Nadim Bashir – Khatira – Never Belittle Any Good or Bad

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the views of Islam as insignificant and the weight of sin. They stress the importance of not devoting attention to small things and not blending them into major sins. The speaker also highlights the hesitation of people to commit major sins and the importance of paying attention to small and major sins. The importance of avoiding sinful behavior and staying clean and safe is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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The sooner hand or human hamdulillah who began I mean wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Hajj Marina Murad, even Amara the Allahu Anhu generates that once a man came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said yellow so Allah, a hub a which actions au NASA Hubble it Allah subhanho wa Taala which people are the most beloved to Allah subhana wa to Allah, the Prophet sallallahu I assume he responded by saying that it Are they are those unfair or homeliness. There are those who benefit other people. Those are the people who are the most beloved to Allah subhanho wa taala. But then probably use some did not stop right there, he continued. And

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then he says that the best are a man that you can do our small things, putting a smile on someone else's face, to remove a difficulty from someone else, to pay the debt for someone who is financially in a state of difficulty to reroute to put a smile on their face. And not only that, but to walk and go somewhere to help someone else out. It is more beloved to me than to do air tickets in this Masjid. How many of us would want to do air air to cough immersion GUI we all would have that desire Rasulullah saw some saying that to do to help someone else out is better than to doing air takeoff here why? And the owner they explained that all the things that probably you some he

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mentioned, these are things that we consider insignificant. We're driving on the road we see a Muslim brother on the on the road walking home, we give them you know a ride just a quarter of a mile away. That's it and you drop them at home. You think that you have done something small? You think we think that we have done something insignificant, but it is not insignificant in the eyes of Allah so behind on what to Allah, you're at the masjid you see that someone needs some help. Just picking up some food items and bringing inside the masjid we think is small. It's not small in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala and this is why the Prophet sallallahu is something he tells us that

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never belittle any good deeds. Let nominal ma roofie che do not belittle any good. Well no until a hawk Have you What do you mean by that? Even if it comes down to smiling in front of someone, you know, subhanAllah one time we were discussing just the power of smile, especially when you come to the masjid. You know how many people did come to the masjid and they're going through their own personal difficulties of life. And they come to the masjid because they're trying to find some happiness. They're trying to connect with Allah subhanho wa Taala And subhanAllah when you come to the masjid, and you see a person that you have not met throughout the entire day, and they smile at

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you, and automatically you have this you know this mechanism that you're when someone smiles at you, you're gonna smile back at them, even that we seem it we may seem that and we may deem that as insignificant, but in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa Taala it is very, very weighty. This is why the Prophet Allah is some says, Never belittle any good deed. Even when we see the Hadith the Prophet SAW Selim the Allah forgave a man, Allah forgave a man simply because he fed a thirsty dog. Think about that for a moment. Now while we when it comes to good deeds, and we are excelling. Many times we have this habit of belittling the sins that we commit. Now honest with you, Allah Juan, he says,

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and this is after the time of the Prophet SAW law or some he says that today there are since they are being committed, that today people they seem they treat it as insignificant, they care don't they don't care about it at all. But if we were in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we would think that because of this sin, the Wrath of Allah subhanho wa Taala will come upon us. This is why the Prophet saw some also reminds us that when you commit a sin, even if it's a minor sin today, we talk about minor sins and major sins. And we're saying that I want to stay away from major sins, but we don't understand that the minor sins are what when do you put them together,

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they turn into major sins, the minor sins are not to be overlooked, but this is why the Prophet saw me he tells us that when you do something that is wrong, a black dot appears on the heart. And if you continue to keep on coming and sitting, then the then the heart becomes even more black and it becomes even more dark and when that heart becomes so dark, then there is no no no note of Allah subhanho wa Taala no head that can enter that heart and this is why I just recited in South Asia can but Rana Allah Kenobi him when people when their hearts are devoid from Allah subhanho wa Taala then their hearts become they become unfaithful to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the hearts become dark.

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This is why brothers and sisters never overlook. This is why we find a hadith the Prophet SAW Selim that talks about those

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People who will end up in the fire Jahannam did they commit major sins? They never used to come in major sins that why are they in the fire Jahannam is because they you will consistently commit minor sins and those minor sins, they did not pay any attention to that. That's why it is so important that we pay attention to these kinds of things. Finally, I'll finish on this a story. Or rather, I will say a quote given by a story is mentioned by Abdullah bin Masuda the Allahu Allah and this is something that you can find in muslin of ABI Shaybah. So he mentioned that and by the way, Musa enough you know, when you have a Muslim, you have a book of Hadith usually they are the codes of

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Rasulullah saw Salam, when you find a musona These are collections of the thought of the Sahaba the culture the Sahaba you go to an Islamic library, you will find what the Masana of abdulrazaq you will find the musona even ABI Shaybah and many others anyway, in Busan of ABI Shaybah there's a quote of Ebola Masada, the hola line that a raw him you know arrived long time ago with these people who used to sit in their monasteries, and the only thing they would do is worship Allah subhanho wa Taala a raw him worship Allah subhanho wa Taala for 60 years. And then after 60 years because a human being is a human being and shaytani Shavon. After that, he committed haram for six nights, he

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committed haram for six days he committed Zina for six nights, out of remorse, he left that area and he went somewhere else and out of remorse. He's repenting to Allah subhanho wa taala. And he has not eaten anything for three days. Someone comes to him and brings a loaf of bread for him or a piece of bread. He takes that piece of bread and he breaks it in half. He gives one piece of bread to the person on the right, he takes the other piece and gives it to the person on the left. The Angel of Death comes afterward. And it takes his soul when his armor are weighed out. On one side you have 60 years of very Bada 60 years of dedication. Think about it. How I mean how would that person be

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treated the eyes of Allah subhanho wa taala. But when you put that six nights of haram on one side, the six nights of haram outweighed the 60 years of very bad

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that teaches us that we should never belittle our sins when we commit wrong in the smallest manner. This is why Allah says for me yeah, I'm gonna miss Allah. Dara, you know what is the smallest thing you can possibly imagine that rotten highlight era shattering era both good or bad, we will see that in the hereafter. So the six to six nights of haram that he committed the outweigh the 60 years of riba which once again tells us that when you come in today and when we come into haram, they can outweigh out the good that we are doing. But then on the other hand, the that loaf of bread and that act that he did was brought forward. And that was put on his scale. And because of that, this this

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the side where he has 60 years everybody in the circle, and that bread that he gave outweighed the sin that he committed point again there is that never belittle your good deeds. So brothers and sisters when it comes to something wrong that we have done, sit down a night will lay does not take a long time, sit down in your bed, make dua to Allah make is that far to Allah subhanho wa Taala if we can pray to like our Salah meter across a lot and go to sleep with a clean, safe sleep clean slate. And if you cannot just sit sit on your bed it makes us here Toba to Allah subhanho wa Taala and ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada to give you tofield to do even more. This is why we learn from the

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prophets of Salaam. We learn from our lemma also, whenever you do something that is wrong, make Toba and replace it with something that is good. I asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to give you the tofi to repent from our sins. May Allah subhanho wa Taala create the love of our man in our life. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala create the distaste of sins in our life in our in our heart. I'm eatable Alameen Zachman Allah Hi salaam wa Rahmatullah Katherine

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