Muiz Bukhary – Coronavirus – A Wake-Up Call

Muiz Bukhary
AI: Summary © The sermon reminds people of the importance of trusting Allah's teachings and not over-delivering spiritual laws. The segment also highlights the need to address past mistakes and bring back to Christ. The conversation shifts to the global pandemic and the importance of protecting oneself and others from it, including avoiding mistake and overthinking one's emotions. The sermon ends with a call to action items for action and a recap of Prophet's words and advice on staying safe.
AI: Transcript ©
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Okay, I think we can begin.

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Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim

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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salli wa sallim wa ala Ashraf, Colombia he will move Celine. Maybe Gina will have you been our karate unit Mohammed Abdullah Allahu Allah Allah He was happy he have de la sala de vida Muslim Ummah back.

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So as always we begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala we ask him, the Almighty the Lord of all worlds the exalted.

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for his help, we ask him to

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send his blessings and salutations upon the final messenger, our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family members, his companions and all those who tread upon his path with utmost sincerity until the day of Clara.

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Media, respected elders, brothers and sisters in Islam.

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Last week, the sermon

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the virtual hotbar the reminder was one of light hope and faith, to place our trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala to avoid losing hope in the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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today's sermon, today's reminder

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is one of our more serious nature.

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And this is in line with the sooner that is in the Quran, our maker Subhana Allah Allah,

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fills us with hope in the Noble Quran. And the Quran also has warnings and reminders. so that we may remind ourselves with a cure for in the cross and fall meaning Allah says and remind for reminders profit and benefit the believers.

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We are going through a lot of confusion

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with the with the calamity with the tragedy around us our community is in confusion our community is in chaos. And many of us are having questions and some of us are even going on to say blasphemous things about Allah Subhana Allah blasphemous things about the occurrences the events that are happening around us. So firstly, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam we must remind ourselves that everything occurs with the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala This is part of the articles of faith that we believe in our A man and a man want to mean a Billa he will mela he will go to be He will surely he will. He will ask him what will Qadri Hydra, he will share. So we believe that good and

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bad is part of destiny and everything has been decreed by Allah subhanho wa Taala. So every single thing that is happening around us has been decreed by Allah has a virgin, and we also firmly believe that death alamode because we see so much of fear, fear is rampant, everywhere. rampant everywhere fear is gripping us and a lot fear is gripping us.

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But it is part of the dean where the dean teaches us We believe that l note that death has been decreed by Eliza Virgil. It has been decreed 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth. What is happening around us has been decreed by Allah 50,000 years before the creation of the heavens and the earth.

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And we also know that kulu Neff sin that EPA to promote that every soul shall inevitably taste that and we also know that Allah says the Noble Quran aina mata kulu Eudora Kumamoto quantum p brugia. mushiya. The wherever you may be, death will come to you at its appointed time. Welcome to fi brugia macheda, even if you are to lock yourself up in 45 towers, even if you were to protect yourself in a 45 cover, death will come to you at its appointed time. I am at a coup de como remote. So having all of this in place, it is very important that we work on our Eman on our faith and our trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala it is of utmost importance. Media.

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Brothers and sisters in Islam, our maker subhanho wa Taala

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lies Virgil he says in Surah An Imam who will who will call dry Allah yerba I lay can either mean focus on our mentality or Julie can Arielle be saquon she Anwar UD acaba de combats about say that Allah is the one who is able to send down upon you affliction

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From above you or from beneath your feet or to confuse you, to make you taste the violence of one another. So this many brothers and sisters in Islam we have to understand that Allahu Allah, He is the one who has sent this affliction, this this trial, this calamity, this test. So, during these times we see that when we go through crisis, the turbulence that we are going through is because of spiritual laws that we experience, spiritual laws that we experience. Now we have to look to the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wasallam as to how he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and navigated through this turbulent So as I was saying, oftentimes

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during crisis during turbulence,

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the the the difficulty that we face is because of spiritual lows, the prophets that Allahu alayhi wa sallam, as per the Hadith that has been recorded the book of Imam Abu Dawood Rahim Allah and the Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kinda either has ever who a maroon fairy fuzzy is Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if something troubled him, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would rush to Salah would rush to, to to pray, to work on

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you know, connecting to Allah subhanho wa Taala so if something overwhelming were to overwhelm the prophets of Allah while he was certainly something go to trouble the prophets of Allah alayhi wa sallam he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would rush to Salah, our maker subhanho wa Taala he says in the Noble Quran in surah room.

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The home or at a bathroom being a woman called fee for Luna home in ambreen.

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is in long hyla Yoga yiruma mean Hatha Yoga yiruma be forcing him what he

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done long before me. So

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Dhoni Meo

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indeed a lot in Allahu Allah you Vijay Kumar becoming Hatha Yoga Guru mabie, unfussy him, Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. So until many brothers and sisters in Islam until we change ourselves, Allah is not going to change the condition that we are in. So Indeed Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. What either are the love will be coming soon. And when Allah intends for a people ill and when a lot intense for people ill Fela Ahmad Allah and there is no repelling it woman Allah whom in dooney. Meanwhile, and there is not for them besides a lot any Guardian we do

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not have a guardian we do not have a protector other than Allah subhanho wa Taala. But the brothers and sisters in Islam a few days ago, I think it was about a week ago I touched on a very important Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And I would like to repeat that Hadith and go into more detail in regards to that Hadith because it is so pertinent It is so relevant and it is important that we reflect on that Hadith and mend our ways. Like I said, last week's reminder was one of faith, light and hope, but this week's reminder is a warning. It is a serious reminder. It is a warning that we have to mend our ways. We have to turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala if we want

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our condition to change, Eliza Virgil says again in sort of room Ohara defesa do feel bad meanwhile Buhari be maca Sabbath aiding us Lee liyu the

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Bhagwan levy amin hula Allah, Neo Geo and Laurel facade do Phil berry well baja

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corruption has appeared throughout the land and the sea Bhima Casa but ad nurse by what the hands of people have signed up for hongbao Valeri ami Lula Allah from your your own. So, so that he made so that Allah may let them taste part of the consequence of what they have done and perhaps so that they will return back to righteousness so that they turn back to Allah subhanho wa Taala in righteousness in sort of to Nyssa Allah azza wa jal he says masaba come in Hassan ettin fermina Allah what comes to you have good is from Allah wama a saw Baca min Sega tin for me Neff sick and what comes to you have evil oh man is from yourself. It is from yourself. What are cell nikolina?

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Zero Sula and we have sent you

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa alayhi wa sallam as a messenger waka biLlahi shahida and Allah is enough as a witness in Surah to sharara Allah says, WA Saba Kumi moosey betin Fatima cassava Id come and whatever strikes you have disaster, it is for what your own hands have earned. Why f1 Kathy, but he pardons a lot of loss of Hannah medalla pardons much. Even a Casio rahima hula, the famous scholar of the seed, he says that this ayah that I've seen of this ayah is that it means whatever misfortune whatever tragedy whatever calamity happens to you or people, it is because of the evil deeds that you have done. And Allah subhanho wa Taala pardoned as much as in he pardons and forgives

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those evil deeds. So whatever tragedy whatever calamity you are facing, my dear brothers and sisters, we need to understand it is because of the evil deeds of mankind. Now coming to the Hadith that I mentioned a week ago, even Omar radi Allahu anhu, even Ahmed or the Allah one Houma, he makes mentioned the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said Omaha Geron? Oh emigrants.

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There are five things with which you will be tested, there will be five things through which you will be tested, and I seek the protection of Allah, I seek refuge in Allah, that you will live to see them. Allahu Akbar. Now what are these five things and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is telling us about five things he said along the way he was Selim does not lie what he speaks for my empty guanine However, in Hua Allahu you have what he speaks in regards to the deen His revelation from Allah subhanho wa Taala, five things. And then he said along at various element, I want to mention that alpha heisha as an immorality, in decency, in morality in decency never

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becomes widespread amongst the people, except that they will be afflicted by plagues and diseases that were unknown to their forefathers. When indecency. When immorality becomes widespread amongst amongst the people, they will be afflicted by plagues and diseases that were unknown to their forefathers that were unknown to their ancestors, ancestors. Were the brothers and sisters in Islam. Ask yourselves, look at look at what's happening right now look at the global pandemic. Look at the way this tiny creature this tiny creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala this virus that cannot be seen with our own bare naked eyes. Look at the chaos look at the confusion it is causing have our

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forefathers ever witnessed something like this? have our fathers witness have our ancestors witness something like this? You know, when our parents were our age, they never witnessed anything of this nature. So panela were this tiny thing is gripping the entire planet. This this contagious sickness gripping the entire globe. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he tells us that when Fantasia when indecency when immorality becomes widespread amongst people, then they will be afflicted by plagues and diseases that were unknown to their forefathers. Number one, number two, they do not cheat in Weights and Measures when the when they start cheating in Weights and Measures they will be

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stricken with, with with drought with famine, with calamity and the oppression of rulers with the oppression of rulers. When they start cheating in weights and measures in their weights and their measures in commerce in trading in business, then what will happen is that they will be strict and they will be tested with famine with the drought with calamity and the oppression of rulers. Number three, they do not withhold charity from the wealth when they withhold charity from their wealth, the rain will be withheld from the sky. The narration goes along the lines of these words, when they withhold the charity from their wealth when they stop giving out there is a cap when they stop

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giving out their sadhaka the rain will be withheld from the sky. And why not for the animals there would be no rain at all as per the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam The next item that the promised land is not mentioned that Hadith is that

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when they break their covenant with Allah and His Messenger when they break their promise with Allah and His Messenger, Allah will enable their enemies to overpower them and take what is in their hands. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went on to say that the ones who lead them must rule according to the book of Allah and seek every good from what Allah has revealed, lest Allah will cause them to fight one another.

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The leaders of the communities of the Muslim communities must rule according to the book of Allah and seek every good from what Allah has revealed lest Allah will cause them to fight one another. The Hadith is recorded in the book of Imam even imagine Rahim Allah, my dear

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brothers and sisters in Islam.

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If you look at the beginning of the Hadith, what does the messenger salallahu alayhi wasalam say, when indecency when immorality, when people lose that sense of modesty, that sense of decency, what happens? They will be afflicted by plagues and diseases that even their ancestors have never come across. today.

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I'm just going to focus on this point a little bit. And and why I said that this week's remind is going to be a serious reminder because Subhan Allah, you are seeing the calamity, the trial that has been put on you or mankind, but yet

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a lot of us tend to be heedless, we are still heedless upon Allah. We're making fun of the trial and calamity that has before us. If you go online, you have videos being shared on WhatsApp, you have videos being shared on Facebook, of people making fun of this punishment of COVID-19 of this trial that has been inflicted upon us by Allah subhanho wa Taala big people making fun of it. You have videos making fun of this calamity of this trial of this test. This many brothers and sisters in Islam, Allah azza wa jal addresses it in the Noble Quran. Fellow Mullah in

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whom Sona

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Passat boom home wacky concept oh no boom was a Yana Houma Shay

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Malone then why, when our punishment came to them, did they not humble themselves, but their hearts became hard and shaytaan made attractive to them what they were doing.

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When our punishment came to them, why did they not humble themselves My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, as per the as per the teachings of the Prophet when it would become dark and gloomy, and if there was a storm brewing, the Prophet would pace back and forth, the Prophet would rush to Salah he would rush to be in connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala. But what are we doing? And are we talking about?

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A tiny

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cloud a little bit of rain? No, we're talking about a global pandemic.

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People are dying left, right and center. The numbers are spiking wherever you look Suhana love wave after wave. The infection keeps going through countries, economies are being crippled. massages are closed everywhere.

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So how to learn Allah. Even if you want to visit the house of Allah you cannot visit the house of Allah. You want to go on ombre you can't go on ombre you want to go to visit the masajid the houses of Allah to be in salam to be in Salatu. Juma you cannot.

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The brothers and sisters in Islam, the houses of Allah that were open, have been closed What have we done to anger and displease the owner of these houses?

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That he has stopped us from visiting his houses that he has stopped us from visiting the masjid of Allah. My dear brothers and sisters in Islam, we need to take ourselves to account we need to sit down today. You know, just because people are in lockdown. You see in decency in the form of videos where people are posting all kinds of indecent videos you have these indecent dances on all these platforms like Snapchat, tick tock and other platforms have we not have you not understood I mean what has happened to us Subhan Allah, that we cannot understand that this is a punishment from Allah. This is a trial This is a calamity from Allah. Were they supposed to turn to Allah Intel Baba

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supposed to mend our ways? Allah says in the noble for Anya Hassan Allah Allah bad, how regretful for the slaves of Allah my de Mira sulan illa cannubi he assume that they are did not come to them a messenger except that they used to make fun of the messenger

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that they did not that did not come to them any messenger and here were not as per the Tafseer of this ayah is not only restricted to the prophets and the messengers

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Allah, even this virus is a messenger. This virus is a message from Allah. For us. It is a wake up call for us to turn to him. Allah says in the in the noble Koran woman lurasidone iottie illa de halifa and we did not send the signs except as a warning. It is a warning it is a reminder.

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But But look at look at what we're doing. Subhan Allah, like I said,

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we become we become selfish. We become arrogant. By turning away from Allah. We are uttering blasphemous statements be showing off we still show off. You know now it's about showing off. Oh, the stores are closed but you know what I have enough and more food and and look at all the food that I have, and be posted on social media Subhanallah when when people are starving, when people are struggling, when the poor are finding it so difficult.

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We hear we are boasting and posting about the lavish luxuries that we have

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many brothers and sisters in Islam this this change within within. Within a few days, everything was turned around topsy turvy. And yet we don't see this as a reminder for us to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala yet here we are laughing and making Mehdi and like I said doing indecent things. Look at the young boys and the young girls what they do online Subhan Allah, but what did the Prophet sallallahu Sallam say in the Hadith, when he indecency, you look at these platforms today, you know, you can't even think of going on to these platforms to try and ensure something good because it's all evil and indecency out there. Subhan Allah in decency left, right and center. So when indecency

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becomes prevalent, you're going to be afflicted with plagues and diseases. So if you are laughing, and if you are making fun and if you think that you know what, I'm in lockdown, let me let me do more indecent things. Let me post more indecent things. Let me share more indecent things. It is because your heart has hardened it is because Shere Khan has beautified this for you and you are drifting away from the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala if you want your condition to change in the law, ha la Yoga yiruma becoming Hata Yoga yiruma B and forcing him Indeed Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change themselves.

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I believe in honor of the Allah one who he narrates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that an fornication Zina never becomes prevalent amongst the people to the degree that they practice it openly. Today, people don't think twice, you know, just at times wearing flimsy clothes and exposing themselves and and and and

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involving themselves in indecency is in fact Russia, the prophets, Allah Islam says as they start practicing it openly and today it's being done openly, openly to the extent that people are doing it on social media. For example, if you take a platform like tic tock, look at what people are doing on it and exposing it practicing it openly as in they are exposing it to the entire world. You know what everybody have a look at what's happening in my bedroom and how I behave in my bedroom and how I do this and how I do that they're practicing it openly. The prophets lie Selim went on to say when this happens, epidemics become rampant amongst them, epidemics that never existed before during the

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time of their ancestors. So we're living in this hyper sexualized culture media brothers and sisters in Islam, where indecency has become the order of the day, people have let go of modesty, people have let go of higher people have let go of decency. They're giving into indecency behaving like animals, giving into their essential and carnal desires. So as per the words of the prophets Alliance and them, this epidemic is no surprise, this epidemic is no surprise. This pandemic is no surprise the prophets that alone while a very seldom predicted this 1400 odd years ago

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by the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we're giving into indecency. We are getting into immorality, and we think high and mighty of ourselves are giving into arrogance. arrogance is such a grave sin. It is because of arrogance that Shere Khan was was disgraced. Why do you but what did he do? He was arrogant. He was high, you know he was proud he was boastful he taught high and mighty of himselves of himself Allah subhanho wa Taala he says in total up

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Kela in El insert Allah Yato mustafina in in Rob Baker Raja

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Keller in an insane Allah Yato wha no but indeed, man transgressors. He transgressors. Our bra who stopped wanna because he sees himself self study.

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efficient. He thinks you know what i have it all. I don't need anyone I'm self sufficient. In Arabic Raja indeed to your Lord is the return my dear brothers and sisters in Islam another reminder, we thought high and mighty of ourselves, we thought

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what we think of ourselves We thought you know what look at our economies, look at the advancements that we have. Look at the technology that we are having 2020 You know what, in a short period of time they're gonna have flying cars and we're going to populate other planets. You know, we thought high and mighty of ourselves man taught high and mighty of himself. Today, look at the superpowers the superpowers don't have resources to handle this pandemic media brothers and sisters in Islam. Developed Countries first world countries don't have enough resources to handle this pandemic. This is the weakness of man. So how can we be arrogant? How can we think high and mighty of ourselves?

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What has happened to our advancements what has happened to our science? What has happened to our technology in Rob Baker Raja indeed to your Lord is the return to your Lord is the return my dear brothers and sisters in Islam within within a matter of days.

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The entire economy the global economy is crippled.

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Companies are crippled the businesses are shutting down. People are without jobs, people are in hunger.

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So many brothers and sisters in Islam we are reading the headlines we are reading the news that's going on. So should this not serve as a reminder for us to turn back to Allah. But instead here we are making fun of the punishment making fun of the trial, making fun of the calamity.

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And someone has asked Is it wrong to make Corona related memes or to share such memes? Yes, it is part of making fun of the calamity making fun of the trial. It is because of our hearts becoming hard and because of Chopin making it beautiful for us we indulge in making fun of this calamity. Instead of turning to a land begging for his forgiveness, turning to Allah acknowledging our mistakes, we're making fun of it. So hon Allah when is it going to end?

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Should we not be crying and begging unto Allah subhanho wa Taala to open the massage it for us? To bless us so that we may visit that harm again to visit Makkah and Medina again. Everything has been shocked. We are all locked in.

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So whilst we're in this situation, what should we be doing? Ask yourselves many brothers and sisters in Islam? Should we indulge in more arrogance? Should we indulge in more showing off? Should we indulge in more selfishness? When we only think about ourselves? Should we indulge in oppression?

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You see, that is another thing that has become the order of the day. You have people being oppressed left, right and center. And we believe we do be turned a blind eye. We didn't even make the half of the people who are being oppressed all around the world for our own brothers and sisters being oppressed in different parts of the world. We turned a blind eye we thought to ourselves, you know what I have my house I have built I have food stocked up. So you know why do I have to worry? The prophets that Elias delimiters as if the coup de Lune be aware of the Tao of the oppressed. And you think they would not have raised their hands and made dua when they were being oppressed when they

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are women were being raped when their children were being killed when they were being literally destroyed. Do you think they would not have raised their hands and made dua and now look, the entire world is facing the consequences. I started off by saying aloha alpha sir do feel badly well, Baja Bhima casa, but at NES, corruption has become the order of the day on land and an earth it is because of what your own hands have earned. So this should say serve as a reminder for mankind My dear brothers and sisters in Islam. And some of you might also have this question. Okay, so what if we have righteous people amongst us? Have they also done wrong that they are having to taste this

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punishment? I mean, it's a global pandemic. It's affecting everybody. So you might have questions you might be thinking so if someone is afflicted with the virus, if someone falls ill, is he or she a wrongdoer? Is he or she a sinner? And are the righteous not going to be affected by this punishment? Are they going to be exempted from this punishment? Let me share the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with you for you to gain clarity.

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On salamati Allah one Hashi mentions the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, When evil appears on the earth, listen to the words of the Prophet carefully when evil appears on

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The Earth in other words, when evil becomes apparent on the earth, when evil be you know is is the order of the day when evil appears on the earth. A law sends down his punishment upon its inhabitants, the prophets that allow it wherever Selim is telling us when evil appears on the earth, Allah sends down his punishment upon its inhabitants. Now oversell him or the other one who immediately asks the Prophet of Allah or messenger of Allah, will the punishment come, even if the righteous are amongst the people, even if you have righteous people will the punishment come? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, yes, even if there are righteous amongst them, they will

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also be afflicted as the people are afflicted, and then they will return to the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So even the righteous will be afflicted by the trial, by the punishments. If you are thinking, Well, I'm not an individual who indulged in oppression, I am not an individual who is selfish, I am not an individual who is arrogant. I give out charity, I am doing all of this and I have turned to align Toba Will I be afflicted by the punishment, as per the words of the prophets that alone while he was alone, when evil becomes the order of the day, when the majority of the people are committing evil, then everyone has to face the punishment. Everyone has to face the

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punishment, even the righteous will have to taste the punishment, but then having to taste the trial, the calamity, once they taste it, they will return to the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So you may have righteous people who are afflicted by the sickness, you may have righteous people who will pass away who will die because of the sickness and they will return to the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So not every single individual who is afflicted with the virus or the or the disease is a sinner. No, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, or rather, let me put it this way. And not every single person who is afflicted by the virus or the disease is someone who has angered

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Eliza gel. No, not necessarily. You can even have righteous people who are afflicted by the sickness by so you may have people who who are turning to Allah in Toba right now who are mending their relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala right now yet being afflicted by the sickness and even they may even die because of the sickness but they will return to the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In regards to trials, the prophets that alone while he really was ill and went on to say, If Allah Subhana Allah Allah loves a people if Allah azza wa jal loves people, he tests them, he tries them, and whoever has patience will have patience, and whoever is anxious will be anxious. In

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another Hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is reported to have said, the extent of the reward will be in accordance with the extent of a trial. So we're looking at this trial. It's a global trial. It's a global pandemic, it's afflicting every single home so Han Allah, so the prophets Allah, Allah Islam says the extent of the reward will be in accordance with the extent of a trial. If Allah loves people, he tests them and whoever is content.

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Whoever does not question the decree of Allah, whoever does not utter blasphemous statements. That's the explanation there, whoever is content will have contentment, and whoever is angry will have anger as per the Hadith that has been recorded the book of Mama tirmidhi many brothers and sisters in Islam.

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I would like to leave you all at this point with two action items. Number one, take yourself to account

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Amaro The last one

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is report website has Cebu enforcer Kampala and two has a boo take yourself into account before you are taken into account.

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And many brothers and sisters in Islam.

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It has turned to Allah subhanho wa Taala in sincere Toba, Toba.

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I want you all to ponder on something that is very serious.

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Just as how this pandemic sees the world in a matter of a few days,

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as per the prophecy of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one day, we're all going to find out just like that, that the sun has risen from the west. Just like that. Did we think of this pandemic happening? I mean, if you were to rewind, about a month or two back, no one was taking this seriously. No one was taking this seriously.

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No one thought that it would become this serious. No one thought no one thought that the economies would be crippled to this extent.

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And look at how it's taking the world by rage.

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But in terms of turning to Allah

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In Toba, it is still not too late. But as per the words of the prophets that along while you already have a solemn, the minute the sun rises from the west, the doors of Toba are going to be slam shut. And you are experiencing this pandemic. Yes, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, just like that we will experience the sun rising from the west, and it will be such a scary phenomenon. Who knows? Maybe it might be because of an asteroid coming and crashing on planet earth and the whole orbital track changing and satellites crashing and maybe the internet not functioning and the earth plunged into darkness. And then so how old are you? You know you? It's It's scary to think that even at a

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time even at a time like that people might be making memes and making fun of it.

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People might be making memes and making fun of it. People might be making funny videos and posting it on tik tok these challenges the sun has risen from the west and let's make a challenge out of it. Subhan Allah.

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That's how that's how heedless we have become. May Allah protect us May Allah forgive us to serve as a reminder, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, that at least at least those of Toba have not been closed yet. So let us turn to Allah in sincere Toba. It is turned to allies the Virgin and beg for his forgiveness. That is acknowledge our mistakes. So you know that in terms of Toba, you have to make Toba before the sun rises from the west, or before you see Seoul reaches your collarbones that is on the verge of death. So here we are, debt is staring in our faces. Each and every day, you're seeing numbers of people passing away people passing away people passing away, should you not

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be indulging in more good deeds and preparing for death. Subhana Allah, because anyone can be affected. You have leaders who are now being affected all over the world, different leaders, leaders have superpowers, and they cannot protect themselves from this virus, with all the resources that they have. So as you can see, it is going everywhere. So should it not? Should it not fill our hearts with not the fear of the virus, but the fear of the Lord of the virus. Our hearts should be filled with the fear of Allah Who is the Lord of the virus. If we feared a lot, to the extent that there we are fearing the virus, then I don't think this trial would be there in the first place. If

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we feared a lot to the extent that we fear the virus Subhan Allah. So let us work on improving our relationship with Allah because it is only Allah who can turn things around. Allah says in Surah Yunus what he says Scola will be bored falaqa she fell in love.

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And if Allah should touch you with adversity, if Allah should touch you with a calamity, then there is no removal of the calamity except Allah only a lock and remove this calamity only a lock and remove this adversity. When he you read the Kirby hire in fella rod deli family. And if a lot intense for you Good then there is no one to repel of his bounty of His goodness. You see will be he mania shadowman A baddie, he causes it to reach whom He wills of his servants with all of our food over him. And he is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful.

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And so the zarrab

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, will Mandela the similkameen of law in our order become so our become rosmah say or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who is it that can protect you from Allah if he intends for you and ill? If Allah intends for you even who can protect you from Allah, no one can protect us today My dear brothers and sisters in Islam It is only Allah, Allah however quwata illa Billah so to summarize the reminders that I shared throughout the sermon before I conclude, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam,

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do not utter blasphemous statements do not question the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala You are a min You are a believer, yes, we are living at a time when there is atheism that is rampant. People do not believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So no wonder, calamities and trials of this nature are being inflicted upon mankind. So at a time like this, let us not turn away and drift farther away from Allah. Let us work towards becoming closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala by turning to allies of agile, so let us perfect our eemaan where we believe in destiny that everything has been pre designed by Allah subhanho wa Taala that is refresh our faith in debt we know that debt has been

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decreed by Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if Allah has revealed that you should die from this pandemic, then you will die from this pandemic. But if Allah has revealed

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That this pandemic should not harm you, this pandemic will definitely not harm you, my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. So let us improve our E man in Allah, our faith in the articles of faith.

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And with that, let's reflect on the Hadith that I shared the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam talks about five things and the first of it is, when indecency when immorality becomes the order of the day, then you have to expect plagues and diseases that never existed during the time of our forefathers and here we are, we are experiencing it right now. So the root cause is in decency in morality, turning away from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, let us not let Chevron make a slip further. And let us let us ensure that we do not indulge in more indecency in more immorality that does protect our family members that has protect our children, those of you who have teenage

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children, protect them, and educate them not to give in to the traps of Siobhan and the indecency, the traps of indecency that are out there so hon Allah in morality, turn to turn to morality, not in morality, turn to decency, not in decency, turn to modesty, not immodest, not not in modesty, turn to modesty, turn to a higher

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and rectify your ways, many brothers and sisters in Islam because in Allah, Allah you Voluma becoming Hatha Yoga, Roma be unforeseen, Indeed, Allah does not change the condition of a people until they change themselves. So let us change ourselves. It does serve as a wake up call for us to change ourselves. And towards the end I mentioned

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that even if we have righteous people among amongst us, amidst us, the punishment of Allah comes upon mankind

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in a general sense, so as per the hadith of oma salamati, Allah one ha, even the righteous have to taste the punishment, and they will taste it. So just because someone is afflicted with the sickness, it doesn't mean that he or she is a sinner. It doesn't mean that he or she has angered Allah subhanho wa Taala even the righteous have to face the punishment, even the righteous have to face the calamity or masala Malila one has the Prophet salesianum jasola will, will tragedies will calamities come upon mankind even if the righteous amidst them and the prophets Allah said yes, even if the righteous are amidst them, they will taste it and they will turn to the mercy of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala and based on that Hadith media brothers and sisters Islam for us, it's it's comforting to know that the Prophet sallallaahu Selim is also is also reported to have said

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that the one who dies through this sickness or similar sicknesses, the heart, it goes along the lines of these words, plagues In other words, and contagious diseases, they are considered shuhada. They are considered martyrs. So the righteous ones who pass away because of this, they are going to be raised amidst the ranks of the martyrs of the Shahada. So we pray for all those who have passed away from our brothers and sisters, because of COVID-19. May Allah raise them in the ranks of the Shahada? May Allah bless the families who have lost their loved ones, may Allah bless them with patients may Allah fill their hearts with patients to go through this trying ordeal. In my dear

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brothers and sisters in Islam, let this serve as a strong reminder for us to fear Allah Who is the Lord of the virus we are petrified of the virus, but it is fear the Lord of the virus more than the virus itself. The minute that happens the minute we are conscious of Allah, the minute we are

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filled with taqwa and the minute we turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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insha Allah Allah will bring about change, Allah will bring about normalcy Allah will bring about relief. So with that I conclude

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this Friday as a reminder this Friday is virtual hakuba like I mentioned in the caption, this does not substitute the Friday sermon in the massage it we pray that Allah brings back things to normalcy and invites us all back to his massage. I mean, we pray that Allah forgives us of our sins we pray that Allah helps us to fill our hearts with the right intentions and feelings with we pray that Allah fills our hearts with positive thoughts about Allah subhanho wa Taala we pray that Eliza which helps us to stay away from sins and to stay away from the traps of shed on May Allah subhanho wa Taala help us to use the time that we have with us in a productive way. May Allah azzawajal help us

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to prepare for the upcoming month of Ramadan and oh brothers and sisters in Islam. One of my reminders one of the upcoming Friday reminders will be about preparing for the month of Ramadan it has prepared for this month that has used this month as a catalyst to mend our ways to turn to Allah subhanho wa Taala many a time we have taken the month of Ramadan for granted but here we have the month of Ramadan where Allah is giving us the month of Ramadan which is such a blessing month. So to seize that

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Want to do as many good deeds as possible and through that it has attained the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala and insha Allah Allah will change our condition because of that. So let us prepare for the month of Ramadan. And we pray that Allah helps us to use the upcoming month of Ramadan to best to the to the best of our capacities. And just as how he unitrust he across these platforms across Instagram across Facebook may unite us in the gardens of Jenna, with our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and my dear brothers and sisters in Islam. Try to use these platforms for good purposes, share good content, share positive content, don't use it for evil

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purposes, don't use it to share, to share indecency to share in morality to share false hood to share allies to share gossip. Don't use these platforms for those purposes. If you feel like you are only using these platforms for those purposes, then exit the platforms you are better off not sinning, you're better off not sinning during this trying time where we are all being tested. So if you can use these platforms, to share positive information, to share good information, to share to share information that is pleasing unto Allah, let that be the criterion. Before you post something before you share something, ask yourself, Is this something that is worthwhile? Is it something that

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will invoke the pleasure of Allah or the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala if it is going to invoke the anger of Allah let go of it. If it is not worthwhile, if it is not productive, let go of it. If it is something that is going to please Allah, then let me share it. Let me share it. But otherwise, stay away from sins. Stay away from all indecency. Stay away from immorality. If you want things to go back to normalcy, if you want the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala take this matter seriously. Do not take it as a joke or something that is, you know, light a laughing matter. No, it is indeed a very serious thing. It has turned to Allah subhanho wa Taala. With that I conclude desert Camilla

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Hydra was Samar. alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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