Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari – The Pure-Hearted and Modesty

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
AI: Summary © The transcript is a jumbled mix of characters and symbols, with no discernible context or meaning, and the speakers discuss various topics including a woman who talks too much, a woman who doesn't averages, a woman who doesn't speak up, and a woman who talks too much. The transcript is not a conversation or dialogue, it is just a series of random characters and symbols.
AI: Transcript ©
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shall love to continue with the program. We are inviting our honorable scholar of the Mohammed Bin ohada Medical theorycraft along with Tyler, a brief introduction, the chef is a student of the Islamic sciences. And he has studied in a number of countries including the United Kingdom, Pakistan, as well as Syria. And he has formal authorizations in the disciplines of the Islamic sciences, including fake and that's why we call him a 51 will give us a legal verdicts and he continues to inspire the youth through his courses, as well as his speeches. He's attended the RAS, as well as a number of us the RIA events that took place in the past here at the Islamic foundation

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of Toronto. It's been a few years but we are very pleased that he's back in Toronto, even though it's very short while and you can visit his website where all his work is there. He is also also author in some of the books in the Islamic sciences and the website is down if He also has a Twitter and a Facebook account and you can follow Him and be his fan on his social media pages. So with this brief introduction, we request our honorable shares before steam hammer deploy Adam Nicholson you have to come forward and deliver a speech on the topic of the pure hearted zone sweet

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and hungry to win Australian over here when I still feel when a steady

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win are a little bit less dynamic, shallowly enforced fusina Women CRT Carmelina

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may have taken over the Telugu the Ugandan for

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a shareholder in local Washington who will actually

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what I should have done as a unit now will have been slept on our eternal come with an article or soon along with Monday let's send it over to you the non permanent to our Airbnb, beautiful humans how to get married while they're putting their own

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games on bottom or aluminum and follow them and find out.

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London in New York, I mean, a lot of money to help put up a wall.

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So Christina,

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especially brothers and sisters, said Mr. Equal

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to Iowa, welcome.

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First of all, I would like to thank

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some foundation

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showed us that

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the committee, the organization, the volunteers for arranging this very important program, inviting all of us today, your last panel God accept everyone's efforts. It's an personally an honor and privilege to be here with you, as ship user for saying with a very close, dear friend of mine that I

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attended, there used to be a conferences which are taking place, actually quite a few of them around 2007 2008 910 I think about four years, five years. With the past few years. I haven't attended them mashallah Simon Foundation has been known for, or you can call them the pioneers in arranging these youth programs. Many, many years, I don't know if it's what 1510 To 18 towards the conference you had last year. May Allah subhanaw taala accept the efforts of this foundation is legit this organization, the volunteers, the hard work done by Shell Yusuf and his team, no loss of data reward most of the systems no program takes place without the efforts and volunteering of the sisters. Now

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Allah reward everyone we shall not accept from a soil, a very important topic that we have today. And I was very happy to see this very important.

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Subject being discussed. I have not and as you may know, from my accent, not from Canada, I am from the United Kingdom and from England, but I know I have been following what's happening here. And actually, it's the same in our country. We are going through the same things in terms of the curriculum, the * education.

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So the same things are in the UK as well. We just had an election and some of these things were actually discussed by the Muslim communities. So this this topic is a very important topic.

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I want to make my topic or my title, as sharp use of mentioned is the pure heart, I want to talk about the heart. I want to talk about modesty bashfulness. To an extent, I will also talk about some important responsibilities for the elegance, and also for the youth, how the elders and the youth, the parents, and the younger generation can work together. I also want to talk about how at home at our homes, we need to have an Islamic environment, and also briefly maybe touch upon in terms of the curriculum and the schools. But there's a big responsibility

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alongside the efforts that we make in terms of what we want our children to study. And sometimes what happens is that our focus rightly so most students are standing up our focus, sometimes it's only and solely on

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the curriculum or what's the bill that's being passed? What's What are we doing about our responsibility at home as parents, what are we doing at home, how we are bringing our children so I want to talk about all of this related and connected to Audrey Sharma. The pure hearted Muslim or Muslim Islam places a lot of importance, a great deal of significance importance on possessing, having a heart that is pure in the Arabic language, heart is known as Allah. The Quran says the old man, a young Pharaoh, murderer water the new is that Allah will unveil saline on the Day of Judgment. Nothing would have benefit, no wealth, no children, nothing will benefit. And the next

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slide, this is what Allah is saying. The thing that will really benefit someone is a heart that is pure saline, what saline means sound, heart, pure heart, and other word how pure is by

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pure by heart, that if someone meets some god, a woman who meets Allah, a man who meets Allah with this clean, sound, pure heart, I want to define this do not but just to mention start off with this. If this doesn't apply, then that will benefit a believer in his grave in her grave in the next life. The messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was once asked, unless you're a footballer, a university have been

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who is a test of people who is the best of human leaves is a good Luma. Moomin can be so to be discerning every person that is truthful in their tongue, and the heart is bamu. So the companion in Central America, Allah subhanaw taala descended on

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truthful tongue, we know what that is. But what's this heartbeat?

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What's more,

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that's the person who is the most beloved or the most righteous person who has these two qualities, truthful tongue and heart is Mohini. This is a sound Hadith. So the companion said O messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what is this moment?

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Listen to the answer of the Messenger of Allah, Allah you sent him. He said, you know who is the one who has hard to stomach flu? What is that? He said you who are tough P You're not de la if Murphy Walla Walla, walla has this heart which is known as the moon is that heart which is the be unabIe. The theme is, it is full of God consciousness, full of Allah consciousness, always connected to Allah, that Allah is in the heart. nappy is key, pure, shining, silky, clean heart. There is no Ethem there is no sin in the heart. There is no bad thoughts in the heart. It's connecting the mind and the brain and the heart. And that's another topic. There is no singing it. There is no

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transgression in it. There is no enmities there is no hafsat Envy jealousy in it, clean hearted person. That's why the Messenger of Allah are you serving under the headings are sometimes a little bit

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late in the summer.

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break the

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law says Hola, hola. Hola. Sometimes people Jean Hardy people if they will take an oath by Allah. Allah will make that happen. We might

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In this person is just an innocent person, not shocked, innocent. Those are the ones sometimes are the most beloved to Allah, the cleaning hearted people. Sometimes we think this guy is not sharp,

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clean hearted as what have you. And that's another topic where the messengers of Allah recently mentioned that the man was a person of Jannah. And when he was asked what he was doing, he said, he sleeps at night and he has no enmity nothing negative to anybody. So anyway, cleanliness of the heart, what is this cleanliness of the heart, it's a pure heart. It's a key heart. And it's not connected, the mind is clean, the thoughts of below, the desires are clean, the inclinations are pure.

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The thoughts, the reflections, the primary,

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everything is pure, the person is pure inside, and that reflects that person's external reflects that person's outside. Purity inside reflects purity outside.

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And this is the same with today's topic is modesty. Modesty is actually reflected by the pure heart. So when someone has a pure clean internal sound, internal key heart, then that reflects on the external, that person would have modesty. Modesty starts from insight. And modesty is not just covering, it's not just a hijab. It's not just that it is not just wearing a scarf, it's not just wearing a hat. It's not just it is that but more than that, modesty. Hyah is about how a person has DT calmness, composure, how a person thinks how a person talks, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam look at his humanity and how he would converse with people softly spoken of man and

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life of the Allah Allah who was bashful by nature. A handsome man, softly spoken, never raises his voice. This is what you call modesty. We sometimes misunderstand what modesty is a husband who speaks softly to his wife, that's a modest husband, a wife who doesn't nag at her husband speaks softly, a man or a woman or modesty, doesn't swear doesn't slander does not have a parking argument outside. You'll calm is dignity, there's respect. This is where you will hire the way a person needs. Doesn't. I came across a hadith recently the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he disliked a person when someone's eating collectively to take two dates in their plate. When you're

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eating alone, no problem. Why? Because when we're eating together, it's disrespectful to sort of be extra greedy, like sometimes pizzas are coming to students. You know you've already eaten one pizza before you grab another one which of your major is going to finish? This goes against higher finished your one piece of you don't show greediness calmness, loci Sakina. Politeness gentleness, the way a person walks in case is low notice lustful gazes, but just generally the messengers of Allah it already was saying he was telling them when he would walk, he would not just Mexican women, he would not even look at men. He would not look up above you know, you'd look down Canada who is

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it? He would walk as though he is descended from a hill. That's how the

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bison book, there's calmness, composure. There's respect in the way we eat, the way we consume food. That's why the audio might say higher and modesty which is external manifestation of a pure heart. What is the definition? The definition of that is you STAY AWAY FROM SIN stance without doubt. Hyah the revelation is that it's a it's an attribute. It's a character trait or characteristic. It's a whole lot. It's a trait. It's a quality. It's an attribute that prevents a person from committing a sin and enabled by persons to do good actions. But along with that, it also relates to a person avoiding that which is considered to be inappropriate in society. Some things might not be unlawful,

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inappropriate. Killer in in the books of Hadith. This is known as Allah Maru. You might think you know some of these things, we can't even do them now.

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You know the exam

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was given by the programmer in the books, things like someone just standing somewhere walking and eating. And you know, like, the way that you're walking on the streets and eating, that's also filled up. And

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I'm not thinking, I'm just giving an example, in the classical books. You know, in the olden times, the teachers don't hide, they don't, when they saw the students that are walking on the streets and eating, they will ban them from like, setting for a week, you can't go and correct your clock and your character and your bashfulness. It's going into your modesty. We live in a time, you know, some of the problem is weather systems we live we live in a time, when we are desensitized. We have moved far away from the traditional values and the traditional culture, even in the West, the non Muslims, we all in the West have them and all those things, even their culture.

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Look back for 4056 years ago, there was modesty. There was higher, there was bashfulness. People, you know, part of modesty. And he's not just modesty is not like I said it's not covering is not just covering sorry, it is covering is not just covering, because part of modesty, which is an external manifestation of a pure heart is also in pregnancy. So there's nobody, it's actually in Hong Kong who disliked to be naked, alone in one's bedroom. Unless

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they say when you the scholars experience of football, how the various schools, when someone's changing clothes, there's a need, when you're taking a bath or a shower. There's a need for intimacy between spouses, there's a need. But other than that, it's not a good idea to just be naked. And classically, traditionally, people will even when there was a need. I remember my grandfather via hammock is passed away.

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He would go into the bathroom with his you know, do you have that monkey? Or do you call that?

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We call it Singlish. Like he will take his bandwidth that water is when he was old, no way. But I'm going to expose myself putting those logs. That's what they were traditional values. People are very careful. That's why he says that have modesty before Allah. This is modesty before. It's not just about who sees me and a woman's being seen, but it's about that, but it's more than that. It's beyond that.

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So this modesty is an external application of purity, the purity, which is the purity of the heart. Like I said, the word by him is mentioned as a hadith of the messenger SallAllahu Sallam he said in our by Yvonne, nyah Obon, who in my yerba indeed Allah is pure, he does not accept anything except for the pure PDF is a word for pure that's what the Quran says by Hubert to replay up

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by Eva to replay up, we thought we'll have easy pure math of a pure women in pure man or a pure women.

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A man is impure in his heart, and He wants a pure wife. That's not going to work, bro. Sorry, British lingo, that's not gonna work.

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If you want to pure wife, full of chastity, full of bashfulness, and full of higher and modesty, and that's the beauty of a woman.

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Again, you know, our, the way we consider things have turned upside down. Because we're living in that culture society. A woman who anyone is someone who's outgoing, courageous, all is Talking, shouting, screaming, confident, good qualities to an extent.

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We think that person has some good qualities, but the one was slightly withdrawn, looking down not talking too much. We think they've got some syndrome. That may just be their good character.

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Heard from one chef once from the Gulf somewhere, that there were two two sisters. And one of them used to talk all the time, the other one used to stay quiet.

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So somebody said, you know, that one of the sisters seems very intelligent. He said, No, no, no. He could understand that. He said, The one who's quiet is the more intelligent one. Because in our culture, the one who talks too much is a sign of hyperbole. Like, you know, your brain can walk you just talking and talking, the one who's calm thinks your brain isn't functioning within the one talks more is more intelligent. So calmness

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is also part of purity of the heart. So we'll

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In a society where things have turned have changed. So anyway, higher if all of this before the last panel dialogue, it's about wisdom, it's about talking with wisdom. It's about bashfulness the messengers of Allah how to set up how do you do Buhari, unless you just Salalah alayhi wa sallam he was

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gonna assume about his mother and he will send them a Chevy do higher middle e fish in the river

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bashful than a virgin woman in her chamber.

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On the first time of marriage to a woman, you know, we won't even understand that because a woman and the first batch of marriage nowadays no longer have actual cause that time.

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Even the example we want to understand it, because we live in a society that she's, she's probably already slept with, and now with a bit of a law protect, but, you know, that's why, you know, in the books of faith, they discussed ruling that when he went when he goes to ask them, the father goes to seek permission from his daughter that, such as such that a proposal like okay, give us permission, now, I'm going to conduct your marriage.

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So if she stays quiet, if she does, she does find something that she says bashful person, yes.

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That's a yes. Because a woman will not say,

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oh, and carry with me, I want to get married to him. And

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that's the society nowadays call us a norm. Smiling is not an indication, and I'm going to teach them about marriage. We say, Take explicit permission, because times changes. I'm just going back to a real traditional pure society, it was very different in those days, people's thoughts and minds, they awakens their desires, they have, like we say, fear in Arabic, or in order to, you know, the whole sort of the way the thinking process in every part of the world, traditionally, in the Arab world, subcontinent, North Africa, talk to people, traditional faith and there are still places like that traditionally,

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those traditional values. So the messengers of Allah, Allah, He will send them sallam, he was more bashful

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when someone would talk to you look down and talk.

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You would be you'd be like, modest, not what I'm saying. Not saying here that you sort of become too shy and you can't really do what you want to do the messengers of Allah or you send them lead army armies. He was the head of the India in an army as the head of the Muslims in that prayer. He he did so much service despite being so bashful by nature. So it is no contradiction. There could be someone who can do a lot of work very intelligent, very confident as well. But with bashfulness for a woman, the beauty of a woman and a man both is bashfulness.

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It enhances the beauty of a woman.

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I know many brothers will say the word wife was like it was bashful.

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But someone's like you're really

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different people have different tastes.

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It enhances the beauty.

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It's not just about I'm trying to complete the picture. It's not just about covering. It's about no gray the words the language used is the dignity in the words used we use slang language today.

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The voice being raised are not for men and women.

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So, this is higher. And this has been mentioned you must have heard today, through through the course of the day many Hadith of the Messenger of Allah already was sent and he said that the higher or higher Gulu higher is nothing but

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once somebody was in the messenger, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam passed by a man and he was rebuking another person saying, you know, You're too modest. You're too shy. Come on, another bigger, it's way too far. You know, we tell someone to stand over your eyes, you're too shy. So the messages of Allah Almighty substitute that for leaving, laying the models in the higher minima, because higher and modesty and bashfulness is part of faith. It's part of a non immigrant origin but humbly one of the great humbling scholars, he states that there's two types of hire, why is created other

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people are born with it. Those people are lucky fortunate. Generally mom and dad he says this is what he says that you don't good character.

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To say some people are born with good character. They are blessed that scenario from Allah gives different people different Jeremy, some favoritism at the end of it balances out. So they have an error in this regard. And others have to work for it. Some people are just born calm, COO, COO collective, gentle. Like in England, we say cool as a cucumber.

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And some people are just by nature born with rage with anger.

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But that's the challenge of the person who's calm collected, the challenges in another area. Everybody has different tests and different challenges. So why not? Some people are born with us. He says this is one of the greatest miracle, greatest miracle that Allah can give anyone and others acquire it and actually the ones who acquire the reward is greater because they went through a struggle. They went through just

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the opposite of HYAH is what

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either would fail or shamelessly so in Arabic received fracture, the farkash many Hadith of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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that talk about this fascia. The messages that allow him to look at his Shama.

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Let me suburban what you never used to slander, what

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he never used to sahab and fitness swag in a race to get in the market. There's no narration where it's reported that the messenger of a boss and the one who are unable to send them yelled.

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Imagine he didn't shout. One of my teachers was once mentioning that from he related from his teacher

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that he once said that to the students that have been married for 55 years, five, five years, in 55 years of marriage, I've never raised my voice on my wife

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imagine never raise again domestic abuse and violence and I'm not saying also that domestic violence only from many habits from women as well. I know that many cases

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because sometimes sorry sisters, you know,

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get the brothers as well soon, but sometimes subsistence I think if we're doing women is okay, you know, men can't get away with it. Women can No it's football. But this is in this example. He said I never hear raise my voice. This is following the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dispatch,

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this fascia, luminous shamelessness,

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shamelessness, our society is filled with geniuses. And it's sad. It's some of it's our own fault. And some of it's not our fault. We live in this 14th century, okay? It's not our fault. We live in the West, maybe partially our fault line. But we've chosen to live in a society where you walk down the road.

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The city has billboards, that ain't internet phones, but we can do a lot about this. A lot is in our control. A lot is in our capability capacity. We can complain all day long. And sorry for being frank about the curriculum about * education, we don't do anything at home. Because it's higher this modesty, beauty of the heart, brothers and sisters starts at home, you know, from when, you know from when, not when your child is six, not when your challenges five, or 10 new challenges for multiple new challenges three, not when your challenge is to not only challenge one, not when the wife is pregnant. Before that.

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That's when it says that we need to work we need to work for that is a heavy concerning reminder of what he was saying. He said, the whole year only Look,

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before you can married, choose where you will plan to see it. In other words, before you get married, don't be selfish. As a man or a woman. Don't think about yourself, what kind of wife I want. What kind of husband? Think about your future children. What kind of mother I want for my children.

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Is this man fixed enough to be the father of my future children, if the rights of your children begin before your own marriage?

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Because you're choosing your father, you're choosing the mother. And then it starts the thought

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of campaigning about the curriculum, about * education, about their modesty, about the good upbringing starts from then from marriage. How

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Did you ever tell

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how'd you ever when the wife what's happened food you eat? The hadith says in Omaha even if Allah only accepts pure Yeah, in that hadith he goes on to mention Kulu me muv and all the halal by Hiva verse of the Quran. All believers eat food, not just

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Eat pure food, you eat pure, you yourself will become pure, your hearts will become pure, your children will become pure. What is pure food? You know what beautiful is everything related to pre slaughter, to the actual act of slaughter, to the way in which the food was prepared? Who cooked it

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a wife, a mother, or a husband and men focus on cooking whilst making the sweet half of all food is being cooked Subhanallah your behavior isn't powered by stuff bla bla bla bla bla bla bla, food is being cooked. The half without a lot

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of cook food was reciting 123 use of the Quran. Bara carbs and noon and Blessings and Light is in the food. That food you eat, your children will be pure. And you go and eat KFC of any names. You go and eat whatever, whatever. Who cooks it. I'm not talking about how do you want to go down that road or debate? Who cooks it? Do they care how to cook, too they're concerned about who's cooking or the swearing on the cookie.

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When that has an impact you are what you need. Purity in the home on the food that we eat, eat healthy food. You know this take away restaurants and things like that. Sorry, I know some people might have a business. And so if I you know take and I don't want to harm your business, I'm gonna give you lots and lots and lots and lots of

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parts. But we should not have a habit of eating too much outside junk food. Junk Food brings junk mindless

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junk foods. Pure Food brings pure thoughts pure minds.

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How at the time of booking food, if the mother is looking food while watching Bollywood,

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your child will eat the food and become salmon harmony grows up.

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And if she's really listening to a chef talking or she's got some machine, Quran or whatever, and she's listening in about a companion how to show your loved one out which is listening to that food will give her a call to action your daughter will grow up like I showed you

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when she's breastfeeding. Again, that's a problem. A lot of people don't want to breastfeed today. A great great, great duty of another.

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It's a grand breastfeeding is an amazing rank.

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When you breastfeed or you're watching Bollywood,

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or Hollywood or Hollywood, there's Hollywood is Bollywood. And then Bangladesh is Dollywood and Pakistan's Nollywood

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if we're watching that, that's how our children grow up.

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Whilst the mother is pregnant, read the books. What we what the mothers think has an impact and this is not just Islamic King has researched on it. What you eat has an impact on your child what do you think that's why translate the olden times, some of the kings and the soul balance and amuse you know what they used to do when their wife became pregnant? For nine months they used to take them away in some like a lush place where there's rivers and Hmong, good scenery, so they just relax and watch the thing today. I wish she could be with us.

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For nine months, see greenery just relax, no tension. During pregnancy, there's no tension that child grows up with God. If you're fighting as a husband and wife or the child and in the stomach, that child's gonna come out as a fighting child will how genetically bad luck

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a child Ziering the child is in the stomach, put the Quran

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when a woman is pregnant, keep the Quran inside the house. Listen to lots of Quran. This is why it's called saying that was a woman is pregnant at that time specifically. Just avoid sins and anything distasteful or anything disliked. All of this contributes to the healthy society at home beautiful homes. And then when children are born

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again, we don't want to desensitize. We don't realize that

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Mother, father, daughter, son all watching Bollywood together, like how is that even possible? Seriously, I don't get it.

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From like your own sister brothers like, Bollywood, I know what Bollywood is. Everyone knows.

00:35:15 --> 00:35:22

I don't know how bad it is, whatever now or whatever. But you must be like, really, you know, dancing and all these kind of things going on

00:35:23 --> 00:35:37

having this together? How do you How can you like, watch that? See * on the screen, and then like your dad says in the mother's, a hole below. It's just not possible for anybody with a sound nation.

00:35:39 --> 00:36:08

So these movies at home, we do that at home, and then when they go to school, and now we're going to complain about the * education system, it doesn't work like that. We can do a lot to bring up children in such a way that they will be your human beings. anything negative. They will be the first ones to stand up. This is impurity. You've been grow out pure taffy and aaliyan

00:36:11 --> 00:36:12

fascia is

00:36:13 --> 00:36:25

this lewdness or immorality or shamelessness. That's why the Hadith, the messenger, sallallahu alayhi salam and these are Buhari said in the study. First Nana shifter,

00:36:26 --> 00:36:35

if you lose HYAH if you use modesty, there's two ways of there's two meanings of this heady fuss now.

00:36:37 --> 00:36:41

If you lose higher and you will do whatever you want, you will not care.

00:36:43 --> 00:37:14

If you lose modesty, you won't care if you do anything, because their nature becomes distorted. Now Allah protect us, I mean, all of us, the nature becomes filter our Salema Allah created us with this sound disposition when that becomes the greatest calamity is when the sound disposition is distorted. When right looks wrong, wrong seems right. How cuz he was gonna think about and seems happen. That's a very bad state to be

00:37:15 --> 00:37:19

when sailing just doesn't do anything for us, or tours.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:34

May Allah protect us. I mean, that's why the messengers are barbarism said when you lose modesty bashfulness you will do whatever you want. In another Hadith, he said McConnell should be shamed in the zoo. On

00:37:35 --> 00:37:41

fishing, sorry, my cousin should be shamed in Russia, or mankind and higher fishing in

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shame shamelessness is never found in anything except it.

00:37:47 --> 00:38:04

It makes it look ugly. And higher is not found in anything except that it adorns many examples. And I'm going to just mention one or two and then we'll talk about some really important things just the whole five points under concluded to deal with some like real issues.

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The Companions Look at the you know so many examples before us. So when we should read another good thing to do at home, we need to take practical lessons. These programs are practical lessons.

00:38:20 --> 00:38:28

Have a habit brothers and sisters take time out we live in busy lives. I know connectedly at least once a week if not more.

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At home together as a family. Read a book. The biographies the seer of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, complete a book on serum. Tell one of your children, you will give them an intense sit together collectively for eat together.

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Eat together and then read, read the biographies of the Sahaba young female companions of the messengers and above it was sending the male companions so have a brother your mother or if you are above this version of the Herat a pure wives of the messengers of Allah when you send them the Mothers of the Believers each one of them is a role model for your daughters each one of the main companions role model for for your sons for our sons read a thon

00:39:20 --> 00:39:22

many many examples

00:39:23 --> 00:39:27

of men and women are found on their loved one who was known that's all I can say.

00:39:31 --> 00:39:33

We didn't say a staffer who hired

00:39:35 --> 00:39:38

the most hierarchy man has to be above and

00:39:39 --> 00:39:59

and the messages are about racism was one sitting. I showed the love and an erase that he was sitting on a bit of his you know clothing, whether it was you know his name was exposed. A worker on the Illawarra rented to permission he was granted permission he came and sat down. The messengers of Allah Islam remained in the city

00:40:00 --> 00:40:07

And then along came or the Allahu Anhu. Again, gave permission he carried on how he was.

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And then plus monkey mess himself up on

00:40:13 --> 00:40:14


00:40:15 --> 00:40:21

afternoon, he was asked, Why did you change your positioning North mannequin

00:40:22 --> 00:40:52

said should I not be shy and have higher from the one whom angels have shared his bashful by nature, this also tells us that sometimes we need to, we need to consider the feelings of others, sometimes someone's more bashful than we should try to be careful of not doing things which will, you know, sort of be to their distaste over kind of the Allahu Anhu also example of higher modesty.

00:40:55 --> 00:41:08

Or, you know, above or, and whoever mentioned this later, he wants, he said entourage with Amazon, I had a problem with having pre * fluid machine. Some

00:41:09 --> 00:41:13

of the men have this medical problem and it's not like a major problem. It's quite common.

00:41:15 --> 00:41:25

I wanted to know, do I have to wash it off or do I have to do will do the Watson is an obligatory pathless tree. But for step two,

00:41:27 --> 00:41:38

I was ashamed of asking the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam according to a study De Lima Kern at the end he because our his daughter was in my marriage.

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Now I will talk about this parents talking to their own children in the next section.

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So he said for a month

00:41:49 --> 00:42:04

I said to my friend without you go ask on my behalf. I can't ask him because I'm married to daughter. I can't ask my father in law. I've got a problem with me, this is bashfulness this is this is nature.

00:42:08 --> 00:42:39

Likewise overcall on the Allahu Anhu he says, that humans have 100 He said, Oh people is that you will have modesty higher from Allah, for Allah enough CPLD by him use hands is my his possession is my life in Isla aloo Hina and how it feels about her when I go to the washroom bathroom, I can cover really those times the washing buttons are different. With the connection with Toby, I cover myself with a clothing my cover,

00:42:40 --> 00:42:54

only exposed that much which is necessary, is still here and mineral B has our agenda, how to modesty before my Lord Allah subhanaw taala I shall do well by houses, you know when

00:42:55 --> 00:43:04

the house that I used to live in but my husband passed away because of the loss of Allah when he said he was buried there. And then my father passed away he was very overcome Johann

00:43:06 --> 00:43:10

so when I used to go the graves voxels five, I never used to like

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to pass away to be buried so I knew my father and my so anybody should be too careful about my hair being exposed. It's in my own house.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:31

But then when Alma for the alumni who passed away and he was very dead, I never used to enter that place because it was where she was living, exposing even my hair

00:43:32 --> 00:43:43

there's no other meant just out of hire remotely from her. There's no googling that you have to show I have it for persons passed away and left this world and go to the next one. But it's just an absolute pinnacle.

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You know the famous story many of you have heard Musa peace be upon him.

00:43:50 --> 00:43:51

Musa based upon him

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with his mother

00:43:58 --> 00:44:15

Musa peace be upon him. This is Long story to cut it short. You know when he was fleeing from Pharaoh and the people because you know focus of Musa he was punch someone guide die, etc. And he left Mr. Egypt fleeing

00:44:18 --> 00:44:20

he will he was going through towards million.

00:44:21 --> 00:44:24

What a mouth, word of mouth.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:29

When he arrived at the water of Medina

00:44:30 --> 00:44:38

which he died at you haven't been a nurse his food. He found a group of people watering the aisles

00:44:39 --> 00:44:47

over gentlemen Dooney him over at the zoo done. And from alone away from that group.

00:44:49 --> 00:44:50

He found two women

00:44:52 --> 00:44:54

that will aloof like just waiting on the side.

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

For those men when that gentleman

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

And they didn't tell the sisters you know you go ahead a minute hamdulillah and outside Huhtala sisters first

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but they didn't and they will not say that is going to barge in and you know push a man away

00:45:14 --> 00:45:48

like some sadly do when you kiss the Blackstone PETRONAS well that's another story. Rather than get a reward for kissing the Blackstone we come with all the things for number one arming whether men or women pushing shoving lead men and women like that. Anyway, so we're just having to remember I think he did do done he saw these two sisters he said our the MaHA Okuma What's wrong Sisters is anything okay? Call it and unless it had us there are

00:45:49 --> 00:46:02

we are able to water our animals until these shepherds don't go. We're Aluna shaylen Camille, we don't have no many relatives to help us. Our father is an old man he can't leave the house

00:46:03 --> 00:46:12

for sacado Musa PC upon him you know, if I'm sorry for assistance, sometimes we should help if you see someone you need. First of all, no

00:46:14 --> 00:46:15

matter what,

00:46:16 --> 00:46:39

you did the job you felt it for them. The water was a well actually. And actually the officer who mentioned this is not in the Quran wording that they will know what they did the sharpens is to be very stingy. So when they used to finish watering this massive rock on top of the world nobody comes and takes you need 10 people to lift that rock. How do people tend

00:46:41 --> 00:46:42

to have that energy?

00:46:44 --> 00:46:46

Musa is you can you one person

00:46:47 --> 00:46:47


00:46:49 --> 00:46:50

login without lot of strength, a lot of power.

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Afterwards, they went home.

00:46:56 --> 00:47:05

This is in between the verses that I've seen. Conditional exactly which part is the Quran which part is the commentary. They went home. The father has

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a huge usually you come back home early. What happens? Normally you come late because it's very difficult. So they told him the whole story. So then the Father the father, who was the father, the mother of the Quran have different opinions. But many say it was a prophet of Allah shrine, but it's not categorical. That goes like it was in the original

00:47:30 --> 00:47:31

so he sent one of them

00:47:34 --> 00:47:35

to go and call loose

00:47:37 --> 00:47:56

Fajr a girl whom the Quran says afterwards one of the daughters came Katie one of them came to me she and a stiff customer walking in modesty Quranic somebody's the way she came in a modest way

00:47:57 --> 00:47:59

call it in OB they're all Kalia disease

00:48:02 --> 00:48:09

father's calling you must reward you for the help you gave us then he went for a merger of okasada He called

00:48:10 --> 00:48:20

me and then afterwards then sure if it was him peace upon him know the dude had actually said to the Father that when he came home and oh my father

00:48:22 --> 00:48:45

your own we don't have any pain we don't have any brothers there's no man in the house. Why don't we just employ him in a higher Minister job tell me the best person to employ you is the one who has two qualities number one muscle man powerful How did they know that? Number seven say because he lifted that rock

00:48:46 --> 00:49:03

which was vetted by 10 people and is then the second quality they said Amin is trust worthy you know how they knew about that? Because the way he dealt with them he wasn't saying system you mentioned your checking garage and everything

00:49:04 --> 00:49:08

you know in the in the name of Islam know what which whatever name

00:49:09 --> 00:49:12

real modesty that attracts people

00:49:14 --> 00:49:17

the systems are attracted by modesty. Someone who's

00:49:20 --> 00:49:23

in a higher Minister job or we have

00:49:24 --> 00:49:35

a you know, the officer who in the commentators they explain that you know when they will go into his house. You know what, who's supposed to send to them to her. Don't walk ahead of me or behind me.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:41

I don't want to walk behind you because you have to follow you. I don't know your houses.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:44

You walk behind

00:49:45 --> 00:49:54

me on the back. Right, left. Next turn. Tell me from the back. I'll just follow

00:49:55 --> 00:49:59

on sometimes if you need to give directions like it has to be justified. I can't hear you

00:50:00 --> 00:50:09

Probably and some commentators say that he told her to pick pebbles and throw like pick one this way pick another one this way

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he would did not put one gaze on her.

00:50:17 --> 00:50:22

And that affected enough. And you know in this idea when she said oh my father

00:50:23 --> 00:50:27

take her take us as an employee

00:50:28 --> 00:50:33

it was actually an indication that you don't work for him American.

00:50:34 --> 00:51:00

And I'm going to talk about this at the end what is not continue higher, which we think is higher cultural things which are not higher. A daughter telling the Father, Father, you know, there's a really nice brother I've heard about you. There's no no no relationship. Nothing. I know. I've heard from sisters and the really good brother. suffer a lot. How dare you? You don't do that as a fun there's nothing wrong with that.

00:51:01 --> 00:51:05

Then charade peace be upon him proposed

00:51:06 --> 00:51:07

a new real

00:51:10 --> 00:51:26

journey of the money. I want you to marry you often one of my daughters. Again, in our culture. How can a girl's father propose? Like, what's wrong with that? That's not against her or were we not supposed to have higher willingness higher as culture.

00:51:28 --> 00:51:31

A daughter can ask a father

00:51:32 --> 00:51:49

a woman can propose to man as long as it's all legitimate as I was going to talk about this as envel just mentioned it here. This hadith ripple HollyWell. Imam Rouhani for the Allahu Anhu has a chapter heading

00:51:52 --> 00:51:53


00:51:54 --> 00:52:05

Saudi, a man presenting his daughter to a righteous man for marriage, as you mentioned is heavy. Where on earth

00:52:13 --> 00:52:15

have some of the daughter of

00:52:19 --> 00:52:22

when she lost her husband, because man

00:52:24 --> 00:52:26

I thought his widow now know.

00:52:27 --> 00:52:56

Would you like to marry her? Simple society? There's no if some there's no like all these cultural restrictions. Or they say Oh, this was a to happen. Did you ask the great granddad in Bangladesh? No, no. Oh my god. And there's all that stuff. Simple, clean, you know, Frank society, too much restrictions. Marriages was simple. There's no like, you know, all these cultural things. He went tobacco that's only gonna reveal love.

00:52:58 --> 00:53:15

And it's almost everything. But there's not really like contrary at this moment in time. And he went to a bunker. Are you interested? He just didn't respond. Afterwards the messages that Allah is separate posts. And I will look I've told him that, you know, when you when you said I didn't want to say anything, I knew the messages that Allah Islam had mentioned.

00:53:16 --> 00:53:21

So I didn't want to disclose this or anything. That's what I didn't say as if the message is.

00:53:23 --> 00:53:30

But anyway, the chapter heading. And there's a few other chapters, that a woman can present herself to a man.

00:53:31 --> 00:53:38

But with chastity with purity with with, you know, with looking down with cases being blown.

00:53:39 --> 00:53:43

So this daughter of Sheree, than she is

00:53:44 --> 00:53:46

She kind of

00:53:48 --> 00:53:50

requested her father or indicated

00:53:52 --> 00:53:56

to her father, she would like us as a husband

00:53:57 --> 00:54:30

are used to sleep in order. And the story goes on. So these were some of the examples that we see. of higher and the opposite of that, which is shamelessness. Now, I just wanted to talk about one, the next one in a few points. We have a many aspects of shamelessness today notice it, it's very, very sad. It's very difficult to avoid what I said in workplace billboards. Internet you can't open any part of the internet without seeing Schuster's. And these

00:54:31 --> 00:54:33

sad sadly we have these.

00:54:34 --> 00:54:39

One of the greatest one scholars and the greatest feats of our time is this.

00:54:41 --> 00:54:46

There's places in the world. One of my friends recently visited Mauritania.

00:54:47 --> 00:54:54

I met too many of those hours last week in Abu Dhabi money. And there was a conference there. Many Mauritanians scholars came.

00:54:55 --> 00:54:59

There's people who haven't seen this in their life scholars people in the 70s

00:55:00 --> 00:55:05

There's only one phone in the village where you get signal once a week you go and use that.

00:55:06 --> 00:55:16

Forget internet and all of that. And Facebook and Twitter and WhatsApp, great means of fitrah the beneficiary as well, to great means of fitna WhatsApp is like,

00:55:17 --> 00:55:28

you know, like I was saying that somebody said that in the olden times, we used to say, like, you know, I'll contact you the traditional way, you know what the traditional way he was like, I'll send you a letter.

00:55:29 --> 00:55:37

Now, I won't email you let me post a letter to you. Now, it's like, I'll contact you the traditional way. I'll email you.

00:55:39 --> 00:55:49

So emails gone, like, you know, I still email. I'm still on the email. hamdulillah have resisted the temptation. I still don't have WhatsApp. You might say So what you've got Twitter.

00:55:50 --> 00:56:04

But I just I've never ever I just don't I don't know. I just don't like WhatsApp. But people went out WhatsApp. That's farther in like, what are you doing? Are you living, you don't have WhatsApp. It's too much time waster her in the middle of the night when

00:56:06 --> 00:56:11

I woke up to I'm going to the toilet. To have just come off the bathroom.

00:56:12 --> 00:56:20

Time is wasted. Marriages are broken. Seriously, marriages are broken. People sitting at home. Yeah, family is eating.

00:56:22 --> 00:56:31

The boys is playing on his game. The girl she's playing the daughter, the Father, that mother, everyone's on the phone. I actually recently sort of

00:56:36 --> 00:56:38

sorry, I mentioned this to some people

00:56:40 --> 00:56:40


00:56:42 --> 00:56:46

every household should have a

00:56:47 --> 00:56:50

technology free tech free zone.

00:56:52 --> 00:57:15

Every household one and a half hours every day tech free zone if you want a good family relationship 100 I started that in my house. And I suggested that to many of my friends in the evening, which includes the Father as well. Phone band has closed completely

00:57:16 --> 00:57:23

the house maybe just keep one house one if emergency something happens, but everything iPads,

00:57:24 --> 00:57:27

laptops, phones,

00:57:29 --> 00:57:53

TV, whatever you have, I don't know all the different completely. Let's talk physically. Let's talk husband wife, mother, daughter son, let's one and a half hours, just one and a half hours trade. Seriously just take this from this lecture and nothing else. Inshallah though, should be beneficial. Every day, at least start with one hour.

00:57:54 --> 00:58:13

Yeah, I'll do what the public Jamar people do the scale come on who's gonna pre Hands up who will who will do that? I won't. But seriously, try it. One hour, one and a half hours, completely, just all electronics of physical relationship.

00:58:14 --> 00:58:29

We have all these problems for all these means of flesh. Zina the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he mentioned in a hadith or Buhari one of the signs of Tiama is work for Xena.

00:58:31 --> 00:58:44

Xena will become widespread. That doesn't mean actual Zina every form of Xena, Xena lyonie Another zener of the eyes to see xinle Odin is TMR, Xena of the ear is to hear

00:58:45 --> 00:59:32

the xinle yet l batch the Zener of the hand is to touch Zina of the fetus to walk towards the evil while following Julius or depo you can rebel who finally, the private parts may confirm all that other Zina or may not all these forms of Zina. The Quran says Allah Takara was Xena in a hookah shisha don't even get close to it forgot doing Zina don't even get close to it. Which means all the means of Xena must be blocked by elders by youth at home. The Quran says cada Halima Lunella home for Salah to him has your own wallet at home and in love with him are you doing? Well? Lavina whom lifou Jessica if I don't Well, Lavina whom lifou rugi him Harvey who? Who are the people of color

00:59:32 --> 00:59:48

and success? Those who preserve their God their private parts for money the tug of war or lick those who search for fulfilling the carnal desires beyond that, beyond marriage

00:59:50 --> 00:59:59

Illa Allah is watching him on Mother's Day man whom Yeah, so who preserved the private parts except in marriage and then beyond an outside of marriage? Allah says Allah eco home Allah

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

Do these are the real transgressors? All the means to Zina must be blocked?

01:00:06 --> 01:00:15

Because, again it goes back to the heart. It starts with the thought. It starts with the thought eyes. The eyes are the messengers to the heart.

01:00:16 --> 01:00:33

Once we see evil things with our eyes, that's why the Quran says only meaning your whole domain of sorry him why I follow follow John, tell the believing men to lower the gaze. And that after that,

01:00:34 --> 01:00:39

God their private parts because the gaze is connected. That's the

01:00:40 --> 01:00:57

introduction to guarding the private parts. So which means that casting lustful gazes with desire sexual gazes, that's what it means. It's best is better as higher, to always keep the gaze low, whatever, that's normal, higher, but

01:00:58 --> 01:01:14

what is unlawful and what the Quran is saying that preserve and Guardium use cases from casting sexual, looking at *, looking at obscene things, immoral things, whether in person or whether on the screen.

01:01:16 --> 01:01:58

We live in a time and I know people are being frank here. * is one of the greatest problems brothers and sisters biggest problem. It starts with the eye. That eye then translates all the filth and the junk into the heart and the mind. The thoughts are in there. In the beginning, people are disturbed. But then our fifth chakra is distorted. Things become over and over and over again, when we are sort of accustomed to filth and dirt over and over over again. We don't even realize that that thing is bad no longer anymore. We become desensitized. The filth no longer remains filth.

01:02:00 --> 01:02:11

* is one of the greatest problems we must tackle this. It's never been as easy to have access to * than it is today a

01:02:12 --> 01:02:21

click of a button on this click of a button. Seriously, probably you guys don't know 100 Allah, may Allah protect you. Nobody knows. It's a click of a button.

01:02:24 --> 01:02:42

That's how it's easy to access it. If we are giving our children's seven year old phone I seriously think we should not be giving our children their own mobile phones. When we complain, we have no right to complain that how can we hand our nine year olds and he rolls their own personal mobile phones with the Internet.

01:02:43 --> 01:02:53

And then we're worried what they're going to do in the school curriculum. They have their phones, they don't need to go to you know the school, they just have to take their phones out and just go Google and just put * and see what comes up.

01:02:56 --> 01:03:05

Let them grow old. I personally would never give my child of his own mobile phone until they reach about 1920. Seriously hard call me old school and old fashioned.

01:03:06 --> 01:03:08

You can't have your own phone.

01:03:09 --> 01:03:40

But we bring them up like that have internet at home. They can have a personal internet or a laptop or access to the Personal in the privacy of the room. Have one in the central dining room. have internet at home? Not in the rooms don't give them iPads. 10 year old 12 year old. Yeah, you need to do work, no problem use it. But it's here. And you know, the trick is that you know the screen. Don't keep it towards a wall.

01:03:42 --> 01:04:09

That the back of the intent the laptop or the computer should be against the wall. So anyways, walking paths, they can see what's on the screen. Children are very smart nowadays. Yeah, you know, there are 102,000 profile names and secret numbers and messages, something the father might see looks like you know, some some technical problem, but I don't know what that is. It's another technical problem. Very clever.

01:04:10 --> 01:04:13

Parents need to be sharp.

01:04:14 --> 01:04:17

So don't give access. These are all the means.

01:04:18 --> 01:04:28

Protect the gays * as I was saying it's real destructive. And this is my first message and then the second message and the parents will I will mention, but seriously this is

01:04:30 --> 01:04:42

preserve and guard your modesty. Young people, everybody, all of us. * is destructive. As I said once, once someone gets accustomed to filth and dirt

01:04:44 --> 01:04:47

this person becomes desensitized. Then

01:04:48 --> 01:04:59

people human beings, you know when they get married, this actually causes a breakdown of causes marriage breakdown. One of the great reasons of marital

01:05:00 --> 01:05:44

break down, is because pre marriage, the man or the woman was addicted to *. It's an addiction. It's got Twizy called dopamine, dopamine or something, whatever it's called. There's there's a whole website on this. It's an addiction. And you know what happens? I read this whole thing, that this addiction, it starts off, the person no longer is satisfied with a particular brand of *. They move on to the next one, then that doesn't do the job for them. They move on to the next one that doesn't do anything for them. When they get married the wives, they can't satisfy the wives. * create the psychological impotency.

01:05:46 --> 01:05:48

You have actual impotency This is psychological.

01:05:50 --> 01:05:59

This man in his marriage cannot satisfy his wife. But if there's some *, he'll able to satisfy himself

01:06:01 --> 01:06:17

read up on this. And by Allah am not making this up. I've had cases I had once a sister crying a wife than my husband, sleeping in my bed next to me,

01:06:18 --> 01:06:25

does not have physical relationship with me. But his * with * in the same bed.

01:06:27 --> 01:06:28

It's like you've got a wife.

01:06:29 --> 01:06:41

What's happened is more kick more buzz from the * rather than the marital relationship, because it's just a mere * object. That's what * does to people.

01:06:43 --> 01:06:46

Bad habits at a young age.

01:06:47 --> 01:06:52

You know, some people think that you know what I was taught myself out of marriage. Believe me brothers and sisters.

01:06:53 --> 01:06:56

If we do not sort our

01:06:57 --> 01:06:58

these kinds of

01:06:59 --> 01:07:19

problems before marriage, we could be married, we will still have the same habit. Another example this brother wants was crying. Two, three years ago. He was an old man I don't know in his 50s or 60s, Allahu Allah. He said, I started the habit of * when I was like 1516 I'm a grandfather, I still can't come from the habit.

01:07:20 --> 01:07:22

Still can't come out from the habit.

01:07:23 --> 01:07:40

It remains its long term habits. Young people think so while it's like you know a bachelor let's just relax and enjoy when I get married, then I'll settle down and then I'll sort everything out. Those who are clubbing we'll carry on clubbing, pre pre marriage clubbing, we'll carry on clubbing after marriage.

01:07:42 --> 01:07:55

Those who are womanizing or minimizing, I don't know whatever. If that turns there. They will carry on doing that. After marriage, you won't stop them because it becomes a different kick. It's a different buzz.

01:07:57 --> 01:08:13

Seriously, we That's why I tell a lot of my friends that you know before marriage, that's why Quran says you know, when people get married, what is the Imam recite the ayat of Toccoa the verse of Taqwa you already know Amano Takala Hapa Ducati without a moto Nayla and Thomas the moon and the other two.

01:08:14 --> 01:08:16

UNESCO Takara Camilla the Halacha

01:08:17 --> 01:08:26

those three Iots verses of Taqwa at the time of marriage, that sunnah it's a hot word the messengers of Allah al Islam recited. Why, what's the

01:08:27 --> 01:08:44

objective behind it is to remind us that before marriage at the time of marriage and after marriage, the only thing that will preserve someone's marriage is taqwa after marriage, the actual marriage and even before marriage, before marriage live a life of Taqwa.

01:08:45 --> 01:09:06

If somebody and it's never too late, the doors of Toba always hamdulillah open, you can all turn to Allah. But this I always suggest to a lot of my friends, if you want to get married, and if you've got some of these bad evil habits, don't get married now. Spend one year of chastity one year.

01:09:08 --> 01:09:12

don't masturbate today and get married tomorrow. Sorry for being frank.

01:09:13 --> 01:09:40

One year, preserve yourself. Then go and get married. One year Taqwa before marriage, then it will help you in your marriage. You have to get into the habit of not doing those bad and evil acts. So all these things * is it's It's haram there's no to two questions about it's harmful.

01:09:41 --> 01:09:46

Don't let anyone tell you that there's nothing wrong with it. I mean, while you're going to masturbate, look at you know the ceiling and masturbate.

01:09:47 --> 01:09:48

We're going to think about

01:09:50 --> 01:09:57

evil thoughts. It's the Zener of the brains in of the minds in of the acquisition of the intellect.

01:09:58 --> 01:09:59

How can a person must be without the

01:10:00 --> 01:10:00


01:10:01 --> 01:10:06

and this is no sin of the thought. It creates darkness in the heart.

01:10:08 --> 01:10:21

And then that actually results in all these other evils and vices. I know people have talked about homosexuality and things like that. Lots of sexual deviances which are unlawful in Islam, but there are sexual deviances.

01:10:23 --> 01:11:05

about homosexuality, people ask, look, we don't we can't change our religion, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, all revealed religions considered to be sinful, straightforward. Colors. There's no you can't compromise. This is our deen. Yes, we don't hate a person. Just like we don't hate a person. We don't we don't get over obsessed as well. People ask. You know, sometimes we get over obsessed with one sin because it's culturally, like a taboo. So we don't you shouldn't get obsessed. Just like you know, someone doesn't pray Fajr that's also a sin. Someone's not praying Fajr that's also a sin, someone's involving themselves in homosexual activity. That's also a sin. So the way you are unhappy

01:11:05 --> 01:11:32

with this sin be unhappy with this sin. Okay, so with that balance, you You never just like you don't hate your brother or sister who missed the thorough Salah you don't get your brother sister who's involved you help you encourage us to be friends, you be nice to them, you try to help them. And this is actually these things are actual set. You know, these are evil habits. Because you know, I'll tell you one thing. Most of the people who are in homosexual relationships.

01:11:33 --> 01:11:37

They're not they are not like faithful to one person very rarely.

01:11:38 --> 01:11:46

It's they have multiple partners multiple and then the diseases and the illnesses and sicknesses. I mean, read up on that.

01:11:47 --> 01:12:16

Some of the things the researchers have mentioned, and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was truthful when he said, one of the signs of a time will come when people will be afflicted with such diseases and such illnesses that your, your father's and your father forefathers would have never had heard of them. They will kill you and there'll be no remedy for them. Just sound Hadith, absolutely sound Hadith,

01:12:17 --> 01:12:19

STDs and AIDS and whatever, whatever.

01:12:21 --> 01:12:28

So young people, protect yourself, we should all protect ourselves. I'll just mention what we need to do.

01:12:29 --> 01:12:39

Number one, nothing can happen except resolve. And just just one or two minutes, I'm going to conclude nothing can happen with our resolve. firm resolve.

01:12:40 --> 01:12:52

No one's going to help us if we don't help ourselves, you know, people say oh chef make this to go to this Imam. Please, of course, but we need him ma resolve and we need to turn to Allah make dua

01:12:55 --> 01:12:57

to to sort of help us and protect us from these things.

01:12:59 --> 01:13:01

And elders should

01:13:03 --> 01:13:14

explain in a gentle way. You know, once there's a hadith and Muslim, a man came to the messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam said O Messenger of Allah is only be Zina. Please give me permission, I will do Zina.

01:13:15 --> 01:13:24

You know, two, three days ago, somebody sent me a message. I would like to do Zina, can I do Xena because of Musleh. I don't I didn't get what he was trying to say.

01:13:25 --> 01:13:37

I like to do Zina because I'm Muslim. I didn't really understand who reminded me of this incident. So I'd like I didn't think part of him personally to the Messenger of Allah Allah salami said, O Messenger of Allah, please give me permission I want to do Xena.

01:13:39 --> 01:14:17

He wasn't like an imam of today like me like stuff alive. We're talking about you know, the messenger sallallahu alayhi salam said, Come here brother. To Hebrew, Julio make. Would you like someone committing Zina with your mother? Is Allah Allah here? Allah no messenger of Allah while a nurse so you're a born Illuminati him? Others don't like their mother's being fully catered with as well? To Hibou Hooli holodeck Do you like someone commit Zina with your auntie with your paternal Auntie he made listed with your sister with your daughter. Every time he said no Kamasutra of Allah He said likewise, others don't like their sisters, someone committing Zina with her, the auntie

01:14:18 --> 01:14:57

he understood. And then the messenger sallallahu alayhi salam placed his hand on his heart, and he said Allahumma Allahumma COVID Number four has sin Faraja who walk by her elbow, or Allah forgive his sin, purify his heart, and forgive her sin and preserve his modesty. He says Since that day, the thought of Zina did not even come to my mind. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained to the young people in a nice way, but these things resolve we need resolve we have to do look, we have to do what we need to do. You know use of peace be upon him. He was seduced by a beautiful woman.

01:14:58 --> 01:14:59

Beautiful Woman of peace.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:02

issue of rank the woman's giving money

01:15:04 --> 01:15:05

of rank and beauty

01:15:07 --> 01:15:36

or our the to let you off eBay to hear and see how well she bolted the doors. Everyone knows a store is no time she locked the doors. You know what you see peace be upon him did he ran to the doors he knew the doors are locked the amorphous zero and say that he well you know why he ran to the doors. At least I can run to the doors, the rest is up to Allah. Like I can do go to the door. I know it's locked. I have to do what's in my capacity. Let's leave the rest to Allah. And the doors opened. I'll open it for him.

01:15:37 --> 01:15:39

He said call the law

01:15:40 --> 01:16:28

likewise in a hadith a woman you know seven young people who are under the shade of Allah on the day that there'll be no shade. One of them is rajulio in the art who Imre tune that Jamal in one sub a woman a man who was seduced, called invited by a woman of beauty and rank. For Carla in half of Mala he says I fear Allah. Like for the sake of Allah We need this Taqwa. We need this resolve. But it starts like I said, at home Taqwa. You know bringing up children, good society, at home, if you do all of this, and then alongside that, the rest of the things that we talked about today very important, mashallah, you heard from some real good people today. Of course, we need to work for the

01:16:28 --> 01:17:06

better mentor of our children, we have to do whatever we need to rally we need to sort of, you know, we need to really do whatever we can do. May Allah subhanaw taala, protect our children, the greatest responsibility, one of my teachers are saying, the greatest issue for the Muslims in the West is not about the moon. It's not about times of prayer. It's not about eat. It's not about splitting of the moon. It's not about putting hands here, putting hands here. I mean, loudly silent in all their small issues, travel issues, in comparison to the preservation of the emaan of our children. The greatest greatest responsibility

01:17:07 --> 01:17:12

when we leave our children, will they be believers or not? That is a question.

01:17:13 --> 01:17:23

That is a question the emaan and if we can't guarantee that, then I don't know what we're doing here. Sorry. You know, it seems quite

01:17:25 --> 01:17:46

harsh, but we have to we have to really work for our children. May Allah subhanaw taala protect our young children, our youth protect all of you in sha Allah, grant me as well the ability to practice on what I said. Allah make things easy for the Muslims in sha Allah, Allah Hi, Rocco Korea and I was talking to Allah wa sallahu wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad salallahu Salam Alaikum

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