Muhammad West – Andalusia #3

Muhammad West
AI: Summary ©
The history and cultural makeup of the Middle East, including the rise of Muslims and the fall of the Queen, were discussed in a series of segments covering the decline of the Empire of Spain and the rise of the Empire of the Americas. The importance of learning and finding the right person to ask for in the face of difficult media conditions is emphasized. The success of Islam in bringing people to work and discovering new ideas is also discussed, along with the importance of education for farmers to succeed in the agriculture industry. The segment also touches on the use of technology and the importance of learning in Africa, particularly in the face of difficult media conditions.
AI: Transcript ©
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out of alignment shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala schaffen will serene. So you know Mohammed Nuala Ali he was a big marine my beloved brothers and sisters said Mr alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen always we will begin with the praise and thanks of Allah Masha Allah Allahu Allah we testify that there is none worthy of worship besides Allah subhanaw taala and we send our loving greetings salutations so beloved Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to his pious and his pure family, whose companions and all those who follow his sunnah until the end of time, may Allah bless us to be amongst them. I mean, what hamdulillah Alhamdulillah we continue with part three of our series on the loose Juan de Lucia. And as we mentioned in the introduction, that Subhan Allah for 800 years, 800 years, Muslim has had a strong presence and in fact ruled over Spain

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for many, many centuries. To just to put into perspective, Muslims were longer in under Lucia, when Europeans were in America or South Africa, Australia. And the legacy of that tradition, the legacy of what was left behind. It was upon this legacy that Europe actually began its ascendancy, that the culture of learning when the rest of or when the rest of Europe, especially Western Europe, was in complete darkness. You had the most advanced civilization if not on the earth, but definitely in Europe at the time. And we spoke in part one, why did Muslims How did we reach Spain 70 living within 100 years after the passing of gonna be so solemn Islam had had an empire from Paris, to

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China, from the Atlantic Ocean to almost the Pacific Ocean, the biggest empire on Earth, and we explain why the Muslims entered Spain, with North Africa was developed, North Africa was expanding, the people of Spain were in complete chaos and disarray. And Muslims were basically invited, the Muslim army was basically invited over. And so within a span within a few years, the entire Iberian peninsula of Spain and Portugal was conquered. And the Omega Caliphate was the most powerful dynasty on earth at that time. We then said in part to that issues, civil war within the heart of Islam, in the heart of the Umayyad caliphate, the rulers of Islam were overthrown, the Khalifa was killed, and

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a new Khalifa arose in Baghdad. And with that the entire ruling family was massacred, except for one blueprints, one minor Prince manages to escape. And he runs to the most distant land on the map, which was Spain at the time, which had been neglected was a province that was neglected. And we spoke about the Falcon of spring up there, Amanda first, and he comes as a royalty. This young 1920 year old comes to Spain finds this province in complete chaos, but he manages to unite the Muslims. And he asserts Islamic dominance, and really from here begins, what we call the the Emirate of and the Lucia emirate within the United Arab Emirates and emirate is a is a state that it was an

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independent state, not connected to the Muslim empire. So the rulers of Al Andalus, the rulers of Spain, they were not subjected to the Khalifa in Baghdad, they were independent, but of course, they were Muslim. And they did not call themselves Khalifa. They were just I mean, it is also pawns. Also, as we say, then you can imagine, to the north you have the whole of Europe, Christian Europe, which was antagonistic and hostile to the Muslims to the south, you had the OMA it kind of the basset Khalifa. And so this little tiny, sort of Ireland, in the, you know, a very unique situation. And we had a country which was predominantly Christian, which had a strong and long history of a

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Jewish population, but ruled by Muslim Sultan's, you can imagine it was a unique civilization that began and so today we'll talk about how that emirate under loose became the golden civilization that we talked about how it advanced and managed to rival the world in science and technology.

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So, last time we spoke we said Abdul Rahman the first he becomes the ruler of Cordoba in 756. The dates are not important. 756 and this would lay the foundation from cultiva, the capital of Al Andalus. Cordova, he would build the foundation and he's the immediate family, the family have been Omiya Well, once the Khalifa is in Damascus, they are now and they have this ability as well, whether you like domains or not, you must admit that the ability to run a country and the ability to run an empire is something unique of drama and has this idiom become

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As a young man, he finds the whole Iberian Peninsula in chaos and he's able to bring, he's able to bring order and after he passes away, there are a line of very competent made governors take over Al Andalus 200 years later. So now we jump 200 years 200 years after updraft man was the Khalifa or the other Amanda first established Cordoba Abdurrahman, the third. The so there was Abdurrahman, one drama to have drama and the third and He's regarded as the greatest ruler of Al Andalus. He was so powerful that he eventually said I no longer call myself the ruler of Andalusia. I am the Khalifa of the Muslim world. Because

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about 1000 1000 years ago, go to Dubai was by some standards, the biggest city on Earth, the most advanced city on Earth, the only city in the world to have street lights fire not electricity is foreign law. But we know how amazing that is that the only city in the world that you could walk and they would be lights that they would have a special guy he would make sure before sunset, every light head that every street had lights. It had 500 hospitals Sorry 50 hospitals 900 public boss 70 liabilities 600 Majid Subhanallah today in Cordoba very very good fine, you struggled to find the manager there was a time just going to buy this the city of Curitiba more Muslims in Cape Town as

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panel like I imagined, and the first as we said the first city in the world to have lighting and that's why this man Abdurrahman the third. He said Why should I call myself that Amin when I'm more powerful than the Khalifa in Baghdad. In fact, I am the Khalifa and he declared himself the Khalifa. As we spoke about the grand the Great Lake the most amazing feat of engineering was the grand Masjid today. It's called the Mesquita, the Masjid of Cordoba. Of course it's a cathedral today, sort of Masjid anymore. It's a cathedral. And if you look at it, I said, anyone who's been to Medina, the harm of Medina, when you look at it looks just like that. They didn't copy from Medina, the Saudis

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copied it from Curitiba a masjid more than one 1000 years ago. Subhanallah the architecture there's more than 1000 years most advanced Masjid on Earth. Subhanallah

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look at what a historian writes. He says,

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we're speaking about the Andalusians. They were in Andalusia, they were knowledge and learning every way, except in Catholic Europe, you would find the culture of learning in the Muslim lands except in the lands controlled by the church. At a time when kings could not read or write the Moorish King, meaning the Khalifa had a private library alone of 600,000 books of the Amanda third, he had a private library, his own private library, 600,000 books, the biggest library in the world, one man, and he said the kings of Europe could not read or write, at a time when 99% of the Christian people will completely illiterate, the Moorish means and what he means as far as the way the word term work

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comes from SubhanAllah. You're in Cape Town, but they were called the Moors in Spain, the Muslims of Cordova at 800 public schools, and there was not a village within the limits of the empire, where the blessings of education could not be enjoyed by the children of the Most indigent peasants, then even they were almost had 100% literacy rate SubhanAllah 1000 years ago, and it was difficult to encounter even any Muslim patient who could not read or write SubhanAllah. And it's amazing to look at what we have ended the legacy of learning and understanding the legacy of discovery. It's sad to see how things have changed so completely, so completely. And as Allah says, And we mentioned it so

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many times, you had to find Lola Lena, I'm assuming Kumala, the neutral Mr. Raja, then Allah promises that the people of Eman and the people of knowledge will always be raised. your country, your finances, your economy, your household, your kids will be raised up through number one, Iman. And number two knowledge you can't go wrong with those two things, any civilization that is built on Iman, and knowledge you will see success and Subhanallah even the civilizations that don't have Iman, but they have knowledge, you will see them prosper. There is no it's no secret that if you ask who is the most powerful country in the world, from a military perspective, is also going to be the

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country that has the most advanced

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technology, they will have the most most new discoveries, the best industries and the wealth that they would have these things go hand in hand, these things go hand in hand. And so we mentioned that there will be some has this beautiful Hadith. It's a it's a weak Hadith, but nonetheless, the meaning is correct. The Prophet says, wisdom is the lost treasure of the believer, wherever he finds it, and when it is worthy for him, meaning we don't care where the knowledge comes from. If you have something of benefit, we don't say this is a Jewish person. That's a Christian person. That's idol worship. If it's got some knowledge, we are hungry for it. We are greedy for it. And this is what Al

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Andalus really did. Remember, we were not the first people Muslims were out

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The first people to write books and, and learn. But what we were is we took all the sciences that were the,

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the Muslims had what really made Islam a dominant civilization was the Khalifa in Baghdad and the Amin in Andalus. They made a point of acquiring every book, every piece of information in every science, whether it's Islamic with a secular, whether it is chemistry, botany, we're going to collect it, we're going to translate it in Arabic. And so that is why the language of science, the language of let's call it the lingua franca, the language of the world was Arabic, because all the classical books were first translated into Arabic. And then once we learnt once we had the information they now we built on that now we built on it, many of the great manuscripts of old talk

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about Aristotle and Plato and all the great Greek philosophers the the it was the Indians who invented the number system with a zero before you add the you know, the Roman numerals, v 1x. And all that goes on forever and ever and ever. It was the Indians, we contact the credit, it was the Indian civilization that came up with a zero, but it was the Muslims that imported this, it was the Chinese that invented paper, but it was the Muslims that took it and made books out of it. And so it was this culture of we take knowledge wherever we find it, and then we build on it and enhance it. And so we talk in sha Allah about some of the great thinkers, some of the great philosophers,

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scientists of the age. And why do we talk this essay? Why talk about 1000 year old stuff? Because panela

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last week, I gave a talk on it was Palestinian Awareness Week, I was talking to Islamia with the kids. I said what can you do for Palestine? What can we do for Palestine? Yes, you can make dua can be a good Muslim, if you have some money, you can give donations, but oh, we're not tired of all we can do is make dua that people can walk into our countries and take what they want kill our people * our women, we can't do anything about it. That our, our, you know, all we can do is hope and big that some external force will do some do us a favor, some western country will come and help us where did we go wrong. And that is why the Hadith says and it says that Allah loves the believer

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that is strong. More than the believer that is weak, even though there's goodness in both both are believers both are Muslim vocals to gender neutral, but Allah loves and it is better to be a strong believer what a strong believer mean, it means to be not only physically strong, so the gym guys, you're not gonna get a special cue on piano. It means to be independent, it means to be financially strong for our business people to make millions and billions and do good with it for our scientists to work and discover new things and make new inventions to help humanity for our youth to be working to solve problems. This is what Allah Allah loves more so than I just wanna sing the music that

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makes the most Salah it is the Muslim that brings about the most success and he's strong. So we need to go back to that time. And we mentioned these people, because we were there once upon a time and inshallah the idea and the hope is we will inspire others to be back there. So some for examples, Pamela, ready when we talk about flying, you always come to the rights brothers, the Wright Brothers comes to mind and yes, inshallah they did make the first plane nonetheless, but 1000 years before them, and many, many 100 years before Leonardo da Vinci

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drew the first rudimentary sketch of flight there was a man who actually tried to fly and he successfully managed to glide for a few for for a bit. His name is Abbas, even fitness from Spain. He was an engineer. He was also

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an ophthalmologist was able to make glasses and specs. And so he had a spotlight. It's amazing how they have in multiple fields. He was, he was, you know, obsessed with the idea of flying, and eventually he jumped off one of the merits with some wings and he managed to glide for a time he crashed. He survived, but he was injured. But really this is the first documented attempt of someone trying to fly.

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The first so is the first attempt of flying from one to the next man is Zara we, we don't know him today, but this man is referred to not by us, we give him the name, but in the field of medicine. He is the father of modern surgery, the greatest surgeon of of the past. His principal work called the Kitab, the serif, a 3030 volume encyclopedia of medical practices and surgeons and surgical procedure. The surgery chapter of this work was later translated into Latin, attaining popularity and becoming the standard textbook in all universities in Europe for 500 years. This man's 500 years, you're still learning his procedure. At the end of his textbook Subhanallah he gives a list

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of surgical instruments 200 Different instruments, most of which he invented for specific surgical treatment didn't exist before.

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It was taught in Oxford up until the late 1700s. His book on surgery spatula today, if you want any surgical, the best surgeons in the world like Muslim lands, you're not gonna go to the Muslim world. You're gonna go to Europe and find a surgeon and Sarang

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As we said, what is amazing about about this man, it was to create knowledge, not for himself. This was not that he can teach it in universities and he can earn royalties, or he charged huge medical aid, you know, three times the medical aid rate. No, it was simply for the sake of developing science and benefiting all of humanity. Muslim, non Muslim alike. It mentions here that he travelled a little bit outside of Spain to to Western Europe, to learn from the doctors of that time. And he comes upon a doctor where lady had, you know, she had some tumor on her head. And so the doctor said, this is a evil spirit that entered her brain. And so he made an incision into the Cross State.

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And of course, the lady died a few days. And then this doctor said, I've learned all I need to know about medical treatment from these people and Hamdulillah we what we have is sufficient. And so I think that this was our, our legacy. Spain, was a desert. When the Muslims arrived, Spain was a rugged desert, it didn't have much vegetation that people could not be fit. But it became one of the most profitable and lush regions in the world. Until today, it is like that, because of the irrigation and the crops that was brought Muslims, the Khalifa of Armenians of Spain, they went far and wide up until China bring grains and seeds bring Spain and we're going to end to be independent,

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remember, they wanted to be independent, we don't want to import from anyone in the world, we are surrounded by enemies, we need to be self sufficient. So they collected all the different plants and grains throughout the world growth to Spain, and they made it indigenous to Spain. This great scholar, even a worm is considered the most important medieval work on the subject of agriculture. 34 chapters dealing with agriculture, more than 580 plants came came up for treatment and the book not to mention 50 different theories, all of this is bringing to Spain so that they could develop their own agricultural industry.

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Subhanallah in the in the in the issue of pharmacy, even a beta was perhaps the greatest pharmacist of the time. 1400 different medicines in his book, and even reached 200 So we can go on and on not to go I want to talk about the scholar evolution Subhanallah even if you're sleeping just wake up this man evolution panela when I was if you go to Islamic University of Medina and you want to learn thick, thick meaning Hanafi Shafi Maliki, which Fichter Island is a class for the Hanafis is the class nomadic is no we're going to learn compare it to a book that brings all the methods together and discuss them what textbook to use with it, which tie this means textbook evolution. So from our

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perspective, this is a great Islamic scholar. But then you look at Europe. In the picture of the Renaissance, they put the greatest lert, the greatest thinkers of Europe, his picture is there. Now what is a Maliki Mufti doing in here? Because he was also a great philosopher. And his philosophy and his way of thinking, just the way of thinking was so amazing that it began Europeans really looking and studying the field. So some of the great priests, Thomas Aquinas, is like the Grand Mufti of of Christian Aqeedah, benefited from evolution.

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My monad is the greatest rabbi in Judaism, took this man as a chef and his Imam, his books, just because of the way he was able to think and articulate. So he's studying in Islamic universities, and in seminaries, Catholic seminaries. And in the Jewish synagogue, the same man is being studied. What a great scholar and thinker is able to revive knowledge and being able to develop and it's because of people like even senior immigration, that Spain had what we call the con Valencia conferencia means it is the first time and perhaps the best example of Muslims, Christians and Jews working hand in hand to build a civilization. Obviously, it wasn't all hunky dory, there were

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tensions. But there was no better example. And until today, there's no better example of finding these three religions living peacefully coexisting learning from one another. Every every scientist who was Christian or Jewish, learned Arabic, Hebrew, Hebrew, survived because the Jews were not in Palestine, many of the Hebrew works, the greatest scholars have said Maimonides, the greatest rabbi, where is he from? Jerusalem? He's from Spain. Why is the there's an X, there's a golden age of Jewish revival in Spain, because they found a place where they weren't being persecuted. And so that is why this land is so important and relevant to us. We are a Muslim minority, living in an ocean of

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Christianity. And it is a model and an example for us that you can live side by side, you can live in harmony, and you can benefit one another. You don't have to kill and fight all the Christians and the Christians don't have to have a crusade against us. This is what the civilization taught. And so I end up with this hadith when we talk about great civilizations, Hadith that Allah Allah which has some weakness in it, but the meaning again is true.

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Then at least some says it is reported, when Allah wants good goodness for its people. He appoints over them kind rulers. And he makes the Dharma to be the knowledgeable people to do to resolve the disputes. And he gives wealth to the most generous and the best of people. And that's what it requires. We need a civilization of strong good leaders. And we need educated learned Allama both in the Dean sciences and the secular science, and we need successful business people. When these three things go together, you will have a successful, prosperous civilization. So each one of us must decide which one are we I know not all of you all of you want to be the Khalifa and Amin but

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inshallah your wife took the job already. So you need to either alum or the business person in the life cycle Okay, just a quick quick announcement inshallah Rosa or lead she needs to be Shaban will be Monday evening, the sixth of March of the mothership, and our Ramadan Expo is this weekend. Please, Burano has a standard as well as well. So let's say now Mohammed, Islam serene, from La Mina, Sudan Wallach Mutharika.

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