their journey to their conversion, conversion to their new religion, and the importance of educating family members. Prayerers are advised to take small small steps, dress modestly, and not try to break family ties. They stress the importance of not compromising on salon and praying in public, as it is the most important thing for them. The importance of finding a new job and setting goals for oneself is emphasized, and individuals are encouraged to practice praying and be mindful of their behavior.
AI: Transcript ©
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Let me show you that rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

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Subhanallah he will become the watershed to Allah ilaha illallah

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wa should do and Mohammad Rasool Allah Salam aleikum. Everyone, I'm

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going to give it a couple seconds

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to inshallah

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allow folks to jump on.

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And this way gives me a couple seconds to share out.

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So as you can see from the title today, we're going to be talking

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about how easy or hard is it for a new Muslim to practice this faith.

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And we're going to be talking about a few important points

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that speak about this subject. So just let's wait a couple seconds.

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So folks start connecting in sha Allah. And if you can share out

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that'd be great as well with Nila, then we can get

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more to benefit in sha Allah from this

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much needed conversation. So again, today we're going to be

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talking to to everyone because these topics actually align

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and they are important for both

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our convert community and also our born Muslims. So inshallah let's

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just give it a couple of seconds. So folks, have a minute to join

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Salam aleikum. Everyone, tell me where you're connecting from

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and how are you doing?

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I'm gonna be sharing this out sha Allah

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we're going to be starting in a few seconds inshallah.

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so as you can read from today's topic is how hard or easy is it

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for new Muslims, right.

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I think many of us don't think about it or kind of tend to

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forget. And so we're going to be talking about that today how we

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should not forget where we came from, and how easy or difficult

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our journeys have been.

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We also are going to talk about our responsibilities in sha Allah

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as an OMA to one another, which is very important. Because

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we are one right and we belong to the same

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to the same Amma of Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi salam. So just a

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couple more seconds and we'll dive in. Again, today we were will be

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talking to both our revert convert community as well as our born

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Muslims or community at large in sha Allah, our ummah. Today's

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topic is very important and dear to me. As many of you may or may

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not know, I'm actually a convert to Islam.

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I am from Mexican descent. So my ethnicity I was born in Mexico

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City. And so I converted a just a few months prior to 911. So I am

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going to take you a little bit through my journey and also I want

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you to, I'm going to be sharing a couple of deeds, where our beloved

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Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, you know, tells us exactly how we

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should be engaging with one another, both the new Muslims and

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our community at large, and as converts right as reverts as those

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who have been invited to this faith by our beloved

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a love by by by a law who has actually guided us and, and

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granted us that hedaya to actually

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make this our way of life. So

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with no further ado, let's, let's begin I want to begin with a very

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important Hadith

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where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam specifically

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right, we know that he was sent as as mercy to mankind. And we are

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also aware that Allah subhanaw taala wants ease for us and how do

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we know this? We know that Islam is a religion of ease and peace.

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And so in Sudan belcarra i a 185, Allah Subhana Allah says Allah

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intends for you ease and does

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not want to make things difficult for you. So oftentimes, we

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ourselves make things difficult. And the question today is, is

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practicing Islam easy or hard for a new Muslim,

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and we're going to be talking about a couple of things that

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inshallah we can

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both, again, the Born Muslims and our, our new converts, many of you

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may not or may know that when we enter the faith, it's really,

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really difficult for our families to accept this new way of life,

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right, because when we embrace Islam, a lot of changes come

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about, some are immediate, and some take some time. And so that's

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what I want to talk about today that our journey is ours. And we

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shouldn't rush into anything, just because anyone tells us. And what

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I mean by that is, you know, Islam came in a period of 23 years and

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13 of those years, Subhan Allah, you know, the Prophet saw some was

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talking to the people, not about the actual aspect or outer layers,

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but he focus mainly on the heart. And I think that's one of the

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disconnects that we have today, that we want to focus on the

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hijab, we want to focus on the beer, we want to focus on all

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these outer,

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you know, things while they're important, but the most important

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thing is to make sure that we don't break family ties. And

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that's why I want to start with family. Many, many of us, you

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know, have a very difficult time telling our family, as a matter of

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fact, subhanAllah

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I think I've mentioned this in the past, but my first trip to Mexico,

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was very difficult. At first I was wearing the hijab, and so it was

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very obvious. But secondly, you know, a lot of our family members

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don't understand. And they're ignorant. Just like once upon a

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time, we were ignorant of all of this new knowledge and this new

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practice. And so we can blame them for feeling the way they do. But

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we cannot break those ties, either, no matter how difficult it

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may be. And for some, it is more difficult than for others. And

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that's what this title is about. Right? So how difficult is it. So

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two things,

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a loved one's ease, and therefore he does not want difficulty. So

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we know our family members, we know where we come from, we know

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the dynamic within our family, we know what's acceptable and what's

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not. And so you want to act accordingly. One of the ways to do

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that is by showing the best character in best manners, when

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you are around them, and even when you're not, right, so when you're

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not. And, for example, if you did not call them often, now make it a

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habit to call them. And perhaps even when you see them, take small

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gifts, we're not talking to break the bank, but perhaps about a box

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of chocolate and slowly start educating your family with your

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behavior and your good manners and what Islam teaches us. So it's

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important that we don't break family ties. So that's number one.

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Don't make that difficult because Allah did that make that

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difficult. As a matter of fact, we have a responsibility with our

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families. And it is very important that we keep those ties.

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And I remember

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I remember one time you know, one of my cousin's did not understand

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the whole attire and she was very upset she was her her reaction was

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you're never going to be an Arab. That's really the whole take of

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it. Like she thought I was trying to pretend someone that I was not.

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And so all of that disconnect, you know, it takes time to educate our

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loved ones. And so take it easy baby steps, you know, learn who

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your Muhammara so if you're in a circle with only women, you know,

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you're already observing the hijab, you can feel free to take

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off the hijab that way you know you you don't become such a

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stranger to them. And so don't make things difficult. If you know

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it's your uncle's, your dad, your brothers, you don't have to wear

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your scarf. So you want to make things easy, easy in the sense of

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you know that you understand who you take off your scarf and who

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you don't. I mean, that's just a brief example.

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There are some

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changes, but don't make them drastic, right? It's a process,

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it's not a marathon, it's a journey, it's going to take some

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time. So try to take it easy with yourself. First and foremost, make

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sure that you are merciful and compassionate to yourself before

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anything else. And so do not try to implement things you have not

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even started learning, or do not allow anyone to tell you what to

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do. In the sense, if you're not ready, you can take advice, and

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you know, and say thank you to sokola hair. But if you're not

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ready for a certain things, such as the hijab, then you know, you

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just you just think whoever is giving you this advice, but you do

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it at your own pace, always with the intention of pleasing Allah

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subhanaw taala. Because that should be our end goal, our

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intention should be very clear that we are doing it for our

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creator for our maker and not for the people. And that alone makes

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it so much easier. Because, you know, we have this notion that we

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have to follow, the only one that we need to follow is the Sunnah of

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Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi, Salam and the Koran. So do take

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your time, don't try to do everything overnight.

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It's not going to happen, and you're gonna be in, you're going,

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you're only going to end up burning yourself and overwhelming

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yourself to the point where I have seen it, people end up saying,

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Okay, this is not for me, and, you know, they kind of walk away, or

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they get discouraged. And so make sure that you don't burden

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yourself, you take things slow, accordingly to whatever you're

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able to handle. Number two, which is very, very important, and I

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cannot stress this enough. Our salon, our salons should not be

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difficult. You know, we get reward, double reward or more

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reward. Because of our efforts. Allah knows exactly what we're

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capable of, and what we're able to do. And therefore, we want to make

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sure that again, we don't overburden ourselves, but we

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understand our obligations, right? So when we took that shahada when

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we said, I should do a lie ilaha illa, Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah,

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when we took that testimony of faith, we understood the five

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pillars of Islam and six articles of faith. And the second pillar of

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Islam is our salon, our prayer. And it's the first thing that

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Allah subhanho wa Taala will be asking us on the Day of Judgment,

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so it is extremely important. But don't make it difficult. I

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I remember early on, I used to have like little pads, and I used

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to put them on the floor, there was a time where I would write it

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in my hand, try to do also at your own pace, make sure that you

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memorize it, my biggest advice to you would be to memorize it first

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in English. That way, there's meaning when you learn it in

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Arabic. Why is that because you want to make sure there's a

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connection. And the connection is obviously through our through our

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language, right? If we are able to comprehend to understand we will

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also be able to implement. And so, you know, our salon is extremely

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important. And that's something that we should never compromise.

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But take your time.

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Don't make things difficult. I know when I when I embrace Islam,

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one of the hardest things for me was praying in public. So instead

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of making things hard on yourself, make sure that if you're going out

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in sha Allah that you make your salon before you go out if you're

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still not comfortable praying in public, and that's okay. Work

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around your salon, your salons shouldn't be working around your

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You know, if you need to talk to your workplace, make sure that you

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do that initially when you after you embrace the slam. Or if it's a

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new job, make sure that you allocate this time so whether it's

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through breaks or your lunchtime, so you bring ease to that

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practice, right you you make sure that you're implementing it based

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on your schedule, and don't make it difficult right.

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But do not compromise your salon. Your salon is the most important

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thing that we need to make sure we're holding on to and this will

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be your place of refuge. Especially when times of trial

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when you know when you're going through any type of difficulty

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when you're being

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tested, you know, you have five times a day where you get to

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connect with your Creator. And so this is why it's so important to

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make sure you start implementing it almost immediately. I would

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say, if that day after your shahada, you take your shahada

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Maghrib make sure that you allocate time at Isha, and make

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sure that even if you're not praying that you, you, you put

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this space that you know, this is what's going to happen for the

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rest of your life. Right. So what I used to do when I, when I

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started praying is and I didn't know that prayer yet. And I was

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still looking, and it was still difficult for me, you know, I just

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allocated a space, a quiet space, a clean space, and it was a one on

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one kind of dialogue with my Creator. And as time progressed,

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and I started getting the resources, I mean, today, we have

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tons of resources Alhamdulillah, so that shouldn't be a problem.

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But back then resources were limited. And so I had to use

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whatever I had. And if it was that time, that time that I allocated

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in that space, it was just kind of meditation and my one on one

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talking until I started progressing in my Islam, and I

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learned my, my salon, and then I implemented so make sure that you

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focus. You know, don't make it hard on yourself, but make sure

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that you're not compromising anything or anyone during your

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time of salaat.

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Allah again, doesn't want difficulty he wants ease. And so

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if you're not ready to pray in public, that's okay. Eventually,

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we want to start gaining more knowledge. Inshallah you

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understand that. There's actually a beautiful Hadith where the

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prophet says Psalm says that the Earth is a masjid, which means

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that we can pray anywhere, right. And so once you start becoming

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more comfortable in doing this, it becomes a bit easier. Today, I can

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tell you that I've prayed in airports, I've prayed at the park,

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I've prayed aside by my car, as long as I feel safe. And that's

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also something to

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to be very mindful, about, about when you are doing your salon. In

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the past, I would pray side by side with my son when we were

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traveling, let's say at an airport, but today, I must admit

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that we actually prayed separate, to make sure that we're taking

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care of each other, but we still don't miss a lot. And we still

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feel comfortable praying in public. Now we just take the extra

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precaution. And that's what a law says ease, right? However, I feel

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ease at ease. And that's what I'm going to do.

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And don't make things difficult for yourself. Now, things begin to

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change and shift and you know, Islam is a way of life. It's not

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just a religion, it's not that we go to church only on Sundays, like

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perhaps some of us did, or once a once in a while when there was a

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wedding or a baptism. Islam is a way of life and therefore things

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change almost immediately. Two things right. Obviously, one of

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them is that we don't drink alcohol, and the other is that we

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don't need swine, we don't need pork. And so that's relatively

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easy in terms of staying away from from it. You want to work towards

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Inshallah, one day eating only Sabetha. Right? Because it's

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healthier, it's cleaner. But it's again, Allah doesn't want

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difficult from us. Therefore, the Quran tells us that we are able to

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eat from people from the book, what does that mean that we're

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able to eat kosher or,

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or meat if we don't have some behalf per se, but it's

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recommended that we work towards that. And the way I see this is

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normally when we get a new job, we want to escalate right? We want to

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get another position we were working towards becoming a manager

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or a supervisor or a CEO. In Islam, we should look at it this

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way too. We should never feel like we're going to stay stagnant.

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Right like in one place we should think about you know, well today I

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am eating only Halal having that to the Sabetha but one day I want

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to get there and or today. I'm not praying my sunnah yet, but that's

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my next goal. So that's the next thing. I want to talk about

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setting those goals for yourself right to make sure that you are

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doing this at your own pace to make it easy for you. But also

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don't stay. Don't you don't always if you entered let's say

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As a restaurant and you started as a dishwasher, there's nothing

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wrong with that job. But you want to become a waiter, and then the

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manager and perhaps even own your own restaurant. This is the way we

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want to think about when we're talking about how and where we

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want to go with our deen, spiritually how much we want to

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grow. And so it's important for us to make sure that if we're not

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wearing hijab, yet, we're not there yet. But that is the intent

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and that is the goal. If you don't have a beard yet, that is the

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intent to follow the Sunnah. But you'll get there when you get

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there right.

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Inshallah and and that goes with everything else. One thing that I

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do recommend for Sisters is to start by, you know, dressing

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modest. And what that means is obviously covering everything as

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much as you can, there's a lot of clothes today, where Huntelaar

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we're able to cover, there's a lot of fabrics, I live in Texas, which

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is very, very hot. But that doesn't.

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That doesn't prevent me from seeking for, you know, different

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fabrics such as cotton that breathe and keep me cool. So

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eventually you will learn this and you will feel comfortable. But I

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do highly recommend to start with that intention, that intention

00:21:28 --> 00:21:31

that you're seeking to please your Creator and that everything that

00:21:31 --> 00:21:36

you're doing is really for his pleasure in sha Allah.

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Number four, I would say, you know, one of the one of the most

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difficult things that was for me is to let go of friends did not

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bring any good to my life. And so building that new circle, I always

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call it my tribe, you know,

00:21:59 --> 00:22:03

is so important because the prophets, Allah alayhi salam tells

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us that we become who our friends are. And so it's important for us

00:22:08 --> 00:22:14

to be selective in the sense of that your friends should be

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reminding you of Allah should be encouraging you to do good,

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whether it's a lot, it's a lot comes in, you should mutually be

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encouraging one another and pushing each other, you know, for

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good. If there's opportunity for volunteering for good deeds, then

00:22:33 --> 00:22:35

you should be encouraging and these are the people that you want

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to surround yourself with, because they will, you know, keep you on

00:22:40 --> 00:22:43

your toes when it comes to the remembrance of Allah to the

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worship, to being a better individual for yourself if you're

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a mother for your children. And so, it is important for us to

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choose these friends that are you know, good for us year round, you

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know, not not only during certain times,

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I strongly encourage people to do attend a masjid a community center

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where you can inshallah integrate yourself into. Sometimes it's

00:23:13 --> 00:23:17

difficult because the other day I was talking to a colleague, but

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these sometimes these centers are we now as converts as reverts that

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these centers were not made for us. And what I mean by that is

00:23:26 --> 00:23:32

that most of the people that created these institutions were

00:23:32 --> 00:23:36

made for them to remember from back home, so it's kind of

00:23:36 --> 00:23:41

difficult. Sometimes I've had a lot of reverts, have a hard time

00:23:41 --> 00:23:46

at masjid, and what have you, but I still don't discourage you from

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going, we can be the change that we want to see. So if you are

00:23:51 --> 00:23:56

seeing that people are not greeting you, then you change

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that. One of the things that I tell my reverts in the circles

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that I that I guide is we have to remember that there's so much has

00:24:07 --> 00:24:11

to net to earn. And if we focus on that, then the hardship will never

00:24:11 --> 00:24:14

touch our hearts, we always want to make sure that we're protecting

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our hearts, from everything to make sure that

00:24:19 --> 00:24:23

no one or nothing keeps us away from the remembrance of Allah from

00:24:23 --> 00:24:29

growing from going to the masjid from surrounding ourselves with a

00:24:29 --> 00:24:35

good company. And so, you know, when I converted it was it was so

00:24:35 --> 00:24:38

heartbreaking when somebody wouldn't give me salons. It really

00:24:38 --> 00:24:43

was. And I tell today I hear it all the time. You know, I get so

00:24:43 --> 00:24:46

excited when I see another sister and I greet her and she doesn't

00:24:46 --> 00:24:52

give me salons back. And it's heartbreaking. And what I learned

00:24:52 --> 00:24:57

is that you get that reward. So we know that the greeting is in three

00:24:57 --> 00:24:59

parts we know that salam ala

00:25:00 --> 00:25:06

EComm is 10 Hassane Salam alaykum. warahmatullahi is 20 hasna Salam

00:25:06 --> 00:25:11

alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh is 30 Hassan. So at the end of

00:25:11 --> 00:25:15

that encounter, you could walk away with 60 Hassanein, if that

00:25:15 --> 00:25:19

other individual didn't reply to you. So how beautiful and easy is

00:25:19 --> 00:25:24

that? And once we start gaining this knowledge and understanding

00:25:24 --> 00:25:27

that Islam is easy, we make it difficult.

00:25:28 --> 00:25:34

And we make it difficult for so many reasons. So let's, let's try

00:25:34 --> 00:25:39

in sha Allah to not make things difficult for for our own sake.

00:25:40 --> 00:25:44

It's very easy for Shakedown to come and whisper and kind of want

00:25:44 --> 00:25:48

to pull us away. So let's make sure that we hold on to the rope

00:25:48 --> 00:25:52

of Allah, let's make sure that we are kind to one another. When you

00:25:52 --> 00:25:57

hear of a new Muslim, welcome them, invite them now that we are

00:25:57 --> 00:26:01

coming out of pandemic in sha Allah, you know, make sure that

00:26:01 --> 00:26:07

you gravitate to teach as well if you have something to teach to

00:26:07 --> 00:26:11

make sure you you ask this new revert this new convert, have you

00:26:11 --> 00:26:15

learned how to pray? Would you like me to teach you imagine all

00:26:15 --> 00:26:19

the hassle that you're gonna get from just teaching an individual

00:26:19 --> 00:26:25

al Fatiha SubhanAllah 17 minimum 17 times a day we recite this

00:26:25 --> 00:26:30

surah imagine all the hassle, not just because you taught a new

00:26:30 --> 00:26:35

revert this Surah So when we started looking at the beauty of

00:26:35 --> 00:26:41

our deen and how much we can gain from one one another, it just

00:26:41 --> 00:26:48

becomes so much more pleasant and more welcoming, and easy. So

00:26:48 --> 00:26:54

again, a lot does not want any hardship from us. As a matter of

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fact, you know, there is a Hadith from Sahih Muslim that says, Make

00:27:00 --> 00:27:01

things easy.

00:27:03 --> 00:27:07

Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said make things easy for people do not

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make things difficult for them. So it's instructed for us to make

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sure that we bring ease to one another. The other thing is, if

00:27:17 --> 00:27:21

you have to, two things always choose the easiest,

00:27:22 --> 00:27:27

the easiest way. So it was narrated by Anna's been Malik that

00:27:27 --> 00:27:32

the Prophet sallahu wa salam said, Make things easy for the people

00:27:32 --> 00:27:37

and do not make things difficult for them and make them calm with

00:27:37 --> 00:27:42

glad tidings and do not repulse them. So let's make sure that we

00:27:42 --> 00:27:46

implement all of these Hadith that perhaps we are aware of, and

00:27:46 --> 00:27:50

sometimes we fall short. And may Allah subhanaw taala, forgive us,

00:27:51 --> 00:27:52

and make us better

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Muslims and brothers and sisters to one another.

00:27:57 --> 00:28:03

So inshallah I just want to leave you with, again, this this surah

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from Surah Baqarah, where it says, Allah intends for you ease and he

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does not want to make things difficult for you. That's in Surah

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Baqarah I 185 remember that to do not make things hard on yourself,

00:28:17 --> 00:28:21

take it easy, be kind with yourself, and with one another. If

00:28:21 --> 00:28:25

you see someone struggling, make sure that you reach out to them

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you never know if you are their dua. And what I mean by that is

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perhaps that individuals making dua and Allah send you so

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Subhanallah let's make sure that we implement everything that we

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are learning. That way when we meet our maker, we are we are on

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the good side of of, of that list in sha Allah. And

00:28:52 --> 00:28:57

finally, remember that Allah subhanaw taala, you know, does not

00:28:57 --> 00:29:01

allow anything bad to happen to us. And anything that was written

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for us will never miss us. And so do not ever get impatient. You

00:29:07 --> 00:29:10

know, sometimes you're making dua and it's not happening. There's

00:29:10 --> 00:29:15

always a reason behind it. Either. Allah is saying not now I have

00:29:15 --> 00:29:19

something better for you or simply just hold off, hold off for a

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little bit. But do exercise patience with yourself with

00:29:25 --> 00:29:30

others. Always give excuses as you want excuses for yourself. And

00:29:30 --> 00:29:35

finally, the same mercy that we're looking, you know, to obtain from

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our Creator, be merciful to others be kind.

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And last but not least, if you have nothing nice to say, our

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beloved Prophet says some said Do not say anything at all. I asked a

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lot to accept this talk. Please go ahead and share it in sha Allah.

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And if there's anything that I said that is good is from Allah,

00:29:57 --> 00:29:59

anything that I said that was wrong

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As from me and I ask Allah Subhana Allah to forgive me until next

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time take care of Be kind to each other smile Salam alaykum

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Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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