Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari – Nothing comes out from this mouth except the truth

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari

AI: Summary ©

The speaker describes a person who is being recorded and analyzed for their actions and positions. They mention being recorded and analyzing every aspect of their behavior and position, including their eyebrows and posture. The person is being addressed as "one of the companions" who can write to a guest of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Imagine, not imagined, realize and understand this fact. This is the reality.

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This is a person, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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his This is a person who's every statement, every action, every gesture, every remark,

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every emotion, every posture, every situation, every position, every circumstance,

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and attended is recorded, carefully scrutinized. At every junction every moment is being recorded the companions are looking at everything when he's got 16 white hairs or is it 16? Or is it 23 on how his eyebrow is and how he blinks everything.

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When he's speaking first thing in the morning when he's speaking last thing at night, whether he's speaking and talking or doing something whilst he's hungry while he's thirsty was his, you know, eaten food whether he's in a sad state or

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and he actually said, one of the companions said that, can we write to a messenger of Allah is yes right for any woman who Allah has nothing except the truth comes out from this mouth.

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