Muhammad West – Examples of the Prophet (SAW) in Da’wah

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The importance of Islam as a way to live and achieve their beliefs is emphasized, along with the difficulties of pursuing Islam and the importance of following the direction of others. The speakers emphasize the need for everyone to be part of society and trustworthy individuals to avoid harm. The importance of being a strong person to avoid harm and avoiding giving personal information to others is also emphasized. The conversation emphasizes the importance of worship and making an effort to change, as well as the need for individuals to make an effort to change.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allah we live in a shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam, ala Mauritanian Sadie now Muhammad Ali yo savage mine are beloved brothers and sisters I said Mr. Ali Kamara library Koutou

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen always if we will begin with the praise and thanks for Allah, masha Allah, Allah Allah Allah will testify that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah subhanaw taala that one of the only the unique to him, we put out all our dependency and we submit to Him and we send our love and our greetings and salutations to beloved in every Muhammad Sallallahu send them to spice up your family to his companions, and all those who follow you soon until the end of time Allah Allah blesses to be amongst them. Allah grant is to live upon the Sunnah and to be Mohammed Al Salam, to die upon Islam and Iman, and to be resurrected amongst the Gambia and inshallah and the

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salah Hain and grandest intergender trophy to dos Amin will hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. We continue with our series on on Dawa, and we spent the last couple of weeks talking about what our religion is all about, in a very simplistic form. And I hope that that is perhaps the most important point to take from this entire series, that if you were to be asked by anybody, What is your religion all about? very simplistically, we say that this religion is all about worshiping the Creator alone, and every single person having a unique one on one relationship with that creator, without any intermediaries.

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Without any intermediaries, without any interfaces without any in betweens you, no matter how sinful you are, no matter how insignificant you might feel. Every single person, man or woman, young or old, rich or poor, you raise your hands, and directly to the Lord of the Alameen, you can speak to the Lord of the Alameen, listens and responds. So that is what Islam is all about. That we have La Ilaha illa Allah that there is none Illa noteworthy, none worthy of worship besides Allah subhanaw taala and that's all our religion is about. Essentially, everything else is attached to this. We then spoke about the other faiths of the world, the concept of godhood the concept of the purpose of

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life, and we saw the difference between our religion and religions, and I hope Inshallah, while we respect all religions, Allah says Allah ik Rafi Deen there is no compulsion in religion everyone has been given.

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From the day we were created, Allah had given us this unique ability or this unique

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choice, the up the opportunity to choose whether you submit or not to submit. We said everything in creation submits to Allah by default. They don't have a choice. They follow the command as Allah had decreed. But you and I, we must make a choice. Do you choose to submit or not? If you submit Well, hamdulillah you're a Muslim. That's what submission is all about. And so this choice You must make your kids must make. No one can make that for you. No one can force it upon anyone else. And then we save it

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Our duty to call others to make the right choice to quote others to this path of Islam, because we want success for our fellow men as we want for ourselves. And the series about Dawa, as I mentioned, it's not about superiority. It's not about being better. Allah subhanaw taala no alone knows who are the best of people. But we genuinely want well and goodness for all of mankind. And we want everyone to have that unique relationship with Allah subhanaw taala we spoke about the other religions and for our understanding, because when you give Dawa next time you meet a person that's a Hindu, you meet a person, that's a Sikh, you meet a person as a Christian, you can kind of understand what it

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is that they believe. And if the topic comes up and Hamdulillah you have something to talk about. Now we talk a little bit about the art of Dawa. So you learned what Islam what is it that you are trying to call towards your calling towards La ilaha illallah you're calling away from shake your calling away from idolatry. That's what you are doing, but how do you do it? And this one, Allah is the perhaps the most difficult job

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that there is possibly on Earth, because Allah subhanho wa Taala selected the best of all people to do this job, the Gambia This is the job of the Gambia to call people to Allah subhanaw taala. And I hope if you were to open surah Hood, for example, Surah would, Allah subhanaw taala mentions a list of Zambia, and you'll see the way the line begins the same. And to add we seen hood and to some would be sincerely, and every time it begins, oh my people, I call you to La Ilaha illa Allah the same message is repeated over and over and over. So all the Gambia, they have one job, they have the exact same job. And of course, this is the most difficult job, the job that brings about a lot of

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hardship, the job that requires a lot of patience, perseverance, but this is the job of the NBA and whatever follows that and it's our duty as Muslims to follow in that footsteps. It is the most rewarding thing as well.

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One of the ways in which before we give dower received the beginning of Dawa is a sincere Nia, a sincere Nia to what well for others.

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And they are some of us, hon Allah. We don't want to talk about religion, we said, you know, I, we in this politically correct world, where we don't talk about religion, and we don't want to highlight the differences between what we believe what you believe, you know, everyone is okay, so long as you're a good person. That's not technically wanting well, for someone else. If you believe that somebody is invoking a deity that is not helping them, it's not benefiting them, it's not curing the sick. Why would you not tell them but Look, brother, going to this place is not going to help you that's the place you need to go. You are you're the direction you're following is a lead to

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a dead end. But this is the way in sha Allah, if you will not too explicit that there is something we don't love for our fellow men. It's basically we are too shy, or maybe coward cowardice to actually raise what is right and what is correct. But you cannot give dower as an outsider. You need to be part of the society. And you need to be part of the community and people should know you to be someone. You mean well for me in everything. This person, he means well for me at work, he means well for me, with family, he's a good person. And so when you speak about Islam, or you speak about about religion, surely he means well, in that good you can't be a person that is causing harm in the

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dunya. And then you want to give Dawa said I don't trust you and that's what Allah says in the Quran, but my understanding them in Rasool we did not send a single nubby Illa visa and he called me except that he spoke the language of his people that he was amongst his people. He was from amongst them, he wasn't an outsider. Allah's father did not send

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an outsider, a foreigner to come to a people and then he gave Dawa to them. No, he chose someone from the community, someone who they knew someone who they trusted. In fact, someone who they loved someone who already has a track record of being a good person that people admired. That parents said why can't you be like him? He's a good child, and when he grew up, then when they reach that level, Allah subhanaw taala then inspired him to give Dawa lubaina So you did the llama Yeshua we had him a Yeshua and Allah says and He gives guidance to me walls and he removes guidance from as well who will as he's with Hakeem, and He's almighty and he's wise in what he does.

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In surah Houde, Allah says, Follow the people sit in Abu salah, Nabi Saleh into the people of Talmud. Look at what the people are going to be sorry. When he started preaching. He started to give Dawa when he became an email we came in to beat. The people said call who? Yeah, sorry. Oh, sorry, I couldn't Dafina module one. Kubla hada before you came up with this new religion, and you came to call us to this oneness, one God and not worshipping idols, you will merge you into now you were we had a lot of hope in you. You were one of our promising young men. You were one of the rising stars in our community. Everybody was looking up to you with hope you're going to be our leader. But now,

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the point of the IRA is look at

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The Gambia before they gave Dawa, they had a track record of goodness, you don't have to be a religious person, you don't have to have to believe in anything to be a decent human being, you can be an atheist, and be a decent human being. And therefore more so a person who has Iman should not only be a decent human being should be even more than that. But if you're not even a decent human being, then your dollar is hollow. If you're cheating people, you're rude. You don't give a you know, the way you drive in the traffic, the way you teach your co workers and your family members. If you don't have that basic philosophy that every human being knows, then you can't be propagating

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to anything because then you're not upon anything, really. And so the first thing that Allah is reminding you that if you want to give Dawa and remember, we don't have a choice, we are ambassadors, whether we like it or not, then you need to uphold the highest level of conduct. You and I, we cannot just go with the flow and do whatever we want. We need to have

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an extra level of conduct and that's this Nabisco Salam. That was exactly what Allah had given him. Allah was one of the greatest gifts Allah gave were given an IV Salam is his exemplary conduct. Nobody could point the finger at him and said, You're a liar. You've cheated someone you were rude, you are harsh. You spoke ill you need a car Subhanallah there is no person in history whose life is more documented than a business alum. Find in the being vulgar, making a rude joke. Cheating somebody, you'll find it's panela his entire life, even how we use the toilet is documented. But you won't find in there any immorality, any evil conduct, and so Subhanallah if we want to call to

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Islam, and we want people to acknowledge our faith, our luck and how we conduct ourselves in our business, and in our shopping and how we deal with people on a human basis will be the first thing that they look at. And so if we look at the NABI sermon, we talk about some examples of his tower. How did he do it? If you look at his first public sermon, then so salaam was about 43 years old when he gave his first public sermon. So for 40 years, he's been building up a reputation for himself as being and his title was a surgical Amin, the man that we trust, the man that tells the truth that was his title before he became an OB. That was his title before he became an OB. And so when he

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finally when Allah commands him go and give Dawa to the people who Salam as we know he climbs mount suffer, suffer moderate will suffer was a is a he'll be climbs on Safa, and that's in downtown central Makkah, everybody is walking around the Kaaba, and he starts calling them we all know the story. And he calls people by name Obon with us, oh, Ahmed, oh, Salia. He calls people. So the day shows also he knew who the people were he engaged with the people he interacted with him, he had a relationship with him. And he calls them by name one by one. And so they come and look and why why are you calling us, you know, what is happening? So you mentioned giving analogy, you know, someone

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that you know, someone that we trust in our community to be a trustworthy person, he stands on the table in the middle of the canal with food court. And he says a bit so and so and faulty mine, so he was he what's going on? Obviously, you can do, you know, leave your shopping, and you come and stand around it. Now, this is someone that we know, when we trust someone, we, whenever you need something, you found him, he gives you good advice. So now he says, If I were to tell you, behind me, there's an army coming, or some danger is coming on its way I have information, something bad is coming. What do you believe me? And they all said yes, hello, we will trust you. If you're going to

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warn us, we're going to believe you. And then he says, and then then at least instances, I'm warning you about a much bigger thing. I'm warning you about a severe torment about a day of judgment. And in another narration is sequels to each one and he says, Take my advice, I cannot save you, I cannot prevent this calamity for you. And he mentions people by name, meaning he knows his situation, I can't save you and I can't save your children. And he sees his own daughter, Fatima, and so forth to my daughter, even I cannot save you from that calamity that is coming. I can't save you from this catastrophe that's only to eat, even though in the dunya. I'll give you whatever you want in the

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dunya. I'll do what I can do my beloved daughter, but even I cannot save you every man for himself. And so what is this, and just as the NABI son was about to explain. So also he sets the stage. I mean, there's a bit of theatrics in this as well, calling people by name in public, telling them there's an impending calamity coming. So what's happening, people are now anxious they want to hear and just as about to speak, of course, we know Abu Lahab. You know, he basically over you know, he basically shouts out that by nephew is bad. Don't listen to what he's saying. He's talking nonsense, and he's cursed and all that and automatically the entire scene is disrupted. And then Allah

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spankers Abu Lahab, the point of this example. We're not asking you to go and stand on Canal food and give Dawa like that, but his position amongst his people. When he spoke, people listened. And he built that up over 40 years of telling the truth. 40 years of being honest. Now I think of us as a community.

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It used to be a time. If you were a Muslim and you went to Autozone, and you were a plumber or an electrician, people trusted you, you'll do a job, you'll do a good job. You're not going to overcharge me, you're not going to steal anything. And we trust you know, the slum, sir, we trust him. I don't know if it's like that anymore. Now, in fact, you say I don't want give me anyone except a Muslim.

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Islam, how we engage in how we live our life has made Islam look like something. It's not for me. This is not how would I join a religion like that? Look at the people. Why would I want to join a religion, you will see the religion as the people are the products of the fruit if the fruit are rotten, and the tree is rotten, and so Subhanallah it's a lesson for all of us.

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Another example of giving Dawa from the movie Salam, you should always be on the side, while religion is emotional. And we use emotion to give Dawa Islam is logical. Islam is logical. And you need to give Dawa in a logical way. And you need to appeal to the intellect

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and swallow that's what Islam does. Allah oz mini retort the many, many questions in the Quran are rhetorical. Like the atheists, Allah says, so okay, if I'm not the creator, then who created the evidence? And you give me an answer. Many times, we are on the backfoot. We get asked the questions, and we struggled to respond, and we have to respond and respond all the flip the script, and you ask the question. So you tell me, what is it that you worshiping? And you tell me what is that you believe? And the minute someone starts answering those questions, they would find the inconsistency. Now, who said that? Where did that come from?

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In the middle of the tension between the coalition and the Salem, The Kure seen a well known man, Hussein. Hussein was a well known nut for saying the grandson of Mr. Pacino was an elderly man. And he tried to bring reconciliation if you look, Muhammad, we know he's a good guy. And the people of Makkah, let me go and speak to him. Maybe I can mediate something. And so he comes to

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to the visa Salaam. And he starts talking to the visa Salam. And

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Hussain told them to be Salam. So now for saying he's studying, there'll be some, what is it that we hear from you, you have refused our gods, you have rejected our gods, and you talk against them, you say bad things about them. Whereas your father was intelligent man, and a good guy who was devoted to his ancestors and religion. So now use an emotional thing. How can you talk against our way of life? You're totally against our forefathers and your own father?

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So didn't know that to be sir. Now look at this, he's asked a very controversial question. If you are right, that means your dad is wrong. If your religion is right, that means all our forefathers are wrong. It's a very quick, you can't say no, no, my religion is wrong. And you can't say no, the religion is okay. That obviously doesn't respond to this emotional concept. Then I'll be somebody asked a question. In response, he says, before we get to that Hussein, tell me what do you worship?

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He completely said, look, let's put that question aside about my forefathers and your forefathers. I'm just gonna ask you a simple question. What is it that you worship? Who do you worship? So Hussein says, Well, I worship a Gods seven on Earth, and one in the summer, seven idols and Allah, remember the Cornish worship Allah, the Creator, so I worship the Creator, and he's seven idols here on Earth. So I'm gonna be someone asked him, when something really, really bad happens when you are in severe calamity, when you need something like really desperately, which one of those eight do you turn to? So he said, Well, when things are really tough, I go to the one in the sky. I don't ask the

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seven on the earth. And then he says, And when something bad happens, your property, your wealth, and all that, who do you turn to? He says, Well, then I turned to the one in the sky, I don't turn to the seven on the earth.

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And then there'll be some awesome, even though only one of them answers your answers it only one of these eight can answer you. Right? This is yes. Why do you then put the seven with what's the purpose of the seven? Do you think that you make them? Are you trying to make them equal to Allah in praise? Or are you afraid that they can destroy you? Can they do anything to you? And so he said, No, they're not equal to Allah. And they called on me, they can't do anything. They say stones. So then, Hussein added, then the sort of Mercedes giving them himself tell the stories. It was just at that moment that I realized that I want to be this now finally, click the light bulb finally

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clicked. And of course, he then accepted Islam. So a number of points we take from this, you might be put into a very awkward question. Suicide bombing, hijab? Why do Muslims do this? What's happening in Saudi Arabia and all that? So look, let's not put those questions. There's a time and place for that. We have a very simple conversation. What do you worship? What do I worship? Let's leave the whole world out of the equation. It's just two guys talking. We all want goodness for ourselves and our family. Ultimately, everybody wants happiness in the dunya. And in the afterlife, we want happiness and that's what we want for all of mankind. So we ask simple questions. What do

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you worship? What do you believe? What do I worship and then you say, which of these make the most logical sense which are

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These is the one that appeals to your fitrah in your heart. Don't get bogged down in controversial topics. There is no answer to those things. There'll be no benefit in the end, you know. So the last example of so we gave the example of the Navy SEAL giving a speech on Mount Safa. And we said before you can give Dawa, you must have a track record of being an honest, trustworthy person. And then we said number two, that if you have the conversation, try to avoid controversial topics that will just lead to an argumentation, rather stick to the basics. What is it that I'm calling to, and at the end of the day, subhanAllah remember, we are not trying to fool

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it doesn't matter what someone believes, doesn't believe it's between them and Allah.

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If someone believes, who doesn't believe that's between them and Allah, you and sometimes we get so engrossed in the Dawa, it becomes a debate it means like I want to be right, then the NEA is wrong. If the Dow is for you to win the argument, the Facebook post is molded right or wrong, and it becomes all about that, then it's not about Darwin anymore. It's about ego.

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And so that's why the conversation is always just I want what's good for you. You want what's good for me. And we move from the the last point, an example from the Dow, the Dow is gonna be Salam.

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Everytime not even the MBS panela. In fact, most of the Gambia, most of the Gambia

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from a numbers perspective. They weren't very successful from a numbers perspective. And obviously, on the FTM, I see MBA, they will come with one, two people, and some MBA will come with not a single person, not a single person followed him. These are the base of people. They're not doing anything wrong. But ultimately, you know, ultimately, the choice everybody must make the choice. And so then a visa Salam had for many, many years for more than a decade. Very little response, very little success with his people. The question we know that the 10 years or 13 years in Makkah, was at some point, it seemed like it's not going anywhere. And so what then abbyson would do, and he would look

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forward to Hajj season because even before Islam or before, before the revelation of the Quran, because of Ibrahim his legacy and his Hajj period, people from all over Asia would come for Hajj, of course, they had us paganism, they would bring their idols with them to Arafa that being the idols with him to the Kaaba, everyone has their own idols, and they worship the idols on Hajj. But it was an opportunity to meet with all these foreigners with all these other tribes. And so you would go how much time and you would give Dawa to each and every one of them. And of course, the maybe Salam he strategic so he had a an itinerary? Look, these are the oh, these are big Jamar, this, you know,

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the 100 200 people are coming from this this area, we're going to prioritize the big names, the big leaders, the big tribal chiefs, and he would make appointments with them, and he would give them power. And this would happen and he would invest a lot of time. And I don't know if any of you are in sales, you do a picture presentation, you have hope. And maybe some guys say Oh, I like what you say come back for another musician, and you come back and forth, back and forth. And then many times, ultimately it leads to nothing. Or they would ask a request of him that he could not fulfill. They would say okay, fine, we will accept your religion. But when it comes to this one issue like

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the soccer or when it comes to our treaty with the other tribe, then you must relax the Sharia and you can't change you either accept Islam completely or you reject completely you can't have 5050 Allah does not negotiate. Allah does not compromise. The deen is the deen on the fundamentals of Islam, there is no comparable compromise.

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For example, one tribe said okay, we'll accept us NAB and then you appoint one of us as the successor of you to be the next Nabhi now, that's out of my prerogative. The process I can't do that that's between let's Allah's decision. These things I can't compromise on. So, after one of these sessions, is been through hutch with all the tribes and not much success, and he must have felt like any person despondent, dejected thinking what do I do now? And he comes apart he just walks on his way through MENA any years six people talking six little group of people they sitting and they talking and over years and he goes to them and businesses my I speak to you guys and say I'm working

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with him. My speak to the six of you. And the six people you ask, Where are you guys from? So they said we are from the tribe of huzzah Raj in Yathrib Yathrib is Medina so there'll be some from Oh from that city. Medina was a tiny tiny city like maybe in our context you under again to think you're on the parade area in the New Years whatever. And you meet five people and say to where you from, we from Beaufort west to something Okay? And you're like, oh, okay, I heard the name I'm not too familiar but okay. So that businesses can I talk to you about my religion and this issue about Islam. Now they heard about the vision before they heard Oh, this is profit there's some religion in

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Morocco something strange This was news. So they were quite keen, okay. Which listen, and then I'll be Salam gave them the same pitch, the same Dawa as he gave the kings and the

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shots you didn't know who these six people were with ah with a poor with a big chiefs and small guys, but he gave him the same attention. Allah doesn't look as Pamela all in fact season the Quran don't take your eyes off the system of Islam don't overlook the people who worship Allah in the morning and the night even though they are slaves poor people for the big shots now it's just human nature that if we can get a CEO or president to accept Islam out oh this is what difference does it make it the CEO or the janitor? The heart is the heart to Allah these things I mean nothing to Allah. So then I'll be salaam gave that same Dawa to these unknown people like he gave to the kings.

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And these six people listen, and they listen and the eyes got big. Why? Because they've heard this before. This was not this was not brand new to them. The people of Medina what made them different was that they lived amongst Jews. They were Jews in Medina, the only city or the old, one of the only places in all of Arabia Makkah didn't have Jews.

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The other parts reorder those cities that would nudge didn't have Jews, Medina had Jews. And the Jews of Medina told the Arabs Watch out, our our final prophet is coming. And he's going to be like this. And it's going to be like that. And when He comes, you will rule the world, and he's gonna punish you at UPS. And God speaks to him. And there are angels, and there's a lost day and there's a piano and all these things. So we're going to be talking to them today. We heard this before we grew up hearing these things, the stories of Musa and Noah and all of these things we heard before. So they looked at all the things that the Yahoo told them we our Nabhi will be with and you tick all

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the boxes. And so immediately, they said, This is the guy that we've been waiting for. And so we know that six, went back to Medina

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and they told the community and the next year 12 people came and they came back the following year 70 people came and within no time Medina had embraced Islam. Makkah had not accepted but Medina embraced Islam without the novice who's sitting a foot in Medina. Point is

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Allah in Eliade Masha, Allah guides whom He wills, Allah gives success and victory to be wills. You and I cannot force Allah's blessings. We cannot bring anything except by Allah's will. All we can do is plant the seed.

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And you don't know which seed is going to sprout into a tree.

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And you don't know which efforts Allah is going to accept and which one is just you make the effort. When Abby Salam did not expect on his on that day, when he had his list of people I'm going to give Dawa to that you would meet the solution, just by the way by chance. And this we take from life only is only in Dawa in business in risk and everything. You do the effort, yes, you must go out. But then Subhan Allah, Allah opens the door when you cannot imagine. And so inshallah we continue next week about the art of Dawa and we ask Allah subhanaw taala to bless us to be steadfast in our Islam and our Eman to grant us to live as Muslimeen and die upon Islam and to be resurrected amongst the

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Gambia. And in the general for those mean, a few announcements.

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There's a book up tree planting project and public participation is required. That's third of June. That's tomorrow at half past two, and it will be at Brunel house Inshallah, we also for the code band for those who'd like to Corbon who are Kike we will be doing a Corbin program of course for evil at Ha, it's 3002 sheep and you can speak to the Taliban at the back for the register. And then lastly, there is a life skills program

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that will be hosted to on the from the fifth to the seventh of June in the bootcamp civic from eight o'clock in the morning to two o'clock in the afternoon. And this is for youth that are unemployed and students that are taking a gap year and so it looks at skills to help get help them get a better footing in sha Allah so that they can get jobs not look good on all of us halaal sustenance in Malaga and odo needs to be made I mean chicken so much for Salah Salem hamadryas priests I'm sorry, I'm terrible Alameda Santa Monica

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