Musleh Khan – Understanding Surah Al Kahf #10

Musleh Khan
AI: Summary ©
The importance of learning about Islam and its reputation is discussed, as it is crucial to pursue deeds and pursue learning. The conversation between two speakers covers topics such as the potential acquisition of Skyflow, a cloud-based data management platform, and a potential acquisition of a new company. The speakers express a desire to be prepared for potential challenges in the future and discuss the potential for growth opportunities in the market. They also express a desire to be prepared for potential challenges in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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Commander Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allah He of Tolo Salah woman while another. So, we are now. I mean even though we have already officially started, we're heading into the third story of solitary calf, which is the story of Musa alayhis salam and

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it is also said for the most part the majority of the history books say that clay that is this individual you share IGNOU known

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you shy of noon is the successor of Musa alayhis salam.

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He basically was the leader of Benny surah, in after the death of Musa alayhis salam. So you shut up noon. And that is why I write in brackets there that he was an intern to the Prophet Musa alayhis salam in this particular story that we're going to look at. There is a lot to hatch out here. So that's why I want to make sure that we are all at the same page, and we are all moving at the same pace. There's a lot to watch out here. So I at least want to get some of the main points. Now if you take a look at your notes. Before we look at the aim. You'll notice that there's a couple of points about you should have known. It is said that he became early he suddenly became the first prophet

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after the death of mozarella. He said and he eventually became the leader of Benny surah. Al he hang out with the Prophet Musa, and he was at service to Him. The A is going to mention a word hook club. And we'll get to that in a minute a little bit more about who shot him? No, no, either he sat down. Some sources say that he was also part of conquering Jerusalem or Palestine. And it he participated in a particular battle in which it went on for some time. And it was supposed to end on a Friday. You shut him to noon a miracle happened to him.

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This miracle is that they call it in Arabic Alright, Duchamp's politician says the returning of the sun. So you shut him to noon make dua to Allah because he had not completed the conquering of Jerusalem at that time. And he didn't want to stretch the battle on to the following day, ie Saturday. And Sunday, there were lament they say the reason why he wanted the battle to conclude and to conquer Jerusalem or Palestine by Friday is because of the baraka and the blessing of Friday. You kind of want to, like finish off this journey on the most blessed day of the week. Our version of that is like imagine you're memorizing Quran. Like for me when I was finishing Quran, my chef when I

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got to the last sutra, and I was about to finish my shift said we're not going to read

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Are memorized that soda today. We're going to wait until tomorrow. And then we're going to go into profits, Masjid, and we're going to sit in the closest place we can get to the process salams grave. And you're going to be in the state of Waldo and intention for Juba. And we're going to do it as close to Jumar time as possibly. They try to find the most blessed time and moment. And then he will say to be Okay, finish the floor. No. So it's kind of the same idea, you start something for the sake of Allah, you kind of want to finish it on the blessed, most blessed time. And in this case, it was on Friday. So he made Dora, he asked, he asked Allah subhanaw taala in his daughter to delay the

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rising of the sun for the following day. And Allah responded, and answered his dua, so it extended the night extended the day, until this battle was done. Jerusalem is conquered, and then the sun rose for the following day. So in telling all of this, just so you'll have a somewhat an idea of who this individual is, is we don't have much information of where he was born. A lot of the historical books that he was born somewhere in Egypt, some say even Palestine, Allah knows best, where he's buried as well. There's no precise location of his burial. But we do know of his contribution and his partition participation in Islamic history. And we're going to look at this and how all of this

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began. So his story of him learning and sort of getting on the job training is going to be this area onwards. Okay, so with the chef last week, what is called a Musa Leafa tell when Musa said to his young men intern Musa IGNOU, remember we said this word FATF is a wise mature young, smart individual who has potential

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labro Hata Abdullah Metromile bahini Amelia Hakoda, I am committed until I reached the to merge of the merging of the two C's or I will spend eons upon eons how cool them is, as you see in your notes there. Hopefully, it's like an 80 year period, it's our way or it's poor ends way of saying, I will spend one lifetime upon one lifetime upon one lifetime, until I find these two seas that merge together. So they're on this journey.

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Here's the first benefit of this, okay?

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Actually, I wrote it down, which is great to see, there's a hadith that Allah has sent someone more knowledgeable than you so learn from him, and you will find him where the two oceans meet. So this is one Hadith and that sort of speaks about where this journey came from and why they're going on this journey to begin with Allah subhanho wa Taala sent somebody more knowledgeable than Musa alayhis salam. So he's ordered by Allah to go and learn from him. And you will find him where the two oceans meet. So Musa alayhis salam, that was enough. That was the GPS location. That was the address, he knew that he had to go and find this location. Now.

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I wrote down there a real teacher needs a teacher, Chef members or chemo lover. So here's the thing that I just want to emphasize. Okay. Verse number 61st benefit of this or the first lesson is traveling for knowledge. Okay, the importance of traveling for him?

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Are we travelers of him? Are you travelers of him? Yeah. When you leave your home, you are leaving seeking Allah subhanaw taala or the knowledge of Allah the knowledge of Islam. You know, the process, Selim said is happening to all of us when we left on today, and every time you leave home for the intention of getting to a class or lecture. So process services in a long Hadith that angels will descend. They were they will harp over you, protect you. And the Hadith says for NCLs Sakina. Sakina is literally like the sense of peace, calmness and tranquility.

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What that means is that your heart is at peace, knowing that you are going to seek the greatest gift in existence, which is knowledge of Islam. That's the greatest gift. There's nothing in this world that compares to it. So you are protected with angels from the time you left home. Even till now, there are angels with us in this room, there are angels with you, and they will be with you in shuffle until you reach home again, so as you drive back, because this is all the baraka and the blessing of a student of knowledge, ie all of us. nother Hadith mentions who's making dua for us right now because we're learning who's making dua for us.

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Just angels

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way more than that.

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The ocean, yeah. heptyl, eternal filma as the Hadith says, Even the animals that are in like deep sea, you know, at the deepest part of the sea, so the Mariana Trench right at the very bottom 10,000 or 11,000 feet down the bottom, the deepest part of the earth, there are animals and creatures there that we may never discover and never see them in our lifetime.

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But they made Dora and they're making Dawn right now, for you. And for me, what are they asking Allah for? On behalf of us? What are they asking Allah for? What kind of door

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forgiveness. So when you see this scenario unfold of Musala is set up. This young man like this is this is the whole purpose of why we have what we have we have poor N and why it's important to us and why we study that it's because of these things. We want to less forgiveness, we want to leave a legacy behind. We want to learn about Allah and his team. And we want the greatest gift was just its knowledge. So that's the first thing about the importance of traveling for number two. Musa alayhis, salam, good teacher.

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Good teacher, would you assume that he's a great teacher? Absolutely. You can't get better than that. So the second lesson is when you seek and you learn, who must you take knowledge from reputable scholars who are qualified in teaching whatever it is that they teach. Now, here's the thing. There's only one thing I'll mention to you about this. Don't ever hesitate to ask your teacher about their qualifications when it comes to knowledge.

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That is your HAC, as a student to know, where did you study from? Who did you learn this from? Where did that come from? What's your academic training? All of those things? You guys don't have to ask me directly. Because I work here. Everything's online, you can read my bio, all of that good stuff. But the point is, that is exception incredibly important that you when you choose a teacher, or you choose a shale, that you choose somebody who is mature wise and has a reputation that this is somebody who is a person of knowledge, so Musa alayhis, salam, okay, third benefit, and the last one and we move on.

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This student is following the teacher

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or the teacher say, come here, students, let's go on a journey. Or the students say, I want to come with you, teacher. What happened here?

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It's right in the I read the translation, when Musa Ali Salaam.

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So who, who invited who here, teacher, the teacher invited the student to come along on this journey.

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Traditionally, it's the other way around.

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This student

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goes after travels, to seek knowledge from the chef, and not the other way around. This is the only example in Fortran, where the teacher says to the student come to me, let's go.

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Now that you shall have noon, say, You know what? Today's not a good day.

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Like it's still it's going to be the weekend. So can we can we do this next week? What did he do?

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He immediately responded for alumna Bella ha Metamora, baby him and ESEA who Telma when they both reach out to the so they both went on, there's nothing in between. So the assumption is immediately when the teacher invited this student for knowledge, this student responded for knowledge. What you as students and myself as a student have to take from this is knowledge always comes first.

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Always. That's the sacredness and the honor of this. You prioritize the deen of Islam before anything else. Unfortunately, that is a discipline that is difficult to find in this part of the world. Because usually is like oh my God always like

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if the message is too far the weather's too crazy or this or that. Now it was canceled last we can go here today. Oh, the the heating heating is not working too well.

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I get it. Those are important. Don't get me wrong. Don't beat yourself on the head if you come like if you use some of those reasons, and you sort of backwards, that's okay. We're talking generally speaking, there should be a discipline in mind that you prioritize and you work and you grow

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Ain't for him. Does anybody know what the wisdom? What's the outcome of that when you struggle to gain this knowledge? How does that benefit you? What makes you different from the student who conveniently receives this realm? As opposed to somebody who struggles? What's the difference between the two? These two students? Yeah, you put value on it. Okay they put value on it.

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appreciate it more.

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Yeah. More Baraka.

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You know, how

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put it this way? Put it this way.

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You know, Behati hot or Hema hula put together his collection of Hadith.

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He heard about a men who knew a hadith that Buhari didn't get his hands on. So Buhari, got on his horse and traveled for days to find this man. Everybody said go find this man. He knows Hadith that you don't know.

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Somebody went found this man. Did you notice something about this man? When he saw the man as he's approaching him, the man didn't see Buhari but Buhari can see them. And as he's approaching him, he noticed that the man is trying to feed a horse some food, but the horse isn't like taking the fruit. So the men tried to trick the horse kinda like hid the food behind the air, just like come here. Obviously, you try to pet him, warm him and give him the food. Well, why we saw all of that. told them that I came here to get this hadith, but after what I saw, I don't trust you anymore. Because if you're going to deceive a horse, then there's a possibility you will deceive that the people.

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That's that kind of precision and effort. There probably isn't a student of Islam on the planet that doesn't know buddy's name.

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That's a bottle cap.

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That's how Allah blesses your that's the separator. Because you work and you strive it shows you value and you want you desire. You're thirsty, you're hungry for this, as opposed to just saw class I just registered because you know what, I ain't got nothing to do that evening. Anyway, that kind of attitude. Okay.

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Fella much better or much more IBD him in a car who terma when they both reach the union between the two wars, so they got to this place. They both forgot the fish. So it seems like what happened here, we'll see if that I believe you'd have should have some notes on this. They both forgot their fish, Allah told them to carry some kind of big fish. Okay, so they loaded up this boat. And they had some food, some kind of fish and it was probably cooked ahead of time. Musa alayhis salam is sleeping. And the boy is bored and not paying attention. So the boy now is in charge of steering and moving this boat. So he's a young lad, young, young guy.

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So you know what happens when young people have free time? What do they do?

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They're always up to something.

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That's why. So what you learn from this whole incident now in the next verse, here, this verse here, so they got to this place. And the they both forgot the fish.

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So what you learn from this is young people

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have to be busy, they have to be kept busy. Because an idle mind is what's the same, an idle mind as well is over

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is an idle mind is a lost and confused mind or something like that. I'm too old to remember those lines that pertain to young people. And so so the point here is now as you see in your notes, somehow forgot this fish. And Musa alayhis salam, eventually, he probably arrested during the journey. So he woke up, he's hungry.

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So when they both reach this to the union of these two bodies of water, they both forgot the fish and it took its path that it's supposed to take maybe making waves and a tunnel. So what happened to this fish somehow, either if this fish was cooked, or it wasn't cooked, the point is it. It was either forgotten or it got away or something happened to us. We don't know the exact details. Something happened to this fish. It's gone. So now Saurabh is like in the water. It looks like wherever or whatever happened when they woke up and they looked around for this fish. They saw this like breaking of the water happening.

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So they followed it fell in Nyjah was a and when they crossed it polyphor Tahoe that's when we started I was like Okay, give me my food. Tina ohada Anna naka de la peine I'm in Sofia Lena has an asada.

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So he says, give me my lunch because we've met with some kind of exhaustion. What do you learn from this idea that Musa is hungry? And he Well, he likes fish. What do you what do we learn from this? Why is that what telling us this?

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Take a look. See, there's a couple of things there. So I wrote down here that the fish jumped out where they were supposed to stop. And Musar Alliston wakes up some of the lmsc the hunger was a sign that they crossed too much. Okay. So, couple of things. Number one, the fact that Musa alayhis salam wakes up and he's hungry. It was a sign from Allah stop right here, the boat, stop it here. So it's not necessarily about the food. But it's about okay, this wherever you guys are in the ocean. That's where you got to stop. You're getting close or you're at the right place.

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What's interesting to me is he says, Tina has given me my lunch.

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The student is serving nuff, please, there's no hidden messages here for me to you.

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But the teacher the student gives the teacher his lunch ensures that the teacher is taken care of. If he's hungry or thirsty, the students responsibility is to care and do his or her part in ensuring that the teacher is always satisfied. No hidden messages please okay. But one benefit that scholars take from this right.

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Look at the Latina men Safina Hatha nasaga Nosov here is that this is the proof that this was a difficult journey. Only Allah knows what they endured or what they had to encounter when they were on this journey. Okay.

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Pilot auto Eater is Alina, the boy says, Okay, I'll get the fish.

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Illa sock for evening, acetyl hooter woman and Sandy who Illa shaytaan. A typical youth what liquidy says, says there will be other fish.

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Did you see when we passed by the next by next to the Boulder, and indeed I forgot the fish. I didn't forget except shaitan maybe forget. So as they're moving, they will pass by some boulder somewhere on the ocean or some kind of island pass by some object.

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And he says, Listen,

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I forgot. Sahara is a massive boulder. Right? So for Indian acetal hoot I forgot this fish. But by the way, Musa it wasn't like me that forgot the fish. Shaitan got into my head and made me forget the fish. Is that a typical youth talking? A shaitan got into me that she thought it was all shaitan mom. I didn't mean to say it. Shaitan caused the muscles in my mouth to move and project this voice. I'd say that curse word it was nothing else. Right? So the same idea. Well, man Sandy Hook Illa che time we got to talk about this real quickly though. Can we blame shaitan when we mess up?

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Yusuf alayhi salam

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in the story of use of Alison the same thing happen

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that the brothers also tried to do the same thing that you know, it's from shaitan this happened Musa five use of it seven got, you know, we got rid of him throw them in a well, xx? So are we allowed to blame shaitan for our mistakes.

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Shave time has something to do with the mistake. But ultimately, each of us as believers have the ability to overcome the temptation of Shavon. So no, we don't get to blame shaitan for our mistakes, can shaytaan is there and he will whisper to us. And he'll try to encourage us you're doing the right thing that he's take that don't worry about it, just just do it, make it happen. And then you know, you can just figure out an excuse those voices that pop into your head. But ultimately, at the end of the day, we have all the tools to say actually no I can find out shaitan I can decide whether this is right or not. Okay, what type of the sebelah who feel back the idea there?

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And it took a strange path into the ocean. Okay, fine. Part of the early Kyma Hakuna nobility for a tender email puzzle. So he said that's what we were looking for. Then they turned around retracing their footsteps preset very precisely. I'm sorry they you Salam says wait a minute. If that fish then got away

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then we got to go follow wherever that fish went because that fish will lead us to where we need to be.

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Hustle saw is

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footsteps you know, like winter is gonna be here soon. You know, when you walk in the snow you leave your footprints. That's called christleton tests in Arabic is called is the Arabic word for stories?

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Why is the word story and footprints in the same definition? What does that tell you about a good story?

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When you tell a good story, what does the listener feel?

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Was that impression affected? Okay?

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Yeah, they're part of the story. They're in. They're walking in the footsteps when you when you're talking about like, you know, and then the dragon went into the castle. And when he got into the castle, how to know the dragon figured out its fighter time and started praying like something right? The kid hearing this is like, Oh, my God.

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How did the dragon look? And then they start imagining themselves as the dragon walking into the castle, that's called Pistoletto. Allah said suited use it is going to be accidental Castle, it's going to be the best story. Why? Because when you listen to it, you're going to think your use of it. He said, if you're gonna picture yourself in the well, you're gonna picture all of that. So you're gonna be walking in the footsteps of the characters in that story. So he's like, literally, let's go and retrace our footsteps right for lunch at the abdomen a baddie that they found him

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then they found a slave from amongst our slaves. Okay, this is verse number 65.

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Then he found a slave for movements that were slaves or a model or the Allahu Anhu as you can see one of your notes here thought that this was an angel like this individual that they found tell you now what I met him in Indiana and we have given to this individual less as some type of Mercy especially from ourselves and we have taught him a knowledge that has come from us. So this man possessed something really unique he had special knowledge about something

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some say that its header header was a prophet sent to another group from Musa alayhis salam Some say it's a very old man. More knowledge what lagoon is more knowledge? Well, that's this word here. Latin Okay, is the word that's used here for knowledge let don't let don't now Ilma it means that somebody who has more knowledge than us okay, let's put this all together what's happening

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Why didn't

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Why did the

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thing that was well, you know, we said that you know, perhaps one opinion is that this fish was dead.

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It could have been like, you know, you take fish out of the water and you leave it out of the water sometimes for some time. They look like they're dead until you like

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they start moving so that could have had some something along those lines right? But the point is, looks like not even a miracle if that's what happened here caught the attention of the young men because all he was thinking about he's gonna get in trouble for Musa it says he just like it was either she thought man like oh, what can I do? You know, it wasn't me. For what did the abdomen a bed Tina, Tina or Rama?

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So they found this man. Let's see what this knowledge is Paula who moves to the Eroica? Isla and to eliminate him or limp dosha moosari Alayhis Salam said,

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can I follow you around? What just happened? You had a student who followed the teacher. Now you have the teacher who turned into the student, now following another teacher?

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What do you learn from that?

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What do you learn from that? Knowledge is a lifelong journey, no matter what status to reach. Even if you're a prophet, you can always learn more

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from someone and Allah is humbling him in a way. Yeah. That's humility. That's what knowledge is supposed to do. The number one sign your effort in seeking knowledge is accepted by Allah is you develop more humility, like you. It's like what Imam a chef at your hemoglobin said, he once said that, the more I learn, the more that I discover how ignorant I am.

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And how much I just didn't know what I should have. How much I thought I knew and I didn't.

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The more I study, and I learned, the more I uncover an expose my ignorance. That's what knowledge is supposed to humble you. Musa alayhis salam is a prophet of Allah. And he's still learning. So this is for now us teachers. Our journey of learning now

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For stops, you guys all heard of Schiffman bass wrote him a whole lot who died in the 90s room.

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Chef bin baz was reading a book learning like studying a book with his chef.

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And his chef was in his 90s.

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Less than a week later, Schiffman VAs dice. He's studying a book, like he's in a classroom studying in less than a week he dies is one of the greatest scholars of our time. I'm Greta Scott, contemporary scholars ever 100% I'd even look but there's a 99.9% chance some of Chef members his books are sitting in this library right now. Without even me looking for it. That's how important his knowledge and his monetary like his references, but he's still studying and learning. So this journey through knowledge is so stay away and be cautious of the show you and teachers are like, oh, you know what? I graduated from so and so I've got this three degrees, so I'm good where I am. You

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don't want to take knowledge from someone like that or you don't want to depend on them as a reference. Okay. Humility is the goal. That's what you want to find. That's where the board okay is. Carla who Musa he says I want to follow you. Go ahead. Sorry. So

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knowledgeable. But in one of the earlier verses when we talked about

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access, is it a different word? Or is there no it's the same word. So put it together. So you Yeah. So it also means immediate access. So that you're referring to a verse in sudut. Earlier Imran where the believer will ask middle of doom Khurana indica until Wahab right. So it refers to like a fault of a special type of mercy, a special type of mercy from Allah subhanaw taala. Think of it the same way with the knowledge of this man. He's got access, or he's been gifted with a special type of knowledge. Nobody else has new silo Islam is desperate and wants access to that knowledge. So you see how the two definitions can still complement each other. Right? Yep.

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Who's Joshua guys?

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Joshua, guys. Oh, my.

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You share it noon.

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Is a Joshua.

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Yeah, you're right. It is Joshua. I was trying to trick you guys. Because the last time I asked students this, right, they're like, Joshua, that's use if I use that. No, it's not. It's toeses. Use of right? Yeah, yeah, it is. It's who they refer to into Torah and the Old Testament as Joshua AKA, yeah.

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Close, okay. And to eliminate him in that Limbo rush there. Okay. Can I follow you around, based on the idea that you can teach me from what you have been taught of good things? Musa alayhis salam is only interested in what? Just learning. So make sure you note that you can teach me I want your knowledge and what you have been taught of the good things, why does Musa alayhis salam emphasize that what you want, what I want to learn from you, or just the good things? Why does he emphasize that?

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In other words, he's saying politely.

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If you can't benefit me, you're of no use to me.

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That's a really important lesson.

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Okay, for all of us, not only just to find knowledge, but knowledge that's beneficial that will actually uplift you inspire, make you a better person, like make you a good human being overall, not just a really good person in Salta. Not just a really good person, you know, in a bad debt and rituals, and so no, no, you also want to be you don't want to be an excellent or a Seiter. You also want to be an honest businessman or person. You want to be a good husband and a good wife. You want to be a good mother and you want to be a good father. You want to be a good person. You want all of that otherwise, I'm not interested in anything else. Okay, Pa the index Atlanta study, I met your

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this response Gosh, have I heard it so many times in my life? No, you have you're not going to be able to be patient with me. What is the most important quality as a student when you're learning the deen?

00:34:51 --> 00:34:52

No patience. No.

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

You will never ever be a true student of Islam if you do not have patience with learning the deen

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

It will never be given to you never be given to us.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:36

If that is like something that you have to think like, really drill that in your heart and mind, it will never ever, you will never be given toship in knowledge unless you have patients. That's why you many of you who have studied with me over the years, I have a tendency of lecturing the students about hanging in there staying consistent. If I can battle traffic and the weather to get here nobody else has an excuse. Because I don't think anybody else lives as far as I do from the Masjid.

00:35:39 --> 00:35:41

Yeah, you actually do How long does it take you to get here?

00:35:44 --> 00:35:49

I like how you stretch to three quarters of an hour

00:35:52 --> 00:36:28

Yeah, on a good day, it's one hour for me all the time on a good day. That's what the 407 as well, one hour it'll take me to get there. There's there's a there's there's been days it took me three hours to get to it. There have been days where it took me two and three hours like I leave here after Juma and then when when the before the time changed. So Juma finishes what a two o'clock before the time change. I get home like at 430 because of the 401 and all of that well this is before Allah blessed me with 407 You know when you forget it I want to say

00:36:29 --> 00:37:00

that it was a read you know when you go four to seven she's feel like your Eman just took a mashallah you know, how they like you made it to you know, you're here. But yeah, the forest seven is one of the greatest gifts man if you want to save time, but clay, Allah in that Kolento still to El Salvador, the first thing is he says you can't you're not going to be patient. My question to you is this students why did this old man immediately assume Mossad is not going to patients? Where is this coming from?

00:37:03 --> 00:37:10

Like, is that a polite thing to say to a student who comes to you for the first time it says I really want to learn from you. You will have no patience to deal with me. Okay.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:13

Is there a nice thing to say?

00:37:15 --> 00:37:16

It's a test.

00:37:17 --> 00:37:42

He's being tested right now. scholars do this all the time when students request to study from them privately all the time. The reason why I told you I've heard this answer so many times. When I was studying Buhari, I went to a chef and begged him can you teach people hottie it wasn't being taught at the University of Medina. He told me this A says in the Kolento study, I'm not your Sabra.

00:37:43 --> 00:37:45

So and he walked away

00:37:46 --> 00:38:07

how it was determined I was a young, really energetic next day I saw him shift please like I really want to learn from you please study it'll be beneficial to people back home back in Toronto. You repeated to me again the same way that you're not because I'm too lazy like him as a teacher that I'm too lazy. I don't have time to teach us just go leave me alone. And you like

00:38:08 --> 00:38:19

so I went to a friend and I told him I was like, what's with the chef man, he's so rude to me. The chef told me that the brother Tom is like Chef test to you. If you're gonna waste his time, we're gonna

00:38:20 --> 00:38:30

show him you're serious. Five times, he turned me down. And the sixth time he came out with it. He's like, come to my house Saturday.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:42

And he and I told him and asked him why did you reject me and be so mean to the euro? And he said, yeah, just want to make sure you're serious. You want this? It's not easy to teach mojado

00:38:43 --> 00:38:48

every Saturday for years before we finished so

00:38:49 --> 00:39:10

this here is not necessarily take like a unpleasant you know, just a horrible thing to say no. This is him perhaps testing Musa Ali Sam if you have what it takes. And how can you be patient? Well, can you help us with our LM LM to be hobo and how can you be patient with something you haven't even been given full news of who's talking here?

00:39:11 --> 00:39:12

Who's talking in this area?

00:39:17 --> 00:39:43

Know it's the old man. Take a look at your note. You can't wrap your head around it. So the man the old man is telling moosari Listen, how are you going to be patient with something you don't even completely know about? Look like it's impossible. Okay. Carla Musa check him out. Harder strategy duty in sha Allah who saw the wrong wala LC laka. Amara, you'll find the inshallah patient. Don't worry, I'll hang in there.

00:39:45 --> 00:39:53

And I will not disobey you in any decision. So he'll ask questions, but he'll be patient.

00:39:55 --> 00:39:56

What do we learn from this? I

00:39:59 --> 00:39:59


00:40:00 --> 00:40:05

If I really want to finish this course, trust me, I'll be there after like four classes.

00:40:06 --> 00:40:12

Where are they? That kind of thing? So Musa lay Simon's trying to say I'm not going to be that kind of student. I'm going to commit.

00:40:13 --> 00:40:22

Yeah, he's like in sha Allah See, he learned the we learned it now, right? It's coming towards the end of the Surah In sha Allah who saw the ad on wala RC Luca Amara.

00:40:24 --> 00:40:35

You see this word here? saw it on. Its well that's different in translation, I want you to underline that and say, consistently patient.

00:40:36 --> 00:40:40

It's just there's an error, there's a style to this word, there's just sort of an Arabic benefit to it.

00:40:42 --> 00:41:19

When you say sovereign, meaning I will always always be patient. Some days I'm not going to feel like studying but I'll be there some days I'm gonna get really annoyed I'm gonna come to class in a bad mood, but I'll be in class I'll be really consistently patient each and every time Well, I will see like a moron and I won't disobey you in any decision. conifer in it to the attorney says like, if you're going to follow finatus Only or in shame had to decide like you election I mean, who the crowd and don't ask me about anything until I mentioned to you something about it. See this one instruction?

00:41:21 --> 00:41:26

What is he saying? He's saying, Okay, if you're going to follow me,

00:41:28 --> 00:41:30

then don't ask anything.

00:41:31 --> 00:41:36

Why does he say that? The old man, why does he say that? Don't ask me anything.

00:41:37 --> 00:41:39

It's because of this. It's because of this word.

00:41:41 --> 00:41:53

Look, we use where you see here, follow or to follow. Underline this word to follow these two words. And I'm going to give you a couple of things to write about it okay? To follow.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:05

There are two words in the Koran that mean to follow. So on top of this somewhere, verse number 70.

00:42:07 --> 00:42:18

Okay, you're gonna follow just the word follow is fine. So somewhere on the top there next to a number 70 wants you to write this there are two words in the Koran.

00:42:19 --> 00:42:23

Which mean to follow. One of them is called TA.

00:42:24 --> 00:42:47

Thorough, okay, which is, follow unconditionally. Don't ask questions, just follow. That's the first type of follow in the Quran. Just follow. Have you heard of this is semi or now wha I'll find that word of Barna of Barna now, just follow Don't ask anything. Okay.

00:42:48 --> 00:43:03

The second type of word to follow in the Koran is the word that's used in this area. In Tibet. I mean, this word right here, eat it to that it etbr. So here's what I want you to write for the second word.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:11

You inquisitively follow, you're asking questions, as you follow.

00:43:12 --> 00:44:03

So the second word type of follow in the Koran, is you're asking, as you follow, you're constantly inquiring, where are we going? Why are you using that direction? Why are we studying this? How come you're sitting like that? Why are we saying it that you're constantly asking and inquiring, as you follow your share why he or she is doing it that way. So everybody understand the two the first one you just follow? Don't ask no questions. Number two, you're asking questions and you're inquiring all the time you're curious. So what he's saying is you Musa if you follow me? I know you're gonna ask me stuff. So I'm gonna let you know ahead of time. Don't ask me about anything.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:12

What do you learn about Musa alayhis, Salam student character? Him as a student? What kind of student is he?

00:44:13 --> 00:44:14

That kind of student?

00:44:15 --> 00:44:34

Teacher, brother, Chef. Got a question. He's that kind of student. You see how beautiful this is? You get an insight of the kind of person Musa alayhis salam is without even reading a biography of him. He's an inquisitive mind, or a lot of the Allahu Anhu said there is knowledge in questions.

00:44:37 --> 00:44:46

Unless you know anything more or less either knowledge is in questions. And what he's saying is that

00:44:47 --> 00:44:48

when you have a question

00:44:49 --> 00:44:50

asked ask

00:44:51 --> 00:44:53

that's the whole point. Ask

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

but there's something that's about to unfold had already selected. I mean, who

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

The cut off till I mentioned to you something about it. Okay, fine. Some follow car.

00:45:07 --> 00:45:34

So they went ahead. So this is the first rule of the class Don't say a word fine. No question students okay. So they went ahead if I'm Tanaka had either rocky benefis Athena T Hora pa until they boarded, they both boarded of them onto a ship and he tore it Hanukkah. Hanukkah is he literally just poked a hole into this vessel, okay? Upon a hot off the hair. Look what the student did.

00:45:35 --> 00:46:08

Immediately the first thing when they were doubtful or uncertain immediately, he asked the question, did you tear it up? So you could it's fearful and have done something both unethical and totally illogical, oh, my God. Like he's not just saying what he presumes. But he's also coming up with all these assumptions. Like, you want to kill us all. You want us to drown and die. And this is so horrible. What kind of share are you?

00:46:11 --> 00:46:13

What else do you learn about moussaka? He said on

00:46:17 --> 00:46:21

say it like it is right. But at the same time, it's like

00:46:22 --> 00:46:30

it's a little challenging. It's a little challenging for him to like, oh, I need to ask him. What is he doing? Like? Why did he drill a hole? Right?

00:46:31 --> 00:46:49

It's killing me. It's killing? Listen, are you trying to like drown us all? Is this the pre Titanic moment before? Is it like, what are you doing? He can't kind of like hold themselves together. To be honest with you. I think. When I think of Musa alayhis salam here, I think it's kind of cute.

00:46:50 --> 00:47:05

Like he's, look what he's gonna try and all these people, everything's gonna go wrong. So tear a plank downs, okay, fine. On a thorough job. Okay. Next, call the LM oppo Lukka, just like any professor would write any teacher would

00:47:06 --> 00:47:07

didn't really see

00:47:08 --> 00:47:52

in the Galenica study, or Mary or somebody tell you you're not capable to have patience with me. You know, our version of this, by the way is when you take a course. And the student asks a question, the teacher says, we will get to that. We'll get don't it's coming. Just just rely. And then five seconds later, shit. I just said we're coming to that don't jump the topic, or don't jump to the last idea. We're only in a number three, like chip, relax. It's that kind of thing that's happening. So repeats the same thing. Students do we learn anything from this like repetition? We set it once? Once I lay some kind of let it slip? Then He says it again?

00:47:53 --> 00:47:57

Do we learn anything here between the Old Man and the student?

00:48:01 --> 00:48:06

Yeah, the professor or the chef, or the old man also needs to be patient.

00:48:08 --> 00:48:12

It's very easy for for a teacher to be like, Look, I already told you once.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:15

Don't waste my time.

00:48:16 --> 00:48:24

But he reminds that the students again, patience is also a responsibility of the teacher as well.

00:48:26 --> 00:49:04

He also has to be patient, no matter how many times he's reminding the students to be patient, that in and of itself, that repetition also require a ton of patients. So he or she has to be an example of patient so him repeating himself don't just look at me like all will ever say let's just skip it and go No. Allah tells us this stuff. Because he wants us to like take a moment and think what it means to you, Paula to athlete Navy man se to Allah to be happenin MD or a surah Don't scold me as a teacher. Like, you know, just be Be easy on me. lead to kidney.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:16

More alpha is the word that you see that the note there to his need to hold responsible. So when he's saying Don't scold me, don't hold me responsible for what I have forgotten.

00:49:17 --> 00:49:19

So Musa alayhis salam.

00:49:20 --> 00:49:23

Here's another, like a little tap into his personality.

00:49:25 --> 00:49:31

So I forgot that student. Tell him Don't ask any questions. Okay, I won't. So brothers and sisters are proud.

00:49:34 --> 00:49:37

Professors like Didn't I tell you don't ask any questions. I'm sorry, I forgot.

00:49:38 --> 00:49:59

I'm not going to ask you what we call that kind of students in our time. Okay. But it's interesting. It's like, sorry, I forgot what that total HIPAA name is. Emily Ursuline. Don't impose on me for what I've done more difficulty. Like, don't give me detention. Don't give me extra homework. Don't like, send me to the principal's office, that kind of thing.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:11

follow up call. So the old man's like having fun. Takahata either love the hula men for patella. So they went ahead until they both met a boy.

00:50:12 --> 00:50:25

Well hold them. See this word, Willem is another word for child or boy in the poor end and it's between this age group. Okay? So the amount of boy between this age group for Catala and they killed him.

00:50:27 --> 00:50:57

Musa alayhis salam does it again. Paul Alcatel Donaldson Zakia timber lady Neff sin loca, the cheetah che and nohcra. Remember I told you in the previous one, he's like you're going to drown these people. This is so illogical, Iran horrible. Look what he says here. You killed a person that's poor. That's innocent. You've come up with something that is Nakara something that is absolutely devastating and terrible. How could you?

00:50:58 --> 00:51:03

Are you? Are you seeing more of the personality of Musa alayhis salam

00:51:04 --> 00:51:20

he cares and he cares a lot to the point that he can't hold it back. He has to express his care. So how could you do this to people on the boat? How could you do this to this little kids? Terrible. He cares a lot.

00:51:23 --> 00:51:30

Verse numbers 74 Okay, Nakara unheard of or alien to all society. We've never seen anything like this.

00:51:31 --> 00:51:38

Okay, pilot LM oppo laka. Here's the addition if you want to highlight this, didn't I say to you?

00:51:40 --> 00:51:41

This is the addition.

00:51:43 --> 00:52:14

Okay, there's another addition. So the other said Paula lm a call call LM accord. Here pilot LM oppo laka This is the addition here to you so it's like this now the teacher is getting tired and he says to him Silas I'm like, Look how many times I have I told you that's lucky here. So then and I say to you just you alone. You are not capable to have patience with me.

00:52:16 --> 00:52:19

Quit mozzarella. Says next right.

00:52:20 --> 00:52:23

Paula in sell to Karen Shea in bad

00:52:25 --> 00:52:35

fella to saw him uni. He said if I asked you anything after this, that you are rightful. It never accompanying me again.

00:52:36 --> 00:52:39

Chef, you can abandon me and just leave me here.

00:52:42 --> 00:52:46

What insight do we get about Musa alayhis salam is personality here.

00:52:47 --> 00:52:55

He gets it. He's like, Okay, I got him upset. Okay, I really need to like stop.

00:52:56 --> 00:53:12

He cares too much. Which is not a bad thing with like in a classroom. It just, it just shows a little more. So he's like, okay, look, you don't even have to be my friendship. You have to talk to me. You really have to acknowledge me. I'm fed up to saw him at Sahaba Sahabi. What does that word mean?

00:53:14 --> 00:53:18

You don't even have to be a companion to me anymore. You have to be my friend. Chef. It's okay.

00:53:20 --> 00:53:26

By the by level Tamil dude near Zahra, then in that case, you will have to excuse you will have the excuse

00:53:27 --> 00:53:38

to just leave me. So no, sorry, they Salam at this point here. does feel like okay, you know, if he's, you know, he does feel bad. Well, let's see.

00:53:40 --> 00:54:15

From Takahata is okay, by the way. Okay, actually, we'll see. When the explanation comes up with all of this. We'll see. Okay, I was gonna explain to you why the killing of the child happened here. Well, we'll come to that. Okay. We'll come to that in a second. Okay. From Takahata is a hello Korea tennis thought. Hello. So then they went until they eventually reached the citizens of some sort of town. So people, they went to a people in a town and these people were not nice. They were not welcoming. They were not hospitable in any way.

00:54:16 --> 00:54:27

So I had a party at this thought about your dye your fullness. So there is a citizen of a town and they asked for food and they refuse to be hospitable to both of them.

00:54:29 --> 00:54:36

For Abell Vo is a kind of refusal and about is like you don't answer the door.

00:54:37 --> 00:54:44

Somebody just came out us like not answering and you're looking at them like I go away. That's about

00:54:46 --> 00:54:51

so they didn't even try fell legit. The fee had a G dub.

00:54:53 --> 00:54:59

And they found so Musar they Celemony Oldman, they found a wall that wanted to fall over

00:55:00 --> 00:55:10

So when they're in this village, see this wall that looks really unstable, really fragile, it's rotting away, or the foundation is really off.

00:55:11 --> 00:55:14

And they want and they set it straight.

00:55:15 --> 00:55:38

Forward. Did you read a young pop up? Aparna you're not up here. People slide out while partner saw that. So they stood it up straight and they reinforced its foundation. Paul fellowship telehealth, Dr. Lee. So Musa alayhis salam, and this old man, start working on this wall, pause for a second. Why did they do that?

00:55:40 --> 00:55:47

They go to a village, they go to a place. So our, our perspective is very simple. You come

00:55:48 --> 00:55:56

to my house. When you come to my house, you see this massive hole in the drywall. You can fix your arm right through it.

00:55:58 --> 00:56:20

And I tell you to say listen, I just don't have time I'll get to it. Like, you know, I was doing such in my head hit the wall. So I busted right through. I'm sorry. Okay, something happened. So you're like, you know, it's all good. And before you leave, you're like you got any like pieces of drywall. I'll patch it up for you. And you sit there and you patch up my wall, you repaint it, it's all good.

00:56:23 --> 00:56:31

People with you, they say, you know, you just like did all that work. We were there for hours. Look what Musa alayhis salam says

00:56:32 --> 00:56:40

he says partnership Delta has dialer he urged all had you wanted you could actually ask for some compensation.

00:56:42 --> 00:56:45

What? What do you learn from Musa Lee so that we are now

00:56:47 --> 00:57:33

it itches him when he sees like, the scale isn't balanced. Like I do something for you that you at least don't offer something in return. So what would been the polite thing is if I instead of me sending you I'll be like, Oh, good job, Samaniego. I should at least out of courtesy. Do what? Offer something. So listen, man, you know this, take this leave you just for your time. If not, let me just like, you know, give you some dinner. Let me just like, I don't know, let me do something for you just to thank you. And if you insist, and you say no, no, no color. So I'll just say JazakAllah hydrogels I like oh, let me just pray for you. So Musa alayhis salam has this in his head. You know

00:57:33 --> 00:57:39

these three responses from Musa they say them, you know what this gives you an insight of what kind of Prophet he is

00:57:40 --> 00:58:25

how he dealt with the affairs of his followers. He was a just man, this is one evidence for it. Like he ensured you did the work, you should get something in return. Take care of him Don't abuse or take advantage. Right. And you know, if he sees that, like there's, you know, something that's that's about to happen or something that's unstable, something that might put others in danger, he voices and speak sounds like you're going to pierce a hole in this boat. So you can imagine that if he saw something between two people or anything remember the whole story of when he killed the soldier from ferons palace. A lot of students they ask, Why didn't them sign a study even get

00:58:25 --> 00:58:51

involved to begin with? This is your answer. It's part of his personality to get involved. Like he can't just sit there and watch two people hurting each other. Like he just has to stop it. Because he can't sit there and watch that you just took the life of a child and I'm just gonna sit there and be quiet like I gotta say something. It's part of him. So I like things like this important that it sort of in a subtle way highlights and gives you an insight of who these individuals were.

00:58:52 --> 00:58:59

The chef and the chef has enough at that hero obey me well, Vedic. This is the party between me. We're done here.

00:59:00 --> 00:59:04

Set we're gonna be Kavita Lilia Mal and testator, Isley, his Sabra.

00:59:05 --> 00:59:10

And I don't know why there's half of it that's cut off there. But there is

00:59:13 --> 00:59:16

a little room roll wants to break a lead in about the fall okay.

00:59:22 --> 00:59:37

Yeah, it should have a fair set when a big use case. In other words, he says I'm going to tell you the meaning of all that has happened that you could not be patient with. Apologize for that. It's for some reason cut off even in the notes here as well.

00:59:41 --> 00:59:50

Okay, so verse number 78. What it should say is I'm going to explain to you what you could not have patience with.

00:59:51 --> 00:59:54

I'm going to explain to you what you could not have patience with.

00:59:58 --> 00:59:59

I'm going to explain to you

01:00:00 --> 01:00:08

or what you could not have patients with a seconder. Okay, and I'll do that after I don't want to. I want to mess around with the students online as well. Okay.

01:00:11 --> 01:00:11


01:00:12 --> 01:00:17

we'll take the first explanation and then we'll pause. We'll pause there and chug along.

01:00:19 --> 01:00:27

here here's the first explanation. I miss Safina satanically, Miss Akina, Yama Luna Field Battery for order to our iba.

01:00:28 --> 01:00:31

As for the ship, it was for people.

01:00:34 --> 01:01:11

It was for people trying to work in the ocean, it was for people that were trying to work in the ocean, and why wanted to cause a flaw in it. And right behind them, there was some king around the corner, he was confiscating every single ship by force. So there was a king right behind him, right behind this particular ship that they were on, that was going around just taking any ship or vessel and any of the treasures and foods and all the supplies and stuff that were there just stealing it all. So he wanted to make the ship look old. Are we allowed to do that? Let's say if you were in a bad neighborhood, and you were driving a nice car, and your passenger said,

01:01:12 --> 01:01:22

I don't give me that bottle, just broke your window, went outside and took his key just start scratching up your car and be like, I know this area, don't trust me, we'll have to do that.

01:01:26 --> 01:01:30

Or do you leave the passenger in the bad area and you drive away? Just stay right here.

01:01:33 --> 01:02:20

You love to do that. Like if you have this like feeling or insight. It's kind of like in between the Sharia is kind of like in between on this issue. Because if you do know the ins and outs of a particular area or place where your guest or traveler or driver, whoever doesn't, and you want to take this, it's kind of like your bear the consequences. It either works out or you're gonna have a hefty repair bill sent to you at some point, right? It's kind of like, it's not a terrible thing to do. What, in this case here this this elderly man was very certain of what he was doing. So the certainty is a critical part, if you ever are in a similar scenario, okay.

01:02:21 --> 01:02:23

So when a Beatle Kavita waiting, okay

01:02:26 --> 01:02:46

coulisse Athena Tina ASA. Well, I'm Mel Hola, um, let's just actually do do the both of the one man Hola, MUFA Kana Ebola, me Nene for her Sheena. As for the boy, they both, then both his parents were believers than we were afraid he would force them to rebellion and disbelief. So here's what happened with this scenario is that

01:02:48 --> 01:02:59

this particular child that they killed, was going to be a child that when he grew up, when he grows up, he would rebel and he would fall into disbelief and COFA.

01:03:00 --> 01:03:02

The world doesn't need another one of those.

01:03:03 --> 01:03:07

Explain to me what this alien means to us in 2023.

01:03:10 --> 01:03:16

Can you see how easily you can take this area and really abuse it?

01:03:19 --> 01:03:28

You have clients that I can take their life if they're if I know that they're a crazy kid. I don't want the kid anymore. But as as though

01:03:29 --> 01:03:58

this was once upon a time allowed. It's not allowed anymore the products they sell them abrogated this. And it goes back to a whole bunch of other verses remember stories of burying the daughter life, right core and came abolished all of that you're not allowed to do this anymore. Back then during this time it was allowed here. Wouldn't you say that this is specifically for himself, because he was given why it's possible to

01:04:00 --> 01:04:33

assume that it was specifically but there's no evidence to restrict it to just hit that alone. Because the story is highlighting this instance amongst them, right. But we don't know if this was a norm or a law or something that others practiced as well. So we can't restrict it, there is a possibility that this was a norm. For now. All we care about is as you said, right. This situation here is between this old man Musa alayhis salam and fedora saw

01:04:34 --> 01:04:45

but it's also we were afraid so it's not we would know. Yeah. When I mean Yeah. So certain thing so it brings up even more questions because yeah, I think like, hit their head.

01:04:46 --> 01:04:59

Yeah, and that's the whole point. Right? He has this knowledge that this is the whole reason why all this is falling. But here's the thing, here's the thing I want to leave you with, what is the the core lesson behind all of this?

01:05:00 --> 01:05:20

What are we learning by all of this that the first instance of, you know, he destroyed the ship. But there was a really nasty king who would have killed you, if they found that everything was okay. And taking everything. Now here, this child would have been terrible. What are we learning from all of this?

01:05:22 --> 01:05:23

So lesson here,

01:05:25 --> 01:05:26

lesson is very simple.

01:05:28 --> 01:05:34

Sometimes things may appear in your life is really terrible.

01:05:35 --> 01:05:36

really rough.

01:05:38 --> 01:05:41

All right, and I don't mean I'm not trying to say to you just deal with it.

01:05:42 --> 01:06:01

But Be positive, be positive that Allah put or allowed that thing to happen. And there is wisdom behind it, even if you don't know what that wisdom is. Because Allah Himself says that he does not do things in vain, there is always wisdom and purpose behind it.

01:06:03 --> 01:06:03

Got it.

01:06:04 --> 01:06:37

So, at the end of all of this, there is some like wisdom that came out of it. And it is the only time a situation like this is mentioned in the entire report. There's nothing similar to it. So it's highlighted, it's here. But this is not obviously something we're allowed to practice or do. It's already been done with, and we have plenty of a hadith that abrogated this sort of thing. Okay, one less diverse. Yep. So just to be clear, the lesson is not we're allowed to do bad things. It was for our greater good. No.

01:06:38 --> 01:06:39


01:06:40 --> 01:07:06

yeah, you're not allowed to do bad things for the greater good. No, everything here happened. Because a man was inspired and given Lagoona illness, some kind of knowledge that others didn't possess. It was like a very isolated situation with this one men. But you can't, you cannot extract the principle of doing bad hoping some good, you can't you and I can control that. We don't know the outcomes of that. But this man already knew Allah inspired him with it. Yep.

01:07:08 --> 01:07:31

And it okay. For other than the last day and we're done for our dinner, Ayyubid de la humara boom, el hierro. Minh, who's keratin we're all caught up out of nowhere intended that he replaced it with someone better than him in terms of intelligent impurity, and he would be closer in terms of mercy and keeping family ties. There's a lot to unpack in this verse. But I'll leave that for next week. Inshallah. Next week, what will end up happening is

01:07:34 --> 01:07:50

we should have maybe just two classes left on the surah. The surah. Okay, don't worry, we got lots of goodies for you. So we were hoping he's going anywhere. We're going right till before the winter break. Okay, we're going right up to the winter break.

01:07:51 --> 01:08:01

It's all good. I actually like when I finish a subject early, because then we can study something else. I can give you like a two or three session course on a different subject.

01:08:02 --> 01:08:06

You guys don't want that. You just wants to go to that Academy. That's it.

01:08:08 --> 01:08:37

No, no way. I'm telling you, Nobody's going anywhere. Okay. This is kind of just think of it and I enjoy this. It's kind of like a little bit of a bonus for all right. It's a pleasure for me and I hope for you too. So I want to finish this a little early and have maybe two or three sessions on a completely separate subject. And that will be your gift from Allah before the winter break. Okay, so panicle Lahoma we have decrescendo Allah Allah He learned to stop our taboo leg. Until next weekend, shout love Salam Marley

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