Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Surah Maryam- Having Children & Talking to Elderly

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The Surah Maryam and Surah Tada involve discussing the importance of not leaving wealth behind and not wanting to have children. The story of a Saudi son and his parents' markings on Instagram is also discussed. The importance of a surah is emphasized, with respect being a natural part of life and a full circle. The importance of treating seniors with respect and not wanting to cross boundaries is also emphasized. The conversation on Islam includes discussing the importance of having the highest level of mercy when talking to seniors and the need for companionship and people to interact with people who are not their parents.
AI: Transcript ©
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Yesterday we finished the 16th judges in 16 Jurors Allah subhanho wa Taala brings so to have to a conclusion, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada we find the Quran Surah Maryam and surah Taha regarding Surah Maryam is one of the most beautiful students in the Quran. Because this is a Surah where Allah subhana wa Taala talks about his Rama and his mercy. In fact, in the Surah, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned his Rama there were Ramadan mentioned 16 times in the Surah. So again and again and if you think about it, it's not a very big Surah compared to the sutras preceding this, this is in fact probably a quarter of a juice, but in this small chapter, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions Rama 16

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times. Now, what is the surah about? See ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala for the beginning of mankind from Admati ism all the way till today and to the Day of Judgment, Allah has created a system. People have children, those children become parents, they become grandparents, and the system keeps on going on. This is how it has has always been. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala also understands that as human beings as parents, we always want to leave behind the best for our children. We always teach our children the best that we know. In fact, all the time parents parents are always asking that what can I do if I want to live leave behind a living trust for my children, I want to leave wealth

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behind for my children. So it's something that is very common that we always want to leave something behind for our children. Sudha Meriam teaches us that what should be the key thing that we want to leave behind as inheritance for our children. It's not wealth that we need to leave behind for our children. As much as it is the wealth of deen and the wealth of Eman. Every parent should strive. And every parent should be making dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. And they should be working very diligently to ensure that if there's anything I leave behind for my children, even if I don't leave wealth behind for my children, I make sure that I leave with them the wealth of Iman and the wealth

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of them. And from beginning to the end, this idea that I want to have children and what should be the goal this has been highlighted from beginning to end and Super Mario. So let's let's quickly go through this first Allah subhana wa Tada mentioned the story of Zachary yachting, Islam when Zachary Yata has some saw that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave fruit off season fruit to Maria Medina has set up what did he say that if Allah subhanho wa Taala can make something like this miraculous happen then Allah subhana wa Taala can grant me a child also. And it was not the fact that he just wanted a child but it was for the fact that I want to have a child so that my lineage in Deen can stay

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permanent in my family and that can happen when I have a child so he made to our to Allah subhana wa to Allah and Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him Yatta you sit down, then the next story that is mentioned in the Surah is a story of Miriam. And also in the case of money and money get Saddam we find that her mother wanted a child why? Because so that that child can serve the cause of deen and be a worshipper in an IB to Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhanho wa Taala had destined and will that she will be given a daughter by the name of Millennium and Allah subhanho wa Taala and then mentions this story in the Quran. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala brings us to the story of

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Ibraheem Alehissalaam. Now, the story of Yeah, in the story of a Saudi son, both of them we find in that same sutra, that their parents were righteous, and they were also righteous. So Allah subhanaw is teaching us that one of the ways that we can leave the in behind for our children is that as a parent, we have to embody religion. We have to embody Deen in our life in order for our children to become righteous. And both of them they had a very similar rhetoric. They both talked about respecting parents, they both talked about the importance of adopting their Deen. So these are two prophets who did the same. And by the way, these were also the two prophets, by the way, that when

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he ascended in Israel in mirage. It was on the second sky that he met her a Saudi salaam, and yada yada, he has some together, because both of their times were also very similar. And they were around each other during their times. Now we come to the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and he brought him out to you some story is slightly different, where you don't have a righteous father, rather a father who will carve out idols, a father who will bring people to the Shinnick of Allah subhanho wa taala. And you have a son, who is an abbot, you have a son who's a prophet of Allah, Allah, he's Salam. So in this case, Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us

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that yes, there are going to be circumstances also there are going to be some situations where the father and the parents

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It may not be righteous, but the children are going to be righteous. But once again the idea is still the same. If that person is righteous, that inshallah Allah subhanaw taala will give him righteous children. And in the case of Ibrahim alayhi salam, yes, his father was not righteous, but he himself was righteous. And as a result Allah gave him who Allah gave him, it's, it's married, and is happily Islam, and both of them were Gambia and both of them were prophets. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala he says that if we want to have children and we want to teach them Deen, what is one of the key things that we can do we see from the story of is married on Instagram, and the same

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surah Allah subhanho wa Taala says about him, what kind of Moodle a hula hoop is Salah T was Zakka that he will always encourage his family to praise a lot and give Zakat and then right after this Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions Hola. Hola, Dena, and I'm Allahu Allah him, meaning Sabina mzuri, Yeti Adam, there are some lineages that Allah subhanho wa Taala has blessed the Children of Adam Allah He Islam woman Zulu yet like him Allah Allah may Allah be ina Missoula Yeti Adam, well me Muhammad Allah I know. And those children, not the children who did not board the ship. In the case of naughty you some the ones who were on the ship, not the ones who were who stayed away. Woman on

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Dorothy Brahim Omen Zuri. Yeti Ibrahima was a straw in the children of Ibraheem Alehissalaam and the children of Israel eat. By the way Israel is in reference to Jacoba Islam Okay, when Allah Saba how much is Islam in his dimension? That means yaku barring some when Allah says Bani Israel, even the Quran is in reference to the children of Jacoba Salaam. So then Allah subhanho wa Taala then says either to allow him to run when the Ayat of Allah subhanaw taala, recited upon them, they fall into sujood and then Allah subhana wa Taala mentions to all of us as parents, what is that one thing that you and I we need to really strongly push for in our children, for Hunter from embody him healthful,

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outdoor solid, what about OSHA have worked for so for over a year, they always make sure that you are pushing for Salaat make sure that our children have the importance of solid because those generations that they wasted their salons Allah subhanho wa Taala they fell eventually into temptations and in their desires. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala comes to the ending of the surah and Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions here that just like you and I as human beings, we always want to have children. Even nowadays, when parent when newly couples when they want to delay having children eventually the time comes that they say that we need to now have children. So Allah subhanaw taala

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has created this this natural element in our life. But Allah subhanaw taala is also telling us that there are people who try to assign ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala children thinking that Allah subhanaw taala perhaps needs children. Now a little bit of luck, at the very end of the surah Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that human beings are separate and ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala separate lays second mystery he shaped just like we feel the need to have children. Allah does not need that does not have that desire in that need to have children and hence the surah finishes off on the note that Allah does not have children. Yes, we have children. But Allah subhanaw taala does not have

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children. So once again, this is why I'm mentioning this is because when we read a sutra from beginning to end, we don't know the theme of the surah. We have no idea what's going on. And hence we don't have any appreciation. Now finally, I want to finish on this. The story of Ibrahim Ali is I want to come back to the story of Abraham Ali's son. Here you have Ibrahim Ali some dealing with a have not we he's dealing with a father, who is not willing to understand a father who is comparable to the ship of Allah subhanho wa taala. And not only that, but he's also considered as a senior. What we learned from these few years is how do we deal and how do we talk to our singers? How do we

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talk to our senior parents, because see, there's a there's a natural part of life, that when you have children, they are children, they have some certain characteristics in life is a full circle usually. So when people eventually when they become parents, adults, and so forth. Eventually as they become seniors, there are some I'm not calling them children, I don't want to cross a boundary of respect. Here they are our seniors will always have respect for them. At the same time, there are some aspects or some characteristics that again appear in their life as it was in the beginning of their life and hence life is called a full circle. So what happens that in that kind of situation,

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how are we supposed to read how are we supposed to treat and work with our seniors? This is what's mentioned here in these ayat, first of all is Allah subhanho wa taala. You mentioned that Ibraheem Alehissalaam referred to his

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Father as yeah birdie. Four times in a row. Yeah, buddy. Yeah, buddy. Yeah, but the ability, which shows that when we are talking to our singers, especially when it comes to our parents, we always do treat them and we all always refer to them with the highest level of regard the highest level of respect. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says that Ibrahim Ali Islam He began by saying, Yeah, but the limita Abu Duma, Allah Yes. Now, when you will sit What are you doing on kashaya that from this, we learn that when we talk to our seniors, rather than condemning their actions, if they're doing something that is wrong, rather try to bring up the aspect of logic, see Ibrahim it, Sam, he

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understands that if I tried to go straight forward to my father, he's not going to understand. So let me try to take the route of logic. And he's asking his father, that how can you please explain to me that these are rocks, neither do they listen, neither can they hear and see. And not only that, but they cannot give any kind of benefit. So it brought him on in some is taking the route of logic. And what happens when, with especially when it comes to our seniors is they have seen so much of life and they understand life so much, that a lot of times going the route of logic might be the best way trying to help them understand the situation. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says why Rahim,

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Allah Islam, that the next approach was knowledge. So after logic, it came down to knowledge. And he says, Oh Allah, he's telling his father that Allah subhanho wa Taala has inspired me with wine and he's telling him Yeah, but the in ecology anemia in me man, I'm yeah Tikka factor. We are in the DECA Surat and so we that Allah has given me where he and ALLAH SubhanA has not grant other people working. So I understand what I'm saying. I'm not just making up something from the from thin air. So from logic, it went to knowledge and then it went from there to compassion and mercy once again, as I said in the beginning of that, as I said earlier, that in the Surah, Allah mentions his Rama 16

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times, so when when it comes to talking to our parents, we have the highest level of Rama and mercy when talking to them and highlight mercy. So he says, yeah, a birdie in the halfling Emma Sokka Adama Rahmani Fattah coonelly che corny one ear before this Allah, he mentions Yeah, but at the top of the shape on the Oh my father do not worship Shavon in the shaytaan I can live Rahmani RC and look at the wording here is very beautiful. He's not talking about how worse shaytaan is. He's highlighting the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala he's saying in the shavasana cannot live ramen that shaytaan was disobedient to the ramen. He's highlighting Allah and His mercy. And then he's

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again in the very next idea. He's saying yeah, but the in the halfling Yama Sakura Addabbo Minar ramen, for the goons for the coalition only Well here again, he's telling him that I'm trying to protect you. And I'm I'm fearful that something may happen to you and come to the ramen to come to Allah subhanho wa Taala so what we learn from these few ayat is that especially when we're talking to our seniors, we have to have the highest level of regarding respect. Number one is tried to go the route of logic after logic tried to go the route of knowledge, our seniors, they love to talk about knowledge, they love to talk about intellectual things. And then after that, you go the route

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of Rahman and Rahim and mercy and show them the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala and finally, if not in this surah we find in another Surah So a local man, Allah subhana wa teaches us that when it comes to the point oh, by the way, so Maria, after this when when his father was fed up, what did he say? What do you brought him out to you some say? That he just like show like a disregard like a disrespectful attitude. What do you say? He says Salah Munna, alayka style, Finola, Robbie, may Allah has peace and mercy be upon you and I will seek forgiveness for you. What are others Zuko Mamata their own Amin dunya Allah He was Robbie. Allah then mentioned that he left his father, but

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because Ibrahim was a good person, Allah subhanaw taala granted him children that they they became prophets and Gambia. Now, in a situation like this, what do we do when it comes to our own parents, perhaps? You know how many times youth they come to me and they say,

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when I'm trying to work with my parents, when I'm trying to talk to my parents, sometimes I cannot get through. This is a very common thing. And the reason why is because our parents grew up overseas, and our children have grown up here. And a lot of times there's a communication disconnect and so forth. But our Quran teaches us that when it comes to our senior parents, you might try to explain to them a concept. You might try to advise them and they don't want to listen at all. Does that mean that we leave our parents? No, it means

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We still keep on giving them company. Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned so Look, man, that he gave an advice to his son, that if that time comes we're in Tjahaja Allah and to Sri kabhi Malay, silica be here in one fella two, three or Huma was Sahiba who Macedonia Moldova, that you don't have to necessarily obey your parents if they are telling you to do something that is wrong. If they're telling you to do something that is wrong, you don't have to obey them. But then Allah subhanho wa Taala said was Sahiba Houma fit dunya meroofer be there with them. Give them your company, if there's one thing that our seeing your parents want, especially we see in America overseas, there's

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so many people around them all the time, but in America Subhanallah you see that our households, everyone has a job, everyone is working our college going students, they go in the morning, they come back at night, our seniors are left all alone. That's the reality in our in American, forget about non Muslim household, our Muslim households, this is the case they get left behind and they get left alone. And so if there's one thing that they want so much is companionship, someone to talk to someone to interact with, our Quran teaches us was Sahiba who Macedonia meroofer The Quran does not tell us that you sit there and correct them. The Quran simply says give them your company, give

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them your love, and so forth. So this is something that we learned from the stories of Ibrahim alayhis, salam, and so forth. Once again, we went through sort of Meriam what is sort of money and all about and then in particular, we went through the story of Ibrahim Ali some in some of the lessons and reflection from the story ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us amongst those who are who learned the Quran and then apply in our life and Mirabal Allah mean, does that como la Hey, salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh in Mussolini now almost Lima Do you want meaning Mina on et now?

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The most slowed in pain I was longing for the one song beating I was Slavia right the one before she you know

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what unfortunately no one was watching I think one does one btw now one downside the party was all me now was all in

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one heavy Lena photo gentlemen one Hatfield warranty. Was there good enough.

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Was the going on? I don't

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genuine now. Lien

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