Muhammad Alshareef – How to improve your self-confidence

Muhammad Alshareef
AI: Summary ©
The speaker advises everyone to love themselves and take responsibility for their actions. They suggest looking at themselves in the mirror and apologizing for their actions. The speaker also warns against trying to take it off and suggests that people should not judge others for their actions.
AI: Transcript ©
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You need to love yourself and you need to love what's good for you and what's good for your body, what's good for your health, you need to truly love yourself. Don't you ever go in front of the mirror and put yourself down? You know what if you're doing that holla like looking extract from other human beings, you need to put yourself up. And if you've eaten unhealthily in a way that's harm your body. Next time you look in the mirror, I would say look at yourself in the mirror and say, I'm sorry. Take responsibility for you know, the actions habits. Say I'm sorry, I know this hurts you and I apologize, because it's abuse. You're abusing yourself. Don't try to take it off

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yourself. Take you know what I apologize, you know, maybe this situation I'm having difficulty losing weight or something like that. Hey, everybody knows you're trying your best, but don't think not unbeautiful thoughts

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