Muhammad West – The Women Around the Messenger SAW – Episode 44

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The host of a series discusses the history of the Prophet sallavi wa ban on female ownership of property, including the treatment of women within Islam and the comparison of the Sharia and the Bible. He emphasizes the need for men to address issues relating to gender and the importance of men having their own chance. The sharia provides guidance on addressing complaints against a woman, asserting their claim against a male, providing them with legal protection, and giving them the right to hold their spouse's children and other property. The segment also touches on the legal system used to protect women and the rights of women to own property.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Muhammad sallahu wa salatu salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi our beloved brothers and sisters in Islam and Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu. Thank you so much for joining us this episode 44 of our series, The Blissett women around the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And in our last episode, we completed the discussion on all 12 personalities in the series. And we also discuss it and other names that are attached to being the wives of the prophets of Salaam, Rihanna, Jr. We spoke about them as well. And once again, let's go through our list just to remind ourselves about our mothers about the wives of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So we had Khadija we had number two, so that we had number three Ayesha. Number four hutzpah number five, Xena bt hoceima number six on selama number seven, Xena vintage ash. Number eight juhayna. Yeah. Number nine, on Habiba number 10, Sophia, number 11. Marissa and number 12 maimunah. I hope by now in sha Allah, these names have become second nature to you. And you can say proudly Alhamdulillah that you know your mother's as I mentioned, Allah subhanaw taala says that the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam are our mothers, and it's a wonderful thing for us to know who our mothers are. So now that we've completed the biographies of

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our mothers, the women around the messenger sallallahu sallam, what is this thing to do in the CDs? Well, we will now like to discuss certain issues relating to gender, certain issues relating to females and the treatment of women within Islam. Because this is a matter that is constantly Islam is being challenged about so we live in a time and an age where Islam is seen as being backwards, Islam, the Sharia is looked at as being oppressive. And there are many calls from those outside of Islam and even within the Muslim Ummah, saying that certain rules and laws within the Sharia, even verses of the Quran of the ayat of the Quran, are problematic. How do we as Muslims respond to this?

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Because we should address these things, we should have the courage to ask these questions. And I encourage you to to ask questions of us, and we'll try our best to respond. So let's talk about women in Islam. If you were a woman in Islam versus a woman in the modern secular world versus a woman in Christianity, and in every other society, how does it compare? So we have to first of all, look at the situation of women. What was it like being a woman 1500 years ago, at the advent of Islam with the advent of our woman, Islam began long before us, the Minister luckily hated anything that thing was a Muslim, the angels are Muslim. So the religion of Islam is universal. It predates

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even as we talk about our Omar, Omar Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam 1500 years ago, when the Quran was revealed, what was it like to be a woman? So within the Arabian, first of all, from the Arab society, and remember, before Islam, they were called Jay Z, they lived in a state of Jamelia, a state of ignorance, and all the things that they did Allah mentions in the Quran, what is the Bush era? How To whom? The large who must that when news is brought to one of them, so when the father is informed, that his wife has given birth to a female child that he has a daughter? How do you respond? He is faithful, Allah says his face became dark, meaning he became miserable, he became sad

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noticeably became upset. And he was filled with inward grief. Allah says he became very, very upset, and was shame Allah sees. So he felt a sense of shame. Does he hide himself from the people who now disappear and not show himself because of this bad news he has had? Or shall he detain her in contempt? Or should he bury her, and unless he's what an evil choice, they did decide. So the father is given the news, you have a newborn baby girl, and he becomes upset and miserable. Some of them, they would run away from the people that would be so embarrassed and ashamed that this is such a, it's seen as such a terrible news that they can't face the people out of shame. Others would retain

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and keep these girls, but occasionally they're angry, they would be upset with their wives, they would curse their wives, it's your fault that we have this masiva this, this catastrophe would see the daughters as as such kind of calamities. And then some of them even went to such an extent that Allah said that they would actually bury them alive where they would bury them alive and also what an evil choice they had made. So Subhana Allah, this is what it was like for a woman in the time of jail. Yeah, this is what it was like to be a female, but women before Islam, this is the status quo. In many societies, not just the Arab society. We look at the Christian society, the Jewish society,

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the Hindu society, we look at the Far Eastern cultures, many a time in most societies. Women were not even seen as human. They were described as being subhuman, that they didn't have souls that they were treated as livestock as properties as commodities that were bought and sold.

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They, she had no rights over anything she owned nothing. In fact she herself was owned. It's like your, your donkey, your donkey doesn't own anything you own the donkey. And that is how men saw the women, the wives, the daughters, the sisters, and she lived completely under the control of the main when she was under the control of her father. When she got married, she was under the control of her husband, and he died and basically her sons controller, and this is how a woman's life went. This was in January. And basically, in every kind of society, she couldn't choose her husband, she couldn't choose how she wanted to use her body, her body didn't even become her own position she was

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forced to marry and to please whichever mean, were assigned to a vanilla, let alone divorce and property rights. So we see the terrible way in which women lived in a time of jelly. And this is what the situation within the Arab society. Now let's look at the Judeo Christian community at that time. And of course, the Al Kitab. Being people of knowledge, we expect that there will be a greater degree of justice towards women. But if we find within the Bible, and these verses still there, for example, in Deuteronomy 2228 to 29, it says, If a man happens to meet a virgin, who is not pleased to be married, she's not engaged. So strange man meets a young girl, and he rapes her. And then this

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news is discovered, then the * will pay the father of the girl 50 silver coins, and he must marry this woman, for he has violated her and he can never divorce her as long as he loves. So the Old Testament sees a woman that is raped, and she's not married. When as compensation for the *, the man must pay the father for the daughter, and he must marry her and he can't divorce. Meaning what does this say? The woman is senior as a commodity. You know, you've damaged my vehicle, you've damaged my donkey. So now you need to pay me for it. And he was now you need to take home my property. So you need to take it. That is what he sees. This woman has to marry her *, and he

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cannot divorce her ever. Even if she wants to leave this No, she has no say in the matter. In Leviticus 15 verses 131 it says about her in her hide in her means anything she lies on during her main says will be unclean. Anything she sits on will be unclean. Anyone who touches her bed, not even her just practice her bed will be unclean, and they must wash the clothes and bath with water and they will still be unclean for the entire day. So this is vanilla with in the Old Testament from the Jewish background. This is what a woman was seeing like and in the New Testament, more from a Christian perspective, she is seen as the entry level of sin. Now I mentioned this before, that the

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fundamental belief of Christianity is that of original sin that Adam and Eve they ate from this apple and the fall because of that they became cursed with a sin called Original Sin. And this curse tainted the souls and the children. All the children until the end of time inherits this curse. And there's no way to get rid of this curse. No matter how much Toba is defiled the hatchet you make charity you give, this curse cannot be removed. The only way you can remove it is someone must be sacrificed. You need to play like a dumb, and that was Jesus Christ came to be sacrifice, and through him the sin was forgiven. And this of course, the belief of Christianity. But when we look

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at this, they blame the fall of mankind. They blame the cursing of all of humanity on our mother Hawa. And it sees in Timothy, this is the New Testament, a woman should learn in complete quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have any authority over a man she must be quiet for Adam was formed first. And then Eve and Adam was not the one who was deceived. It was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. So they blame our sisters for a sin that was done at the beginning of time. And in fact, the Quran never ever says that Hawa sinned first one that Adam sent first, or that Allah says that he forgave them that both of them sinned, and both of them were

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forgiven. But because of this theology, because of this thinking, the woman is seen from the New Testament perspective as the cause of sin and she's the entry level of sin and she's the one that invented sin really, in humanity, and it's because of her that sinfulness came about. It even mentions here, for a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have a head cut off. But it is a disgrace for a woman to have a hair cut off a head or shaved, then she should cover her head. A man does not have to cover his head since he is the image and the glory of God. But woman is the glory of man for Man did not come from woman but woman came from me. Neither as was man created for

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women, but the women were created for me. So let's you find Corinthians also in the first in the New Testament. So from a religious perspective, you found the religion of the Arabs, women were treated like animals and worse than that in the Christian and Jewish religions. Clearly she has a degree below that of main she was seen as something sinful. She was seen as something dirty in her menses and we complain

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This webinar will look at how the LM TT is wider look at how Ayesha had authority over men look at Subhan Allah how the wives are the prophets of Allah Allah mentions that they are the highest of of people. And it parallels this we know that the last advice The last thing that Ibiza Sallam said to his mama before he passed away very very last goodbye, he gave the very weak and all he could say with two things and he said a salata Salah, why Mama, look at a man salatu salam, he said, Take care of your surah take care of your Salah, and look after the people that are in your custody those who you are in charge of meaning number one, your wives, your children, the old, the young, the weak,

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the sick look after all of them. But number one your wives. So Subhanallah when we compare these religions, we compare the way women were before Islam versus after Islam, there should be no question in your mind that Islam was a huge jump forward for the rights of women. At a time when she was inherited when her body or did not belong to her when she could be buried and killed alive to a new religion saying that she can choose her husband, she can divorce her husband, she doesn't need an excuse. If she's not happy. She can divorce him. She can own property, you can't touch her property. In fact, you need to pay her maintenance. If you met her that she gets a dolly that is for

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her not for her father, that she can have a business that she can Subhanallah she can even vote Savonarola, these kind of knows what unthought of in other kinds of societies and religions. Some may say that, yes, today is a time where we've moved away from religion. Religion is backwards, that Islam is backwards, Christianity, Judaism, all of them are backwards and they are policewoman. We are talking about a secular modern world, even in the secular modern world, for us to think about something that even in the Roman and English common law in the Roman Empire, and during the British Empire, it says in Encyclopedia Britannica, that in Roman law, a woman was even in historic times

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completely dependent. If married, she and her property passed to the husband, the wife was the purchased property of her husband. So this isn't the Roman context, European law and like a slave acquired only for his benefit, a woman could not exercise any civil or public office, she couldn't be any elected official, she couldn't be a witness, she could not be a tutor. assurity, a curator, she could not adopt to be adopted or make a wall or country she couldn't have any contracts. And in the Scandinavian cultures, he was continuously under the authority of a man. And you know, we live in a modern time where we talk about women's freedom and women's rights. And we begin to think that

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this is how it always was in the Western world that for the last 1000 years, women had these freedoms, it all that if you look at it, that only in the last 150 years or so, did women receive certain rights, up until 1920, which was not even 100 years ago, women were allowed to vote in the USA, in England only in the late 1800s. In the 19th century, we're talking about 140 years ago, was the first time a woman could actually own property in her own name versus Sharia versus the Sharia, which gave women property 1500 years ago, rights to maintain the property. So when we look at the status of women in Islam, now let us compare Islam as a system. That is look at the rights Islam

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offers our sisters, what exactly does Islam offer you? So firstly, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, in terms of spirituality, in terms of the insight in terms of the heart, there is no difference between men and women, you will find men and women entering the highest places of gender and men and women entering the lowest places of janome. Allah protect us, you'll find that you being a man will not give you a VIP pass into gender. You being a woman will not mean that because you are a woman, you are any spiritually deficient to a man. So Allah sponsors Minami la sala Han min Zachary.

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Well, who am I mean, by unlucky and no higher Eva Lola says, Who ever does good deeds, they live a good life, whether that person is a male, a man or a woman, and that person is a believer, that almost says we will surely give that person a good life in this dunya and will surely give them the award in the era. According to the best of what they used to do. It's almost pointless. I don't look at the outside, I don't look at gender. On the left. The only organ Allah will look at is the heart, whether it is a male or a female on the inside is what counts to Allah subhanaw taala. Should we compare that to other cultures that see women as inferior spiritually, Islam says spiritually, men

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and women are equal. When we also see just to emphasize that Allah mentions with regards to the fall of mankind the original sin concept, Allah says for akademika that the two of them that both Adam and how were they both eight, and the private parts became apparent, and then almost sees what I saw Adam orapa, who for that, Adam, the super

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He's Lord and he, Allah puts the blame on nebby. Adam actually, in fact, there's no blame because both of them were forgiven. But in reality in this issue, as I said before, Allah actually says in the Quran that Adam disobeyed his Lord, if anyone were to be blamed, Allah puts more of the blame on our father Adam and not our mother. However, Allah subhanaw taala speaks of our sisters in such a an amazing way as I said that when Allah describes her, he speaks of us as one of the signs of his existence. Allah sees if you want to know that I exist and look at your women, ulcers, woman, it he of the signs that Allah exists on Haleakala. wacha that he created from you from yourself, your own

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cells partners, that you may live in tranquility and mercy with each other. Allah says in that is a sign that Allah exists. So all of us are sisters, as he uses the sun and the moon as an evidence of his existence. Now there can be no greater honor than that. When Allah says if you really want to know that I am the just look at your wife. Look at the happiness you feel between the two of you, that love that you feel that could not come from anyone except from the divine from someone high above creation, Allahu Akbar. So that's with regards to her relationship between her and Allah. We see how Allah speaks of a and how highly Allah sees her as Allah says la Khurana Bani Adam with all

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the children of Adam, he has honored them and he has raised them up. And then Allah says in the Quran, in the law of attraction, but the very best of all of you is the one with the most taqwa irrespective of gender. So for the women, they have full access to all his mercy and His love as men do. And then we look at the Sharia. Now let's talk about the Sharia, those. If you were to live as a woman, as a female under Western laws, and the Chinese laws and the Christian laws under the Sharia Islamic laws, let us compare. So remember, again, 1500 years ago, what was it like being a woman in Islam, Islam command that we give certain rights to our women, and Allah has said, for example, that

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she has the right to life, that her body cannot be harmed, that you can never ever harm any person. And of course, even more so are women, that she has the right to choose her religion, law of gravity. And this applies to everyone that everyone is free to choose the religion, Allah has given them in the Sharia equal standing in the court, that if to or you know, are complaining that the woman can make a claim against her husband, that a woman can take a man to court, and there is no superiority being in the sight of the law. The law is blind to gender, the Sharia, this is something, you know, we might not appreciate that now, but in certain cultures not very long ago,

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and it's even in certain places, sadly, in certain Muslim countries, you'll find that the women are not able to bring a case to the court. She can't address the judge because she's a woman. She's not even allowed to make an illegal application, whereas the Sharia does not do this, that you find in the Quran. The woman comes to complain to the prophets asylum about her husband, that there is no in the sight of the law. Men and women are equal. We see something which only was given to the modern woman for you modern women, only 150 years ago, well, women allowed to own property land in the Sharia from when the shadow was established 1500 years ago, we know that the woman retains her

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property that if she gets married, whatever property she brought in the marriage is for her. And for her alone, whatever she receives from work is hers and hers alone. husband has no right to touch her property. But we know also the hadith of hynd when she complained about her husband apostrophe and that he doesn't spend on her Can she take from his property without his permission? Then Ibiza Salaam said yes, you can. But be but be fee, be reasonable. Don't take too much. Just take what is sufficient for you. She has the right to choose her own spouse, voila, she can say I don't want to marry this man. I want to marry that man. She has the right to she even before marriage, we

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mentioned she can put certain laws in the in the contract. You need to pay me so much as a dowry, that you can't take a second wife except under these conditions that I don't want to you know, she can say I'd like to finish my studies. For example, I'd like to live in this area. I don't want you to take me in love with my mother in law. These are things she can put in her contract. And the man either accepts or he doesn't accept, but she has the power that gives her that power. She has the right to be maintained as a wife, and she has the right to end the marriage if she's not happy in that she has the right to behind the law for sexual gratification. Now again, I mean, even in our

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modern law, I don't think you can take your husband to court for not fulfilling you sexually. The Sharia offers our sisters this option. You can go and complain and we have a hadith of a woman complaining to the lava lamp that my husband is not fulfilling me sexually swana law and it's amazing. It's something that you would expect on you know, the cover of 2018 magazine 2019 magazine. You know divorce movies are pleasing you in bed. This is our Sharia 1500 years ago. She has a fixed right of

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inheritance now think of this that before Islam she was property to be inherited. Now the Sharia sees of her that she gets a set inheritance and you cannot ever exclude her she has her her inheritance and we'll talk about why in certain cases the woman gets half of the so for example the system will get half the inheritance of a boy Why is that? We'll talk about that in more detail inshallah, in coming episodes, she has the right to her education, that if she wants to learn, she has full access to the masjid we said that about the sisters, that they were given a special day in the week to go to the masjid for classes only. And the Prophet commands as do not prevent your women

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from attending the master. She has full rights to enter the masjid. She has the right to vote. Now something's amazing. The ability for a woman to vote isn't even 100 years in existence in the Western world in the land of the free in the land of democracy. Only in less than 100 years ago. 1920 was the first time we went out to vote a lawsuit about salsa. Yeah, you and maybe Elijah, I mean at UVA, that if the women the believing women come to you giving you the pledge of allegiance, they come into play to themselves as a Muslim, they want to make sure that they want to be of this oma, then, except from them, they pledge that they've given the choice to be in this room except

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from it. Not only can our sisters vote, but our sisters can even hold leadership positions. Anyone who knows the biography of our mother, I shared as we said, she controlled an army, she was a political heavyweight, she you know, some heinola had an entire faction of political influence in the time of the time of saying I needed to learn that And on top of all of this, above all of these rights that the Sharia gives her the Sharia makes this firm by placing a Wali in charge, and I end up with this point, sometimes we imagine the value of the girl owns or controls or you find certain people will describe this. Allah says in the Quran, main other coworker, Mona, Lisa jellico, Mona

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Lisa, they translate that men are the owners or the controllers are women, co workers is like a commissar it's saying the ones who establish and protect and love and key, the job of men are to ensure the rights of women are protected. So the idea not only gives women these wonderful rights on paper, you know, having these things on paper, that doesn't mean much, who's going to enforce it, who's gonna be there to ensure our sisters, their rights are maintained. A law has made sure that every single woman, Muslim or non Muslim, that she has a protector, a guardian, she has a god a well, he she has a family who is there to ensure her rights are being protected. And if her rights

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are not being protected, her property is taken, her husband is abusing her. She's not being maintained in her marriage, she's unhappy in her marriage. What if my honor is being abused, a lawyer will ask the way the way will you owe father of this girl or husband of this woman, we will you and you are held accountable for that. So Allah has made it such that she has the rights, and she has a guardian and a protector. And that is why as I said that when the woman gets married, the Elijah the duty of protection and key and love goes from the Father, to the husband. And that's why we need his kaabil to accept is not just accepting the goal. He's accepting that a minor with a law

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that a minor with a law will be with you always vanilla. So the shed he has built these mechanisms in to really honor and protect our sisters and to give her this high level with English area. So we we see that her place with a lot of spirituality, she's equal empowerment. We sit in terms of the Sharia in terms of the law, she has many many rights far above what any society without a doubt I can say this confidently no society on Earth at that time, or even you know, many centuries later had given women wanting to have the kind of rules and the kind of rights that she enjoyed. In our next episode, we'll talk about how men and women should interact. So what is the Sharia say husbands

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and wives and fathers and how should they interact with each other? We'll discuss that inshallah. In our next episode. For any questions, concerns or comments whistle [email protected] Thank you so much, sir Mr. Lai obrigado

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