Muhammad West – The Women Around the Messenger SAW – Episode 07

Muhammad West
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the history and use of words in modern scholarship, including the use of " "twenty" and "twenty," in modern clothing. They also touch on the definition of the culture of the woman, including the use of "the culture of the woman" in modern clothing, and the importance of dressing in public. The speakers emphasize the need for modesty in society and the significance of sharia laws and sharia words in sharia language. They invite viewers to visit their Facebook page for more content.
AI: Transcript ©
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basato su llamada mousseline, sarina Mohammed Ali Osaka My beloved brothers and sisters in Islam as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato sokola Hadith thank you so much for being with us here this episode seven of our series, the blizzard women around the messenger sallallahu wasallam. In our last episode, we had discussed the marriage of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, to his second wife, to our mother, so that, and this was, of course, following the death of Khadija rhodiola. And how we see the Prophet peace be upon him at spent 25 years as a bachelor. And then he had been married to her teacher for 25 years now at the age of 50. And this is would be 10 years into his

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mission as a prophet. So remember, he became a prophet at 40. And he spent 10 years with Khadija as a prophet now at the age of 50. But he had died. And after the passing, we mentioned how difficult it was for him, at this point in time, perhaps the worst moment and the worst time of his life. And that is when Allah subhanaw taala said to him or mother, so the being the summer, who supported him in this difficult period, we mentioned that she was a woman that was possibly older than him. She was a large woman, but she was a woman that is filled with love and joy, affection and comfort, the perfect person to support him during this difficult time. A woman that was filled with with warmth

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and love for those around her and she was his, you know, she was his supporter during these last few these last few years in Makkah until the hegira. With the province along with immigrate, we mentioned some of the rulings pertaining to another soda one of which of course was the Hajj, where she was allowed to leave early and for all of us from his Delica and all of us benefit from that. Another ruling which we which we touched on last last episode in which we'll continue discussing is this very controversial topic with regards to hijab in regards to the dress code for our sisters, and it is mentioned eyeshadow delana tells us that the rulings pertaining to hijab came down with

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with in relation to soda or the olana. So if you understand the laws of Islam, you know what became halal and haram didn't all happen from day one. At the beginning, they were you know, alcohol was permissible, there was no laws with regards to inheritance. There were no laws with regards to interest, buying and selling as Islam, the Muslim community developed in the Muslim community became more secure Allah subhanho wa Taala with revealed pieces of the Sharia. Of course, the most important rules that came at the beginning of Islam, during the early American days, was purely to worship Allah alone to avoid the worshipping of idols and anyone besides Allah subhanho wa Taala and

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of course to be a good human being in terms of not harming others not stealing or committing Zina, these were the basic principles. But as the Muslim society began to develop more sophisticated laws of the Sharia were revealed. So with regards to the hijab with regards to the dress code of our mothers and our sisters and our daughters, when did this come about? How did this come about? As we said that this issue of hijab is a very, very controversial matter in today's in today's day and age, in many countries in the world, certain elements of the hijab are even outlawed that women for example, in France, Switzerland, you might even find that not too long ago, even in Turkey, it was

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against the law for a woman to fully, you know, practice the complete form of hijab. So let's discuss this in more detail. What does the Quran say about this, this topic which evokes so much emotion, which we people have such strong opinions about, what does the Quran say about this? Before we into the topic of hijab, I think it's important for us to discuss certain terminology. You would find people talking about hijab, there's something called the poor call this the niqab, the face veil, the heat veil? What what what do these words mean? And what we will realize is that the wording and the usage, as found in the Quran, may not be the exact same usage as described in our

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modern terminology. In modern terminology, in modern discussion, when we speak about hijab when a woman would say she's wearing her hijab, she usually refers to a head scarf, a scarf that covers her head and neck and the upper parts of a chest and does not include the face veil of faces not covered, Her face is still uncovered. So the hijab usually refers to just the headscarf and that's in our terminology to say, when we speak about the niqab, the niqab is the face veil that that covers basically the nose in the mouth but leaves the eyes open. So then you have is your the woman wearing the headscarf plus a partial face veil. And then of course, you have the burqa, which is a

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complete face covering we even the eyes of the of the sister is completely covered. The book was perhaps the highest

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of availing so this is just for our modern terminology, and will not find these words or the usage of these words in the Quran and that's something for us to keep keep in mind because this is one of the the areas of discussion in modern in modern for modern scholarship, they will say you know, you won't find in the Quran it mentions anything with regards to a burqa. hijab is not mentioned with regards to women it's only pertaining to the wives of the Prophet Allah, we say that is correct. But when we go through the discussion, we will see that the Quran is very clear in terms of the etiquettes for both for men and for women. So let's look at the Quran. And let's go throughout the

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entire Quran all or one 114 sutras in the Quran from suta Fatiha up into sweetness. And we ask, what are the verses pertaining to this code for our sisters and vertical through the entire Quran, we actually will find that there are only three verses in the entire Quran that really speak about how a woman should raise

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there are only three verses that appear that talk about the dress code for women. So the first verse that we're going to touch on is in Surah Noor This is the 23rd surah of the Quran. In the 31st ayah. Allah Subhana Allah says, What minute he did not mean

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for Fujian, what are you Dina Xena tahuna illa Mahara minha waldrip na, the whole Marina Allah, Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala says here to the Prophet, peace be upon him, a prophet of Allah tell the believing women to lower the gaze to not to look at

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love to look at other men not to look at with lustful looks around and of course, what the desire also, you know, mentioned here is that women as well, I mean, the Quran acknowledges that women they are, they are beings that have their own desires, they have the they are intimate as well. So Allah Subhana Allah is saying that the highest form of hijab really is your internal modesty. So let us say to our sisters, lower your gaze reclined do not look about at things that will entice you in you know, bring about desire.

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For Rosana and a woman and God your private parts God your chastity, what are you Dina Xena tahuna and that the women should not do and should not expose the adornments and we'll talk about what this means that is I'm reciting the ayah literally, Allah subhanaw taala saying to our sisters, lower your gaze, protect your private parts, and don't expose your adornments except that which naturally unnecessarily appears. While you're driven. The whole Marina allows you to be here. Now this is the first actual commandment with regards to covering so Allah says to the sisters, take your homework and pull it down on your chests. Now what is the word Homer Homer is if you look at the word Homer,

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which is alcohol, we will and most of you know most of us know that we took a hammer we're talking about alcohol. So Homer is a head covering. The reason why Hummer is actually called alcohol is because it covers all it conceals it intoxicates your mind. So the covering a woman would wait on a hit this is 1400 years ago it was called a homer. So Allah says to the sisters, take your head covering the things that you have on your head and put it down all the way upon your chests. In the past before Islam, the women would have we hate coverings even a non Muslim woman, the ladies of Jamelia would weigh something which covered her hair, but she would have a Nick and her bosom

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exposed. So Allah Subhana Allah is saying that for the Muslim woman, she should actually cover her neck and her chest with this. What I have Dina Xena tahuna and she again Elodie pizzas, and she should not display her adornment indelible or Latina except to her husband and to her father and to her for a father in law and to her sons, to her brothers, to her nephews. And basically the ayah continues discussing which people a lady is allowed to weigh in a more revealing manner versus to those men which are completely non Muharram. So, what this ayah goes further into detail into describing that you have two types of relationships, you have those men which a woman is either

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married to a husband or those mean that you can never marry a father her sons and nephews and then of course they are those complete strangers. So these are this code with regards to how she should interact with Mahara min mean that she she cannot marry and non Muharram estrangement. So, from this ayah Allah subhanaw taala saying, but her adornments should be covered in front of these non Muharram in mean that she could see strangers she she should cover her adornments and what do we mean by adornments and of course, this is a way scholarly discussion goes into play. This is a way to proceed and we are open I mean this is our religion is a rich with us kind of debates and

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different scholars have

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different opinions one view is to say when Allah speaks about adornments, he speaks about the parts of the body that way adornments meaning parts of the body that would wear jewelry. So if we look at a woman way which he will jewelry, she would wear jewelry around her neck, she would wear jewelry around her forearms, around her hands, ears, ankles. So Allah is saying that for for Mahara mean for a lady in her, you know, around her father's and has her sons and her immediate family members that you cannot marry, these parts are nickel arms, her legs may be maybe open. Whereas when it comes to strange men, these areas should be closed ears should not should not be exposed. And we even have a

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more explicit Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says to SMR, the sister of eyeshadow, Yolanda, the other daughter of a worker, we saw her once and she wasn't dressed appropriately. And the professor says to her are smart. When a woman reaches the age of being Caliph, basically, all of her should be covered in front of an unmarried man, except for these two things and he showed his hands He's always you know, his hands and his face. So, the predominant view of the Muslim scholars based on this ayah is that a woman of course, this is very clear that he has to be covered at least has to be covered. bosoms has to be covered. And those parts of a body that are regarded as

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adornments are places where adornments are worn should not be you know, be revealed in front of non Muharram men. So this is the first ayah with regards to with regards to a job with a second Ayah

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a second is in Surah Al Azhar which is the 33rd surah verses of denying Allah Subhana Allah says yeah you and Debbie, O Messenger of Allah Olivia of Allah quiddity as well as you can say to your wives woman, Attica and your daughters when he said meaning and to all the believing women, you'd Nina la Hina minjerribah BB min Jenna PD Hina that she should pull over upon her body her jilbab radical Edna au Ruffner, then we can allow her for Rahim. So Rahim Allah, so Allah is saying to the sisters here, oh prophet of Allah, say to the believing women, that she should take her jilbab and pull it over her body. Now what is the jilbab jilbab is an outer garment, it's a cloak, it is a

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shawl, it is something that you wait a long kind of loose garment that the that was worn, it's still worn today. And it was one 1400 years ago. So lots of Hungary saying, oh, women are believing women take this jilbab and pull it over your bodies cover yourselves with us with over your entire body with a steel Bob. And in fact, the is very interesting, because Allah says that this is Edna, that this is better for you, it's more suitable for you. And you're gonna find out then that it is better that you may be known that you may actually be identified, and that you will not be harmed or molested. Now, usually it's understood that a woman wears hijab to become more obscure to be more

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invisible Yella, same way, this jilbab you know, way a higher form of covering so that you are known meaning that in the in the in the if we go back 1400 years ago, you know, * was very, very prevalent. And usually the women that were slaves, women that were servants, they would be the ones that would be the least, you know, the least dressed, and the more honorable you were and the higher you were in society, the more the more you would be, you would weigh and even in today's day and age, you wouldn't, you'd find the royalty and European Royals, people from very high class families, these are certain etiquette expected of the women within that family and Allah is saying the same

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thing that will be leaving women is a certain etiquette that is required by Allah subhanaw taala. So we this covering liyu jilbab. And we this woman, you know, put it over your chest, so that you are will be identified as a Muslim woman, and ultimately, you will not be harmed that for that you mean that you will not be molested or harmed in any in any way. So these are the two is really these are the only two if that apply in terms of what a woman should we that she should we should bring her home or from a head down to a chest and she should pull her jilbab over her body. There is one other idea with which actually mentioned the word hijab, but this ayah is only specific to the wives of

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the Prophet sallallahu sallam, so that the mothers of the believers the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, soda and I shall have son all the wives that you will get to meet. They had a second level of hijab. So all the Muslim women This is as we mentioned, Allah is addressing all the women with this ayat, then Allah has additional rules for the wife of the wives of the Prophet Allah. So Allah, Allah mentions also

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As up I 53 in the middle of the ayah, Allah says to the min what is ultimate hoonah and o Min muslimin. If you are to ask to speak with the wives of the Prophet SAW Allah first Allah will not mean Meanwhile in hijab in from behind the hijab and the other word hijab actually appears, the word hijab in the Quran actually means a barrier, a partition, a veil, a curtain. In another eye, Allah Subhana, Allah says that Allah does not communicate with with with humanity, Allah doesn't speak to a person except me will mean when he jabbing that Allah only speaks to a profit from behind a curtain, a barrier, a veil. So hijab actually means in the Quran, a curtain and yes, hijab

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therefore, this higher level of hijab where a woman is is fully screened off with a physical barrier. This only applies to the wives of the Prophet, it does not apply to all the women. However, the body covering that we mentioned in the last two is that a woman should we a home or a head covering that covers her chest and her neck, and that she should have a jilbab that is pulled a loose fitted garment that is pulled over her body. This is very clear, and very explicit in the in the ayat of the Quran.

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Now, this is quite This is something that has been unanimous amongst the scholars from the beginning of the of Islam, that the female Sahaba the the women of Islam, when these ayat came down, we know from Ayesha that when these ayat came down, I should say is Allah have mercy on the women of the uncertain the margin, that when these ayat came down, and they were made aware of it, then the women, the Muslim women immediately took from the aprons and they took pieces of cloth to cover those parts of the body, which was required from either cover the chest, and it would pull it around around the body. So this is really clearly understood by the women of the time. This is the

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etiquette and the requirements of what of how women should dress. In today's modern age, people ask,

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Is this not some kind of uniform imposed by Muslim clergy, you know, the law of forcing our women to dress in a certain way, you know, either to subjugate women or to limit her in any way. The first thing is we as Muslims, when we look at any law in the Sharia, why don't we drink alcohol? Why don't we eat pork? Why do we wake up, you know, office five in the morning to from budget, everything we do, we don't do it because our Allah forced us to do it, we don't do it, because someone is going to you know, put a gun to our head, who's going to beat us, we do it out of obedience to Allah subhanaw taala. So for those sisters that are practicing, and when, you know, the hijab, or they're dressed

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according to the commands a lot, they do it for the sake of Allah, not for the husbands, not for the fathers, not for the sake of the scholars, they doing it to draw closer to Allah because this is a commandment, a requirement of Allah subhanaw taala it is, as we are, we are muslimeen and what a Muslim is, is we submit to the laws of Allah. So that's why we do it. And yes, every law in the Sharia, we believe has a, as a social as a benefit, and does not legislate something except that this benefit in some of these laws are very clear, why gambling is haram, why alcohol is haram, we can see the ills in those in those in those activities. And therefore Allah has made it harder for a

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job. In fact, Allah subhanho wa Taala, he has given the reasons and he says to the sisters, that this is better for you, it is more pleasing to Allah. And it will it will make you be identified as a noble woman, and it will also protect you from any unwanted harassment. And this speaks to modesty. And the question of modesty is something which is fluid, different societies and different times what will be appropriate and what was is deemed modest in one society will change with time. If we look at our grandparents, even in a in a Western context, what Western was regarded as modest 100 years ago, or even 50 years ago, or even 20 years ago, perhaps has changed so much so

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significantly. Yeah, Allah subhanho wa Taala is being very clear in terms of what he regards as being appropriate and acceptable for a Muslim woman. But when we talk about modesty, and in the context that we live in, we should always understand that when he speaks about modesty and in this ayah of hijab, the first people he erases Allah first addresses the main, Allah says before Allah mentions to the women that you should dress appropriately that you should you know, cover your adornments in the ayah before it is number 13 surah Noor, Allah says, say to the believing men, they should lower the gaze and they should protect the private parts, and this is better for them. And

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Allah is very, very aware of the things that they do what they look at, late at night, what websites they click on. So Allah subhanho wa Taala first, this is as a mean, and says, the responsibility of acting in a modest acting in a in a moral way, is upon the main first and foremost and linked to the sisters. You also need to learn

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gays, you also need to protect your private parts. And yes, of course, you also need to weigh clothing that is appropriate. So this issue of modesty is something which applies to both men and women. And in something the highest level of hijab is goes beyond just the clothing that we wear. It's how we interact and how we keep to ourselves how we hold ourselves, especially in a society that is very free and very open. The last point to be made here, and this isn't we can discuss this further, the hijab, or the dress code prescribed to the sisters, and these ayat was never ever meant to limit her in any way to limit her contribution to society, he doesn't even mean to subjugate, and

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to oppressor and yes, without a doubt some societies and some scholars even have used this to deny a woman access to the magic they've used as an excuse to deny her from her education. When we go through this series, you'll find that there were no women more appropriately dressed women who had the highest level of hijab than the wives of the salon. They physically covered the entire body head to toe, and there was still behind a curtain, yet, I shadowed the law and who teach for 50 years, she would lead an army Zainab bin Joshua Dillon, how would run a business and all the other words of the Prophet Salim played a very important positions in society. So the hijab is never going to be an

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extrude never be an excuse to to take away from the rights of a woman that by using this as a means to limit her contribution to society goes against Islam. And when we go through the CDs, we'll find that aisle mothers, the wives of the column, being the highest.

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Ladies, in terms of hijab, were also the most prolific in terms of contributing to society. They were the most educated of women, and the most outspoken, confident, strong women. So the one does not have to choose between between being a modest, a woman that practice a hijab and contributing to society, Allah subhanaw taala allows you to do both. So inshallah with these few words, we hope that there's some clarity to this issue, and I'm sure we can discuss this further. Join us again in Sharla next week for our next episode, episode eight as we continue with the women around the messenger solo Salaam. If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me with

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[email protected] Sakura height Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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