Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari – Identifying and Learning from True Scholars

Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
AI: Summary © The crisis of the " general public" recognized and identifying true individuals as successors of the prophets is a problem for the general public, and the "off revols" problem is a problem for the general public. The "offballs of the" problem is a problem for the general public, and the "offballs of the" problem is a problem for the general public. The "offballs of the" problem is a problem for the general public, and the "offballs of the" problem is a problem for the general public."
AI: Transcript ©
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Hamblen alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi

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de la luna and found out when

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I was

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in yellow, but I didn't mean Well, welcome

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to the Latino Marisa, Christina,

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especially brothers and sisters.

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Once again, it's an honor and a privilege to be here.

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It's my third or fourth time the

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military would, what a few your team

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for doing all the great work here. And part of that is organizing these weekly halaqaat.

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And I'd like to thank all of you as well.

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inviting me once again, today's topic, I don't want to make it too long. I don't know what happens every time I come into how I develop

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problems with me over the years.

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I remember last time, he was introducing me and I told him just before I just got this flu for the past few days and he also said it and I was okay until yesterday yesterday morning. I just developed it so it's

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it must be some kind of connection inshallah.

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So I don't want to take too much time, very briefly.

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We chose of this topic to three months ago,

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or two months ago, the title was

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identifying a learning from true scholars.

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We are in a bunch of of your hours, I want to kind of

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connected to the greatest scholar

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of all time, our beloved messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And recognizing and identifying a, an Arab scholar

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is on the basis of well, the criteria is the greatest color, the messenger sallallahu wasallam. And that's how you recognize anyway.

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Before I do that, not too long. inshallah. I think what I want to first say is that one of the crisis

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of the time,

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I consider it to be a calamity or a crisis of the time, we have a lot of problems in our midst.

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But one of the crises of the time is that the general Muslim public, do not recognize and cannot identify who the real people of knowledge are, who are the true one of the two onvia. The successes, the Hadid says Kindle Allah Warren central ambia in Aurora Mahabharata to them they are, indeed the scholars are the successors of the prophets.

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And this is really a problem. Because in in this day and age, we find that there is a lack of recognition.

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People recognize scholars based on certain criterias like, for example, how a person looks.

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I've got a Moroccan folk today, and a scarf identify didn't come, unless maybe I might not be recognized. It depends how you look. Some people recognize and identify scholars by how good voice they might have.

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I'm not saying these things alone are in the focus, good, good voices. But I'm just saying that these are not the criteria, or the steps or the basis on which you would recognize a scholar, how good voice somebody has, how great or ancillary recites. I know in some communities, everybody wants to be the amount of how anyone who recites like ships with essential aim is a scholar. Some recognize and identify scholars by how great speech they give. giving a speech is not necessarily a indication of knowledge to our people who might know 2%, but they can speak in a really good way. And never be somebody who knows much more 98% can't speak as great as sisters, that somebody might

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be a die, but not necessarily an ally. There's a massive difference between an avenue a scholar of Islam, and a diary. a preacher, preacher is good as well. These are good things,

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but not necessarily a criterion of being an artist. And as many other things, some people recognize collars based on how many amulets they can make for you. Some people think Islamic scholarship is all about just what it's about giving Shiva to people, curing people. That's got nothing to do with Islamic scholarship, or dream interpretation. You know, the amount of times people ask me about dream interpretation. I've got a White Candle

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you know, when you have an email that's

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like a folder, nor folder like a ready made, template template,

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copy and paste. I do not interpret dreams. I thought you are a scholar you don't know how to interpret dreams. Well I studied for 25 years 30 years but never studied one day about how to interpret dreams.

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That's something completely different. It's got nothing to do with Islamic scholarship, making amulets, nothing to do with Islamic scholarship.

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Treating general black magic has got nothing to do Islamic scholarship. blowing on people has nothing to do with Islamic scholarship. Islamic scholarship is something else treating jinn, black magic, amulets, dream interpretation, good voice looking good. All of this readers reciting Quran, these are good things and some things people might do in the wrong way as well the good things generally, but it does not necessarily mean a person is in a holiday or a shape or an alarm.

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Or an alum of Islam.

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an alum of Islam is someone totally different. And this is a problem, you know, times because and the reason why this is a crisis is because this is this problem is an offshoot of another problem. The other problem is the general widespread ignorance.

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Because the general public are very ignorant about it. Then the offshoot is of that is your recognize true or lemma. You see, you have to have some understanding, you have to have some knowledge, you have to have some Adam's apple to recognize other people have knowledge. That's what they say in Arabic, even further the and informally that will inform the virtue of the people of virtue is recognized by those of virtue. If you have some virtue, then you recognize the virtue of the people of virtue. That's why the great great scholars actually, if you see the great top cream all of our past and present, they will really be appreciated more by other scholars, they might give

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talks, and they might have 15 people, but 10 of them are scholars. And you might get a just a general person which is good at speaking and knows a few stories. And as a diary, you can get about 10,000 people, but hardly any scholars, the top Korean people, they actually they actually won't benefit other scholars.

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So it's like indirect, and this is what so this is an offshoot of the problem. Honestly, I feel very strongly about this, that it's it's an offshoot of a problem because journal is widespread. And this is actually forecasted by our messenger sallallahu

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Bukhari he said that one of the schelotto sobre, LA Unified in one of the signs of a amo be able to be uplifted, well, yes, but

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ignorance will be stablished when there's ignorance, then people will just think anyone's a scholar, anyone who looks like a scholar.

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You know, when I was a child, I used I used to when we used to hear this the journey, you know, in Nevada job, the job,

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the job will come, the job will come and people will be affected and influenced by him. I used to think to myself, would people get so crazy and mad like, you know, sort of fall into this deception? Like how can you because we read in the Halley's this when I was a young child 1011. And you know, he'll be he'll have written kothar on his forehead. And when I when I read all of that, isn't that like a sign, but how will they still fall for him and get deceived, but

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I couldn't understand that how human beings will be deceived by the job, despite having, you know, Gotha written here, but people will follow him in front behind him and hundreds of 1000s of people

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actually understand this. Now, why this happens. It's easy to understand, sometimes you just don't understand where people's brains of God, I'm just speaking very frankly, about this topic. You know, sometimes somebody might just come and just,

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you know, vulnerable people who have got hardships in their life, anyone gives them a bit of what?

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A bit of light that you know what, if you come to my gathering, and I touch your forehead, your whole life will be cured for the rest of you for the rest of your life. I just have to blow on you. You're done.

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Maybe through a mic as well, I don't know. Like that. And the whole world, hundreds of 1000s of people like where is the demand from nowhere? This is why if you look at all the prophets in the Koran Wait, I don't even know how

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Allah sent the profits from the same tribe, not somebody who just randomly emerged from the messengers and Obama he was under what's called a solid amine solution. I mean, before he even he, you know, was given Prophethood they knew him. They saw all his history and then now this

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person is saying that I'm a prophet of Allah then, of course, the system suddenly somebody just randomly pops out from somewhere and says, You know what, I'm going to cure the whole world.

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The greatest chef in the world Olive is somebody who kills me. Curing is not part of Islamic scholarship. That's a medical debts health issues. Islamic scholarship, you go to Hakeem for that. We don't study I mean, I've studied 2025 30 years different places. I never had one day lesson on how to make an amulet. Any Institute whether in England was in the subcontinent, Pakistan, I studied Syria, Yemen, anywhere. There's no one lesson on dream interpretation. No one lesson on curing people. No one lesson on treating general black magic no one lesson on any of these issues got nothing to do with

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any myth something else? That's a nice thing might be something else on the side. I don't know what they are. But

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me something else, who is the real hard?

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This is what we need to identify. And this is what why do we the issue, the question might be might come into our minds. Why do we need to recognize and identify true scholars? From the ones who are not considered to be not at all bad, there might not be scholars.

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There are other people who are good as well, but they're not scholars. So why do we

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not say that something like that? We're just saying that we need to identify who are true scholars who are aliveness. And to know this one's a diary. This one's a I can listen to his talk for motivation. But this is an IRA Why do we need to identify? Because we have been given this Deen Islam.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala removed ignorance in the world, the darkness of ignorance through the sending of the prophets, Allah subhanaw taala removed ignorance you know, the way Allah removed interest in this world was in desert ozone and aerosol code of sending of books and sending of messages. These messengers and prophets, all of them came they taught the contents of the book, you know, if you look at this, there's no example ever

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of Allah subhanaw taala sending a book.

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There's no example. Sorry, there's no exam. There are many examples of Allah subhanaw taala, sending a messenger or a prophet without a book.

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No example of a book without a profit.

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understood that so many examples of profits coming. But no book, no new scripture was given.

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But no example that a Book was given without a profit.

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In the Bible, or on sir hopefully Ibrahima Moosa, there is no example of a scripture being given to the youth to humanity and no prophet sent with him to teach it. Allah could have sent us the Quran, he could have only just woken up in the morning and found a pillow or Quran could have just dropped from the sky and dropped right in the middle of hands load down all of you pick up the Quran and read it yourself and understand it could have been possible. The reason is because it is not possible to understand without a teacher, so Allah subhanaw taala used both these methods and means sent prophets sent books.

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Now these prophets taught the contents of the book of Allah like our messenger said above it said, he taught the Koran which is the son of his son is the explanation of the Koran, and then the removed ignorance through his teaching another companion, so how long have you loved where I took from him?

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And then that your own people after him and generation after generation, so real scholarship, and it is, so the question I said, which needs to be answered, why do we need to identify?

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Why do we need to identify and recognize those people who are genuine scholars of the past and the present? The reason is because this understanding of the deen

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that has been transmitted and has been passed down from Allah's Messenger sallallahu Sallam through changes and generations after generations. The Companions undestood first and foremost,

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you know, Islam. Sometimes nowadays people they say I understood this from this karate versus this verse, this versus operon.

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Does that indicate this particular ruling?

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The issue is that what did the companions understand from this verse of the Quran?

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Where the Quran was being revealed, what did they understand if the companions are telling us this is the meaning of this ayah they passed that understanding so we have a mainstream understanding within that there are differences like you know, you have the nerve hubs and shove all of that. All of that but there is one mainstream traditional mainstream understanding of Islam. There are some things outside that mainstream, but that may

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stream understanding that has been passed through generation after generation after generation.

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requires good sound, sound solid knowledge

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requires sound solid knowledge. Throughout history if you look at the real scholars from the Sahaba time

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I know someone who hardly ever slept or ate or anything day and night he would be on the floor of Masjid of the messengers of Allah. In pursuit of knowledge, many of the companions geocoded I mean, this is not the topic but if you look at history, there's people who traveled look, you know, McCullough, he said, I made two journeys, one journey was 14 years another journey was 20 years 34 years traveling the world seeking knowledge. Imagine still he doesn't consider to be a scholar. You know, I am said this recently, once that the earliest scholars despite being everything they thought they were nothing now us despite being nothing we think we are everything you might have been

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handled, he travelled for, like 2030 there was no studying for 3040 years.

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You know, these great people I'm telling you just, there's books written on this show, 100 Fatah have a Word document Well, one of the Christian scholars he wrote a book called suffer has been submitted Allah, Allah, Allah shadow me with a scene pages of scholars, their patients on seeking knowledge, so many of them did not marry because they said if we married, there's no time to study. So many of them they hardly ate.

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You know, they really they hardly ate food, they would not have time to eat a meal. Once one of them said that the most difficult time for me is the time I eat because I don't have time to eat. They are writing there are people writing 16 volumes 20 volumes 40 volumes at volumes of books, there are people who have passed away. And when they took the average of how many pages they've not read, wrote, from the time they were they reached puberty till the time they passed away. Average, at 90 pages a day that or it is harder to spot on is writing 16 volumes coming to your body. You have no ob Mama, how are we just many, many scholars? These were not people who are giving communism. These

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were great scholars who preserved

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what do they do? They preserved traditional Islam. This is why we have today with us traditional Islam and using traditional Islam, mainstream understanding of Islam some things go outside that, and why we need to recognize these scholars because these are the scholars that we need to turn to when we need direction Indeed,

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we need when we need guidance in our Deen in our matters in our day to day life. People have knowledge. That's why we as general public, we need to actually know who are the scholars that we should ask for our questions. Because people have different you don't go to a lawyer to ask about your car, you don't take your car, you know you've got an engine problem, never go to a solicitor. No solicitor can insure my product? No. So sometimes the something about our DB might be just general advice, then you can ask somebody with a basic knowledge of dying creatures. But sometimes you need expert advice on matters of D You have to go to those who are experts. And there are many.

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But what I'm saying is that not just somebody who gives a talk you go to you go to somebody who has good deep knowledge, of Koran of Hadees of understanding of rural facts, somebody who studied like traditionally at least minimum 1520 years of his life. That's a basic requirement. 15 years is at least basic. In olden times used to be 3040 years but at least 15 years somebody who studied 15 to 20 years and studied by other people not self study.

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This is what it's called Islamic scholarship is a new study by people you aren't you're not self taught, this tradition has been passed through is not a chain from laws, messengers have a lot more incentive to generation after generation. So scholars who are study by other scholars who have deep understanding, and knowledge, there are many, many. So this is how you

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recommend recognize and this is why it's important to recognize. And one of the heads of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he actually said that in the law

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in design, Allah can Yakubu Allah,

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Allah subhanaw taala will not take away oosten Shahada until a time will come when no scholars will be left. Then people will take it down people as

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a suti loop, they will ask those ignorant people this is a little boy.

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After we leave your element, they will respond and give answers without knowledge for believable they will deviate themselves and they will give it other people's. So anyway, this is just the like this is one pot basically someone who has

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as scholars who have deep understanding and deep knowledge of Islam, and our messenger sallallahu wasallam, the greatest of scholars who was sent by Allah subhanaw taala. With this, with this knowledge and that knowledge that's been passed on through generation after generation. The other aspect of how to recognize

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is because like I said, the Hadith says Indian Allah, our

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scholars are those who emulate those who are the successes of the prophets. So you will need to see, this is the first part where we need to see those who have have deep knowledge, that along with that,

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who is acting upon that knowledge. So your knowledge

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in itself is actually it's harmful. Could be anything, you know, if I know that there's, you know, there's a glass of water here, I know that there's water this glass in here,

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that's knowledge.

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But if I don't like drink it, then I'm not benefiting from it, I just know that it's there. If someone knows something's harmful is this there's a bottle of poison here and someone knows is harmful. But then he takes that harmful medicine, the knowledge has become harmful.

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So the very important part of this identification of scholars is that they act upon knowledge. And actually, according to the Quran, knowledge without practices, not even knowledge. Must pilota talks about the bruiser eating the Quran, in a verse currently exempts surah but he was he says, whatever the ID moolah Manish Tara, who?

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Allah, He said they knew. He was talking about the same thing that they knew that he knew. He affirmed knowledge for them, they knew

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what they were doing is that it's not good. And then at the end of the verse, verse, Allah said, local we

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had they known begin with a verse allies affirming knowledge for them, and then at the end of the verse is denying knowledge from them. Because they did not act upon the knowledge. If you don't act upon the knowledge, then it's no knowledge. So, therefore, this is a very important part of recognition. who

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and who are those people who first of all have this deep knowledge of Islam in all the major sciences not just like learn Arabic language? No deep like I said, 1525 years of study under undergrad scholars, and this I don't have time for that, but there's numerous examples.

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And then the second part that they act and they emulate a loss messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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you know when we say act upon the knowledge, they emulate him when you say emulate him again, I'm gonna explain what this emulation is

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not just when we say emulating,

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we have to look at the life of the messenger

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do we see the emulation in this person's life of Allah as messengers of Allah isms life sadly, again, this is another problem we the way we live. We are far away from the way of the messengers and

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it's sad we need to try to inshallah you know,

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Let us look at and let us test our lives with the life of the messengers.

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in all aspects.

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How much do you eat? How much do you eat?

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Nowadays this is called as the one who eats the most unnecessarily so shouldn't be like that. Allah's Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, three moons Crescent moons would pass by two months would pass by No, no fire would be you know, nothing cooked on the stove.

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He lived a life of simplicity.

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This is this is the criteria. He was extremely humbled the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was extremely humble.

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This if we see this in the life despite being everything, thinking nothing of himself or herself. This is the crunchy

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and the messenger seller love it, you send them one of the hallmarks of his personality and personality. Was he was simple, sincere, and humble.

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If you look at all the Sahaba all that are their own all the son of all the great pie scholars, all the major scholars great great people of oma from your mama daddy to mama to Holly

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To the moment No need to remember the happy to, you know, all from all different, you know fields and sciences, every single one of them what made them huge and great and big was they were they were sincere, you know Rama linear and there was simple, simple. You know what I mean by simple, sincere and simple there is no artificial behavior in their life. Why? Because they saw Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who lived a life of Allah subhanaw taala

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You know, when Allah subhanaw taala there's a hadith and actually, this is a very good book has been translated into English as well, but I'm under no time so I'm not going to read passages from it, but I thought, so you're gonna hammer those robots on. our Master Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam speaks in two volumes in English. Somebody translated it. This was written by somebody from Syria kosha Abdullah Salah did the teacher of fuel some of my teachers, an amazing scholar. He passed away in 2001. He has many books. The famous one is this Chef maluma punia.

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He has a whole chapter in the

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tomato a salamah value seller.

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Humility of the messengers on

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all these great scholars, they were humbled because you know, the tree that has a lot of fruit is always late to fruit is always humble down. And this is the problem today we have that people have nothing but I think that everything someone does a weekend course. Coloma big shout out, or somebody does a weekend cool somewhere or go Syria for like 30 days or 10 days, whatever. And I say they come back and they sticker the flu scholars have not said that this cough comes on. And I'm not saying that's wrong. But it's you know, it's more of a fashion. If you look at early people, there was nothing no entourage, no, nothing. Why? Because they saw the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Look, there's a hadith here. Can I shut down economically as halaby the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would be the most in honoring his component layer motto rich lay here but you know who

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you are, are more than rich. He knows how he he was never seen to stretch his legs towards his competitors. Imagine the containers would love if he stretched it towards anyone. He never These are his companions. He never stretch his feet.

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Never. He's never seen two people working behind him. Got a Yoshi hopeful he would walk behind people. This is the criteria.

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Now the entourage is you come in the airport is 500 people connecting you and 600 people dropping you off. And then you know all sorts of things. This is why I'm saying I'm being very, very frank and honest. How far are we? From the messengers of Allah? Why do you send them life? We live in a celebrity culture.

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Everything's, you know, no celeb celebrity fight. I don't know if that is right or wrong.

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And even as students of knowledge, and as far as we've been affected by that, because of the celebrity culture.

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If you look, honestly, the history in the biographies of the early people, nobody would know who the scholar is amongst the people, even the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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You know, in the beginning, he would sit amongst the companions, nobody would know who he was. That's why there's this one narration where as what arare who came in he said, Man minco Mohammed he came into all settings. It was Mohammed amongst you. Nobody knew he was somebody who had to say how original Have you done with Turkey? This one, you know, leaning against the pillar, fade complexion, that's him.

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He would sit with them. Then the companions had to request the messenger sallallahu Sallam said, You know what, when people come, they need to learn from you. Sometimes it takes it's difficult for the car to identify you they'll come they won't know who you ask someone who because you're amongst us, can we not make a special place for you? So you sit on there and teach us so that when someone comes people know who the teacher is and who the students are, after so much stressing, he finally accepted idea that okay, it makes sense that okay, if people come then I should sit here

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so that they know that I am teaching. But before that he actually used to sit in the middle, no, no special place for him. And I will say this, that actually he chose, you know, Jupiter in peace be upon him. A lot asked him through the Asian Angel. Do you want to be a prophet medic Nabhi and a life of like a king? Or do you want to be a slave and a prophet looked at you but Allah is around and you pray that long duration is in this guitar. You know, he indicated that you know,

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choose the slave and this is what he wanted it fitted in with his nature. He

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chose to be an OB an apt. And then he said I am a slave. Guru guru, my guru. I eat like a slave eats a jelly sukumar and I sit like a slave. So it's not like somebody like a big chef sitting or is under five people pressing his head and two people present his feet in front of people. I sit like a slave sets, I eat like a slave eats. He said la aku tequila, I don't lead and I don't eat.

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part of the solution, right? We live. He says, I don't eat. Why showing gratitude to this narrative of food that I was given like a slave. The way you will show us the ratio in some shamal in the way you want

00:30:41 --> 00:30:42

to undermine had

00:30:44 --> 00:31:12

human being this is say you don't have to say even worship leader of mankind, you know, the best of creation, the habibollah, the best of the creation of Allah. Imagine he considers himself to be a slave he always kept considered himself to be a slave. There's another narration here abou mama relates. Once we came out and the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was resting on his stick.

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He, you know, he, we stood up for him.

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We stood up for him.

00:31:23 --> 00:31:27

Messenger sallallahu wasallam said la cama de como la jolla, you

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don't stand up for me, like the non Arabs, he was referring to the Iranians at that time

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that they stand for each other out of respect.

00:31:42 --> 00:31:45

So this how the heat he told the competitors not to Stanford

00:31:46 --> 00:31:53

find other narrations as well out of respect for someone. Actually, the messages a lot Verizon once told some of them to stand

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up, Mohan said cumulus ad comes out of respect, not a problem. But he himself

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did not want anybody to stand up for him.

00:32:04 --> 00:32:17

The Companions actually there's another heavy when they said that, you know, when he would come, we had to literally like put knives in our hearts. We have so much went to stand up who wouldn't want to stand up for the business.

00:32:19 --> 00:32:33

But he because he told us it was such a struggle, we just, we couldn't. We followed his command over what we wanted to do. And that's really the real love. Real notice what's

00:32:34 --> 00:32:40

not doing what we feel like taking out our love. Real Love is what what the President wants?

00:32:41 --> 00:33:05

What the beloved one, sometimes you don't recognize it scholars and teachers and elders and the parents. We think we know. Like, like some some people that just don't like, like one of my teachers, people, students used to take your shoes. This is a way stealing my shoes. You know, I don't like nobody holding my luggage on my baggage don't. Now some people fight to the show. No, no, no, no, he just doesn't want it. He doesn't want to take what makes him more happy.

00:33:07 --> 00:33:25

If that makes him more happy than your respect is based on credit, giving him the battle. You know what convenience. So the messengers all love and incentive will not like he and the Sahaba wouldn't stand up for him when he would come. They actually obeyed his command.

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Except on a few odd occasions.

00:33:29 --> 00:33:51

And he said don't stand up, which is not allowed is when you know, the Rajim how they used to do it there Indians is one person would stand and the rest would be sitting down. Sorry, one person would sit and rest of them you know how they office Allah would just stand in front of him like this. That's not allowed. That's mentioned in another ad. But to stand up for someone with respect is permissible.

00:33:53 --> 00:33:56

So and this is nominal, we wrote a whole book on this.

00:33:57 --> 00:34:07

No, no, he wrote the whole book in like 30 pages, the ruling on standing up. And there's another heading that whoever likes that people stand up for him Do not stand up for him for sure.

00:34:09 --> 00:34:17

There's a clear hadith of anybody that you know, you recognize and you see that this person actually loves the people standard for him. He likes it.

00:34:19 --> 00:34:22

He feels good about this and don't kiss his hand.

00:34:24 --> 00:34:38

Because even kissing hand this to kind of narrations, the messengers on a loved one instead of himself. He never likes he actually somebody there's another duration that he went into the market, you're going to market himself. He went to buy shanwa sahrawis.

00:34:40 --> 00:34:59

A lower government into the bazaar. He could have told 100 leads to go and buy companions, they would die for him. He went himself he was buying himself he gave for the arms of the you know to wait when he was saying said make sure we probably take a bit extra but don't take less. So the person who's selling is that this is the first time a customer is saying

00:35:00 --> 00:35:11

That's, you know, take a bit less, take a bit more, but don't take less, or whoever the lover who was with him, he said, Do you know this? I mean, recognize this is the Messenger of Allah, the Messenger of Allah. We didn't recognize it.

00:35:13 --> 00:35:19

So quickly, you know, he, he tried to kiss his hands on you. He said, No, don't kiss my hands.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:22

He never wanted that. And then

00:35:23 --> 00:35:34

he said he gave the money. And he took the shadow out or the Charles's and then above whatever the law who said, I tried to take it from him said, Look, he said, No, no, I can hold down

00:35:35 --> 00:35:55

luggage. The person who owns his stuff is the most rightful of holding his own luggage or his belongings. And you see this example of great scholars, and so many stories of stories who actually has stories of scholars. In a similar way, there's another

00:35:57 --> 00:36:23

incident where the nastiness of our users on the companion companions or their loved one to whom they're going to eat, they slaughtered a, an animal. So the all the companions were what they were all dividing the chores, one set of slaughter, one said, I'll skip the animal one said, I'll cut it into pieces. Once you know who's going to cook a messenger subtle, well harness, I've said my job is I'll go and get the sticks, the wood, and I've done a fire

00:36:24 --> 00:36:25

companion said you

00:36:26 --> 00:36:29

don't have to do anything, you relax. You don't have to do anything.

00:36:31 --> 00:37:13

So you don't have to do anything. He said, I know you guys would love it, that I don't do anything. But I don't want to be considered to be someone special that I stand out from the people. He never highlighted his position. We live in a time of media, where everyone highlights their own position. Social media and media itself has given us this, that when you know there was a time when the only important people important now everyone's important, everyone's going to take on and everyone's got everyone's got a status. This is what social media is doing, making everybody important. People highlight this ways. How do you highlight your status? How do you become important? How do you make

00:37:13 --> 00:37:29

a vlog or a blog or a club or whatever, you know, YouTube, etc? And how do you become special and a celebrity. And as you said about what he was trying to hide as much as possible. He never highlighted his status, yet, almost given the high status.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:33

Imagine this point he never highlighted he never had to highlight

00:37:35 --> 00:37:37

his status, or a foreigner. Luckily,

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he has got the highest status ever. Allah gave him the status. You don't have to highlight. This is why the great scholars of this oma are such that they status is automatically highlighted by a lot. They don't have to do anything. You might see them walking anywhere they might step on, is one of my teachers mentioned his name. I've seen him in the bazaar. He's sleeping on the floor in a musket somewhere, nobody recognized. That's how it is. When I was studying

00:38:08 --> 00:38:18

in Pakistan, their students wouldn't know who he is. Someone would come from the back I remember once the student came in and tapped he thought he was somebody else. Yo Yo, look practice our teacher

00:38:19 --> 00:38:21

can't read recognize difference between him and students.

00:38:23 --> 00:38:33

He's not coming with an untried 16 people looking behind him and 15 on this side and 15 on this side on you know, everyone's like, sometimes the public school just being honest.

00:38:35 --> 00:38:42

We spoiled them we give them extra you know sometimes and that's it could be counterproductive and in turn, so that's why

00:38:44 --> 00:38:50

you know, in many other things with the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when they went to Mina,

00:38:52 --> 00:38:54

Arusha with your mother and how she said to the messenger said Allah

00:38:56 --> 00:39:02

have come to me now. Can we not make a special place for you? So that you can be like shaded

00:39:03 --> 00:39:06

for you a special place special room for you?

00:39:07 --> 00:39:21

special room for you? said now Amina Mona whoa man Saba. No special place for me. Minar is such a place you all slaves here. Whoever gets there first. That's his place. You don't reserve place for anybody.

00:39:23 --> 00:39:23

This is

00:39:24 --> 00:39:29

there's just so many examples. Just some examples I just picked up off of Lowe's messenger so why don't you send them

00:39:32 --> 00:39:48

so this is the tomato or the humbleness and the humility of the messenger sallallahu despite being everything he has not considered himself to be anything. We see the same with us however, companions or their loved one and the great scholars of his own medical the moment of just his life

00:39:49 --> 00:39:59

you know, when he felt slightly like now is maybe become a celebrity. As soon as he thought that I I feel like a celebrity. That's it.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:06

What did he do? He abandoned everything and everyone went into hiding. Where did he go?

00:40:07 --> 00:40:17

He was in Damascus, generally between Damascus and Palestine, most of the lochsa which is always shown as an area in Damascus, to general movie

00:40:19 --> 00:40:28

used to study that we used to actually, you know, the location, the place where they said they say that among Mohammed Al Azhar de la would write is a hail otamendi.

00:40:30 --> 00:41:10

Study, there was a study there. And then also if you go Palestine, Mr. oxide, like the UK sub boundaries, I was there last year, the whole oxide, there's a special place to tell you where he was it used to stay and retreat in which nobody would know you would move from one place to another, he went into hiding. Because he thought that's where he wrote a deal. And then the whole RCMP died, he died. If you just read the data to hidayah, it's like a summary like of Harry Dean, talking about, you know, how ego and how all these things can affect a person have relevant knowledge, and how he thought that, you know, he was becoming too popular? And was he really doing it for a while for the

00:41:10 --> 00:41:13

dunya or for popularity, for love for money.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:20

He left everything. And he went into retreat for 1520 years.

00:41:21 --> 00:41:46

People have done that for knowledge as well. He did it for the scale for the heart, as one scholar in Syria. He was pushing for, for various reasons. At 80s. He's a teacher of some of our teachers. After he finished teaching, this has to do with part one, you know, the knowledge part. After he finished studying for 1520 years, one day us teaching was young and he was teaching, somebody asked a question. He didn't know the answer.

00:41:48 --> 00:42:07

I don't know the answer. So what he did was, I'm not teaching anymore. He went and locked himself 12 years in his house full of 1000s of books. And he said 1012 years I want to just study and read everything by 10 years, meaning he would only go to Select cetera. But people didn't see him much.

00:42:08 --> 00:42:24

10 to 12 years, he locked himself up and lived in a library, slept in a library, ate, drank, slept dream to breathe, books. And then he finally came out. And then he started teaching and became one of the great scholars of Alaska.

00:42:25 --> 00:42:38

that's to do with the airport. But I was talking about the second part because remember was already great scholar despite thinking of nothing of himself. Examples of if you look at him on Malik

00:42:39 --> 00:42:40


00:42:42 --> 00:42:48

You know, he says that my birthday to Hector Shaheed, the server owner member who

00:42:49 --> 00:42:58

literally, I never gave anybody a thought to our religious ruling answered a question. Until 70 people seven zero people

00:43:00 --> 00:43:03

gave testimony and not 70 normal people.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:12

Men who are the only 70 people more knowledgeable than me, said you are worthy of now giving religious verdicts.

00:43:13 --> 00:43:17

People above me, because people below you everybody can say that.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:20

You know, you just you know, do anything and you get

00:43:22 --> 00:43:47

amazing, amazing. Everyone thinks you're a chef. The real sign of someone's greatness is when people above you, the great people above you give testimony that you allow your teachers and great scholars, this is what in America 70 people just imagine when the important party I don't think is 70 The important part is more knowledgeable than me. give testimony.

00:43:49 --> 00:44:02

This is Mr. Malik. And then there's numerous example, examples. There's one example of an end in just a few more minutes to do this. People like this. There's examples of stories of great scholars who actually

00:44:04 --> 00:44:05

have one incident

00:44:06 --> 00:44:06


00:44:08 --> 00:44:25

the teacher was teaching, and it started raining and all the students that quickly were taking the books and pens on their papers and trying to cover up and you know, going because they were in the courtyard. And the teacher was busy, they were all running with their books teacher was busy collecting all the slippers and shoes and bringing them back and taking them

00:44:28 --> 00:44:30

there are teachers who picked up the shoes of the students

00:44:32 --> 00:44:34

numerous examples numerous.

00:44:36 --> 00:44:38

So this is the summary basically,

00:44:39 --> 00:44:59

solid knowledge, deep knowledge, knowledge based on proper scholarship, not self study, people who have studied for 15 2025 years from a young age they've been studying, if not if they've embraced Islam than from the time that being Muslim 1520 years minimum should be 15 years.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:20

We need to find out where they studied, who they studied by why the teachers, which different institutions that study have studied properly. 30. And if you see that scholars real sign, like I said, is when you hear about a scholar from other scholars, rather than the scholars hear about that person from public.

00:45:21 --> 00:45:24

You know, there's two ways you guys hear about someone from scholars,

00:45:26 --> 00:45:35

or the scholars hear something from the public. real indication is when the public hear about somebody from scholars. So that type of person.

00:45:36 --> 00:45:55

And secondly, that person practices the knowledge has simplicity has sincerity. It's not about entourages, it's not about celebrity status. It's not about you know, hundreds of people walking behind you and the type of cars you're being driven in and whether 1500 people are coming at airports or not.

00:45:56 --> 00:45:57

Look at the mercy of

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00:46:09 --> 00:46:09

I'm sure you know,

00:46:11 --> 00:46:14

they all thought obika the loved one was the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

00:46:18 --> 00:46:20

they actually they were all

00:46:21 --> 00:46:22

allowed to meet him.

00:46:24 --> 00:46:32

And he actually didn't even tell him but he lets him know why. Because he didn't want him to be disturbed. Let him relax. Otherwise, he's had a luxury anyway, yes.

00:46:34 --> 00:46:36

They thought he was a bit of a model.

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And he came to Medina.

00:46:41 --> 00:47:06

This is this happened. Now I can imagine living somebody else's simplicity like that. Simplicity like that. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I know that this is not a scholar, don't misunderstand what I'm saying as well. But I'm just saying that we are a bit distant from the life of the messenger sallallahu sallam, whom we like to emulate, we like to talk about, you know, we smoke just enough just talking about his.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:25

He's a role model, not gonna look goofy Rasulullah. escena is a role model for teachers, for parents, for mothers, for fathers, for children, for me, as well how to be a wife, we have to emulate him, it's not enough just to talk about him, or just read the Buddha, which is good, you did. But that's not enough.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:45

We need to emulate his life as a businessman, everything he said of his life, we need to try to be like him, I was given him as a role model for us. And that's the real reveal number. That's why one of my teachers read this somewhere, that every moment of a believers life is sort of irrelevant.

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If there's emulation of darkness in his life, every moment.

00:47:53 --> 00:47:59

So this the messenger sort of love, it said it was sent to us in this present moment, but even that's what concrete.

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You know, the actual end of this is different opinions of the scholars.

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The most correct is actually the ninth of

00:48:09 --> 00:48:16

the chart, some say eight, some say nine, some say 10, some say 11, some say 12. And there's also opinions that he was outside of your work.

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So there's numerous opinions. Reason being was that when he was born, they never knew,

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you know, so that they didn't kind of record Yes, about him passing away leaving this world.

00:48:32 --> 00:48:43

You know, the date. But in terms of the, there's numerous, the only thing that's concrete was the year, the year which was a movie, and

00:48:44 --> 00:48:59

it is like 90%, but still the script historians and co authors, and people somehow set Ramadan and some of the other months, the most likely one and then within review or lower, anything from eight to 12 is most likely since.

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But most people have said, nine

00:49:05 --> 00:49:06


00:49:07 --> 00:49:11

So and this is the greatest incident that took place in the history of humanity.

00:49:13 --> 00:49:23

anything greater than less, nothing great. So now this great gift that Allah gave us his life, we have to emulate that life gives us the

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ability to be like a child to be like.

00:49:29 --> 00:49:59

Try to be like the messengers of the law and if you send them, somebody will take 10% of his life 75% of the more the more we take, the more better we become. The more we become close to him the more we will be close to him and thereafter in sha Allah make us like him and close to him and act upon Sunnah and try to emulate his ways in everything the way we eat, the way we live, the way we walk, the way we talk the way we do. You know anything that's the real sadhana, inshallah anachronous fulfilled

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

clinically Hello stuff

How do we identify who the true scholars are? Listen to Mufti Muhammad as he explains how to look beyond clothing, language, specialisations, and even the “celebrity” shaykh entourage, and focus on on knowledge and humility, following the ways of our Master Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah ‎صلى الله علي وعلى اله وسلم and His sublime character and exalted attributes.

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