Nadim Bashir – GEM Ep #12 – How Muhammad Treated People With Disabilities

Nadim Bashir
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the impact of disabilities on individuals and the importance of showing respect towards them. They also touch on the historical significance of Islam and how it has changed the world. The speakers emphasize the importance of praying for people with epilepsy and being supportive of them, as well as providing responsibility and serving in the community. They also mention historical events and people, including a person who was a first person in Islamic history to establish a Care Center for people with disabilities.
AI: Transcript ©
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Last week on Monday, I talked about Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and his treatment towards people who were dealing with low self esteem.

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People who were dealing with low self confidence, and how Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made them feel, or anyone who had any kind of any kind of abnormality Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would always teach the Sahaba about their ranks in the eyes of Allah subhanho wa taala. Today Inshallah, in this brief Hatha reminder, I want to talk about that, how did Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam treat? And how did he change the landscape and the mindset of Muslims when it came to people with disabilities, because these kinds of people also existed in the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. But before Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi wa sallam came, not

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only regarding people who are dealing with disabilities or suffering with disabilities, there were people all over in society who did not have any rights. There are many orphans who did not have rights. There were women who did not have rights. There were people in the family who did not have rights. The people who are coming from outside at times they did not have rights. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one of the most beautiful things that we learn about our deen, besides the fact that there is a Baghdad, there is a lot and there isn't cm, and there is Zakat, and there's hygiene, and there's so many aspects of Islam. But there's one thing that we truly learn from us,

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allah sallallahu, it was said to him, and that is, he made it a priority to institutionalize everyone's rights in the society. He made sure that children had rights, he made sure that husband had rights, wives have rights, parents have rights, children have rights sibling have rights, relatives, relatives have rights. And not only that, but everyone in the community, everyone that society had rights, including people who had any type of disabilities, before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And not only that, but I will say even till today, in many cultures, and especially within our Muslim countries, a long time ago, until today, the idea has been that anyone

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who has already suffering due to a disability, they usually associated with a bad omen. You know, there are a lot of people who say that when they see people who have any kind of disabilities, that they say that there's probably a jinn or sad on them, hence, they need Opia. And they usually view them in this way that they are mentally insane. They're not mentally insane, they have a disability, they may have a physical disability, an intellectual disability, a developmental disability, but nonetheless, to be associated or to associate them with a bad omen was a wrong philosophy that existed a long time ago. And unfortunately, it does exist within many of our Muslim countries. That

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is why unfortunately, I say this very, I say this, in the, in the best way possible, I can say this, but this is a reality. So I'm not going to sugarcoat this when it comes to our Muslim countries. And there's a lot of people who have disabilities in our Muslim countries, overseas, there is not much help done over there. Why? Because till today, many of them view these kinds of people that they have been possessed by a jinn or someone has had on them, unfortunately, then not only that, but there are many people even in within Greek mythology and Greek civilization, such as Plato, he actually said that the people who have disabilities are a burden in society. This is how he viewed

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them. They are a burden in society. And not only that, but there were other English philosophers such as Herbert Spencer's English philosopher, he said that these kinds of people should be denied all kinds of help, and all kinds of support, because once again, they are a burden on society. And not only that, but there were some European communities and societies, that they would even sometimes kill people who had any kind of disabilities because they would view them as a burden in society. Now comes Islam. And I say this Wallahi I say this, with my open heart. We have people who say, Islam does not give rights. They look at Islam as a backward religion. Well, Allah He Islam

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came and changed the entire world. Islam came and when Allah subhanho wa Taala says, We're not sadaqa Illa Rahmatullah Allah when Allah Centralis was salam, as a Rama as a mercy for the entire mankind. People they call themselves champions of rights. Well, Allah He they are the failures when it comes to rights.

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The ones who are truly that religion that taught people rights and gave everyone rights was Islam. It was not any other religion. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam comes, and he teaches people that when you see someone who has any kind of disability, you're not you're not to just shun them away. One time, allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is standing, and a woman comes, and she begins to demand the attention of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, one thing I want you to keep in mind, people who have disabilities, and especially I'm talking about the ones that disability I'm referring to, in this particular situation, are people who have autism, for example, or special

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needs. A lot of times they don't understand their surrounding, they may just go and grab the hands of anyone, it could be even a stranger they don't understand. A lot of times they may even go into a restaurant, and they might touch someone else's food, they might touch, touch someone else's cup and so forth. They don't realize, think about Rasulullah sallallahu, while he was setting them, the prophet it is some was being called by this woman, the prophet it is somebody's telling her whatever you want, let me know, whichever side of the road you want to stand on, I will stand with you. And I'll give me your due attention. And she stood on the side she chose she picked aside and the

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property some stood by her side, and he was there with her till the Hadith says that till she was satisfied. There was another Hadith a similar Hadith with a slight variation found in Sahih Muslim, where the problems are setting was called by the same woman, and she tells the province of Salem that I want you to walk with me, I want you to come with me. Now Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was sending them. Of course, he's a busy man. But he understands that this woman She probably does not She's not in her mind. She has a disability, but she sees the Prophet, she wants to profit to walk with her. The Prophet saw some he did not deny and he walked with her and he stayed with her. And

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the Hadith says that she walked in many different streets and not once did us wa salam say that now I have to leave Ross who was awesome stayed by her side till the time came that she said that okay, now I'm satisfied. Then allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he left. This is Ramadan de la isla mean, this is a person who taught us how to treat people who have who have any kind of disabilities. Then after that, you find the story of Abdullah Abdullah, when we look to him, are you allowed to honor that story of us or whatever? Well, and who he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet it is some is addressing the Quraysh. And the Quraysh had a very difficult time of accepting

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Islam. Many of them didn't even accept Islam. But their biggest I will say issue when it came to Islam and Muslims and the Prophet SAW Salem is that they were telling the Prophet alayhi salam, that majority of your followers are people who are from outside,

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or the racial minorities of the community or society, or people who don't have a status in society. These are the people who are your followers. The poor people are your followers. And by the way, there are many people, they have this kind of personality, that I only want to be around rich people. I only want to be around people who have a social status, so that if I am with them, then my status is also growing too. So they only like to be around those kinds of people. So the Prophet saw some is sitting with the Qureshi leaders. And while he's talking to them, Abdullah, Allah who comes and says, yeah rasool Allah, I'm here to learn from you. Whatever Allah subhanho wa Taala has taught

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you at that time, the province of neither rebuked Ablon OMAC tomb. He neither he neither was rude or disrespectful to him. He never said anything that is considered as insulting. No vert, no, you did not verbally disrespect him, visit physically disrespect him. All that Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did was a he frowned, that's it. He frowned. And as a result of him frowning, ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala sent down these ayat, ABA waterwall, under a whole armor, a man comes to you, you don't turn him away. You don't turn them away. Next time, wherever this kind of situation. We don't turn these kinds of people away. We learn from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and we give

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them our due attention. Later on, or salah, Salah while he was sent on whenever Abdullah would have come around the province as salam he was showing him honor and showing dignity and respect. And not only that, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took his respect to a whole new level. And he gave Abdullah Radi Allahu Taala and responsibilities in the community of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. See if I were to give anyone a responsibility here today. For example, in any Masjid if someone gives you a responsibility, they give only that person the responsibility who has

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ability to fulfill the responsibility right? Yes or no? Now what if someone has to come to you over and over again, until you do your responsibility, do your responsibility, there is no efficiency in that job right? So then what they will do, they will take that responsibility from you and give it to someone else who can do it. Now think about Abdullah Al Maktoum or the hola Juan, first of all, is that he's a blind Companion of the Prophet sallallahu. It was setting up the Prophet SAW Salem, not only de give him just small responsibilities, when the Prophet sunnah went for a herd, who did he put in charge of Medina in his absence, he put it Abdullah Al Maktoum or the allotted time, he's

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a blind companion. But the problem is as son I wanted to show everyone how much honor he gives to these kinds of people. And not only that, but when he wants to make them part of the community, what kind of responsibility he gives them. Not only that, but when it came to even the Advan for subtle Fajr you all know that even till today in high domain, there are two other kinds of Fajr right? There are two others and Fajr. They're super, super solid, and they're super Kazim. The first one is to mccadden the Super Saw them, and there are two others that take place in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam beloved with the Allah one was given the icon of the very first one, the

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actual time of Fajr Advan was given by the responsibility was given to who was given to Abdullah Omar to muddy Allah Quran. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam showed the entire community and he showed the entire world that these kinds of people are not to be left aside and shunned away from the community but you bring them into community and you give them a responsibility. Additionally, we also find for the prophets of Allah why he was sending them the story of it when in America the Allah Tala and it's only been a Malik or the Allah who was a blind companion. In Medina, he was amongst the unsalted, he came to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam because he could not go to

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the masjid often, but he wanted to pray behind Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he came to the Prophet alayhi salam and he said, Yatta so Allah, can you please come to my home one day, and please a lot in my in my house mean that just pray in my house. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in sha Allah, I will make some time and I will come. The next day. It also was a long while he was sent him was at the house of it's been in a magical yellow time. And he asked about where do you want me to pray? He said just pray there in that corner. The prime value some began to pray with him was obika The Allah wine and then you have a Tibetan with the Allah Juan. They both

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prayed behind us wa sallahu it was salam. If this story says anything, it says how much Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he cared for this community and how much you and I we need to also care for this community. Then after that Rasulullah sallallahu ala he was sending we also find a hadith that one time was Allah Allahu Allah. Some said to a Buddha Abbas that Shall I show you a person of Jana? Shall I show you a person of Jana? She said yes, indeed. jasola. So the province has some took Ebro Abbas to a woman. This was an abbess, Indian woman and she used to have epileptic, epileptic you know, frequencies and occurrences. So she had epilepsy. So she came to the province of La while

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he was sitting, and she said yes to Allah, I have epilepsy please make dua for me Rasul allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I can make dua to Allah to give you cure if you want. But if you remain if you stay in this state, and you go through life with patience and Subhan, Allah will give you Jana for this. And she says, You know what, I'd rather be patient, there's dunya and get Jana in the hereafter. But then she said, ya know, so law, when I go through these epileptic occurrences, or situations, at that time, my body's usually exposed. So please make dua to Allah subhanho wa taala. When I go through these kinds of occurrences, my body is not exposed to which Rasulullah sallallahu

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it was sent them he prayed for her that her body is not exposed. What do we learn from this hadith? We learn from this kind of from this hadith that when you talk about people who have disabilities, if they are, they're not more colorful, surely I mean, that they don't have the understanding of Sharia. Then in that situation, they are free from Sharia, Dinamo Colophons Sharia but these are people of Jannah because they have no responsibilities in this dunya and in the market, there is nothing there is no accountability for them because they were not Micallef of Sharia to begin with. So these people are what people have Jana and your Alma they say that if there is a person who has a

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disability, and you are related to them or not even related to them, but if you support them, and they are a person of Jannah because of their disability, perhaps through us serving them and you're supporting them and being with them and helping them out. This could also be your Janna Inshallah, too. So we have to think about this, that if I'm helping someone else out, I'm not just helping

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What if they go into Jannah and inshallah ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada shows me in mercy in the Hereafter, I will also receive Jana. Finally, from a historical perspective, once again, I just said Islam changed the entire world. People don't want to give some credit, but Islam change the entire world. And the time of Ahmed Abdul Aziz

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and the type of disease, what did he do, he sent out a letter to all his advisors and all the people that all his governors everywhere he asked them that find out all the people who have any kind of disabilities, physical disabilities, intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, whatever disabilities they may have, I want you to make a list of all those individuals. And then I want you to send them to send their names to me, after which was, after which Omar Abdulaziz Rahmatullah Yanni, he assigned someone to look after those particular individuals. And not only that, but he would assign a servant and other people to help those out those people out. Later on. We also find

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from unbelievable what he did now Abdulmalik that he was a very first person in Islamic history to establish a Care Center for people who had any type of disabilities. He was a person who actually would pay doctors to come and serve these kinds of people, he would give those disability those people who were who had any kind of disability, he would give them a stipend. And not only that, but he will take care of the family of those who had any kind of disability or disabled children or adults in their family. This is what we learned from the history of Islam, that how much they went out of their way to establish centers in established places that will support and help people who

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have any kind of disabilities. Last thing I will say is this once again, the point is, we learn from Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi, wa salam, Wallah, he, the more you learn about this man, the more you fall in love with this man, the more you just use Wallahi you know, when you learn about one person over and over and over again, only then a person says, in the Hereafter, I can't wait to see us Allah. So Allah when he was enough, because there was nothing in this man, that you will say, you will not be astonished by it, you will not be amazed by it. Every single thing that the Prophet did every single thing that he said, Any which way he would treat people and how he would boost people's

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confidence and so forth, and how he would treat people and how he would give a voice to those who don't have a voice, and he would be a support to those people who don't have a support Wallahi this is why this is why Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What on Hassan he is the best example. So I pray to Allah subhanho wa Taala that we learn from Allah Allahu Allah, he was salam. And we learn from him from him and his examples, and we ask Allah subhana wa Taala that he gives us the ability to inculcate the character and the demeanor and o'clock have Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, me Ramadan? I mean, what is that? Kamala Hey, Salam aleykum rahmatullah wa Catherine

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in melon Mussolini now almost Lima de one meaning I will not mean it will quantity now I look on it the more slowly up now was slow on the Bondi one song Dino was sloppy a lot the one before she you know wonderful she

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wouldn't fall she I mean I want to call she I think one downside btw now one downside the party was all me I was all in

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what have you Lena photo gentleman wasn't half of what he was good enough.

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What's going on? Or? I don't know who

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was a gentleman I lean

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