Muiz Bukhary – Winter is Approaching

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the history of Islam, including the story of three men being cured from leprosy and the history of a woman who had beautiful skin. The sermon uses a hypothetical scenario where blessed people like the Bible, leper, and leper are blessed. The importance of acceptance of the decree of Allah sub hangroar and staying steadfast on spoken words and actions is emphasized. Enrolling in the "monster" trial is also discussed, and the importance of uniting and standing for gender justice is emphasized. The segment emphasizes the importance of uniting and standing for gender justice to avoid becoming weak and destroy us.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam Allah ashrafi ambia evil mousseline, Nabina Wahhabi Vina karate ioannina Mohammed Abdullah Abdullah alayhi wa aalihi wa sahbihi wa salatu wa automatise lame a mabank for in estoppel Hadith Nikita boo long maharal Howdy, howdy Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Cheryl Amorim of this to her burquitlam of death invada wakulla be the Athena Walla Walla Walla Walla Walla, Tina Fey now

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Paula tala Nikita behera Z's bada rubella hamina shaytani r rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rafi

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coo coo, coo coo, coo

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coo coo Tatupu bucola Tyler

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all praise and thanks be to Almighty Allah subhanho wa Taala who is our Creator sustainer nourish, protector and cure, made the choices of his blessings and salutations be upon our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of the AMA.

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Our slaves of Allah first and foremost I admonish myself and then all of you all who are present here, to endgrain to ingrain taqwa in your lives and to infuse your heart with taqwa. And that is to adopt the fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the consciousness of Allah subhana wa dialler in your lives if you wish to attain success in this world, as well as the hereafter. May Allah the Almighty make us all from the people of taqwa.

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And secondly, it is incumbent upon all of us to thank Allah subhana wa tada for the numerous bounties and favors that he has conferred upon us. Numerous indeed are the blessings of Allah subhana wa, ala. And I wish to share with you all, a story that took place many, many moons ago. And this story was narrated to us by our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Hadith is in Bukhari. The story is of three men. And the narration goes along the lines of these words, the story is of three men, one who was a leper, and the other was a bald man and the other the final person was a blind individual, three people, Allah, the Almighty, He sent down an angel to

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test these three people to test these three individuals. So the angel he goes first to the leper, a man who was afflicted with leprosy, he goes to him and he asks him, What do you wish, you know, like a, like Aladdin and the magic lamp, he goes to him and he asked him, What do you wish? Now the leper who was afflicted with leprosy, naturally, his skin was badly affected people disliked him. People did not like to be in his company due to his bad appearance. So he asked that Angel, I wish that Allah subhanho wa Taala should bless me with beautiful skin. In other words that I be cured from this disease.

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The angel he prayed to Allah subhanho wa Taala and that man's wish was granted, he was cured from leprosy and he was given a beautiful looking skin complexion. Now the angel, he goes on to ask the man Okay, so what do you now wish from wealth? Allahu Akbar, the wishes don't embarr now What do you wish from wealth? The man says, I wish to own a herd of camels, Allahu Akbar. The angel he prays to us behind 100 Allah and blesses the man with a pregnant she came. A pregnant she came in. After some time that pregnant she came in Bo, little ones of the cameras and that multiplied and became

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A whole herd of cameras the man now he owned a whole herd of cameras. The angel now went to the bald man and asked him What do you wish? The bald man said? I'm bald, I don't have hair I wish to have beautiful long hair. The angel he prays to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the man is blessed with beautiful long hair. And now what do you wish from? Well, I wish to own droves of cattle,

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the angel Praise to Allah subhanho wa Taala and he is blessed with a pregnant cow. That cow gives birth and now that multiplies and now he owns. He owns a whole he owns droves of cattle herds of cattle. The angel now goes to the blind man and asked him What do you wish? The blind man says I wish that Allah subhana wa Taala should restore my eyesight so that I can view I can see with beautiful clarity, the angel Praise to Allah subhanho wa Taala and the man his eyesight is restored. Now he is able to look with clarity. The angel then goes on to ask him so what do you wish from wealth? He says I wish to own sheep.

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The angel Praise to Allah subhanho wa Taala is blessed with a pregnant sheep that gives birth multiplies and now he owns flocks of sheep, Allahu Akbar. Now after some time, now comes the test of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah because Allah the Almighty had blessed these three individuals.

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After some time the angel he goes to the leper in the guise of a letter, he goes to the man who was afflicted with leprosy in the guise of a human being who is currently afflicted with leprosy. He goes to that man and says, oh, slaver for law, look at me, I'm afflicted with leprosy. The narration goes along the lines of these words, please help me. Can you give me something from your wealth? The man says he chases him away. He says, This is all my will. I earned it with much hard work. He ignores the blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he chases the angel away, he failed the test of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then the angel goes to the bald man, and says the same thing he goes in the

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guise of a bald man. And he says, Oh slave of Allah helped me out. I'm in this difficulty. The man says, this is all wealth of my ancestry. my forefathers left it behind. I inherited all of this wealth, this wealth is mine get away he chases the angel, the angel finally goes to the blind man. And he tells the blind man, oh slaver for law helped me out he goes in the guise of a blind man, the blind man. He says, You know what? I used to be blind. Allah subhana wa Taala. He restored my eyesight for me. And it is Allah, the Almighty Who gave all of this wealth, you see, all of these sheep, they all belong to me but Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed me with all of that sheep, when I

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did not even have my eyesight, let alone the sheep. So take whatever you wish from my wealth, because it is Allah and Allah the Almighty blessed me with it, Allahu Akbar. He acknowledges the blessing of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And then the angel reveals himself and then says, this was a test from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And your two companions, the leper and the bald man they failed in the test, you succeeded in the test, they angered Allah subhanho wa Taala and you want the pleasure of Allah subhana wa tada Allah Allahu Akbar, Allah the Almighty all powerful maker he says in the noble Koran, la Shakur, Toma as he

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Mila Shandy in Chicago to Monaco, if you show gratitude to Allah subhanho wa Taala as he then Nakhon Allah subhanho wa Taala he says that we will increase many fold for you a lot about water in Africa. But on the other hand, if you deny, if you reject the blessings of Allah subhana wa Taala in de Lucia de indeed my punishment is severe, My Torment is severe May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all from his anger and from his punishment, I mean, now we move on to the topic for today's sermon. And the topic is, winter is approaching.

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This is a modern day phrase that gives the meaning that very trying and troubled times ahead. We are about to face or we are facing trying and trouble

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times, because if you were to look around the Muslim Ummah, the home of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, whether you take it at an international level or a local level, we are all facing trials tribulations and calamities. The oma is being battered from all four corners. But remember, and bear in mind My dear respected elders and brothers in Islam,

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that this life that Allah Subhana what Allah has blessed us with is very, very temporary. The pleasures of this life are short lived, likewise the hardships, the trials, the calamities of this life are short lived. We are not supposed to latch ourselves onto this life, because inevitably we are going to taste death. All of us we are going to taste death. And we as believers, we know that this is a temporary abode. We are crossing on to our permanent stage that is the era where we shall abide in perpetual enjoyment and happiness. May Allah subhanho wa Taala bless us all.

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And it is also from the signs of the day of Ghana, that triers calamities will start occurring one after the other Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have said that the day of the AMA or the final art will not take place the narration goes along the lines of these words, that the final hour will not take place until excessive horrid starts taking place. And scholars explained that that is excessive bloodshed, excessive killing so much to the extent that the one who is the murderer, the one who is killing an individual will not know why he is killing that individual. No will the person who is being killed who is being assassinated, nor will he know why on earth is he

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being assassinated, Dr. calamities Phaeton will be widespread across the globe. These are all signs of the day of the AMA and know for a fact many respected elders and brothers in Islam that most of the minor signs of the day of the AMA have already taken place. There are only a few remaining minor signs to take place, after which the major signs of the day of the AMA will take place. And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is reported to have taught us that even if one of the major signs of the day of the AMA were to take place, the remaining major science would occur one after the other just as how if you were to break a necklace, a beaded necklace, just as how the beads fall

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one after the other the major signs of the day of the AMA will aka one after the other May Allah subhanahu wa gyla save us all. So we see trials calamities, tribulations taking place around us, these are all tests from Allah subhanho wa Taala to see how we fare in these tests, because it is also been reported to us by our supervisor Allahu alayhi wa sallam that towards the latter stages. Holding on to your EMR being steadfast on your email will be like holding a burning coal in your hand. May Allah subhana wa Taala save us all. Because during trials during calamities during tribulations, staying steadfast holding on to a man, being strong, is very difficult. Many people

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become covered many people after statements that do not be fit, they're a man and by that they lose their Eman May Allah subhanho wa Taala save us all and never ever lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala for whatever happens My dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, it is in the plan of Allah subhanho wa Taala it has been decreed by Allah subhanho wa Taala that this has to take place masaba musi button fill out the onesie twosie comb in Luffy kitabi Minh cobbly another aha there is not a calamity nor an affliction nor a trial nor a disaster that takes place on the face of this earth or in your own personal lives in fee kita except that it has already been decreed in a

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book mean calmly and abraha even Allah subhanho wa Taala says even before we brought it out

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so it is upon us to accept the decree of Allah subhana wa Taala and understand that some trials some calamities can at times be blessing blessings in disguise, because like they say every dark cloud has a silver lining. Every dark cloud has a silver lining and we our minds are so weak we cannot perceive the master plan of our powerful maker Allah subhana wa tada Allah at times it may look as a calamity at the outset but deep within it can be a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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There was once a man

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who was shipwrecked, and he was marooned on an island.

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He was shipwrecked and marooned on a deserted island. He gets up, he walks around and he sees there is not a soul inside. He is all alone on that island.

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Now he turns to a loss behind a hora de la Yala, I've not lost hope in you, he prays to Allah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah bring help let someone come and rescue me or as I will perish, I will die because he wasn't Robinson Crusoe. He was a normal man. He was a normal man marooned on an island. And then he realizes that

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after a few days, help does not come, no one comes to rescue him. So what he does is he goes around the island and fetches berries, vegetables, fruits, and starts totaling them up so that he can feed himself, if not, inevitably, he is going to perish out of hunger. So he collects all of these berries and all of these fruits and comes back to the show, because he's waiting for help. He's waiting for somebody to come and rescue him. And now he's looking for a way to protect these berries and his fruits that he has collected. And then he sees some driftwood on the show, perhaps from the shipwreck wreckage, he goes and collects those driftwood comes back and builds a small heart for him

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made out of those dry pieces of wood and stores all of the berries all of the fruits inside it.

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The next day morning, he goes another round trying to get some meat perhaps catch a bird or two perhaps what happens now as we all know, driftwood is dry wood, the minute day it is exposed to a lot of heat, it can go up in flames, there is a possibility. Now by the time he comes back after his hunting, he sees that his little heart has burned into ashes, Allahu Akbar, the heart with all of those berries and provisions that he had collected had gone up in ashes because due to the heat of the sun, it had burned up all of the driftwood.

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He falls to the ground and he starts crying out Yeah, Allah. Why are you doing this to me Allah, I'm shipwrecked and marooned on an island. And now all of that little provision that I collected has all gone up in flames and Now all that remains is a burnt pile of ash. And he cries himself to sleep. uttering statements Yeah, Allah, why did you do this to me Allah, he loses hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he cries himself to sleep on the sand.

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After a while, he wakes up to people talking around him. He is the sound of voices around him. He wakes up in a shock in amazement, because he sees people around him and they're trying to help him. He sees one big huge ship has arrived. And they say we have come to rescue you. We have come to help you. He says, but how did you know that I'm on this island. What brought you onto this deserted island. The people of the ship the sailors, they said we were traveling far, far away. But then suddenly, we saw this thin line of smoke, Allahu Akbar, the burn the burning heart, there was a thin line of smoke. There was a thin line of smoke coming from this island. And we thought there has to

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be somebody there. And perhaps this is an SOS message. This is somebody asking for help. And that's why we turned our ship and came to the island and Alhamdulillah we are here to help you.

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So my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam, even if your tiny little heart burns, the moral of the story is, even if your tiny little heart burns, do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala because the burning of your tiny little heart may send out a smoke signal that may call the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala to envelop you.

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So never ever lose hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala whatever the trial may be, whatever the calamity may be, whatever the affliction may be, because as we know, evil forces are gathering around us to eliminate us. But remember, we are subject to a powerful maker, the King of all kings who does not tolerate evil, he does not tolerate oppression, he does not tolerate injustice, Allah the Almighty the most just his plan is in play, and that plan will overpower every other plan as we believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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But it is important that we electrify our lives.

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It is important that we bring about taqwa because

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As the trials as the calamities as the afflictions occur around us if we fail to bring in taqwa. If we fail to adopt taqwa, then we may be swept away by those trials by those calamities and by those afflictions and our Eman may be washed away by those trials May Allah subhanahu wa taala save us all. For if we ingrain taqwa in our lives if we infuse our hearts with taqwa no doubt we will attain success in this world, even if we are caught up in a trial. And even if we are destroyed by that trial, as long as we have Taqwa, we will be successful in this world as well as the hereafter.

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And what better an opportunity to ingrain taqwa to infuse taqwa in our lives, other than the blessed month of Ramadan, that is just a day or two away from us a law.

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It is indeed a blessing guests marry respected elders and brothers in Islam. Like I said, Every dark cloud has a silver lining, and the month of Ramadan is indeed the silver lining because it is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala a great gift from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Let me ask you a question. If a noble guest were to visit you at your homes, would you just ignore that guest? Would you not? Would you just ignore him and not entertain that guest a noble guest. Ramadan is indeed a blessing and a noble guest. So have we prepared ourselves to welcome the blessing month of Ramadan? Have we prepared ourselves? Have we geared ourselves to welcome the blessing month of Ramadan? Are

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we prepared for Ramadan? May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us all be prepared for the month of Ramadan? Because the month of Ramadan is the month of the Quran? It is a shadow Quran. It is a Shia Toba it is a shadow tarawih it is a month of Toba it is a month of Dharavi. It is a month of tm Elaine, it is a month of seeking is too far. It is a month that we must try our level best to get closer to Allah Subhana Allah, it is a month in which the devils are locked up Supermax tile, all of the Shelton are locked up the influence of the devil no longer affects us in that month. But then there is a scary reality to that. Because some people question that if the devil's are locked up, if

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shaytan is locked up, how come during the month of Ramadan? At times I feel prompted to do sins or there are these evil desires lurking in my heart.

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Scholars explain many respected elders and brothers in Islam, that an individual human being is influenced by two evil forces. Number one is the devil. And number two, it's your own knifes. It's your own knifes. So in the month of Ramadan, we cannot play blame games. We cannot blame anyone we cannot blame shame on because shaytan is locked up. So his influence is no more on you. So in the month of Ramadan if you are still inclined towards committing sins, if you are still inclined to watching movies, if you're still inclined to listening music if you're still inclined to observing walger content on the worldwide web, if your addiction is still overpowering you if you're still

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hooked onto *, if you're still self stimulating yourself, you need to question your own self and you need to work a lot on your naps because your naps is rebellious. May Allah subhanahu wa tada save us all from a rebellious neffs

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because the influence of the devil is no longer there in the month of Ramadan. So if we are still incited towards texting that girl who we are in a haram relationship, it is our own knifes that we have to blame. We have to work on our nerves so much to the extent that our hearts are completely infused with taqwa for what is the objective behind fasting

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Do you think that the objective behind fasting is staying away from food and drink? Is that all what it is Ramadan? Is that all what Ramadan is all about? May Allah the Almighty the ayatollah decide in the beginning Yeah.

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Are you who believe coochie coo coo,

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coo coo

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coo. Fasting has been prescribed upon y'all and the nation's before y'all. For what reason? La

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ku so that you all adopt taqwa so that you will become people of taqwa. So now the question may arise How is taqwa linked to fasting? Let me give you an example.

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One fasting day, it is mid day. It's a very hot day. You're feeling the pangs of hunger, your throats are parched. You want to drink a cool quenching drink? What is stopping you from doing that? You can go to the privacy of your homes of your rooms, and you can drink water. You can consume food, and you can come out and act as if you're fasting. But what stops you from drinking water? Nobody is going to know about it. It's not going to be imprinted on your head that you ate a burger without anybody knowing. Nobody's going to know about it. So what stops you from drinking water? What stops you from eating food? It's your heart. The control center right in the middle of that

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says you are fasting. That heart cries out to your stomach just shut up. You know, it tells the pangs of hunger. Keep quiet. It tells the throat Keep quiet. You have time till mother if you can't eat you can't drink. And that is exactly what taqwa is all about.

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taqwa is based in our hearts. Our hearts are the control center that control all of our limbs. The minute we ingrain taqwa in our lives when we walk down the street, and then there is this beautiful girl or this beautiful woman. taqwa is what will pull our gaze to the ground. taqwa is what will make us control ourselves.

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This is good song. This is good movie. You have all the you have got your own laptop, you can do it. taqwa is what will stop you taqwa is is what will stop you from an illicit relationship. taqwa is what will stop you from signing on an interest bearing transaction. It stuck. We're all alone. Because the minute we bring in taco taco dominates and controls our lives, our limbs, making us worthy of gin, Allahu Akbar.

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Amaro the last one he once asked about human capital, the last one. Yeah, obey. Define taqwa for me. Obey human capital. The last one. He asked. Yeah, ameerul momineen. Have you ever walked down a thorny path? Romero de la mano. He replies in the affirmative. Yes, I have then obeyed human capital, the last one who then asks Yamuna momineen What did you do when you were walking down a thorny path. He said, I gathered up my clothes. I took precaution whilst I was walking so that I should not snag my clothes onto the thorns, and so that I do not hurt myself. getting injured onto those thorns. I took precaution and moved carefully down the path. Obey human capital, the long line

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who then says that is exactly what taqwa is. The path is the temporary life that you and I we are crossing my dear respected elders and brothers in Islam alive, which is just a matter of 50 6070 years Allahu Akbar. If somebody lives more than that today, it's a miracle. It's considered a miracle.

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And the thorns or the mojarra mark are the prohibitions of Allah subhanho wa Taala all of those prohibitions that we need to stay away, we need to stay away because the devil because shaitaan will use those thorns to snag us and make a stumbled on the way of actual malice behind it what Allah save us on

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the airport, he says.

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He says, a piece of poetry along the lines of these words, he says leave Holly Nova saphira how are Kabira leaves things good with leaves, since whether they be major scenes or minor scenes, leave all of the scenes stay away from since completely was not commercial focus or the shoki

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and be like a person walking down a thorny path taking much precaution looking this way looking that way, walking down a thorny path, Lata Khurana saphira do not look down upon anything that is small, whether it be a good deed or a bad deed, because the good deed will take you towards gender and an evil deed will take you towards Johanna for energy. Ballymena Hassan. Do not look down upon any small deed because mountains are made up of tiny little pebbles of mountains are made up of tiny pebbles, so many respected elders and brothers in Islam. Let us use this blessed month of Ramadan to adopt taqwa in our lives. For the minute we bring in taqwa in our lives. Indeed we will be

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successful in this world as well as the hereafter.

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I leave you all with a message and that is during trials and calamities. Let us all be united as one oma, let us leave our differences aside. I think it is enough. We have seen enough

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Around us to make a stop fighting amongst ourselves to make a stop bickering amongst ourselves. We know we need to be united as one oma. Because united we stand and divided we fall. If we fight amongst ourselves, if we divide ourselves our oma we are going to become weak. We need to be united and stand united so that we will be able to repel the evil forces that are trying to destroy us, but know for a fact they are evil, and they will never ever be able to retell us. They will never ever be able to destroy us, because we are with a lost behind a dialer. We are upon Huck and victory is for the Muslims and Islam. May Allah Subhana Allah forgive all of our sins, and may hear the

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almighty accept all of our good deeds. And may He the almighty unite all of us in the gardens of gender justice, how he united as here this afternoon with our beloved Master Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I mean what an hour in hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

Jumu’ah sermon on the 27th of June 2014  by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary at the Nawala Nooraniya Jumu’ah  Masjid in Colombo, Sri Lanka

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